



Inherited from Sauraseni Prakrit 𑀧𑀟𑀤𑀺 (paḍadi), from Sanskrit पतति (pátati, to fly, fall). Compare Punjabi ਪੈਣਾ (paiṇā), Nepali पर्नु (parnu), Gujarati પડવું (paḍvũ), Bengali পড়া (poṛa), Assamese পৰা (pora).





पड़ना (paṛnā) (intransitive, Urdu spelling پڑنا)

  1. to fall, to fall down, to drop
    Synonym: गिरना (girnā)
    बारिश अभी पड़ने लगीbāriś abhī paṛne lagī.Rain just began to fall.
    अपने घुटनों पे पड़नाapne ghuṭnõ pe paṛnāto fall on one's knees
  2. to lie, be strewn about
    खाना दीवारों पे कैसे पड़ा!?
    khānā dīvārõ pe kaise paṛā!?
    How did food become strewn on the walls!?
    मेरा स्टेशन वहाँ पड़ता है
    merā sṭeśan vahā̃ paṛtā hai.
    My train stop lies over there.
  3. to stay, inhabit
    Synonym: रहना (rahnā)
  4. to be hot or cold (of the weather)
    आजकल बहुत ठंड पड़ रही है
    ājkal bahut ṭhaṇḍ paṛ rahī hai.
    It's getting really cold these days.
  5. to become
    Synonyms: होना (honā), हो जाना (ho jānā)
    तुम्हारी आवाज़ धीमी क्यों पड़ गई?
    tumhārī āvāz dhīmī kyõ paṛ gaī?
    Why did your voice become quiet?
  6. to occur, happen
    Synonym: होना (honā)
    इस शहर में कल खाने की कमी पड़ गई थी
    is śahar mẽ kal khāne kī kamī paṛ gaī thī.
    A food shortage occurred in this city yesterday.
    फ़रक़ पड़नाfaraq paṛnāto make a difference
  7. to befall, happen to
  8. to sum, stand (an amount of money)
    Synonym: लगना (lagnā)
    दो रुपये का पड़ेगाdo rupye kā paṛegā.It will cost two rupees.
  9. to follow, accost
    ... के पीछे पड़ना... ke pīche paṛnāto annoy, follow intently
  10. (modal auxiliary) must, will have to
    अब तो आपकी खिचड़ी खानी ही पड़ेगी
    ab to āpkī khicṛī khānī hī paṛegī.
    Now I will have to try your khichdi.
  11. (compound verb) to do suddenly, abruptly
    वह हेलिकॉप्टर से कूद पड़ा
    vah helikŏpṭar se kūd paṛā.
    He suddenly jumped from the helicopter.




  • McGregor, Ronald Stuart (1993) “paṛnā”, in The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, London: Oxford University Press
  • Caturvedi, Mahendra, Bhola Nath Tiwari (1970) “पड़ना”, in A practical Hindi-English dictionary, Delhi: National Publishing House
  • Bahri, Hardev (1989) “पड़ना”, in Siksarthi Hindi-Angrejhi Sabdakosa [Learners' Hindi-English Dictionary], Delhi: Rajpal & Sons.
  • Turner, Ralph Lilley (1969–1985) “pátati”, in A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages, London: Oxford University Press