User:Matthias Buchmeier/be-en-v

цалаваць {v} :: to kiss
цана {n} :: price
цар {n} :: king
цар {n} :: emperor
царква {n} :: church
царыца {n} :: tsarina, tsaritsa (empress of several Eastern European countries, especially Russia, or the wife of a tsar)
цацка {n} :: toy
цвет {n} [collectively] :: blooming, blossom, flowers
цвёрды {adj} :: hard, solid
цвік {n} :: nail (metal fastener)
цвісці {v} :: to bloom, to blossom, to flower
цвісці {v} :: to flourish, to prosper
цвісці {v} :: to mould/mould, to get covered by mold
цвярозы {adj} :: sober
цела {n} [anatomy] :: body
целы {n} :: accusative and nominative plural form of це́ла
цемя {n} :: crown [of the head]
цень {n} :: shade
цень {n} :: shadow
церці {v} :: to rub
церці {v} :: to polish
церці {v} :: to rub sore, to chafe, to abrade
церці {v} :: to grate, to grind
цесны {adj} :: narrow, tight
цеста {n} :: dough (mix of flour and other ingredients)
цесць {n} :: [husband's] father-in-law
цешча {n} :: wife's mother, mother-in-law
цёмны {adj} :: dark
цёплы {adj} :: warm
цётка {n} :: aunt
цёця {n} :: aunt
ці {particle} :: optional interrogative particle: introduces a yes-no question
ці {particle} :: if, whether
ці {conj} :: or
цікавы {adj} :: interesting
цікавы {adj} :: curious
Цімафей {prop} :: given name
ціха {adv} :: quietly, silently
Ціхан {prop} :: given name
Ціханоўскі {prop} :: surname
ціхі {adj} :: quiet, silent, still
цнатлівы {adj} :: innocent, chaste, virgin
цнота {n} :: virtue
цуд {n} :: a marvel, a wonder
цудоўны {adj} :: wondrous, wonderful, great, excellent
цукар {n} :: sugar
цукерка {n} :: candy; sweet
цыбуля {n} :: onion (Allium cepa)
цыгарэта {n} :: cigarette
цырк {n} :: circus
цырульнік {n} :: barber
цырульня {n} :: hair salon, barbershop
цырымонія {n} :: ceremony
цэлы {adj} :: entire, whole
цэнтр {n} :: centre
цэсар {n} :: emperor
цэсар {n} :: caesar
цюлень {n} :: seal (pinniped)
цягаць {v} :: to drag, to pull
цягнік {n} :: train (line of connected cars or carriages)
цягнуць {v} :: to drag, to pull
цяжар {n} :: load, burden
цяжар {n} :: responsibility, onus
цяжарны {adj} :: pregnant
цяжкі {adj} :: difficult, hard
цяжкі {adj} :: heavy
цяжкі {adj} :: severe, tough
цяля {n} :: calf (young cow or bull)
цямніца {n} :: prison, jail
цяпер {adv} :: now
цяпло {n} :: heat
цярплівы {adj} :: patient, tolerant
цясла {n} :: adze
цячы {v} :: to flow, to run, to stream, to move
цячы {v} :: to leak