Chinese edit

band; belt; girdle
band; belt; girdle; ribbon; area; zone; region; wear; carry; lead; bring; consists of; show; and
road; path; way
trad. (裙帶路)
simp. (裙带路)
alternative forms 群帶路群带路

Etymology edit

Probably analysable as 裙帶裙带 (“band of the skirt”) + (“road”), literally translated as "Petticoat String Road" in early English sources. Attested in Chinese government documents in 1841, the year the British military occupied Hong Kong Island. Variously attested as 群帶路群带路 and 群大路. The Hongkong Gazette published in May 1841 records that 群大路 Kwun-tai-loo was a fishing village with a population of 50.[1]

Numerous folk etymologies surrounding the name exists. As early as 1873, it was suggested in The China Review that the name was originally (literally “Queen Great Road”), which referred to Queen's Road.[2] However, Queen's Road was named in March 1842. Another folk etymology derives the name from the tale of a Tanka woman named who guided the British military from the southern part of Hong Kong Island to its northern coast (帶路带路). However, the name probably predates British colonization of Hong Kong, and this folk etymology likely stems from a rebracketing of the word as + 帶路带路.

Pronunciation edit

Proper noun edit


  1. (historical) an area located on the western half of the northern coast of Hong Kong Island; Victoria, Hong Kong

References edit

  1. ^ “The Hongkong Gazette”, in The Chinese Repository, volume 10, Canton, 1841, page 289
  2. ^ “Notes and Queries”, in The China Review, volume 2, Hongkong: "China Mail" Office, 1873, page 62