Appendix:Proto-South Mande reconstructions

The following lists of Proto-South Mande reconstructions are from Vydrin (2005, 2007).



Internal classification of the South Mande languages by Vydrin (2005, 2007):

  • Proto-South Mande
    • Peripheral
      • Gban
      • Wan, Beng
    • Core
      • Mwan
      • Guro, Yaure
      • Mano-Dan
        • Mano
        • Dan
          • Gio
          • Blo
          • Gweeta
          • Kla
        • Tura

Vydrin (2007)


The Proto-South Mande reconstructions below are from Vydrin (2007).

Consonant inventory of Proto-South Mande by Vydrin (2007):

*p *t *c (?) *k *kp
*b *d *j *g *gʷ (?) *gb
*f *s *x (?)
*ɓ/m *ɗ/n *y/ɲ *ƙʷ (?) *w/w̃

Reconstructed Proto-South Mande lexicon (Vydrin 2007):

English gloss Proto-South Mande notes
dig (to) *pɔ̃́
drum *pīlīŋ
fall (to) *pèlé
fell (to) *pɔ̃́
fill (to) *pá
iron *pèlì
lick *pã̄nã̄
market *pɛ́lɛ́
piece *pɛ̃́ɛ̃́
untie *púló
say *pē
thing *pã̄
two *pìì-lāŋ
white *púLú
touch (to) *pá
fonio (Digitaria exilis) *péní
house *pɛ́lɛ́
vomit *pɛ̄yɪ̀
wash *pólé
small *pɪ̄ɪ̄-nɛ́
tale *pḭ̄yã̀
tear *pīà
testicles *pã̀nã̀
thing *pɔ̄
twin *pílàŋ
blow *péyà
winnow *pìyɛ̀
frog *Ǹ-pōlì
trace *Ǹ-píyé
stomach, belly *Ǹ-pùlù
bowl *páá
ant *fḭ̀ḭ̀
better *fìlá
boil *fílí
breathe *fḭ́nḭ́
cap *fã́gã́
donkey *sòó-fàlī (may be a loanword from Manding)
empty *fílèŋ
force *fã̀gã̄
force *fúā
light (not heavy) *fūō(-fūō)
powder *fúyè
sweat *fūé
sponge (zool.) *fʊ̀ʊ̄
white metal *fúáŋ́
dew *fɛ̃́lḭ́ŋ (*Ǹ-fɛ̃́lḭ́ŋ ?)
foam *Ǹ-fʊ́lʊ́ŋ
bury *bìlìŋ
crumb *bũ̄nũ̄
cut (to) *bala
elephant *bīyá
much *bèbè
mud *bōlì
night *bḭ́ɛ̃́
paste *bɔ̃̀lɔ̃̀ŋ
run *bìlàŋ
throw (to) *bīlīŋ
bag *ɓɔ̀lɔ̄ (< Manding ?)
bend *ɓúà(-lá)
dry up *ɓɛ̄lɪ́
eat (to) *ɓɪ̀lɪ̀
extract *ɓō
fructify *ɓāā
