See also: otok, Otok, ötök, -ötök, -ótok, and -őtök








  1. (personal suffix) Forms the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation).
    forraszt (to solder) + ‎-otok → ‎forrasztotok (you [pl] solder, you are soldering)
  2. (possessive suffix) your (second-person plural informal, single possession)
    kor (age) + ‎-otok → ‎korotok (your age)

Usage notes

  • (personal suffix) Variants:
    -tok is added to back-vowel verbs
    -tek is added to unrounded front-vowel verbs
    -tök is added to rounded front-vowel verbs
    -otok is added to back-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or -ít
    -etek is added to unrounded front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or -ít
    -ötök is added to rounded front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or -ít
  • (possessive suffix) Variants:
    -tok is added to back-vowel words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-.
    -tek is added to unrounded front-vowel words ending in a vowel. Final -e changes to -é-.
    -tök is added to rounded front-vowel words ending in a vowel
    -otok is added to some back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -atok is added to other back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -etek is added to unrounded (and some rounded) front-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -ötök is added to most rounded front-vowel words ending in a consonant

See also
