User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-q

q {letter} :: letter
q {m} :: abbreviation of quintal
qanûn {f} [musical instruments] :: A type of Turkish zither
qat {m} :: khat; qat
qatari {adj} :: of or relating to Qatar
Qatari {m} :: Qatari (person from Qatar)
Qatarie {f} :: feminine noun of Qatari
qatarien {adj} :: Qatari (of, from, or pertaining to Qatar, the Qatari people or the Qatari language)
Qatarien {m} :: Qatari (person from Qatar or of Qatari descent)
Qatarienne {f} :: feminine noun of Qatarien
Qatariote {mf} :: Qatari (person from Qatar or of Qatari descent)
Qc. {prop} :: alternative form of QC
Qc {prop} :: alternative form of QC
QC {prop} :: abbreviation of Québec, a province of Canada
QCM {m} :: initialism of questionnaire à choix multiples = multiple-choice questionnaire
QG {m} :: initialism of quartier général HQ
QI {m} :: IQ
Qohéleth {prop} {m} [bible] :: Ecclesiastes
qouf {m} :: qoph
qqch {pron} :: abbreviation of quelque chose
qqfois {adv} :: abbreviation of quelquefois
qqn {pron} :: abbreviation of quelqu'un
qu' {conj} [before vowel sound] :: apocopic form of que (that, which)
qu' {conj} [colloquial, before consonants] :: apocopic form of que (that, which)
qu' {pron} [before vowel sound] :: apocopic form of que (what, that, whom; only)
qu {m} :: alternative spelling of ku
qu'à {contraction} :: que + à
qu'à cela ne tienne {interj} :: no matter! no big deal! so be it! fair enough! never mind that!
quadra {mf} :: clipping of quadragénaire
quadragénaire {adj} :: Aged between forty and forty-nine
quadragénaire {mf} :: A person whose age is between forty and forty-nine
quadragésimal {adj} :: Lenten
quadragésime {f} :: Lent, Quadragesima
quadrangle {f} [geometry] :: quadrangle
quadrangulaire {adj} :: quadrangular
quadrangulairement {adv} :: quadrangularly
quadrant {m} :: quadrant
quadratique {adj} [mathematics] :: quadratic (of a class of polynomial of the form )
quadratiquement {adv} :: quadratically
quadratrice {f} [dated, maths] :: quadratrix
quadrature {f} :: quadrature
quadrature du cercle {f} [geometry] :: quadrature of the circle, squaring the circle
quadrette {f} :: A pétanque team of four players
quadri- {prefix} :: quadri-
quadribasique {adj} [chemistry] :: quadribasic
quadricarbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetracarbide
quadriceps {m} :: quadriceps (muscle)
quadrichromie {f} :: four-colour printing or print
quadricycle {m} :: quadricycle
quadricyclique {adj} :: tetracyclic
quadridimensionnel {adj} :: four-dimensional
quadridimensionnellement {adv} :: four-dimensionally
quadriennal {adj} :: quadrennial
quadrifide {adj} :: quadrifid
quadrige {f} :: quadriga; chariot
quadrijumeau {adj} :: quadrigeminal
quadrilatéral {adj} :: quadrilateral
quadrilatère {m} :: quadrilateral
quadrilingue {adj} :: quadrilingual
quadrillage {m} :: grid (on paper etc)
quadrillage {m} :: coverage
quadrille {mf} [bullfighting] :: cuadrilla
quadriller {v} [of paper] :: To crosshatch (mark into squares)
quadriller {v} :: to criss-cross
quadrilliard {num} :: 1027, a billion billion billion by the long scale, a short scale octillion
quadrillion {num} :: 1024; a quadrillion by the long scale; a short scale septillion
quadrilobe {m} :: quatrefoil
