Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2013-10

english to gujarati


you must be using a lot of equipments in your home to help you in doing your day to day jobs. these equipments help you not only to save your time and energy, but also to do your work more efficiently. you may use some of them for recreational purposes like a television and a music system. you may find that some of them in good working condition while others may require frequent repairs and replacements.

તમે કદાચ તમારા દિવસ થી દિવસ કામ તમને મદદ કરવા માટે તમારા ઘરમાં સાધન ઘણો ઉપયોગ કરી રહ્યા છો. આ ઉપકરણો, તમે સમય અને ઊર્જા બચાવી મદદ, અને તેઓ પણ તમે વધુ કાર્યક્ષમ રીતે તમારા કામ કરવા માટે મદદ કરે છે. તમે કદાચ આવા ટેલિવિઝન અથવા એક મ્યુઝિક સિસ્ટમ તરીકે મનોરંજન હેતુ માટે તેમને કેટલાક વાપરો. તમે સારા કામ શરત તેમને કેટલાક શોધી શકે છે, અને અન્ય વારંવાર સમારકામ અને ફેરબદલી જરૂર પડી શકે છે. —Stephen (Talk) 10:14, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I'm in a guesthouse in Vientiane and have spotted four bedbugs and would like to know what they are called here. Wikipedia and Google Translate don't know and it's not the the English-Lao dictionaries I've been able to find. — hippietrail (talk) 08:47, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I think it is ແມງແຄງນອນ. That is literal (bug on the bed), so I’m not sure it’s the best word. If that doesn’t do it, try Thai: ตัวเรือด (dtua rêuat, IPA(key): /tuːa rɯ̂ːat/). I think Thai and Lao are largely mutually comprehensible. —Stephen (Talk) 09:56, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Not to sound snarky, but if you're right there in a city surrounded by hundreds of thousands of native speakers, why are you asking us? ;-) —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 10:06, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Just because there's tons of Lao around doesn't mean there's tons who are bilingual English speakers or who even have vast English vocabularies. It's not a very common term after all. I almost mentioned the Thai word in my questions since I saw we had it. — 14:44, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Fair enough! —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 15:32, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
What about English-Lao dictionaries? Are they good, expensive in Laos? Anyway, we expect some quality edits in Lao from you, hippietrail, especially covering basic vocabulary. ;)
More on the topic, bedbug in Lao is ເຮືອດ (hūat) (cognate to Thai เรือด (rêuat)) or (cognate to Thai ตัวเรือด (dtua rêuat)) - ໂຕເຮືອດ (tō hūat). Good luck with those (bedbugs and words)!
Note that rolled /r/ is absent in Lao, although it exists in neighbouring Thai, Khmer and Myanmar languages (not Chinese or Vietnamese). Some traditional transliteration use "r" but it's incorrect. Thai cognates in Lao use /l/ or /h/ when there's /r/ in Thai (my observation). --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 02:47, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! I really thought I had checked on SEAlang but apparently I did not. I thought it ought to be cognate with the Thai term. — hippietrail (talk) 06:44, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No worries. BTW, there is some resistance in Laos to everything being mapped to Thai because there was some forceful "Thaisation" in the past. Many words similar to Thai are also considered South Lao dialects. That's what I read, anyway. You may find this out firsthand. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 06:50, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

2 english phrases to tibetan


can someone please translate "death comes to all" and "we are dust and shadow" into tibetan?

pretty pretty please?

We are dust and shadow (doublecheck it):
ང་ཚོཐལ་བདངགྲིབ་མརེད (nga.tsho thal.ba dang grib.ma red) —Stephen (Talk) 09:23, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

thank you stephen! how about sanskrit for "death comes to all", since i'm not having much luck with tibetan. anyone? please?

