Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/March



How do you guys type all of these letters that are in other languages? Do you use the windows input on your keyboard?

When you edit a page, you can use the "special characters" dropdown above the edit text-box. Or you can use your operating system's character selector: in Windows, it's called "Character Map", and is available on the Start menu. Or you can add foreign languages to your operating system (in Windows: Control Panel, Region and Language), which might enable certain special features such as pop-up keyboards. Equinox 03:21, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you

A simple answer is that I don't type "all" special letters, but only those used in some languages that I care about (Scandinavian, German, Russian). And for those languages I either have a good keyboard already, or I switch to other keyboard layouts in my operating system software. My physical keyboard has a Swedish layout with keys for ÅÄÖ. To reach the Danish/Norwegian ÆØ, Icelandic ÐÞ, and German ß i use the AltGr in combination with ÄÖDTS (which works fine under Linux). To type Russian/Cyrillic letters, I switch to a Russian keyboard layout. --LA2 (talk) 13:55, 9 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

{{unk.}} again


Would it be possible to integrate the functioning of this slightly clunky template that continues to lack domcumentation into {{etyl}}? Just {{etyl|unk}} won't do (unk is a valid language code), but some other keyword might.

As has been noted before (see talk page), this is not quite the same as the currently existing functionality {{etyl|und}}. --Tropylium (talk) 01:05, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

{{etyl}} is meant specifically for indicating what language a word originates from; it stands for ETYmology Language. So I don't think it would be appropriate to make this change. —CodeCat 01:40, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Then the parameter name etyl lang in {{calque}} makes perfect sense: etymology language language.
I always thought etyl was an ugly contraction of ETYmoLogy.--Dixtosa (talk) 12:19, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The possible origin of "etyl" as shorthand for "etymology language" is not an impediment to using it to say that the origin of a term is unknown. On the other hand, the fact that unk is the code of Enawené-Nawé might be an impediment: we could use a different keyword, as suggested, e.g. {{etyl|unk.}}, but I would expect people to forget and type {{etyl|unk}}. Already people forget to specify the right language as the second parameter when they add new {{etyl}}s or (especially) copy existing ones from e.g. an English section to some other language's section. - -sche (discuss) 19:06, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I like this idea, in particular because you could use the etyl syntax of {{etyl|unknown|<lang>}} and still add them to Category:Terms with unknown etymologies by language. JohnC5 19:42, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
We could also use {{etyl|?|...}}. But I still don't think we should be using this template for that. —CodeCat 20:49, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I like {{etyl|unknown}}. Just {{etyl|?}} seems too ambiguous between this and {{etyl|und}}.
I don't follow why this fusion would be objectionable; functionally, {{etyl}} is a template that exists for 1) linking the source language and 2) adding terms to etymological categories. {{unk.}} exists for the second job as well, while the first is in these cases unapplicable. Is there any way in which the functions of these actually clash?
— To be clear, I do not necessarily suggest that {{unk.}} should be entirely depreciated though, if there are people who want to still keep that around as well. --Tropylium (talk) 01:51, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Someone broke basic functionality again


Whoever caused WT:ACCEL to generate this bad plural entry (multicompetences), please fix it. Teach a man to fish, and all that. I won't correct "my" errors caused by others' bugs added to something previously working. Equinox 20:55, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nothing has changed. Still broken. Equinox 22:39, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The Mediawiki devs added little "§" anchor links to all the headers, so that got the script confused. Fixed. --Yair rand (talk) 23:19, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for dropping by. DCDuring TALK 00:05, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Right now, the following:

{{es-verb form of/subtense-pronoun|person=second|number=singular|voseo=yes|formal=no}}

… displays …


Note that the template uses voseo, which is IMO wrong and inconsistent with other pronouns. voseo only refers to the use of vos as a pronoun, and is not the pronoun. In contrast, is shown rather than tuteo:

{{es-verb form of/subtense-pronoun|person=second|number=singular|voseo=no|formal=no}}

… displays …


Therefore I propose to change Template:es-verb_form_of/subtense-pronoun and friends to make this consistent, by changing voseo to vos in the output.