quadrimestre {m} :: term of four months
quadrimoteur {adj} :: four-engine (attributive) (aircraft etc)
quadrinôme {m} [maths] :: quadrinomial
quadripartite {adj} :: quadripartite
quadriphonie {f} :: quadraphony
quadriplégie {f} :: quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs)
quadripolaire {adj} :: quadripolar, tetrapolar
quadripôle {m} :: quadripole, two-port network
quadrique {adj} [maths] :: quadric
quadrique {f} [maths] :: quadric
quadriréacteur {adj} :: four-engine (attributive)
quadriréacteur {m} :: A four-engine aircraft
quadrirème {f} :: quadrireme (galley with four banks of oars)
quadrisulfure {m} :: tetrasulfide / tetrasulphide
quadrisyllabe {m} :: quadrisyllable, tetrameter
quadrisyllabique {adj} :: quadrisyllabic, tetrametric
quadritube {adj} :: four-barrelled, quadruple-barrelled
quadrivalent {adj} :: quadrivalent (all senses)
quadroxyde {m} :: synonym of tétraoxyde
quadrumane {m} [zoology] :: quadrumane
quadrumane {adj} [zoology] :: quadrumanous, quadrumane
quadrupède {m} :: quadruped (a four-footed animal)
quadrupède {adj} :: quadrupedal
quadrupédie {f} :: quadrupedy
quadruple {adj} :: quadruple
quadruple {adj} [music] :: sixty-fourth note
quadruple {m} :: Something that is equal to four times something else
quadruple {m} [Scrabble] :: A move whose score is multiplied by four
quadruple {m} [Scrabble] :: The area on the board where such a move is possible
quadruplé {m} :: quadruplet
quadruple croche {f} [music] :: sixty-fourth note
quadruplement {adv} :: quadruply
quadrupler {v} :: to quadruple, to multiply by four
quadruplet {m} :: quadruplet (sequence of 4 elements)
quadrupolaire {adj} :: quadrupolar
quadrupôle {m} :: quadripole, two-port network
quæsteur {m} :: obsolete form of questeur
quæstion {f} :: obsolete form of question
quai {m} :: quay, wharf
quai {m} :: platform (of a station)
Quai d'Orsay {prop} {m} :: (the location of) the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
quaker {m} :: Quaker (member of the Quaker faith)
quakeresse {f} :: Quakeress
qualifiable {adj} :: qualifiable
qualificatif {adj} :: qualifying
qualificatif {m} [grammar] :: qualifier
qualification {f} :: qualification (all senses)
qualifier {v} :: to qualify (of a sports team, etc.)
qualitatif {adj} :: qualitative
qualitativement {adv} :: qualitatively
qualité {f} :: quality
qualité de vie {f} :: quality of life
quand {conj} :: when
quand {adv} :: when
quand bien même {conj} :: even if
quand le chat n'est pas là, les souris dansent {proverb} [idiomatic] :: when the cat's away the mice will play
quand les poules auront des dents {adv} [idiomatic, sarcastic, figurative, adynaton, hyperbole] :: when Hell freezes over; when pigs fly (never)
quand le vin est tiré, il faut le boire {proverb} :: in for a penny, in for a pound
quand même {adv} :: anyway, anyhow, just the same, all the same
quand même {adv} [colloquial, serves as an intensifier] :: really, extremely
quand on parle du loup {phrase} [idiom, by ellipsis] :: when you speak of someone they will appear; speak of the devil
quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue {phrase} :: alternative form of quand on parle du loup
quand on veut, on peut {proverb} :: Where there's a will, there's a way.
