User:JeffDoozan/lists/es/forms/missing sense

Entry exists, but is missing a 'form of' declaration: 359 items

-a:suffix (imp_2s of -ar)
-a:suffix (pres_3s of -ar)
-a:suffix (imp_3s of -er)
-a:suffix (pres_sub_1s of -er)
-a:suffix (pres_sub_3s of -er)
-a:suffix (imp_3s of -ir)
-a:suffix (pres_sub_1s of -ir)
-a:suffix (pres_sub_3s of -ir)
-aba:suffix (impf_1s of -ar)
-aba:suffix (impf_3s of -ar)
-abais:suffix (impf_2p of -ar)
-aban:suffix (impf_3p of -ar)
-abas:suffix (impf_2s of -ar)
-ad:suffix (imp_2p of -ar)
-ada:suffix (pp_fs of -ar)
-adas:suffix (fpl of -ado)
-adas:suffix (pp_fp of -ar)
-ado:suffix (pp_ms of -ar)
-ados:suffix (pp_mp of -ar)
-ales:suffix (imp_2s_comb_les of -ar)
-ales:suffix (imp_2sv_comb_les of -ar)
-ales:suffix (imp_3s_comb_les of -er)
-ales:suffix (imp_3s_comb_les of -ir)
-amos:suffix (pres_1p of -ar)
-amos:suffix (pret_1p of -ar)
-amos:suffix (imp_1p of -er)
-amos:suffix (pres_sub_1p of -er)
-amos:suffix (imp_1p of -ir)
-amos:suffix (pres_sub_1p of -ir)
-an:suffix (pres_3p of -ar)
-an:suffix (imp_3p of -er)
-an:suffix (pres_sub_3p of -er)
-an:suffix (imp_3p of -ir)
-an:suffix (pres_sub_3p of -ir)
-ando:suffix (gerund of -ar)
-anos:suffix (imp_2s_comb_nos of -ar)
-anos:suffix (imp_2sv_comb_nos of -ar)
-anos:suffix (imp_3s_comb_nos of -er)
-anos:suffix (imp_3s_comb_nos of -ir)
-aran:suffix (impf_sub_ra_3p of -ar)
-areis:suffix (fut_sub_2p of -ar)
-aron:suffix (pret_3p of -ar)
-aré:suffix (fut_1s of -ar)
-as:suffix (pl of -a)
-as:suffix (pres_2s of -ar)
-as:suffix (pres_sub_2s of -er)
-as:suffix (pres_sub_2s of -ir)
-aste:suffix (pret_2s of -ar)
-asteis:suffix (pret_2p of -ar)
-astras:suffix (fpl of -astro)
-atas:suffix (fpl of -ato)
-azas:suffix (fpl of -azo)
-doras:suffix (fpl of -dor)
-doras:suffix (fpl of -dor)
-e:suffix (imp_3s of -ar)
-e:suffix (pres_sub_1s of -ar)
-e:suffix (pres_sub_3s of -ar)
-e:suffix (imp_2s of -er)
-e:suffix (pres_3s of -er)
-e:suffix (imp_2s of -ir)
-e:suffix (pres_3s of -ir)
-ea:suffix (imp_2s of -ear)
-ea:suffix (pres_3s of -ear)
-eas:suffix (pres_2s of -ear)
-eces:suffix (pres_2s of -ecer)
-ed:suffix (imp_2p of -er)
-edoras:suffix (fpl of -edor)
-edoras:suffix (fpl of -edor)
-ejas:suffix (fpl of -ejo)
-emos:suffix (imp_1p of -ar)
-emos:suffix (pres_sub_1p of -ar)
-emos:suffix (pres_1p of -er)
-en:suffix (imp_3p of -ar)
-en:suffix (pres_sub_3p of -ar)
-en:suffix (pres_3p of -er)
-en:suffix (pres_3p of -ir)
-enos:suffix (imp_3s_comb_nos of -ar)
-enos:suffix (imp_2s_comb_nos of -er)
-enos:suffix (imp_2sv_comb_nos of -er)
-enos:suffix (imp_2s_comb_nos of -ir)
-ense:suffix (imp_3p_comb_se of -ar)
-eo:suffix (pres_1s of -ear)
-eos:suffix (imp_2p_comb_os of -er)
-eros:suffix (infinitive_comb_os of -er)
-eré:suffix (fut_1s of -er)
-eréis:suffix (fut_2p of -er)
-ería:suffix (cond_1s of -er)
-ería:suffix (cond_3s of -er)
-es:suffix (pres_sub_2s of -ar)
-es:suffix (pl of -e)
-es:suffix (pres_2s of -er)
-es:suffix (pres_2s of -ir)
-ete:suffix (imp_2s_comb_te of -er)
-ete:suffix (imp_2sv_comb_te of -er)
-ete:suffix (imp_2s_comb_te of -ir)
-eznas:suffix (fpl of -ezno)
-filas:suffix (pl of -fila)
-fonas:suffix (fpl of -fono)
-id:suffix (imp_2p of -ir)
-idas:suffix (pp_fp of -er)
-idas:suffix (pp_fp of -ir)
-ido:suffix (pp_ms of -er)
-ido:suffix (pp_ms of -ir)
-idoras:suffix (fpl of -idor)
-idoras:suffix (fpl of -idor)
-idos:suffix (pp_mp of -er)
-idos:suffix (pp_mp of -ir)
-iendo:suffix (gerund of -er)
-iendo:suffix (gerund of -ir)
-ieron:suffix (pret_3p of -er)
-ieron:suffix (pret_3p of -ir)
-ilo:suffix (imp_2sv_comb_lo of -ir)
-ilos:suffix (imp_2sv_comb_los of -ir)
-imos:suffix (pret_1p of -er)
-imos:suffix (pres_1p of -ir)
-imos:suffix (pret_1p of -ir)
-inas:suffix (pl of -ina)
-ines:suffix (pl of -in)
-ingas:suffix (fpl of -ingo)
-iré:suffix (fut_1s of -ir)
-iréis:suffix (fut_2p of -ir)
-iste:suffix (pret_2s of -er)
-iste:suffix (pret_2s of -ir)
-isteis:suffix (pret_2p of -er)
-isteis:suffix (pret_2p of -ir)
-iza:suffix (imp_2s of -izar)
-iza:suffix (pres_3s of -izar)
-izo:suffix (pres_1s of -izar)
-ió:suffix (pret_3s of -er)
-ió:suffix (pret_3s of -ir)
-logas:suffix (fpl of -logo)
-o:suffix (pres_1s of -ar)
-o:suffix (pres_1s of -er)
-o:suffix (pres_1s of -ir)
-onas:suffix (pl of -ona)
-ones:suffix (pl of -on)
-osas:suffix (pl of -osa)
-otas:suffix (fpl of -ote)
-scas:suffix (pl of -sca)
-ujas:suffix (fpl of -ujo)
-ábamos:suffix (impf_1p of -ar)
-áis:suffix (pres_2p of -ar)
-áis:suffix (pres_sub_2p of -er)
-áis:suffix (pres_sub_2p of -ir)
:suffix (pret_1s of -ar)
:suffix (imp_2sv of -er)
-éis:suffix (pres_sub_2p of -ar)
-éis:suffix (pres_2p of -er)
-és:suffix (pres_sub_2sv of -ar)
-és:suffix (pres_2sv of -er)
:suffix (pret_1s of -er)
:suffix (imp_2sv of -ir)
:suffix (pret_1s of -ir)
