Wiktionary:News for editors/Archive/2007-2017



November 2017

  • 19: WT:ACCEL, the gadget for automatically creating inflected form entries, has been significantly improved. It is now much better suited for use in inflection tables than before. The following improvements/changes have been made:
    • The entry generation now happens on the edit page, not on the page with the link. Information is passed through the URL of the link.
    • If the OrangeLinks gadget is enabled, links to existing pages will also turn green if they do not yet contain a section in the given language. The generated entry will be inserted at the correct location in the existing page.
    • If there are multiple inflections with the same form/pagename, the entries for them are combined into a single entry if possible, with multiple definition lines. Definition lines that use {{inflection of}} will be further combined into a single call to {{inflection of}}.
    • The order in which definitions appear in combined entries is determined by the order in which the links appear in the HTML code, which scans the entry from left to right, top to bottom. If an inflection table is organised by column, the data-accel-col= attribute can be provided on the table cells to adjust the order in which forms should be listed.
  • 12: {{bor}} now no longer includes the "borrowing from" text. Instead, it just shows the language and term, like {{inh}} and {{der}} already do. The parameter notext=1 is no longer necessary and will be removed by a bot, then disabled. The parameter withtext=1 causes the text to appear, but it is a temporary measure and editors are discouraged from using it as it, too, will be removed eventually.
  • 9: The use of "of" or "in" in place-name related topical categories has been standardised, and consequently some categories have been renamed. See WT:RFM#Standardising "of" vs "in" in place-name categories for a full list of the categories affected.

October 2017


July 2017


June 2017

  • 16: Translation tables now take an id= parameter, which specifies the senseid that this translation table belongs to, if the corresponding sense is tagged with {{senseid}} using the same id. This makes it easy to see which sense the translation belongs to, without relying on the gloss. In the future, a link to the corresponding sense may also be added to the table. Other entries can link to the translation table using this id, by linking to the fragment #Translations-(id), which also makes it possible to include a link from the sense to the translation table for easy access.
  • 4: Categories for agent nouns by language can now be created properly.

May 2017


April 2017

  • 24: The Cognate extension is deployed, meaning that Wiktionary no longer needs to host its own interwiki links. To learn more about tech news, add to the watchlist Wiktionary:Wikimedia Tech News/2017.
  • 14: As per this vote, the section "External links" (shortly also named "External sources") is deprecated. Use "Further reading" instead.
  • 14: As per this vote, the use of the "References" section is only allowed when the links or books prove something that is said in the entry. (For example, "References" may prove statements in the etymologies or usage notes.) Use "Further reading" for simple links and recommendations of other places to look, including Wikipedia, Webster, Encyclopedia Britannica, other dictionaries, encyclopedias and Wikimedia projects.

February 2017

  • 24: The template {{label}} can now access the language subvariety labels in Module:labels/data/subvarieties, if a language code has been included in the label's data file.
  • 6: Where appropriate and in order to follow current practice Greek nouns have been reclassified from invariable to indeclinable and recategorised as such. Any inadvertent errors brought about by template changes can be reported at the relevant headword line template, where changes can be followed.
  • 2: Two new table templates, {{table:German suits}} and {{table:Swiss suits}}, have been created.

January 2017




2016 December

  • 5: The lack of transliterations in Greek inflection tables has been perceived as a problem by some. For a while the templates used for noun declensions will be undergoing modification. αδελφός shows the new appearance with each term's transliteration "tooltipped" to its following bullet. Comments can be directed here.

2016 November


2016 October

  • 25: Templates {{inh}} and {{bor}} now categorize entries into "X terms derived from Y", too. For example, sushi was borrowed from Japanese and is currently categorized in both Category:English terms derived from Japanese and Category:English terms borrowed from Japanese.
  • 20: "template editor" was added as a new level in protection, expected to be used by templates and modules. Pages with "template editor" level of protection can be edited by template editors and admins.
  • 20: {{la-adecl-2nd}} has been created to generate the declension tables of Latin second-declension adjectives whose feminine forms are isomorphic with their masculine forms. See chrȳsocarpus and chrȳsocarpos for demonstrations of the template’s use.
  • 9: Per this vote, the "Alternative forms" section may optionally be used after the definitions, before the "Synonyms" section. See the vote for details.
  • 6: Wiktionary:Smallest discussions was created, together with a "smallest discussions" box in the watchlist.