fruit *ɓɛ̄ɛ̄ŋ
go out (to) *ɓɔ̄
goat *ɓōlì
God *ɓālɪ̀
head *ɓō
hippopotamus *ɓólù
leaves *ɓàlā
life (subsistence) *ɓēlí
liver *ɓúlú
mute *ɓʊɓʊ
neck *ɓɔ̄lɔ̄
other *ɓáá
pangolin *ɓàà-
press (to) *ɓʊ̀lʊ́
sheep *ɓálá
termite (flying, ephemera) *ɓɛ̄lɛ́ŋ
this *ɓɛ̄
venom *ɓàā
wound (a) *ɓīlē
yams (wild) *ɓɛ́ɛ́
bird *mã̀ã̀
broom *mã̄ã̀
cowrie *mɛ̃̀nɛ̃́
drink (to) *mḭ́nḭ̀ (cf. *swallow)
hear (to) *mã̄
human *maɛ̃̄
last (to) *mɔ̃́
mango *mã̄gólóŋ
moon *mã̄nɛ̃̀ŋ
mouse *mɔ̃̀ɔ̃̀
on (postposition) *mã̀
rice *mã̀nṹŋ
ripen (to) *mā
snake *mɛ̃̀nã̄
strike *mã̀ã̀
swallow (to) *mã̄nḭ́ (cf. *drink)
thank *mámá
what? *mɛ̃́ã̄
grave *bũ̄ŋ
harmattan *bùù
rot *bɔ̃́
send *bɔ̄
ten *bū
wake up *bùò
carry *bũ̄
end *bʊ̄
flower *bũ̄ḭ́
porcupine *bùlíŋ (?)
plural marker *bɔ̀
alive ? *ɓɪ́ɪ̀
be ? *ɓɪ̄
bunch ? *ɓè
eagle ? *ɓìɓí
garbage ? *ɓílíŋ̀
horn ? *ɓèlí
powder ? *mũ̀mṹ
rope ? *ɓàlɪ́
respect ? *ɓɛ̄lɛ́
shine ? *ɓílí
dry season ? *bɛ̀lɛ̀
lie (untruth) ? *bēlē
by (a postposition) ? *bà
mush ? *bàá
squirrel ? *báòŋ̀
antelope ? *ɓɛ̄lɛ̄
big ? *ɓɛ̀lɛ́
friend ? *ɓɛ̄ɛ̀
here ? *ɓɛ́
viper ? *ɓèlí
granary ? *ɓɛ̀ŋ́
powder *bḭ̀ɛ̃̀
grass *bɪ́ɪ̀
rain (to) *bã̄
dig (to) *pɔ̃́
black *tīī
charcoal *tṹnɛ̃
close (to), shut (to) *tã̄
darkness *tēlē
draw (to; water) *tɔ́ŋ
drop, point *tʊ̄ʊ̄
earth *tɔ̄lɛ́
ear *tɔ́lɔ́ŋ
fart *tɔ̃́
father *tɪ́
go (to) *táá
hill *tɔ̃̄ɔ̃̄
law *tɔ́ŋ̄
mongoose *tōkō
mush *tòó
mushroom *tʊ́lʊ́
name *tɔ́
orphan *tɪ̀ɪ́
porcupine *télí
profit *tɔ̃̀nɔ̃̀
red *tɛ̃́ɛ̃́
red *tã́nã̄
remain *tʊ́
spoon *tɔ́lɔ́
stranger *tálìŋ
then *tV
time *tʊ́ŋ̄
tomorrow *tɔ̄lɛ̄
weave (to) *tã́
yet *tũ̄ã̀
surface *tà
fire *tɛ́
sneeze *tīsé
dance ? *tã́
oil ? *túlú
sauce ? *tʊ̀ʊ́
sow (to) ? *tã̄
chest ? *tóŋ̀
paternal aunt *Ń-tɛ̃́nɛ̃̀
heap *tḭ̀ŋ̀
ant *dɔ̄nã̄
