
Basic test

using sandbox module
  1. 1925, F[rancis] Scott Fitzgerald, chapter IX, in The Great Gatsby, New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, →LCCN, →OCLC; republished New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953, →ISBN, page 182:
    So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
using production module
  1. 1925, F[rancis] Scott Fitzgerald, chapter IX, in The Great Gatsby, New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, →LCCN, →OCLC; republished New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953, →ISBN, page 182:
    So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Tests for language codes and Wikipedia prefixes

    • 1999 [1994], 邹衡 [Zou Heng], “The Early Jin State Capital Discovered: a Personal Account”, in Roderick Whitfield, Wang Tao, transl., Exploring China's Past: New Discoveries and Studies in Archaeology and Art[1], Saffron Books, Eastern Art Publishing, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 106:
      In 1979, while we were conducting our archaeological work in Yucheng and Quwo, Shanxi province, I noticed another historical record in the Kuodizhi (a comprehensive account of geography written in 641), which stated that "the ancient city of Tang was 20 li west of Yuchengxian in Jiangzhou."
    • 1999 [1994], 邹衡 [Zou Heng], “The Early Jin State Capital Discovered: a Personal Account”, in Roderick Whitfield, Wang Tao, transl., Exploring China's Past: New Discoveries and Studies in Archaeology and Art[2], Saffron Books, Eastern Art Publishing, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 106:
      In 1979, while we were conducting our archaeological work in Yucheng and Quwo, Shanxi province, I noticed another historical record in the Kuodizhi (a comprehensive account of geography written in 641), which stated that "the ancient city of Tang was 20 li west of Yuchengxian in Jiangzhou."
    • 1999 [1994], 邹衡 [Zou Heng], “The Early Jin State Capital Discovered: a Personal Account”, in Roderick Whitfield, Wang Tao, transl., Exploring China's Past: New Discoveries and Studies in Archaeology and Art[3], Saffron Books, Eastern Art Publishing, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 106:
      In 1979, while we were conducting our archaeological work in Yucheng and Quwo, Shanxi province, I noticed another historical record in the Kuodizhi (a comprehensive account of geography written in 641), which stated that "the ancient city of Tang was 20 li west of Yuchengxian in Jiangzhou."
    • 1999 [1994], 邹衡 [Zou Heng], “The Early Jin State Capital Discovered: a Personal Account”, in Roderick Whitfield, Wang Tao, transl., Exploring China's Past: New Discoveries and Studies in Archaeology and Art[4], Saffron Books, Eastern Art Publishing, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 106:
      In 1979, while we were conducting our archaeological work in Yucheng and Quwo, Shanxi province, I noticed another historical record in the Kuodizhi (a comprehensive account of geography written in 641), which stated that "the ancient city of Tang was 20 li west of Yuchengxian in Jiangzhou."

Test for memory


Sandbox module; Arabic title, author, chapter; with language explicitly specified

  1. 2023, مُؤَلِّف [muʔallif, Author], “فَصْل [faṣl, Chapter]”, in عُنْوَان [ʕunwān, Title]:

Production module; Arabic title, author, chapter; with language explicitly specified

  1. 2023, مُؤَلِّف [muʔallif, Author], “فَصْل [faṣl, Chapter]”, in عُنْوَان [ʕunwān, Title]:

Sandbox module; Arabic title, author, chapter, no inline modifiers; with language explicitly specified

  1. 2023, مُؤَلِّف [muʔallif], “فَصْل [faṣl]”, in عُنْوَان [ʕunwān]:

Production module; Arabic title, author, chapter, no inline modifiers; with language explicitly specified

  1. 2023, مُؤَلِّف [muʔallif], “فَصْل [faṣl]”, in عُنْوَان [ʕunwān]:

Sandbox module; Arabic title, author, chapter; with language unspecified

  1. 2023, مُؤَلِّف [Author], “فَصْل [Chapter]”, in عُنْوَان [Title]:

Sandbox module; Arabic title, author, chapter using {{lang}}, to make sure we don't interfere with it

  1. 2023, مُؤَلِّف, “فَصْل”, in عُنْوَان:

Sandbox module; Russian title, author; with language explicitly specified (but author translit specified manually)

  1. 1983, Самуил Маршак [Samuil Marshak], Баллада о королевском бутерброде [Ballada o korolevskom buterbrode, Ballad of the King's Bread], translation of The King’s Breakfast by A. A. Milne:
    Никто́ не ска́жет, бу́дто я / Тира́н и сумасбро́д, / За то́, что к ча́ю я люблю́ / Хоро́ший бутербро́д.
    — Niktó ne skážet, búdto ja / Tirán i sumasbród, / Za tó, što k čáju ja ljubljú / Xoróšij butɛrbród.
    “No one would say that I / Am a tyrant and madman, / For the fact that with my tea I like / A good bread-and-butter sandwich.”

Sandbox module; Russian title, author; with language unspecified (but author translit specified manually)

  1. 1983, Самуил Маршак [Samuil Marshak], Баллада о королевском бутерброде [Ballad of the King's Bread], translation of The King’s Breakfast by A. A. Milne:
    Никто́ не ска́жет, бу́дто я / Тира́н и сумасбро́д, / За то́, что к ча́ю я люблю́ / Хоро́ший бутербро́д.
    — Niktó ne skážet, búdto ja / Tirán i sumasbród, / Za tó, što k čáju ja ljubljú / Xoróšij butɛrbród.
    “No one would say that I / Am a tyrant and madman, / For the fact that with my tea I like / A good bread-and-butter sandwich.”

