User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-y

-y {suffix} (having the quality of) :: -oso
-y {suffix} (forming diminutive nouns) :: -etto {m}, -etta {f}, -ino {m}, -ina {f}
-y {suffix} (forming abstract nouns) ::
yacht {n} /jɑt/ (slick and light ship) :: panfilo {m}, yacht {m}
yachtsman {n} (man who sails a yacht) :: velista {m} {f}, diportista {m} {f}
yachtswoman {n} (woman who sails a yacht) :: velista {m} {f}
Yael {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jael ::
yaffingale {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffle {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffler {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yah {adv} (yes) SEE: yes ::
Yahweh {prop} (Jehovah) SEE: Jehovah ::
Yair {prop} (male given name) SEE: Jair ::
yak {n} /jæk/ (ox-like mammal) :: yak {m}
yak {v} (talk informally, persistently) :: chiacchierare
yale {n} (mythical beast) :: eale {m}
y'all {pron} /jɑl/ (plural of you) :: voi
Yalta {prop} /ˈjɑːltə/ (city in Crimea) :: Jalta
yam {n} (potato) SEE: potato ::
yam {n} /jæm/ (any Dioscorea vine) :: igname {m}
yam {n} (taro) SEE: taro ::
yam {n} (sweet potato) SEE: sweet potato ::
yandere {n} /ˈjɑːndɛɹeɪ/ (character who fits the archetype of being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, but suddenly switching to being aggressive or deranged) :: yandere {f}
Yandex {prop} /ˈjan.dɛks/ (Yandex (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Yandex
Yang-tzŭ {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
Yangtze {prop} /ˈjæŋ(t)si/ (river) :: Fiume Azzurro {m}
Yangtze dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yangtze River dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
yank {v} /jæŋk/ (to pull something with a quick, strong action) :: strappar via
Yankee {n} /ˈjæŋ.ki/ (native or inhabitant of the USA) :: yankee
yaoi {n} /ˈjaʊ.i/ (form of hentai involving two or more males in a homosexual relationship) :: yaoi
Yap {prop} (an island in the Caroline Islands of western Micronesia) :: Yap
yard {n} /jɑːd/ (land around a house) :: cortile {m}
yard {n} (three feet) :: iarda {f}, yard {f}
Yard {prop} (Jamaica) SEE: Jamaica ::
yardstick {n} (standard to which other measurements or comparisons are judged) :: parametro {m}, criterio {m}, unità di misura {f}
yarmulke {n} /ˈjɑ(ɹ)mə(l)kə/ (skullcap worn by religious Jewish males) :: kippah {f}
yarn {n} /jɑɹn/ (fiber strand for knitting or weaving) :: filo {m}, filato {m}
yarn {n} (nautical) :: cordame {m}, cordaggio {m}
yarn {n} (story) :: trama {f}, fandonia {f}
Yaroslavl {prop} (city) :: Jaroslavl' {m}
yarrow {n} /ˈjæɹoʊ/ (any of several pungent Eurasian and North American herbs, of the genus Achillea) :: millefoglio {m}
yaw {n} /jɔː/ (The rotation of an aircraft, ship, or missile about its vertical axis so as to cause the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, ship, or missile to deviate from the flight line or heading in its horizontal plane) :: imbardata {f}
yaw {n} (A vessel's motion rotating about the vertical axis, so the bow yaws from side to side; a characteristic of unsteadiness) :: straorzata {f}
yaw {n} :: imbardata {f}
yaw {v} :: imbardare
yawn {v} /jɔn/ (open the mouth and take a deep breath) :: sbadigliare
yawn {n} (the action of yawning) :: sbadiglio {n}
yaws {n} /ˈjɔːz/ (a contagious tropical disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pertenue) :: Framboesia
y-axis {n} (axis on a graph that is usually drawn from bottom to top) :: asse y {m}, asse delle y {m}
Yazidism {prop} (religion) :: yazidismo {m}
yeah {particle} /ˈjɛ(ə)/ (yes) :: , già
yeah {interj} (expressing joy) :: , vai, evvai, evviva
year {n} /jɪɹ/ (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun) :: anno {m}
year {n} (time it takes for any planetary body to make one revolution around another body) :: anno {m}
year {n} (a period between set dates that mark a year) :: anno {m}
year {n} (a scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity) :: anno {m}
year {n} (a Julian year) :: anno {m}
year {n} (a level or grade at school or college) :: anno {m}
yearbook {n} (reference book, published annually) :: annuario {m}
