User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-k

K {n} (playing card) :: K [köngur]
Kaaba {prop} (cubical stone building in Mecca) :: Kaba
kale {n} (edible plant: Brassica oleracea acephala) :: grænkál
kangaroo {n} (marsupial) :: kengúra {f}
Kannada {n} (language) :: kanaríska
karaoke {n} (a form of entertainment) :: karaoke
karate {n} (martial art) :: karate {n}
Karelia {prop} :: Kirjálaland {n}, Karelía {f}, Kirjálahérað {n}
Karelian {n} (Karelian person) :: Kirjáli {m}
Karelian {prop} (the language) :: kirjálska {f}, karelska {f}, karelíska {f}
Karl {prop} (cognates) SEE: Charles ::
karst {n} (type of land formation) :: karst {n}
Kartvelian {n} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {prop} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {adj} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
karyotype {n} (characteristics of chromosomes) :: kjarngerð {f}, kjarnagerð {f}
Katharevousa {prop} (purist variant of Modern Greek) :: kaþarevúsa {f}
Kathleen {prop} (Catherine) SEE: Catherine ::
Kathmandu {prop} (Kathmandu) :: Katmandú {m}
Kaunas {prop} (city) :: Kaunas {n}
kay {n} (name of the letter K, k) ::
kayak {n} (a type of small boat) :: kajak {m}
Kazakhstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: Kasakstan {n}
keelhaul {v} :: kjöldraga
keel over {v} (to die) SEE: die ::
keen {adj} (showing a quick and ardent responsiveness or willingness) :: áhugasamur
keep an eye on {v} (to watch and pay attention to) :: passa upp á, hafa auga á
keep company {v} (court) SEE: court ::
keep quiet {v} (remain silent) :: þegja
keg {n} (round wooden container that has a flat top and bottom) :: legill {m}
Keijō {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
kelp {n} (large seaweed of order Laminariales) :: þari {m}
kennel {n} (shelter) :: hundakofi {f}
kenning {n} (metaphorical phrase used in Germanic poetry) :: kenning {f}
kenophobia {n} (fear of empty spaces) :: víðáttufælni {f}
Kenya {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Kenía {f}
keratin {n} (protein that hair and nails are made of) :: hyrni {n}, hornefni {n}, keratín {n}
kernel {n} (central part of a nut) :: kjarni {m}
kernel {n} ((computing) central part of many computer operating systems) :: kjarni {m}, stýrikjarni {m}
kerosene {n} (thin, colorless fuel) :: kerósín
kestrel {n} (any small falcon of genus Falco) :: fálki {m}, haukur, valur
kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) :: turnfálki
ketchup {n} (tomato-vinegar based sauce) :: tómatsósa
ketoconazole {n} (antifungal drug) :: ketókónazól {n}
kettle {n} (vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food) :: ketill {m}
kettle {n} (teakettle) SEE: teakettle ::
kettle {n} (kettledrum) SEE: kettledrum ::
kettle {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive ::
kettlebell {n} (a kind of weight) :: ketilbjalla {f}
kettledrum {n} (percussion instrument) :: páka {f} (usually in plural form: pákur)
key {n} (device designed to open and close a lock) :: lykill {m}
key {n} (crucial step) :: lykill {m}
key {n} (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard) :: takki {m}, lykill {m}, hnappur {m}
key {n} (scale of musical notes) :: tóntegund {f}
key {adj} (indispensable) :: lykil-
key {v} (computing: enter (information)) :: slá inn
key {v} (vandalize (a car, etc.) by scratching with an implement such as a key) :: lykla
keyboard {n} (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.) :: lyklaborð {n}, hnappaborð {n} [dated], leturborð {n} [dated]
keyboard {n} (electronic device with keys of a musical keyboard) :: hljómborð {n}
keyhole surgery {n} (laparoscopy) SEE: laparoscopy ::
keyring {n} (ring for holding keys) :: lyklakippa {f}, lyklahringur {m}
keyring {n} (cryptography: set of data holding linked keys) :: lyklakippa {f}, lyklahringur {m}
keystone {n} (the top stone of an arch) :: höfuðsteinn {m}, lokasteinn {m}
Khartoum {prop} (capital of Sudan) :: Kartúm
khat {n} (shrub (Catha edulis)) :: khat
Khmer Rouge {prop} (Cambodian communist guerrilla force) :: Rauðu Khmerarnir {m}
Khrushchev {prop} (surname) :: Krústsjov
kick {v} (strike with or raise the foot or leg) :: sparka, sparka í
kick {v} (direct to a particular place by a blow with the foot or leg) :: sparka, sparka í
kick {v} (to remove a participant from an online activity) :: sparka út, sparka út af
kick {n} (hit or strike with the leg or foot) :: spark {n}
