Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2015/October

This is the October archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2015.



Foreign word of the day  in Spanish
Leyenda Negra f, proper noun
  1. (historiography) Black Legend (the depiction of Spain as cruel, greedy and fanatical)
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Foreign word of the day  in Pashto
ليکوال (likwấl) m, noun
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Foreign word of the day  in German
deutsch-deutsch adjective
  1. (historical) Pertaining to both East Germany and West Germany.
  2. (historical) Between East Germany and West Germany.
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Today is the 25th anniversary of the German Reunification.





Foreign word of the day  in Chinese
光陰似箭 (guāngyīn sì jiàn) proverb
  1. time flies like an arrow, (literally, "time and tide are like an arrow")
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Foreign word of the day  in Asturian
valtu m, noun
  1. a traditional form of wrestling of Asturias
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Foreign word of the day  in Latin
adytum n, noun
  1. (literally) shrine, Holy of Holies (the innermost or most secret part of a temple or other sacred place; the sanctuary, which none but priests could enter, and from which oracles were delivered)
  2. (more generally) a secret place or chamber
  3. (transferred sense, of the dead) a grave, tomb, or mausoleum
  4. (figuratively) the inmost recesses
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Foreign word of the day  in Catalan
socarrat m, noun
  1. (cooking) The layer of toasted rice at the bottom of a paella.
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Foreign word of the day  in Ancient Greek
ἡπατίζων (hēpatízōn) adjective
  1. liver-colored, liver-like
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Foreign word of the day  in Thai
บัลลังก์ (ban-lang) noun
  1. a throne (a chair or seat occupied by a sovereign or other exalted personage; the office or dignity of such person).
  2. a bench (a seat occupied by a judge).
  3. (figurative) any dignified seat, especially of a person in authority or holding first place in competition; the office or dignity of such person.
  4. (architecture) the square base of the summit of a stupa, being above the dome (also called the vase) of the stupa.
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Foreign word of the day  in French
dépayser verb
  1. (dated, transitive) to move somebody from their usual country or place
  2. (by extension, transitive) to disorientate
  3. (figuratively, transitive) to give a change of scenery
  4. (figuratively, takes a reflexive pronoun) to change a habit
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Foreign word of the day  in Italian
fumarola f, noun
  1. (volcanology) fumarole (opening in the ground that emits gases)
  2. (geological oceanography) smoker (hydrothermal vent on the seabed)
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Foreign word of the day  in Old Spanish
mies f, noun
  1. a harvest of grain
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Foreign word of the day  in Russian
день варенья (denʹ varenʹja) m inan, noun
  1. (colloquial, humorous) birthday (literally, jam day)
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Foreign word of the day  in Arabic
اَللّٰه (allāh) m, proper noun
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Foreign word of the day  in Hawaiian
kūkaepele noun
  1. sulfur (chemical element); literally: Pele dung
  2. match (device to make fire)
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Foreign word of the day  in Aragonese
enguerau adjective
  1. involved in a multitude of projects that were started, but never finished
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Foreign word of the day  in Basque
alafede interjection
  1. for sure; indeed (used to assert the truthfulness of a statement)
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Foreign word of the day  in Kabuverdianu
talóti noun
  1. the part of the manioc plant near the roots, used as pig fodder
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Foreign word of the day  in Samoan
uso noun
  1. a relative of the same generation and gender
  2. pith (the soft, spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees)
  3. root of the kava plant, Piper methysticum
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Foreign word of the day  in Sãotomense
pitu-dochi noun
  1. (music) a flute made of bamboo
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Foreign word of the day  in Quechua
enqa noun
  1. (religion) a stone shaped like a person or animal, used as a totem to invoke the fertility of cattle
  2. amulet; talisman
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Foreign word of the day  in Galician
alalá m, noun
  1. (music) a traditional type of chant from Galicia, characterised by the use of meaningless vocalisations at the end of each verse
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Foreign word of the day  in Emilian
żalàtt m, noun
  1. a cookie made with cornmeal, raisins, pine nuts and butter
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Foreign word of the day  in Abau
nyan verb
  1. to see vaguely
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Foreign word of the day  in Principense
vijyamentu noun
  1. a party celebrating a baby’s eighth day since birth
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Foreign word of the day  in Rapa Nui
ruruki noun
  1. any tool used to extract snails from rocks
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Foreign word of the day  in Old English
nihtgenga m, noun
  1. an evil being active at night; goblin; nightmare
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