Appendix:False friends between Romanian and Spanish

This is a list of false friends between Romanian and Spanish. These are word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning, even though some of them come from the same root.

Romanian word Spanish translation English translation Spanish word Romanian translation English translation
amar amargo bitter amar iubi love
aprinde alumbrar, encender light (verb) aprender învăța learn
chema llamar call (verb) quemar arde burn (verb)
coasă halce scythe cosa lucru thing
larg ancho, amplio wide largo lung long
lucru cosa thing lucro profit profit
mal riba shore mal rău evil (noun), badly
major mayor major mayor mai mare bigger
mied aguamiel, hidromiel mead miedo teamă, frică fear
miel cordero lamb miel miere honey
mustra reñir, reprender reprimand mostrar arăta show
părinte padre parent pariente rudă relative
plată pago payment plata argint silver
rană herida, llaga wound rana broască frog
raton mapache, oso lavador raccoon ratón șoarece mouse
vesti proclamar proclaim vestir îmbrăca dress