2016 September


2016 August


2016 July

  • 6: Module:encodings has been created. This module is used to convert text to a different encoding if external sites do not support UTF-8 (Wiktionary's native encoding) in links and/or lookup queries, but require another, specific encoding. See {{R:IEC2}} and the entry col·leccionista for an example.
  • 2: The template {{coglist}} has been created, to generate lists of cognates. (discuss)

2016 June

  • 28: A new logo was voted and approved.
  • 28: The ordering of the derived terms of PIE root entries has been codified. See WT:AINE (at the bottom).
  • 28: New shortcut for {{affix}}: {{af}}.
  • 27: The templates {{der}}, {{inh}} and {{bor}} now require the term by default ({{cog}} already required it before?), except in some cases like derivations from families or substrates, or they generate [Term?] and place the entry in a term request category. To override this and disable the term request, use "-". See their documentations. Discussions: 1, 2.
  • 6: The codes gmq-bot, gmq-jmk, and gmq-scy have been created for Westrobothnian, Jamtish, and Scanian, respectively. These are three lects spoken in Sweden that have often been considered dialects of Swedish, but we now treat them as separate languages. A fourth such lect, Elfdalian, now has the official ISO-693 code ovd.

2016 May


2016 April


2016 March

  • 9: The automatic category detection (based on the page name) that various category templates have has been removed, since {{auto cat}} now provides this functionality. Thus, parameters must always be specified.
  • 6: The XML dump (enwiktionary-20160305-pages-articles.xml) is available at [1]
  • 4: A new template {{auto cat}} has been created, which is used on category pages. It automatically determines the template and parameters from the page name.
  • 4: {{poscatboiler}} can now automatically detect the language of a category, like {{topic cat}}, {{derivcatboiler}}, {{suffixcat}} and such already could. It is therefore no longer necessary to specify any parameters at all in most cases. It will also now detect the label for the "by language" umbrella categories, such as Category:Nouns by language, so no parameters are needed there either.

2016 February


2016 January

  • 28: The namespace abbreviations “CAT:”, “T:”, “MOD:”, “AP:”, and “RC:” have been added for “Category:”, “Template:”, “Module:”, “Appendix:”, and “Reconstruction:” respectively.
  • 27: Organized the transliteration policies in Category:Transliteration policies.
  • 17: Created Wiktionary:Approved bot tasks with a list of approved bot tasks.
  • 1: Added a vote counter in Template:votes.



2015 December


2015 November


2015 October


2015 September

  • 30: The list of current votes (Template:votes) has been placed on the watchlist through the use of MediaWiki:Watchlist-details. (discuss)
  • 22: A new template {{inherited}} is now available as a counterpart to {{borrowing}}. It is used for terms that were inherited from an older stage of the language.
  • 22: {{blend}} and {{calque}} have been updated in the same way as {{borrowing}}.
  • 21: {{borrowing}} now allows a notext=1 parameter to omit the initial "Borrowed from" text, making it usable in a wider variety of contexts. It now also supports both lang= and the first parameter for the borrowing language. The first parameter is now the borrowing language by default (and then the second will be the source language, and so on), while providing lang= will shift the template to the original behaviour.
  • 17: The table templates for colors and chess pieces now have a "New language!" button which uses preloaded text to aid in the creation of new templates for other languages.
  • 16: Created Template:table:colors (a table for names of colors). Example in Portuguese: roxo (purple). Example in Chinese: 紫色 (purple, too).
  • 15: Created a table for names of chess pieces that can be used in all languages. See Template:table:chess pieces. Example entry in multiple languages: torre.
  • 6: Module:labels/data/regional has been split in two modules, with the original module containing only language-agnostic geographical labels, and the new module Module:labels/data/subvarieties containing only language-specific subvariety labels.
  • 5: New policy Wiktionary:Normalization of entries introduced after Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2015-07/Normalization of entries 2 passed!
  • 3: {{indtr}} has been created to mark indirect transitive verbs
  • 2: The XML dump file "Articles, templates, media/file descriptions, and primary meta-pages." is available here, just a week after the preceding one!

2015 August

  • 18: Changes to the pages in categories can now be reflected on the watchlist and the recent changes.
  • 17: Bugfix: {{poscatboiler}} no longer fails to automatically detect the label name when the language name contains a hyphen.
  • 17: The "plurals" categories are now deprecated in favour of "noun plural forms". (discussion)
  • 16: Definitions for regional context labels have been split off from the main Module:labels/data and now reside in Module:labels/data/regional. The labels have been further split by continent, and a stricter separation has been made between geographical labels (the true "regional" labels) and dialect labels. The former are language-independent (in theory anyway), use regional_categories, and have a wikilink that points to an article or entry about the place in question. The latter are intended for a specific language, use plain_categories, and have a wikilink that points to an article or entry about the dialect.
  • 14: {{ro-noun-m-defective}} has been created.
  • 11: The XML dump file "Articles, templates, media/file descriptions, and primary meta-pages" is available here.
  • 4: New Eastern Mari inflectional templates are available: declension of non-possessed forms ({{chm-decl-noun-npos}}), non-declined possessed forms ({{chm-pos-noun}}, and declension of possessed forms ({{chm-decl-noun-pos-1s}} to {{chm-decl-noun-pos-3p}}).

