User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-0

´ {diacrit} :: letter: á, É, é, Í
´ {diacrit} :: In the letter "a", forms "á" with the stressed sound /a/, as in and sabiá
´ {diacrit} :: In the letter "e", forms "é" with the stressed sound /ɛ/, as in and maré
´ {diacrit} :: In the letter "i", forms "i" with the stressed sound /i/, as in índio and íntimo
´ {diacrit} :: In the letter "o", forms "ó" with the stressed sound /ɔ/, as in avó and faraó
´ {diacrit} :: In the letter "u", forms "ú" with the stressed sound /u/, as in último and único
´ {diacrit} :: Some words end in "ém" (stressed /ẽj̃/) or "éns" (stressed /ẽj̃s/), as in alguém, também and parabéns
` {diacrit} :: letter: à
` {diacrit} :: Used in a number of contractions: a + a = à; a + aquele = àquele (variations include: àquela, àqueles, àquelas, àquilo)
` {diacrit} [obsolete] :: Additionally, the same diacritical mark has had other uses in the past
` {diacrit} :: Replaces the acute accent in derivatives where the primary stress becomes the secondary stress: cafécafèzinho (now cafezinho)
` {diacrit} :: alternative form of ´: serà (now será)
^ {diacrit} :: letter: â, Ê, ê, Ô
^ {diacrit} :: In the letter "a", forms "â" with the stressed sound /ɐ/, as in ânion and momentâneo
^ {diacrit} :: In the letter "e", forms "ê" with the stressed sound /e/, as in nêutron and português
^ {diacrit} :: In the letter "o", forms "ô" with the stressed sound /o/, as in avô and pôr
¨ {diacrit} [obsolete] :: letter: ü
¨ {diacrit} :: Formerly used, in the letter "u", formed "ü", in the syllables "qüe", "qüi", "güe" and "güi". In these syllables, the letter "u" without a trema would be silent; with the trema it would have the sound of the semivowel /w/
~ {diacrit} :: [presently] letter: ã, Õ, õ
~ {diacrit} :: In the letter "a", forms "ã" with the sound /ɐ̃/ followed by a semivowel or word-finally, as in avelã and canção, or in words derived from those, as in maçãzeira
~ {diacrit} :: In the letter "o", forms "õ" with the sound /õ/ followed by a semivowel, as in canções and põem
~ {diacrit} [obsolete] :: Additionally, the same diacritical mark has had other uses in the past
~ {diacrit} :: In the letter "u", forms "ũ" with the sound /ũ/ followed by a vowel, as in hũa
~ {diacrit} :: Abbreviation of "m" or "n" in the syllable coda, as in cõtãto (for contanto) and (for com)
~ {diacrit} :: In the letter "q", forms "" as an abbreviation of que and derivatives, as in for que, porq̃ for porque and paraq̃ for para que
¸ {diacrit} :: letter: ç
¸ {diacrit} :: In the letter "c", forms "ç" with the sound /s/, in the syllables "ça", "ço" and "çu", as in palhaço (clown) and caçador (hunter)
@ {symbol} :: The symbol for the arroba unit of weight
@ {symbol} :: [colloquial] A replacement for o and a, to include both masculine and feminine forms
& {conj} :: e
+/- {adv} :: abbreviation of mais ou menos
100 {prep} [internet slang, text messaging, dated] :: nonstandard spelling of sem
100ª {adj} :: abbreviation of centésima
100 por cento {adv} :: To a complete extent; one hundred percent; completely; utterly; fully
12º {adj} :: abbreviation of décimo-segundo 12th
171 {m} [Brazil, slang] :: embezzlement
1ª pessoa {f} :: abbreviation of primeira pessoa
1.º {adj} :: abbreviation of primeiro
24 {m} [slang, often, offensive] :: gayness, homosexuality
{adj} :: abbreviation of segunda
2.º {adj} :: abbreviation of segundo
{adj} :: abbreviation of segundo: 2nd
3.º {adj} :: abbreviation of terceiro
{adj} :: 3rd; abbreviation of terceiro
40º {adj} :: abbreviation of quadragésimo
{adj} :: 4th; abbreviation of quarto
500º {ordinal num} :: abbreviation of quingentésimo 500th
{adj} :: 5th abbreviation of quinto
{ordinal num} :: 6th
7 de Setembro {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Sete de Setembro
{ordinal num} :: 7th
{ordinal num} :: 8th
9dade {f} [Brazil, Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of novidade
{adj} :: abbreviation of nono 9th
+QD+ {adj} [childish or humorous, dated] :: bestest, very best; superlative degree form of D+