kick the bucket {v} (to break down beyond repair) :: eyðilegjast, deyja, drepast
kid {n} (young goat) :: kið {n}
kid {n} (child (colloq.)) :: barn {n}, krakki {m}
kid {n} (young person (colloq.)) :: barn {n}, krakki {m}
kidney {n} (an organ in the body) :: nýra {n}
Kiel {prop} (city in Holstein, Germany) :: Kíl {f}
Kiev {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: Kænugarður {m}, Kíev
kill {v} (to put to death) :: drepa, deyða, myrða, lífláta
kill {n} (act of killing) :: dráp, morð
killer {n} (person who kills) :: morðingi {m}
killer {n} (murderer) :: morðingi {m}
killer whale {n} (A sea mammal, Orcinus orca) :: háhyrningur {m}
killjoy {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) SEE: spoilsport ::
kill time {v} (make time seem to pass more quickly by doing nothing important) :: drepa tímann
kill two birds with one stone {v} (solve two problems at once) :: slá tvær flugur í einu höggi (to hit two flies in one slap)
kilo- {prefix} (prefix) :: kíló-
kilocalorie {n} (unit of measure) :: kílókaloría {f}
kilogram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) :: kílógramm
kilojoule {n} (an SI unit of energy) :: kílójúl {n}
kilometre {n} (unit of measure) :: kílómetri {m}
kilo-watt {n} (kilowatt) SEE: kilowatt ::
kilowatt {n} (one thousand watts) :: kílóvatt {n}
kilowatt-hour {n} (unit of energy) :: kílóvattstund {f}
kilt {n} (traditional Scottish garment) :: skotapils {n}
kin {n} (relatives collectively) :: ættmenni {n-p}, skyldmenni {n-p}
kin {adj} (related by blood or marriage) :: skyldur
kin {n} (relative) SEE: relative ::
kinase {n} (enzyme that transfers phosphate groups) :: kínasi {m}
kind {n} (type, race, category) :: gerð {f}, tegund {f}, kyn {n}, slag {n}, sort {f}, týpa {f}
kind {adj} (affectionate, nice) :: góður {m}, vinalegur {m}
kindergarten {n} (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6) :: leikskóli {m}
kindred {n} (kin) SEE: kin ::
kindred soul {n} (kindred spirit) SEE: kindred spirit ::
kindred spirit {n} (someone with the same feelings or attitudes as oneself) :: sálufélagi {m}
kinesia {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
kinetosis {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
king {n} (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation) :: konungur {m}, kóngur {m}
king {n} (a playing piece in chess) :: kóngur {m}
king {n} (a playing card with the image of a king in it) :: kóngur {m}
kingdom {n} (realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen) :: konungsríki {n}, konungsdæmi {n}, konungsveldi {n}
Kingdom of Belgium {prop} (official name of Belgium) :: Konungsríkið Belgía
Kingdom of Cambodia {prop} (official name of Cambodia) :: Konungsríkið Kambódía
Kingdom of Denmark {prop} (official name of Denmark) :: Konungsríkið Danmörk {n}
Kingdom of England {prop} (Kingdom of England) :: Konungsríkið England
Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} :: Konungsríkið Stóra-Bretland
Kingdom of Norway {prop} (official name of Norway) :: Konungsríkið Noregur {n}
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia {prop} (official name of Saudi Arabia) :: Konungsveldið Sádi-Arabía
Kingdom of Scotland {prop} (Kingdom of Scotland) :: Konungsríkið Skotland
Kingdom of Spain {prop} (official name of Spain) :: Konungsríkið Spánn
Kingdom of Sweden {prop} (official name of Sweden) :: Konungsríkið Svíþjóð {n}
Kingdom of Thailand {prop} (official name of Thailand) :: Konungsríkið Taíland
Kingdom of the Netherlands {prop} (monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries) :: Konungsríkið Holland
king eider {n} (Somateria spectabilis) :: æðarkóngur {m}
kingfisher {n} (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) :: bláþyrill {m}
king of beasts {n} (the lion) :: konungur dýranna
Kings {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Fyrsta Konungabók {m}, Annar Konungabók {m}
kinin {n} (any of a group of related autacoids) :: kínín {n}
kiosk {n} (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc are sold) :: skáli {m}, söluskáli {m}, söluturn {m}, sjoppa {f}
kirtle {n} (knee-length tunic) :: kyrtill
kismet {n} (fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny) :: örlög {n}, sköp {n}
kiss {v} (to touch with the lips) :: kyssa
kiss {v} (to touch each other’s lips) :: kyssast
kiss {n} (touch with the lips) :: koss
kissable {adj} (capable of being kissed) :: kyssilegur
kissable {adj} (attractive, so as to invite kissing) :: kyssilegur