2015 July

  • 28: Hansard corpus is now available online. The BYU gateway now includes a WP corpus, Global web-based English, Time Magazine, BNC, COCA, and COHA, with largely similar search interface and some cross corpora comparison capability.
  • 15: Ancient Greek templates {{grc-decl}} and {{grc-adecl}} have now been created, and are intended to supplant all previous noun and adjective inflection table templates. Work on updating {{grc-conj}} to the standards of these templates will be completed Soon™.
  • 13: The XML dump file 'enwiktionary-20150702-pages-articles.xml' has been available since 7 July. The previous one was available 5 June. There is some hope that the commitment to twice-a-month availability will be met, but something less frequent seems more likely.
  • 9: Citations in Category:Translingual citations have been cleaned up; they are now separated by their languages of origin. See Citations:(, currently with English, Spanish and Portuguese within the Translingual section.

2015 June

  • 12: Templates {{ro-noun-f-ă}} and {{ro-noun-m-u}} have been created.
  • 8: {{citations}} now populates language-specific categories for citations of undefined terms. See Category:English citations of undefined terms and Category:Portuguese citations of undefined terms as examples.
  • 5: The XML dumps now work on a rolling schedule by type of dump, rather than by Wikimedia project. 'Articles, templates, media/file descriptions, and primary meta-pages' has been available since 2 June, 2015, but the final dump 'Articles, templates, media/file descriptions, and primary meta-pages, in multiple bz2 streams' is not yet available. More substantive revisions to the MW dump software are supposed to solve some long-standing problems that have made the dump process very unreliable.

2015 May


2015 April

  • 18: Template {{de-decl-noun-n-s-es-unc}} has been created. It is uncertain how to deal with the archaic dative form in some German nouns. Any suggestions?
  • 14: English Wiktionary dump has arrived, after three weeks, not the hoped-for two. Are we asymptotically approaching the promised interval?

2015 March

  • 21: English Wiktionary dump has arrived, but after four weeks, not quite the every-two-week schedule promised. Is every two weeks good enough for most purposes?

2015 February

  • 24: First English Wiktionary XML dump since January 2 here.

2015 January

  • 28: Proto-Finno-Ugric (fiu-pro) has been subsumed under Proto-Uralic (urj-pro). It is no longer possible to link to PFU entries, but its code can still be used as a source language in etymologies (the first parameter of {{etyl}}). (Discussions: 1, 2, 3)
  • 26: In the modules for language, family and script data, the property names has been replaced by canonicalName (a single string; for the first name) and otherNames (a table; for any other names). The functions to access the data haven't changed, so modules don't need to be updated, only the underlying data format has changed. It has been suggested in earlier discussions to further split otherNames to distinguish alternative names from names of lects subsumed under the main one, but this has not been implemented right yet.
  • 25: Norman now uses the language code nrf instead of roa-nor. Also Guernésiais and Jèrriais are now considered dialects of Norman rather than separate languages. Work on moving roa-grn, roa-jer, and roa-nor entries into nrf is underway.



2014 December

  • 17: A new language blog on vulgarities etc Strong Language
  • 13: Following the discussion and the reached agreement in Wiktionary:Beer_parlour/2014/December#New_changes_to_Chinese_entries, trad. and simpl. Chinese entries are being centralised under traditional Chinese entries, e.g. 愛情爱情 (àiqíng), when different. The simplified entries (if for each sense there is a traditional variant) only contain a soft redirect to traditional entries, e.g. 爱情, using {{zh-see}}. Patrollers are requested to check that simplified entries don't contain anything other than a redirect. Simplified Chinese entries are automatically synchronised with traditional entries and are categorised by the same parts of speech. Technical questions please direct at User:Wyang.
  • 10: {{pl-decl-noun-ni}} has been created for Polish feminine nouns ending in -ni.

2014 November


2014 October

  • 30: {{conjugation of}} has been merged into {{inflection of}}, and the former is now simply a redirect to the latter. It's recommended to use only {{inflection of}} from now on, as its name is more suited to its genericness.