quant {adv} :: only used in quant à
quant à {prep} :: as for
quant à {prep} :: according to
quanteur {m} :: quantifier
quantième {pron} [interrogative, literary] :: which day of the month
quantième {adj} [interrogative, archaic] :: which number of (the month)
quantificateur {m} :: Quantifier
quantificateur existentiel {m} :: existential quantifier
quantificateur universel {m} :: universal quantifier
quantification {f} :: quantification
quantifié {adj} :: quantified
quantifier {v} :: to quantify
quantifieur {m} :: alternative form of quanteur
quantique {adj} :: quantum
quantitatif {adj} :: quantitative
quantitativement {adv} :: quantitatively
quantité {f} :: quantity
quantité négligeable {f} :: something or someone that is deemed negligible, i.e. so insignificant that it or they can be ignored
quantum {m} [physics] :: quantum
quarantaine {f} :: A number or group of or about forty
quarantaine {f} :: One's forties (period of life between ages 40 and 49): une femme dans la quarantaine
quarantaine {f} [medicine] :: quarantine (isolation to prevent contamination)
quarante {num} :: forty
Quarante {prop} {f} :: Quarante (commune)
quarante-cinq {m} :: forty-five
quarante-deux {m} :: forty-two
quarante-deuxième {mf} :: forty-second
quarante-et-un {m} :: forty-one
quarante-et-unième {mf} :: forty-first
quarante-huit {num} :: forty-eight
quarante-huitard {m} [colloquial] :: Revolutions of 1848 revolutionary
quarante-huitième {mf} :: forty-eighth
quarantenaire {adj} :: fortieth (birthday, anniversary)
quarantenaire {adj} :: forty-year-old (attributive)
quarantenaire {mf} :: forty-year-old
quarantenaire {mf} :: A person aged between 40 and 49
quarante-neuf {m} :: forty-nine
quarante-neuvième {mf} :: forty-ninth
quarante-quatre {m} :: forty-four
quarante-quatrième {mf} :: forty-fourth
quarante-sept {m} :: forty-seven
quarante-six {m} :: forty-six
quarante-trois {m} :: forty-three
quarante-troisième {mf} :: forty-third
quarantième {adj} :: fortieth
quarantième {mf} :: fortieth
quark {m} [particle] :: quark
quarkonique {adj} :: quarkonic
quarrable {adj} [maths] :: quadrable
quarré {m} :: obsolete spelling of carré
quarré {adj} :: obsolete spelling of carré
quart {adj} [dated] :: fourth
quart {m} :: quarter (fraction)
quart {m} [Québec] :: shift (period of work)
quart de finale {m} :: quarterfinal (round of eight)
quart d'heure {m} :: a quarter of an hour, a quarter
quarte {f} [music] :: fourth (music interval)
quarte {f} [fencing] :: quarte
quarté {m} :: A bet on the first four horses in a race
quarter {m} :: quarter (old measure of corn)
quarterback {m} :: quarterback
quarteron {m} :: quadroon
quarteron {m} :: quarter of a pound
quarteronne {f} :: feminine noun of quarteron
quartet {m} :: quartet
quartette {m} :: quartet (music composition in four parts, each performed by a single voice or instrument)
quartette {m} :: quartet (the set of four musicians who perform a piece of music together in four parts)
quartidi {m} [historical] :: The fourth day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar
quartier {m} :: quarter, district (part of town), neighbourhood
quartier {m} :: (France) Impoverished neighbourhood
quartier {m} :: piece, chunk; segment (of fruit), quarter (of beef)
quartier {m} [astronomy] :: quarter
quartier {m} [dated] :: quarter, mercy
quartier chaud {m} :: red-light district
quartier général {m} :: headquarters
quartier-maître {m} [military, nautical] :: quartermaster
quartique {f} [maths] :: quartic
quart-monde {m} :: Fourth World
quartz {m} :: quartz
quartzite {m} :: quartzite
quasar {m} :: quasar
quasi- {prefix} :: quasi-
quasi {adv} :: almost, nearly
quasiment {adv} :: practically, almost
quasi-particule {f} [physics] :: quasiparticle
quasiparticule {f} :: alternative form of quasi-particule
quasi-totalité {f} :: near-totality
quaternaire {adj} :: quaternary
quaterné {adj} [botany] :: tetramerous
quatorzain {m} :: quatorzain
quatorze {num} :: fourteen
quatorzième {adj} :: fourteenth
quatorzième {mf} :: fourteenth
quatorzièmement {adv} :: fourteenthly
quatrain {m} :: quatrain (stanza of four lines)
quatre {num} :: four
quatre cents {m} :: four hundred
quatre dragons du Pacifique {mp} :: Four Asian Tigers (Singapore, Hong-Kong, Taiwan and South Korea)
quatre-épices {m} :: allspice (spice)
quatre-épices {m} :: a kind of spice mix
quatrefeuilles {m} :: quatrefoil
quatre-quarts {m} :: pound cake (dense yellow sponge)