Timothy Gu (talk) 01:40, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Template:cy-noun behaving oddly


In this old revision of caer, the plural forms weren't showing up. Should the pl= parameter simply be abandoned and the documentation updated (in which case we need a bot to fix all examples) or can someone diagnose this? —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 05:25, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed. — Ungoliant (falai) 21:27, 7 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]



Hi. What's the news with all the Initialisms/Acronyms etc.? I believe we were phasing them out, but I can't find the page explaining it. So, I added a few initialisms and got error messages, which I ignored. What's the deal with them? --Type56op9 (talk) 11:09, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

We should not be adding any new headers: Abbreviation, Initialism, Acronym. We are supposed to have real parts of speech as headers. This often means more than one header is required instead of the to-be-replaced header. DCDuring TALK 11:45, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Right, I'll change them in the future. --Type56op9 (talk) 12:06, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

What Happened to Safari Notifications?


For a short time, Wiktionary was able to send (Echo?) notifications to OS X's Notification Center via Safari. That functionality now seems to have disappeared, but where did it go?
— RandomDSdevel (talk) 18:45, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Is that some Apple thing? Please explain how it worked and we might be able to explain what happened. Equinox 02:08, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I don't know the specifics, but, yes, I believe that what I'm referring to had to do with Apple's Push Notifications Service. Somebody here set Wiktionary up so that users could check a box in his or her preferences to have the wiki ping him or her via their device's Notification Center whenever he or she received an Echo notification on-wiki. That checkbox has now disappeared, and I'm wondering where it went and why the functionality that it enabled was disabled. It would be nice to get messages about new on-wiki information via Notification Center instead of through full-blown e-mails!
— RandomDSdevel (talk) 18:19, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I don't know what "Echo notifications" are, and can't find much on Google, but perhaps you were somehow using the RSS newsfeed for the page? Equinox 22:04, 7 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
'Echo' is the MediaWiki notifications extension. I remember reading somewhere on Wiktionary that somebody had hacked together some way to copy notifications from either Echo or some other on-wiki source and then send them to OS X's Notification Center. And I don't remember it was just for some specific page or not, but my memory could be playing tricks with me.
— RandomDSdevel (talk) 21:38, 8 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
If you're wondering why I'm asking about this, then it's because I want something to reference when I go to Phabricator and file a 'request for enhancement' to include this functionality in more WMF wikis.
— RandomDSdevel (talk) 17:27, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I've noticed some IP edits from time to time where they left a citations page empty except for the kind of preloaded material you get when you create the Documentation page for a template I seem to remember someone had reported this before, but every time I checked an entry with no citations page, the redlink looked normal- so I thought it had been resolved.

Just now, I found an example: for the moment, anyway, Talk:হাঁ has the following URL on the Documents tab:


After checking a few other pages without Citations pages, I noticed a pattern: the redlink from the main entry has no preload, but the redlink from the Discussion tab has the preload parameter as above. I went to an entry I created today, clicked on the Discussion tab, looked at the preview for the empty page, and found that the discussion tab had the preload.

Can we fix this? Chuck Entz (talk) 21:50, 7 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed. --Yair rand (talk) 21:51, 8 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I am the person who reported it before; so thanks! Equinox 21:59, 8 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks!! Chuck Entz (talk) 23:02, 8 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Latinx script


WT:Scripts claims that this exists "for characters in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block". Yet per WT:List of languages, it mainly seems to be in use for proto-languages. Plenty of languages that use Latin-B letters have just the plain Latn script code (e.g. Hausa, Livonian, !Kung, Vietnamese). Is something amiss here? --Tropylium (talk) 13:24, 9 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Misbehaviour in Chrome


If I use Firefox & ΙΕ all is fine - but using Chrome gives the following problems (1) Languages tabs messed up (with that option chosen) (2) pull down tables - eg translations - don't work (and the "Visibility" item in the side menu is missing). I haven't changed any options on Chrome since this started happening.   — Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk 21:46, 11 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The same problem has just arisen while using Firefox. BUT clearing cookies has made it go away. I have been developing a template family (centered on {{el-conj-table-1a}}) which uses pull down tables - so guess this is the source of my problem - it starts after repeated testing/ using "show preview".   -   Has any one else encountered this problem?   — Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk 08:09, 12 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

