NA [na] & NË [nə] or NÊ [nɛ], UNË & UNÊ


Hello, (mister you replaced etymology by your version, please keep info added by others (respect the works of those who spend their own time to complete info), add content, don't erase.

Macedonian Shqiptar don't use but NA نا (TE NA, TE NENA ΑΘΗΝΑ [atʰɛna]), and I would like to explain that we are Muslim from 500 years now. So lot of words that we use came from the holy Coran, and albanian language use the arabian grammar (like plural using AT -اتand ËT at end of word)...

Në [nə] is modern dialectal version from Shqipëria / Albania, also some other cities uses NÊ [nɛ]...

NA came from arabic نا & Unê or Unë is deviated from arabic أنا or latin uniô & unus.

It's logical. Since we are Muslim (pacifist) (Albania is a member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (Muslims comprise 33.3% of the population of Macedonia, Macedonia has the fourth-highest proportion of Muslims in Europe, after those of Kosovo (90%), Albania (70%), and Bosnia-Herzegovina (48%).[89] Most Muslims are Albanian, Turkish, or Roma, although some are Slavic Macedonian Muslims.)... Gmazdên 06:14, 23 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

ÊNÊ & UNÊ are more equal & similar than your totally strange etymology explication (From Old Albanian u(I) followed from the particle - (na & nê in gheggian) ; compare ti and (dialectal) tinë.). And what does ti & tinë means ? Gmazdên 06:22, 23 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

If you use old albanian / latin, give source of your U meaning (i wan't to read that book, if its vladimir orel from Tel Aviv university, this book is based on reformed dialect and contains lots of errors, the Orel definition link to νή () & ναι (nai) who means screen & yes, what relation with Me or Us ? I checked there are no Arabian reference in this book), U means WAS and is used with U KAN (mk : he was / sq : ka qenë) again arabic term كان (kān), He & I are not the same. You don't have profile, you speak albanian but do you speak arabian ? I also noticed that you just erase content of other by adding fake source (like for zot & mbret), so if you add something keep others contributions or one day, someone else, would delete your add... Gmazdên 11:39, 23 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Unê | Unë Etymology


From Old Albanian u (“I”) followed from the particle -; compare and tënë. Deviation of أنا (’ana, I), from نا (na, us, we).

