Appendix:Proto-Wakashan reconstructions

Proto-Wakashan reconstructions:[1]

Fortescue (2007)

Gloss Proto-Wakashan Proto-Kwakiutlan Proto-Nootkan
skate *baːgʷa(ː)n(a)
gather and preserve *bakʷ-
separate *baqʷ-
swell *baxʷ-
measure *baƛ-
abandoned place *bi(ʔs)
bunch together *bin(q)-
glow or sparkle *bix-
prevent *bl-
run (away) *bu(ː)-
human being *bukʷ-/bakʷ-
hang head *buɬ-
fart *buqʷ-
sleepy *buqʷ(aɬ)-
pregnant *buxʷ-
razor clams *cakis(i)
hop *cak(la)
head hanging down *camkʷ-/camqʷ-
kind of duck *caːpin/c’aːpin
on edge or end *caːq-
twenty *caqiːc
chase *cas-
throw water on *cas-
leak *ca(ː)xʷ-/ca(ː)χ-
rotate *caxʷ-
mother of pearl *caxʷ(ay)i
loosely packed *caχt-/ciχt-
pry up *ci(ː)kʷ-
sour *cilχʷ-
splash or sprinkle *ciːɬ-
frayed or rough *ciɬ-
horse clam *cimani
speak *ciq-
ride the waves *ci(ː)q-
melt or fry *ciχ-
crabapple *ciχa(piχ)
fish trap *ckʷa
doubt or deny *cliqa
hail *clχa
bored *cm̍ic’-
blubber or fat *cnχʷ-
devil’s club (Oplopanax horridum) *cny̍as
whetstone *cq’ʷlc
flow *cum(xʷ)-
robin *cup’ali/cup’ala
beg for *cuqʷ-
brittle or dried out *cus-
urinate *cusk-
adze off chips *cxʷ-
flap around or be stranded *cχʷ-
river or flow *c’aː-
toe *c’ac’aːkɬ(a)c’uma
finger *c’ac’aːkɬ(a)n̍ukuma
stomach rumbling *c’ac’aːq’an(aqƛ)
sasquatch *c’ac’aːwaksiɬ
drain *c’akstaː
spearhead or barb *c’a(ː)kʷ-/c’a(ː)k-
antler *c’aːkʷit
dirt *c’ak’ʷ(aq)
hold on lap or against chest *c’am-/c’ap-
squirrel *c’a(ː)miː/c’imt’aw
rock cod *c’anaːč
tail of fish *c’an̍it
hush or comfort *c’an̍uqʷa
sting or smart *c’apt-
cedar branches *c’ap’aq
bark *c’aq-
mountain goat *c’aq
grey-haired *c’as-
narrowly avoid accident *c’at-
one *c’awaː(kʷ)
rainbow *c’awayuːs
spring (king) salmon *c’aːwiɬ
tough or elastic *c’a(ː)χ-
perform ceremonial with chanting *c’aːyi(ː)q-
younger sibling *c’ay̍a
seaweed *c’aːy̍im
goose-neck barnacles *c’aʔin(i)wa
surf gets rough *c’aʔuɬ-
scoop up *c’iː-
throw or push with horns *c’i-
lean to side *c’i(ː)(t)-
throw or pound *c’ick-
yearling seal *c’iduɬ
seagull *c’igilaǧa
clear off or clearing *c’ik-
clams *c’ikʷa
bird *c’i(ː)kʷ-
war or fight *c’ik’aɬ-
neck *c’ik’ʷam(a)c
soft earth *c’i(ː)ɬ(χak)-
dolphin *c’iːɬk’u(χ)/ciduːlkʷ
rumour *c’iɬχʷ-
kelp cod *c’imaːxʷaʔa
mouse or rat *c’imic’imiː
lean (meat) *c’inas
play cat’s cradle *c’inakʷa
go out (tide) *c’iːnaχ-/c’in̍aχ-
scratchy squeaking sound *c’iniq-
slip apart (legs) *c’ip-
hair dripping wet *c’ipt(ak)
narrow *c’iːqʷ-/c’iːq-
wind up or braid *c’iːs-
dirty *c’is-
hate *c’is-
intestines *c’is-
squirt *c’i(ː)(ɬ)tx-
cormorant *c’it’awi
jaw *c’iwaːp
elderberry *c’i(ː)x-
stop raining *c’iχ-
arrow *c’iːχati(ː)
cup or dipper *c’iːy̍uk’uma
attentive *c’k-
short *c’kʷ-
sea urchin *c’kʷ-
walk through village inviting *c’kʷi
(weave) basket *c’l(k)-
feather *c’lk-
wriggle or wind *c’lkʷ-/c’nkʷ-
crack or split *c’lq-/c’t-
shine or flash *c’lq-/c’ɬ-
point with finger *c’m-
smoked oolachen *c’mdaq
be sparing with food *c’mk-
swallow whole *c’mqʷ-
stretch out vertically *c’mt-
go rapidly (in group) *c’n-
bubbles or beads of sweat *c’nc-/c’ns-
feel sick *c’nkʷ(ɬ)-
be shocked *c’nt-/c’lt-
dip food in oil *c’p-
throw (away) *c’q-
small bird *c’s-
wash *c’u(ː)-
give *c’uː(yi)-
totem pole (outdoors) *c’u(w)aχsi
unstable canoe *c’uc(k)-
barnacles *c’uc’um̍a
black *c’uɬ-
basket hat *c’up-
mitten *c’up’ax
punch *c’uqʷ-
rattle or ring *c’uqʷ-
boil or pimple *c’us-/c’uʔs-
dig *c’u(ː)s-/zu(ː)s-
new *c’u(ː)x(t)-
stab *c’uxʷ-
grandchild *c’uxʷƛma
bracelet *c’uʔat
winter *c’u(ː)ʔinχ
singe or roast *c’(i)x-
untangle or coil up rope *ča(ː)m-
right hand *čama(ː)caːs
sweet *čamas
pine *čamasmapt
chief *čaːmat’a
bed *čamaʔiɬ
be able to *čamuɬ
seal harpoon *čapxtuːp
act swiftly *čašxʷ-
miserable *čaːwiq-
dripping *čaχča(ː)χa
pick berries *čaːy̍axʷ-
island *čaʔak
pull *čiː-
bow-legged *čičimuqspu(ː)ɬ
chum or dog salmon *čičk’awʔas
proud *čit-/čaxt-
go on then *ču(ː)/šu(ː)
vagina *ču(ː)n̍a
tickle *čuχʷ
water *č’a(ʔakʷ)
fingernail *č’aɬač’a
not see *č’a(ː)n̍i(ː)-
skim from surface *č’aːp-
breastbone *č’apa(ca)sχuma
kissing sound *č’apkʷ-/c’upkʷ-
manned canoe *č’aːpuk
blister *č’aqƛ(a)
mink *č’aːstimac
purple or crimson *č’aw̍ick’ay
dizzy *č’a(ː)ʔuqʷiɬ
mist or drizzle *č’iːc-
sacrifice or scapegoat *č’ičm̍uː(ʔu)
canyon *č’iːkinukst(aːs)
fish scales *č’ip’aɬ(mis)/č’ip’it(am)
scrape or shave *č’iːsk-
give or throw away property on death of relative *č’išiː(ʔ)yu(qʷ)-
soft or easily tom *č’it-/č’in-
gill net *č’ita(čak)
hemlock bark dye *č’iːtm̍ita
whale *č’it’apuk
war club *č’it’uːɬ
tremble *č’ix-
six *č’iːχpaːɬ
fiy *č’iyaχ-
butter clam *č’iʔic
stink *č’u-
mountain goat *č’učma
wolf *č’uč’uwaχsiɬ
small bird *č’ukn̍a
birthmark *č’ukʷsiː
suspicious or careful *č’u(ː)š-
this or that *daː
hold *daː-
damp *dal(x)-
tow *da(ː)p-
young duck *dasdigʷnas
witchcraft *dasgi(ʔ)u
laugh *daʔɬ-
wipe *di(ː)-
drive in *diqʷ-
yellow cedar (bark) *dixʷ-
bend knee *dmkʷ-
drag with a rope *dn-
red cedar (bark) *dns-
make noise or speak *duː-/dunt-
buiy *du(ː)k-/du(ː)kʷ
trail out (line) *dukʷ-
have a nightmare *dulmx(it)
salt *dum-
look for or see *duqʷ-
armpit *duqʷ(lac’i)/dmqʷ(lac’i)
poisoned or numb *du(ː)s(aɬ)-
owl *dux-
jump *duxʷ-
nettle *duxʷa
have eyes open *dx-/tx-
and then *g(a)-
this or here *gaː
first or before *gaːl-
proper *gam-/gama-
halibut hook *gamu(ː)l’(a)/gimul’(a)
seafood *gawiqa
come *gaχ-
be (inside) somewhere *gi(ː)-
sibling-in-law *giː(n̍up)-
tooth *gi(ː)g-/gi(ː)k-
shake head *gi(ː)s(k)-
saw *gi(l)t-
long or tall *glt-
steal *gluƛ-
canoe *glw̍a
weasel or ermine *gl’m
get more or add (so many) *gn-
crawl or stalk *gul-
leak *gulx-
backwards or down *gʷa(ː)-
come here! *gʷaː(s)
measure *gʷa(ya)-/gʷaːn̍a
oyster-catcher *gʷay(gʷay)
tears *gʷaʔst
wake *gʷi(ː)-
foot or flipper *gʷi(ː)gʷi(ː)
rub *gʷil(kʷ)-
different *gʷis- /gʷiː(s)t-
deaf *gʷlkʷm
bum *gʷlt-/xʷlt-
support *gʷu-
live in a place *gʷukʷ-
provisions *gʷuːɬ-
ratfish *gʷuːmaː(ǧa)
frost *gʷus-
lefthand side *ǧa(m̍x)-/ǧa(mʔx)
