Appendix:Fongbe Swadesh list

The following Fongbe Swadesh list is from Lefebvre & Brousseau (2002). The Swadesh list has been slightly modified from the original 207-item Swadesh list.


No. English gloss Fongbe etymology
1 hand àlɔ̀
2 left (speaking of hand) àmyɔ̀n
3 right (speaking of hand) ɖísí
4 leg àfɔ̀
3 foot àfɔ̀
6 to walk (ɖì) zɔ̀nlìn to resemble walk
7 road, trail/path àlì
8 to come
9 to turn/to change one's direction lìlɛ́/xá
10 swim lɛ̀ tɔ̀ bathe river
11 to wash (something other than body parts) klɔ́
12 to wipe súnsún
13 to rub títín
14 dirty kújì
15 dust àfín-túntún/àfún-túntún ashes-letting out
16 skin (of human)/body àbgàzà/wú
17 back (person's) nɛ̀gbé
18 belly àɖɔ́-gò intestine-container
19 bone
20 guts/viscera xòmɛ̀nú belly-in-thing
21 liver fíjó
22 heart hún
23 to know (facts) tùn
24 to think lìn
25 to fear ɖì xɛ̀sì to resemble fear
26 blood hùn
27 head
28 neck kɔ̀
29 hair (esp. of head)
30 nose àɔ̀ntín
31 breath àgbɔ̀n
32 to smell wán
33 mouth
34 tooth (esp. front rather than molar) àɖú
35 tongue ɖɛ́
36 to laugh kó nú laugh thing
37 to cry/to weep yàví
38 to vomit slú/vì
39 to spit túntán
40 to eat ɖù nú to eat thing
41 to cook ɖà nú to prepare thing
42 to drink
43 to bite hɛ̀n àɖú [hànɖú] to hold tooth
44 to suck (at breast) nɔ́ ànɔ́ to suck breast
45 ear
46 to hear
47 eye nùnkún
48 to see/to catch sight of mɔ̀
49 to sleep dɔ́ àmlɔ̀n [dàmlɔ̀n] to sleep sleep
50 to lie (on one's side) dlɛ́n
51 to sit jìján/jìjɔ́n àyì to sit floor
52 to stand ɖò tè to be at up
53 person mɛ̀
54 man (human male) súnû
55 woman (not 'wife') nyɔ́nû
56 child (young person, rather than offspring)
57 husband àsú
58 wife àsì
59 mother nɔ̀
60 father tɔ́
61 brother nɔ̀ví súnû sibling man
62 sister nɔ̀ví nyɔ́nû sibling woman
63 name nyìkɔ́
64 to say ɖɔ̀
65 rope kàn
66 to tie (as knot, rather than 'to tie up') sìn
67 to sew tɔ̀
68 clothing àwù
69 to hunt (game) nyà gbé to hunt hunt
70 to shoot (bow or gun) dà tún to shoot gun
71 to stab (or to stick) sɔ́ jìví to take knife
72 to hit (esp. with fist)
73 to fight (esp. humans) xò hùn to hit blood
74 to kilt
75 to die
76 to live nɔ̀ gbɛ̀ to stay life
77 to scratch (as with fingernails, to relieve itch) klú
78 to cut (as with knife) sɛ́n
79 stick (of wood) kpò
80 to split
81 sharp (as in knife) dídá
82 matt/dull (as in knife) é kɔ́n ǎ 3sg shine Neg (It does not shine.)
83 to work wà àzɔ́ [wàzɔ́] to do work
84 to play (games) ɖà àyìhún to do game
85 to sing jìhàn to give birth song
86 to dance ɖù wè to eat dance
87 to swell jí/tɛ̀
88 to squeeze
89 to hold (in hand) hɛ̀n
90 to dig hɔ̀n
91 to give
92 to pull dɔ̀n
93 to push sísɛ́
94 to throw nyì
95 to fall jɛ̀ àyì to fall ground
96 dog àvùn
97 bird hɛ̀
98 egg àzìn
99 feather (larger one, rather than down) fún
100 wing àwà
101 to fly zɔ̀n
102 animal kànlín
103 meat (flesh) làn
104 fat (organic substance)
105 tail
106 snake dàn
107 worm (esp. earthworm) vɔ́n
108 louse jɔ́
109 fish hwè-ví sun-child
110 tree àtín
111 rotten (as in log) nyɔ̀n
112 leaf àmà
113 bark (of tree) fló/àkpà
114 root ɖɔ̀
115 seed kwí
116 flower flówà
117 berry/fruit àtín-sínsɛ́n tree-produce/fruit
118 grass àmà
119 earth (soil) kɔ́ sand
120 stone (pebble) kpé
121 sand kɔ́
122 water sìn
123 freeze -
124 ice làglásì < French la glace (the ice)
125 to flow lúlú
126 to float ɖò sìn nùkú mɛ̀ at water face in
127 sea (ocean)
128 salt jɛ̀
129 lake tɔ̀
130 river tɔ̀
131 mountain
132 woods xwlɛ̀
133 sky jì-xwé rain-house
134 sun hwè
135 star sùn-ví moon-child
136 cloud àkpókpó
137 fog àhún
138 to rain
139 snow -
140 wind jɔ̀hɔ̀n
141 to blow (speaking of wind) jɔ̀hɔ̀n nyí wind be
142 warm (speaking of weather) yò-zò ?-fire
143 cold (speaking of weather) àvìvɔ̀
144 dry (substance)
145 wet
146 smooth ɖíɖí
147 heavy kpɛ̀n
148 fire myɔ̀/zò
149 to burn (intrans.) ji-zò produce-fire
150 smoke (of fire) àzìzɔ̀
151 ashes àfín
152 black wìwì
153 white wèwé
154 red vɔ̀vɔ̀
155 yellow kòkló'jó chicken-fat
156 green àmà-mú leaf-fresh
157 small kpɛ̀ví
158 big ɖàxó
159 short glì
160 long gàgà
161 thin wíní
162 thick tlí
163 narrow hwè
164 wide ɖàxó
165 straight tlélé
166 old kpò
167 new yɔ̀yɔ́
168 good ɖàgbè
169 bad (deleterious, unsuitable) líyán
170 right (correct) ɖàgbè
171 night zán
172 day (opp. of night, rather than time measure) ké zé
173 year hwè
174 when hwètɛ́nû/hwènùtɛ́
175 at ɖò
176 in mɛ̀
177 here
178 there dɔ́n
179 this élɔ́
180 that énɛ́
181 near kpá
182 far zɔ̀
183 where fítɛ́
184 I nyɛ̀
185 thou/you hwɛ̀
186 (s)he (é)yɛ̀
187 we (exclusive/inclusive)
188 we/you (pl.)
189 they
190 what étɛ́
191 who mɛ́
192 other ɖévò
193 some ɖélɛ́
194 many gègé
195 few kpɛ̀ɖé
196 all
197 and bɔ̀
198 with (accompanying) kpóɖó
199 because (w)útú/ɖó
200 if -
201 how nɛ́gbɔ̀n
202 not mà/kún
203 to count
204 one ɖòkpó/òɖé
205 two (ò)wè
206 three àtɔ̀n
207 four ɛ̀nɛ̀
208 five àtɔ́ɔ́n
209 six àyìzɛ́n
210 seven tɛ́nwê
211 eight tántɔ̂n
212 nine tɛ́nnɛ̂
213 ten
214 twenty
215 hundred kán-wé-kó forty two-times + twenty


  • Lefebvre, Claire, and Anne-Marie Brousseau (2002). A Grammar of Fongbe. Walter de Gruyter. →ISBN.
Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu • !Kung

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

