





тот (tot)

  1. upper arm

Northern Mansi




Inherited from Proto-Uralic *to, Cognates include, Finnish tuolla, Northern Khanty [script needed] (tŏχĭ), Southern Mansi [script needed] (tit́),Eastern Mansi тат (tat) and Northern Mansi то̄н (tōn, therefore) (Upper Lozva)[1]





тот (tot) (Sosva, Upper Lozva, Ob, Sygva)

  1. (demonstrative) there
    Coordinate term: тыт (tyt)


  1. ^ Entry #1058 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
  • тот”, in Northern Mansi-Hungarian dictionary, Tromsø: University of Tromsø, 2023
  • Afanasʹjeva, K. V., Sobjanina, S. A. (2012) “тот”, in Školʹnyj mansijsko-russkij slovarʹ [Mansi-Russian school dictionary], Khanty-Mansiysk: RIO IRO



Alternative forms




Inherited from Proto-Slavic *tъ, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *tas, from Proto-Indo-European *só, *séh₂, *tód (this, that). Cognate with Old Polish tet, Latvian tas, Lithuanian tas, ta, Sanskrit (), Sanskrit तत् (tat), Old English se (whence English the).


  • IPA(key): [tot]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ot



тот (totm (demonstrative, feminine та, neuter то, plural те)

  1. that, those (distal to an observer)
    Synonym: (partial) э́тот (étot)
    Я живу́ вон там, в том до́ме.Ja živú von tam, v tom dóme.I live over there, in that house.
  2. that, those (already being talked about)
    Synonym: (partial) э́тот (étot)
    в тот деньv tot denʹon that day
    в то вре́мяv to vrémjaat that time, at the time
    в том снеv tom snein that dream
  3. used to link a noun with a relative clause, as in the following constructions; usually translated as "the" or, additionally in the plural, "those"
    Ты не тот челове́к, в кото́рого я влюби́лась.
    Ty ne tot čelovék, v kotórovo ja vljubílasʹ.
    You're not the person I fell in love with.
    Даже те лю́ди, с кото́рыми у меня́ отли́чные отноше́ния, мо́гут разозли́ться.
    Daže te ljúdi, s kotórymi u menjá otlíčnyje otnošénija, mógut razozlítʹsja.
    Even the people I have a great relationship with can get mad.
    Мы призыва́ем тех чле́нов, кото́рые не согла́сны, пересмотре́ть свою́ пози́цию.
    My prizyvájem tex člénov, kotóryje ne soglásny, peresmotrétʹ svojú pozíciju.
    We urge those members who disagree to reconsider their position.
  4. (before a relative clause) the kind/sort/type of
    Synonym: (less common) тако́й (takój)
    Я тот челове́к, кото́рый лю́бит путеше́ствовать.Ja tot čelovék, kotóryj ljúbit putešéstvovatʹ.I'm the kind of person who loves to travel.
  5. (in the negative) the wrong, not the right
    Synonyms: неве́рный (nevérnyj), непра́вильный (neprávilʹnyj)
    Я набрала́ не тот но́мер.Ja nabralá ne tot nómer.I dialled the wrong number.
    Э́то не то ме́сто.Éto ne to mésto.That's not the right place.
  6. the other, the opposite, the distant, the far (side etc.)
    Synonyms: друго́й (drugój), противополо́жный (protivopolóžnyj)
    с той стороны́ / по ту сто́ронуs toj storoný / po tu stóronuon the other side
    на том берегу́ реки́na tom beregú rekíacross the river / on the other side of the river
  7. Used in certain collocations to emphasise contrast with something else.
    тот и́ли ино́йtot íli inójsome, a certain, this or that (literally, “that or another”)

Derived terms




тот (totm (demonstrative, feminine та, neuter то, plural те)