quatre-vingt {m} :: Form of quatre-vingts (eighty) used in compounds (the numbers 81 to 99, larger numbers ending in numbers from 81 to 99, and the ordinal numbers corresponding to any of these numbers)
quatrevingt {adj} :: alternative form of quatre-vingt
quatre-vingt-cinq {num} :: eighty-five
quatre-vingt-deux {num} :: eighty-two
quatre-vingt-dix {num} :: ninety
quatre-vingt-dix-huit {num} :: ninety-eight
quatre-vingt-dixième {adj} :: ninetieth
quatre-vingt-dixième {mf} :: ninetieth
quatre-vingt-dix-neuf {m} :: ninety-nine (cardinal number 99)
quatre-vingt-dix-sept {num} :: ninety-seven
quatre-vingt-douze {num} :: ninety-two
quatre-vingt-huit {num} :: eighty-eight
quatre-vingtième {adj} [France, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg] :: eightieth
quatre-vingtième {mf} [France, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg] :: eightieth
quatre-vingt-neuf {num} :: eighty-nine
quatre-vingt-onze {num} :: ninety-one
quatre-vingt-quatorze {num} :: ninety-four
quatre-vingt-quatre {num} :: eighty-four
quatre-vingt-quinze {num} :: ninety-five
quatre-vingts {m} :: eighty, 80
quatre-vingt-seize {num} :: ninety-six
quatre-vingt-sept {num} :: eighty-seven
quatre-vingt-six {num} :: eighty-six
quatre-vingt-treize {num} :: ninety-three
quatre-vingt-trois {num} :: eighty-three
quatre-vingt-un {num} :: eighty-one
quatre volontés {fp} [colloquial] :: everything someone wants, someone's every wish
quatrième {adj} :: fourth
quatrième {mf} :: fourth
quatrième de couverture {f} :: back cover, blurb
Quatrième Guerre mondiale {prop} {f} :: World War IV
quatrièmement {adv} :: fourthly
quatriesme {adj} :: obsolete spelling of quatrième
quatrillion {m} :: alternative form of quadrillion
quattorze {num} :: obsolete spelling of quatorze
quatuor {m} [music] :: quartet (composition)
quatuor {m} [music] :: quartet (group of musicians)
quatuor {m} [sexuality] :: foursome
qu'au {contraction} :: que + au
que {conj} :: that (introduces a noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
que {conj} [used with ne] :: only (ne ... que parses roughly as "(do[es]) not / nothing ... other than")
que {conj} :: Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction
que {conj} :: when, no sooner
que {conj} :: Links two noun phrases in apposition forming a clause without a (finite) verb, such that the complement acts as predicate
que {conj} :: than (introduces a comparison)
que {pron} [slightly formal, accusative] :: The inanimate direct-object interrogative pronoun
que {pron} [slightly formal, nominative] :: The inanimate subject or predicative interrogative pronoun
que {pron} [accusative, relative] :: The direct object relative pronoun
qué {adj} [Provence] :: which
qué {conj} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of que (representing the Hispanic pronunciation)
qué {interj} [Provence, Switzerland] :: Isn’t it? Is it not?
qué {interj} [Provence] :: What?
Québec {prop} {m} :: Québec (province)
Québec {prop} {m} :: Québec (capital city)
québécisme {m} :: Quebecism
québecois {adj} :: alternative form of québécois
québécois {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Quebec
québécois {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the French Canadian ethnic and linguistic group comprising the majority of the Quebec population
Québécois {m} :: Quebecer; Québécois person
Québécoise {f} :: feminine noun of Québécois
québécol {m} [organic compound] :: quebecol
quechua {m} :: the Quechua language
que dalle {pron} [slang] :: sod all, naff all, nothing
que de {adv} :: how (modifier)
que du contraire {interj} :: far from it, quite the contrary, on the contrary
que faites-vous dans la vie {phrase} :: what do you do? (what is your job?)
quéfrence {f} :: quefrency
queireret {m} :: lavender
que je sache {adv} [colloquial] :: to the best of my knowledge, as far as I know
quel {adj} :: which
quel {adj} :: (exclamative) what
quel {pron} [interrogative] :: what
quel âge as-tu {phrase} :: how old are you?
quelconque {adj} :: any, any which one
quel dommage {interj} :: what a shame! what a pity! too bad!
qu'elle {contraction} :: que + elle
quelle heure est-il {phrase} :: what time is it?
quelle horreur {interj} :: that's terrible, how horrible, isn't that awful
quellement {adv} :: In such or suchlike a manner
qu'elles {contraction} :: que + elles
quelle surprise {phrase} :: What a surprise. "Quelle surprise."