-ía:suffix (impf_1s of -er)
-ía:suffix (impf_3s of -er)
-ía:suffix (impf_1s of -ir)
-ía:suffix (impf_3s of -ir)
-ía:suffix (f of -ío)
-íais:suffix (impf_2p of -er)
-íais:suffix (impf_2p of -ir)
-íamos:suffix (impf_1p of -er)
-íamos:suffix (impf_1p of -ir)
-ían:suffix (impf_3p of -er)
-ían:suffix (impf_3p of -ir)
-ías:suffix (impf_2s of -er)
-ías:suffix (impf_2s of -ir)
-ías:suffix (pl of -ía)
-ías:suffix (fpl of -ío)
-ís:suffix (pres_2p of -ir)
-ís:suffix (pres_2sv of -ir)
-ís:suffix (pl of )
-ís:suffix (pl of )
:suffix (pret_3s of -ar)
:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|3º||f|s}}
:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|5º||f|s}}
6.ª:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|6.º||f|s}}
Citanas:prop (fpl) # {{inflection of|es|Citano||f|p|p=proper}}
Perencejas:prop (fpl) # {{inflection of|es|Perencejo||f|p|p=proper}}
Perenganas:prop (fpl) # {{inflection of|es|Perengano||f|p|p=proper}}
agenciárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|agenciar}}
ama:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|amo}}
ametralladora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|ametrallador}}
andada:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|andado}}
antisecuestros:adj (mpl) # {{adj form of|es|antisecuestro||m|p}}
apañárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|apañar}}
armarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|armar}}
arreglárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|arreglar}}
audióloga:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|audiólogo}}
barrera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|barrero}}
bastonera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|bastoner}}
becerra:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|becerro}}
bentos:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|bento||p}}
billetera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|billetero}}
cagarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|cagar}}
campaneárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|campanear}}
captadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|captador}}
capulla:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|capullo}}
caracolera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|caracolero}}
cargársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|cargar}}
cascarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|cascar}}
cascársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|cascar}}
cauchera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|cauchero}}
chilota:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|chilote||f|s}}
chilotas:adj (fpl) # {{adj form of|es|chilote||f|p}}
chingarle:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|chingar}}
chirilicas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|chirilica||p}}
chocarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|chocar}}
chupasangres:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|chupasangre||p}}
chupársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|chupar}}
ciencias exactas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|ciencia exacta||p}}
cigarrera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|cigarrero}}
clavarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|clavar}}
clavársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|clavar}}
codificadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|codificador}}
cohetera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|cohetero}}
colársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|colar<ue>}}
comillas bajas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|comilla baja||p}}
competida:part (pp_fs) # {{feminine singular of|es|competido}}
competidas:part (pp_fp) # {{feminine plural of|es|competido}}
competido:part (pp_ms) # {{past participle of|es|competer}}
competido:part (pp_ms) # {{past participle of|es|competir}}
competidos:part (pp_mp) # {{masculine plural of|es|competido}}
componérselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|componer}}
copresidenta:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|copresidente}}
corrérsela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|correr}}
cortarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|cortar}}
creérselo:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|creer}}
cubrebocas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|cubreboca||p}}
deltoides:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|deltoide||p}}
derechos de autor:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|derecho de autor||p}}
despertarse:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|despertar<ie>}}