Sandbox module test for chapter translator:

  1. 1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, translated by Mary Bloggs, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as Molly Bloggs, transl., “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, editor, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.

Sandbox module test for author16

  1. 2020 October 5, Scare Street, Lewis Brett Smiler, Tim Sturk, Justin Boote, Elin Olausson, Benjamin Gardner, Brian Malachy Quinn, Bradley Walker, Richard Beauchamp, Karl Melton, Faith Pierce, Bill Davidson, Mike Weitz, Michael Maguire, J. M. White, Ron Ripley, Night Terrors Vol. 4: Short Horror Stories Anthology, Scare Street:
    He's an Eagle Scout, while I had quit Cub Scouts years ago as a Webelo. He's the daredevil adventurer. I'm the champion of the high school chess club. I love my brother, but with Nate, it's always a challenge to prove myself somehow.

Other sandbox-module tests

  1. 1966, Pat Shaw Iversen, transl., “Soup from a Sausage Peg”, in The Snow Queen and Other Tales (Signet Classic; CT334), New York, N.Y.: New American Library, translation of Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, →OCLC, page 224:
    It’s strange to come away from home, from your own nook and cranny, to go by ship – which is also a kind of nook and cranny – and then suddenly be more than a hundred miles away and stand in a foreign land!
  1. 1973, Claude Simon, Tryptique, Éditions de Minuit, page 12:
    Les sons de la cloche égrenant les quarts, les demies et les heures []
    The sounds of the clock rattling off the quarters, the halves and the hours []
  1. [1677, Guy Miege [i.e., Guy Miège], “HAGGESS”, in A New Dictionary French and English, with Another English and French; According to the Present Use, and Modern Orthography of the French. Inrich’d with New Words, Choice Phrases, and Apposite Proverbs; Digested into a Most Accurate Method; and Contrived for the Use Both of English and Foreiners (in French), London: Printed by Tho[mas] Dawks, for Thomas Basset, at the George, near Cliffords-inn, in Fleetstreet, →OCLC, column 3:
    HAGGESS, haggas, or haggis, ſort d’appret fait avec des herbes, du larde caupé menu, des épices, des œufs, & du fromage, le tout mis enſemble & bouilli dans une panſe de brebis.
    HAGGESS, haggas, or haggis, a sort of preparation made with herbs, bacon, spices, eggs, cheese, all put together and boiled in a sheep's belly.]
  1. 1893, David George Ritchie, quoting Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, Hegelianism and Personality, 2nd edition, 1893, page 72, note 1, quoted in Darwin and Hegel, with other Philosophical Studies, London: S. Sonnenschein & Co.; New York, N.Y.: Macmillan & Co., →OCLC, page 72, note 1:
    An absolute system cannot afford to leave any nook or cranny of existence unexplored.
  1. 1878, John Boyle O'Reilly, “On the Trail”, in Moondyne: A Story from the Under-world, London: George Routledge and Sons, published 1879, →OCLC; republished as Moondyne: A Story of Convict Life in Australia, London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, Broadway House, Ludgate Hill, [1880s], →OCLC, book first, pages 23–24:
    It was sore travelling for horse and man under the blazing sun, with no food nor water save what he pressed from the pith of the palms, and even these were growing scarce. The only life on the plains was the hard and dusty scrub. Every hour brought a more hopeless and grislier desolation.
  1. 1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, editor, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.
  1. Lua error in Module:quote at line 2964: Parameter "title_series" is not used by this template.
  1. 2011 May 25, Justin Chang, “The Day He Arrives [film review]”, in Variety[5], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 28 June 2017:
    The outline could apply to most of the self-effacing, increasingly inward-looking comedies written and directed by Hong Sang-soo, and it certainly describes "The Day He Arrives," an agreeably meandering exercise that brings some clever French New Wave fillips and structural repetitions to Hong's characteristically boozy party.

