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Word of the day
for September 11
demur v
  1. (intransitive)
    1. Chiefly followed by to, and sometimes by at or on: to object or be reluctant; to balk, to take exception.
    2. (law) To submit a demurrer (motion by a party to a legal action for the immediate or summary judgment of the court on the question of whether, assuming the truth of the matter alleged by the opposite party, it is sufficient in law to sustain the action or defence, and hence whether the party bringing the motion is required to answer or proceed further).
    3. (obsolete) To endure, to last.
    4. (obsolete) To linger, to tarry.
    5. (obsolete) To remain, to stay.
    6. (obsolete) To suspend judgment or proceedings because of a difficulty or doubt; to put off the conclusion or determination of a matter; to delay, to hesitate, to pause.
    7. (obsolete, rare) To have doubts; to be doubtful.
    8. (obsolete, figurative) Followed by upon: to be captivated or fixated; to dwell on, to linger.
  2. (transitive)
    1. (rare) To object or take exception to (something).
    2. (obsolete) To cause delay to (someone or something); to put off.
    3. (obsolete) To have doubts or hesitate about (something).

demur n

  1. An act of objecting or taking exception; a scruple; also, an exception taken or objection to something.
  2. (obsolete)
    1. An act of continuing; a continuance.
    2. An act of lingering or tarrying.
    3. An act of remaining or staying; a residence, a stay.
    4. A state of having doubts; a hesitation, a pause.
    5. (law) Synonym of demurrer (a motion by a party to a legal action for the immediate or summary judgment of the court on the question of whether, assuming the truth of the matter alleged by the opposite party, it is sufficient in law to sustain the action or defence, and hence whether the party bringing the motion is required to answer or proceed further)
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This template is used for creating the Word of the Day that appears on the Wiktionary Main Page, and for archiving such WOTDs at pages in the format "Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/[year]/[month]".

Sample template

{{WOTD|[word]|[part of speech]|tl=|[Brief definition.]|comment=|[month]|[day]}}


Parameter Remarks
1st parameter mandatory: The Word of the Day, which should be one of the lemmas (main entries) in Wiktionary.
2nd parameter mandatory: The part of speech of the word. It is suggested that you use the following abbreviations:
adj adjective interj interjection prep preposition proverb proverb
adv adverb n noun pron pronoun v verb
conj conjunction phrase phrase proper n proper noun
link By default, the template links to the top of the English section of an entry. To have the template link to a different heading, use this parameter to specify the heading name, like this: |link=Verb.
term-label or tl
term-label6 or tl6
A label that applies to all the senses of an entry: see {{term-label}} for more information. Up to six labels can be added, like this: |tl=idiomatic|tl2=chiefly|tl3=US.
3rd parameter mandatory: The definition of the word. If the word has numerous definitions, choose some of them to highlight. You may wish to use "[...]" to indicate omissions. The number "1." will be automatically inserted before the first definition, but you will need to add "#" before second and subsequent definitions. Do not include any {{defdate}}, {{synonyms}}, or {{antonyms}} templates; usage examples; or quotations.
4th and 5th parameters mandatory: The 4th parameter should be the month spelled out (e.g., "January"), and the 5th parameter should be the day of the month indicated as a number with no leading zero (e.g., "1").
6th parameter
A comment about the word; for example, the reason why the word was selected to be featured on a particular date.
audio The name of an audio file indicating how the word is pronounced. The template will try to default to files in the following formats:
  • En-us-[entry].oga and En-uk-[entry].oga.
  • En-us-[entry].ogg, En-uk-[entry].ogg, and En-au-[entry].ogg.
  • En-us-[entry].flac and En-uk-[entry].flac.
  • En-us-[entry].mp3 and En-uk-[entry].mp3.

If these files do not exist, then no link to an audio file will be displayed, unless a filename is specified using the parameter like this: |audio=whipsmart.flac. However, it is strongly recommended that you name and upload audio pronunciation files in the standard format starting with En-us-, En-uk-, etc.

To suppress an audio file which exists, use |audio=no.