User:Catonif/four lang dict



The four-language lexicon by Daniel Moscopolites (1754–1825), transcribed from the scan in commons, with the manuscript's abbreviations expanded and literal modern translations.

Spelling features:

  • /b d ɡ/ usually ⟨π τ κ⟩, less often as ⟨μπ ντ γκ⟩
  • /t͡s d͡z t͡ʃ/ all ⟨τζ⟩
  • /ə/ ⟨ᾳ⟩ but frequently misspelt ⟨α⟩ and also ⟨ε⟩
  • /jV/ invalid IPA characters (V) ⟨ι‿V⟩
    • /y/ ⟨ι‿ου⟩ (as if /ju/)

Form abbreviations:

  • ( ) "form of"
  • [* ] "spelt as if"
  • + "regional or rare"

Page 1

line Greek Aromanian Macedonian[1] Albanian English
1 Ὁ Θεὸς ο Θεός Τουμνιτζᾴου Dumnidzãu Γόσποτ Господ Περᾳντία Perëndia God
2 ἔκαμε έκαμε φέτζε +fetse στόρη стори μπᾴρη bëri made
3 τὸν οὐρανὸν τον ουρανό τζέῤῥου tseru νέποτω небото κί‿ελτ (qiell)[2] the sky
4 τὴν γῆν τη γη λόκλου loclu ζέμι‿ατα земјата δέννᾳ dhenë the earth
5 τὸν ἥλιον τον ήλιο σο‿άρλε soarle σᾴντζετω +с’нцето τίελλνα +diellnë[3] [*diellna] the sun
6 τὸ φεγγάρι το φεγγάρι λοῦννα luna μεσετζήνατα месечината χᾴννζεα (hënëz)[4] the moon
7 τὰ ἄστρα. τα άστρα. στι‿άλλε. steale. σβέστητε. ѕвездите.[5] ἰ‿ούγι‿ετ. yjet. the stars.
8 Καὶ ὕστερα Και ύστερα Σσή ταπόϊα Shi dapoia Ἤ σέτνε И +сетне Ἐδὲ παστάη Edhe pastaj And then
9 ἐπρόσταξε πρόσταξε[6] οὐρσῆ ursi πώελλι‿α (повели) οὐρδαρόη urdhëroi [*urdharoi] (he) commanded
10 τὴν θάλασσαν τη θάλασσα ἀμάρι‿α amarea μόρετω морето τέτνα +detnë[3] [*detna] the sea
11 ταῖς λίμναις τις λίμνες πᾴλτζηλλε (baltã) ἐζέρατα езерата γκι‿όληρατ +gjolërat[7] [*gjolirat] the lakes
12 τὰ ποτάμια τα ποτάμια ῥᾴουῤῥε rãuri [*rãure] ῥέκιτε реките λι‿ούμᾳρατ lumërat[8] the rivers
13 καὶ εὔγαλαν και έβγαλαν σσή σκο‿άσιρᾳ shi scoasirã ἤ ἰζβάτωα +извадоа ἐδέ ντζούαρᾳ edhe nxuarë[9] and (they) produced
14 τὰ ὀψάρια τα ψάρια πέσκηλλι +pescilji ῥήπητε рибите πέσκιτ peshqit the fish
15 τὰ χέλια. τα χέλια. οὐχέλληλε. (uhelje). ἰ‿αγκούλητε. јагулите. γκι‿άλλι‿ατᾳ. ngjalat(ë). the eels.
16 Πάλιν εἶπε Πάλι είπε Νᾳπόη τζῆσε Nãpoi dzãse [*dzise] Πάκ ῥέτζε Пак рече Πᾳρσᾳρῆ θᾶ Përsëri tha Again (he) spoke
17 καὶ εὐγῆκαν και βγήκαν[6] σσή ἰσσῆρε shi ishirã [*ishire] ἤ ἰζλέκωα и излегоа ἐδὲ τούαλλᾳ edhe duallë[9] and (there) came forth
18 ἀπάνω εἰς τὴν γῆν απάνω στη γη τεσοῦπρα πρέ λόκου desuprã pre locu [*desupra] γκῶρε νὰ ζέμι‿ατα горе на земјата σήπᾳρ μπή δέτ sipër mbi +dhet[10] up on the earth
19 ὅλα τὰ δένδρα. όλα τα δέντρα τούτζη ἄρπουρλλι. tutsi arburlji σφῆτε ντέρβια. +свите др́вја [*де́рвја][11] γκίθᾳ τρούρᾳτ. gjithë drurët all the trees
20 Και εἶναι ἡ γῆ και είναι η γη Σσή ἔστᾳ λόκλου shi easte loclu [*estã][12] Ἤ γιέτ ζέμι‿ατα и +јет земјата ἐδέ ἔστᾳ δέου edhe eshtë dheu and is the earth
21 γέματη γεμάτη μπλήνου mplinu πώλνα полна πλι‿οτ plot full
22 ἀπὸ ξύλα από ξύλα τέ λι‿άμνε de leamne ὀτ τᾴρβα од др́ва[13] πὲ τροῦ pe dru from wood(s)[14]
23 δρύϊνα. δρύινα[15] τέ κουπάτζου. de cupaciu ὀτ μποῦκα. од бука πὲ τούσκου. pe dushku from oak[16]
24 ἀπὸ ὀξειάν. από οξιά Τέ φάκου. de fagu Ὀτ ντάπωη. од дабови Πὲ χάου. pe (ahu)[17] from beech
25 ἀπὸ ἰτέαν από ιτιά τέ σάλτζε de saltse ὀτ βᾴρμπα од вр́ба πὲ σσέλκου pe shelgu from willow
26 ἀπὸ λεῦκον από λεύκα τέ πλούπου de plupu ὀτ τοπόλικα ἰάσικα од (топо́ла) ја́сика πὴ πλέπη pe plepi [*pi][18] from poplar