quel qu'ait été {phrase} :: whatever, regardless of what, no matter what ... has been/may/might have been
quelque {pron} :: some (singular)
quelque chose {pron} :: something (an indefinite or indeterminate object)
quelquefois {adv} :: sometimes
quel que fût {phrase} :: whatever, regardless of what, no matter what ... was/were
quelque part {adv} :: somewhere
quelque part {adv} [colloquial] :: in a way, in a sense
quelque peu {adv} [rather formal] :: somewhat
quel que soit {phrase} :: whatever, regardless of what, no matter what ... is/may/might be
quelques-uns {pron} :: some, a few
quel qu'eût été {phrase} :: whatever, regardless of what, no matter what ... had been
quelqu'un {pron} :: someone, somebody, anyone, anybody
quel temps fait-il {phrase} :: how's the weather?
quémander {v} :: to beg (for), to cadge
quémandeur {m} :: beggar
quémandeur {m} :: supplicant
quémandeuse {f} :: feminine singular of quémandeur
qu'en-dira-t-on {m} :: gossip
Queneau {prop} :: surname
Queneau {prop} :: Raymond Queneau, French writer
quenelle {f} [culinary] :: dumpling, quenelle
quenelle {f} [slang] :: penis
quenelle {f} [slang] :: quenelle (gesture)
quenotte {f} [colloquial] :: tooth, toothy-peg
quenottier {m} [rare] :: tooth-drawer
quenouille {f} :: distaff
quenouille {f} :: cattail
Quentin {prop} :: given name of Latin origin; recently popular
quenya {m} :: Quenya
quéquette {f} [childish] :: penis; willy; tackle
quercétine {f} [organic compound] :: quercetin
querelle {f} :: quarrel, argument
quereller {v} :: to quarrel, to squabble
querelleur {adj} :: quarrelsome
quérir {v} [literary or archaic] :: to seek; used especially after certain verbs
quérir {v} [archaic] :: to want
quèsement {adv} [colloquial, Quebec] :: almost
qu'est-ce que {pron} :: what (used as an interrogative for a direct object)
qu'est-ce que {pron} :: what is (used as an interrogative for a definition)
qu'est-ce que c'est {phrase} :: what is that? what is it? what does that mean?
qu'est-ce que c'est {phrase} :: how you say? what is the word?
qu'est-ce qui {pron} :: what (used as an interrogative)
questeur {m} :: quaestor
question {f} :: a question
question {f} :: a matter or issue; a problem
question fermée {f} :: yes-no question, polar question
questionnable {adj} :: questionable
questionnaire {m} :: questionnaire
questionnement {m} :: questioning
questionner {v} :: to question, interrogate
questionner {v} :: to call into question
questionneur {m} :: questioner
questionneuse {f} :: questioner (female)
question ouverte {f} :: wh-question, open-ended question
question partielle {f} :: wh-question
question piège {f} :: trick question
question rhétorique {f} :: rhetorical question
question-tag {f} :: tag question (question inviting agreement)
question totale {f} :: yes-no question, polar question
quétaine {adj} [Quebec] :: unfashionable; outmoded; dated
quétaine {mf} [Quebec, pejorative] :: someone unrefined or ignorant
quête {f} :: quest, search
quêter {v} :: to search for; to look for
quêter {v} :: to beg (for money)
quêteur {m} :: quester, seeker
quêteuse {f} :: feminine singular of quêteur
quêteux {m} [Quebec] :: beggar
quetsche {f} :: damson (plum)
que tu crois {interj} [colloquial] :: not at all! far from it! you bet! not likely!