Death comes to all (doublecheck this):
འཆི་བཚང་མཚོརཡོང ('chi.ba tshang.ma tshor yong.ba) —Stephen (Talk) 21:59, 9 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Please translate to Hindi or Sanskrit


Let it be

Sanskrit: तथास्तु (tathāstu) —Stephen (Talk) 15:19, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I would like to express the sentiment of "shit happens" / "c'est la vie" to some locals here in Laos.

I did ask one guy whose English is not bad, but his English is just functional for the tourism industry so not fully bilingual or idiomatic and he didn't really get what I was trying to say.

I wonder if the handy Lao phrase ບໍ່ເປັນຫຍັງ (baw pen nyãng) might actually cover this sentiment too though? — 16:14, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I am not sure about this. Working backward from Thai, I suggest either of:
ມັນບໍ່ສາມາດຝົນຕົກຢູ່ທົ່ວທຸກແຫ່ງໃນເວລາດຽວ. (It can't rain everywhere at once.)
ຊີວິດແມ່ນຄ້າຍຄືວ່າ. (Life is like that.) —Stephen (Talk) 17:57, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English to Irish Gaelic


"No matter how you say it, Internet Explorer still sucks." 04:53, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I feel like I've known you forever

English to Scottish Gaelic


I'd like a translation of "view to the island". For my purposes, this essentially is like "view of the island" as a caption of a photo view, but if possible, I'd like to capture that nuance (of the English "to" rather than "of") that expresses a kind of movement of one's attention towards the island (i.e. a more active involvement of the viewer, rather than just a passive description of the scene). This may not quite work; I've no knowledge of Scottish Gaelic from which to judge. If not, "view of the island" will do. Thanks!

Hey! :) could anyone convert this into Sanskrit?


1. We play with friends in school. 2. Our Garden is very beautiful. 3. Where do you go in Summer? 4. He is an expert in Art. 5. Gaurav and Saurav swim in the lake. 6. There are many trees and plants in the garden. 7.Come, let us both bring the vegetables from the market. 8.Grandfather will go for a walk in the morning. 9.We all salute(in Sanskrit its Namaskar/Namaste)the Teacher. 10.Children will play outside in the ground. 11.Yesterday, my friend came from Delhi. 12.What did you all see there? 13.Father gives the son books. 14.We all are going to Srinagar for touring.

Yup, thats all!! And thanks!!

It looks like homework. Why don't you try first? —CodeCat 13:46, 8 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English to hindi translation


Please anyone translate this for me from English to hindi. "Storm is a beautiful sight for some people but it is a disaster for some people like farmers. It destroys their crops and the farmers will be at a lose. It sometimes makes the trees rub against each other in forests and produce fire. They cause great destruction in the forests. It also kills many animals. It is very difficult for campers on a stormy night if they are camping in a tent. The rain pours down very harshly on a stormy night. It is difficult to prevent the storm coming. But we can take measures not get into trouble by a storm. The campers can book a hotel if they want to camp in rainy seasons. But in case of farmers they cannot do much other than protecting themselves." Please please please do translate this for me anyone. I'll be very thankful. Please do.

You should doublecheck it:
एक आंधी है कि कुछ लोगों के लिए एक सुंदर दृश्य है, लेकिन यह इस तरह के किसानों के रूप में कुछ लोगों के लिए एक आपदा हो सकता है. यह उनकी फसलों को नष्ट कर देता है, और किसानों को एक नुकसान में किया जाएगा. कभी कभी तूफान बिजली है, और कहा कि जंगल की आग पैदा कर सकता है. ये आग जंगलों के विनाश का एक बहुत कुछ है. जंगल की आग भी कई जानवरों को मार डालो. वे एक तम्बू में डेरा डाले हुए हैं, तो यह एक तूफानी रात को टूरिस्ट के लिए एक समस्या है. बारिश एक तूफानी रात को मुश्किल से नीचे आता है. यह तूफान को रोकने के लिए असंभव है. हालांकि, हम एक तूफान में परेशानी से बचने के लिए कदम उठाए जा सकते. टूरिस्ट बरसात के मौसम के दौरान एक होटल के कमरे बुक करा सकते हैं. लेकिन किसानों के मामले में, वे खुद को बचाने के लिए ज्यादा कुछ नहीं कर सकते हैं. —Stephen (Talk) 13:03, 9 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Translate from English to Hindi