desvivirse:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|desvivir}}
diñarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|diñar}}
diñársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|diñar}}
dormirla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|dormir<ue-u>}}
dramática:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|dramático}}
dársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|dar}}
enchufársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|enchufar}}
entendérselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|entender<ie>}}
envainársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|envainar}}
escaladora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|escalador}}
escapada:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|escapado}}
escota:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|escoto}}
espicharla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|espichar}}
espicharlas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|espichar}}
etiquetadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|etiquetador}}
exparlamentaria:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|exparlamentario}}
facha:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|facho||f|s}}
fachas:adj (fpl) # {{adj form of|es|facho||f|p}}
freírsela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|freír}}
frotársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|frotar}}
gafa:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|gafo}}
galanes de noche:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|galán de noche||p}}
gastárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|gastar}}
gatera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|gatero}}
gilipollas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|gilipolla||p}}
gobernárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|gobernar<ie>}}
golondrina:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|golondrino}}
grabadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|grabador}}
guardavallas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|guardavalla||p}}
guardársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|guardar}}
guiones de codornices:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|guion de codornices||p}}
habérselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|haber}}
hielera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|hielero}}
huerca:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|huerco}}
ingeniárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|ingeniar}}
jugársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|jugar<ue>}}
jurársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|jurar}}
ladrillera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|ladrillero}}
lanzatorpedos:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|lanzatorpedo||p}}
lavadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|lavador}}
liarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|liar<í>}}
liarlas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|liar<í>}}
lijadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|lijador}}
locera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|locero}}
madrina:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|padrino}}
manes:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|man||p}}
manguera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|manguero}}
maquis:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|maqui||p}}
medios de comunicación:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|medio de comunicación||p}}
meneársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|menear}}
metérsela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|meter}}
milanesa:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|milanés}}
miles:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|mil||p}}
minina:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|minino}}
montarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|montar}}
montárselo:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|montar}}
mujer cis:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|hombre cis}}
mujer trans:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|hombre trans}}
otóloga:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|otólogo}}
palmarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|palmar}}
pantalones vaqueros:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|pantalón vaquero||p}}
paperas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|papera||p}}
papus:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|papu||p}}
pararlas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|parar}}