queue {f} :: tail
queue {f} :: queue, line
queue {f} [snooker] :: cue
queue {f} [vulgar, slang] :: cock, dick (penis)
queue-de-cheval {f} :: ponytail (hairstyle)
queue-de-cheval {f} [botany] :: horsetail
queue-de-pie {f} :: tailcoat (formal evening jacket)
queue de poisson {f} [figuratively] :: fishtail (swinging of the back of a vehicle from side to side)
queue de poisson {f} :: See: fr queue poisson
queues de cerises {fp} [Belgium, colloquial] :: trifle
queues de cerises {fp} [Belgium, colloquial] :: very little money, peanuts
queutard {m} [vulgar] :: horn dog, womanizer (man fixated on sex)
queuter {v} [snooker, billiards] :: To push (to have the cue ball in contact with the cue and the object ball at the same time)
queuter {v} [slang] :: To miss, fail, screw up
queuter {v} [vulgar] :: to have sex
qu'eux {contraction} :: que + eux: than them, than they, or that they
queux {m} [obsolete] :: cook
que veux-tu {interj} [colloquial] :: what can I say
qui {pron} [interrogative] :: who, whom
qui {pron} [relative] :: who, whom (after a preposition), which, that
qui {conj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: if
qui a bu boira {proverb} :: A person who has drunk will drink again
qui a bu boira {proverb} [figuratively] :: Old habits die hard; a leopard cannot change its spots
qui aime bien châtie bien {proverb} :: you've got to be cruel to be kind; spare the rod and spoil the child
qui aime bien, châtie bien {proverb} :: alternative spelling of qui aime bien châtie bien
Quiberon {prop} :: Quiberon
quiberonnais {adj} :: from Quiberon
Quiberonnais {m} :: Someone from Quiberon
quiche {f} [culinary] :: quiche
quiche {f} [colloquial] :: slap; blow, strike
quichenotte {f} :: A type of women's hat resembling a head scarf, popular in certain areas of France
quicher {v} [slang] :: to throw up, to puke, to upchuck
quicher {v} [slang] :: to force something into a space too small for it: to cram, to squeeze
quicher {v} [slang] :: to humiliate
quichottesque {adj} :: quixotic
quichua {m} :: alternative spelling of quechua
quick {m} :: quick waltz
quiconque {pron} :: anyone, whoever
quid {pron} [formal] :: what about
quidam {m} :: Used to designate persons whose name are unknown or not mentioned
quidam {m} :: Person whose identity is not indicated, in a conversation, a writing
quidam {m} :: Individual
quiddité {f} :: quiddity; essence
qui de droit {m} [legal] :: the relevant jurisdiction, the person concerned, the interested party
qui dort dîne {proverb} :: sleep allows one to go without food
quiet {adj} [rare, literary, of a person] :: calm, quiet, peaceful, at ease
quiètement {adv} :: quietly
quiétisme {m} :: quietism
quiétiste {adj} :: quietist
quiétiste {mf} :: quietist
quiétude {f} [literary] :: tranquility
qui fait le malin tombe dans le ravin {proverb} [colloquial] :: pride comes before a fall
qui fait le malin, tombe dans le ravin {phrase} :: alternative spelling of qui fait le malin tombe dans le ravin
quignon {m} :: heel (of bread)
qu'il {contraction} :: contraction of que + il
quillard {m} [nautical] :: keelboat
quille {f} :: skittle
quille {f} [colloquial] :: pin, peg (leg)
quille {f} [military slang] :: demob
quille {f} [juggling] :: club
quille {f} [nautical] :: keel
quillette {f} :: A withy cutting planted so that it takes root
qu'ils {contraction} :: que + ils
qui m'aime me suive {phrase} :: who's with me? love me or leave me!
