User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-h

h {n} :: See under H
H {letter} /ˈakka/ :: letter: acca
ha {interj} /ha/ :: ah! (usually ironic or sarcastic)
Habacuc {prop} :: Habakkuk
habanera {f} :: habanera
habitare {v} :: obsolete spelling of abitare
habitué {mf} :: regular (customer)
hacca {f} :: alternative spelling of acca
hackeraggio {m} [computing] :: hacker attack
hackerante {v} :: present participle of hackerare
hackerare {v} [computing] /akeˈrare/ :: To hack
hackerato {adj} [computing] :: hacked
Hadar {prop} :: Hadar, the second brightest star in the constellation of Centaurus
hadrone {m} [physics] :: alternative form of adrone
hahnio {m} :: hahnium, now known as dubnium
haiku {m} :: haiku
Haiti {prop} :: Haiti (country)
haitiana {f} :: feminine noun of haitiano
haitiano {adj} :: Haitian
haitiano {m} :: Haitian
hai voglia! {interj} :: you bet
hai voluto la bicicletta e adesso pedala {proverb} :: make one's bed and lie in it
hallalì {interj} /al.laˈli/ :: halloo (hunting cry)
Halloween {m} /ˈallowin/ :: Halloween
halloysite {f} [mineral] :: halloysite
hallstattiano {adj} :: Of or from Hallstatt
halva {f} :: halva
hamada {m} :: hamada
Hamal {prop} :: Hamal, the brightest star in the constellation of Aries
hamburger {m} /amˈburɡer/ :: hamburger
hamburgheria {f} :: Shop that sells hamburgers (to take away or eat in)
hamiltoniano {adj} [mathematics, physics] :: Hamiltonian
handicap {m} :: handicap (disability; horserace)
handicappante {v} :: present participle of handicappare
handicappare {vt} [sports] :: to handicap (penalise by imposing a handicap)
handicappare {vt} :: to encumber with a handicap
handicappata {f} :: handicapped woman
handicappato {adj} :: handicapped
handicappato {m} :: a handicapped person
handifobia {f} :: handiphobia
handycam {f} :: handycam; a hand-held video camera
hang {m} [musical instruments] :: Hang
hangar {m} :: hangar
hanseatico {adj} :: alternative form of anseatico
hanseniano {adj} :: leprous, leprotic
Haratin {n} :: Haratin
harem {m} :: harem
harliano {n} :: a motorcyclist of Italian American descent that rides a Harley-Davidson
harliano {n} :: The Italian American Harley Riders Association
harmattan {m} :: harmattan
hascemita {adj} :: Hashemite
hascisc' {m} :: alternative spelling of hashish
hascisc {m} :: alternative spelling of hashish
hashish {m} /aʃˈʃiʃ/ :: hashish
hasidico {adj} :: alternative form of cassidico
hassio {m} [chemistry] /ˈassjo/ :: hassium
hathayoga {m} :: Hatha yoga
Hauschild {prop} :: surname
haver {v} :: apocopic form of havere
havere {v} :: obsolete spelling of avere
hawaiana {f} :: feminine noun of hawaiano
hawaiano {adj} /a.wa.ˈ :: Hawaiian
hawaiano {m} :: Hawaiian
hawaiano {m} :: the Hawaiian language
Hawaii {prop} /a.ˈwai/ :: Hawaii (island)
Hawaii {prop} :: Hawaii (state)
hawaiiano {adj} :: alternative form of hawaiano
hazard {m} :: hazard lights (on a vehicle)
heavy metal {m} [music] :: heavy metal
hegelianamente {adv} [philosophy] :: According to the theories of Hegel; in a Hegelian manner
hegelianismo {m} :: alternative form of hegelismo
hegeliano {adj} [philosophy] /(h)e.ɡeˈ :: Hegelian (relating to Hegel or his philosophical system)
hegelismo {m} [philosophy] :: Hegelianism
helanca {m} :: A nylon stretch-fabric
henna {f} /ˈɛ :: henna (Lawsonia inermis) (plant)
henna {f} :: henna (dye)
henna {f} [uncountable] :: henna (color)
henné {m} /e(n)ˈne/ :: synonym of henna [plant]
henné {m} :: henna (dye)
heptathlon {m} [athletics] :: alternative spelling of eptathlon
Herakleia {prop} :: Heraclea
hermitiano {adj} [mathematics] :: Hermitian
hermiticità {f} [maths] :: hermiticity
herrerasauride {m} :: herrerasaurid
hertz {m} :: hertz
hertziano {adj} [physics] :: Hertzian
hessonite {f} :: alternative spelling of essonite
heta {mf} :: heta (old Greek letter)
heth {m} /ɛt/ :: heth, specifically:
heth {m} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤇
heth {m} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ח
hiato {m} :: obsolete spelling of iato
hiena {f} :: obsolete spelling of iena
hieri {adv} :: obsolete spelling of ieri