2014 September

  • 10: Transliteration modules are now available for the Linear B and Cypriot scripts.
  • 7: Rhymes pages now use subpages, with the rhyme separated from the language name with a slash rather than :-. There is now also a template available for rhymes pages, {{rhymes nav}}. This template includes navigation breadcrumbs, and also categorises the page.
  • 2: The morphology templates ({{suffix}}, {{prefix}} etc.) as well as their category boilerplate counterparts ({{suffixcat}}, {{prefixcat}} etc.) now also accept the parameters with the hyphens already present. The templates will not add hyphens if they find that they are already there. (discussion)

2014 August

  • 27: A new template, {{affix}} is now available. It combines the functions of {{prefix}}, {{suffix}}, {{confix}} and {{interfix}}, allowing any combination of prefixes, suffixes and interfixes to be shown. Plain compound words are not supported (yet — should they be?), nor are circumfixes or infixes. You will need to use the old templates for those still.
  • 16: The :transliterate method of Module:languages, as well as the {{xlit}} template, now have a parameter that allows you to override the default module that is used for transliterating. This is intended for testing or demonstration purposes, and should not be used in real production templates.
  • 11: A new module, Module:wikimedia languages, is now available for dealing with the differences between Wiktionary and Wikimedia languages for the purposes of interwiki linking. The language data modules allow for a wikimedia_codes value, and Language objects now also have a :getWikimediaLanguages method to retrieve this information. This deprecates templates like {{wikimedia language}}, {{wikimedia language name}} and {{wikimedia-rev}}.
  • 10: The language data modules now allow a ancestors value to be specified for a language. This should normally be a list consisting of a single language code (the direct ancestor only) but creoles and pidgins may have multiple ancestors. This deprecates the template {{ancestor of language}}.
  • 7: {{poscatboiler}} is now fully compatible with {{tempcatboiler}}, so the latter is no longer needed. However, when using {{poscatboiler}} you must always include "templates" as part of the parameter name if the category name ends with that.
  • 6: {{head}} now accepts its second parameter (the part-of-speech category) in plural form as well as singular. This brings it more in line with the catN= parameters, which already take the name in plural form. The template will assume any name ending in -s is plural, which is currently true for all part-of-speech categories as none of them end in -ses at the moment. If necessary, exceptions can be added to Module:headword/templates.
  • 3: {{en-proper noun}} has been converted to Lua and now takes the same parameters as {{en-noun}}. However, it defaults to uncountable nouns, and countable proper nouns are now placed in Category:English countable proper nouns. This category probably needs cleaning up.

2014 July

  • 25: A new template, {{documentation outdated}}, is now available. It can be added at the top of documentation pages (where {{documentation needed}} would go) when the documentation is out of date and needs updating to reflect the current state of things. It categorises the page in Category:Templates and modules with outdated documentation.
  • 23: All terms are now categorised as "lemmas" or "non-lemma forms" according to their part of speech (for English: Category:English lemmas and Category:English non-lemma forms). The template {{head}} handles this automatically based on the second parameter, and changes to Module:headword and any modules that use it will also be made in the future, to categorise entries appropriately. The part-of-speech categories have also been split accordingly, so categories like Category:English parts of speech are no longer used. As {{head}} needs its second parameter to be specified for this to work, this should always be specified if possible. All remaining entries that are still missing this parameter are placed in Category:head tracking/no pos and will need fixing. (Discussions: 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • 10: A new headword template {{eo-head}} has been created, with an accompanying module, Module:eo-headword. This template auto-detects the part of speech of Esperanto words based on the ending, so it can be used for the majority of Esperanto words and forms. It does not work for words that are not adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs or inflected forms of these, as for other word types like prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and some adverbs, the part of speech of these words can't be automatically detected (yet?) based on the ending. The module also can't reliably detect when a word is a participle, as there are some words like barata which have both participle and non-participle meanings (autodetection would give the wrong result here). For participles, you should continue to use {{eo-part}} as the headword template.
  • 9: The {{trreq}} template has been changed to {{t-needed}}; WT:EDIT has been updated to use it, but it still uses the old template's name as the magic string which should be input as the translation. {{ttbc}} is being phased out as well.
  • 8: Language-specific categories for modules can now be created using {{tempcatboiler|(code)|modules}}, which places them in Category:Modules by language. All modules specific to a language should be placed in this category. There are no subcategories yet, as no language has enough modules to warrant subdividing them.