can't wait to spend the days off with the one I love

Doublecheck it:
मैं मुझे प्यार है जो व्यक्ति की कंपनी में काम से मेरा दिन खर्च करने के लिए तत्पर हैं. —Stephen (Talk) 14:07, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I checked this:
Mei mere priyajano ke saath samay bithane ke liye inthzaar nahi kar saktha. Writing with the Devanagari text is quite boring. You could use a transliteration website to change this to Hindi.


How about this:
में मेरे प्रियजनों के साथ समय बिठाने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता. —Stephen (Talk) 08:10, 13 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]



only u can hurt me

Sólo tú puedes hacerme daño. —Stephen (Talk) 19:50, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Nur du kannst mir wehtun. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 22:08, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Enkel jij kan me pijn doen. Morgengave (talk) 18:33, 20 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
My arms are just jet metal curtain rods than any other rod/cone out there... --Lo Ximiendo (talk) 22:01, 11 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English to Irish Gaelic


I would like to translate my children's names to Irish Gaelic for a tattoo idea:

Rhianna Shay Ronin Lucas Liam Jacob

Thank you!!

Ríonach Séaghdha
Rónán Lúcás
Liam (or Uilliam) Séamus —Stephen (Talk) 17:54, 12 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • Séamus (in modern spelling Séamas) is really James. The Old Testament patriarch Jacob is called Iacób in Irish, though I don't how often that's used as a given name in Ireland. The modern spelling of Séaghdha is Sé, and it's a (very rare) boy's name in Ireland, so it would be odd to use it as a middle name for a girl. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 19:17, 12 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

French please


Achieved 11 A grades at GCSE including Spanish and German

Achieved four A grades at AS level in Mathematics, Chemistry, Spanish and Politics

Plans to study Chinese at university academic year beginning 2014

(It's for a CV - thanks!)

Wait to see what others think, since this is about the British education system:
J’ai réalisé onze résultats de A à GCSE (Certificat général de l’enseignement secondaire), y compris en espagnol et en allemand.
J’ai obtenu quatre résultats de A au niveau AS en mathématiques, en chimie, en espagnol et en politique.
J’ai l’intention d’étudier le chinois à l’université, l’année scolaire commençant en 2014. —Stephen (Talk) 10:46, 13 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English in to Sanskrit


I really need the phrase ..... "To the world you are one person, to one person you are the world" translated in to Sanskrit can you help.

Its for a tattoo so i need it to be correct as it will be with be forver !!

I need to get English translated to Sanskrit.


1) The damage caused by the floods was extensive. 2) Shiva statue in Uttarakhand is almost submerged. 3) Heavy rainfall and bad weather conditions has caused vast damage.

This looks like homework. You must do your own homework. —Stephen (Talk) 10:06, 20 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English to Sanskrit translation


Hi there! I hope someone here can shine some light on this.
The word I'm looking for is: Antevasin
The description of antevasin(antewaasee/antevasii) is somewhat foggy, but for me it would be:
A person who is an in-betweener or you can call it a border-dweller. A scholar who lives in the sight of two worlds, but is looking toward the unknown.
So far I have received two possible translations:


Which spelling is the correct one? Or maybe they are both wrong?
I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much in advance!

