This is the June archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2013.



Foreign word of the day  in German
Kleiderschrank m., noun
  1. wardrobe (cabinet in which clothes may be stored)
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Foreign word of the day  in Russian
дерзать (derzát') verb
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Foreign word of the day  in Latin
armiger adjective
  1. Carrying weapons or armor/armour; armed; warlike.
  2. (substantive) Weapon-bearer, i.e. warrior's assistant, an armor bearer, armour bearer, shield bearer.
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Foreign word of the day  in Hungarian
verőfényes adjective
  1. sunkissed, sunlit
  2. (figuratively) sunny, cheerful, happy (mood)
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Foreign word of the day  in French
apprêter verb
  1. (transitive) To prepare, to get ready
  2. (reflexive, followed by à) to prepare for/to do, to get ready for/to do, to be about to do
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Foreign word of the day  in Armenian
ծնգցնել (cngcʿnel) verb
  1. (colloquial, transitive) to call a mobile phone and let it ring once so that the other person will call back, saving the first caller money
  2. (colloquial, transitive) to call a mobile phone and let it ring once so that the other person could easily save the first person's number to his phone's memory, without having to enter it manually
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Foreign word of the day  in Italian
pentacolo m., noun
  1. amulet of metal or stone, hung around the neck
  2. pentacle
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Foreign word of the day  in Portuguese
babau interjection
  1. used when something is lost forever
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Foreign word of the day  in Emilian
prît m., noun
  1. priest; clergyman
  2. (figurative) a hypocrite
  3. a wooden bedwarmer
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Foreign word of the day  in Kaingang
pãgfénh verb
  1. to cover with ferns
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Foreign word of the day  in Quechua
llik’iq adjective
  1. which tears cloth
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Foreign word of the day  in Vandalic
eils interjection
  1. Hail!
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in Old Dutch
ᚨᚾᚾ (ann) verb
  1. to give, to grant, to bestow (first and third person singular present)
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in Crimean Gothic
kilemschkop phrase
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in Lusitanian
Harase dat., proper noun
  1. a god of the ancient Lusitanians
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in Norn
Chimeri noun
  1. (religion) heaven
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in South Picene
mefiín adjective
  1. in the middle
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in Noric
Artebudz proper noun
  1. A male given name
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Focus week: barely attested languages



Foreign word of the day  in Aragonese
pas adverb
  1. emphasises a negation; (not) at all; (not) ever
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Foreign word of the day  in Catalan
bufanúvols m., f., noun
  1. pretentious person; literally: cloud blower
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Foreign word of the day  in Asturian
probitú f., noun
  1. poverty (quality or state of being poor)
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Foreign word of the day  in German
Spannungsbogen m., noun
  1. a sequence of events which serve to allow tension or suspense to rise
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Foreign word of the day  in Egyptian
D&d mdZ1
m., noun
  1. a recitation; a title introducing the main bulk of a religious text, after any prologues.
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Foreign word of the day  in Russian
городничий (gorodníčij) m., noun
  1. governor, mayor of an uyezd city
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Foreign word of the day  in Old Galician-Portuguese
infançon m., noun
  1. a noble ranked below a ricome and above a cavaleiro
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