Other production-module tests

  1. 1966, Pat Shaw Iversen, transl., “Soup from a Sausage Peg”, in The Snow Queen and Other Tales (Signet Classic; CT334), New York, N.Y.: New American Library, translation of Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, →OCLC, page 224:
    It’s strange to come away from home, from your own nook and cranny, to go by ship – which is also a kind of nook and cranny – and then suddenly be more than a hundred miles away and stand in a foreign land!
  1. 1973, Claude Simon, Tryptique, Éditions de Minuit, page 12:
    Les sons de la cloche égrenant les quarts, les demies et les heures []
    The sounds of the clock rattling off the quarters, the halves and the hours []
  1. 1983, Samuil Marshak, Баллада о королевском бутерброде [Ballad of the King's Bread], translation of The King’s Breakfast by A. A. Milne:
    Никто́ не ска́жет, бу́дто я / Тира́н и сумасбро́д, / За то́, что к ча́ю я люблю́ / Хоро́ший бутербро́д.
    — Niktó ne skážet, búdto ja / Tirán i sumasbród, / Za tó, što k čáju ja ljubljú / Xoróšij butɛrbród.
    “No one would say that I / Am a tyrant and madman, / For the fact that with my tea I like / A good bread-and-butter sandwich.”
  1. [1677, Guy Miege [i.e., Guy Miège], “HAGGESS”, in A New Dictionary French and English, with Another English and French; According to the Present Use, and Modern Orthography of the French. Inrich’d with New Words, Choice Phrases, and Apposite Proverbs; Digested into a Most Accurate Method; and Contrived for the Use Both of English and Foreiners (in French), London: Printed by Tho[mas] Dawks, for Thomas Basset, at the George, near Cliffords-inn, in Fleetstreet, →OCLC, column 3:
    HAGGESS, haggas, or haggis, ſort d’appret fait avec des herbes, du larde caupé menu, des épices, des œufs, & du fromage, le tout mis enſemble & bouilli dans une panſe de brebis.
    HAGGESS, haggas, or haggis, a sort of preparation made with herbs, bacon, spices, eggs, cheese, all put together and boiled in a sheep's belly.]
  1. 1893, David George Ritchie, quoting Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, Hegelianism and Personality, 2nd edition, 1893, page 72, note 1, quoted in Darwin and Hegel, with other Philosophical Studies, London: S. Sonnenschein & Co.; New York, N.Y.: Macmillan & Co., →OCLC, page 72, note 1:
    An absolute system cannot afford to leave any nook or cranny of existence unexplored.
  1. c. 1878, John Boyle O'Reilly, “On the Trail”, in Moondyne: A Story from the Under-world, London: George Routledge and Sons, published 1879, →OCLC; republished as Moondyne: A Story of Convict Life in Australia, London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, Broadway House, Ludgate Hill, [1880s], →OCLC, book first, pages 23–24:
    It was sore travelling for horse and man under the blazing sun, with no food nor water save what he pressed from the pith of the palms, and even these were growing scarce. The only life on the plains was the hard and dusty scrub. Every hour brought a more hopeless and grislier desolation.
  1. 1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., published 1973, →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, editor, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.
  1. 2025 [a. 1888], Hayden Carruth, Joe Schmoe, translated by Richard Roe, edited by Mary Bloggs, The Hudson Review, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc.; republished as Jane doe, editor, (Please provide a date or year):
  1. 1885, Антон Павлович Чехов (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov), “Егерь [Jegerʹ]”; translated as “The Huntsman”, in Constance Garnett, transl., The Witch and other stories, 1918:
    По кра́ю се́чи лени́во, вразва́лку, плетётся высо́кий узкопле́чий мужчи́на лет сорока́, в кра́сной руба́хе, ла́таных госпо́дских штана́х и в больши́х сапога́х.
    Po kráju séči lenívo, vrazválku, pletjótsja vysókij uzkopléčij mužčína let soroká, v krásnoj rubáxe, látanyx gospódskix štanáx i v bolʹšíx sapogáx.
    At the edge of the clearing a tall, narrow-shouldered man of forty in a red shirt, in patched trousers that had been a gentleman's, and in high boots, was slouching along with a lazy, shambling step.
  1. 1886, Susan Hayes Ward, Woman's Dress (The Chautauquan)‎[6], volume 6, part 2:
    In their case, beauty unadorned is adorned in the most and freshness need no meretricious setting off. Why should we gild the lily or paint the rose? But I have seen, in the days of croquet, girls under twenty dragging the weight of silk poplins, moire-antiques, and rich velvets, back and forth over the lawn on a broiling summer day.
  1. Lua error in Module:quote at line 2964: Parameter "title_series" is not used by this template.
  1. 2011 May 25, Justin Chang, “The Day He Arrives [film review]”, in Variety[7], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 28 June 2017:
    The outline could apply to most of the self-effacing, increasingly inward-looking comedies written and directed by Hong Sang-soo, and it certainly describes "The Day He Arrives," an agreeably meandering exercise that brings some clever French New Wave fillips and structural repetitions to Hong's characteristically boozy party.

First/last test

  1. 1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, translated by Mary Bloggs, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as Molly Bloggs, transl., “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, editor, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.
  1. 1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, translated by Mary Bloggs, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as Molly Bloggs, transl., “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, editor, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.

others= tests

  1. a. 1791, “Tam Lin”, in Francis James Child, editor, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, part II, Boston, Mass.: Houghton, Mifflin and Company; New York: []; The Riverside Press, Cambridge; London: Henry Stevens, [], published 1884, page 344:
    First dip me in a stand o milk, / And then a stand o water;

Section tests

  1. c. 1601–1602, William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published c. 1623, →OCLC, section 5, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]
  1. c. 1601–1602, William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published c. 1623, →OCLC, act V, scene ii, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]

Date tests

  1. 1602 September, William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published c. 1623, →OCLC, section 5, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]
  1. 1597 July – 1602 September, William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published c. 1623, →OCLC, section 5, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]
  1. 1597 July – 1602 September [1602 May 17–23], William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published c. 1623, →OCLC, section 5, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]
  1. c. 1601–1602, William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623 December 5, →OCLC, section 5, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]
  1. (Can we date this quote?), William Shakespeare, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies, London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623 December 5, →OCLC, section 5, page 255:
    Twelfe Night, Or vvhat you vvill. [title of play]
  1. c. 2005 [๒๕๔๘], บุญคิด วัชรศาสตร์ [Bunkhit Watcharasat], แบบเรียนภาษาเมืองล้านนา [Textbook for the Language of Mueang Lanna], Chiang Mai: Tara Thong Printers, page 158 [๑๕๘]:
    ᩀ᩠ᩅᩣ᩠ᨯ  อ‍ยวาด  ก. หยาด -…
    ʼywāḍ   ywàat   k. yàat -…
    To drip   To drip   v. to drip -…

