
do not want; do not need want; need
trad. (拗要)
simp. #(拗要)
alternative forms 奧要奥要





拗要 (Shadi Wu)

  1. do not want; do not like to (expressing nonvolition)
    衣裳拗要 [Shadi Wu, trad.]
    衣裳拗要 [Shadi Wu, simp.]
    From: 2009, 張惠英 [Zhang Huiying], 《崇明方言研究》 [A Study of Chongming Dialect], page 193
    He won't wear those clothes now that they're so old.
  2. do not; don't (as an imperative)
    吃力拗要營生 [Shadi Wu, trad.]
    吃力拗要营生 [Shadi Wu, simp.]
    From: 2009, 張惠英 [Zhang Huiying], 《崇明方言研究》 [A Study of Chongming Dialect], page 193
    You're tired enough already; don't do any more work.
  3. Used in questions about suspected situations or outcomes that are often implied to be undesirable or unexpected.
    奧要㬟寧上班 [Shadi Wu, trad.]
    奥要㬟宁上班 [Shadi Wu, simp.]
    From: 2008, 王洪鐘 [Wang Hongzhong], 《海門方言語法專題研究》 [Studies on Selected Topics of Haimenese Grammar], page 73
    I don't suppose that he hasn't come into work now, has he?
    外頭奧要落雨 [Shadi Wu, trad.]
    外头奥要落雨 [Shadi Wu, simp.]
    From: 2008, 王洪鐘 [Wang Hongzhong], 《海門方言語法專題研究》 [Studies on Selected Topics of Haimenese Grammar], page 73
    Don't tell me that it's raining outside?