puncture or gaff *ğaː(ƛ)-
fly *ğağadina/ğağad(li)
grandparent *ğağmp
night *ğanuƛ
eye *ğas-
salmonberry *ğawlaː(li)/ğawlaw(li)
hang *ğaxʷ-
stride or straddle *ğaχ-
starfish *ğa(ː)zq-
(go out) early in the morning *ğaʔ-
go after abalone *ğaʔɬğňi(y)iqa
long time *ği(ː)(yi)
move or come *ği(ː)-
askew or sideways *ğil(x)-
freckle *ğip-
trip *ğis-
wild rhubarb *ği(ː)s-
wipe dish *ği(ʔ)s-/qi(ʔ)s-
louse *ği(ː)x(k)-
steelhead salmon *ğiːχʷ(aχ)
wait *ğl(a)-
grasp or pull towards self *ğlp-/ğlq-
water lily *ğlwat
rack for drying fish *ğly̍u
somersault *ğl’uɬcista
call names or reproach *ğ(a)ɬ-
lie *ğm(s)-/ğmʔs
carry in arms *ğn(ala)
screech *ğn-/ğɬ-
woman *ğnm
wave or swell *ğnmala
reveal or bestow name on *ğu-
paddle *ğuiha
fish scales *ğup-/ğum̍-
shelter *ğus-
take in palm of hand *ğuχʷ-
red huckleberry *ğʷadm
lizard *ğʷalas
finished or ready *ğʷaɬ-
heavy *ğʷant-/ğʷay-
dog salmon *ğʷaːχ-/ğʷaːkʷ-
alder *ğʷa(ː)χ-
ochre *ğʷa(ː)χmis
raven *ğʷaːχʷ-
(do) thus *ğʷay-
sparrow *ğʷis-
dried salmon *ğʷis-
do regularly *ğʷiy̍ala
whale *ğʷiʔm
gum *ğʷl’ik
repay *ğʷn-
ashes *ğʷna(ʔ)i
face *ğʷuğʷmi
trout *ğʷul(isdi)
tallow or animal fat *ğʷuluqʷ
slender *ğʷuχʷ-
go or get going *ha(ː)-/ha(ː)l’-
yes *haː(ʔa)
eyelashes *hac(h)aːpsim
this side *hacis/hačis
long *haːc’a-
northwest (wind) *hačɬ-
black cod *hadani
barely *hahaqčim(a)
stutter *haːhaːyacaq-
hunger *haku-
borrow *hak’ʷiɬ-/ʔak’ʷaɬ
pay or send *haɬ-
ask to accompany one *haɬiːɬ
defecate *hamaː-/ʔamaː-
Cannibal society *hamac’a
bone *hamuːt
humpback salmon *hani(xʷ)-
shoot *hanƛ-/hanɬ-
hair *hap-
drown *ha(ː)p(ila)/haɬm-
willing *haːq’aɬ
breathe *haːs-/haː(s)x-
sour *ha(ː)s(x)-
crab *hasaːmac
know about *hašiɬ-
be persistent or a pest *hat-/hat’-
swan or crane *hatuːman(i)
bathe *hat’a-
lumber split from tree *hawas
(tell) story *haːwic’(aqš)/hamiwic’(aqš)
stop *hawil-
eat *ha(ː)w̍(a)-/ham̍(a)-
fall on face *haχʷ-
not know *ha(ː)yaː-
expect to happen *hayal’a
shadow or trace *hayamut
worry *hayaːqƛ
act crazy *hayuxʷ-
bass fishing *haːʔaɬ
sneeze *haʔic(x)-
tail *hc-/hs-
that (empty root) *hi(ː)-
porpoise *hicswan
illuminate *hič(aːk)
accident-prone *hiːhiːk’iːyaχ
overhang *hikʷ-
hire *hil(i)-
weak *hil(xʷ)-
wolf mask *hi(ː)laksum
almost *hils-
proper (e.g. member of family) *hi(ː)ɬ-
trying *hiːɬʔayaχ
(deer) tallow *himiks
(put or be in) container *hin-/hani-
ask for *hiːnač
go out to sea *hinaːčiƛ
head end of sleeping platform *hiːnakuːwiɬ/hiːnakʷiɬ
way of thinking *hiːnaːn̍iɬ
elbow or heel *hiːnapaːqƛ
amazed *hiːnaqɬ
ride in *hinayuwiq
growl *hiniːq-
get ready *hiːn̍(a)-/hiːl’(a)-
hit with instrument *his-
sockeye salmon *hiːs(ina)
live with in-laws when married *hi(ː)skʷ-/hayaskʷ-
red huckleberry *hisʔan(wa)
remember *hit(iː)-
bay *hitac’uː(ʔ)s
moaning *hiːtačap
front door or porch *hitaksʔati(ʔay)iː
arrive *hitaqayiƛ
upsound *hitaqƛi(ː)ɬ
get out of harbour *hitawisc’u-
daughter *hitaχ(a)w̍iːɬuma
win *hitaːʔaːp
strange *hiːtkan(i)
land otter *hiwaxni(ʔiː)-/waːxni(ʔiː)
head *hixt’i
howl *hixʷu-
work hard *hixʷ-
summer *hiʔnχ
be stuck in place *hk’ʷ-/χk’-
killer whale *hlχʔinuχʷ
eddy *hl’u(ʔ)ala
carry s.o. on one’s back *hmt-
butterfly *hmu-/hlu-
ask for a ride *h(a)ninuχʷ-/h(a)ninaχʷ-
curse *hnkʷ-
carry in apron *hnq-
look at one’s reflection *hnχ-
steep *ht-
crosswise or interwoven *hu-
go (several) *huː(qʷ)-
not much *huː(ʔ)iɬ/huːlaːɬ
bird *hukʷ-
rest *huɬ-
dance *huːɬ-
observe *hum-
whole *humaqƛ
spider *humaχa
kind of shellfish *hum(h)um-
wild rhubarb *huihaːq
food found adrift *huːn̍iː
roundish object *hup-
island *hupačakt
lame *hupa(ː)mɬ
help *hupiː
kind of canoe *hupin(u)wa(ː)š
vomit *huqʷ-/wuqʷ-
count *hu(ː)(k)s-
wrinkled *hus-
rascal *hušaːk
jealous *hut(ʔatu)
abandon or leave *hut-
expose *hu(ː)t-
topple over *huxʷ-/ʔuxʷ-
know how *huχtakʷ-
running around *huːyaːp
waves *hu(ː)y̍a-
(come) back *huʔa-
yawn *h(a)x-
thrush *hχʷ-/ʔχʷ-
climb *hχʷ-
afterbirth *hχʷʔut
carry dish-like object *ka-/kax-
stick up *ka(ʔat)-/k’at-
hail *kac-
killer whale *kakaw̍an(i)
ankle *kala(ː)kaliː/kala(ː)kalʔayiː
known *kamat
kneel *kan-/kat-
fungus *kanaːy̍i
carry on back *kanup’aɬ
separate layers *kap-/kam̍-
like *kaːp(ap)-
husband or man *kap(xʷ)-
collide or shove *kaq-
glance from comer of eye *kas-
carry (baby) *kas-
bent *kas-
nod or bob *kat-/kas-
scold *kaƛ-
become visible *ka(ː)ƛχ-
jump *kaʔackat-
ladder *kaːʔaman(a)/kuχʷʔaman(a)
long piece of wood *kic-
pry up *kimit-
gall *kiːstamac
fast *kixɬ-
light colour *kixʷ-
scratch or rip *ki(ː)χʷ-
break into pieces *kiƛ-
round *klx-
be amazed or afraid *kɬ-
move head *knk-/knq-
loath *kns-
here you are *ku(ː)/kʷaː
clean or filet fish *kuː-
shave or scrape *kus-
beckon *kut-/kʷit-
steal *kuːw̍iɬ-
doing as directed *ku(ː)w̍iɬa
fresh (seafood) *kuxc-
open *kuːƛ-
spouse’s grandfather *kʷaːcχi
be misplaced or diminished *kʷa(ː)ɬ-
stem-piece *kʷama
rumble or rattle *kʷanxʷ-
wild onion *kʷan̍is
trample or kick *kʷas-
hole *kʷawχʷ-
splash *kʷa(s)x-
uncovered *kʷaːχiː
bluejay *kʷays-/kʷayx-
shrimp-like crustacean *kʷaƛkʷaːč
grandchild *kʷaːʔuːc
play musical instrument *kʷaʔuta
goldeneye duck *kʷdin(a)/gʷdin(a)
whistle *kʷiːkʷ-
eagle *kʷikʷ/wikʷ
fan dance *kʷiːkʷaːɬa
Transformer (mythical figure) *kʷiːkʷi(ː)stupsa(ː)p
sting or itch *kʷiːq-
harpoon head *kʷiːqaːpɬ
spit *kʷiːs-/kʷiːɬ-
turn around *kʷiscaχta-
break (waves) *kʷit-
knock or tap *kʷi(n)χ-
quiet *kʷiːyiɬ
lie (down) *kʷl-
steam *kʷns-
mink *kʷn̍a(q)
concave object *kʷt-
pearl shell *kʷugʷis
suspect *kʷut-
warm *kʷuxʷ-
crow *k’aː(qan)-
ashamed *k’a-
put loose objects away *k’a(ː)-
bend sideways *k’a(ː)-
soon *k’ačaː
raise eyebrows *k’ak-
raw *k’al(ʔux)
fern *k’alax
urinate (man) *k’alqʷ-
sleep or dream *k’aɬ-
rough out (canoe) to shape *k’am-
take away ( belonging to another) *k’am(a)-/k’ap-
ring *k’a(ː)maːkʷ
tiny clams *k’amamu/k’amumu
small waterfall *k’amazn
gnaw *k’ap-
hold in arms or squeeze *k’ap-
humpback salmon *k’aːp’i
claw or nail *k’a(ː)s-
harbour seal *k’aːsč’(uʔ)
draw or paint *k’a(ː)t-