yearbook {n} (publication compiled by the graduating class) :: annuario {m}
yearly {adj} /ˈjɪɹli/ (happening once every year) :: annuale
yearly {adv} (once a year) :: annualmente
yearly {n} (something that is published once a year) :: annuario {m}
yearn {v} /jɜːn/ (to have a strong desire; to long) :: struggersi
yearning {n} /ˈjɝnɪŋ/ (wistful or melancholy longing) :: brama {f}, nostalgia {f}, anelito {m}, voglia {f}, desiderio {m}, bramosia {f}, struggimento {m}
yeast {n} /jiːst/ (fungus) :: lievito {m}
yeast {n} (froth used in medicine, baking and brewing) :: lievito {m}, fermento {m}
yeast {n} (cake or dried granules used to make bread dough rise) :: lievito {m}
yeast {n} (frothy foam on sea waves) :: schiuma {f}, spuma {f}
yeast infection {n} (candidiasis) SEE: candidiasis ::
Yehudit {prop} (female given name) SEE: Judith ::
yell {v} /jɛl/ (shout (verb)) :: urlare, gridare, strillare, sbraitare
yell at {v} (to scold by yelling) :: sgridare
yellow {adj} /ˈjɛl.əʊ/ (having yellow as its colour) :: giallo
yellow {adj} (lacking courage) :: codardo
yellow {n} (colour) :: giallo {m}
yellow {v} (to become yellow or more yellow) :: ingiallirsi
yellow {v} (to cause to become yellow or more yellow) :: ingiallire
yellowbelly {n} /ˈjɛləʊbɛli/ (a coward) :: coniglio {m}, mammoletta, pollo, merlo, femminuccia, smidollato, pappa molle, pappamolle, rammollito, fifone, codardo, cortigiano, mollusco, vigliacco, pusillanime, eunuco, debole {m}, pisciasotto, cacasotto, pauroso, vile
yellow-billed loon {n} (Gavia adamsii) :: gavia adamsii
yellow card {n} /ˈjɛl.oʊ ˌkɑɹd/ (card in sports) :: cartellino giallo {m}
yellow-eyed penguin {n} (Penguin) :: penguino degli antipodi {m}
yellowhammer {n} (a passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella) :: zigolo giallo
yellowish {adj} /ˈjelɔʊɪʃ/ (somewhat yellow) :: giallastro, gialliccio, giallognolo
yellow jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France) :: maglia gialla {f}
yellow-legged gull {n} (Larus michahellis) :: gabbiano reale {m}
yellowness {n} (state or quality of being yellow) :: giallore {m}
Yellow River {prop} (river of northern China) :: Fiume Giallo {m}
Yellow Sea {prop} (Asian sea) :: Mar Giallo
yelp {n} /jɛlp/ (an abrupt, high-pitched noise or utterance) :: strillo {m}
yelp {v} (to utter an abrupt, high-pitched noise) :: strillare
Yemen {prop} /ˈjɛmən/ (Republic of Yemen) :: Yemen {m}
Yemeni {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Yemen, or the Yemeni people) :: yemenita
Yemeni {n} (a person from Yemen or of Yemeni descent) :: yemenita {m} {f}
yen {v} /jɛn/ (have strong desire for) :: bramare, desiderare
yep {n} /jɛp/ (informal "yes") :: già
Yerevan {prop} /ˌjeɹəˈvɑːn/ (the capital and largest city of Armenia) :: Yerevan {m}
yermulke {n} (yarmulke) SEE: yarmulke ::
yes {particle} /jɛs/ (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) ::
yes {particle} (word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement) :: , invece sì
yes {interj} ::
yes {n} (answer that shows agreement or acceptance) :: {m}
yes {n} (vote of support) :: {m}, voto a favore {m}
yes {v} (to affirm) :: approvare
yes and no {phrase} (indicating there is no simple "yes" or "no" answer) ::
yes man {n} (a person who always agrees with his employer or superior) :: yes man {m}
yessir {interj} /ˈjɛsɜː(ɹ)/ (used to express assent, especially to a superior) :: signore, sissignore
yesterday {n} /ˈjɛstɚdeɪ/ (day before today) :: ieri {m}
yesterday {adv} (on the day before today) :: ieri {m}
yesterday night {n} (last night) SEE: last night ::
yesteryear {n} /ˈjɛstəjɪə/ (times gone by) :: passato {m}
yesteryear {n} (last year, see also: last year) :: anno scorso
yet {adv} /jɛt/ (thus far) :: ancora, già
yet {adv} (continuously up to this point in time) :: ancora
yet {adv} :: ancora
yet {adv} (even) SEE: even ::
yeti {n} /ˈjɛ.ti/ (unidentified animal) :: yeti {m}
yew {n} /juː/ (Taxus baccata) :: tasso {m}
yew {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Taxus) :: tasso {m}
yew {n} (wood of the yew) :: tasso {m}
Yiddish {adj} /ˈjɪd.ɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language) :: yiddish
Yiddish {prop} (language) :: yiddish {m}
