User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-g

жаба {noun} :: frog
жаба {noun} :: quinsy, tonsillitis
жадібний {adj} :: greedy; avaricious, covetous
жадний {adj} [colloquial] :: greedy; avaricious, covetous
жало {noun} :: sting (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack)
жалоба {noun} [uncountable] :: mourning
жалоба {noun} [colloquial] :: complaint
жаль {noun} :: regret, grief, sorrow, pity
жарити {vt} :: to roast, to fry, to broil, to grill
жарт {noun} :: joke
жартувати {v} :: to joke
жасмин {noun} [botany] :: jasmine (genus Jasminum)
жасмин {noun} [collective noun] :: jasmine flowers (esp. used for tea, etc.)
жати {v} :: to press, to squeeze
жати {v} :: to reap, to crop
жах {noun} :: horror, terror, fear, nightmare
жебрак {noun} :: beggar
женитися {v} :: to get married, to marry, to take a wife [of men] (imperfective and perfective)
женитися {v} :: to get married, to marry [as a couple] (imperfective only)
жених {noun} :: bridegroom; fiancé
живець {noun} [fishing] :: bait fish
живець {noun} [botany] :: cutting
живець {noun} [figurative, uncountable, rare] :: vitality, vital force, energy
живий {adj} :: live, alive
живіт {noun} :: belly, stomach
живіт {noun} :: abdomen
жид {noun} [archaic] :: Jew
жид {noun} [offensive] :: Jew, kike
жила {noun} [anatomy] :: sinew, tendon
жила {noun} [anatomy] :: vein
жила {noun} [geology] :: vein
жила {noun} :: strand
жир {noun} :: fat or oil from the body of an animal
жир {noun} :: grease
жити {v} :: to live
житіє {noun} [literary, historical, ecclesiastical] :: hagiography, biography
житіє {noun} [ironic, rare] :: life
житло {noun} :: dwelling, habitation
жито {noun} :: rye
Житомир {prop} :: Житомир (city)
життя {noun} :: life
жінка {noun} :: woman
жінка {noun} :: wife
жіночий {adj} [grammar] :: feminine
жіночий {adj} :: female
жіночий рід {noun} [grammar] :: feminine gender
жлуктати {v} [vulgar, dated] :: to drink greedily
жлуктати {v} [slang] :: to drink alcohol
жлуктити {v} [obsolete] :: to bleach clothes in a tub for bucking
жлуктити {v} :: alternative spelling of жлуктати
жнець {noun} :: reaper (person who reaps)
жовтень {noun} :: October
жовтий {adj} :: yellow
жовтогарячий {adj} :: sunflower (color)
жовток {noun} :: yolk
жовч {noun} [uncountable] :: bile, gall
жовчний міхур {noun} :: gall bladder
жодний {adj} :: not one, not any
жолудь {noun} [botany] :: acorn
жона {noun} [archaic or folk poetic] :: woman
жона {noun} [archaic or or, folk poetic] :: wife
жорстокий {adj} :: cruel
жук {noun} :: beetle
жук {noun} [colloquial] :: rogue, crook
жупан {noun} :: zhupan (a style of jerkin in Poland and Ukraine)
журавель {noun} :: crane (bird)
журавель {noun} :: shadoof (a device for raising water from a well consisting of a bucket suspended from a counterweighted pivot)
журавель {noun} :: a folk dance, imitating the crane (bird)
журавлина {noun} [countable] :: cranberry (fruit)
журавлина {noun} [uncountable] :: cranberry (bush, shrub)
журнал {noun} :: magazine, periodical, journal
журнал {noun} :: diary
журнал {noun} :: log, logbook
журналіст {noun} :: journalist