Kiswahili {prop} (Swahili) SEE: Swahili ::
kit {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
kitchen {n} (room) :: eldhús {n}
kitchen cabinet {n} (built-in cabinet found in a kitchen) :: eldhússkápur
kitchen dresser {n} (kitchen cabinet) SEE: kitchen cabinet ::
kite {n} (lightweight toy) :: flugdreki {m}
kitten {n} (a young cat) :: kettlingur {m}
kittiwake {n} (kittiwake) :: rita {f}
kleptomania {n} (disorder that causes an uncontrollable obsessions with stealing) :: stelsýki {f}
klutz {n} (a clumsy or stupid person) :: klossi {m}
knapweed {n} (Centaurea) :: kornblóm {n}
knarr {n} (Norse merchant ship used by the Vikings) :: knörr {m}
knee {n} (joint in the middle of the leg and area around it) :: hné {n}, kné {n}
kneecap {n} (bone) :: hnéskel {f}
knee-jerk {adj} (reacting unthinkingly or spontaneously in an expected manner) :: ósjálfráður {m}
knee-jerk {n} (reflex extension of the lower leg due to tap below knee) :: hnéviðbragð {n}, hnékippur {m}
kneel {v} (to stoop down and rest on the knee) :: krjúpa
kneepan {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
knee pit {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit ::
knife {n} (utensil or tool designed for cutting) :: hnífur {m}
knife {n} (weapon) :: hnífur {m}
knife {n} (any blade-like part designed for cutting) :: hnífur {m}
knifesmith {n} (cutler who makes knives) SEE: cutler ::
knight {n} (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) :: riddari {m}
knight {n} (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred) :: riddari {m}
knight {n} (chess piece) :: riddari {m}
knit {v} (to make fabric from thread or yarn) :: prjóna
knitting needle {n} (thin rod used to knit yarn) :: prjónn {m}, bandprjónn {m}
knock back {v} (reject) SEE: reject ::
knock oneself out {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts ::
knock out {v} (render someone unconscious) :: rota
knoll {n} (small mound) :: hóll {m}
knot {n} (looping) :: hnútur {m}
knot {n} (tangled clump) :: hnútur {m}, flækja {f}
knot {n} (difficult situation) :: klípa {f}
knot {v} (form into a knot; tie with knot(s)) :: hnýta
knot theory {n} (branch of topology) :: hnútafræði {f}
know {v} (be certain or sure about (something)) :: vita
know {v} (be acquainted or familiar with) :: þekkja
knowledge {n} (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) :: þekking {f}
knowledge {n} (awareness, state of having been informed) :: vitneskja {f}
knowledge {n} (familiarity with particular skill, discipline) :: þekking {f}, kunnátta {f}
knowledge {n} (total of what is known, product of learning) :: þekking {f}
knowledge {n} :: þekking {f}
knuckle {n} (joint of the finger) :: kjúka {f}, hnúi {m}
knuckle duster {n} (weapon worn around the knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
knucks {n} (brass knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
koala {n} (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear) :: pokabjörn {n}
kohlrabi {n} (cabbage variety) :: hnúðkál {n}
Kola Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Russia) :: Kólaskagi
komatsuna {n} (leaf vegetable) :: spínatkál
kombu {n} (edible kelp used in East Asian cuisine) :: kombu
Komi {prop} (language) :: komíska {f}
Koran {prop} (the Islamic holy book) SEE: Qur'an ::
Korea {prop} (South Korea) SEE: South Korea ::
Korea {prop} (North Korea) SEE: North Korea ::
Korea {prop} (ancient country or both Koreas as a whole) :: Kórea {f}
Korean {adj} (relating to the Korean Peninsula) :: kóreskur
Korean {n} (language) :: kóreska
Kosovo {prop} (disputed region in the Balkans) :: Kosóvó
Kraut {n} (German) SEE: German ::
krill {n} (small marine crustacean) :: ljósáta
Kris Kringle {prop} (synonym of Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
króna {n} (currency) :: króna {f}
krona {n} (currency) :: króna {f}
krone {n} (currency) :: króna {f}
kroužek {n} (kroužek diacritic) :: hringur {m}
krypton {n} (a chemical element) :: krypton
kudos {n} (praise, accolades) :: frægð {f}, heiður {m}, upphefð {f}
Ku Klux Klan {prop} (Ku Klux Klan) :: Ku Klux Klan
Kurdish {n} (language of Kurdistan) :: Kúrdíska
Kuril Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: Kúrileyjar {f-p}
Kuwait {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Kúveit {n}
Kven {n} (language) :: kvenska {f}, kvænska {f}
Kven {n} (person) :: Kveni {m}
Kyrgyzstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: Kirgistan {n}