User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/missing translation target

No translation target

168 items
Afrasiab:Proper noun:mythical hero
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=plʾsy̲d̲ʾp̄'|ts=frāsiyāb|sc=Phlv}}
Ahriman:Proper noun:the hypostasis of chaos, destruction, evil in Zoroastrianism
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|𐭠𐭧𐭫𐭬𐭭𐭩|ts=ahreman}}, {{t|pal|tr=[[ʾhlmn']]|ts=ahreman}}
Alborz:Proper noun:mountain range
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[hlbwlc]]|ts=harborz}}
Alexander:Proper noun:male given name
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|ts=Aleksandar}}, {{t|pal|ʾlksndl|ts=Aleksandar}}, {{t|pal|skndl}}
Ariana:Proper noun:general geographical term for a district of wide extent between Central Asia and the Indus River
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{t|sog|tr=hryw|ts=harēw}}
Armenia:Proper noun:ancient kingdom and country
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{tt|sog|tr=ʾrmyn|ts=armin}}
Asian lion:Noun:
Gujarati: * Gujarati: {{t-check|gu|tr=hawaj}}
Asian lion:Noun:
Kachchi: * Kachchi: {{t-check|kfr|tr=hawaj}}
Babylon:Proper noun:capital of Babylonia
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[bʾbyl]]|ts=bābēl}}
Balkh:Proper noun:ancient city
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=bhl|ts=baxl}}
Sanskrit: * Sanskrit: {{t|sa|}}
Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t|bo|}}
CD:Noun:abbreviation of compact disc
Armenian: * Armenian: {{t|hy||alt=CD|tr=-}}
CD:Noun:abbreviation of compact disc
Georgian: * Georgian: {{t|ka||alt=CD|tr=-}}
CD:Noun:abbreviation of compact disc
Japanese: * Japanese: {{t|ja||alt=シーディー|tr=sīdī}}, {{t|ja||alt=CD|tr=sīdī}}
CD:Noun:abbreviation of compact disc
Russian: * Russian: {{t|ru||m|alt=CD|tr=-}}, {{t|ru||alt=си-ди́|m}}
CD:Noun:abbreviation of compact disc
Vietnamese: * Vietnamese: {{t|vi||alt=CD}}
Cor Caroli:Proper noun:the brightest star in the constellation Canes Venatici
Japanese: * Japanese: {{l|ja||コル・カロリ}}
Ctesiphon:Proper noun:ancient ruined city
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=tyspwn|ts=tēsifōn|sc=Phlv}}
Darius:Proper noun:any of several Persian kings
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=dʾlʾḇ|ts=Dārā(y)|sc=Phlv}}
God:Noun:an omnipotent being
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|tr=yẕdt'|ts=yazd}}
God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
Hittite: * Hittite: {{tt|hit|tr=siu}}
Iraq:Proper noun:country
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=Ērāg}}
Jerusalem:Proper noun:city in the Holy Land
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=ʾwlyšlym}}
Jurchen:Noun:Tungusic people
Jurchen: * Jurchen: {{t|juc|tr=dʒu-ʃə}}
Kabul:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Afghanistan
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=kʾpwl|ts=kābul}}
Mar:Noun:title of respect
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{t|sog|tr=mr'|ts=Mar}}
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:Phrase:
Sinhalese: * Sinhalese: {{t-check|si|tr=Subha nath thalak Vewa!}}, {{t-check|si|tr=Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa!}}
Middle Persian:Proper noun:ancestor of New Persian spoken from around 300 BC till about 800 AD, evolving from Old Persian
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=pʾlsyk'|ts=Pārsīg}}
Mithra:Proper noun:Mithra
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎷𐎰𐎼|ts=miθra}}, {{t|peo|ts=*miça}} {{q|non-loan native OP for the same figure, only known from Elamite and Babylonian translations of OP inscriptions}}
Moesia:Proper noun:an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|𐭬𐭥𐭮𐭩𐭠𐭩 𐭱𐭲𐭥𐭩|tr=Mūsyā-šahr}}, {{t|pal|tr=mysyʾ}}
Moses:Proper noun:the biblical patriarch
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{t|sog|tr=mwšʾ|ts=mušā}}
Nowruz:Proper noun:Iranian New Year
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[nwklwc]]|ts=nōgrōz|sc=Phlv}}, {{t|pal|𐬥𐬋𐬭𐬋𐬰|ts=nōrōz}}
Sogdiana:Proper noun:an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=wkwstʾn'|ts=Sōgestān|sc=Phlv}}
Tabaristan:Proper noun:region
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=tapurestān}}
