Appendix:Proto-Fali reconstructions

The following list of Proto-Fali reconstructions is from Sweetman (1981).

There are Southern Fali and Northern Fali dialects according to Sweetman (1981).

  • Southern dialect: in Ram, Kangou, Ndoudja, Toro, Ngoutchoumi (Bélé)
  • Northern dialect: in Peske, Bori, Boussoum, Dourbeye


English gloss Proto-Fali
accept *ŋgo
accepted *ŋgori
accuse *ndʒeŋg-
admire *tʃoo
after 1 *a dat mʌm
after 2 *gbɛɛda
again *bak
all *pĩ
alligator *bvʌmngu
another time *ngbʌrman
antelope, small *gaprukV
arm, hand *kʌnɨ
armpit *kalŋgum
arrow *ndopfɨ
ask *gun-
attach 1 *tsĩĩ
attach 2 *gap-
attach 3 *m’em-
authority *mbvinum
avoid *yãã-
axe *loombø
baboon *waandu
back *ngbʌrngɨ
back, lower *kpʌʌngu
bad *maada
bark (n.) *pfoongu
basket 1 *pfagrak
basket 2 *gʌŋgndʌg
basket, flat, wide *pfagVrVk
bean *wʌʌda
beard *eskɨ
beat *tʃup-
because *ɗo
bee *wãsɨ̃
before *ɗoko
begin *ɗaa-
behind *ɗaadi
belly *himndi
big *ɓeleŋg
bird *dʒooyu
bite *num-
blind, be *rãã-
block (v.) *wup
blood *ndʒĩĩmV
blow *yee-
body *isi
bone *kopfti
border *ɓlẽẽku
bow *sʌ̃ʌ̃ŋgu
break *am-
breast *nĩwdĩ
breathe *yeŋg-; *yiŋg-
brother, my *kor mʌm
buffalo *taayø
build *dʒʌ̃ʌ̃-
burn *ak-
bury *gbik-
bush *nũrɨ̃
caiman *kpʌktʌk
calabash *seCu
call *ɗlaa-
chameleon *nʌrŋgɨnat
carry 1 *ngbak-
carry 2 *tuu
carry away *nduu-
cat *kpɔgli
catch, stop *mɔɔ-
change 1 *bvɨn-
change 2 *id-
cheek *dmŋgu; *dʌmŋgɨ; *dʌmŋgi
chest *gbɛtku; *gbetkɨ
child *hʌm
chin *ngbolŋgɨ
civilised, be *tʃõõy-
climb *naa-
cloth *ndʒʌʌlV
cloud *turum
cold *ŋgisɨm
cook, prepare food *dɔɔ-
cow *naayu
create *ŋgbaŋg-
crocodile *tiim
crunch ground nut *tupf-
crush 1 *mbvɔɔ-
crush 2 *nʌm-
cry 1 *bvim-
cry 2 *um-
cucumber *hʌltʃi
cucumber, large *tʌʌyu
cultivate *bva
cut *ndʒaa-
cut the throat *gũũ-
dance *sii-
dark *kulgu
death *wuda
deceive *rũpf-
demolish *kpok-
descend *tsii-
died *wut
diminish *ʌn-
divide *mee-
do *mbvi-
dog *dũnũ
door *fanndʒa
draw water *ɗuk-
drink *ndʒoo-
drum *ndʌʌmV
drummer *mããdʒi
dry season *waklɨ
eagle *ndʒɛɛmbø
ear *tuuyV; *tuuCV
earth, ground *deesi
eat *rii-
egg *bvʌʌdʒi
elephant *wʌŋga; *wʌŋgo
enclosure *soori
be ended, finished *pfɛt-
enforce *gbɛp-
engrave, carve *rek-
enter *lek-
entrance, house *ninu
expensive *ʌydi
explain *kʌl-
extinguish, put out *kʌ̃y-
eye, my *nis mum
eyes *nisu
face, before, in front *kpeesi
fail *lɔ-
fall *yaa-