whale or seal oil *k’atuk
not enough *k’at’a-/kat’a-
agape *k’awaχ-
hurry along *k’a(ʔ)x-
split lengthwise *k’ax(ɬ)-
whittle or cut with adze *k’a(ː)χʷ-
purple *k’ayiːc
sea shell *k’aːyišk’an(iː)
swing *k’a(ː)yuːp-/k’a(ː)yuːm-
kind offish *k’aƛχaːy̍akʷ
squeal or scream *k’aʔitq-
carve or cut *k’iː-
little finger *k’ida/k’ay(i)da
caulk a boat *k’ig-/k’ik-
roll or pull back *k’ik-
dig for clams *k’il(t)-
dark *k’ilt-
metal *k’il’(x)-
sweep *k’iɬ-/k’is-
spoil (meat) *k’i(ː)ɬ(χ)-
fur seal *k’iɬanu.s
kind of owl *k’iːɬcayap
seal up or plug *k’i(ː)m-
penis *k’imis
draw lips between teeth *k’imt-
pull (hair) loose *k’in-
rake *k’in(k)-
feel cold *k’in(t)-
sea anemone *k’in(i)ɬimac
fish guts *k’in̍a(ː)q
(pick) elderberries *k’ip-
use or do to one’s head *k’iq-
(right to) song or dance *k’is(ʔu)
drain water *k’is-
weave together *k’it-/k’iɬt-
on edge *k’itkʷ-/k’ʷukʷ-
dirty *k’ix-
close one’s eyes *k’iχ-/k’is-
run away or get scared *k’iːχʷ-
squeak *k’k-/k’ʷk-
twist or wring *k’lp-
crystal *k’l’aq
show discontent *k’mʔstu
grapple like a crab *k’nq-/k’nxʷ-
be or put a pile or load *k’q-
slacken *k’s-
not *k’(i)s-/k’i(ʔ)us
one side of flat thing *k’saʔzi
unstable *k’t-
tie or bind *k’ulk-/k’il(k)-
tongue *k’ulm
go out or extinguish *k’ulχ-
dip food in oil or grease *k’uːɬ-
point or poke *k’um-/k’up-
calm *k’uma(ː)q-
backbone *k’uːnis
slip or slacken (rope) *k’upq-
kind of sea bird *k’uːxʷa(š)/k’ʷuːxʷaː(š)
further away *k’u(ː)ʔu(ɬ)
sit *k’ʷa(ː)-
light (weight) *k’ʷa(s)-
tear or burst *k’ʷa(χ)-/k’ʷap-
hide (leather) *k’ʷac-
south wind *k’ʷaːciːniʔiː/k’ʷaːci(ː)n̍iʔiː
small bullhead *k’ʷa(ː)cnama(c)
poor (boy) *k’ʷaːčim
dolphin or porpoise *k’ʷak’ʷaʔakƛi
otter *k’ʷal-/k’ʷaƛ-
(ritual) branches *k’ʷaːɬ(uk)
slime *k’ʷaxa
cedar wood *k’ʷaχƛawi(ʔ)
fragile *k’ʷaːyuk
twin *k’ʷaːy̍as
fish knife *k’ʷičitin/k’ʷičitin̍
squirm or twist *k’ʷikʷ-
hoarfrost *k’ʷima(ː)c
lucky *k’ʷiqaɬ
snow *k’ʷiːs-
be stuck *k’ʷit-/k’ʷin-
pry loose *k’ʷit-
suckle *k’ʷitiːk’ʷitiː
suck *k’ʷixʷ-/k’ʷimt-
sight or select *k’ʷi(l)χ-
skunk cabbage *k’ʷk’ʷuk’ʷ
swim (fish) *k’ʷl-
(bud of) cottonwood *k’ʷl’un
scorch *k’ʷms-
eviscerate *k’ʷnɬ-
wet *k’ʷnq-
(inside) gills *k’ʷnzi
bright light or flash *k’ʷq-/q’ʷq-
wolf *k’ʷsl(ʔ)s
Indian tobacco (bush) *k’ʷt’χuli
split open *k’ʷu-
fold or bend *k’ʷuː(s)-
chin *k’ʷu(ʔ)aq
mussel *k’ʷuc(as)
be or put a flat thing *k’ʷup-
hoist or tug *k’ʷuqʷ-/q’ʷuqʷ-
nail *k’ʷut-
go *la-/l’a-
do or finish quickly *lawi(t)-
wind around *layxʷ-
reef *liqi
sea elephant *liqʷasiʔi
boiled fish *lisa
rummage or uncover *lit-
cheap *liːxʷ-
red cedar *liʔχ
throw stones *lk-/l’k-
faint or weak *lkʷ-
dry *lmxʷ-
roll *luː(χʷ)-
bright light *lu(ː)(ʔak)-
flower *luːlačχ-/laː(ʔ)ulačx-
old sockeye salmon *luːlaːs(akt)
haunted *luɬ-
scorch *luihasa
empty *lup-/l’up-
fish by long-lining *luqʷ-
hemlock *luqʷ-
seesaw *lu(ː)škaːlaliː
rocks *luʔχʷk’ʷs
stick out tongue *l’akʷ-/l’aχʷ-
wide open *l’aːp(χʷ)-
roll or fold up *l’iqʷ-/l’ix-
strange or foreign *l’kʷ-/l’kʷ-
be or handle moist material *l’q-
thimbleberry *l’qaχ-
campfire *l’qʷ-/lqʷ-
cough *l’Xʷu
wonder or be surprised *ɬaknxʷ
have difficult or painful time *ɬaːkʷ-/ɬaːxʷ-
salmon spear head *ɬa(ː)k’itawaχ
paralysed or dead *ɬalaʔ-
salal bush *ɬan-
lose or be lost *ɬan(k)-
moan *ɬanisla
soft *ɬanqʷ-/ɬanp-
one day from today *ɬans-/ɬanc-
flap or spread wings *ɬapX-/ƛap-
give as gift *ɬaq-
shelter *ɬaq-
choose *ɬa(ː)š-
extend long flexible things *ɬat-
itch *ɬaχ-/t(a)q-
young man *ɬaːχuk/ɬaːχukʷ
now *ɬaχʷ/ƛaχʷ
generous *ɬaːyiːk/ɬaːq’iːk
kind of basket *ɬaʔaːš
lie (several people) *ɬi-
pregnant *ɬic(iːt)
tie up *ɬim(a)-
inhale *ɬimχ-
mind or will *ɬiːm̍aqsti
take by force *ɬinma/ƛinma
find by accident *ɬis-/ɬins
young cedar *ɬisk’ʷs
ragged *ɬit-
tug or pull *ɬit(kʷ)-
get cloudy *ɬi(ː)w̍aχ-
cedar bark mat *ɬiχaɬ
spread out (fabric) *ɬi(ː)χʷ-/ɬi(ː)xʷ-
miss *ɬiʔ(uː)-/ƛ i(ː)qʷ-
snake *ɬiːʔiʔ(ay)iː
cover over *ɬm-
crabapple *ɬnχ
(edible) seaweed *ɬq-
brain *ɬqʷa-
board *ɬu-
woman *ɬuk-
sinew or bowstring *ɬukʷ-
cramp *ɬuk’ʷiːks/ɬiːk’ʷiːks
tipping over *ɬuq-
bowl *ɬuːqʷ-
thunder *ɬuːt-
turn head away *ɬuxʷ-
flint or crystal *ɬuːχ
dwell or lie *ma(ː)-
drink (baby word) *maː(χ)-
eat as side dish *maːc-/ma(ː)s-
fly (insect) *maːckʷan
supernatural being *ma(ː)cma(ː)yuxʷan(iː)
enter house *mačinuƛ
go fast in water *maːčuk/m̍aːčuk
flea *mač’asi(ː)na
fish of sea bottom *maglis/ihaglis
move one end of plank *ma(ʔ)iɬa
buy *ma(ː)kʷ-
tug at line (fish) *makʷ-
have lips sealed *mak’ʷ(itx)-
fruit (juice) *malaχdi
playing with dolls or shells *maːmaːk’an
swallow (bird) *mamaɬik’a
white person *mamaɬn̍i
leader or harpoon line *mamaqs(i)y̍ima
fishing for cod *mamayit(a)
excrement *manak
bask in sun *manis(as)/man̍is(as)
smelt *ma(ː)n̍aw(iː)
left with baby sitter *maqƛi(ʔi)
dark or shade *maːqʷ-
heal up *mas-/m̍as-
blossom *mas-
roast or bake over coals *maːs-
commoner *masčim(a)
howl or wail *ma(ː)siːwiƛ/ma(ː)siwiɬ
sea lion *mawak’(a)
Douglas fir *mawal’as
avoid *max-/m̍ax-
trap falls *maχ-
horsetail *maʔaxʷ/m̍aʔaxʷ
sand dollar *maːʔic
boy *maʔiƛqac
twin *mdm
skate *miːlaː(š)č
twist (rope) *mil(t)-
aim *mils-
level *miɬ-
sealing spear *miɬsy̍i(ː)/miɬsiʔiː
sockeye salmon *miq’aːt
smell *mi(ː)s-
bow *mi(ː)stati(ː)
black cod *miːšaːwiːχ
porcupine *mixdi
go round in a circle *m(a)liq-
smile *mlxʷ-/mnxʷ-
wind from land *mɬ-
sockeye salmon *mɬik
mumble or buzz *mm(k)-/hm(k)-
grouse *mmk(ls)/kʷmx
overeat *mnɬ-
onion *mqʷ(c’i)
marten *msƛǧn
twitch *mt-
four *muː/m̍uː
bear *mucmuχ(a)q
blue *mukʷ-/m̍ukʷ-
grateful *mul’-
tide rising *muːɬ-
waves breaking on jetty *muɬatq-
damage *mus-
cut *mut-
balsam fir *mut-
deer *muwač
boil or steam *muxʷ-/muqʷ-
hump-backed *muxʷ-/muχʷ-
clam basket *muxʷu(yiː)
chiefs wife *muziɬ
rainbow *mxsaqʷ
do fast *mxʷ-/m̍xʷ-
bob up and down *m(a)χʷ-
what *m̌a(ː)-
hold in teeth *m̌ia(ː)-/m̌al-
dragonfly *m̌akʷaǧadli
cold *m̌aɬ-
move or swim around *m̍a(ː)ɬ(aː)-/ma(ː)ɬ(aː)-
recognize *m̍aɬt’i(ʔ)ala-