2014 June

  • 22: When linking (through Module:links, which includes any template that uses it) to a Wikipedia page with the prefix w:, the prefix is automatically removed in the displayed text. It's therefore no longer needed to provide a display text in this case. This feature can be expanded to cover other prefixes, as needed.
  • 2: The category boilerplate templates {{charcatboiler}}, {{compcatboiler}}, {{etymcatboiler}}, {{lexiconcatboiler}}, {{morphcatboiler}}, {{namecatboiler}}, {{phrasecatboiler}}, {{rhymecatboiler}}, {{shortcatboiler}}, {{symbcatboiler}} and {{tempcatboiler}} have all been merged into {{poscatboiler}}. This means that you can no longer leave the second parameter blank for "root" categories, you must always provide it. The original templates still work (and still allow the second parameter to be empty), and will be kept around for a while to allow editors to adjust. It's advised to use {{poscatboiler}} instead, though. Note that {{tempcatboiler}} still works a little differently from {{poscatboiler}}, as it does not use {{catfix}} to add language-specific formatting and section links to the items in the category, so it may be better to continue using that template for a while at least. (Discussions: 1)
  • 2: Template:term/t has been orphaned and merged into Template:m. The old name will be kept around for a while to allow editors some time to adjust. (Discussions: 1; also see the 24 April news item)

2014 May


2014 April

  • 25: The script code templates are being deleted. These had mostly been replaced by Module:scripts in the past year, and have now all been orphaned and replaced with other templates. The template {{lang}} can be used instead to tag non-English text. To create headword-line templates, {{head}} can be used. (Discussions: 1, 2)
  • 24: The gender-and-number templates (like {{m}}, {{f}} etc.) have been orphaned and deleted, after this was discussed many times in the past (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, probably others). Template:m has been redirected to Template:term/t, as was often suggested in those discussions.
  • 23: Module:headword, {{head}} (and hence all templates and modules based on them) now automatically link the words in the headword if no headword has already been specified explicitly. (discussion)
  • 9: {{lang}} has been (somewhat hastily) converted to Lua, and now has automatic script detection enabled.

2014 March

  • 15: A small template {{see desc}} is now available. It is used in lists of descendants (on proto-language pages for example) to indicate that part of the list of descendants is found on another page. This is done to reduce duplication. We already had such notices in the past, but now there is a template for it.
  • 11: a new gadget called aWa has been developed to assist in archiving deletion discussions. Autopatrollers can enable it in their preferences.
  • 2: A set of new Babel templates has been created for JavaScript: {{User JS-0}} through {{User JS-4}}. You can use these templates to show your proficiency in JS. It is highly recommended that you add this to your page when applicable, as we currently have a chronic shortage of JavaScript coders who can maintain our gadgets and other scripts.

2014 February

  • 14: Old Latin is now treated as a language distinct from normal Latin, and has its own language code itc-ola. The older etymology codes OL. and Old Latin are no longer used. (discussion)
  • 6: The XML dump is available for download at Wikimedia.

2014 January




2013 December

  • 29: Wiktionary:Tea room and Wiktionary:Etymology scriptorium now use monthly discussion pages, like Wiktionary:Beer parlour and Wiktionary:Grease pit already did before.
  • 27: format_inflections in Module:headword now supports giving additional information (alt, script, sense id, gender) for every inflection in the provided list. This capability has also been added to {{head}}. See the documentation for more details.
  • 20: A module has been created to check for and list any discrepancies in the various data modules currently being used on Wiktionary. It can be found at WT:DATACHECK.
  • 14: Special:WantedPages, which had not run from September 2009 through September 2013, appeared on schedule for the third time. We seem likely to get it every month or so. Eighteen of the most wanted pages are language-specific pronunciation appendices, Serbo-Croatian topping the list with more than 38,000 wants, Bulgarian running a close second at 33,000.
  • 2: {{rftaxon}} (no parameters) placed in an L2 places the page in Category:Requests for taxonomic names, where it will likely get prompt attention. This is in addition to {{taxlink}} which wraps around any taxonomic name that may be in the entry, but for which English Wiktionary does not have an entry.

2013 November

  • 27: SAMPA and X-SAMPA transcriptions are no longer included in pronunciation sections (vote).
  • 13: Category:Latin inflection-table search templates contains two new templates developed by User:I'm so meta even this acronym that do a Google search based on the inflected forms for two declensions Latin, one for nouns, one for adjectives. This is something that had been wished for on RfV in the past. The same approach would work for any inflected language. It would be useful now for Early Modern English verbs. It is quite possible it would benefit from Luacization, as a Lua table could probably handle all of the declensions and/or conjugations of Latin for example.

