
  1. Possessive (and genitive) suffix: [from 1055]
    1. (with no possessor or with the 3rd‑person pronoun as possessor, usually construed with the definite article) hisherits …
      ház(a) háza, az ő háza (his/her/its house)élet(az) élete, az ő élete (his/her/its life)barát(a) barátja (his/her/its friend)kapu(a) kapuja (his/her/its gate)palota(a) palotája (his/her/its palace)kert(a) kertje (his/her/its garden)betű(a) betűje (his/her/its letter)vese(a) veséje (his/her/its kidney)
    2. (with a singular possessor)-'s, of … (third-person singular, single possession)
      Anna háza (Anna’s house), a felkelő nap háza (the house of the rising sun)Anna élete (Anna’s life), a város élete (the life of the city)a király palotája (the king’s palace)a ház kapuja (the gate of the house)Anna kertje (Anna’s garden), a tulipán kertje (the garden of the tulip)
    3. (with a plural possessor)-s’, of-s (third-person plural, single possession)
      a szüleim háza (my parents’ house), a trópusi növények háza ([the] house of [the] tropical plants, literally the tropical plants’ house)a szüleim élete (my parents’ lives, literally my parents’ life), a könyvek élete ([the] lives of [the] books, literally the books’ life)az uralkodók palotája (the rulers’ palace)a szüleim kertje (my parents’ garden), Az elágazó ösvények kertje (The Garden of Forking Paths)
    4. (with instantaneous time expressions) … ago (referring to a preceding point in time considered as an instant)
      Egy évszázada / két éve / egy órája / sok/hosszú ideje ment el.S/he left one century / two years / one hour / a long time ago.
      Synonym: -val/-vel ezelőtt, e.g. egy évszázaddal, két évvel ezelőtt
    5. (with durative time expressions) for … (referring to some duration that precedes the point of time in question)
      Egy évszázada / két éve / egy órája / sok/hosszú ideje várunk rád.We have been waiting for you for a century / two years / an hour / a long time.
      Synonym: óta (less common in this sense; more commonly means “since”)
    6. (mostly with quantities, often following -ik) of …, out of(partitive sense)
      Synonym: (only with countable quantities) közül
      jó (jav-) (the greater/better part)a java még hátravan (the best/bulk is yet to come, literally its best/bulk is…)
      legnagyobbik (the biggest one)a bikák legnagyobbika (the biggest [one] of the bulls, synonymous with a legnagyobb bika)



This is a definition template for the Hungarian set of possessive suffixes -a/-e/-ja/-je. Instead of repeating the same definition four times, a template allows editing in one place and keeps the definitions in sync.