Song tests (production)

  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (track 5), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (track 5, 2:43–2:45 from the start), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (2:43–2:45 from the start), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (track 5, from 2:43), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (from 2:43), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now

Song tests (sandbox)

  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (track 5), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (track 5, 2:43–2:45 from the start), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (2:43–2:45 from the start), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (track 5, from 2:43), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now
  1. 1986, Madonna, Stephen Bray, Patrick Leonard (lyrics and music), “Where’s the Party” (from 2:43), in True Blue, performed by Madonna:
    Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now

AV tests (production)

  1. 1996, Cameron Crowe, Jerry Maguire, spoken by Bob Sugar (Jay Mohr), Culver City, Calif.: TriStar Pictures; distributed by Columbia TriStar Home Video, published 1997, →ISBN:
    It's also my job to take care of the skanks on the road that you bang.
    2005 October 23, “Take This Job and Love It” (9:21), in Squidbillies, season 1, episode 2, spoken by Early Cuyler (Unknown Hinson):
    Is my mind goin' on me or am I watching you jibber-jabber like some sort of jibberty box. Jibber-jabber on! Jibber-jabber on!

AV tests (sandbox)

  1. 1996, Cameron Crowe, Jerry Maguire, spoken by Bob Sugar (Jay Mohr), Culver City, Calif.: TriStar Pictures; distributed by Columbia TriStar Home Video, published 1997, →ISBN:
    It's also my job to take care of the skanks on the road that you bang.
    2005 October 23, “Take This Job and Love It” (9:21), in Squidbillies, season 1, episode 2, spoken by Early Cuyler (Unknown Hinson):
    Is my mind goin' on me or am I watching you jibber-jabber like some sort of jibberty box. Jibber-jabber on! Jibber-jabber on!

newsagency tests

  1. 2021 July 13, “Chung quanh tin Đức Giáo Hoàng sẽ thoái vị trong vài giờ nữa”, in VietCatholic News[8], Garden Grove, California, sourced from Catholic News Agency, via Issuu, retrieved 2022-02-05:
    Đức Thánh Cha Phanxicô cũng đang lên kế hoạch cho một số chuyến đi trong những tháng tới: đầu tiên đến Hung Gia LợiSlovakia vào tháng 9 và sau đó là Tô Cách Lan vào tháng 11.
    The Holy Father Pope Francis is also planning some trips in the next months: first to Hungary and Slovakia in September, then to Scotland in November.

