Appendix:Danish palindromes

This appendix lists palindromes in Danish.

List of palindromes




13 letters


12 letters


10 letters


9 letters


8 letters


7 letters


6 letters


5 letters


4 letters


3 letters

  • aha - aha, I see
  • ara - macaw
  • bob - bob (the game)
  • did - thither, to that place
  • dvd - DVD
  • dyd - virtue
  • død - death, dead
  • dåd - deed
  • ege - spoke (wheel); boat; oaks
  • eje - possess, possession
  • ene - alone
  • ere - are (plural, obsolete)
  • fif - trick
  • gag - gag, comedic routine
  • gig - gig
  • gøg - cuckoo (bird)
  • kik - peep
  • kok - cook, chef
  • kuk - cuckoo (sound)
  • kæk - brave; spirited; cheerful
  • lal - bable maunder, drivel; dawdle
  • lul - lullaby
  • mim - mime! (v)
  • non - ?
  • nyn - hum!
  • næn - gentle, careful
  • obo - oboe
  • oho (interjection)
  • pap - cardboard
  • pep - go, pep (noun)
  • pip - chirp, tweet, peep
  • pop - pop (popular music); onomatopoeia
  • rar - plesant, kind
  • rir - tacks (v), bastes
  • ror - rudder (for a ship)
  • rur - Balanidae (animal)
  • rær - tall, skinny person, beanpole
  • rør - pipe, tube, reed, cane
  • ses - be seen; meet
  • sis - sieve's, (tea) strainer's, colander's; be sieved
  • sms - SMS (text message)
  • SOS - SOS
  • sos - of a sow (female pig)
  • sus - whistling, singing (e.g. wind)
  • sys - be sewed
  • søs - lake's, sea's, pool's
  • sås - was seen, have met
  • tit - often; look briefly!, peep!
  • tot - tuft (e.g. of hair), wad (e.g. of cotton), wisp (e.g. of hair); taut
  • tut - fingerstall; roll (of coins)
  • tæt - close (contact, formation); dense (fog, crowd, language); watertight
  • udu - broken, not working
  • uhu - tu-whoo (the owl's sound); boohoo (crying)
  • viv - wife
  • vov - bow-wow, woof-woof, sound of dog barking
  • væv - loom (noun), weave (v), tissue (e.g. nerve or bone tissue)
  • wow - wow


  • En af dem, der red med fane: "One of those who rode with a flag"
    • Derivate: En af dem, der nedrev Sannas verden, red med fane; "One of those who demolished Sanna's world rode with a flag"
  • Gid da den dame så de sørens asner øse dåsemad ned ad dig: "I hope that lady saw those darned bastards pour canned food over you"
  • Skal Eva have laks?: "Does Eva want salmon?"
  • Da den netop retter poten nedad: "Because it happens to be pointing its paw downwards"
  • Amok-igle redder elg i koma: "Amuck-leech saves moose in coma"
  • Du låner en ål ud.: "You lend an eel"
  • Du er Freud: "You are Freud"
  • Vær dog god, ræv!: "Be good now, fox!"
  • Se så, René, smid du nu den røde messing-nisse med ørnedun ud, dimsen er Åses.: "Look René, throw that red brass elf with eagle's down [i.e. small feathers] out. The thing is Åse's."
  • Voksne irere dividerer i en skov: "Grown-up Irishmen are dividing in a forest."
  • Gid ræven var stedets ravne værdig: "If only the fox were worthy of the local ravens."

See also

Appendices of palindromes in all languages (edit)

Afrikaans - Albanian - Arabic - Armenian - Basque - Belarusian - Bulgarian - Catalan - Chinese - Czech - Danish - Dutch - Egyptian - Esperanto - Estonian - Finnish - French - German - Greek - Greenlandic - Hebrew - Hindi - Hungarian - Icelandic - Indonesian - Interlingua - Italian - Japanese - Korean - Latin - Latvian - Lithuanian - Lojban - Marathi - Malay - Norwegian - Persian - Polish - Portuguese - Punjabi - Romanian - Russian - Serbo-Croatian - Slovene - Spanish - Swahili - Swedish - Tagalog - Tamil - Telugu - Thai - Turkish - Ukrainian - Urdu - Volapük - Võro - Welsh