far *kpããri
father *tooyV
feast *ol-
feed *ɗi-
fig-tree *dʒããt
fill *mũũ-
fingernail *bveŋgnda
fingers *mbvɛɛdi kʌnu; *mbvɛdi kʌnu
finish *lɔɔ-
fire *ebɨ
fire, my *ep mʌm
fireplace *ø?Vndʒi
first, at *ngban
fish *tʃĩĩdʒi
follow *fun-
food *nʌʌm
foot, my *nak mum
forehead *tiigu
forget *hɛn-; *ŋgɛn-
forest *luŋgndzɨ
four *naan
friend, my *bvør mum
frog *faalɨ
front, in *ɗʌ
fruit (thing of harvesting) *dʒek rip-
fruit sp. *’naadi
full *mũya
gazelle *sʌ̃ rɨ̃
giraffe (see 'neck') *ndeŋg gunɨ
girl *sʌpri
give *hĩĩ-
give birth *rɔɔ-
go ahead! *digin
go for a walk *gĩ-
goat *bviw
god *faCu
be good *del-
grow *m’i-
gourd, type of *bvamndi
grain, type of *ndʒota
granary *dooyu
grass, type of grass, type of *doodʒi
fine *sɛɛmberV
grasshopper *hɔɔyu
grit teeth *vak-
guineafowl *dʒʌʌbVlV; *dʒʌʌbulɨ
hair *gemsi
handle *kʌmbvø; *kʌmbvɨ
hard *ndɛkta
harvest (v.) *rip-
have fun together *gbʌk
hawk *mbveleŋgV
head *haw; *haCu
head, my *hʌk mum
heal *ndɔɔ-
heat (v.) *wus-
heel *nduundʒi
help *mgbVV-
hen *ɗɨɨŋgV
here *ʌygi
heron *ngboori
hide oneself *fũũ-
him *go
hippopotamus *emam
hit *tʃup-
home *ʌʌyu
horn *dẽwa
horse *kpɨ̃sɨ̃
hunt 1 *pii-
hunt 2 *mʌn-
hunt 3 *ɓawV
hurt *ʌy-
ibou *gbulu
if 1 *ko
if 2 *seyto
inside *mĩĩs
invite *mbvaa-
iron *tepfki
jump *ɓu-
keep *faa-
knead *bɔp-
knee *gbeskɨ
knife *ɓeldu
knock out of hand *gbos-
lame *ɛs
laugh *wãã-
lead, bring *m’aa-
leave *woo-
left *aŋga
left side *ngbaali; *ngbaal
leg, foot *naw; *naCu
leper *ʌ̃ʌ̃yu
light, thin *laplap
light (v.) *goy-
listen *rak-s-um
listen! *ragin
little, a *tʃʌdum
lower (v.) *tʃin-
lying down flat *kpu-
made, done *tɛɛ
make cross *mvin-
make noise *gbãã-
make a loud noise *dũũ-
man *nidu
marriage *wʌʌrɨ
mat, type of *dʒinngɨ
material *ndʒʌʌlV
measure (v.) *gen-
meat *dʒoodʒi
middle, in the *tĩĩm
millet *tidu
mist, fog *kudʒi
mix *dʒʌm-
monkey *gbenɨŋg
moon, month *tʃodɨ
mosquito *wãyndʒi
mother *noø
move *yũũ-
mountain *gopri
mouse *wʌra
mud *bvʌ̃ʌ̃ndzi
name (v.) *ĩn-
near *gããdʒa
neck *guɨ
night *tuma
nose *unɨ
nothing 1 *tʃɛnV; *tʃɛn
nothing 2 *ko dʒinã
now *kɔsɔŋgV
oil *num
on *ndʒɛt
only *gbɛ
ostrich *ndaw
our *wodo
over there *bʌyʌgo
pardon *ndɔgɔn
pass (v.) *hɔm-
path (see 'road') *ot mbvɛɛdi
peanut *gumndʒi
people *o nit ʌ̃y
perfume *mbĩĩr
pierce 1 *bvaa-
pierce 2 *kpepf-
pierced *kpʌpf
plant (v.) *gbak-
play *wã-
point (v.) *n’ipf-