Tests for multiple authors

  1. 2017, Max Mills, Harvey Mills, Max and Harvey (in a Book), Puffin Books, →ISBN, page 104:
    harvey: [] We were thinking of doing something with Amelia Gething and Houssein – it would be nice, because they’re also British musers and we’ve become really good friends.
    2021 March 2, Jason Scott, 王晰宁 [Wang Xining], “China Rips Murdoch’s News Corp. for Reports on Pandemic Origins”, in Bloomberg News[9], archived from the original on 3 March 2021:
    "Those who deliberately vilify China and sabotage the friendship between our two countries and do damage to our long-term friendship and benefits out of their sectoral or selfish interest will be cast aside in history,” he said. “Their children will be ashamed of mentioning their names."
  1. 1868 February 22, Oliver Optic [pseudonym; William Taylor Adams], edited by Oliver Optic, Oliver Optic’s Magazine. Our Boys and Girls, volume III, number 60, Boston, Mass.: Published by Lee and Shepard, [], →OCLC, chapter XVI (Pistols for Two), page 117, column 2:
    1992, Shannon Drake (pen name; Heather Graham Pozzessere), Damsel in Distress, New York, N.Y.: Avon Books, →ISBN, page 34:
    Now, the bowsmen heralded a mighty charge. Their arrows flew, and then the Crusader army turned in a massive and organized strike.
    1838, James (the Elder;) Humphrys, The Pioneers in Contrast. A Disquisition Descriptive Throughout of the Truly Simoniacal Use and Anti-Christian Abuse of Water, as at this Day Employed in the Matter of Baptism, Together with a Dialogue and Address: Being Absolutely Conclusive as to the Schismatical Character of the National System, Etc., London: [] E. Palmer and Son, [], pages 96–97:
    [] and never did a conclave of popish pandemoniacs with their own Vulcan seated as and for their president, confronted by his deputy with hammer, tongs, and poker, for his triple trident, meet at any time (except to concoct and perpetrate a deed of blood, more or less direct) to determine upon an affair of more deep and dark importance, than that of the aforesaid junta of “old wives.”
    c. 1680, [Gilbert Clerke], To Baxter, on the Right of Antitrinitarians to be esteemed Christians; republished as “Original Letters from the Baxter Manuscripts in Dr. Williams’s Library”, in The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, volume XIX, number CCXXIV, Hackney: [] George Smallfield; [] Sherwood, Jones, and Co., [], 1824 August, pages 452–453:
    As to your letter, for wch I thanke you, I willingly acknowledge ye Trinity in Unity, and Xt to be not meer man but true God, in ye Scripture sense, therefore I am a Christian. [] For ye present I must denie yt major, viz. He that denieth yt in Xt wch is most essential in him, denieth Xt, for admit your minor was true, yet Jesus was called Xt, in respect of his unction [] Maldonati in Evang. thinkes yt ye disciples did not know ye eternal generation, till after ye resurrection, and yet they knew yt Jesus was ye Xt, ye Sonne of ye living God, wch seem to be used as words of the same importance, Matth. xvi. 16, John vi. 69, and Mark and Luke say only—Thou art ye Xt, and for this confession were declared blessed. Justin Martyr sayeth yt many orthodox Xtians placed ye divinity of Xt in his unction, as I noted before. [] To confesse Jesus to be ye Xt is next to nothing since the grand apostacy, but in ye primitive church an exalted Saviour was in better request, [] He yt beleiveth yt Jesus Xt was conceived by ye Holy Spirit, [] One said to me ye Pope is exactly orthodox in ye Trinitie, ergo, he is not Anti-Xt. I answered, Hee is Anti-Xt, therefore search him well upon ye hue and cry for that.
    c. 1509, Rhys Nanmor, (Please provide the book title or journal name); quoted in Martin Biddle & Sally Badham, edited by Martin Biddle, King Arthur's Round Table: An Archaeological Investigation, Boydell & Brewer, 2000, →ISBN, page 421:
    Am aer aparawnt y mae'r hynt, am ŵr
    Ym Merwig a Chaer Wynt
    It is about an heir apparent, about a man
    In Berwick and Winchester.
    1886, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by H.L. Brækstad, Folk and Fairy Tales, page 233:
    "I suppose I may have leave to do that!" Yes, she could do that, he said, but there was no road to that place; it lay east of the sun and west of the moon, and she could never find her way there.
    1755, [Voltaire [pseudonym; François-Marie Arouet]], “Ferdinand III. Forty-seventh Emperor.”, in Annals of the Empire from the Reign of Charlemagne [] In Two Volumes, volume II, London: Printed for A[ndrew] Millar, [], →OCLC, page 257:
    The emperors before Rodolphus I. ſent all their mandates in Latin, thouing every prince, as the grammar of that language allows. This thouing of the counts of the empire was continued in the German language which diſallows ſuch expreſſions.
    1869, Anonymous [Karl Maria Kertbeny], Paragraph 143 des preußischen Strafgesetzbuches vom 14. April 1851 [] , page 36:
    Denn das Wort „Entartung“ bezog sich ohne Zweifel auf jene Individuen, welche von solchen homosexualen Leidenschaften befallen sind, und activ sich Personen zu deren Befriedigung suchen []
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    [1987, 張福運 [Chang Fu-yun], 張景文 [Chang Ching-wen], quotees, “Interviews, 1983”, in Reformer of the Chinese Maritime Customs[10], University of California, →OCLC, page 96:
    Later on, after my return from Vladivostok, in Chinese we call it Hai-ts'an-wai[sic – meaning Hai-shen-wai], I bought a house from a eunuch next to the central park, a little to the west of the park.
    (Note: Hai-ts'an-wai is the hyphenated Wade-Giles-derived misspelled name for Haishenwai.)]
    [1987, 張福運 [Chang Fu-yun], 張景文 [Chang Ching-wen], quotees, “Interviews, 1983”, in Reformer of the Chinese Maritime Customs[11], University of California, →OCLC, page 96:
    Later on, after my return from Vladivostok, in Chinese we call it Hai-ts'an-wai[sic – meaning Hai-shen-wai], I bought a house from a eunuch next to the central park, a little to the west of the park.
    (Note: Hai-ts'an-wai is the hyphenated Wade-Giles-derived misspelled name for Haishenwai.)]

Tests for et al.

  1. [1987, Foo Bar, quoting 張福運 [Chang Fu-yun], 張景文 [Chang Ching-wen], et al., “Interviews, 1983”, in Reformer of the Chinese Maritime Customs[12], University of California, →OCLC, page 96:
    Later on, after my return from Vladivostok, in Chinese we call it Hai-ts'an-wai[sic – meaning Hai-shen-wai], I bought a house from a eunuch next to the central park, a little to the west of the park.
    (Note: Hai-ts'an-wai is the hyphenated Wade-Giles-derived misspelled name for Haishenwai.)]


  1. [1987, (left qualifier) 張福運 [Chang Fu-yun], 張景文 [Chang Ching-wen] (right qualifier), quotees, “Interviews, 1983”, in Reformer of the Chinese Maritime Customs[13], University of California, →OCLC, page 96:
    Later on, after my return from Vladivostok, in Chinese we call it Hai-ts'an-wai[sic – meaning Hai-shen-wai], I bought a house from a eunuch next to the central park, a little to the west of the park.
    (Note: Hai-ts'an-wai is the hyphenated Wade-Giles-derived misspelled name for Haishenwai.)]

Test for URL in author

      • 2010,, “comment to the post …ուրեմն հեռախոս մի’ պահեք”, in[14]:
        Ջղայնանալու 2 պատճառ էլ կա, որ մի քանի հատ հեռախոս ունեն, բայց մեջը փող չունեն, մեկ էլ՝ ծնգցնում են: Հայաստանում շաաաաաաաատ տարածված երեւույթ։
        J̌ġaynanalu 2 patčaṙ ēl ka, or mi kʻani hat heṙaxos unen, baycʻ meǰə pʻoġ čʻunen, mek ēl, cngcʻnum en. Hayastanum šaaaaaaaat taracvac erewuytʻ.
        There are 2 more reasons for being angry: when people keep several phones with no money in them, as well as the practice of cngcʿnel. It is a veeeeeery common phenomenon in Armenia.