2013 October

  • 7: The format_headword function in Module:headword now allows you to specify multiple headwords. This can be useful if a word has a single written form (the page name), but more than one way to place accent marks on it. The alternative headwords will be displayed with "or" separating them. The {{head}} template now supports this, using the head2=, head3= (etc.) parameters, but any template or module that uses Module:headword can support it as well.

2013 September

  • 19: {{en-noun}} has been converted to Lua, and some changes have been made to its parameters as well. The positional parameters now give the plural forms, and the named pl2=, pl3= parameters no longer work. If the noun is normally uncountable, the first parameter is given as -, while if it can be either, it's given as ~. In both cases the other positional parameters move up by 1.
  • 17: {{it-noun}}'s parameters have been simplified. It now takes two positional parameters: the gender and the plural form. The plural can be omitted, the template will try to generate a default form then.

2013 August

  • 28: {{head}} can now do script detection and automatic transliteration, like {{l}}.
  • 21: The {{en-adj}} template has been converted to Lua, and now takes its parameters in a slightly different way. The positional/numbered parameters give only the comparative forms, while the corresponding superlatives are given with sup=, sup2= and so on. The template can usually generate the superlative from the given comparative, so those parameters are not needed very often. See the documentation for more information. The similar template {{en-adv}} will also be converted soon so that it works the same.
  • 17: Sort keys can now be automatically generated, using the format_categories function in Module:utilities. This function is used by {{head}}, as well as a variety of language-specific headword-line templates. It's also used by the templates {{categorize}}, {{catlangname}} and {{catlangcode}}, which you can use to categorise entries. The sort keys themselves are generated using replacements for certain characters in the page name, and are defined using the sort_key setting in Module:languages. A variety of languages already has sort keys defined for them, see the module.
  • 14: The Latin declension templates will now strip macrons from their parameters automatically. Therefore, they no longer take their parameters in pairs; only one (or two for the 3rd declension) should suffice.

2013 July

  • 20: The translation templates {{t}}, {{t+}}, {{t-}} and {{}} now support all the features of {{l}}, including processing of embedded wikilinks in the term. As a result, {{t-SOP}} is no longer needed as {{}} can take over its function.
  • 14: Editors of Greek entries should note that {{l}} can now be used instead of {{el-l}} and {{el-p}}, with identical output. The output of {{el-l}} and {{el-p}} now follows the "house style".
  • 11: Migration of context labels to Lua has now started. Labels are defined in Module:labels/data, aliases (redirects) of other labels are listed in Module:labels/aliases. To ease the migration, both the new data module and the old label templates are still used: the templates act as secondary "fallback" if the label is not defined in the data module. This means that once a label is defined in the data module, it will replace its corresponding template, which will then become orphaned (after the software updates all the references). This will allow a more gradual migration process.
  • 11: In addition to the above, there is now a new template, {{label}}, which is intended to replace {{context}} at some point. Currently, both can still be used and work identically, except for the language parameter.
  • 4: {{l}} has been converted to Lua and now has many new features, such as support for entry names with wikilinks, automatic transliteration and script detection, and support for reconstructed terms. The templates {{lr}} and {{lx}} are deprecated as a result, but please pay attention when converting them as the new {{l}} requires a * to be placed before the parameters. See Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/June#New l.
  • 3: A page has been created to detail and document the use of CSS styling on Wiktionary: WT:CSS.
  • 3: English comparative and superlative forms now use {{en-comparative of}} and {{en-superlative of}} rather than the generic templates. See Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2013/March#Template:comparative of and Template:superlative of, WT:RFM#Split off English versions of Template:comparative of and Template:superlative of, WT:RFM#Template:past of.
  • 3: There are now English and Scots-specific templates for several verb forms: {{en-past of}} / {{sco-past of}} (simple past and past participle) and {{en-simple past of}} / {{sco-simple past of}} (simple past only). {{en-third-person singular of}} / {{sco-third-person singular of}} will likely be created as well at some point. The original generic templates have now all been deleted as they were used only for these two languages (and should not have been used for any others anyway). See WT:RFM#Template:past of.

2013 June


2013 May

  • Language code templates like {{en}}, as well as their subtemplates like /script and /family, are now deprecated in favour of Module:languages and are being gradually orphaned and deleted. To access the information in the new location, use Module:language utilities.
  • A new CSS class is now available to affect the display of templates that require a language, such as {{term}}, when the language is missing. In your own common.css file, you can add the .missing-language CSS class and assign styling to it, such as increased text size or a distinct background colour. This way, you can recognise any templates that are missing a language by the distinct styling, which is useful if you are intending to fix such usage.
  • WARNING: Just to keep you on your toes, {{abbreviation}}, {{initialism}}, and {{acronym}} now do something totally different from what they're done for years.

