Appendix:Proto-Potou-Akanic reconstructions

The following reconstructions of Proto-Potou-Akanic is from Stewart (2004).[1]

Stewart (2004)

Gloss Proto-Potou-Akanic Proto-Akanic Akan
become burnt *-pɪ́- *-pɪ -cɪ([w])
boil, froth *-pulu *-fulu huru
foam *-pulu *-fulu huru
blow (with mouth) *-pu *-fu hu [w]
quarrel *-pãʊ̃ɪ̄ *-fãʋ̃ɪ̃ ɦãm
itchy *-pīl̃ī *-fĩl̃ĩ h̃ĩnĩ
blow (nose) *-pĩũĩ *-fĩũĩ ̰ ħĩm
where? *-pĩ *-fĩ ħĩ
breathe; rest -pʋ̃ʋ̃ʋ̃ *-fʋ̃ʋ̃ʋ̃ ħũm[-]ĩ
get caught in or between *-pĩ *-fĩ ħĩ[ŋ]
war *-ta *-sa ɔ-sa
draw (water) *-taʋɪ *-saʋɪ saw
say *-te *-se *-se
carry *-tu *-su sʊ, -sʊ[-]a
tie up *-tã *-sã
make by carving or cutting *-tẽl̃ĩ *-senĩ seŋ
ground *-tɪ *-sɪ a-sɪ
country *-tɪ *-sɪ a-sa-sɪ
underneath *-tɪ *-sɪ a-sɪ
father of someone other than the speaker *-tɪ *-sɪ ɔ-sɪ
cough (n.) *-kʷaʋɪ *-waʋɪ ɔ-waw
snail *-kʷa *-wa ŋ-ŋʷa[w]
throw off, sweep away, bale out (water) *-kʷɪʋɪ *-hʷɪʋɪ -ɕʷɪw
wild sugar-cane (a species of grass) *-kʷɪlɪ *-hʷɪlɪ a-ɕʷɪr[-]ɪw
you (sg.) *-kʷʊ *-wʊ -wʊ
dry up *-kʷʊ *-wʊ -wʊ
die *-kʷu *-wu wu
death *-kʷu *-wu o-wu
take *-ɓ̻a *-pa fa
stomach *-ɓ̻u *-pu o-fu
bow *-ɗ̻a *-ta ɛ-ta
spittle *-ɗ̻a *-ta n-ta-su[2]
three *-tã *-sã ɛ-sã
ear *-tʊ̃ *-sʊ̃ a-sʊ̃
ashes *-tʊ̃ *-sʊ̃ n-sʊ̃
send *-tʊ̃ʊ̃ʊ̃ *-sʊ̃ʊ̃ʊ̃ -sʊ̃m[-]ã
forge *-ɗ̣ʊ̃l̃ʊ̃ *-tʊ̃l̃ʊ̃ -tʊnʊ̃
roast *-ḍʊ̃ *-tʊ̃ -tʊ̃
vein *-ɗ̣ĩl̃ĩ *-tĩl̃ĩ n-tĩnĩ
headpad *-ɠa *-ka- ka-hiri
kind of hawk *-ɠɔlɪ *-kɔlɪ ɔ-kɔr[-]ɪ
growl (n.) *-ɠolɪ *-kɔlɪ ŋ-kur[-]ɔm
neck *-ɠɔ̃l̃ĩ *-kɔnĩ ɛ-kɔŋ
pass; surpass *-ɠɪnɪ̃ *-cɪnĩ -sĩŋ
stump of tree *-ginĩ *-cinĩ -sĩŋ
dawn (v.) *-ɠĩ *-kĩ -cĩ
salt *-ɠĩl̃ĩ *-kĩl̃ĩ ɲ-cĩnĩ
heart *-ɠʊ̃l̃ʊ̃ *-kʊ̃l̃ʊ̃ -kʊ̃-mã
bend (tr.) *-ɠʊ̃ʊ̃ʊ̃ *-kʊ̃ʊ̃ʊ̃ -kʊ̃m
shake *-ɠɓ̣ʊ *-kpʊ -pʊ
scrape *-ɠɓ̻ɔ̃ʋ̃ĩ *-kpɔʋɪ -pɔw
break off (tr.) *-ɠɓ̻ɔ̃l̃ĩ -kpɔnĩ -pɔŋ[-]ø
hit *-ɠɓ̻ĩ *kpĩ -pĩ[ŋ]
pull *-bɔ̃ʋ̃ĩ *-pɔʋɪ -fɔw
become wet *-bĩ *-pĩ e-fĩ
dirt *-bũl̃ũ *-pũl̃ũ -fũnũ
dig up *-da *-ta n-ta[m]
oath *-dɔ *-ta n-ta[m]
rain; fall, incl. of rain *-dɔ *-tɔ
bury *-di *-ci -si[-]e
stop up *-diʋi *-ciʋi siw
tie a know *-di *-ci -si
pull *-du *-tu tu
cloth *-dãʋ̃ĩ *-tãʋ̃ĩ ɔ-tãm
become suspended *-dɛ̃lĩ *-cɛnĩ -seŋ
top; sky *-tʊlʊ *-sʊlʊ ɔ-sʊrʊ, -sʊ
elephant *-tʊ̃l̃ʊ̃ *-sʊ̃lʊ̃ ɛ-sʊ̃nʊ̃
water *-ju *-cu n-su
