Chinese edit

not; no near; close (to); approximately human sentiment; natural human feelings; inherent goodness of human nature
trad. (不近人情) 人情
simp. #(不近人情) 人情

Etymology edit

From Zhuangzi:

驚怖河漢無極徑庭人情 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
惊怖河汉无极径庭人情 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Zhuangzi, circa 3rd – 2nd centuries BCE
Wú jīngbù qí yán, yóu héhàn ér wújí yě; dà yǒu jìngtíng, bù jìn rénqíng yān. [Pinyin]
I was frightened by them; they were like the Milky Way which cannot be traced to its beginning or end. They had no connexion with one another, and were not akin to the experiences of men.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. not amenable to reason; inconsiderate of human feelings; unkind; insensitive