Category talk:Linguistics

Latest comment: 19 years ago by Bennmorland

I believe some of the entries in this category page belong elsewhere, e.g. "languages of the world" and "foreign words used in English." These entries, strictly speaking, do not fit under the category of linguistics, but rather Language or Loanwords. Bennmorland 04:42, 14 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Things to add


These are some of the many things that require addition to the real page as category entries.

Parts of Speech
Phoneme, Morpheme, word, pause, interjection
Grammatical categories
adjective - adverb - noun - preposition - pronoun - verb - connective -- gerund
Conclusion indicators
because, ergo, then, thence, hence, therefore,
Question indicators
where, wherefore, who, whom, whose, why, what, how, when, which, whither
farther, further, this, that, yon, yonder, here, there, hither, thither
Foreign Words/Phrases used in English
aboeiment - addendum - ad infinitum - affidavit - agenda - à la carte - à la mode - anime - anno domini - argumentum ad hominem - ad nauseam - ante meridiem - attaché - avenue - bureau - bushido - Champs-Élysées - château - cliché - coup de grâce - coup d'état - coup de foudre - coup d'œil - crêpe - de facto - deus ex machina - dim sum - dojo - doujinshi - el durado - e pluribus unum - errata - et cetera - exeat - exeunt - exposé - fait accompli - fiancé - fiancée - filet mignon - furigana - gaku-ran - gâteau - go - grand mal - hamachi - hiragana - ika - judo - karaoke - karate - katakana - kendo - Kokyo - madeleine - malum in se - malum prohibitum - manga - mikado - nijubashi - nagawaza - naïve - négligée - ninja - ninjutsu - nolo contendere - petit mal - post meridiem - parvenu - parvenue - quod erat demonstrandum - quod erat faciendum - quorum pars magna fui - referendum - requiescant in pace - requiescat in pace - revenue - sake - sashimi - sayonara - seiyuu - sensei - serafuku - shakuhachi - shanghai - Shinto - shioyaki - sumo - sushi - tabemono - tako - tamago - tenno - teriyaki - toro - torte - unagi - uni - vice versa - zaibatsu
Languages of the World
English - French - Gaelic - German - Greek - Indonesian - Kannada - Latin - Malayalam - Marati - Portuguese - Punjabi - Sanskrit - Spanish - Swahili - Tamil - Telugu
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