poison *ladɨ
poor *ɛdʒa
pot, jug *dʒɔɔŋgu
pour *sɔ̃ɔ̃-n-um
pour out 1 *tʃaw-
pour out 2 *gbɔɔ-
proud *ɓuuru
pull out of ground *upf-
pus *tʃomndi
push *paa-
put down *ii-
quiver *yelø
rabbit *ŋgɔ̃ɔ̃dĩ
rain *buunɨ
red *tʃale
rejoin *ɓlɛm-
release *lak-
remain *ŋges-
reply *goo-
resemblance *rɛ̃ɛ̃ndʒum
resemble *rɛɛ-
rest *wii-
return home *koy-
richness *bvɛɛbu
richness, my *bvɛp mum
ripen *nĩĩ-
road *odu
roast *ndʒum
rock *kpata
roll *vil-
root *sisi
rope, cord *lʌski; *lʌksi
rot *raa-
rub *fɔɔ-
run *n’ɔɔ-
sack *kuda
said *yɛ̃ɛ̃
savanna *ɓutʃki
scab *nugɨ
scorpion *ndʌ̃ʌ̃ŋgu
see *kpʌʌ-
seeds (things to sow) *dʒek tʃok
sell *hʌʌ-
separate 1 *lip-
separate 2 *ɓaa-
seven *dʒɔ̃rɔ̃s
shade *kuskɨ
shake 1 *tak-
shake 2 *vik-
sharp *rige
sheep *ngbʌ̃ʌ̃yu
shellfish *kpaaŋgu
shirt *ludø
sickness *ʌyndʒɨ
six *yidø
skin *kũ
slap *vam-
slave *sʌʌyɨ
sleep *kũũ-
slip *dʒãk-
slippery *sũrũt
smoke *tupfkɨ
smooth, level (v.) *ngbʌŋg-
snake *dʒɔ̃ɔ̃yu, dʒooyu
soak *bvũũ-
sour, bitter *ngbewdi
sour, be *ɗal-
sow grain *yaw-
speak *yɛ̃ɛ̃-
squash, type of *tupti
squirrel *kɛrmbvVCV; *kɛrmbi
star *biskum
steal *o-
stone *gɔɔgu
stone, a red *kɔɔdʒi
straw *kperi
suck *sũũ-
suckle *ãw-; *ø̃w-
sugar cane *sɛdum
sun *unndʒɨ
swallow *mir-
sweep *ɓɛ-
swell, inflate *mut-
sword (see 'knife') *ɓlɛt ɓɛl
stretched out *pfatV
tail *sʌ̃
take *ʌ-
take off *hap-
taken *ade
teach *ɛŋgV; *ɛŋg-
tear 1 (v.) *ŋga-
tear 2 (v.) *ɗlun-
tell (a story) *sak-
tell off, scold *lɛ-
ten *ra
tender *luplup
termite *dʒʌ̃ʌ̃mV
they *øwa
thigh *kuri
thigh, his *kur weya
thing *dʒeyV
three *taanV; *taan
throat *mirŋgʌm
throw 1 *dɛp-
throw 2 *ɓlak-
throw out (= tip out 67) *tuu-
tighten *ngbɛw-; *ɛw-
tired, be *loo-
tomb *gebu
tomorrow *ndamndʒu
tongue *rɛɛŋgu
turn over *it-
understand *rak-
us *odan
village *rii; *riiyu
viper *mbvẽẽCVC
wait, ask *waa-
wake up *mũy-
walk *dik-
war *bvʌpri
warm oneself *øSV
wash *kɔl-
water *sɔɔ-
well, fine *mbvãrã
wind *hĩskɨ
window opening *kpoŋgndøm; *kpoŋgndaŋg
wing *kaptʃi
wipe *ŋga-
woman *kinu
wood *kpiiri
word *yɛku
work (n.) *tɛɛmV
work very hard *yɛɛ-
yam *møyrø
yawn *hʌʌ-
yes *hɨ̃ɨ̃ta
you sg *mu
you pl *unø
your sg *wiyV
young man *lorɨ


  • Sweetman, Gary. 1981. A comparative study of Fali dialects. Yaoundé: SIL
Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu • !Kung

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