(widowed) in-law *m̍aɬt’i(ʔ)i
thumb *m̍a(ː)m̌a(ː)m̍ican̍ukuma
(woman’s) older sibling *m̍a(ː)m̍i-
possessions *m̍am̍ikas
test or weigh *m̍a(ː)n(a)-
put spell on *m̍anu(ː)q-
pluck out *m̍aq-/ma(p)-
fly *m̍a(ː)t-
work *m̍a(ː)w-/ma(ː)w̍-
tie *m̍iawkʷ-/ma(ː)qʷ-
deliver *m̍iaw̍u-
close friend *m̍ayaɬa
give birth *m̍ay̍uƛ a
take by the hand *m̍a(ː)ƛ-
two or second *m̍iaʔ(aɬ) /maʔ(aɬ)
sister or cousin (of woman) *m̍aʔaχsy̍iqsu
fish or meat *m̍iː-
surprised or hesitant *m̍ickʷ-
awesome *m̍iːm̌i(ː)n̍aːk
gather (fish) *m̍in(aːɬ)-
rain *m̍iƛ-
move away *m̍iƛ-
tease or do mischief *m̍iƛ-
swallow or choke *m̍k-
white or grey *m̍l-/m̍uqʷ-
think of *m̍lqw-/mlqʷ-
stir *m̍(a)ɬ-
gesture *m̍ins-/m̍nc-
throw away *m̍q-
crave *m̍s-
sealed off *m̍u(x)-
bulky object or stone *m̍ukʷ-
bum (torch) *m̍ul’-/m̍il’-
keep secret or mute *m̍u(ː)qʷ-
scrotum *m̍u(ʔ)qʷdli
animal *m̍uq ʷs
punch *m̍x-/mx-
wet *m̍χʷ-
dare *na-
go (with) *na(ː)(ʔuː)-/n̍a(ː)-
tail of fish or bird *naːk-/n̍aːk
ling cod *naɬm
grizzly bear *naːn(a)
grandparent *nani-
coiled *naːp-/laːp-
strong *naš-
mallard duck *naːχ-/naːq
tattle *naːy(iʔ)ayikʷ
echo *nayi-/naya-
snow *nay̍(iʔ)
child *nay̍aq(akʷ)/yan̍aq(akʷ)
kick or put foot out *naƛk-
hear or sense *naʔaː-
share food with *naːʔiːyuχ-/n̍aːʔiːyuχ-
vulva *naʔxʷ
parent- or child-in-law *ngʷmp
nose *nic’a
take revenge *nik-
show *niɬ-
muddy *niqʷ-
be satiated or full *nis-
belch *nisc’it(aq)-
land or country *nism̍ak
beam *nitup
pull up *ni(ː)χ-
a short while *nm(aɬ)
pound *np-/n̍p-
I or we *nuː-
mountain *nuk(iʔiː)
fur seal *nukʷi
pitch-wood *nukʷiyac
slightly more *nuːsiq/nuːsaq
spoiled or polluted *nut-
glacier *nuym̍a/n̍uym̍a
flexible *nχ-/n̍χ-
pick berries *n̍a-/n̍kʷ-
(day)lighf *n̍aː-
look *n̍aːk-
upstream or south *n̍al(a)
one *n̍am-
tired *n̍am-
die instantly from blow *n̍apxtaː-
drink *n̍a(ː)q-
work magic *n̍awala-
wait *n̍aw(kʷ)-/naw(kʷ)-
crazy or disturbed *n̍awɬ(aːwi)-/n̍awɬ(aːwi)-
cover *n̍axʷ-
climb (mountain) *n̍aχ-
wolverine *n̍aƛ’(aʔi)-
dip or sink *n̍iː-
thread or sew *n̍i(ː)(q)-/q’in-
short *n̍iːc-
tell or say *n̍ik-
hold in claws *n̍ikʷ-
penis *n̍ik’
grunt *n̍iɬq-
small bird *n̍iːn̍i(ː)č-/n̍ayn̍iays-
salmon roe *n̍ixʷ-
in turmoil *n̍iƛ(χʷ)-
lie back *n̍iƛ-
turn inside out *n̍iƛk-
make fun of *n̍uː-
old or wise *n̍u(ʔ)aq-
egg *n̍uč’akʷ
steam *n̍uk-
sing *n̍ul-/nul-
elder brother or sister *n̍ula-
push or lean against *n̍uɬ-
all *n̍uːm̍(a)
use sling *n̍unk-
scattered *n̍uːpi-
harpoon shaft *n̍uːpiyaq’/nuːpiyaq’
swallow *n̍uqʷ-
abscess *n̍uqʷiʔiː
tell stories *n̍us-
get tangled or argue *n̍us-
distribute property *n̍uš-
become sun-cracked *n̍uxʷ-
naughty *n̍ix-/nx-
near *n̍xʷ(a)-
flat (layer) *pa(ƛ)-/p(a)q-
across *pakʷ-/pak’ʷ-
flood or overflow *paɬ-
filet *paːɬ-
soak (to soften) *pa(ː)s-
yawn *paːstaq-
Raven’s wife *paːšχ(s)uk
wild rose fruit *patq’aywa
lose or be lost *pawaɬ-
nest *paːχʷac
peel off inner bark *pays-
flare up *paƛ-
grave or corpse *piːcksy̍iː/piːcksiʔiː
flat or thin *pil(kʷ)-/pil’(kʷ)-
sword fern (game) *pila(y)pila(y)
liver *pi(ː)laːq
tight *piɬ(q)-
dampen *piqʷ-
move about *pi(ː)s(at)-
whistle *pi(ʔ)s-/pik-
wink or close eyes *pišq-
aim or look at *piːχ-
bladder *pizac’i
fill up or swell *pn-
clear or make easy (to traverse) *psila
give medicine *pt-
starve *pu-
swell or blow up *puː(xʷ)-
blow horn *puːtq-
dreaming *pu(ː)w̍is-
float *puxʷ-/p’uxʷ-
warm or heat *px-
cut or split *pχ-/bχ-
heal (shaman) *pχ-
wither *pχʷ-
fin or palm *pƛa
handle (small objects) *p’a(ː)-
foam up *p’ac-
dark *p’ad-
pluck (feathers) *p’al-
work *p’a(ʔa)la
large canoe *p’amw̍aɬ
cranberry *p’ap’aʔis
chiton *p’aq’am/p’aq’ʷam
goods *p’atqʷ-
ear *p’ayp’ay(ʔiː)/p’asp’ay(ʔiː)
decayed *p’ayq-/p’anq-
peek *p’aχ-/paχ-
string out *p’aƛ-
soft material *p’iɬuq-
hard *p’is-
grope *p’ixʷ-
gather (fish or birds) *p’kʷ-/pkʷ-
blunt *p’lq-
fog *p’lχla
sister-in-law *p’lχʷ-/p’lxʷ-
blink *p’ɬ-
gasp or groan *p’nq-/ʔnq-
taste *p’q-
halibut *p’uː(xʷ)-
moss *p’ul-
bubble up *p’uɬ- /m̍uɬ-
tired *p’us-
dent or bend *p’us(k)-/p’aws(k)-
because or for (that) *qa-
nits or lice eggs *qac’aɬiːna
watertight basket *qačaqapɬ/qačaqamɬ
hat *qa(y)it
three *qakc’a
lose (in game) *qak’ʷ-
cook fish beside fire *qalakʷa
boil *qalamitq-
wake of fish in water *qalat(la)
walk or roam *qaɬ-/qas-
younger brother *qaɬaːtikʷ
trap *qam-
deer *qamila
rise (smoke or haze) *qap-
spring salmon *qap(s)
orphan *qaqayaʔak
cut in two *qa(ː)t-
hard *qat-/qan-
listen *qaxʷ-/qaχʷ-
forked or barbed *qa(ː)χ-
clear throat *qaχ-/qaʔχ-
die or dead *qaχ-
pack basket *qaʔawac
kind of flat fish *qc’-
kind of knife *qc’m/gc’m
be or put on side (head) *qiɬ-/qix-
spirit of Wolf Ritual *qi(ː)šim/qi(ː)šam
bass *qit’ap
make fast with loop *qix(t)-
fade or decay *qiχ-
lie *qlkʷ-
preserve food with grease *qlxʷ-
egg *qlχ-
adze *qns-
put on shoes *qnχ-
be or put upside down *qp-
give hunting cry (dogs) *qq-
coil *qs-/gs-
if *quː/qaw
drift *quqʷ-
be hard or tough *qu(ː)t(k)-
freeze *qu(ː)xʷ-
man or Indian *quːʔas
soul or shadow *quʔaːyič’ina
beautiful *qʷac’aɬ
swan *qʷaǧʷuː(qʷ)/ğʷaǧʷuː(qʷ)
seagull *qʷaliː/qʷalali
cut open (fish) *qʷaq-
swing *qʷaqʷafri
flower or down *qʷas-
intentionally *qʷaːss(a)ʔuχ
crunchy *qʷax-
show *qʷaχʷ-
smoke *qʷayx-/kʷayx-
wolf *qʷayac’iːk
needle *qʷaʔχʷba
untie *qʷiɬ-
far side *qʷis-/χʷis-
hemlock *qʷiƛ’aqmapt
parent or child-in-law *qʷiːʔi(qsu)
excrement *qʷms-
worry *qʷu(ʔ)iqla
thumb *qʷuna
bulge *qʷuqʷ-
dancing blanket *qʷutix
full *qʷut’-
dust or powder *qʷχ-/qʷχʷ-
find *q’a-
wound *q’a(čaq)-
straight or hit *q’a(p)-
cataleptic state in ritual *q’ac(aː)-
continually *q’aːcuk
expert at *q’ac’ik
cut off *q’akʷ-
slave *q’a(ː)kʷu(ː)/qaxʷ(iːɬ)
flounder *q’alaɬč’a(ʔuː)
curl up *q’alxʷ-/q’anxʷ-
chamber pot *q’a(ː)ɬ-
braid *q’aɬ-
green or unripe *q’am(ʔs)-
sing (for dancers) *q’amat-
cottonwood *q’a(ː)mi(ː)-/q’a(ː)ni(ː)-
horse clams *q’amiːq
punish *q’a(ː)m̍i-
sap-wood *q’aihip’a-/q’arhap’a-
willing to learn *q’ap-
put arms around *q’apkʷ-
slice fish for drying *q’ap(a)ɬ-