2013 April

  • A set of new gender-number templates has been created, {{m-p}}, {{f-p}} and {{n-p}}, which allow gender and number to be specified with a single parameter. This is partly for compatibility with Module:gender and number, but it may also be useful more generally. This means that, when a noun has a gender and is plural, instead of specifying two genders ("m" and "p"), you can also specify just one ("m-p").
  • The templates {{charactercat}}, {{prefixcat}}, {{suffixcat}} and {{circumfixcat}} now use the first numbered parameter to specify the (mandatory) language code, just like most other category boilerplate templates already do. The parameter lang= still works, and causes all the numbered parameters to "shift back" by one number. However, this is deprecated and is provided only to ease the transition.
  • Nasal vowels are now indicated also in the entry names of Proto-Germanic entries. The old entries should be moved to the new names with ogoneks, and any links to the old name should be fixed. See WT:RFM#Proto-Germanic forms with final nasal vowels to their ogonek-spelled forms.
  • Documentation pages for templates are now placed on the /documentation subpage rather than /doc, to avoid any potential conflicts with language codes. The old name is still supported by {{documentation}}, but it defaults to the new name and the pages should be moved whenever possible. Module documentation pages can only be named /documentation, so those will not change. See WT:RFM#Documentation subpages to /documentation.

2013 February


2013 January

  • Language consideration pages about Lower Sorbian and about Mauritian Creole have been created.
  • The template {{de-noun}} has been substantially simplified, and many duplicate parameters and superfluous code removed. The positional parameters now specify gender, genitive, plural and diminutive respectively. See the documentation page for more details. —CodeCat 16:56, 2 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • The template {{de-adj}} has also been simplified somewhat. The parameters comparative= and superlative= are no longer used, instead use the first two positional parameters (which were already supported before). —CodeCat 01:35, 3 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • A new template {{lr}} is now available. It is a counterpart to {{l}} for linking to reconstructed terms, in the same way that {{recons}} is a counterpart to {{term}}. It should be used instead of the older {{lx}} in most cases, but the latter may still be useful in multilingual templates. —CodeCat 22:18, 3 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • The parameters lang= and type= of {{rfinfl}} have been changed to the first and second positional parameters, respectively. The second parameter specifies the part of speech, for example {{rfinfl|la|verb}}. If left out, it adds the entry to a generic category. —CodeCat 15:05, 10 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]



2012 December

  • The wikiproject Wikivoyage, which hosts information about destinations around the world, may now be linked to using the prefix "voy:". For example, voy:Africa is a travel guide to Africa. Wikivoyage began as a fork of Wikitravel after the latter was acquired by a for-profit company.
  • The template {{list}} is deprecated in favour of transcluding the list template directly. Instead of writing (for example) {{list|en|days of the week}}, write {{list:days of the week/en}}.

2012 November

  • Low German is now split into two codes: nds-de/nds (Low German) for Low German spoken/written in Germany using German spelling standards, and nds-nl (Dutch Low Saxon) for Low German spoken/written in the Netherlands using Dutch spelling standards. The regional codes wep (Westphalian), act (Achterhoeks), drt (Drents), gos (Gronings), sdz (Sallands), stl (Stellingwerfs), twd (Twents) and vel (Veluws) are no longer available and should not be used. The code pdt (Plautdietsch) remains in use. The code nds is currently synonymous with nds-de, but may be deprecated and deleted in the future, pending discussion.[1][2][3][4]
  • The code vls now unambiguously refers to "West Flemish", not "Flemish". "Flemish" is now considered a part of Dutch and uses the code nl.
  • The parameters pos=, sg=, current= and others, used in English headword-line templates, are deprecated in favour of the head= parameter, which fits better with standard practice across languages. The old parameters will still work for a while, to help ease the transition.[1][2][3]
  • {{nl-conj-wk}} no longer supports the no-ge= parameter. Instead, use the third numbered parameter to specify the past participle directly, when necessary. See (deprecated template usage) verlangen or (deprecated template usage) betalen for an example.
  • Several German declension-table templates have been renamed for consistency, by changing de-noun- to de-decl-noun-. See Category:German noun inflection-table templates and Category:German adjective inflection-table templates.

2012 October

  • {{proto}} has been deprecated and is no longer used. Instead, etymologies and links to reconstructed terms are now provided just as they are for other languages, using a combination of {{etyl}} and the new template {{recons}}, which works identical to {{term}} but is for reconstructed terms.
  • The code zh for Mandarin is no longer used. Use cmn instead.