parirla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|parir}}
pasacasetes:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|pasacasete||p}}
pasarlo:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|pasar}}
pasárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|pasar}}
patas de gallo:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|pata de gallo||p}}
patera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|patero}}
pecera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|pecero}}
pegársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|pegar}}
pelotudaza:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|pelotudazo}}
pelársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|pelar}}
petenera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|petenero}}
picabueyes:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|picabuey||p}}
picadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|picador}}
picamaderos:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|picamadero||p}}
picársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|picar}}
pirárselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|pirar}}
pompis:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|pompi||p}}
postrimerías:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|postrimería||p}}
pp.:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|p.||p}}
primarias:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|primaria||p}}
pringarla:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|pringar}}
prismáticos:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|prismático||p}}
psicopedagoga:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|psicopedagogo}}
puta:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|puto}}
remachadora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|remachador}}
reposera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|reposero}}
rinóloga:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|rinólogo}}
rompedora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|rompedor}}
sacapuntas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|sacapunta||p}}
saltacuerdas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|saltacuerda||p}}
salvavidas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|salvavida||p}}
samoyeda:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|samoyedo||f|s}}
sanusíes:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|sanusí||p}}
sicóloga:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|sicólogo}}
silvícola:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|silvícolo||f|s}}
silvícolas:adj (pl) # {{adj form of|es|silvícola||p}}
soplársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|soplar}}
sorrentinos:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|sorrentino||p}}
sudársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|sudar}}
sumerogramas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|sumerograma||p}}
tamborera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|tamborero}}
tepozteca:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|tepozteco}}
ternera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|ternero}}
timonera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|timonero}}
tirillas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|tirilla||p}}
tocacintas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|tocacinta||p}}
tocársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|tocar}}
tomacorrientes:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|tomacorriente||p}}
tonga:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|tongo}}
tornera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|tornero}}
torques:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|torque||p}}
tortera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|tortero}}
tragamonedas:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|tragamoneda||p}}
tranquera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|tranquero}}
trucha:adj (f) # {{adj form of|es|trucho||f|s}}
turgueses:n (pl) # {{noun form of|es|turgués||p}}
táctica:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|táctico}}
valérselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|valer}}
vicedirectora:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|vicedirector}}
videobloguera:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|videobloguero}}
vérselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|ver}}
vérselas:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|versar}}
zumbársela:v (smart_inflection) # {{es-verb form of|zumbar}}
ñaña:n (f) # {{female equivalent of|es|ñaño}}