



From dē- (from, away from) +‎ ferō (bear, carry; suffer).





dēferō (present infinitive dēferre, perfect active dētulī, supine dēlātum); third conjugation, irregular

  1. to bear, carry or bring down or away; convey; take, remove
  2. to bring to market, sell
    Synonyms: vēndō, addīcō
    Antonyms: comparō, emō, sūmō, coëmō
  3. to give to someone, grant, confer upon, allot, offer to someone, bestow
    Synonyms: dēmandō, tribuō, trādō, remittō, impertiō, largior, committō
  4. to transfer, deliver
    Synonyms: trādō, dēdō, concēdō, reddō, , trānsferō
  5. to bring or give an account of, deliver or bear news or information, report, announce, state
    Synonyms: nūntiō, adnūntiō, renūntiō, referō, ēdīcō, prōdō
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 4.298–299:
      [...] Eadem impia Fāma furentī
      dētulit armārī classem cursumque parārī.
      And at the same time, with [Dido already] distraught, accursed Rumor reported [that the Trojans] were equipping their fleet and preparing for a voyage.
      (See: fama.)
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 4.226:
      “[...] adloquere, et celerīs dēfer mea dicta per aurās.”
      [Jupiter to Mercury: Go to Aeneas,] “to speak [to him], and deliver my orders through the swift winds.”
  6. (law, with nomen) to report someone's name before the praetor, as plaintiff or informer; indict, impeach, denounce, accuse
  7. (nautical) to arrive or disembark


   Conjugation of dēferō (third conjugation, irregular, suppletive)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present dēferō dēfers dēfert dēferimus dēfertis dēferunt
imperfect dēferēbam dēferēbās dēferēbat dēferēbāmus dēferēbātis dēferēbant
future dēferam dēferēs dēferet dēferēmus dēferētis dēferent
perfect dētulī dētulistī dētulit dētulimus dētulistis dētulērunt,
pluperfect dētuleram dētulerās dētulerat dētulerāmus dētulerātis dētulerant
future perfect dētulerō dētuleris dētulerit dētulerimus dētuleritis dētulerint
passive present dēferor dēferris,
dēfertur dēferimur dēferiminī dēferuntur
imperfect dēferēbar dēferēbāris,
dēferēbātur dēferēbāmur dēferēbāminī dēferēbantur
future dēferar dēferēris,
dēferētur dēferēmur dēferēminī dēferentur
perfect dēlātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect dēlātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect dēlātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present dēferam dēferās dēferat dēferāmus dēferātis dēferant
imperfect dēferrem dēferrēs dēferret dēferrēmus dēferrētis dēferrent
perfect dētulerim dētulerīs dētulerit dētulerīmus dētulerītis dētulerint
pluperfect dētulissem dētulissēs dētulisset dētulissēmus dētulissētis dētulissent
passive present dēferar dēferāris,
dēferātur dēferāmur dēferāminī dēferantur
imperfect dēferrer dēferrēris,
dēferrētur dēferrēmur dēferrēminī dēferrentur
perfect dēlātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect dēlātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present dēfer dēferte
future dēfertō dēfertō dēfertōte dēferuntō
passive present dēferre dēferiminī
future dēfertor dēfertor dēferuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives dēferre dētulisse dēlātūrum esse dēferrī dēlātum esse dēlātum īrī
participles dēferēns dēlātūrus dēlātus dēferendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
dēferendī dēferendō dēferendum dēferendō dēlātum dēlātū

Derived terms





  • defero”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • defero”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • defero in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to fall down headlong: praecipitem ire; in praeceps deferri
    • to award the prize to..: palmam deferre, dare alicui
    • to entrust a matter to a person; to commission: negotium ad aliquem deferre
    • to give the palm, the first place (for wisdom) to some one: primas (e.g. sapientiae) alicui deferre, tribuere, concedere
    • to confer supreme power on a person: imperium, rerum summam deferre alicui
    • to invest some one with royal power: alicui regnum deferre, tradere
    • to invest a person with a position of dignity: honores alicui mandare, deferre
    • to accuse, denounce a person: nomen alicuius deferre (apud praetorem) (Verr. 2. 38. 94)
    • to appoint some one commander-in-chief: imperii summam deferre alicui or ad aliquem, tradere alicui
    • to refer a matter to a council of war: rem ad consilium deferre
    • to hold on one's course: cursum tenere (opp. commutare and deferri)
    • to be driven out of one's course; to drift: deferri, deici aliquo
    • the storm drives some one on an unknown coast: procella (tempestas) aliquem ex alto ad ignotas terras (oras) defert