Test worklang and termlang

  1. 2023, Rhubarb (quotation in Thai; overall work in French):
    mǎa , mɛɛo
    dog, cat
    Lua error in Module:quote at line 2964: Parameter "2ndeditor" is not used by this template.
    c. 1450–1470, unknown, quoting unidentified Finnish Bishop of Turku, Ms. Solg. 16,2°, University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg (manuscript; quotation in English; overall work in Middle High German):
    [1677, Guy Miege [i.e., Guy Miège], “HAGGESS”, in A New Dictionary French and English, with Another English and French; According to the Present Use, and Modern Orthography of the French. Inrich’d with New Words, Choice Phrases, and Apposite Proverbs; Digested into a Most Accurate Method; and Contrived for the Use Both of English and Foreiners (in French), London: Printed by Tho[mas] Dawks, for Thomas Basset, at the George, near Cliffords-inn, in Fleetstreet, →OCLC, column 3:
    HAGGESS, haggas, or haggis, ſort d’appret fait avec des herbes, du larde caupé menu, des épices, des œufs, & du fromage, le tout mis enſemble & bouilli dans une panſe de brebis.
    HAGGESS, haggas, or haggis, a sort of preparation made with herbs, bacon, spices, eggs, cheese, all put together and boiled in a sheep's belly.]

Anonymous tests

  1. 2025 [a. 1888], Hayden Carruth, Joe Schmoe, anonymous translator, anonymous editor, The Hudson Review, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc.:
    1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, anonymous translator, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as anonymous translator, “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, editor, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.

Tests for dialect tags

  1. 2009, 곽충구 [Kwak Chung-gu], “2009년도 국외 집단 이주 한민족의 지역어 조사 보고”, in 국립국어원, volume 2, National Institute of the Korean Language, page 13:
    어떻게 사림 가스아바이 에따 잇소. (Russia)
    Eotteoke geu sarim-i gaseuabai-mu geu etta geu i chaeg-eu bo-mu geu chaeg-e itso.
    If that person is the father in law then if you look in this book it'll be there.
    2009, 곽충구 [Kwak Chung-gu], “2009년도 국외 집단 이주 한민족의 지역어 조사 보고”, in 국립국어원, volume 2, National Institute of the Korean Language, page 13:
    어떻게 사림 가스아바이 에따 잇소. (Russia, Hwanghae Dialect)
    Eotteoke geu sarim-i gaseuabai-mu geu etta geu i chaeg-eu bo-mu geu chaeg-e itso.
    If that person is the father in law then if you look in this book it'll be there.

Tests for f inline modifier

  1. 1914, 나혜석 [Han: 羅蕙錫, Na Hye-sok], 이상적 부인 [isangjeok bu'in, Han: 理想的夫人, An ideal wife]:
    () >時代(시대) 先覺(선각자) 되어 []
    gi sidae-ui seon-gakjaga doeeo
    Becoming the pioneer of that era []
    1919, 한용운 [Han: 韓龍雲, Han Yong-un], 조선 독립의 서 [Joseon dongnibui seo, Han: 朝鮮 獨立의 書, A letter for Korean independence]:
    (), ()億萬(일억만) 人民(인>민) () 君臨(군림)하고 []
    huira ireongman inminui sang-e gullimhago []
    Alas, [determined] to rule over countless numbers of people []
    1969 [c. 300 BCE], Liou Kia-hway [Traditional Han: 劉家槐, Pinyin: Liú Jiāhuái], transl., L'œuvre complète de Tchouang-tseu, translation of Zhuang-zi by 莊周 [Zhuang Zhou] (in Old Chinese); translated as “Libertà naturale [Natural Freedom]”, in Carlo Laurenti, Christine Leverd, transl., Zhuang-zi [Chuang-tzu] (Gli Adelphi; 41), 6th edition, Milan: Adelphi Edizioni, published 2010, 1982, →ISBN, page 17:
    Se le acque si alzassero fino al cielo, non annegherebbero. Se la siccità liquefacesse i metalli e infiammasse le montagne, non ne sarebbero neppure sfiorati.
    If the waters were to rise to the skies, they wouldn't drown. If drought were to liquefy metals, and set fire to the mountains, they wouldn't even be touched by it.
    1969 [c. 300 BCE], Liou Kia-hway [Traditional Han: 劉家槐, Pinyin: Liú Jiāhuái], transl., L'œuvre complète de Tchouang-tseu, translation of Zhuang-zi by 莊周 [Zhuang Zhou] (in Old Chinese); translated as “Libertà naturale [Natural Freedom]”, in Carlo Laurenti, Christine Leverd, transl., Zhuang-zi [Chuang-tzu] (Gli Adelphi; 41), 6th edition, Milan: Adelphi Edizioni, published 2010, 1982, →ISBN, page 17:
    Se le acque si alzassero fino al cielo, non annegherebbero. Se la siccità liquefacesse i metalli e infiammasse le montagne, non ne sarebbero neppure sfiorati.
    If the waters were to rise to the skies, they wouldn't drown. If drought were to liquefy metals, and set fire to the mountains, they wouldn't even be touched by it.
    1969 [c. 300 BCE], Liou Kia-hway [Traditional Han: 劉家槐, Pinyin: Liú Jiāhuái, 劉家槐, foo/Bavarian/baz: Bat, foo/Bavarian/bat: Bat, Фооба́р, Фооба́р], transl., L'œuvre complète de Tchouang-tseu, translation of Zhuang-zi by 莊周 [Zhuang Zhou] (in Old Chinese); translated as “Libertà naturale [Natural Freedom]”, in Carlo Laurenti, Christine Leverd, transl., Zhuang-zi [Chuang-tzu] (Gli Adelphi; 41), 6th edition, Milan: Adelphi Edizioni, published 2010, 1982, →ISBN, page 17:
    Se le acque si alzassero fino al cielo, non annegherebbero. Se la siccità liquefacesse i metalli e infiammasse le montagne, non ne sarebbero neppure sfiorati.
    If the waters were to rise to the skies, they wouldn't drown. If drought were to liquefy metals, and set fire to the mountains, they wouldn't even be touched by it.
  1. 1818 February 1, Митрополи́т Филаре́т [Mitropolit Filaret], “Сло́во предъ приведеніемъ къ присягѣ Санктпетербурксаго дворя́нства и гражданъ для избранія суде́й [Slóvo pred privedenijem k prisjagě Sanktpeterburksago dvorjánstva i graždan dlja izbranija sudéj]”, in Сочинеиія Филарета Митрополита Московскаго и Коломенскаго [Sočineiija Filareta Mitropolita Moskovskago i Kolomenskago], volume I, Moscow, published 1873, page 253:
    Изъ сего́ ви́дно, что судія, какъ блюсти́тель общественнаго поря́дка, долженъ объима́ть и проника́ть мыслію весь составъ о́бщества;
    Iz sevó vídno, što sudija, kak bljustítelʹ obščestvennago porjádka, dolžen obʺimátʹ i pronikátʹ mysliju vesʹ sostav óbščestva;
    From this it becomes discernible that a judge, in his function as a warden of public order, should enclose and traverse the whole body of the society;
    1818 February 1, Митрополи́т Филаре́т [Mitropolit Filaret], “Сло́во предъ приведеніемъ къ присягѣ Санктпетербурксаго дворя́нства и гражданъ для избранія суде́й [Slóvo pred privedenijem k prisjagě Sanktpeterburksago dvorjánstva i graždan dlja izbranija sudéj]”, in Сочинеиія Филарета Митрополита Московскаго и Коломенскаго [Sočineiija Filareta Mitropolita Moskovskago i Kolomenskago], volume I, Moscow, published 1873, page 253:
    Изъ сего́ ви́дно, что судія, какъ блюсти́тель общественнаго поря́дка, долженъ объима́ть и проника́ть мыслію весь составъ о́бщества;
    Iz sevó vídno, što sudija, kak bljustítelʹ obščestvennago porjádka, dolžen obʺimátʹ i pronikátʹ mysliju vesʹ sostav óbščestva;
    From this it becomes discernible that a judge, in his function as a warden of public order, should enclose and traverse the whole body of the society;