quimbois {m} [Antilles] :: sorcery, necromancy
Quimper {prop} :: Quimper
quimpérois {adj} :: of or from Quimper
Quimpérois {m} :: someone of or from Quimper
Quimpéroise {f} :: feminine singular of Quimpérois
qu'importe {phrase} [rather formal] :: no matter the ...; the ... doesn't matter
qu'importe {interj} [rather formal] :: whichever you like, it doesn't matter, no matter, whatever
-quin {suffix} :: A suffix forming masculine nouns, originally diminutives, occurring especially in words of Dutch and Flemish origin
quin {interj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: (surprise, giving someone something) alternative form of tiens
quinaire {adj} :: quinary
quincaille {f} :: hardware
quincailler {m} :: alternative spelling of quincaillier
quincaillère {f} :: feminine singular of quincailler
quincaillerie {f} [uncountable] :: Hardware: metal implements, taken collectively
quincaillerie {f} :: A hardware store: a store where hardware is sold
quincaillier {m} :: ironmonger, hardware dealer
quincaillière {f} :: feminine singular of quincaillier
quincajou {m} :: obsolete spelling of kinkajou
quinconce {m} :: A quincunx, a group of five items arranged in a square with one in the middle
quinconce {m} [by extension] :: A plantation made at equal distances in a straight row, giving multiple alleys of trees in different directions
quinconce {m} [by extension] :: A place planted in this manner
qui ne dit mot consent {proverb} :: He who says nothing (tacitly) agrees; silence is consent
quiner {v} [slang] :: complain; whine; moan
quiner {v} [slang] :: squeal [of a vehicle's tyres]
qui ne risque rien n'a rien {proverb} :: nothing ventured, nothing gained; no pain, no gain
qui ne tente rien n'a rien {proverb} :: alternative form of qui ne risque rien n'a rien
quinine {f} :: quinine
quinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: quinic
quinnat {m} :: a quinnat salmon
quinoa {mf} :: quinoa
quinoïde {adj} [organic chemistry] :: quinoid
quinoïdine {f} [organic chemistry] :: quinoidine
quinoléine {f} [organic compound] :: quinoline
quinqua {mf} :: clipping of quinquagénaire
quinquagénaire {adj} :: quinquagenarian
quinquagénaire {mf} :: quinquagenarian
quinquénaire {adj} :: synonym of quinaire
quinquennal {adj} :: quinquennial, five-year
quinquennat {m} :: a five-year term in government
quinquet {m} [historical] :: oil lamp, Argand lamp
quinquet {m} [colloquial, humorous] :: peeper, eye
quinquin {m} :: a small child
quinquina {m} :: cinchona (tree)
quint {adj} [dated] :: fifth, seldom used outside of titles
quint {adj} [archaic, medicine] :: Occurring at an interval of five days
quint {m} [obsolete] :: A fifth
quintal {m} [historical] :: quintal (49.951 kg)
quintal {m} :: quintal (100 kg)
quinte {f} [fencing] :: quinte
quinte {f} [music] :: fifth (musical interval), quintus (choir)
quinte {f} [card games] :: (five-card) straight
quinte {f} :: fit (of coughing)
quinté {m} :: A bet on the first five horses in a race
quinteau {m} [dated, outside, Perche, Louisiana French, Quebec] :: a heap, pile or stack, such as of sugar or hay
quinte flush {f} [poker] :: straight flush
quinte flush royale {f} [poker] :: royal flush
quinter {adv} :: A fifth time
quinter {v} [archaic, agriculture] :: to plough the field five times
quinter {v} [rare] :: to have a coughing fit
quintessence {f} :: quintessence (all senses)
quintette {m} :: quintet; A composition for five voices or instruments
quintette {m} :: quintet; the set of five persons who sing or play five-part music
quinteux {adj} [medicine] :: quintan
quinteux {adj} :: bilious, ill-tempered
quintidi {m} [historical] :: The fifth day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar
quintidodécaèdre {m} :: quintidodecahedron
quintilion {m} :: alternative form of quintillion
quintilliard {num} :: 1033, a million billion billion billion by the long scale, a short scale decillion
quintillion {num} :: 1030; a quintillion by the long scale; a short scale nonillion
quintuple {adj} :: quintuple
quintuple {adj} [music] :: hundred twenty-eighth note
quintuple {m} :: quintuple
quintuple croche {f} [music] :: hundred twenty-eighth note
quintuplement {m} :: fivefold increase
quintupler {v} :: to quintuple, to multiply by five
quinvicies {adv} [legal] :: twenty-fifthly
quinzaine {f} :: about fifteen people, about fifteen things, etc
quinzaine {f} :: A period of fifteen consecutive days. By extension, two weeks; a fortnight
quinze {num} :: fifteen
quinze jours {mp} :: a fortnight, a period of two weeks, of fourteen days (exactly or approximately)
quinze-vingt {m} :: A blind patient of the Hôpital des Quinze-Vingts
quinze-vingt {m} :: A blind person
quinze-vingts {num} [archaic] :: Three hundred
quinzième {adj} :: fifteenth
quinzième {mf} :: fifteenth
quinzièmement {adv} :: fifteenthly
quinzomadaire {adj} :: fortnightly
quinzomadaire {f} :: fortnightly; fortnightly publication
quinzomadairement {adv} :: fortnightly
qui part à la chasse perd sa place {proverb} :: you snooze, you lose
qui peut le plus peut le moins {proverb} :: he who can do more can do less
qui peut le plus, peut le moins {proverb} :: alternative spelling of qui peut le plus peut le moins
qui plus est {adv} :: what is more, moreover, besides
quiproquo {m} :: misunderstanding
quiproquo {m} :: equivocation
qui que ce puisse être {pron} :: whoever (in a present sentence)
qui que ce pût être {pron} :: whoever (in a past sentence)
qui que ce soit {pron} :: whoever, anyone
qui que ce soit {pron} :: (with ne) no one, nobody
qui sait {phrase} [rhetorical question] :: who knows?