beer *dɔ̀lɔ̀ŋ (< Jula dɔ̀lɔ́, dɔ̀rɔ́)
borrow *dɔ̃̀nɔ̃́
cook (to) *dɔ̃̀nɛ̃́
cold *dɔ̀ɔ̀lɔ̄
deep *dũ̀ŋ
fall (to) *dìlá
female *dā
hibiscus *dà
hook (fishing) *dūlēŋ
means *dàwílí (< Manding dàbári < Ar. dabbara take measures; machinate)
measure (to) *dã̄
noise *dḭ̄ŋ̄
one *dʊ̄
ostrich *dùgóŋ
pot *dɔ̀kɔ́
spear *dḭ́
spider *dɔ̃̄ã̄-nɛ́
stand (to) *dɔ̄
teach (to) *dã̀nã̄
termite (flying, ephemera) *dɔ̀gɔ̄
that (conjunctive) *dɔ̄ɔ̄
wasp *dɔ̃̄nɔ̃̄-dɔ̃̄nɔ̃̄
web (of spider) *dūláŋ
who? *dē
axe *dũ̀ã̄
bud *dɔ̃̄ṹ
buffalo *dùò
cow, cattle *dùlī
deep *dũ̀
hang *dũ̄ẽ̄
cough ? *dɔ̃́nũ̄
francolin ? *dʊ̄ʊ̄
know (to) ? *dɔ̃̄
lie down ? *dà
new ? *dɔ̄lɛ̀
father *Ń-dɛ̀ɛ̄
snail *dũ̀nḭ̄
advice *ɗìò
buy *ɗɔ́
call *ɗɛ̀ɛ̀
desire *ɗɔ̀ɔ̄
front *ɗíé
hare *ɗʊ̀ʊ̀
leaf *ɗɛ́ɛ́ŋ
leave (go away) *ɗó
lemon *ɗɔm- (?) (a loanword from European languages?)
lip *lé
market *ɗɔ́ɔ́ (< Manding *ɗɔ́gɔ́ ?)
at *ɗā (postposition)
rain *ɗā
round *ɗɪ̄ɗɪ̄
sky *ɗɛ̀ɛ̀
speak *ɗìáŋ́
thorn *ɗùùlé
woman *ɗɪ̄
come *nũ̄
fasten *nã̀ã̀
give (to) *nɔ̃̄
grandmother *nã̄ã́
milk *nɔ̃́nɔ̃́ (< Manding nɔ́nɔ́)
plural marker *nù
taste *nɛ̃́nɛ̃́
wife *nã̄
count *ɗōŋ́ɗōŋ́
daughter *ɗú
place *ɗɛ̀ŋ
postposition - for *ɗɛ̀ŋ
sky *ɗàŋ
slave *ɗùàŋ
turn *ɗìā
bat *nã̄ɛ̃̀
child *nɛ̃́
cold *nɛ̃́nɛ̃́
life (spirit) *nḭ́ḭ̄
shadow *nḭ̄nɛ̃̄ŋ
tongue *nã̄nɛ̃́
mouth *ɗé
hunger *ɗī
elder brother *Ń-ɗòò
mother *Ń-ɗēā
fog *ɗólú
dirt *ɗùlì
dirt *tílíŋ
arrive *sí(-lá)
beautiful *sʊ̀ɛ́ŋ̀
bow (weapon) *sã́ã̄
call *síí
cat *sɛ́sɛ́-nɛ́
chew *sʊ̄gʊ̄
cloth *sɔ̄
comb *sààkāà
corner (external) *sōŋ̄
eight *sɔ́ɔ́ɗʊ́-ta-yààkā
fast *súŋ (< Manding sṹ < Arab. ṣawm)
fire *síé
five *sɔ́ɔ́-ɗʊ́
horse *sògō
insult *sɔ̃̄nɔ̃́
insult *sí
knife *sã̄nɛ̃́
life (timespan) *sīī
mat *sāɛ́
nail *sɔ̃̀nɛ̃́
near *sɔ̄-nɔ̃́