This etymology is confusing and needs a lot of work. It gives two different sources for unë, either from u+në or from Arabic أنا. Also, there is no explanation of tinë. Tinë has to be explained, and the two different sources have to be resolved somehow. —Stephen (Talk) 02:01, 25 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Let me explain something :
First I never eard someone using U in daily life communication but UN [un] (I, Me, One 1=I, Unique, Unus )... I never eared about TINË (your) but only TËNË→TËNDË (sq) / TANË [tɑn] (mk) !!! (I have eared TI (you) in some dialectal song, but for TINË).
Don't confound NA/NÊ (US) with the -NË [nə] (word extension) remplaced by reform by -RË [ɾə] like TINË (mk) → TIRË (sq) "your", ATYNË (mk) → ATYRË (sq) "those", EMËN (mk) → EMËR (sq) "NOMÊN : name", FEMËN (mk) → FEMËR (sq) "femina : woman".
We (macedonian, kosova alabanian) differentiate the NË / RË extension (generaly end of word) with the نا (na, us) NÊ [nɛ] (we) NA [na] (us) & أنا (’ana, I) UNÊ [unɛ] UNUS) that the Reformed albanian don't distinguishes, Gheggatë use more vowel than Toskian (nazal [ĩ, ɛ̃, ɑ̃, ɔ̃, ỹ, ũ]), standard [e, ɑ] & [ɒ] (persian sound).
Your combination (ti "you" & ti+në "your" & u : ??? & unë : "I", "Me") is false, cause "My" in Scipio is IM [im] / IÊM [jɛm] and not in our UN case : UNNË (mk:[un+nə]) / UNRË (sq:[un+ɾə]) :
("You") TI → ("Your") TI+NË ≠ U+NË because "I") is not "MY" who is IM (sq) / JÊM (mk) and NOT UNËNË / UNÊNË.
  • UNÊ/UNË is "singular I" (from uno, unus, unique, 1=I),
  • TI/TÊ/TË is "you singular" and became "your singular" if you add add NË/NÊ(mk) | RË/RÊ (sq) at end (TINË→TIRË KËTYRËVE (sq), TANË KTYNËVÊ (mk)), so if TI+NË = "your" the combination of UNË/UNÊ "I singular" would be UNËNË/UNÊNË : "my" but we use IM / JÊM [jɛm] and not UNËNË / UNÊNË. UNË & UNÊ is not combined form but an original word (arabic)
  • NA/NÊ/NË is "Us, We plural" ("TE NA" : among us : from ΑΘΗΝΑ ΟΥΡΑΝΟΣ (OuRANOS) = Quran القُرْآن
    ΑΘΗΝΑ [atʰɛna] TE NENA [te nena] to great mother) ; NA & ANA in Arab exist since 630, much older than you modern 1400 books...
Prove that NA & ANA/ÊNÊ - UNA/UNÊ is from arabic origin. Gmazdên 02:23, 25 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
English Reformed
Dialect Root Source Variation
I UNE [un·ɛ]
MUA [mu·a]
UNÊ [un·ɛ]
MUÊ [mu·ɛ]
I : أنا | אני [ani] (I, me) ↔ ina (we are), i na (of us)
Me UNË [un·ə]
MË [mə]
UNË [un]
MU [mu]
Me : لي | לי
me [me] مه ↔ them هم
ме (me) мене (mene)
με (me) μι (mi) μου (mou)
We NE [nɛ] NÊ [nɛ] We / Them : هن نا | הן אנו [enu] ↔ une (me, I)
ние (nie) [nie]
Us NË [nə] NA [na] Us : لنا | לנו
ina (we are), i na (of us) ↔ אני [ani] (I, me)
нас (nas)
My (m) IM [im]
IME [imɛ]
JAM [jam] (i'm)
JÊM [jɛm]
JÊMÊ [jɛmɛ]
JAM [jam] (i'm)
me [me] مه ↔ them هم (εμάς (emás) / εμείς (emeís))
ми (mi) [mi]
My (f) TIM [tim]
TIME [tim·ɛ]
TÊM [tɛm]
TÊMÊ [tɛm·ɛ]
me [me] مه ↔ them هم (εμάς (emás) / εμείς (emeís)) latin
Our TONË [ton·ə]
TÔNË [tɔn·ə]
Ours YNË [yn·ə]
YNI [yn·i]
JÔNË [jɔn·ə]
Of us NEVË [nev·ə]
NEVE [nev·ɛ]
NEVË [nev]
NEVÊ [nev·ɛ]
You TË [tə] TÊ [tɛ] TI [ti] te [te]
ти (ti) [tɛ → ti]
Your NË→NDË [tənd·ə]
NE→NDE [tənd·ɛ]
TAN [tan]
TÃNÊ [tɑ̃n·ɛ]
TINË [tin·ə]
TINÊ [tin·ɛ]
teneô tenire tiens latin n [n] ↔ nd [nᵈ]
Yours NI→NDI [tənd·i] TÃNI [tɑ̃n·i] TINI [tin·i] teneô tenire tiens latin n [n] ↔ nd [nᵈ]
Your TUAJ [tu·aj] tua [tu·a] latin
Yours TUAJI [tu·aj·i] tua [tu·a] latin
Your YT [yt] YT αυτές (aftés) [aites]
Your YTI [yti] YTI αυτές (aftés) [aites]
Your (pl) JUAJ [juaj] You (pl) : JU [ju]
Your (pl) JÔTI [jɔti] You (pl) : JU [ju]
Him ATË [at·ə] ATË [at] αυτόν (aftón) אותו greek
Them (pl) KËTA [qət·a] KTA [qt·a]
These KËTO [qət·o] KTO [qt·o] αυτοί (aftoí) greek
Of These KËTYRËVE [qətyɾəvɛ] KTYNVÊ [qtynvɛ] n [n] ↔ r [ɾ]
Those ATYRËVE ATYN ΑΘΗΝΑ [atʰɛna] related to אותן & αυτές (aftés) n [n] ↔ r [ɾ] like Zotëri (sq) & Zôtëni (mk)
Of us NEVE [nevɛ] NEVÊ [nevɛ] Prove of falsification, compare nevê, yni with atynvê & ktynvê


It is very difficult to understand what you are saying. First, no, I don’t know of any Albanian admins, Gheg or Tosk. You might ask at sq:Diskutim:Faqja Kryesore and at w:sq:Diskutim:Faqja Kryesore.
I am trying to understand you. I changed the above etymology to reflect some of what you said, but there is still the unacceptable confusion about an origin from Old Albanian (as above) or from Arabic, or even from Latin (which you mentioned down below somewhere). There is only one path, there cannot be two different paths. Are you saying that nobody knows how unë evolved, and that these are three possibilities? —Stephen (Talk) 02:36, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Listen Arabian are Ruman Army : Bismila Al-Rêmên Al-Rêyim Al-Rumi (the noble רום | روم)... Arabian Alabanian are linked to latin, and some word are used in latin & arab look criminel and جرم [grim] or aequitas [ɛqwita] & حق [ɛq], these word are related, the erroneous pronunciation divide (sect). In egypt ج (j) [ʤ] is [g]. Well I don't know but NA ("us") is NA & not NË ; UNË ("I") is a complete word and not a combination since my is IM / JÊM, and you "TË" became your when "TË+NË", UN+NË (my) don't exist, also UNË is not "my" but "I" and it's not a combination of U+NË who should means "my" if TË+NË is "your" !!! Gmazdên 02:44, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

I prefer to wait for a gheggian admin, cause the sq page use the reformed dialect, and I prefer to don't use this one... Hope someone make a ghegian/mk/kosova Wiktionary page. Gmazdên 03:24, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