Yiddish {adj} (Jewish) SEE: Jewish ::
yield {v} /jiːld/ (to give way) :: cedere, dare la precedenza
yield {v} (to give as required) :: cedere, arrendersi, arrendere
yield {v} (to produce as return) :: restituire
yield {v} (to produce as a result) :: produrre
yield {n} (quantity of something produced) :: raccolto, produzione {f}
yield the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yield up the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yikes {interj} /jaɪks/ (expression of shock and alarm) :: accidenti
yin-yang {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
Yitzchak {prop} (given name) SEE: Isaac ::
yob {n} /jɒb/ (antisocial person) :: monello {m}, birichino {m}
yobbo {n} (yob) SEE: yob ::
yod {n} /jɑd/ (palatal approximant) :: iod {m}
yodel {v} /ˈjoʊ.dəl/ (to sing in such a way that the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto) :: cantare lo jodel
yodel {n} (song) :: jodel {m}, canto tirolese {m}
yoga {n} /ˈjoʊɡə/ (Hindu discipline) :: yoga
yogurt {n} /ˈjoʊɡɚt/ (a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process) :: yogurt {m}
yoke {n} /jəʊk/ (wooden bar) :: giogo {m}
yoke {n} (pair of animals) :: coppia {f}, tiro {m}
yoke {n} (yoke of a shirt) :: sprone {m}, carré {m}
yoke {v} (link or join) :: aggiogare
yokel {n} /ˈjoʊ.kəl/ (unsophisticated person) :: rozzo {m}, becero {m}, cafone {m}, buzzurro, villano {m}, zoticone {m}
yokel {n} (person of rural background) :: villico {m}, campagnolo {m}, bifolco {m}, zappaterra {m}
yolk {n} /joʊk/ (yellow of egg) :: tuorlo {m}, rosso d'uovo {m}
yonder {adv} /ˈjɒndə(ɹ)/ (in a distant, indicated place) :: laggiù
yoni {n} /ˈjəʊni/ :: yoni {m}
Yorkshire fog {n} (all, perennial grass, Holcus lanatus) :: bambagiona {f}
you {pron} (object pronoun: the group being addressed) :: vi [direct object], vi [indirect object], voi [after preposition], Loro [formal, polite]
you {pron} (object pronoun: the person being addressed) :: ti {m} {f}
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the group being addressed) :: [polite] voi, [formal polite] Loro
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the person being addressed) :: tu [familiar], lei [polite], Lei, Voi [most polite, archaic]
you {pron} (one) :: si
you {v} (to address using the more formal second-person pronoun) :: dare del Lei
you and whose army {phrase} (you can't do all that on your own) :: tu e chi altro
you are welcome {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
you bet {interj} (certainly (reply to a request)) :: altroché, [to one person, informal] puoi scommetterci, ci puoi scommettere, [to one person, formal] può scommetterci, ci può scommettere, [to several people] potete scommetterci, ci potete scommettere
you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar {proverb} (It is easier to persuade others with polite requests and a positive attitude rather than with rude demands and negativity) :: si pigliano più mosche in una gocciola di miele che in un barile d'acete
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink {proverb} (you can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it) :: puoi portare un cavallo all'acqua ma non puoi farlo bere
you can say that again {phrase} (that is very true) :: puoi dirlo
you can't judge a book by its cover {proverb} (it is not possible to judge things by external appearances alone) :: l'abito non fa il monaco, non giudicare un libro dalla copertina, non giudicare dalle apparenze
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs {proverb} (you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette) SEE: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette ::
you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear {proverb} (it is not possible to produce something refined from something which is unrefined) :: non si può cavare sangue da una rapa
you can't polish a turd {proverb} (something inherently bad cannot be improved) :: non si può cavare sangue da una rapa
you can't teach an old dog new tricks {proverb} (too old to change) :: il cane vecchio non si abitua più alla catena
you don't say {interj} ((idiomatic) really? ; no kidding! ; Is that so?) :: ma dai!, non mi dire!