quiscale {m} :: grackle
qui sème le vent récolte la tempête {proverb} :: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind; what goes around comes around
qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête {proverb} :: alternative spelling of qui sème le vent récolte la tempête
qui se ressemble s'assemble {proverb} :: birds of a feather flock together
Quito {prop} :: Quito (capital city)
quittance {f} :: a receipt, a quittance
quitte {adj} :: quits
quitte à {adv} :: since, given that
quitte à {adv} :: at the risk of, however much
quitter {vt} [law or obsolete] :: to discharge somebody from an obligation
quitter {vt} [of a place] :: to leave, to quit
quitter {vt} [of a person] :: to part with somebody, to leave somebody
quitus {m} :: discharge (of a debt etc.)
qui va à la chasse perd sa place {proverb} :: alternative form of qui part à la chasse perd sa place: you snooze, you lose
qui va à la chasse, perd sa place {proverb} :: alternative spelling of qui va à la chasse perd sa place
qui veut la fin veut les moyens {proverb} :: the end justifies the means
qui vit par l'épée périra par l'épée {proverb} :: live by the sword, die by the sword
qui vivra verra {proverb} :: time will tell
qui vivra, verra {proverb} :: alternative spelling of qui vivra verra
qui vole un œuf vole un bœuf {proverb} :: once a thief, always a thief (Someone dishonest enough to steal a small thing can steal a big thing as well.)
quiz {m} :: quiz
quoi {pron} [accusative, dative, genitive, oblique, not used in nominative, interrogative, relative] :: what (oblique pronoun)
quoi {pron} [slang, indefinite] :: aught, anything, something
quoi {adv} [colloquial] :: you know, like, y'know
quoi de neuf {phrase} :: what's new, what's up, how's it going (an informal greeting)
quoi faire {adv} [colloquial, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: why
quoiqu' {conj} [before vowel sound] :: apocopic form of quoique
quoi que {pron} :: whatever (+ subjunctive)
quoique {conj} :: though, although
quoi que ce soit {idiom} :: anything (at all)
quoi qu'il en ait été {adv} :: at any rate, in any case, howbeit, anyway, anyhow
quoi qu'il en coûte {adv} :: whatever it costs, whatever the cost, whatever it takes
quoi qu'il en eût été {adv} :: at any rate, in any case, howbeit, anyway, anyhow
quoi qu'il en fût {adv} :: at any rate, in any case, howbeit, anyway, anyhow
quoi qu'il en soit {adv} :: be that as it may, at any rate, in any case, howbeit, anyway, anyhow
quolibet {m} :: gibe, taunt
qu'on {contraction} :: que + on
qu'on se le dise {interj} :: spread the word! let it be known!
quorum {m} :: quorum
quota {m} :: quota
quote-part {f} :: share
quotidien {adj} :: daily; everyday, quotidian, commonplace, mundane
quotidien {m} :: a daily, a daily paper: a newspaper that is published daily
quotidien {m} :: everyday life
quotidiennement {adv} :: daily (every day)
quotidienneté {f} :: daily life
quotient {m} :: Quotient (result of a division)
quotientiel {adj} [maths] :: quotient (attributive)
quotient intellectuel {m} :: intelligence quotient (IQ)
quotité {f} :: quota
quoy {pron} :: obsolete spelling of quoi
qu'un {contraction} :: que + un
qu'une {contraction} :: que + une
Quyen {prop} :: surname
qwerty {m} :: a qwerty keyboard