nine *sɔ́ɔ́ɗʊ́-ta-yììsḭ̀ḭ̀yã́
oil palm grain *sɪ̄
pay (to) *sàlā (< Manding sàrá ?)
pepper *súlɛ̀
pig *súā
please (to) *sɔ́
pray (to) *sélí (< Maninka sáli, Baman séli < Arab. ṣalla)
rib *sḭ̄ɛ̃́
rice *sáká
root *sɛ̄-nḭ́
sacrifice, alm *sálákà (< Manding sáráká < Arab. ṣaḍaqa)
seven *sɔ́ɔ́ɗʊ́-ta-pììlā(ŋ)
six *sɔ́ɔ́ɗʊ́-tà-dʊ̄
small *sɛ́ɛ̀
shoe *sã̀ɓālā (< Manding sàbára, sànbára < Ar. sabbaat or Portugese sapata)
spoil *sɪ̀lɛ́
take *sí(-lá)
tear off *sʊ̄ʊ̄-lá
tiredness *sɛ̀ɛ̄
tooth *sɔ̃̀ɛ̃́
torch *sɔ̄-nã́
totem *sɔ̃́-nɛ̃́
village *sʊ́ɔ́
write *sɛ́bɛ̄ (< Manding sɛ́bɛ < Arab. ṣafḥa)
four *yìì-sḭ̀ḭ̀yã́
gold *sã̄ŋ́
affair, matter *zāà
again *zíŋ̄
agama lizard *zʊ̄ʊ̄
agent suffix *-zã̀
antelope bushbock *zʊ̀lʊ̀
bee *zɔ̄lɔ̄
borassus palm *zɛ̄
caterpillar *zèkèlè
descend *zḭ̀-la
grandfather *zílè
hatred *zà
heart *zʊ̄lʊ̄ŋ
husband *zɔ̃nã́
magician *zʊ̀ʊ́
pound (to) *zɔ̃̄
road *zīlàŋ
sauce *zḭ̄ã̀
scorpion (black, Pandinus gambiensis) *zɛ̄ŋ-
tip *zɔ̄ɔ̄
wash *zūlū
pierce *zūā
here *zèē
ant *zūlūŋ (? *Ǹ-sūlūŋ)
bean *zɔ̃̀lɛ̃̀ (? *Ǹ-sɔ̃̀lɛ̃̀)
mosquito *zɔ̃́ɛ̃́ (? *Ǹ-sɔ̃́ɛ̃́)
today *zɔ̃̄
pangolin *Ǹ-zɔ̄
copper *Ǹ-sḭ̄nã̄
tobacco ? *zālā
red *zɔ̃́nɔ̃̀
bottom *zùō
monitor lizard *zʊ̄lɛ̀ɪ̀
old *zīī
kill *cɛ̄
middle *cḭ̄nã̄
back *kōlī
bark (of tree) *kɔ̄lɛ̄
bend *kūlà
boat *kóŋ
breast *kūgū
calabash *kɔ̄ɛ̀
catch *kṹ
chameleon *kɔ̃̄nɛ̃́
cotton *kɔ̃́nɔ̃́nḭ́ (< Manding kɔ́tɔ́ndí < Arab. quṭn-un)
country *kɛ́lɛ́
crab *kālòŋ
dig *kūlī
do *kɛ̄lɛ̄
healthy *kɛ̃́nɛ̃́
hammer *kɔ̄kɔ̄
hoe *káɛ́
house *kɔ̃́ã́
hump *kɔ̃̄nɔ̃̄
hundred *kɛ̃̀mã̄ (< Manding kɛ̀mɛ́)
initiation *kɛ̃́nɛ̃́
load *kɔ̃̀nɛ̃́
mat *kálɛ́ŋ
mosquito *kã̄nã̄
negative copula *ká
penis *kʊ̄lɪ̄
piece *kúlù
sate *kã́
scratch *kũ̄gã́
shell (of snail) *kɔ̄lɛ̄
spoon *kūlú
that (conjunctive) *ké