respond *q’aq’awy̍u-/χawy̍u-
eyebrow *q’aq’ič(i)
cave *q’aq’iƛ/ʔaq’iƛ
think *q’aːs-
chisel or adze *q’a(ː)s(t)-/q’alt-
poke with elbow *q’as(k)-
sea otter *q’a(ʔ)sa
bald *q’asqiː
string breaks *q’aš-
knee or elbow *q’ašinukuma/q’uša(q)nukuma
patch *q’at-/q’an-
thank *q’atiq-
curled up *q’atxʷ-
beaver *q’at’axʷa
fish nose *q’awa(ː)n
start to smell bad *q’awaχʔit
uncovered (at low tide) *q’a(ː)xʷ-
cloudy water *q’aːyaq(a)
lake *q’aʔu(ː)-
first menstruation *q’ic’ayit
hemlock needles *q’ic’s
give signal with head *q’ičk(at)-
smear or paint *q’ilc-/q’ils-
long feather *q’i(yaː)ɬ-
nettle *q’i(ː)ɬmapt
navel *q’ima(ː)n(a)
whirlpool *q’imatq-
dog *q’iniːƛ(č)
much or many *q’inm
speak kindly *q’in̍a-
wild currant *q’is(ina)
lie *q’iːt(kʷ)-
doubt *q’itaːkʷ
sweetheart *q’iwiqsu
driftwood *q’iχ-
mosquito *q’iχa
bite *q’k-
stationary *q’k-
rock clam *q’km̞̍a
long or deep *q’l-/qʼlʼ-
heavy or weight *q’ls-/q’lc-
carry in arms *q’ɬ-
lazy person *q’ms(χd)
brittle or crispy *q’mxʷ-/qmxʷ-
stop flowing (sap) *q’n-
scald *q’nc-/q’ns-
bad feeling in throat from rancid fat *q’nq’χu
chitons *q’ns-/q’nc-
fold or bundle *q’ns-
eat meat or fat *q’s-
be somewhere (person(s)) *q’t-
edible sea anemone *q’(a)t-
calm *q’u(ː)(qʷ)-/q’ʷu(ː)qʷ-
fruit *q’uːc’aqtu(ː)p/q’ʷuːc’aqtu(ː)p
loon or grebe *q’uda(q)
well up *q’uɬ-
bent *q’uɬ-/q ʷuɬ-
howl *q’um-/q’m-
copulate or move back and forth *q’up(xʷ)-
belly *q’us(p’at’u)-
alien (Salish) *q’uːsap
make use of a pole *q’ut-
translate *q’uːy̍ap-
medicine *q’u(ː)y̍i
eat herring eggs *q’x-
six *q’ƛ’a-
stand (plural objects) *q’ʷa-
partialdried or soaked *q’ʷac’aqakʷ
get up *q’ʷakliɬ
twist *q’ʷal-/q’ʷaƛ-
uncle or brother of male *q’ʷali(kʷ)-
bum to cinders *q’ʷaɬ-
heron or crane *q’ʷaːnis/q’ʷaːlis
lupine or clover root *q’ʷans-
grow *q’ʷa(ː)q-/q’ʷaːχ-
shark *q’ʷaqʷ-
crowded together *q’ʷat’-
cry *q’ʷay(q)-/q’ʷa(ː)s-
autumn *q’ʷa(ː)y̍iː(ʔi)čχ
pick sprouts *q’ʷaʔɬ-
rotten *q’ʷil-/q’ʷayl-
sticky or rubbery *q’ʷin-/q’ʷinat-
snot *q’ʷin(a)tmis
char bottom of canoe *q’ʷiːq-
squeeze *q’ʷi(ʔ)s-
scratch *q’ʷit-/q’ʷiɬ-
Mink (in stories) *q’ʷityaːt/kʷatyaːt
collapse or crumble *q’ʷiːƛ-/q’ʷiːɬ-
do on one’s own *q’ʷ(i)l-
alive or survive *q’ʷla-
ticklish *q’ʷlqʷ-
end *q’ʷl’(ba)
hide or do secretly *q’ʷl’aƛ a
liver *q’ʷm(m)s
poke or pierce *q’ʷmt-
roll down (rocks) *q’ʷmx-
often *q’ʷn-/q’ʷl-
fat *q’ʷnk-
swallow after chewing *q’ʷnqʷ-
take apart *q’ʷqʷ-
drizzle *q’ʷs-
scar *q’ʷt-
standing out or more *q’ʷu(m)-
stump *q’ʷumaqmi
pour or sprinkle *q’ʷup-
bladder *q’ʷuqʷac
mountain *q’ʷuq’ʷs
neck *q’ʷuq’ʷun̍i
eat berry cake *q’ʷut-
dress *q’ʷuχʷ-
wise *sa-
crawl *sa(χ)-
one or alone *sa-/saχʷ-
spear *sa(ʔak)-
sharp *sačk-
sea urchin *sačkaːp(ɬ)
unceasingly *sač’-
bracken fern *sagʷm
additional *saka
rush or reed *salaχaɬ
lips *saliqti/saliqʷti
ring finger *sal’(ayu)
song of love or lament *sal’ala
shark *samaːs
Douglas fir *sama(ː)χtaqapt
kelp fishing line *sana(p’aɬ)
peel cedar bark *sanq-
skin or turn back *sap-
hummingbird *saːsin
offspring *sasm
itch *sa(ː)tq-
use (a means of transport) *saw̍ati
cover *say-
far *sayaː-/χayaː-
travel (by water) *sayk-
whistle *saːyupq-/saːwupq-
seal *saʔkʷ-
use a stick or pole *siː-
maggot *siːc(maːna)
fish chowder *siču(ʔ)iː
blueberry (bush) *sikʷ-
bend or crooked *si(ʔ)kʷ-
huckleberry *silm-
snake *siɬm
wolverine or marten *siɬsi-
roast fish over coals *simit-
stick bait on hook *si(ː)p’iq-
suppurate *si(ː)q-
cooked or ripe *si(ː)q-
split lengthwise *si(ː)t-
tail *sit’a-
peel *six-
rash or sores *sixʷ(iʔiː)
herring eggs *siːχm̍uː/χiːcm̍uʔuː
I *siy̍a(ː)
fishing for octopus *siy̍uːp
have others do one’s work *sɬ-
extract oolachen oil *smk-
mouth *sms-
think *s(i)n-
whole *sn(ala)
nits or louse eggs *sndn
flash *sp-
inedible red berry *sp’uli/sp’a(w)li
take *su(ː)-
you *suː(k)-
tree *suč’(as)
five *suk’a(ː)-
drill *sul(t)-
sand *sup’icmis
pleased *suqʷ-
swim *sus-
thunder *su(ː)w̍aː
spiderweb *suːyaq
sawbill duck *sχm
mixed up *šaːxt(akʷ)
flee *šaxʷ-
purse or draw together (lips) *šiq-
brush off *šiš-
fern *šiƛ a
freight canoe *ši(ː)ƛ(uq)sac
rust *šuχ-
halibut *šuːyuːɬ
drift or wade *taː-
still *ta(ː)kaː
belly *ta(ː)k’-
warm oneself *taɬ-
drip *tarhaqʷa
mosquito *tana(kʷ)(mas)
cannibal dancer *tanis
cross-piece *ta(ː)pʔa(ma)
oolachen net *taqaʔɬ
earthquake *taqiː
hold or squeeze *ta(ː)qʷ-/tap(q)-
cover *taqʷ-
walk with cane or staff *taq’aɬ-
rub on *tas-
older brother *ta(ː)yiː/taːyaːyu
fish or seal club *taːyi(ː)n(iɬ)
sick *taʔ(iɬ)
sea cucumber *taːʔiniwa
fall or sink *tiː(kʷ)-/tay(kʷ)-
alive or healthy *tiːč-
sea otter *tiːčaq
flick or bounce *t(i)k-
splash *tilxʷ-/taʔilxʷ-
fish bait *tiːɬ-
octopus *tiːɬ(uːp)
skunk cabbage *timaːt/timuːt
wade or kick in water *timqʷ-/timq-
vibrate *tims-/timx-
covered in sweat or dew *tiniqa
squash or smash *ti(ɬ)q-
laugh *ti(ː)xʷ-/ti(ː)kʷ-
green or yellow *tiχ-
(eat) cured salmon eggs *tmkʷ-
cover with dirt *tqʷ-
(lake) trout *tq’ani
octopus *tq’ʷa
press against *ts-
walk *tu-
pluck *tucq-/tucχ-
stretch tight *tučiɬ-
east (wind) *tuč’a-
skin or hide *tukʷaq
soft *tulqʷ-
dark spot *tu(ː)m-/tu(ː)p-
garbage *tumu(ː)s
hereditary privileges *tupaːt(i)
ling cod *tuškaːwiχ
bunched up *tu(ː)xq-/tu(ː)χʷ-
become afraid *tuːχ-
spruce *tuːχmapt
fish with line *t’a(p)-
lean *t’a(ː)(χ)-
sudden *t’aččiƛ-
sardines *t’ačk’umc
scratch *t’akʷ-
fish gills *t’ak’ʷas
slice fish *t’aɬ-
lash or tie *t’am-
drum or beat time *t’am(s)-
kingfisher *t’a(ː)mu(ː)kʷ
stacked or layered *t’aːna-
carry on back *t’anup-
child *t’a(ː)n̍a
think *t’apat-
close eyes *t’apɬ-/t’amɬ-
straight (opposite) *t’a(ː)q-/t’aʔχ-
give up *t’aq(aː)-
scatter or distribute *t’aq-
noon *t’aqasiː
truthful *t’aqu-
believe *t’a(ː)qʷ-
shiver *t’as-
dive *t’a(ː)(m)s-/da(ː)(m)s-
hawk *t’at’ak’ʷ(k’uk)
insect *t’at’apw̍an(a)
bucking the wind (in canoe) *t’aːt’aːwic
star *t’a(ː)w-
overloaded *t’awaːkʷ-
trail or way *t’ax-
pad *t’aykʷ-/t’ayk-
anchored *t’ayuː-
necklace *t’aː(ʔa)numa
kind of canoe *t’gʷn
