U+1E9E, ẞ

Latin Extended Additional

German edit


Letter edit

(lowercase ß, name großes Eszett)

  1. (uncommon) Constructed capital form of ß, used in certain publications and proper names when set in all caps.
    Synonyms: SS, SZ, ß

Usage notes edit

has been part of the official German orthography since June 2017.[1] It was however occasionally used before (and for example even by some editions of the influential Duden dictionary entitled DER GROẞE DUDEN).

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Rat für deutsche Rechtschreibung (2017 June 29) “Amtliches Regelwerk der deutschen Rechtschreibung aktualisiert”, in Pressemitteilung[1] (in German):Sie lassen die Verwendung des Großbuchstabens „“ neben „SS“ zu, was insbesondere für die korrekte Schreibung von Eigennamen in Pässen und Ausweisen wichtig ist, []They permit the usage of the capital "" in addition to "SS", particularly important for the correct spelling of personal names in passports and ID cards.

Further reading edit