tie *kūlū
useless *kōlō
well (water hole) *kɔ̀lɔ̀ŋ̄ (< Manding?)
certain *kɪ̄
cut (to) *kɛ̃́ɔ̃́
cut *kḭ́nḭ́
hair *kʊ́ɛ̀ŋ
pepper *kɛ̀lɪ́
reciprocal pronoun *kɪ́ɔ̀ŋ
skin *kɔ̄lɛ́
theft *kũ̀nã́
hand, arm *kɔ̄
louse *Ǹ-kàlàŋ-gbá
turtle *Ǹ-kúlè
beard *gùŋ
bell *gāɔ̄ŋ-gāɔ̄ŋ
bord *gḭ́nḭ́
chest *gɔ̃̀nɛ̃̀
cockroach *gōlò
crocodile *gʊ̀lɛ̀
deep *gùlūŋ
do *gɔ̃̄
fence *gɔ̀lɛ̀ŋ
go away (to) *gʊ́
grasshopper *gã̀ŋgã̀ŋ
hearth *gṹnḭ̀
hill *gɔ̃̀ŋ
hoe (mattock) *gúáŋ
hyena *gāló
indigo *gàlā
maize, corn *gòò
measure (to) *gɔ̃̄ɔ̃̀
play *gɔ̀ɛ̄
pull (to) *gã̄nã́
quarter (of a village) *gɔ̃̀nɔ̃̄
rest *gòlō
search *gḭ̀nḭ̀
sell *gɔ̃̄
stomach, belly *gō
thorn *gḭ̄nɛ̃́
widow *gã̄nã̄{-ɗē}
Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) *gã̄ɛ̃̄
hole *gùlù
divide *gùlì
leopard *gʊ̄lɛ́
peanut (Arachis hypogaea) *gʊ̄ɛ́
sweep *gòlò
wall *gʊ̀lɛ̄
war *gùlì
boat *gɔ̄ŋ̀
bone *gāŋ
jackal *gʊ̀ɛ̄
rub (to) *gīè
postposition in *gí
banana *ƙɔ̄lɔ̄
boat *ƙōló
burn *ƙɪ́lɪ́
cola nut *ƙɔ̄lí
die *ƙā
foot, leg *ƙã̄nɛ̃̀
male, man *ƙɔ̃̄nɛ̃́
pumpkin *ƙɛ̃̄
river *ƙũ̄ã̄
proverb ? *ƙɔ̃̄nã̄ŋ̀
look (to) ? *ƙɛ̄ā
round ? *ƙùlí
bend *kpḭ̄nḭ̄
all *kpɛ́
centipede *kpã̄
chair *kpé
cowrie *kpɔ̃̀nɔ̃̀
dry *kpálá
fish (water dweller) *kpɔ̄
knee *kpíōŋ
put *kpá
shin *kpālɛ̄ŋ
short *kpētē-kpē
stone *kpōtī
unripe *kpōlēŋ
cheek ? *Ǹ-kpḭ̄nḭ́
hump ? *Ǹ-kpɔ̄lū
road ? *kpɔ̃̄ḭ̄ŋ̀
arm *gbɛ̄ŋ
baboon (Papio cynocephalus) *gbɔ̀ŋ̄
bachelor *gbḭ̀ã̄
bamboo *gbã̀ɔ̃̄
bat *gbã̄ã̄
branch *gbɛ̃̄ŋ̄
bucket *gbɔ̃́ŋ́gbɔ̃́ŋ́
chase (to) *gbḭ̀
cry *gbāŋ
drive in *gbã̄
give (to) *gbã̀
granary *gbã́
heavy *gbḭ́nḭ̀
intestine *gbɔ̃́nɔ̃̀
long *gbɛ̄lɛ̄ŋ
night *gbēlī
pot *gbɔ̄
roof *gbà
son *gbɪ̄
thigh *gbã̄nã̄
thunder (to) *gbálàŋ
tick *gbélè
tobacco *gbòsóró
wait *gbɛ̃̄
calf (anat.) *ƙã̄nɛ̃̀-gbɔ̄