Tests for origtext, origlang

  1. 2018, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, “Longa nokto el ŝtono”, in Suso Moinhos, transl., Beletra Almanako, number 31, translation of Longa Noite de Pedra (in Galician), page 57:
    La planko estas el ŝtono.
    [original: O teito é de pedra.]
    The floor is of stone.
    1922, ادارهٔ حرب و سیاست [Idare-i harb ve siyaset], Istanbul: مطبعهٔ عثمانیه, page 176, originally 199; translation of Erich Ludendorff, Kriegsführung und Politik (in German), Berlin: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1922:
    شرقی غالیچیا، و بوقوونیاده شمندوفر نقاباتی تأسس ایتدكدن صكره شرقده صلحی تأمین ایچون دینیه‌ستر نهری جنوبندن روس — رومن جبهه‌سنه قارشو حربه دوام ایتمك فكرندن فراغت ایتمك لازمكلیورایدی. بر قصقاچ تأثیری یاپه‌بیلمك ایچون بری قلاص غربندن یوقاره‌سه‌ره‌ت اوزرینه و دیكری دینیه‌ستر جنوبندن اولمق اوزره مضاعف بر تعرض اجراسی لازمكلیور ایده.
    Şarki Galiçya, ve Bukovinyada‌ şömendüfer nakabatı tesis itdikden soñra şarkda sulhı temin içün Dinyester nehri cenubundan rus-rumen cebhesine karşu harbe devam itmek fikrinden feragat itmek lazım geliyor idi. Bir kıskaç tesiri yapabilmek içün biri Kalas garbından yukara-yı Seret üzerine ve diğeri Dinyester cenubundan olmak üzere muzaaf bir taarruz icrası lazım geliyor idi.
    [original: Unsere weitere Absicht, nach Herstellung der Eisenbahnverbindungen in Ostgalizien und in der Bukowina zur Erzwingung des Friedens im Osten den Feldzug gegen die russisch-rumänische Front südlich des Dnjestr fortzusetzen, mußte aufgegeben werden. Er sollte in einem doppelten Angriff über den oberen Sereth westlich Galatz und hart südlich des Dnjestr bestehen und auch zangenartig wirken.]
    Our further intention, the military campaign against the Russian-Romanian front to be continued south of the Dniestr to force peace in the east, after procurement of the railroad connections in Eastern Galicia and in the Bukovina, had to be abandoned. It was supposed to consist in a double attack over the upper Siret west of Galați as well as hard south of the Dniestr and go like pincers.

Tests for multiple editors, compilers, directors, etc.

