Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2023/July

This is the July archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2023.



Foreign word of the day  in Chinese
縮手縮腳 / 缩手缩脚 (suōshǒusuōjiǎo) idiom
  1. to curl up one's limbs (due to the cold)
  2. (figurative) to be overcautious and constrained
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Foreign word of the day  in Polish
kaszotto noun
  1. (neologism) dish made of groats prepared like risotto
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Foreign word of the day  in Thai
อัฒจันทร์ (àt-tá-jan) noun
  1. spectator stand, as grandstand or bleacher (literally “half moon”)
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Foreign word of the day  in German
Kopfkino noun
  1. (informal, chiefly in singular) imagination; inner cinema (in one's mind's eye)
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Foreign word of the day  in Urdu
ہَفْتَہ (hafta) noun
  1. week, se'nnight (a period of seven days)
  2. Saturday
  3. (wrestling) Nelson hold (a trick where the opponent's neck and arms are locked)
  4. bribe, tribute
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Foreign word of the day  in Italian
girarello noun
  1. (Rome, informal) a spinning thing, e.g. a roulette wheel, a rotary dial, a swift, etc.
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Foreign word of the day  in Arabic
قُفَّاز (quffāz) noun
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Foreign word of the day  in French
liberticide adjective, noun
  1. (adjective) liberticide, liberticidal
  2. (noun) liberticide (one who causes the destruction of liberty)
  3. (noun) liberticide (the destruction of liberty)
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Foreign word of the day  in Finnish
suvi noun
  1. (literary, poetic) summer
  2. (archaic) south
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Foreign word of the day  in Old Irish
síd noun
  1. fairy mound
  2. (in the plural) fairies
  3. peace
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Foreign word of the day  in Vietnamese
chợ xổm noun
  1. an outdoor public market characterized by vendors selling produce while squatting on the ground
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Foreign word of the day  in Estonian
känd noun
  1. (tree) stump, stub
  2. (figuratively) an elderly person
  3. (figuratively) from which something or somebody evolves or originates; kin, kinship
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Foreign word of the day  in Dutch
winti wai, lanti pai phrase
  1. (Suriname, idiomatic) Used to indicate indifference to good governance, prudent management of public assets, or civic engagement; whatever happens, the government will foot the bill; the individual need not take personal responsibility, because the state will do so
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Foreign word of the day  in Hindi
कबाब में हड्डी (kabāb mẽ haḍḍī) noun
  1. (slang) third wheel, someone who interferes in a relationship (literally, “bone in the kebab”)
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Foreign word of the day  in Egyptian
verb, noun
  1. (verb, transitive) to befool, to make a fool of (someone)
  2. (noun) misspeaking or ineffectiveness in speaking (usually of spells, magic, etc.)
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Foreign word of the day  in Korean
잔망스럽다 (janmangseureopda) adjective
  1. (literary) to be clever in an endearing way
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Foreign word of the day  in Portuguese
lamechas adjective
  1. overly sentimental
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Foreign word of the day  in Latin
ēlūdō verb
  1. (intransitive, rare) to finish play, cease to sport
  2. (transitive, by extension) to deceive, trick, fool, cheat, frustrate, delude
  3. (transitive, by extension) to escape, avoid, evade, dodge, shun, elude, foil
  4. (transitive, by extension) to mock, jeer, banter, ridicule, make sport of
  5. (transitive, in gladiators' terminology) to elude or parry an enemy's blow
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Foreign word of the day  in Sanskrit
समुद्र (samudrá) noun
  1. any large body of water, confluence of two rivers; especially the sea, ocean (literally, “together water”)
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Foreign word of the day  in Wayana
eputop noun
  1. A months-long initiation ritual, concluded with an ant or wasp trial, in which several villages participate
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Foreign word of the day  in Punjabi
گَوانڈھ / گُوَانڈھ (gavānḍh / guvānḍh) noun
  1. neighbourhood (covering the immediate vicinity)
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