lie in wait *t’i-/t’ay-
(stone) weight *t’i(ː)
fern (root) *t’ibam-
drum in rapid beat *t’ick-
sit or lie back *t’ik-/t’iːqʷ-
dig with digging stick *t’iːkʷ-
hang *t’ikʷ-
hiccup *t’i(ː)k’ʷacq-
soak *t’i(ː)ɬ-
step on *t’ip-
(handle) mushy stuff *t’iqʷ-
carry bulky thing on shoulders *t’ix-
black eye *t’ixʷ-
(wipe) tears *t’iχ-
thicken or curdle *t’iʔk-/t’iʔkʷ-
soil or clay *t’k-
jump (fish) *t’lm-
cranberry *t’ls-
old canoe *t’m(s)-
shrivel up *t’mkʷ-
gooseberry *t’mxʷ-/tmxʷ-
close (to another person) *t’(a)n-/t’(a)n-
cold *t’ns/t’nc-
hard *t’nx-/d(i)x-
climb *t’p-
blame *t’q-
clover root *t’qʷ-
chest *t’q’bu(ʔa)
pound *t’s-
giant sea urchin *t’uc’up
shred cedar bark by pounding *t’ulxʷ-
lump *t’um(q)-/t’un(k)-
cattail or reed *t’u(ː)na(ː)xʷ
happy *t’uːp(uk)
sneeze *t’up’icx-
narrow opening *t’u(ː)qʷ-/t’u(ː)kʷ-
cut *t’u(ː)s-/t’u(ː)c-
rabbit *t’ut’upč’as
waves *t’uxʷa
head *t’uχʷ-/t’uq-
river or stream *wa-
say or speak *waː(ɬ)-
well now *waː(y)/w̍a(y)
murre *waːcq’aš
periwinkle *wac’aːy̍i
(carry) firewood *wa(ː)č-
thin skin *wač’in(a)
go *wahaːkʷ
return or circle *wal(x)-/wal(k)-
larynx *wani(ː)q
herring *wan̍(ay)i(ʔ)
red snapper *wa(ː)n̍uɬ
frog *wa(ː)q’(it)
cape *waqʷ-
spawn *was-
pit of stomach *wasdm/w̍asdm
try *wax-
bee or wasp *waxaːc’iɬuɬ
fart *wa(ː)xʷ-/w̍a(ː)xʷ
throw away *waχ-/w̍aχ-
weak *wayɬ-/w̍ayƛ-
go back *waƛ’aq-
kelp perch *waʔaqap
sleep *waʔič-
lift *wi-
insufficient or fail *wi(ː)-
spring *wi(ʔ)agiwa
timid *wiːc(ʔ)akʷ
be late *wic’a-
thoughtless *wičaq-
barren (woman) *wikaχuɬ
easy *wikcuk
stormy weather *wiki(ː)c’aχ(akʷ)
unwilling to give *wikiːma
absent *wik’iːt
beach *wil’/wiʔl
sturdy or durable *wiːmiːɬ
raid *wiːna-/w̍ina-
fear *wiːnač/wiːn̍ač
weary of *wipax-
feeble *wipxuːɬ
angry or stormy *wiːq-
blunt *wisaqaɬ/wičaqaɬ
dark *wist(i)q’a-
lie back *wiχ-
miss *wi(ː)yi(ː)-
stingy *wiːyiːk
never *wiːy̍a
go out (fire) *wiƛ’aq-/w̍iƛ’aq-
baby seal *wliqʷ/w̍liqʷ
afraid *wlq-/w̍lq-
at short notice *wlxʷ-
love charm *wlχʷ-
without help or in vain *wɬ-
use a plug *wn-
milk *wnbis
go on! *wnina/w̍nina
scorch *wniqʷa
antlers *wƛ-
do as group *w̍a(ː)-
hunt with dogs *w̍aː(s)-
bark *w̍aːk-/wa(ː)ɬ(yuq)-
on both ends or sides *w̍a(ː)ks-
hiccup *w̍ak’pa
temples *w̍aɬw̍aɬ
leftover food *w̍aːmuːt/m̍aːmuːt
move one’s belongings *w̍arh-
exchange *w̍an-
lover *w̍anak
annoyed *w̍an̍iqa
water (down) *w̍ap-
feed visitors *w̍aːq-
cough *w̍asaq-
pull *w̍at-
kelp *w̍at-/wat-
mass of land or water *w̍aw(is)
smoke *w̍aχ-
where or which *w̍ay(a)/way(a)-
sibling of opposite sex *w̍aʔq’ʷa
lift head *w̍ick-
clear or bare *w̍ičq-
carry load on shoulders *w̍ik-
thin *w̍iɬ
(go to) bottom *w̍inq-
float deep *w̍ins-
male *w̍ism
deflate *w̍iš(akʷ)/w̍išk(akʷ)
early morning *w̍i(ʔ)uƛ
use branches *w̍l-
be affected (emotionally) *w̍n-
hair or fur *w̍s-
moose *w̍zik
rib *xaka
respect or care for *xaɬ-
woman or girl *xaːnaʔakʷ
separate *xas(k)-
peek *xat-
show teeth or grin *xic-/xis-
sniff *xins-/nix(s)-
red hot *xiq-
raise *xit-
move *xiƛ-
be or put limp *xlq-
lasso or snare *xm̍-
spray *xs-/xiɬ-
crumble *xʷac(akʷ)-/χʷayc(akʷ)-
swell *xʷak-
(travel in) canoe *xʷakʷ-
flare up *xʷam̍at-
prepare for *xʷas-
rake or scratch *xʷat-/kʷat-
swaying *xʷaʔic-/xʷayʔis-
cross piece of halibut hooks *xʷc’χλanu
return or turn over *xʷiɬ-/xʷa(y)iɬ-
brush past *xʷinš-
swing a line *xʷiq-
stick out *xʷit-
hollow or open *xʷlp-
sting *xʷm(q)-
nose *xʷmaq
cold spring *xʷnis
female duck *xʷubi
Indian rice *xʷukʷm
boiled salmon eggs *xʷuɬ-
take a rest *xʷus-
very or too *χa(ː)-
over there or downriver *χaː-/χaw-
unafraid *χaːca-
all used up *χaːčat-
deep *χaːčiː
woman’s brother *χačims(iqsu)
chiefs wife *χaku(ː)m(a)
do in person *χamaka
evade *χam(a)q-
dry (fish) *χams-
know *χamup-
stay overnight *χaiha-
trying hard *χanuːs
naked *χa(ː)n̍a-
relaxed *χapux-
bright *χas-
oil hair *χat-
lucky in love *χat’ap-
loon *χaːw̍i(ː)/χaːwi(ː)
bone *χa(ː)x/χa(ː)xaq-
advise *χa(ː)χap(χta)-
barnacle-like shell-fish *χa(ː)ya-
widowed or unmarried *χay(g)iɬ-
rot or excrement *χays-/χayc-
cradle *χaʔp’i
cedar storage box *χcm
river canoe *χc’aʔi
crawl *χi(ː)-
bend over *χi(n)-
sweep or brush off *χikʷ-
wood shavings *χi(ː)x-
licorice fern *χi(ː)χiʔita
mountain lion *χiʔina
bark *χ(a)kʷ-
scrape up with fingers *χlp-
low class or alone *χ(a)m-
handle a hollow object *χms-
damage or ruin *χmƛ-
little or few *χn-
carrot *χtm
split (wood) *χu-
scoop up *χul-/χuːt-
jellyfish *χul(χ)ulw̍a(mac)
large mussel *χuɬ(a)
sole *χuɬapiχ
red cedar *χum-
snore *χumt-
gather material for fire *χup-
rough *χup-
hollow inverted object *χu(l)qʷ-
mask *χuqʷawuma
splash *χu(ː)s-/χu(ː)t-
be or put long thing *χƛ-
maggot-infested *χʷas(a)
unable *χʷi- (-’aːχ)
stir *χʷit-
tomcod *χʷlcus/χʷlsus
mark with a groove *χʷlk-
sharpen with a file *χʷlqʷ-
venereal disease *χʷmsa
shake or shiver *χʷn-
burnt up (fire) *χʷn-
child *χʷn(u)kʷ
slimy *χʷuɬ-/χʷus-
boil *χʷus-
cut *χʷut-
that *yaː/y̍aː
move or step *ya(ː)(c)-/y̍a(ː)-
kick *yack-
dogfish *yača(ʔaː)
wrapped bundle *ya(ː)čqamɬ
bent *ya(ː)k-
sore *yalkʷ-/y̍lkʷ
there *yaːɬ
right away *yaniː
that which *yaqʷ-
woodworms *yaqʷ(aʔ)i
hunt fur seal *ya(ː)šma-
rattle (dance) *yaːt-/y̍at-
stay a while *yawasa
shout or groan *yaːχ-
friend or relative *yaːyaqw̍at/yay̍aqew̍at
species of tree *yayaw̍al’as
that yonder *yi(ː)-/y̍i(ː)-
meaning *yilaqʷa
chief *yim̍as/him̍as
trained or tamed *yi(ʔ)ut-
rub or smear *ylχ-
weave *yp-
blow (wind) *yu(ː)-
three *(wiː)yu(ː)(d)-
safe harbour *yuːɬ
fast *yu(ː)x-
prepare for departure *yuxta-
lungs *yuxw-/xʷu(ː)-
float or drift *yu(ː)xʷ-
give off hot air *yuxʷ-
early *yuːyu(ː)
layer of fat or tallow *yxʷsmi(ʔ)
possessions *yχƛn
wrap around *yƛ-
blame self or others *y̍aː-
send *y̍a(p)-/ya(p)-
bad *y̍ak-/y̍axʷ-
lie (long thing) *y̍aːqʷ-
spread apart *y̍as-/y̍aɬ-
hello! *y̍aw
give gifts *y̍a(ː)x-/yaʔax-
molten *y̍aχ-
unsatisfactory or unable *y̍im-/y̍um-
(man’s) brother-in-law *y̍ima-
knit *y̍q-
that (near you) *y̍u(ː)-
narrow *y̍učk-