excrement *gbʊ̄
pull (to) *gbìlā
trace *gbílóŋ
big *gbɛ̃̄(-tɛ̃̀)
shoulder *gbɛ̀lāŋ
difficult *gbālé
shed *gbáŋ́
squirrel *gbèléŋ
smoke *gbã̄nḭ́
dog *gbɛ̃̄nã̀
bug *gbālīŋ
nest *kɔ̄lɛ̄
year *kʊ̄ɛ̀
loom *kɔ́lɛ̀
door *kóŋ̄
iroko tree ? *gʷɛ̄ɛ̄lɛ̀
stomach, belly ? *gʷí
ceiba tree (Ceiba pentandra) ? *ƙʷã̄ɛ̃̀
stone ? *ƙʷɛ̄lɛ̄
bear, give birth *yāā
bitter *yɔ̃́nã̄
breast *yɔ̃̄ŋ́
camel *yɔ̃̀gɔ̃̀mɛ̃́ (< Manding ɲɔ̀gɔ̀mɛ́)
cane rat *yã̀nã̀
carve (to) *yã́nã́
day *yī
dream *yḭ̄-ɛ̃̀ (*sleep + ?)
evil *yáɔ̄
flow (to) *yʊ̄lʊ̄
good *yíē
grass *yã́ɛ̃́
fetish, idol *yʊ̄
lie down *yḭ̄-nã̀ (*sleep + ?)
nose *yṹã̄
pit *yɛ̀lɛ̄
postposition with *yã̄
push *yɔ̃̄nũ̀
sit (to) *yà(-na)
sleep *yḭ̄
sufferance *yã́nã̄
sun *yɛ̃́nã̄
trade *yáō
water *yí
work *yɛ̃́nã̄
yam (Dioscorea gen.) *yã́ɔ̃́
eye *yũ̀ã́
oil *yũ̄nɔ̃́
oil palm *yɔ̄
yesterday ? *yɔ̃́nã̄
blood *yɔ̃̀mũ̄
break (to) *yɛ́lɪ́
laugh (to) *yélí
sand *yɛ̃́nɛ̃̀
ashes *yʊ́ɓɪ́
break (to) *yɛ́lɪ́
egg *yɔ̃̄nã̄
end *yḭ̄ɛ̃́
hide *yōlí
illness *yʊ̄á
see (to) *yɪ̄
shame *yélā
three *yààkā
descend *yɔ̄ɔ̀
tie, bind *yɪ̀lɪ̀
tree *yílí
cat *jã̀ũ̀mã̄ (or Ǹ-jã̀ũ̀mã̄?)
chain *jɔ̀lɔ́
fence ? *jásá (< Jula jása ?)
lion *jàlā
onion *jàbā
pocket ? *júfà (< Manding júfá < Arab. jawf cavity, hollow ?)
thread ? *jēsé
net ? *jɔ̀lɔ̄
affair, matter *wḭ́
break (to) *wɪ̄ɪ́
cry *wūō
do *wō
enter *wɔ̄lā
face *wɛ̄lɛ̄
knife *wálá
lie down *wɔ̄
meat, animal *wɪ̄
monkey *wɛ̃̀nḭ̄
negative copula *wā
oil palm grain *wɔ̃̄nɛ̃̀
pestle *wɛ̃̀nḭ̀
pour (to) *wɛ̃̀ŋ̀
search *wɛ̀ɛ̀
tail *wã̄nḭ̄
thousand *wágá
time *wáátí (< Arab. waqt)
voice *wʊ̄ʊ̀
speak *wɪ́ɪ́
bone *wɔ̃́nɛ̃́
firewood *wɔ́ŋ́
mortar *wɛ̃́nḭ́
wine *wɛ̃̀ã̄
louse *wèlì
pick up *wōlō
rise (to) *wɛ̀lɛ́
under *wùlè
worm *wɔ̃́nɛ̃́
gray hair *wɔ̃́nã́
hair *wũ̄nḭ́
urine *wũ̄