you know {interj} (expression signifying a pause or hesitation) :: così, capisci
you-know-what {pron} (known and unmentioned thing) :: tu-sai-cosa, lei-sa-cosa
you-know-who {pron} (known and unmentioned person) :: lei-sa-chi [formal, to c sg], tu-sai-chi [said to c sg]
young {adj} /jʌŋ/ (in the early part of life or growth) :: giovane
young {n} (people who are young) :: giovane
younger {adj} /ˈjʌŋɡɚ/ (in an earlier period of life) :: minore
younger brother {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) :: fratellino {m}
young man {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
Young's modulus {n} (coefficient of elasticity of a solid) :: modulo di Young
your {determiner} /jɔːɹ/ (belonging to you (singular; one owner)) :: tuo
your {determiner} (belonging to you (plural; more owners)) :: vostro
your {determiner} :: [belonging to one person; informal] il tuo {m} , il Suo {m} , [belonging to one person; formal] il vostro {m}
you're never too old to learn {proverb} (proverb) :: Non sei mai troppo vecchio per imparare
you're right {phrase} (you're right) :: [informal] hai ragione, [formal] ha ragione, avete ragione {p}
you're telling me {phrase} (used to indicate agreement before preceding statement) :: a chi lo dici
you're welcome {phrase} (reply to thanks) :: prego, di niente, non c'è di che, di nulla, è un piacere
Your Highness {pron} (a title of respect used to address a prince or princess) :: Sua Altezza
Your Majesty {pron} (Title of respect) :: Sua Maestà {f}, Vostra Maestà {f}
yours {pron} /jɔːɹz/ (possessive pronoun, singular) :: tuo {m}, tua {f}, tuoi {m-p}, tue {f-p} [informal], Suo {m}, Sua {f}, Suoi {m-p}, Sue {f-p} [formal]
yours {pron} :: [formal and informal belonging to multiple people, uncommon formal belonging to one person] vostro {m}, vostra {f}, vostri {m-p}, vostre {f-p}, [uncommon, very formal belonging to multiple people] Loro {m} {f}
yourself {pron} /jɔːˈsɛlf/ ((reflexive) your own self) :: te stesso {m-s}, te stessa {f-s}, voi stessi {m-p}, voi stesse {f-p}
yourself {pron} :: te stesso {m-s}, te stessa {f-s}, voi stessi {m-p}, voi stesse {f-p}
your wish is my command {phrase} (what you wish for I will effect as if it were a command) :: ogni tuo desiderio è un ordine
you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours {proverb} (if you do me a favor then I will do you a favor) :: una mano lava l'altra (one hand washes the other)
youth {n} /juːθ/ (quality or state of being young) :: gioventù {f}, giovinezza
youth {n} (part of life following childhood) :: giovinezza {f}
youth {n} (young person) :: giovane {m}
youth {n} (young man) :: giovane {m}, giovanotto {m}, ragazzo {m}
youth {n} (young persons, collectively) :: gioventù {f}, i giovane {m-p}
youth crime {n} (juvenile delinquency) SEE: juvenile delinquency ::
youthful {adj} /ˈjuːθfəl/ (young or seeming young) :: giovanile
youthfully {adv} (in a youthful manner) :: giovanilmente
youth hostel {n} (an inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people) :: ostello della gioventù {m}
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette {proverb} (phrase) :: non si può fare una frittata senza rompere le uova
yowzah {adv} (yessir) SEE: yessir ::
Ypres {prop} /ˈiːpɹə/ (City in Flanders) :: Ipro
Ypresian {prop} (subdivision of the Eocene epoch) :: Ypresiano
ytterbium {n} /ɪˈtɜː.bi.əm/ (chemical element) :: itterbio {m}
yttrium {n} /ˈɪ.tɹi.əm/ (chemical element) :: ittrio {m}
yuan {n} /jʊˈɑːn/ (basic unit of money in China) :: yuan
Yucatán {prop} (a state in Mexico) :: Yucatán
yucky {adj} /ˈjʌkɪ/ (causing aversion or disgust) :: schifoso
Yugoslavia {prop} /juːɡəˈslɑːvi.ə/ (former country in the Balkans) :: Jugoslavia, Iugoslavia {f}
Yule log {n} (log burned on Christmas Eve) :: ceppo di Natale {m}, ceppo natalizio {m}, ciocco natalizio {m}, ciocco di Natale {m}
Yule log {n} (log-shaped cake covered in chocolate) :: tronchetto di Natale {m}
yum {adj} /jʌm/ (indication of delight) :: gnam, ahm
yummy {adj} /ˈjʌm.i/ (delicious) :: delizioso {m}, deliziosa {f}, gnam
yup {interj} /jʌp/ ((informal) yes) :: sine, già
yuppie {n} /ˈjʌpɪ/ (young upwardly mobile urban professional person) :: yuppie {m} {f}
yurt {n} /jɜːt/ (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) :: yurta {f}
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Južno-Sachalinsk {m}