solved' - "clearing cookies" in my browser solved this problem - presumably my repetitive views created a buildup of something - causing the problem.   — Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk 16:24, 13 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I still have the problem with pull-down tables ["Show" is missing from the top-right corner]. For example, at https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%83%CF%80%CE%AF%CF%84%CE%B9 [σπίτι] the table under "Declension" does not have "Show" in the top-right corner. It works if I'm not logged into Wiktionary, but it stops working as soon as log in [and works again if I log out]. The Chrome console shows a number of warning messages in both scenarios; when I'm logged in [and pull-down tables don't work], though, I also get a couple of errors, which I can forward [how?] to whomever is interested. Clearing the cookies does not help. I'm on version 43.0.2357.65 of Chrome [the latest as of this writing], the 64-bit version. The same happens with IE 11 [32-bit version, I think], with same warning error messages in the console. Thanks.   -   User:Rgiuntoli 08:30 21 May 2015 (UTC)
Forget it, it turns out that it's a theme problem: Cologne Blue does not work as described above, whereas Vector (the default theme) always works. I'll see how else I can address this. Thanks :) ...   -   User:Rgiuntoli 08:50 21 May 2015 (UTC)

Ancient Greek adverb template


Is there an Ancient Greek adverb template? —BoBoMisiu (talk) 00:59, 13 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Probably not - I would expect it to start "grc-adv...", and there seems to be nothing lised in Category:Ancient Greek headword-line templates   — Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk 15:46, 13 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Module Error at æschynite


This entry hasn't been edited since it was created in August, but it's had a module error for just the past week or so. It may have something to do edits by User:CodeCat to Module:headword on March 5, but the trail goes through {{fr-noun}} and Module:fr-headword before it reaches Module:headword where the error occurs. If it helps any, removing "?"as the second parameter gets rid of the error (before anyone launches any w:Henny Youngman doctor jokes at me: yes, {{fr-noun}} is supposed to be able to handle "?" as the second parameter). Chuck Entz (talk) 01:46, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed. — Ungoliant (falai) 01:56, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! It actually took more time for me to post that than for you to make the fix.Chuck Entz (talk) 02:17, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]



Is this page formatted and set up correctly?

This term is used, but it is mostly reserved in use by the gaming community. Even there, it is only found in use by a particular niche.

As such, I doubt this term meets our criteria for inclusion. Nevertheless, it is a term that I am fond of, so I thought that I would host it within my userspace.

If it ever does gain enough citations, please do let me know and we can arrange to move it into the mainspace.

However, for now, I just wanted to ask...

Is the page formatted correctly, set up as our pages normally would be? I'm not good with the templates here, so I need the opinion of an expert on that. I tried the best that I could, but I'm not sure if I messed up somewhere or if there was an easier way of doing something that I missed. Tharthan (talk) 13:53, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

It looks okay to me, but I don't understand the definition. What sort of "perspective" are we talking about here; how can a perspective "enter" something? Equinox 14:02, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Blick Winkel is a term that seems to originate (though I can't tell if it originated in German as a secondary use of "Blickwinkel", or if it originated in English as an theoretics expansion upon the simple German "Blickwinkel") in the field of niche theoretics.
From what I can understand (though I myself do not engage in theoretics studies, so I could be missing some details here):

A Blick Winkel is the perspective of a being (or a being that is purely a perspective) that is able to cross interdimensional boundaries, jump into the consciousness of an individual from a given dimension, and perceive things from that individual's perspective. They are not bound to an individual, however, and if that individual dies, they do not die with them.

In the field of video games, the term is used to refer to the player of the game when that individual ends up becoming a sort of character themselves by way of a fourth wall not being present. Often, a Blick Winkel's presence is revealed near to, at, or after the climax of the game.
Does that explanation make sense? Tharthan (talk) 14:23, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You missed the {{trans-mid}} inside the translation table. — Ungoliant (falai) 16:06, 14 March 2015 (UTC
Fixed. Thanks! Tharthan (talk) 17:33, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Another thing: use the templates {{etyl}} and {{m}}/{{term}} in the etymology, and {{en-noun}} in the HWL. You can get away with bare wikicode in the etymology, but the use of HWL templates is enforced much more strongly.
In case you did it because it’s a prototype: don’t worry, these templates recognise the namespace and won’t add categories to userpages. — Ungoliant (falai) 18:07, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

{{etyl}} use with same language variations


{{temp|etyl|grc|grc-koi}} outputs: {{etyl|grc|grc-koi}}

The template doesn't let the user differentiate within language families using the definitions found in Module:etymology language/data? WT:ETYM#Stages of Latin states that: "Further, it is useful to differentiate which stage of Latin a borrowing is from – Classical Latin (la), followed by Late Latin (written) (LL. 3rd c.–6th c.) and Vulgar Latin (spoken) (VL. 3rd c.–9th c.), Medieval Latin (ML. 6th c.–c. 1500), and New Latin (NL. c.1500–1900)." It should be the same for Greek. Nevertheless, Latin also has the same result,