Vydrin (2005)


The Proto-South Mande reconstructions below from an earlier paper by Vydrin (2005) are provided for reference. (Note that Vydrin 2007 is the more extensive revised version.)

Consonant inventory of Proto-South Mande by Vydrin (2005):

p t c ? k
b d j g gʷ ?
f s x ?
ɓ/m ɗ/n y/ɲ ƙ ƙʷ

Reconstructed Proto-South Mande lexicon (Vydrin 2005):

English gloss Proto-South Mande
iron *p̰èlì
say *pē
house *pɛ́lɛ́
vomit *pɪ̄ì
wash *p̰ólé
frog *Ǹ-pōlì
trace *Ǹ-píyé
stomach, belly *Ǹ-pùlù
bowl *páá
force *fã̀gã̄
light (not heavy) *(-)fūō
power *fúyè
dew *(N-)fẽ́lḭ́ŋ
bury *bìlìŋ
elephant *bīyé
run *bìlàŋ
eat (to) *ɓɪ̀lɪ̀
fructify *ɓāā
press (to) *ɓʊ̀lʊ́
bird *mã̀ã̀
moon *mẽ̄nɛ̃̀ŋ
snake *mɛ̃̀nɛ̃̄
grave *bũ̄ŋ
rot *bɔ̃́
send *bɔ̄
ten *bū
wake up *bùò
carry *bũ̄
end *bō
flower *bũ̄ḭ́
porcupine *bùlíŋ
plural marker *bɔ̀
garbage *ɓílíŋ̀ ?
horn *ɓèlí ?
rope *ɓàlɪ́ ?
shine *ɓílí ?
dry season *bɛ̀lɛ̀ ?
lie (untruth) *bēlē ?
by (a postposition) *bà ?
mush *ɓàá ?
termine (flying, ephemera) *ɓɛ̄lɛ́ŋ
big *ɓɛ̀lɛ́ ?
friend *ɓɛ̄ɛ̀ ?
viper *ɓɛ̀lí ?
granary *ɓɛ̀ŋ́ ?
powder *bḭ̀ɛ̃̀
grass *bɪ́ɪ̀
rain (to) *bã̄
dig (to) *pɔ̃́
go (to) *táá
name *tɔ́
weave (to) *tã́
surface *tà
fire *tɛ́
sneeze *tīsé
dance *tã́ ?
oil *túlú ?
sow (to) *tã̄ ?
paternal aunt *Ń-tɛ̃́nɛ̃̀
heap *tḭ̀ŋ̀
measure (to) *dã̄
one *dʊ̄
teach *dã̀nã̄
axe *dũ̀ã̄
bud *dɔ̃̄ṹ
buffalo *dùò
cow, cattle *dùlī
hang *dũ̄ẽ̄
cough *dɔ̃́nũ̄ ?
francolin *dùō ?
new *dɔ̄lɛ̀ ?
father *Ń-dɛ̀ɛ̄
snail *dũ̀nḭ̄
buy *ɗɔ́
leaf *ɗɛ́ɛ́ŋ
rain *ɗā
come *nũ̄
give (to) *nɔ̃̄
taste *nɛ̃́nɛ̃́
daughter *ɗú
sky *ɗàŋ
slave *ɗùàŋ
child *nɛ̃́
cold *nɛ̃́nɛ̃́
life (spirit) *nḭ́ḭ̄
mouth *ɗé
hunger *ɗī
elder brother *Ń-ɗòò
mother *Ń-ɗēā
fog *ɗólú
turn *ɗìā
dirt *ɗùlì
dirt *tílíŋ
cloth *sɔ̄
five *sɔ́ɔ́-ɗʊ́
tooth *sɔ̃̀ɛ̃́
four *yìì-sḭ̀ḭ̀yã́
gold *sã̄ŋ́
grandfather *zílè
road *zīláŋ
wash *zūlū
pierce *zūā
here *zèē
ant *zūlūŋ (*Ǹ-sūlūŋ ?)
bean *zɔ̃̀lɛ̃̀ (*Ǹ-sɔ̃̀lɛ̃̀ ?)
mosquito *zɔ̃́ɛ̃́ (*Ǹ-sɔ̃́ɛ̃́ ?)
today *zɔ̃̄ (*Ǹ-sɔ̃̄ ?)
pangolin *Ǹ-zɔ̃ (*Ǹ-sɔ̃ ?)
copper *Ǹ-sḭ̄nã̄
tobacco *zālā ?
red *zɔ̃́nɔ̃̀
bottom *zùō
monitor lizard *zʊ̄lɛ̀ɪ̀