Tapuria:Proper noun:region
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=tapurestān}}
Tibet:Proper noun:region in Inner Asia
Apatani: * Apatani: {{t|apt||tr=ñi-mé}}
Tibet:Proper noun:region in Inner Asia
Bantawa: * Bantawa: {{t|bap||tr=bhoTa}}
Tibet:Proper noun:region in Inner Asia
Limbu: * Limbu: {{t|lif||tr=mudEn}}
Tom, Dick and Harry:Noun:
Assamese: * Assamese: {{t-check|as|tr=nodaai bhodaai}}
Tom, Dick and Harry:Noun:
Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t-check|pa|tr=phalana dhingra}}
Urmia:Proper noun:lake in Iran
Middle Persian: *: Middle Persian: {{t|pal|ts=čēčast}}
Van:Proper noun:city
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=wn|ts=wan}}
Whitsunday:Noun:the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost
Upper Sorbian: *: Upper Sorbian: {{t|hsb|}}
Zaragoza:Proper noun:city in Spain
Celtiberian: * Celtiberian: {{t|xce|tr=salduba}}
Finnish: * Finnish: {{t|fi|alt=Zermelon-Fraenkelin}} {{q|genitive}}
accelerate:Verb:to cause to move faster
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=awštāftan~ōštāftan}}
adulterer:Noun:husband or wife who commits adultery
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=gʾtʾr|ts=gâdâr|sc=Phlv}}
adultery:Noun:sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=gʾt'|ts=gād|sc=Phlv}}
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t-check|mnc|tr=[[manggi]]}}
amber:Noun:fossil resin
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=khlpʾd|ts=kah-rubāy}}
army:Noun:military force concerned mainly with ground operations
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=gwnd|ts=gund}}
assess:Verb:to determine the value of
Ottoman Turkish: * Ottoman Turkish: {{t|ota|tr=yakdir etmek|sc=ota-Arab}}
astrological sign:Noun:sign that is used as the basis of astrology
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=ʾhtl|ts=axtar}}
backgammon:Noun:board game
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=nywʾlthšyl|ts=nēw-ardaxšēr|sc=Phlv}}
Lao: * Lao: {{t-check|lo|tr=huang naum}}
bed and breakfast:Noun:guesthouse providing breakfast
Russian: * Russian: {{not used|ru}}, {{t|ru||alt=«бед энд бре́кфаст»|tr=bɛd end brɛ́kfast}} {{q|transliteration}}, {{t|ru|«[[крова́ть]] и [[за́втрак]]»}} {{q|literal translation}}
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t-check|mnc|tr=onggolo}}
beshmet:Noun:an outer garment typical of Turkic, Mongolian and Caucasian peoples
Ossetian: * Ossetian: {{t|os|}}
black child:Noun:black child
Tunisian Arabic: *: Tunisian Arabic: {{t|aeb||tr=šūšān}}
body:Noun:physical structure of a human or animal
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo|tr=tanu}}
Konkani: * Konkani: {{tt|kok|tr=pakho}}
calf:Noun:anatomy: back of the leg below the knee
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc||tr=holhon}}
californium:Noun:chemical element
Tajik: * Tajik: {{t|tg|tr=kaliforni'|sc=Latn}}
camel:Noun:beast of burden
Hinukh: * Hinukh: {{tt|gin|tr=ʡomokilu}}
cedar:Noun:coniferous tree in genus Cedrus
Hakka: * Hakka: {{t|hak|tr=hiông-pak-su}}
circular segment:Noun:circular segment
Ottoman Turkish: * Ottoman Turkish: {{t|ota|tr=dairevi segment|sc=ota-Arab}}
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=wādrang}}
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=wādrang}}
Uyghur: * Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|tr=bemelchek}}
condolence:Noun:sympathy when someone has died
Tashelhit: *: Tashelhit: {{t|shi||tr=afcad|m}}
coral:Adjective:made of coral
Odia: * Odia: {{t|or||tr=prabala}}
corpse:Noun:dead body
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal||tr=ristag}}, {{tt|pal||tr=nasā}}
corpse:Noun:dead body
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{tt|sog|tr=mwrty|ts=murtḗ}}
cuckold:Verb:make a cuckold
Serbo-Croatian: * Serbo-Croatian: {{t|sh|набити рогове|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|tr=nabiti rogove}}
denarius:Noun:silver coin
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=dynʾl|ts=dēnār|sc=Phlv}}
detectable:Adjective:That which can be detected
Ottoman Turkish: * Ottoman Turkish: {{t|ota|tr=keşfedilebilir|sc=ota-Arab}}
dhole:Noun:Asian wild dog
Kannada: * Kannada: {{t|kn|ಕಾಡು ನಾಯಿ}}, {{t+|kn|ಕೊರ್ಕು}}, {{t|kn||tr=bun-seeta}}, {{t+|kn|ಕೆನ್ನಾಯಿ}}