I don’t think we are ever going to be able to communicate well enough to go forward from here. The above etymology is essentially what you had in your edit here, but now you seem to be saying that it was all wrong. I can’t figure out what you are proposing for an etymology. —Stephen (Talk) 03:26, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thanks that you try to understand, but I prefer to wait for gheggian admin and a gheggian wiktionary page, I don't like to use SQ one cause it's use falsificated version of Tosk (greek shqip : orthodox), I just say don't believe the reference from Vladimir Orel (Tel Aviv), using an hypothetical invented old albanian, based on a falsificated version of Tosk (some word are writed in the two version, but lot of word don't show variation), also this book use for reference old book from german, italian, slavic but no Arab, Persian, Hindu (tzigane, roma, ashkali) or Turkish source, all these people tried to conquer Albania in 1914-18 and 1940-45, since 500 years the gheggian language has evolved and we use lot of word from lot of foreign language (persian, turkish, arabic, slavic, latin this make richness of shqip : Etymology). So please prohibite use of this book has valid source for original gheggian shqip etymology... That's all. Gmazdên 03:36, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

About some Albanian word like hypje (up : υψος (ypsos) / ὑπέρ (hupér) [ʰyps·os / ʰyp·er], p148 : "Albanian Etymological Dictionary"), is a gheggian language from Macedonia & Kosovo (adopted in media instead of Enver Hoxha dialect) and who is distinct from reformed Albanian based on Tosk (orthodox where Ypsilon (Old Ellêniqa) became Ipsilon (Modern Greek : 3 [i] ita, ipsilon, iota) and C/Qoppa [q] C/Gamma [g] (O.E) became Kappa [k] or Ghamma [ɣ] [(M.G), it's the reason why albanian use K for sound c/q [q] & k [k], where other Latin language use c like prefix com- ; I noticed that Beobach checked and reverted some of my add (perun, hypi (mk / ks) / hipi (sq) : is there a tool to know all if his reverting on my contribution ?), it's not nice, since those word exist & are true. You use falsificated dictionary based on toskian & reformed shqip, you don't know the gheggian language & there is no gheggian admin to confirm my add... So please be tolerant, I'm conscious that I'm just a student who try to add some content for all world, perhaps i'm make mistake, but just be more comprehensive and positive upon me and improve not remove. I have been blocked one month by dictator like Ivan Štambuk (for telling that obedience is عبد / عباد) or reverted by Vahag (mbret / zot) using book writed by Vladimir Orel (Israel, Tel Aviv), but I keep in mind that 10 years ago Serbian Orthodox / Slavic Communist take pleasure to exterminate my people & falsificate our language in 1947 after victory against the National Socialist... Thanks to be more open-minded toward other (respect article 19 of U.N.O Universal Human Rights), if this Wiktionary is just about political interest I will not add any more entries, since I just lose my time if someone else remove my add... (also I'm sure that etymology of Obediô from Oboediô is not Ob+Avdiô) Gmazdên 04:06, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

For Etymology I propose to keep the link to أنا (’ana / êne, I), to remove the comparaison of TI & TINË & TË & TËNDË, since i proved is false in my explication, to remove U, and Keep Un, from Latin Unus, Uno, Unique (I, 1, Unë Ênê) & NA نا (na, us, we) and not NË who was end of word replaced by RË (in 1947 to divide & confuse comprehension between latin language)... And I proved to you using some latin exemple (EMËN (mk) → EMËR (sq) (NOMÊN : name), FEMËN (mk) → FEMËR (sq) (femina : woman) that these are falsification. I believe the source, not the deviation... Gmazdên 08:32, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

I finded a better etymology for Tënë (Tëndë) / Tänë from latin TENEÔ, french TENIR & TIENS (yours). Gmazdên 20:36, 28 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Unë & Unê ([Omnipaedista]


Hi, why do you not keep the arabian link of unê ??? Why do you believe a book from Slavic Israeli ? Instead of opinion of Albanian Muslim ? I don't understand. This book is fake and don't use it for my land etymology, because, it's the communist anti-imperialist who falsified albanian rômanian words (1947 Enver Hoxha (אנור / أنۋر)), and this book is made upon the falsificated dialect that they try to impose by trickery to all, I checked in, there is no arabian reference inside... So please stop remove my contribution using this false reference, also you don't speak shqip or arab (Albania is a member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference). Thanks Gmazdên 00:26, 25 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Macedonian Shqiptar don't use but NA نا (TE NA / TE NENA [te nena] ΑΘΗΝΑ [atʰɛna]), and I would like to explain that we are Muslim from 500 years now. So lot of words that we use came from the holy Coran, and albanian language use the arabian grammar (like plural using AT -اتand ËT at end of word)...

Në [nə] is modern dialectal version from Shqipëria / Albania, also some other cities uses NÊ [nɛ]...

NA came from arabic نا & Unê or Unë is deviated from arabic أنا or latin uniô & unus. Since 500 years the language has evolved so don't try to find etymology using only old albanian reference. Gmazdên 00:34, 25 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

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