old *zīī
kill *cɛ̄
middle *cḭ̄nã̄
catch *kṹ
house *kɔ̃́ã́
sate *kã́
reciprocal pronoun *kɪ́ɔ̀ŋ
skin *kɔ̄lɛ́
theft *kũ̀nã́
hand, arm *kɔ̄
louse *Ǹ-kàlàŋ-gbá
turtle *Ǹ-kúlè
with *ká
deep *gùlūŋ
do *gɔ̃̄
measure (to) *gɔ̃̄ɔ̃̀
pull (to) *gã̄nã́
Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) *gɛ̃̄ɛ̃̄
hole *gùlù
divide *gùlì
war *gùlì
boat *gɔ̄ŋ̀
bone *gāŋ
jackal *gʊ̀ɛ̄
rub (to) *gīè
postposition in *gí
die *ƙā
foot, leg *ƙã̄nɛ̃̀
pumpkin *ƙɛ̃̄
fish (water dweller) *kpɔ̄
knee *kpíōŋ
put *kpá
cheek *Ǹ-kpḭ̄nḭ́ ?
hump *Ǹ-kpɔ̄lū ?
road *kpɔ̃̄ḭ̄ŋ̀ ?
cry *gbāŋ
pot *gbɔ̄
son *gbɪ̄
calf (anatomy) *ƙã̄nɛ̃̀-gbɔ̄
excrement *gbʊ̄
pull (to) *gbìlā
trace *gbílóŋ
big *gbɛ̃̄-tɛ̃̀
shoulder *gbɛ̀lāŋ
difficult *gbālé
shed *gbáŋ́
squirrel *gbèléŋ
smoke *gbã̄nḭ́
dog *gbɛ̃̄nã̀
nest *kɔ̄lɛ̄
year *kʊ̄ɛ̀
door *kóŋ
iroko tree *gʷɛ̄ɛ̄lɛ̀ ?
stomach, belly *gʷí
ceiba tree (Ceiba pentandra) *ƙʷɛ̃̄ɛ̃̀
stone *ƙʷɛ̄lɛ̄
breast *yɔ̃̄ŋ́
day *yī
nose *yṹɛ̃̄
blood *yɔ̃mũ̄
eye *yʊ̃̀ã́
oil *yũ̄nɔ̃́
oil palm *yɔ̄
yesterday *yɔ̃́nã̄ ?
laugh (to) *yélí
sand *yɛ̃́nɛ̃̀
ashes *yʊ́ɓí
break (to) *yɛ́lɪ́
egg *yɔ̃̄nɛ̄
end *yḭ̄ɛ̃́
hide *yōlí
illness *yʊ̄á
see (to) *yɪ̄
shame *yélā
three *yààkā
tie, bind *yɪ̀lɪ̀
tree *yílí
cat *(Ǹ-)jã̀ũ̀mã̄
chain *jɔ̀rɔ́
lion *jàlā
onion *jàbā
break (to) *wí
monkey *wɛ̃̀nḭ̄
voice *wʊ̄ʊ̀
speak *wɪ́ɪ́
bone *wɔ̃́nɛ̃́
firewood *wɔ́ŋ́
mortar *wɛ̃́nḭ́
wine *wɛ̃̀ɛ̃̄
louse *wèlì
pick up *wōlō
rise (to) *wɛ̀lɛ́
under *wùlè
worm *wɔ̃́nɛ̃́
gray hair *wɔ̃́nã́
hair *wũ̄nḭ́
urine *wũ̄


  • Vydrin, Valentin. 2005. Reconstruction of initial consonants in Proto-South-Mande. In: Koen Bostoen & Jacky Maniacky (eds.). Studies in African comparative linguistics. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa, pp. 43-88.
  • Vydrin, Valentin. 2007. South Mande reconstruction: Initial consonants. In: Аспекты компаративистики 2. Orientalia et classica XI: Труды Института восточных культур и античности. М.: Издательство РГГУ, 2007. С.409-498.
Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu • !Kung

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