2012 April

  • {{la-noun-multidecl}} now exists to be used to generate headword lines for Latin nouns that are attested in belonging to two declensions where the nominative singulars (i.e., the lemmata) are the same in both declensions (for example, (deprecated template usage) cȳma).
  • Discussions are underway in the Beer Parlour and Grease Pit about comprehensively overhauling and possibly renaming Template:context.

2012 March

  • Category boilerplate templates such as {{poscatboiler}} no longer automatically pluralise their label parameter. {{poscatboiler|en|noun}} is therefore now written as {{poscatboiler|en|nouns}}.

2012 January

  • Language templates (such as {{en}}) no longer link to their language. As a consequence the use of {{language}} is deprecated.



2011 December

  • The template {{infl}} has been renamed to {{head}} to match the earlier change in terminology from inflection line to headword line.

2011 November

  • There is no longer need to add {{count page}} to pages.

2011 October

  • {{en-adj}}, q.v., now can handle "not generally comparable; comparative ..., superlative..." cases.

2011 May

  • No longer categorize a category's "main" entries so they show up at the start of the category. (Decision.)

2011 March

  • English verbs' headword lines (inflection lines) should no longer include to at their start.
  • Romanian words' page names will use t and s with commas beneath rather than with cedillas. (Decision.)

2011 February

  • For languages that are not natural languages, to be included each must have consensus for approval. (Decision.)



2010 August

  • {{rfexp}} can be used to request expansion of an appendix.
  • The "Alternative spellings" header is now deprecated. Use "Alternative forms" instead. (Decision.)

2010 July

  • {{term}} now supports two additional optional parameters, pos= to mark the part of speech of a mentioned term, and lit= to mark a translation gloss as literal rather than idiomatic (standard). See Template:term/doc for details.

2010 March

  • {{list}} may be used to create and edit standardized lists of entries.
  • {{unsupported}} can now be used to link to entries in Appendix:Unsupported titles by using the nominal pagename as the unnamed parameter: thus, {{unsupported|>}} yields >.

2010 February

  • {{etyl}} no longer linkifies the really common language names that aren't linkified in translations tables (list), unless the "Always linkify language-names in etymologies" preference is enabled (at Wiktionary:Preferences).



2009 December


2009 November

  • {{AE.}}, {{AG.}}, {{LL.}}, {{ML.}}, {{NL.}}, {{OL.}}, {{ONF.}}, {{Pr.}}, {{VG.}}, and {{VL.}} should no longer be used, in favor of {{etyl|AE.}}, etc.

2009 October


2009 July

  • Imminently, {{term}} and {{t}} will not need the sc= parameter specified if the lang= parameter is specified and the pair (lang, sc) is one of those listed at template talk:Xyzy#Languages.

2009 May

  • Edits will be dually licensed starting mid-June. (more info)

2009 April

  • {{attention}}, {{rfdef}}, {{rfc}}, {{rfv}}, and {{rfv-sense}} now take a topic=... parameter, to seek attention from someone versed in a particular topic. {{rfdef}} also takes a lang=... parameter, whose values are language codes.
  • Users on Meta request input regarding a potential Wiktionary logo refresh: m:Wiktionary/logo/refresh/voting

2009 March

  • Please refrain from any new use of {{top}} and {{mid}}, as they conflict with language code templates. AutoFormat will change any in translations sections to {{trans-top}} etc. (discussion)

2009 February

  • (since 2009 January) {{en-noun}} now supports usually uncountable nouns and those with uncertain or unattested plural.
  • {{etyl}} now takes language families, not just languages, as values for the first parameter. See Category:ISO 639-5 templates for a list of these families.



2008 December

  • The old request that editors use brackets ([[) in {{plural of|[[foo]]}} and some other templates is no longer in place. However, you may still use those brackets if you wish. (explanation)
  • MW software now uses File: where Image: was used. Image still works as an alias, but you will see File displayed in various places. This was done because using Image for, say, .ogg files was silly.
  • The template {{see}} now works as an ordinary language code template, for Seneca. The "See also" atop an entry should now be added by means of the template {{also}} instead, no longer by means of {{see}}.

2008 November


2008 September

  • Etymology source-language templates (like {{F.}}) are being deprecated, and some have already been deleted; use {{etyl}} wherever feasible. (discussion, August 2008)
  • The source-information line for a quotation should now end with a colon rather than a comma. (policy; explanation of change)



2007 July

  • Old news for many, but new news for others -- {{law}} was replaced with {{legal}}. After some time, {{law}} will be used as a language-code template like {{aaa}} (for Lauje, a language of Sulawesi).