
  • Page 2 agudă: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} mulberry
  • Page 6 bagdadie: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|dialectal|Moldova}} {{synonym of|ro|tavan}}
  • Page 9 bancă: Found match for regex: #{{lb|ro|Moldova}} jar
  • Page 18 boia: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Moldova}} paint
  • Page 29 căsuri: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Transylvania|Moldova}} {{inflection of|ro|casă||p}}
  • Page 35 cetera: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|popular|Moldova|figurative}} to annoy, bother, importune, molest, trouble
  • Page 39 chișleag: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} buttermilk, yoghurt
  • Page 54 curechi: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Moldova|Banat|Transylvania}} cabbage
  • Page 75 hăt: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova|Transylvania|colloquial}} very
  • Page 76 hârleț: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova|Transylvania}} spade (garden tool used for digging)
  • Page 77 hâtru: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|chiefly|Moldova|Bucovina|rarely|Transylvania}} waggish, witty, jocular
  • Page 79 hiolă: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|rare|Moldova|popular}} part of expressions such as "în hiolă", which means dragging behind, being dragged or pulled closely behind, being pushed with, or "fiula vântului", meaning the powerful current or force of the wind, or "a lua în fiulă", meaning to take something by stabbing or digging into it, such as with a fork, spear, horn, claws, etc.[1]
  • Page 81 hogeac: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Moldova}} {{alternative form of|ro|ogeac}}.
  • Page 90 înveghea: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} to do or endeavor with diligence or effort
  • Page 90 înveghea: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} to take into consideration
  • Page 90 înveghea: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} to come to reason
  • Page 93 jumară: Found match for regex: #: {{syn|ro|{{lb|ro|Transylvania}} {{l|ro|papară}}|{{lb|ro|Moldova}} {{l|ro|scrob}}}}
  • Page 98 mai: Found match for regex: {{ro-noun|n|maiuri}} {{tlb|ro|Moldova|Transylvania|Bukovina|Maramureș}}
  • Page 101 mazur: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} Masurian
  • Page 103 mălai: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|archaic|Moldovan|Transylvanian}} millet, millet grains
  • Page 110 moare: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Transilvania|Maramureș|Moldova|Bucovina}} a type of brine used for pickling
  • Page 110 moare: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova|Bucovina}} character, temperment, nature (especially that which is unfavorable); irascibility
  • Page 113 obor: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Muntenia|Moldova}} fair, market
  • Page 122 pepene: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Moldova}} cucumber
  • Page 125 plumb: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|dated|chiefly|Moldova}} pencil
  • Page 127 podvadă: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|dated|historical|Muntenia|Moldova}} military requisition of transport means from peasants (in Moldavia and Wallachia)
  • Page 128 posmag: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|regional|Moldova}} stale bread
  • Page 130 prevești: Found match for regex: # {{label|ro|regional|Moldova}} to border, limit mark the bounds of
  • Page 138 rufă: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Moldova}} rag {{gloss|piece of old cloth}}
  • Page 142 scoace: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|popular|chiefly|Moldova}} to burn; to heat sour milk to make cheese
  • Page 143 scociorî: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|chiefly|Moldova|transitive}} to rummage
  • Page 157 tăt: Found match for regex: {{ro-adj}} {{tlb|ro|Transylvania|Banat|Moldova}}
  • Page 157 tăt: Found match for regex: {{ro-adv}} {{tlb|ro|Transylvania|Banat|Moldova}}
  • Page 157 tăt: Found match for regex: {{ro-pron}} {{tlb|ro|Transylvania|Banat|Moldova}}
  • Page 160 țintirim: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|Transylvania|Moldova}} cemetery
  • Page 170 zgancă: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|rare|chiefly|Moldova}} the crust formed on a wound
  • Page 171 zgâncili: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|rare|chiefly|Moldova|transitive}} to try to remove the crust formed on a wound
  • Page 171 zgâncili: Found match for regex: # {{lb|ro|rare|chiefly|Moldova|transitive}} to scrape