dhole:Noun:Asian wild dog
Manipuri: * Manipuri: {{t|mni||tr=huithou}}
dhole:Noun:Asian wild dog
Telugu: * Telugu: {{t|te|రేచు కుక్క}}, {{t|te||tr=reza-kutta}}, {{t|te|అడవి కుక్క}}, {{t|te|రేచుకుక్కలు}}
diamond:Noun:uncountable: mineral
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|tr=ʾlmʾs|ts=almās}}
early:Adverb:at a time before expected
Hittite: * Hittite: {{t|hit|ts=karú|sc=Xsux}}
eighth:Adjective:ordinal form of the number eight
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=jakūci}}
element:Noun:simplest or essential part or principle of anything
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=zʾhk'|ts=zāhag}}, {{t|pal||tr=lstk'|ts=rastag}}, {{t|pal||tr=ʾmycšn'|ts=āmēzišn}}
eleventh:Adjective:ordinal form of eleven
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan emuci}}
epicycle:Noun:a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=ywg|ts=ǰuγ}}
fasting:Noun:act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=lwck'|ts=rōzag}}, {{t|pal|tr=rwck|ts=rōzag}} {{q|Manichaean}}
fax:Verb:send document
Italian: * Italian: {{tt+|it||faxare}}, {{tt|it|telecopiare}}
feminine:Adjective:of the female sex
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[m'tk']]}}
feminine:Adjective:of the feminine grammatical gender distinction
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[m'tk']]}}
fourteen:Numeral:cardinal number
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc||tr=juwan duin}}
fourteenth:Adjective:ordinal form of the number fourteen
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan duici}}
fourth:Adjective:ordinal form of the number four
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=duici}}
Khotanese: * Khotanese: {{tt|kho|tr=rrūvāsa}}
full:Adjective:containing the maximum possible amount
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo|ts=pərəna-}}
Pashto: * Pashto: {{tt|ps||tr=bëšpëṛ}}
full:Adjective:total, entire
Pashto: * Pashto: {{tt|ps||tr=ṭol}}
give birth:Verb:produce new life
Old Turkic: * Old Turkic: {{t|otk|tr=tugur-}}
Konkani: * Konkani: {{t-check|kok|tr=khoxi}}
Middle Persian: *: Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|ts=sahōg}}
hen:Noun:female bird
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo|tr=karkah}}
hey:Interjection:informal greeting
Alutor: * Alutor: {{t|alr|tr=mej}}
hit:Verb:to use
Hittite: * Hittite: {{tt|hit|ts=use}}
kaftan:Noun:long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean
Chagatai: * Chagatai: {{t|chg|tr=ermek}}
law:Noun:any rule that must or should be obeyed
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo|tr=dāta}}
leather:Noun:material produced by tanning animal skin
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{t|peo|tr=čarman-}}
lip:Noun:fleshy protrusion framing the mouth
Negidal: * Negidal: {{tt|neg|tr=hemun}}
lo and behold:Interjection:used to express surprise
Inuktitut: * Inuktitut: {{t|iu|tr=sunauvva!}}
lyre:Noun:stringed musical instrument
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=barbūt}}
membership:Noun:fact of being a member
Uyghur: * Uyghur: {{t|ug|}}
Uyghur: * Uyghur: {{t-check|ug||tr=adem ötlürgen}}
name:Noun:word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo||tr=nāman}}
nave:Noun:the middle or body of a church
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{t|sog|tr=hyklʾ|ts=heykala}}
night:Noun:period between sunset and sunrise
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo||tr=xšap}}
nob:Noun:slang: glans penis
Persian: * Persian: {{t|fa||tr=kalle kiri|sc=fa-Arab}}
nonkilling:Noun:A precept or worldview
Sinhalese: * Sinhalese: {{t|si||tr=nirghatha}}
omen:Noun:something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=ytk|ts=ǰadag|sc=Phlv}}, {{t|pal|tr=yhyšn'|ts=ǰahišn|sc=Phlv}}, {{t|pal|tr=mwlwʾk'|ts=murwāg|sc=Phlv}}
onyx:Noun:a banded variety of chalcedony
Odia: * Odia: {{t|or|tr=kwaja pathara|sc=Orya}}
our:Determiner:belonging to us
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=musei}} {{q|inclusive}}, {{t|mnc|tr=meni}} {{q|exclusive}}
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=bohori}}
Baluchi: * Baluchi: {{t-check|bal|tr=sala}}
Javanese: * Javanese: {{t-check|jv||tr=rukun}}, {{t-check|jv||tr=rahayuning gesang}}