{{temp|etyl|la|la-ecc}} outputs: {{etyl|la|la-ecc}}
{{temp|etyl|la-ecc|la-new}} outputs: {{etyl|la-ecc|la-new}}

BoBoMisiu (talk) 14:28, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

What does it mean exactly when a grc-koi word is borrowed from grc? The former is a variety included in the latter. It's like saying that an American English term was borrowed from English. —CodeCat 14:40, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I thought it was like an English etymology being: from Middle English, from Old English. —BoBoMisiu (talk) 17:30, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
But Middle English is not part of the language we call "English", it's a separate language. Koine Greek is part of Ancient Greek, and we don't treat Koine as a separate language. —CodeCat 18:16, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Then there really is no point in having Koine Greek defined as its own input language in the template either as it is just Ancient Greek. It makes no sense to use it as an input but not as an output to show a developed language. –BoBoMisiu (talk) 19:26, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You can achieve the display, if not the categorization, by using {{etyl|grc|-}}, yielding Ancient Greek. We put up with this for Latin routinely. DCDuring TALK 19:31, 14 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
BoBoMisiu, are you perhaps simply getting the order of the codes backwards in {{etyl}}? Module:etymology language/data is full of dialects which we find it expedient to admit that terms are derived from (so the codes can occur as the first parameter of {{etyl}}). The dialects are, however, handled under their parent languages' L2 header (so the codes cannot occur as the second parameter of {{etyl}}, as this parameter must be a code found in Module:languages, the module for languages which get their own L2 headers). See e.g. martyr (which uses {{etyl|grc|la}}). - -sche (discuss) 09:01, 15 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No, as you can see above ({{etyl|grc|grc-koi}}), the order is not backwards. My question was about showing progression within the variations, which may span over thousands of years, for example from Ancient Greek words combined several hundred years after they are attested into a new Koine Greek word. Reading through the module, I see that such detail is not possible. —BoBoMisiu (talk) 04:28, 16 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I just wrapped your templates in nowiki tags so that this page stops showing up in Category:Pages with module errors. Putting those template there was something like taking an appliance in for service and plugging it in to demonstrate how it emits toxic smoke and shorts out the wall outlet. Chuck Entz (talk) 03:39, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You can actually subst module errors. If you do, then you can remove the module error category and leave only the text. —CodeCat 17:44, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Wow, I'll try to remember not to post templates that way next time. —BoBoMisiu (talk) 20:49, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Bug in the translation editor duplicating translations


I just spotted this edit: diff. Judging from the edit summary, the user did a balance; but instead of shifting the translation over, it duplicated it. —CodeCat 00:28, 16 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Could this edit: diff have anything to do with it? Chuck Entz (talk) 01:21, 16 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

User UPA


I'm considering starting a bundle of script templates for the w:Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, alongside Category:User IPA. Attempting to create these by reference to {{User script-1}} etc. throws up various module errors, though. Shall I request someone to massage the script modules, or to forgo meta-templating and just design the userboxes by hand? — There is also another minor error that could perhaps be better circumvented by the former route: the meta-templates seem to force a roman type for "icon" glyphs, while UPA is always used in italics. --Tropylium (talk) 01:13, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The errors appear because UPA isn't a valid script code. Should we have a separate script code for UPA? If we're going to be adding UPA in entries, we may need one. —CodeCat 01:34, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Active usage of detailed UPA is probably a bad idea, it mainly comes up with source material.
(Although, regardless, we have even e.g. some rather preposterous-looking UPA entries over at Category:Ter Sami lemmas and possibly other similar places.) --Tropylium (talk) 03:42, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Global User Pages


When I saw this user page (User:JenifferHomes), I wondered how this user got all of the user boxes then visible to show up, since none of them are allowed on Wiktionary. On closer examination, I discovered that Wikimedia has a relatively new feature that displays content from a centrally-located user page on local user pages for every wiki they edit.