hieri {m} :: obsolete spelling of ieri
hifi {m} :: hi-fi
hijab {m} :: hijab
Himalaia {prop} :: Himalaya, Himalayas
himalaiano {adj} :: Himalayan
himalaismo {m} :: Himalayan climbing
Himalaja {prop} :: Himalaja (mountain range)
himalayano {adj} :: Himalayan
himalayismo {m} :: alternative form of himalaismo
hindi {m} :: Hindi (language)
hinduista {adj} :: Hindu (attributive)
hinduista {mf} :: Hindu (person)
hinterland {m} /ˈinterland/ :: hinterland, interior
hioide {m} :: obsolete spelling of ioide
hip hip hip hurrà {interj} :: alternative spelling of hip hip hip urrà
hip hip hip urrà {interj} :: hip hip hooray
hirola {n} :: Hunter's hartebeest, Hunter's antelope (Beatragus hunteri)
hispanidad {f} :: The Hispanic or Spanish-speaking community or countries
Hispaniola {prop} :: Hispaniola
historia {f} /isˈtɔ.rja/ :: obsolete form of storia
hitchcockiano {adj} :: Hitchcockian
hitleriano {adj} :: Hitlerian
hitlerismo {m} :: Hitlerism
hittita {adj} :: Variant of ittita
hobbesiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Thomas Hobbes and his works; Hobbesian
hobbista {mf} :: hobbyist
hobbistica {f} :: hobbies (collectively)
hobbistico {adj} [attributive] :: hobby; hobbyist
hobby {m} /ˈhɔbby/ :: hobby (activity)
hocco {n} :: synonym of Crax
hocco becco a rasoio {m} :: razor-billed curassow (Mitu tuberosum)
hocco dal becco a rasoio {m} :: synonym of hocco becco a rasoio
hocco maggiore {m} :: great curassow (Crax rubra)
hockeista {mf} :: hockey player (either form)
hockeistico {adj} :: hockey (attributive)
hockey {m} /ˈhɔ :: hockey
hockey su ghiaccio {m} :: ice hockey
hockey su prato {m} :: field hockey
hoggi {adv} :: obsolete spelling of oggi
hoggi {m} :: obsolete spelling of oggi
hollywoodiano {adj} :: Hollywood (attributive)
hollywoodiano {adj} :: Overly opulent
home {f} [computing] :: home (initial position of various computing objects)
homerata {f} :: stupidity
homicidio {m} :: obsolete form of omicidio
homo {m} :: obsolete spelling of omo
homo {m} :: man, person
homo oeconomicus {n} [economics] :: Homo economicus
Honda {prop} :: a Japanese automotive manufacturer
Honda {prop} :: a brand of car manufactured by Honda, or a car of this brand
Honduras {prop} :: Honduras (country)
honduregna {f} :: Honduran (female)
honduregno {adj} :: Honduran
honduregno {m} :: Honduran
honduriano {adj} :: Honduran
hongkonghese {adj} :: Of or relating to Hong Kong or the Hong Kong people
hongkonghese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Hong Kong
honved {m} :: A Hungarian soldier
hora {f} :: obsolete form of ora
hornblenda {f} :: alternative form of orneblenda
horribile {adj} :: obsolete spelling of orribile
horrore {m} :: obsolete form of orrore
hospedale {m} :: obsolete form of ospedale
hospitale {adj} :: obsolete form of ospitale
hospitare {v} :: obsolete spelling of ospitare
hostaria {f} :: alternative form of osteria
hot dog {m} :: hot dog (frankfurter in a bun)
hot dog {m} [by extension] :: hot dog (the complete snack)
hotel {m} /oˈtɛl/ :: hotel(s)
hotel {m} :: The letter H in the Italian phonetic alphabet
ho una domanda {phrase} :: I have a question
hub {m} :: hub (transport, computing)
hubble {m} [astronomy] :: Hubble length (approximately 13.8 billion light years)
hübnerite {f} [mineral] :: hübnerite
huco {m} :: A species of trout found in the Danube
Hudson {prop} :: Hudson (river)
huebnerite {f} :: alternative spelling of hübnerite
hulok {m} :: hoolock (gibon of genus Hoolock)
humidità {f} :: alternative form of umidità
humiliare {v} :: obsolete spelling of umiliare
humour {m} :: sense of humour
huom {m} :: apocopic form of huomo
huomo {m} :: obsolete spelling of uomo
huopo {m} :: obsolete spelling of uopo
huovo {m} :: archaic spelling of uovo
huroniano {adj} :: Huronian
hurrà {interj} :: alternative spelling of urrà
hussita {adj} :: Hussite
hussita {mf} :: Hussite
hussitismo {m} :: Hussitism
hutu {adj} :: Hutu
hutu {mf} :: Hutu
hydrobob {m} :: riverboarding
hydrospeed {m} :: riverboarding
hyena {f} :: obsolete spelling of iena
hyoide {m} :: obsolete spelling of ioide