Kind Regards,
André Lundin

अन्तेवसिन् (antevasin) = dwelling close by. —Stephen (Talk) 23:13, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Cheers Stephen,
I have indeed found that translation on most of the free-translation-websites out there.
However, forgive my skepticism, since both of the translations I pasted before was from so-called "proffesional translators" I have a hard time believing which one is the correct one, since I have never gotten an explanation of why theirs is more correct.
Even though, अन्तेवसिन् could also be correct, would you care to evaluate?
Thank you, -André 07:47, 22 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have no idea about the translators' experience or expertise. Personally, I don’t know why they would use वासी instead of वासि. I also don’t know why one would use अंते instead of अन्ते. You might ask them why they do not like अन्तेवसिन्. Another possibility is अन्तेवासिन् (antevāsin) = dwelling near the boundaries, or dwelling close by...I like this better. —Stephen (Talk) 10:19, 22 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Japanese to English


保健委員 --Daniel 22:03, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Something like "health care committee member", not sure about how exactly this term is used. We have both terms - 保健委員 (hoken iin). --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 22:26, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]



hey long time no see ive really missed you im in south africa its great here and ive made new friends youve got to meet them anyway i love it here especially the beach and just wanted to tell you so got to go bye

Hey, 'n lang tyd nie sien nie. Ek het regtig mis jou. Ek is in Suid-Afrika. Dit is wonderlik om hier en ek het nuwe vriende gemaak. Jy het om hulle te ontmoet. In elk geval, ek is mal daaroor hier, veral die strand, en ek wou net om jou te vertel. Ek het om te gaan. Bye. —Stephen (Talk) 10:04, 22 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

translation into french


Sorry about your damn luck !

Je suis bien désolé pour ta malchance ! —Stephen (Talk) 04:00, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Tibetan Script Request


Touch my Soul in Tibetan writing

You mean the Tibetan writing system? --Lo Ximiendo (talk) 16:12, 22 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Doublecheck it:
ངིའསྙིངརེག། (ngai snying reg) —Stephen (Talk) 04:32, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

shower#Translations (device for bathing) in Bengali


My Lonely Planet phrasebook suggested শাওবার (śaōbar) (borrowed from English) but I couldn't find it. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 23:45, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I think you can use স্নান (snan) (snan), ধারাস্নান (dharasnan) (dharasnan), or ঝরনা (jhorona) (jhorna) for shower, taking a shower, but ধারাস্নানের যন্ত্র (dharasnaner jontro) (dharasnaner yantra) for the shower device. —Stephen (Talk) 08:03, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 21:46, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I need an english phrase translated into Latin


the phrase is:

What you are now, we used to be; what we are now, you will be

any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Quod fuimus, estis; quod sumus, vos eritis
ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danse_Macabre
--Catsidhe (verba, facta) 22:38, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

traducão para o portugues


Since you've been away I've been down and lonely Since you've been away I've been thinking of you Trying to understand The reason you left me What were you going through? I'm missing you Tell me why the road turns ♬ traduzir pr o portugues por favor

Desde que tu foste embora
Estive deprimido e solitário
Desde que tu foste embora
Eu estive pensando em ti
Tentando entender a razão
Pela qual tu me deixaste
O que estava te passando?
Eu estou sentindo falta de ti
Diz-me porque vira a estrada ♬ —Stephen (Talk) 03:43, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Please translate the below into sanskrit language


Drug addiction destroys lives, tears apart families and harms society.

Drug addiction is not a choice of lifestyle, it is a disorder of the brain and we need to recognize this.

Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with with your self esteem.”

Translate English to Scottish Gaelic


Truly Loved

from English into Polish


I would like the following g translated from English into Polish. Sorry to learn you are leaving. you will be missed. May God go with you and health and happiness accompany you, . Best wishes from