rain *y̍ugʷ-
woman’s younger brother *y̍ukʷi-
taboo *y̍uma(ak)/numa(ak)
thicket or brush *y̍um̍uːk/y̍uːmuːk
also *y̍uːqʷa
sip or spoon up *y̍us-
little finger *y̍uy̍uːkʷicn̍ukuma
rise (tide) or flood *y̍χʷ-
dance *y̍χʷ-/yχʷ-
extend limb *zakʷ-/zikʷ-
(suck at) breast *zam̍a
wind from the sea *zaq ʷ(a)
dark coloured *zas-/zaq-
oolachen (candlefish) *zaxʷn
move or function *zikʷ-
stop speaking or crying *ziq-
old salmon *zlk-
crawl under *zlχ-
be emotionally attached to *zn̍-
scratch or rub *zuk-
fill *zum(p)-/zu(ː)p-
sasquatch *zunuq’ʷa
sleet *zuq’ʷqla/cuq’ʷqla
cohoe salmon *zu(ː)xʷ-
log or pole *zuxʷm
stand *λa(ː)-
wedge *λa(ː)-/ƛa(ː)-
near *λa(wa)-
fish with a net *λak-
ocean perch *λama(w̍a)
dig *λa(ː)p-
(drive) peg *λa(ː)p’iq-
get up *λaχʷliɬ
(with) another *λaʔu(ː)
cinquefoil *λiksa(ʔ)m
borrow *λikʷ(u)
name or call *λiq-
steer boat *λix(k)-/ƛix(k)-
leave on boat trip *λiχ-/ƛiχ-
scab or sore *λm-
bolt door *λnika
supernatural power *λuːgʷ-/λuːkʷ-
wide *λukʷ-/ƛ ukʷ-
nephew or cousin *λul’(iʔ)
crosswise *λux-/ƛux-
platform *ƛa-
sing chant (doctoring) *ƛa(ː)čit-
stand (human) *ƛaki(ː)š-
stay quietly in place *ƛanaː-
vibrating *ƛan̍iχ-
raccoon *ƛapisam
shoulder blade *ƛaq’ʷdn
foreign *ƛaːsa-
stiff *ƛatč-/ƛašt-
paddle *ƛatw̍a-
shallow or low *ƛawaːč’a(y)
look for lice *ƛax-
shout *ƛaχ-
ten *ƛaχʷa
extra *ƛaya(ma)
metal *ƛay̍akʷ
woodpecker *ƛaƛamaɬp’ič
kind of snipe *ƛaƛasic
blood *ƛaːƛaːw̍aqmis
beat time *ƛiq-/ƛiχ-
foot or leg *ƛišƛina/ƛiʔiščina
shinny game *ƛiːyuːq’ʷaʔa/ƛ’iːyuːq’ʷaʔa
milky water *ƛiʔχstu/ƛ’iʔχstu
unhappy or wilting *ƛnqʷ-
burst *ƛp-
catch (with fish trap) *ƛq-
raven *ƛuːkʷšuːna
good or even *ƛu(ː)ɬ-
do slowly *ƛuːɬ(aː)-
herring *ƛus(mit)
temporary camp *ƛuːʔ(uː)is
black bear *ƛ’a(ʔi)
outwards or seawards *ƛ’aː(s)
fat *ƛ’ac-
fold *ƛ’ač-
black stone *ƛ’ačamɬ
collapse *ƛ’ačk-
kind of snail *ƛ’aːčkʷaːl(a)
kneel or lean on *ƛ’akʷ-
spreader bar (for fishing) *ƛ’aːk’ʷiɬ/ƛ’aːk’ʷuɬ
long canoe *ƛ’aːla(y̍)
do bad things *ƛ’alaqak
cockle *ƛ’ala(ː)ʔuma/ƛ‘aƛ’a(ː)ʔuma
surface (whale) *ƛ’aɬ-
make use of stick *ƛ’am-
fat or blubber *ƛ’amas
hard to split *ƛ’amχʷ-
hemlock (bark) *ƛ’ank-
hold legs or arms together or to body *ƛ’ap-
throw mushy substance *ƛ’apq-
slap or pat *ƛ’apχ-/ƛ aqʷ-
grow or stretch *ƛ’a(ː)q-
come undone or open *ƛ’aqɬ-
copper or red *ƛ’aqʷ-
grease or slippery *ƛ’a(ː)s-/ƛ’a(ː)c-
naked *ƛ’askimɬ
thrash or kick *ƛ’ašitq-
adzing *ƛ’axʷ-
stiff *ƛ’aχ-
stop crying *ƛ’aχ-
flat(wise) *ƛ’aχ-
alongside *ƛ’aχiːnkʷ
box *ƛ’aχiːqs
mask dance *ƛ’a(ː)χsaːt’a(ma)
steelhead trout *ƛ’aχwlamas
cliff *ƛ’ay(c’)-
envy *ƛ’ayma
beads *ƛ’ay̍ala
butterfly *ƛ’aːƛ’a(ː)w̍a(ː)na
sole or palm *ƛ’a(ː)ƛ’a(ː)χ-
lucky charm *ƛ’aːʔin(a)wa
steep *ƛ’aʔnχla
exchange gifts at feast *ƛ’iː-
walk *ƛ’iː-
shoot *ƛ’i(ː)-/ƛ’ay-
skin or fur *ƛ’iː(s)-/ƛ’iːχ-
blueberry *ƛ’icƛʷapi(ː)χ
creak *ƛ’ič(k)-
tattoo *ƛ’ikʷ-
smack lips *ƛ’ik’ʷala
finger-pulling game *ƛ’ilu(ː)xst’aɬ
comb or stroke *ƛ’im-/ƛ’ip-
barnacle *ƛ’imi(χan)
broth *ƛ’imuš(cit)/ƛ’umuš(cit)
ash *ƛ’int(mis)
oolachen (oil) *ƛ’iːn̍a(ː)
whale skin *ƛ’i(ː)n̍i(mc)
roll up or turn inside out *ƛ’ip-
cormorant *ƛ’ip(uːs)/ƛ’u(ː)p-
spawning of herrings *ƛ’iq(la)
break off *ƛ’iqʷ-
jack pine *ƛ’iqʷas
clay *ƛ’iq’(a)
white (hot) *ƛ’i(ː)s-
clearing or meadow *ƛ’is(i)naːkʷ
snow goose *ƛ’ist’aχ/ƛ’istaχ
widow *ƛ’itw̍a(ckʷiː)
store away *ƛ’it’uqʷ-
roll or tumble in a mass *ƛ’ix-
laugh *ƛ’iːxʷ-
red or bright *ƛ’i(ː)χ-
woodpecker *ƛ’iχma
skinny *ƛ’iχuq
explode or crackle *ƛ’iƛq-
turtle *ƛ’iƛ’i(ː)kaq’an(i)
marten *ƛ’iƛ’iːχiy̍(uːχ)
scallops *ƛ’iːʔuq’ʷat-/ƛ’iːyaq’ʷat
bulky object *ƛ’k-
kelp *ƛ’kʷ-
forget *ƛ’l(i)-
lose one’s voice *ƛ’mɬ-
crackle or spark *ƛ’m(ʔ)s-
bog cranberry *ƛ’m(ʔ)sda(ʔ)ic’
look through comer of eyes *ƛ’s-
large mussel *ƛ’uč’am(a)
touch or press palm against *ƛ’ul-
elk *ƛ’uːl-/ƛ’uʔul-
peck or poke *ƛ’um(k)-
heartburn *ƛ’umasχuɬ
sweating *ƛ’uːmiːχa/ƛ’upy̍iiha
knot in wood *ƛ’unk-
heat up *ƛ’u(ː)p-/ƛ’u(ː)m-
go out (tide) *ƛ’u(ː)p(s)-
ribs *ƛ’ups(uːc’)
root *ƛ’uːp’ak
wide *ƛ’uqʷ-
bald or bare *ƛ’uqʷ-
empty or dry *ƛ’uš-
freeze *ƛ’uχʷ-
make pounding noise *ƛ’uƛ’umu-
pain or disease *ƛ’uʔxʷ-
eat a snack *ƛ’xʷ-
indicate one’s guess by pointing *ƛ’χʷ-
add grease to cooking *ʔa-
poor thing *ʔaː(qayi)/q’ayi
this or thus *ʔa(χ)-
wedge *ʔač-
pillow *ʔaːčkʷuma
fish eggs *ʔačpaːma
blind *ʔa(ː)čuːɬ
highly valued *ʔad-
call or ask for *ʔa(ː)daː-
all or every *ʔag-
gnaw *ʔakt-
sea lion *ʔakwaːniš/ʔakwan̍iš
vomit *ʔaɬ-
unpack *ʔaɬqʷ-
locative root *ʔam-/ʔap-
mother *ʔam(a)-/ʔab(a)-
hide *ʔam(ta)-/ʔam(na)
point of land *ʔaːmap(i)
small *ʔamay
practise craft *ʔamus-
notice (unusual) *ʔam̍(aɬ)-
first *ʔam̍a/ʔamba(ː)
yesterday or tomorrow *ʔam̍ayu
who *ʔan(ga)-/ʔan(gʷa)
so much or how much *ʔana-
fire *ʔana(kʷ)
coax into doing *ʔanaɬ-
goose *ʔa(ʔa)naq/hanğa(ː)q
really *ʔaːni
only *ʔaːniːnaχi
aunt or uncle *ʔani(ː)s/ʔani(ː)c
firewood *ʔan(a)ksy̍i(ː)/ʔan(a)ksaʔi(ː)
breast or suckle *ʔanma
go or slide sideways *ʔans(aː)-
smoulder (as torch) *ʔanu(ː)-/n̍u(ː)-
(gather) firewood *ʔan(a)y̍aq-
maggoty *ʔap-
(go after) abalone *ʔap-/q’ap-
carry on shoulders *ʔap-/ʔam-
divided in middle *ʔapχtaːkʷ
appear *ʔaq-
gape wide *ʔaq-
flock of birds above fish on ocean *ʔas-
fish out at sea *ʔaːs-/ʔaːc-
parent and child *ʔasčiχ
nephew or niece *ʔaːsi-
highborn child *ʔasma
whining *ʔaškʷ-
do sloppily *ʔašχ-
strain *ʔat-
but or even *ʔat(a)
night *ʔatχiː/ʔatχiy
thick *ʔat’a
slow *ʔawak-/w̍ix-
eagle *ʔawatiːna
separate or self *ʔawgʷ-/ʔu(ː)gʷ-
play *ʔawl-
shake *ʔa(ː)xʷ-
foam *ʔaxʷ-
many *ʔaya-
pass in front or bend round *ʔaya-/ʔay(a)wa
mischievous or tricky *ʔayisaq(χ)-
do quickly *ʔayʔayiš(yaː)
hand *ʔay̍asu/hay̍asu
then or next *ʔa(ː)ƛ-
away from the open *ʔaƛ(ala)
two *ʔaƛa
afterbirth *ʔaƛaʔiː
Wren (in stories) *ʔaːʔapwaːy̍ik
singing a lullaby *ʔaːʔaːsic’ani
earring *ʔaːʔaːyaχim
swallow (bird) *ʔaʔa(ː)ƛ(ʔakƛi)
eyebrow *ʔaʔin(ix)
herring eggs *ʔaʔnt
(catch) mouse or rat *ʔaʔska-
sandhill crane *ʔ(a)dmgʷli
keep raised *ʔi-/y̍i-