  1. 1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, translated by Mary Bloggs, “Making It New”, in The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC; reprinted as Molly Bloggs, transl., “From ‘Making It New’ [Body Rags]”, in Howard Nelson, John Anderson, editors, On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying (Under Discussion), Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1987, →ISBN, page 75:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.
    1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, translated by Mary Bloggs, “Making It New”, in John Compiler, compiler, directed by Steven Spielberg and Steven Soderbergh, The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.
    1968 summer, Hayden Carruth, translated by Mary Bloggs, “Making It New”, in John Compiler, James Heaperupper, compilers, directed by Steven Spielberg and Steven Soderbergh, The Hudson Review, volume XXI, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Hudson Review, Inc., →ISSN, →OCLC:
    In his [Galway Kinnell's] new book, Body Rags, he has brought this style to a kind of perfection, especially in two poems about the killing of animals, "The Porcupine" and "The Bear." These are the grisliest poems I have ever read.

Subst tests

  1. 1946, I.J. Singer, “אַ ייד אַ מלמד פֿאַרגלוסט זיך צו ווערן אַ מלאך אום פּורים און פֿאַרלירט, נעבעך, אַן אויג [a yid‎ a melamed farglust zikh tsu vern a malekh um purem un farlirt, nebekh, an oyg, A Jew, a teacher, decides to become an angel on Purim and, unfortunately, loses an eye]”, in Fun a velt vos iz nishto mer:
    יעדן זמן אויפֿסניי, חול־המועד סוכות אָדער חול־המועד פּסח, בין איך געווען זייער האָפֿערדיק, וואָס מען האָט מיך גענומען איין מלמד און אָנגעדונגען צו אַן אַנדערן, גלײבנדיק, אַז דער נייער וועט זיין בעסער ווי דער אַלטער.
    yedn zman oyfsney, khalemoyed sukus oder khalemoyed peysekh, bin ikh geven zeyer hoferdik, vos men hot mikh genumen eyn melamed un ongedungen tsu an andern, gleybndik, az der nayer vet zeyn beser vi der alter.
    Every term anew, during the intermediary periods of Sukkot and Pesach, I was very confident in being taken from one melamed and given to another, believing the new one would be better than the old.

Coauthor and featuring tests

  1. 2005, Shawn Michaels with Aaron Feigenbaum, Heartbreak & Triumph: The Shawn Michaels Story, page 47:
    Then I waffled him and knocked him down. Why I cut myself open with the razor, I'm not completely sure. I was like the idiot in a bar who gets all worked up and smashes a bottle over his head [...]
    2010, Tracey Wickham with Peter Meares, chapter 1, in Treading Water, North Sydney, N.S.W.: Ebury Publishing, →ISBN; republished Sydney, N.S.W.: ReadHowYouWant, 2011, →ISBN, part 1 (Birth of a Champion: That Solomon’s Crawl), page 7:
    Nudgee College is regarded as the greatest rugby nursery in Queensland, with the boys in the blue-and-white butcher's stripes winning more Greater Public School rugby premierships than any other team.
    2014, Vivian Lin, James Smith, Sally Fawkes, with Priscilla Robinson and Sandy Gifford, “Health in Australia Today: Health Status, the Health-care System and the Place of Public Health”, in Public Health Practice in Australia: The Organised Effort, 2nd edition, Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, →ISBN, part I (Background: The Basics), page 49:
    Many practices have long since become unnecessary or fallen from favour. For example, in the case of bubonic plague, bounties were paid to rat-catchers, who were required to kill the fleas on dead rats by dropping the rats into boiling water.
    2008, James A. Duke with Peggy-Ann K. Duke and Judith L. duCellie, “Catalog of ‘Faith-based’ Farmaceuticals”, in Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible, Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, →ISBN, page 233:
    CALABASH GOURD (LAGENARIA SICERARIA) [] Appropriately bowing to AHP, the American Herbal Products Association, for the betterment of the herbal industry, I will now use its standardized common name, Calabash Gourd, a vine, not to be confused with the Calabash tree (Crescentia).
    2013, Eric J. DeMeulenaere, Colette N. Cann, with Chad R. Malone and James E. McDermott, quoting John Wooden, “Introduction”, in Reflections from the Field: How Coaching Made Us Better Teachers, Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing, →ISBN, page 15:
    A player one time said, "You never let me play with Alcindor ([Kareem] Abdul-Jabbar). I can do better if you let me play with him. Now you have me with some rinky-dinks." I told him one time, "That's what somebody said about you when you were in there. You were one of the rinky-dinks."
    2020, “Those Kinda Nights”, in Music to Be Murdered By, performed by Eminem ft. Ed Sheeran:
    "What's in the cup, let me see that / Girl, where the rest of that promethazine at?" / She said, "Cool, gotta run out to my Cadillac though / And I'll be like Fat Joe, and bring the lean back"
    2019 May 20, “15 Chickens”‎[15]performed by The Norf ft. Rucci, 2Eleven, Ackrite, Nfant, and Lil Deuce:
    1997, “Mo Money Mo Problems”, in Life After Death, performed by The Notorious B.I.G. ft. Ma$e and Diddy:
    I call all the shots, rip all the spots / Rock all the rocks, cop all the drops
    2011, “Rappin’ ’Bout Nothing”, in S.T.R.E.E.T. (Speakin’ Thru Real Experience Every Time), performed by Termanology and Ea$Y Money ft. ST. Da Squad:
    We just rappin’ ’bout nuttin, but we count this gwop