See also: 恶向胆边生

Chinese edit

evil; to hate; to loathe
evil; to hate; to loathe; nauseated
direction; part; side
direction; part; side; towards; to; guide; opposite to
the gall; the nerve; courage
the gall; the nerve; courage; guts; gall bladder
side; edge; margin
side; edge; margin; border; boundary
to be born; to give birth; life
to be born; to give birth; life; to grow; student; raw
trad. (惡向膽邊生)
simp. (恶向胆边生)

Etymology edit

From the proverb: 怒從心上起,惡向膽邊生怒从心上起,恶向胆边生.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. to be so angry, that one reacts badly without even thinking; to lose it; to lose one's temper