If anyone runs into such a page in the future and needs to block display of Wiktionary-inappropriate content, all you need to do is create a user page with any content in it whatsoever: the global page won't display if there's already a local user page. In this case, I just put an html comment in it so I could save it as an empty page. Chuck Entz (talk) 03:20, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Why would this be helpful? Creating blank pages to suppress display of global user pages sounds very unproductive. Also, my understanding is that it's not just all wikis that they edit, it's all wikis, period. --Yair rand (talk) 06:24, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It depends on the user page- I'm not saying we should do this in every case. Right now we have WT:USER, and the vote that's behind it, but people can get around it by moving everything to Mediawiki and not creating a user page here. This sets up a two-tier system: people with local user pages, who have to follow the rules, and people with global user pages, who don't. We should either repeal our restrictions on permissible user boxes and delete WT:USER, or disallow local display of global user pages that break the rules. Otherwise we're just making hypocrites of ourselves. Chuck Entz (talk) 07:33, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Raw linking text


Is there a template that will just return a string formatted for linking given a particular language? For instance, if I put {{template X|νεκῠ́οιῐν|lang=grc}}, it would return the string "νεκύοιιν". It seems like such a template should exist. —JohnC5 03:33, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Not {{l}}? DCDuring TALK 12:15, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
{{l}} will strip the superfluous diacritics from the link, but not the display: {{l|grc|νεκῠ́οιῐν}} links to νεκύοιιν but still displays νεκῠ́οιῐν (nekúoiin), which doesn't seem to be what JohnC5 wants. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 12:28, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]



Would it be reasonable to give [[Category:Chinese terms needing attention|r]] its own category, like Category:zh-pron usage missing POS? It seems be the reason why the "Chinese terms needing attention" has so many pages in it. —umbreon126 08:15, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Are there implications for Wiktionary of user renaming?


Many user names are about to be changed as a result of single user login (SUL). If one of them were yours, you would already have been notified. But, an unknown number of those will be for users with significant numbers of contributions. I fear that we will lose a means of making a quick assessment of a contribution, based on our prior experience with a username. This is not as big a problem for pedias as for us, because of our higher ratio of articles to active admits or active white listed contributor. The SUL process cannot be stopped, but we could request reports to help us track problematic registered users and their contributions. Any thoughts? DCDuring TALK 22:10, 18 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

JavaScript needs to encodeURIComponent cookies instead of escaping them


When storing cookies, MediaWiki:Gadget-legacy.js uses escape to encode their values. However, this function is deprecated and uses Latin-1 encoding to encode non-ASCII characters. When jquery.cookie.js tries to decode the cookie value, it uses decodeURIComponent which dies with an URIError when encountering such raw Latin-1 characters. This happened to me after the introduction of the “§” anchor links, which got stored in my cookie when they got mixed into the declension heading and I clicked “Show §declensions”. So now, JS is broken for me here on enwikt.

The gadget (and any other JS code) should use encodeURIComponent instead. (And decodeURIComponent instead of unescape.)

See phab:T93187.

--Mormegil (talk) 10:46, 19 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Jquery cookies are automatically encoded/decoded using encodeURIComponent/decodeURIComponent. To avoid any issue, it is better to always use jQuery for cookies, instead of the deprecated functions in MediaWiki:Gadget-legacy.js. At least we should try to rewrite those functions to use jQuery cookies. — Dakdada 14:22, 19 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Template:Q year= parameter


This parameter does not seem to work, as seen in the second quote on Iovem lapidem iurare. The transyear= parameter does apparently. Can we fix this? —JohnC5 20:27, 19 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Template:l tr= parameter


Yet another question for the Pit. It seems that the tr= parameter in {{l}} does not work when it has to override the automatic transcription of some scripts. Gothic does not work (𐌳𐌿𐌱𐍉 (dūbō) should read "dūbō") nor polytonic (ἀνήρ (anḗr) should read "potato salad"). Devanagari does seem to work (नृ (nṛ́)). There are probably others in each category, but I haven't looked for them. Anyone know what the problem is here? —JohnC5 09:03, 20 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

It is not a problem, it is a good feature. Some scripts never need manual transliteration. Somewhere there is a list of such scripts, but I don't remember where. --Vahag (talk) 09:56, 20 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
However, WT:Gothic transliteration states that vowel length in Gothic should be marked on u and a if known, and both common practice and {{got-decl-noun-table}} use l for this process. I admit I am hard pressed to think of when one mightneed to override the transliteration for AG, but for Gothic it is definitely necessary. —JohnC5 10:18, 20 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
OK, then Gothic might need to be removed from the override_manual_transliteration list. @ZxxZxxZ, @CodeCat, where did you hide that function? --Vahag (talk) 10:57, 20 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]