  1. (uncommon, usually with вон (von)) that one, those ones (something distal to an observer)
    Synonyms: вот э́тот (vot étot), э́тот (étot)
    Так мно́го игру́шек... Я хочу́ вон ту.Tak mnógo igrúšek... Ja xočú von tu.So many toys... I want that one over there.
  2. (definite, before a relative clause) used to refer to the instance / instances of the noun in question or just spoken about, or, with кто (kto), the person/people, that fall(s) into a particular category
    1. that, the one; in the plural: those, the ones
      Ме́тод аналоги́чен тому́, кото́рый опи́сан ни́же.Métod analogíčen tomú, kotóryj opísan níže.The method is similar to that / the one (the method) described below.
      Ме́тод аналоги́чен тем, кото́рые опи́саны ни́же.Métod analogíčen tem, kotóryje opísany níže.The method is similar to those / the ones (the methods) described below.
    2. (before кто (kto)) the person, the guy/girl/etc.; in the plural: the people etc.
      Он тот, кто поби́л реко́рд.On tot, kto pobíl rekórd.He's the guy who broke the record.
      Они́ те, кому́ нужна́ по́мощь.Oní te, komú nužná pómoščʹ.They're the people who need help.
  3. (mostly indefinite, before a relative clause) used to refer to any instance / instances of the noun in question or just spoken about, or, with кто (kto), any person/people, that fall(s) into a particular category
    1. one; in the plural: those, ones
      Synonym: (less common) тако́й (takój)
      Лу́чшая страте́гия - та, кото́рая устро́ит всех.Lúčšaja stratégija - ta, kotóraja ustróit vsex.The best strategy is one that suits everyone.
      Програ́ммы, кото́рые рабо́тают, лу́чше тех, кото́рые не рабо́тают.
      Prográmmy, kotóryje rabótajut, lúčše tex, kotóryje ne rabótajut.
      Programs that work are better than those that don't.
      Что каса́ется соба́к, я предпочита́ю тех, кото́рые не ла́ют гро́мко.
      Što kasájetsja sobák, ja predpočitáju tex, kotóryje ne lájut grómko.
      When it comes to dogs, I prefer ones that don't bark loudly.
    2. (before кто (kto)) someone, a person, anyone, whoever; in the plural: those, (the/those) people, anyone, whoever, some (people)
      Synonyms: кто́-нибудь (któ-nibudʹ), кто́-то (któ-to), (plural) лю́ди (ljúdi), (less common) тако́й (takój)
      Спрошу́ у того́, кто зна́ет.Sprošú u tovó, kto znájet.I'll ask someone who knows.
      Хорошо́, когда́ есть тот, с кем ты мо́жешь поговори́ть о свои́х пробле́мах.
      Xorošó, kogdá jestʹ tot, s kem ty móžešʹ pogovorítʹ o svoíx problémax.
      It's good when there's someone you can talk to about your problems.
      Тот, у кого́ есть де́ньги, опла́тит.Tot, u kovó jestʹ dénʹgi, oplátit.Whoever has the money will pay.
      Э́то для тех, кто лю́бит ру́сский язы́к.Éto dlja tex, kto ljúbit rússkij jazýk.This is for those who love Russian.
      Есть те, кто дума́ет, что мы сдади́мся.Jestʹ te, kto dumájet, što my sdadímsja.There are some (people) who think we'll give up.
  4. (indefinite, before a relative clause) used to refer to the kind/sort/type of the noun in question or just spoken about, or, with кто (kto), person/people, described in the following clause
    1. the kind/sort/type (of [noun]), the kinds/sorts/types (of [noun in plural])
      Synonym: (less common) тако́й (takój)
      Э́тот лёд не тот, что мы де́лаем у себя́ в холоди́льнике.Étot ljod ne tot, što my délajem u sebjá v xolodílʹnike.This ice is not the kind (of ice) we make at home in the fridge.
    2. (before кто (kto), can also be pluralised and placed after из (iz) in the genitive case) the kind/sort/type of person/people, the type (to), one(s) (to)
      Synonyms: (uncommon) кто́-то (któ-to), (plural) лю́ди (ljúdi), (less common) тако́й (takój)
      Он не тот, кто жа́луется.On ne tot, kto žálujetsja.He's not the kind of person to complain.
      Они́ не те, кто жа́луется.Oní ne te, kto žálujetsja.They're not the type of people to complain.
      Он не из тех, кто жа́луется.On ne iz tex, kto žálujetsja.He's not the kind of person to complain.
  5. (in the masculine singular) Optionally used in the following construction to refer to the person denoted by кто (kto) earlier in the sentence. Can be omitted, and in English usually the sentence is translated without it too. Has the meaning "that person".
    Кто не трус, (тот) продо́лжит.Kto ne trus, (tot) prodólžit.He who is not a coward will continue. (literally, “Who is not a coward, (that person) will continue.”)
    У кого́ есть де́ньги, (тот и) опла́тит.U kovó jestʹ dénʹgi, (tot i) oplátit.Whoever has the money will pay.
  6. (masculine only) Used to refer to the last-mentioned person in a sentence; usually simply translated with the relevant pronoun or the person's name/role. Has the meaning "the latter".
    Репортёр за́дал Дже́ймсу вопро́с, а тот не отвеча́л.
    Reportjór zádal Džéjmsu voprós, a tot ne otvečál.
    The reporter asked James a question, but he (James) didn't answer.
    Он помо́г дру́гу, за что тот был ему́ благода́рен.
    On pomóg drúgu, za što tot byl jemú blagodáren.
    He helped his friend, for which his friend was grateful to him.
  7. Used in certain collocations to emphasise contrast with something else.
    тот и́ли ино́йtot íli inója certain one, this or that one, whatever one (literally, “that one or another”)
  8. (in the negative) the wrong one, not the right one, wrong
    Synonyms: неве́рный (nevérnyj), непра́вильный (neprávilʹnyj)
    Но́мер не тот.Nómer ne tot.The number is wrong.

Usage notes

  • See то (to) for additional pronoun senses specific to the neuter singular.
  • Тот (Tot) in the first pronoun sense is used much less commonly than э́тот (étot).
  • Even when used in the plural, if кто (kto) follows, the remaining clause is in the singular: те (plural), кто лю́бит (singular) (te, kto ljúbit, those (plural) who love (singular)).
  • When кто (kto) is used after тот (tot), тот (tot) is implied to mean a person or people: те, кто лю́бит сноубо́рдинг (te, kto ljúbit snoubórding, those (people) who love snowboarding). Кото́рый (Kotóryj) is used after тот (tot) when тот (tot) refers to a particular noun that has been mentioned (which could still be a category of people, or even the word "people", лю́ди (ljúdi)): не все чле́ны, а то́лько те, кото́рые получи́ли разреше́ние (ne vse člény, a tólʹko te, kotóryje polučíli razrešénije, not all members (a particular noun), only those (of that noun) who received permission). Что (Što) after тот (tot) can also be used in either case but may be seen as archaic or colloquial.









тот (tot)

  1. second-person singular imperative of тодар (todar)





From Proto-Turkic *tod-.



тот (tot)

  1. fullness (of the stomach), satiety, contentment
    Antonym: аас (aas, hunger)
  2. (economics) prosperity
    See synonyms at үп-ас (üp-as).