
The personal pronouns are not declined as such, but some do have particular forms.

  • The first person plural has alternative forms based on sinn and muid.
  • The second person singular may lenite when used objectively (but is subject to the dntls rule).
  • Third person pronouns drop their initial s when used with the copula, and objectively.

Forms are shown in the summary table below for use:

  • with the copula: Is é.
  • with analytic verb forms:
  • emphatically: Is mise
    • -sa: mise, tusa, sise, sibhse
    • -san: (s)eisean, (s)iadsan
    • -ne: sinne, muidne

The possessive pronouns are not declined.

An example of synthetic forms is also shown, for standard and dialect/archaic declensions.

The etymology table shows how irish pronouns derive, in whole or in part, from the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European pronouns *éǵh₂, *túh₂ and *éy.

Summary table

Number and person Copula Analytic Emphatic Possessive [1] Example Synthetic[2]
subject [3] object [4] copula analytic standard dialect
Singular 1st mise moL, m' [5] -im -im
2nd thú tusa doL, d' [5] - -ir
3rd m é [6] é eisean seisean aL - -idh
3rd f í í ise sise aH
3rd n ea [7] -
Plural 1st sinn [8] sinn sinne árN -imid -imid
muid muid muidne
2nd sibh [8] sibh sibhse bhurN - -tí
3rd iad siad iad iadsan siadsan aN - -id


Pronoun form Middle Irish [9] Old Irish Proto-Celtic PIE
form root
*mī *me *éǵh₂
*tū *túh₂
é é *es *éy
í í? [10] *sī *sih₂ *só + *éy
ea [12] ed *id *éy
sinn sinni [13] *snīs *nēs *éǵh₂
muid -mid [14]
sibh sib *swiswis [15] *wos *túh₂
iad íat [16]
siad síat[17]
mise messe [18]
tusa tussu
eisean é-som
ise sis(s)i
sinne sinni [19] *snīsni
sibhse sib-si
iadsan [16]
mo mo [20] *moy *moy *éǵh₂
do [21] do [22] *toy *toy *túh₂
aL aL [23] *esyo [24] *ésyo *éy
aH aH [23] *esyās [25] *ésyeh₂s *éy
ár ar [26] *anserom *n̥serōm *wéy
bhur for *sweseros *wes *wos
aN aN [23] *eysom [27] *éysoHom *éy


  1. ^ Using the /L H N/ notation to indicate triggering of lenition, aspiration and eclipsis (for which /E/ may also be seen)
  2. ^ Active indicative present, slender. Of these forms, besides the standard first person, only the second singular may be heard today. For other tenses, see for example dialect forms on Nualeargais.
  3. ^ Also conjunctive
  4. ^ Also disjunctive
  5. 5.0 5.1 Elision occurs before vowels and lenited f: m'iníon, d'fhear céile
  6. ^ Not to be confused with Is é...> 'Sé...
  7. ^ The last remaining neuter form in Irish, akin to English it
  8. 8.0 8.1 There was an older form without the copular s.
  9. ^ Entries for muffle Irish are given only if they differ significantly from Old Irish
  10. ^ No etymology in entry. Suggested in comparison with MGa split of 3rd sg SGa é → é/sé, therefore sí → í/sí
  11. ^ Etymology 2 in the this entry
  12. ^ Obsolete spelling eadh
  13. ^ This is the emphatic form
  14. ^ Synthetic ending re-analysed as a pronoun.
  15. ^ Reduplicated form of *swīs
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Old Irish form is the same as the 3rd m sg, é
  17. ^ No etymology in this entry. Suggested based on etymology of iad.
  18. ^ Messe ocus Pangur Bán
  19. ^ Dissimilated from the Proto-Celtic
  20. ^ No Old Irish entry yet, links to Irish version
  21. ^ Etymology 3 in this entry
  22. ^ links to entry with preposition "to, for" only
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Etymology 3 in this entry
  24. ^ The final vowel triggers lenition
  25. ^ The final -s triggers h-prothesis
  26. ^ Entry does not describe personal pronoun yet
  27. ^ The final nasal triggers eclipsis

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See also


Category:Irish appendices - Pronouns