abstain *-gili *-kili -ciri
female genitals *-gʷɛ *-kʷɛ ɛ-cʷɛ
life *-gʷã *-kʷã ŋ-kʷã
pull *-gʷĩ *-kʷĩ -cʷĩ
log, especially as bridge *-gʷĩl̃ĩ *-kʷĩl̃ĩ ɛ-cʷĩnĩ
become cooked *-ɓɪnɪ̃ *-bɪnĩ -bĩŋ
dirt, excrement *-ɓinĩ *-binĩ e-bĩŋ
stone *-ɓʊ *-bʊ ɔ-bʊ
hit *-ɓʊlʊ *-bʊlʊ
clay for pottery *-ɓʊ *-bʊ
break, snap (tr.) *-ɓu *-bu -bu
me *-mɪ̃ *-mĩ
swallow *-mĩl̃ĩ *-mĩl̃ĩ
throat, gullet *-mĩl̃ĩ *-mĩl̃ĩ -mĩnĩ
become full *-mĩʋ̃ĩ *-mĩʋ̃ĩ -mĩm
you (pl.) *-mʋ̃ *-mʋ̃ -mʋ̃
madness *-ɗa *-da da[m]
lie down *-ɗa *-da -da
sleep *-ɗa *-da -da
today *-d̚ɛ *-ɗɛ n-nɛ
eat *-dí *-di -di
heavy -ɗulu *-dulu -duru
become extinguished, extinguish *-ɗumũ *-dumũ dũm
four -nã *-nã a-nã[ŋ]
defecate -nĩ *-nĩ -nĩ
drink -nʊ̃ *-nʊ̃ -nʊ[m]
mouth *-nʊ̃ *-nʊ̃ a-nʊ̃
mother of someone other than the speaker *-nĩ *-nĩ o-nĩ
song *-ʝemĩ *-jomĩ e-jʷom
name *-ʝinĩ *-jinĩ e-jĩŋ
God *-ɲɜ̃ʋ̃ĩ *-ɲĩãʋ̃ĩ -ɲⁱãm[-]ĩ
become pregnant *-nĩʋ̃ĩ *-ɲĩʋ̃ĩ -ɲĩm (Fante)
eye *-ɲĩ *-ɲĩ ɜ-nĩ
bathe *-gʷialɪ *-gʷⁱar[-]ɪ
fall *-gʷu *-gʷu -gu
become soft *-gʷoli *-gʷoli -gur[-]ow
bear (child) *-ɯʊ *-ɯʊ
honey *-ŋʊ̃ *-ɯ̃ʊ̃ -wʊ
stick to -ʋ̃ãʋ̃ĩ *-ʋ̃ãʋ̃ĩ -fãm
become starved *-ʋ̃ãʋ̃ĩ *-ʋ̃ãʋ̃ĩ -fãm
follow *-ʋ̃ã *-ʋ̃ã -fã (Fante)
become too difficult for -*ʋ̃ĩʋ̃ĩ *-ʋ̃ĩʋ̃ĩ -fĩm
make a mistake *-ʋ̃ʋ̃ʋ̃ʋ̃ *-ʋ̃ʋ̃ʋ̃ʋ̃ -fʋ̃m
abdomen *-lã *-lã -ya-
look after (child) *-lɛ̃lĩ *-lɛnĩ. -yɛŋ
watch *-lɔ̃lĩ *-lɔnĩ -yʷɛŋ
weave *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ -ɲʷĩnĩ
bitterness *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ -ɲʷĩnĩ
cold *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ -ɲʷĩnĩ
shadow *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ o-ɲʷĩnĩ
become cold *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ *-lʋ̃lʋ̃ -ɲʷĩnĩ
moon *-ɯ̃ɛ̃lĩ *-hɛnĩ ɛ-ɕɛŋ
white *-ɯ̃ɛ̃lĩ *-hɛnĩ -ɕɛŋ
chief *-ɯ̃ĩlĩ *-ħĩlĩ ɔ-ħĩnĩ
body *-ɯ̃ʊ̃ *-ħʊ̃ ɛ-ħʊ̃
shut *-ɯ̃ĩlĩ *-ħĩl̃ĩ -ħĩnĩ
open *-ɯ̃ĩlĩ *-ħĩlĩ -ħĩ[-]ɛ̃
snake *-w̃ɔ̃ *-wɔ ɔ-wɔ
nose *-w̃ĩlĩ *-ħʷĩlĩ ɛ-ħʷĩnĩ
hair *-w̃ĩ *-ħʷĩ ŋ-ħʷĩ


  1. ^ Stewart, John M. 2004. The Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu reconstrucions updated. Manuscript.
  2. ^ su: 'water'
Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu • !Kung

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