No "~" parameter for {{enm-noun}}? —BoBoMisiu (talk) 21:16, 20 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

French uncountable nouns


At choucroute, [{fr-noun|f|-}] gives a result that says the word is uncountable but still expects a plural form, and the term gets categorized into Category:French entries needing inflection. I assume there's something wrong at Module:fr-headword; could someone take a look? —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 15:49, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed. —CodeCat 15:55, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Dank je wel! —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 15:57, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Though, actually, I think this particular French noun is countable. SemperBlotto (talk) 15:58, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It's easy enough to get it to say "(countable or uncountable, plural choucroutes)". —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 16:05, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Automatic Arabic transliteration


Does anyone know why the automatic Arabic transliteration isn't working in مُجَدَّرَة (mujaddara, pockmarks) (see mujaddara#Etymology)? I'm pretty sure all the diacritics that are supposed to be there are present. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 14:51, 25 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

A left-to-right mark, as usual. DTLHS (talk) 18:36, 25 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Aha, a sneaky invisible character. Thanks for your help. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 18:48, 25 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I recently made a WT:TODO list of entries which contained LTR and RTL marks. Someone could use it and/or make a fresh one, and remove all these marks by bot or at least by AWB. - -sche (discuss) 20:51, 25 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Some people use them for formatting, so you might break some things. Can we add an edit filter for this? DTLHS (talk) 22:41, 25 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Problem with {{quote-journal}}


The unambiguous page contains the following:

  1. clear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity
    • 1965 July, Donald Knuth, “On the Translation of Languages from Left to Right”, in Information and Control[1], volume 8, pages 639–707:
      blah blah blah

Problem: there is a link after the title and on "pages 639-707". The link should only be on the title.

P.S. "pages=#-#" should display with an en dash between the numbers, like this: "pages #–#".

P.S.S. Why does "title=" display with fancy quotes in Wiktionary but not Wikipedia? ~User000name (talk) 04:12, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Language code frs is not valid


When is someone going to fix this? This problem has been persisting for days, and leads to 100+ entries in Category:Pages with module errors. Benwing (talk) 06:14, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

We consider East Frisian Low Saxon to be a dialect of German Low German, so any frs you encounter should be changed to nds-de. Unless it's being used mistakenly for Saterland Frisian (also called East Frisian), in which case it should be changed to stq. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 10:17, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It's more complicated than that, or I would have fixed it by now, myself: East Frisian had several dialects, of which Saterland Frisian is the only survivor, but at least one other of which survived into the last century. Because no one was sure what frs was, until recently, it was pressed into service as the code for Frisian East Frisian. As far as I can tell, most of the uses of the frs code are neither Frisian Low Saxon nor Saterland Frisian, but were taken from reference works such as this one, in which the specific dialect of East Frisian isn't always specified. I've found and fixed a few cases where frs was really Saterland Frisian, but I've been hampered by lack of access to references on Frisian Low Saxon and limited usefulness of sources online for Saterland Frisian. I think we need to create an exception code for East Frisian, and swap it with all of these uses of frs, but mark them for attention so someone with access to the proper sources can sort through them later. Chuck Entz (talk) 18:46, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Alphabetical sorting of compounds where confix is used


There seems to be a problem here, probably with the template used. For example - Category:English words prefixed with thermo-. This isn't the only category where this happens of course, and I have even come across this problem in Norwegian. I think words where the affix template is used are also affected. Donnanz (talk) 12:15, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Test cases, arguments and page names for modules


How do I emulate arguments and page names for test cases in modules? Do I have to explicitly code the possibility for module arguments to override page names and template arguments for testing? --Njardarlogar (talk) 21:01, 30 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

{{quote-us-patent}} broken and undocumented


There is no documentation for the template.

I find the patent, or application, in two locations

I read {{quote-us-patent}} source and follow to the nested {{reference-us-patent}} which redirects to {{R:US-patent}} which seems to be broken, unless if I am not adding the correct parameters. The parameters I used in {{quote-us-patent}} (which are not documented but read from {{R:US-patent}} source) are:

{{quote-us-patent|en|author=Gyula Orban|date=2009-08-20|number=20090209499|page=|passage=|title=Apiary veterinary composition|type=|url=}}


2009 August 20, Gyula Orban, Apiary veterinary composition, US 20090209499 (PDF version):

which has layout problem and broken linking. —BoBoMisiu (talk) 15:51, 31 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]