  1. ^ Labelled Βουλγάρικα i.e. 'Bulgarian' by the author. Probably a dialect spoken near Moscopole. Appears to show loss of original /-v-/ (ll. 9, 24).
  2. ^ Interesting ?qiellt, I originally assumed as reflecting the original neuter gender of the Latin etymon. Now qiellin m would be used. Neuter gender not in Mann.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Note that the modern standard uses -in in this context, with -në reserved for nouns in -á, -é, -í.
  4. ^ Would rather expect hënëzën. No idea what happened to the ending here.
  5. ^ With /z-/ as in Standard Bulgarian звезда́ (zvezdá).
  6. 6.0 6.1 The fall of initial unstressed aorist ε in the modern Standard is regular AFAIK.
  7. ^ This plural is not in Mann. Assuming DM has some trouble representing unstressed schwa before /r/, as can also be seen on ll. 9, 27.
  8. ^ The plural lumenj ended up being standardised, but lumëra is the older plural (cf. Mann p. 256a).
  9. 9.0 9.1 For 3p aorist of e–o verbs, is attached to a diphthongised aorist stem, a Tosk feature, unlike the modern Standard which attaches -ën to the monopthongised stem. For duall-, cf. Mann p. 85a.
  10. ^ This form dhet, easily attestable in Tosk Bibles, reflects the locative case now lost in the modern standard but still used in some dialects.
  11. ^ The manuscript's έρ is probably a misspelling for ᾴρ; cf. the the spelling of the same word in lines 22 and 25.
  12. ^ Spelt just like the Albanian copula found on this line as well.
  13. ^ Although the stressed [ə] implied by Moscopolites is not found in the spelling of Standard Macedonian, it is there in pronunciation, at least on the phonetic level. Cf. the recording for врба and alternative spellings like д’рво⟩.
  14. ^ The Aromanian de leamne has been translated literally, and incorrectly, into the other three languages.
  15. ^ Adjective referring to the preceding line's ξύλα?
  16. ^ The Slavic names for this tree and the next one were mistakenly put in reverse order.
  17. ^ Variant ha not found in Mann.
  18. ^ This πὴ may be a misspelling for the πὲ of the above lines due to anticipation of the ending of the following word. A form ?pi is not in Mann, although pej (cf. Mann p. 358b) is quite common.

Page 2

line Greek Aromanian Macedonian Albanian meaning
27 ἀπὸ κυπαρίσσι από κυπαρίσσι τὲ κυπηρίτζου de chipãrici [*chipiriciu][1] ὀτ σέλβεια од селвија πὲ σελβῆε pe selvie from cypress
28 ἀπὸ πεύκου. από πεύκου τὲ κῆννι. de chinj ὀτ πώρ. од бор πὲ μπορίκα. pe boriga from pine.
29 Καὶ ἄλλα Και άλλα Σσὴ ἄλτε Shi alte Ἤ τρούζη И +друзи[2] Ἐδὲ τᾳτι‿έρα. Edhe të tjera And others
30 εὑρίσκονται βρίσκονται σὲ ἄφλε s-aflã [*afle] σε νάϊτουατ се +најдуат κέντενᾳ gjenden(ë) find themselves
31 εἰς τὸν λόγγον. εις τον λόγγο τροὺ πατοῦρε. tru pãdure [*padure] βῶ ὄρμανοτ. во орманот ντᾴ πι‿ούλλ. ndë pyll in (the) forest.
32 Ἄλλα εἶναι Άλλα είναι Ἄλτε σούντου Alte suntu Τρούτζη σέ +Друѕи се Τᾳτι‿έρα γι‿άννᾳ Të tjera janë (The) others are
33 εὶς τὰ βουνά εις τα βουνά τροὺ μούντζη tru muntsi νὰ πλανήννετω на +планинето ντᾴ μάλετ ndë malet in (the) mountain(s)
34 εὶς τὸν κάμπον εις τον κάμπο τροὺ πάτε tru pade νὰ πώλετω на полето ντᾴ φούσσᾳ ndë fushë in (the) plain
35 καὶ εὶς ἄλλους τόπους. και εις άλλους τόπους. σσὴ τροὺ ἄλτε λόκουρη. shi tru alte locuri. ἤ νὰ τρούτζη μέστα. и на +друѕи места. ἐδὲ ντᾲ τᾳτι‿έρᾳ βῆσε. edhe ndë të tjerë vise and in other places.
36 Πάλιν Πάλι νᾳπόη nãpoi Πάκ Пак Πᾳρσραπα [3] Again


  1. ^ The η here would be more than understandable anyways, but note also l. 11, which might make it something about unstressed ηρ specifically.
  2. ^ Differs from the form used in lines 32 and 35.
  3. ^ The manuscript is hard to read here, a reading [*përsrapa] seems like some sort of blend between përsëri (again) and prapë (again).