Wiktionary:Frequency lists/English/TV and Movie Scripts (2006)

Here are frequency lists comparable to the Gutenberg ones, but based on 29,213,800 words from TV and movie scripts and transcripts.

Here's a fuller explanation of how the list was generated and its limitations: Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/explanation.

Here are the top hundred words (from TV scripts) in alphabetical order:

Here they are in frequency order:


  • Top 1,000 words cover 85.5% of all words (24,981,922 / 29,213,800).
  • Top 10,000 words cover 97.2% of all words (28,398,152 / 29,213,800).
  • This is a third of all the unique words. The rest were used 5 or fewer times each.