Ojibwe: * Ojibwe: {{t-check|oj|tr=bangan}} {{q|be peaceful, calm}}
Oromo: * Oromo: {{t-check|om||tr=nagaa}}
Tangut: * Tangut: {{t-check|txg|tr=nei}}
Uyghur: * Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|tr=saq}}, {{t-check|ug|tr=tenchliq-peqet}}
penis:Noun:male organ for copulation and urination
Konkani: * Konkani: {{tt|kok|tr=minni}}
penis:Noun:male organ for copulation and urination
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal||tr=kēr}}
people:Noun:the mass of community as distinguished from a special class
Alutor: * Alutor: {{tt|alr|tr=ʡujamtawilʔ}}
pine:Noun:tree of the genus Pinus
Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{tt|pa|چیلھ}}, {{tt|pa|tr=چیل}}
Uyghur: * Uyghur: {{t-check|ug|tr=ewqat}}
providence:Noun:prudent care and management of resources; thriftiness
Persian: * Persian: {{t|fa|tr=ir}}
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=byh|ts=bēh}}
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=byh|ts=bēh}}
recent:Adjective:having happened a short while ago
Punjabi: * Punjabi: {{t|pa|tr=حالیہ}}
rhinoceros:Noun:herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=klg|ts=karg}}
Tibetan: * Tibetan: {{t-check|bo|tr=khar-gyu}}
rubble:Noun:the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry
Burmese: * Burmese: {{t|my|}}
ruddy shelduck:Noun:duck
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=cyhrʾp|ts=čixrāb|sc=Phlv}}
sad:Adjective:feeling sorrow
Uzbek: * Uzbek: {{tt+|uz|qaygʻuli}}, {{tt|uz||alt=gʻamgin}}
scroll:Noun:roll of paper or parchment
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=plwltk'|ts=frawardag}}
seventh:Adjective:ordinal form of the number seven
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=nadaci}}
shear wave:Noun:shear wave
Serbo-Croatian: *: Latin: {{t|sh|}}
Evenki: * Evenki: {{t-check|evn||tr=sirekte|sc=Cyrl}}
skin:Noun:outer protective layer of the body of a person or animal
Galician: * Galician: {{tt+|gl|pel|f}}, {{tt|gl||m}}
slave:Noun:person owned by another
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{tt|pal|tr=anšahrīg}}
sorcery:Noun:magical power
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=[[yʾtwkyh]]|ts=jādūgīh}}
space:Noun:area beyond atmosphere of planets
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=spʾš|ts=spāš}}
Old Turkic: * Old Turkic: {{t|otk|tr=tïn}}
Old Persian: * Old Persian: {{tt|peo|tr=aθaⁿga-}}, {{tt|peo|tr=asan-}}
stone:Noun:centre of some fruits
Pashto: * Pashto: {{tt|ps|tr=kānay}}
straitjacket:Verb:to put someone into a straitjacket
Amharic: * Amharic: {{t|am|tr=tuta}}
ten thousand:Numeral:10,000
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal|tr=bywl}}, {{t|pal|𐫁𐫏𐫇𐫡}} {{q|Manichaean}}
tenth:Adjective:ordinal form of ten
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwanci}}
thirteenth:Adjective:ordinal form of thirteen
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan ilaci}}
treasurer:Noun:government official in charge of the Treasury
Sogdian: * Sogdian: {{t|sog|tr=γznβr|ts=γaznβar}}
twelfth:Adjective:ordinal form of twelve
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc|tr=juwan juweci}}
twin:Noun:either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects
Middle Persian: * Middle Persian: {{t|pal||tr=jamag}}
waiter:Noun:a server in a restaurant or similar
Manchu: * Manchu: {{t|mnc||tr=albasi}}
wane:Verb:of the Moon, to become less visible
Maori: * Maori: {{t|mi|alt=tōriwha}}, {{t|mi|roku}}, {{t|mi|roroku}}
week:Noun:period of seven days
Manchu: * Manchu: {{tt|mnc|tr=barun}}
west:Noun:compass point
Manchu: * Manchu: {{tt|mnc||tr=wargi}}
what's your job:Phrase:what's your job?
Kazakh: * Kazakh: {{t|kk|жұмысын қандай?}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|kk|alt=жұмысыныз қандай?}} {{qualifier|formal}}
where:Conjunction:at or in which place
Arabic: * Arabic: {{tt|ar|}}, {{tt|ar|حَيْث}}
where:Conjunction:at or in which place
Uyghur: * Uyghur: {{tt|ug|}}
where:Conjunction:to which place or situation
Arabic: * Arabic: {{tt|ar|}}
wine:Noun:alcoholic beverage made from grapes
Hittite: * Hittite: {{tt|hit|tr=wiyana}}
yogurt:Noun:a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process
Old Uyghur: * Old Uyghur: {{t|oui|tr=ywγrwt|ts=yoγrut}}