Category:Dutch class 5 strong verbs

Verbs where the ablaut vowel was followed by consonant other than a sonorant in Proto-Indo-European.

As class 4, this class is rather small and has preserved a vowel length change between the singular and the plural forms of the past tense. But contrary to class 4, the vowel sound of the past participle is /eː/ and not /oː/.

The anomalous root zien has experienced a loss of the original /h/, with a resulting assimilation of the stem vowel to the vowel of the inflection, it also preserves the Verner alternation between this original /h/ and a /g/ in the past. The class also contains a specific group of three anomalous roots with a short vowel in the present tense, the so-called j-presents. These roots had a j-suffix in the present tense which geminated the preceding consonant and later blocked the open syllable lengthening that the regular verbs underwent.

The paradigms are:

Form Regular Anomalous
Verner alternation J-present
Present tense /-eː-/ geven /-iː-/ zien /-i-/ liggen
Past tense singular /-ɑ-/ gaf /-ɑ-/ zag /-ɑ-/ lag
Past tense plural /-aː-/ gaven /-aː-/ zagen /-aː-/ lagen
Past participle /-eː-/ gegeven /-iː-/ gezien /-eː-/ gelegen