Przykro mi dowiedzieć się, że opuścisz. Będziemy tęskniły za ciebie. Niech Bóg będzie z tobą, niech zdrowie i szczęście towarzyszyć tobie. Najlepsze życzenia od —Stephen (Talk) 07:34, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I would say the first sentence as "Przykro (mi) dowiedzieć się, że wyjeżdżasz" but it still needs to be checked further. The word "aby" means "in order to", not sure if "opuszczać" is appropriate here. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 09:50, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I started to use wyjechać, but I don’t know how the leaving is being done. —Stephen (Talk) 03:44, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I used my Russian analogical thinking (it often helps but not always, Slavic perfective/imperfective verbs are used similarly). I would use imperfective here and present (even though the person hasn't left yet). Polish wyjeżdżać = Russian уезжа́ть impf (ujezžátʹ), Polish wyjechać = Russian уе́хать pf (ujéxatʹ). The Russian equivalent would be "мне жаль, что ты уезжа́ешь" - "przykro mi, że wyjeżdżasz". Also, these verbs refer to most types of leaving (by transport) wychodzić/уходи́ть (uxodítʹ) would be used for walking away, leaving on foot, ulatywać/улета́ть (uletátʹ) for flying away. However, the verb "opuszczać" (Russian оставля́ть (ostavljátʹ)) must be transitive (leave something behind). I have asked Kephir (talkcontribs) to double-check. I used the Russian analogy, as Russian is probably much more familiar to you, Stephen.--Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 03:56, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Disregard the above translation. (Stephen, please think over your "pl-2".) From a native speaker, a bit non-literal, but natural-sounding: "Przykro mi/nam [dowiadywać się], że odchodzisz. Będę/będziemy tęsknić. Niech Bóg, zdrowie i szczęście nigdy Cię nie opuszczają, [recipient's name in vocative case]. Z najlepszymi życzeniami, [your name in nominative case]." ("Najlepsze życzenia od [your name in genitive case].")
I assumed the personal relationship is somewhat intimate rather than formal (w:T-V distinction); if this is wrong, you will have to switch to pan/pani, though I would rethink the message entirely. Keφr 20:20, 30 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

From English to Sanskrit


How would you translate the phrase "Heart of a Warrior" into Sanskrit? This is to say (I am female) my heart is strong like a warrior. Thanks!

भटहृदय (bhaṭahṛdaya) —Stephen (Talk) 03:35, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

English to Italian Translation Request


Could someone please translate: "Is it any wonder I adore you?" This is a rhetorical question in reference to someone showering me with compliments. Thank you

Need to confirm this. My attempt: "Non c'è stupirsi che ti adoro" (a statement, not a question) or "C'è stupirsi che ti adoro?". --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 04:51, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

english to latin


please translate from english to latin:- sorry i cannot go, have a good time

Doleo me non comitetur vobiscum. Bonum habere tempus. (doublecheck it) —Stephen (Talk) 14:30, 30 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Translation to Sanskrit


I would like the phrase "living without fear " translated to sanskrit in a sanskrit script.

Doublecheck it:
अशङ्कम् जीविन् (aśaṅkam jīvin) —Stephen (Talk) 14:19, 30 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi - just a quick word


How would you translate the following word in french: a blackboard DUSTER?

chiffon --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 20:10, 30 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]



do not disturb the driver when he/she is driving

لا تزعج السائق أثناء أداء مهمته. —Stephen (Talk) 23:36, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Stephen, For the sake of everybody else, is it a correct romanisation - "lā tazaʿʿij al-sāʾiq ʾaṯnāʾa ʾadāʾ muhimmatah", and the literal translation "don't disturb the driver during the performace of his duty/task"? Is تزعج (tazaʿʿaja) a form V verb, like تَفَرَّقَ (tafárraqa)? I would appreciate if you could romanise Arabic translations.--Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 23:58, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
زعج (to disturb, annoy) has forms I, IV, VII. I believe form IV تزعج is pronounced túz3ij. And I think مهمته is pronounced mahammítuh. —Stephen (Talk) 02:32, 1 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I think it's muhimmatih. --Z 07:41, 1 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you both. So, the lemma is أزعج (ʾazʿaja, to bother)? (I forgot about jussive in negative imperative, so was looking under a wrong form). The full phrase (revisited): "lā túzʿij al-sāʾiq ʾaṯnāʾa ʾadāʾ muhimmatih". --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 03:26, 6 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, أزعج. —Stephen (Talk) 04:02, 6 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]