urinate (woman) *ʔi(ʔ)asa
fern *ʔicma(pt)
stump *ʔiːc’uː
expression of negative experience *ʔi(y)i
good or rich in flavour *ʔi(ː)k-/ʔayk-
spiteful or depressed *ʔikat-
son *ʔi(ː)ki(ː)
above *ʔiːk’-
wish or want to *ʔin-
a little *ʔiniː(q)
pinch *ʔip-
perform magic or healing *ʔiːq-/y̍iːq-
evade *ʔiqʷ-
remain *ʔis-
respect *ʔi(ː)sa-
and *ʔiš
gum *ʔiš(c’i p)
discard *ʔišiƛ
ouch! *ʔiškata(x)/ʔiškina
back or again *ʔit-
menstruate *ʔiχnta
big *ʔiːχʷ
brother- or sister-in-law *ʔiyaː-
talk *ʔiyaq(χ)-/y̍aq(χ)-
in view or about to *ʔiyax-/y̍ayx(k)-
be at *ʔi(ː)yaχ-
skunk *ʔiʔilaχa(ː)yuːs
blue-grey fish or whale *ʔiʔišp’a(ː)ɬ
understand *ʔiʔuʔs
fast or stable *ʔl-
tan skin *ʔlakila
hunt sea mammals *ʔlixʷa
bleed *ʔlkʷ-
sea slug *ʔls-/ʔlc-
kill *ʔlx-
meat or fat *ʔlz-/ʔls-
praise or honour *ʔmiʔaχ(la)-
stutter *ʔmqʷ-
thick, dense *ʔms-
sea urchin *ʔmt-/ʔam̍t-
ouch! *ʔ(a)nana
if *ʔnaχʷa/ʔχʷa
spruce tree *ʔnhʔas/ʔliw̍as
strip berries or squeeze out *ʔnq-
bruised *ʔnxʷ-
he or it (referential root) *ʔu(ː)-/ʔuːχ
real *ʔu(ʔ)ala
by or from *ʔu(ː)ciyakt
best *ʔuːči(ː)maːn
also *ʔugʷ(a)qa
urge *ʔuksaːp
shrink *ʔukt-
pity *ʔukʷ-
wait (for to happen) *ʔul-
chew *ʔulχ-
kind *ʔuːmaːs(a)qƛ/ʔuːmaːc(i)qƛ
owe *ʔuːmina
ease (pain) *ʔu(ː)rfi-/ʔu(ː)p-
root of dimensional expressions *ʔu(ː)m̍aː
fog *ʔunqʷ-
use a wood chisel *ʔup-
whisper *ʔup-
deaf *ʔupuːɬ
good *ʔuːq-
believe *ʔuːqʷ-/ʔuːq’ʷ-
stinging *ʔuqʷ-/ʔaχʷ-
flying squirrel *ʔuqʷani
child of *ʔuqʷaːs
torso *ʔusi(ː)ti
locative root *ʔust-
somebody or something *ʔuːš
talk *ʔuːšamaːc’a-
difficult *ʔušcuk
terrible or turbulent *ʔuːšmaqakʷ
trouble *ʔuːšmis
shaman *ʔuːštaqyu
useful *ʔuːšy̍akʷ-
poison *ʔušʔiːɬ
pierce or prick *ʔut-
release or be free *ʔu(ʔ)uχʷa
step parent or child *ʔuwa-
father *ʔu(ː)w̍(i)-/ʔaw̍(i)-
news *ʔuyaqχ(mis)
when *ʔuyi
give or have trouble *ʔuːza-
resulting from *ʔuʔiːχa
often or all the time *ʔuʔuč(ʔi)
blame *ʔuʔu(ː)kʷiːɬ
first *ʔuʔuɬta/ʔλʔiɬta
enough or just right *ʔuʔumaχi
efficient worker *ʔu(ː)ʔu(ː)šcam
hunt whale *ʔuʔuːtaχ-
devil’s club (fatsia) *ʔwiq-/ʔiχʷ-
supernatural or loathsome creature *ʔzi(q’)
break or snap *ʔƛ-

Suffixes and clitics

Gloss Proto-Wakashan Proto-Kwakiutlan Proto-Nootkan
on rocks *-’aː
out to sea *-aː
durative or continuative *-a(laː)/-a(yaː)
go in order to *-’aː(sa)
interrogative *-(ʔ)aː(y)/-χaː(y)
under *-’a(ː)buː
imitate or pretend *-(q)abu(ː)ɬ
at water margin *-(w)aːč
groin or crotch *-’aːči
very *-a(ː)g(awa)
compete *-aǧis
sticking out *-‘ak/-‘ax
on lap *-a(ː)ksi
dried *-(kʷ)aːkt/-(kʷ)aːšt
durative or resultative *-akʷ/-awkʷ
at head of bed *-akʷiɬ/-(w)akʷin
in reverse or back *-‘al(a)
material for *-alas
upriver *-‘alis
die of *-‘alis(m)
working to get *-’aluχ
in a position or disposed to *-’aɬ
liking or longing for *-’aɬak
at vertical surface *-aɬc’a
looking after *-’a(ː)ɬuk
cause *-a(ː)m(as)
plant *-am(t)
as it happened *-am/-ʔ(a)m
against the current *-‘amal(a)
ear *-’amiɬ
each other *-a(ː)mt’a(ː)/-a(ː)pt’a(ː)
old or useless *-‘am̍a
string *-’an(i)
taking place of *-’an(maš)
get or obtain *-a(ː)nam(t)
ribs *-anaqiɬ
neck *-(w)aniɬ
animate nominal formant *-anm/-’anm
under water *-ans(iw)
because of *-aːnuːƛ
about *-an̍i(ʔ)(ala)/-al’i(ʔ)(ala)
all along length of *-aːn̍u(ː)
buy or gain *-’(aːʔ)aːp
up in air *-api
too *-aːpi
calf or shin *-‘apiz(a)
back *-aːp’(a)/-aːp’ayiː
crotch *-*aq(i)/-‘ağ(i)-
moving back and forth *-aq/-aq’(a)s
inside or among *-’a(ː)q(a)
take along *-’aq(la)
several -ing *-’aːqa
past or towards *-aqa
in vessel *-’a(ː)qs/-’a(ː)χs
mouth *-aqs(iɬ)/-’aqs(iɬ)
layer or generation *-(w)aqsa(kʷ)
edge or bank *-aqsi(ga)
expert at *-’aqƛ
in woods *-’aːqƛ’as
reach *-as(a)
on ground (outside) *-’as
cheek *-(ʔaw)as
at wrist *-’aːs
horizontal surface (for -ing) *-aːs/-aʔas
person *-as
plant *-’a(ʔ)s
on roof *-aːsc’a
chest *-asχuːɬ
down(stream) *-aːt(uː)
waiting for or trying to get *-a(ː)taχ
ear *-‘atu
making sound of *-aːtuk
dreaming of *-’a(y)tuɬ/-’apuɬ
vocative *-aːw/-aːy
wait for *-’awi
expecting or considering to be *-awiɬ/-agʷiɬ
calling for *-awiyuqš
habitually or continuously *-(ʔ)awɬa
across *-aw̍(is)
down *-a(ː)χ(a)/-’a(ː)q(a)
in front *-aχuːɬ
look for or pursue *-’aya(ː)(χ)
on surface of water or sea *-a(ː)ya(ː)k
having *-’ay(a)d
give *-ayiː
liable to *-’ayik
good at or fond of-ing *-’ayikʷ
on top of *-ayka(ʔ)/-kiʔ(ya)
in mind *-’ayq
belonging to or with *-ay(c)s/-ayzs
along shore *-ay(i)s
angry or crying because of *-ayu(k)
head or hair *-a(ː)yuk
plural infix *-ay̍- or -ay-
obtain or capture *-aːy̍ip
makings of *-aːʔaƛ
follow behind *-aʔu(yiɬ)
end or point *-ba(ː)
into hole or entrance *-bita(ː)
in a characteristic manner *-b(a)l(a)
fond of or addicted to *-bs
invisible *-c/-ds
go to or towards *-ca
busy with getting or eating or cooking *-caːq
at end *-caqc’aw
on the side *-caːqs
in hand or one of pair of body parts *-caːs
crotch *-ciː
on side or end *-cit
leg or thigh *-cit’a
having done or remains of *-ckʷi(ː)/-ckʷay
slightly *-ck’in(a)
go over or past *-cpaː
over the top *-(k)cqi(ː)/-(k)cqay
needing *-cuk
in hand *-cuq/-cuqʷ-
on one side *-cu(ː)w̍at
do for *-c(a)χan/-cχana
married to *-cχi
surely *-cχʷ(a)
sell *-(k)c’ap
rear of house *-c’aqi(ː)ɬ
between things *-(x)c’as
do habitually or expertly *-(x)c’a(ʔ)s
on the water *-c’aːtu
using as fuel *-c’iːɬ(χ)
front of face *-c’iɬuɬ
talking about *-c’inaq
long object *-c’iq/-c’ayq
taking notice of *-c’iqma(ː)p
in water or water-hole *-c’it(a)/-ʔsta
straight *-(x)c’m
inside container *-c’uː
in mouth *-c’uq/-c’uqʷ-
in field or open area *-c’u(ʔa)s
laughing at *-c’us/-c’is
along with *-(k)či
days *-čiːɬ
sick or sore with *-č’aːʔap
belly *-(s)dak’z(a)/-tak’z(a)
place or frame for *-(x)dm
clothes *-(x)dmk’n
measure or span *-(x)dn(a)
in hollow object *-(g)ga/-(k)ga
perhaps *-ganm
following *-gil(qƛay)
make *-giːla/-giːɬ(a)
ought to *-gilakʷ
inchoative (of motion) *-(a)giɬ/-(aya)giƛ
reason for *-(kʷa)gi(ː)ɬ/-(kʷa)gi(ː)ƛ
tribe or person *-gimuxʷ
on body *-gi(ː)t
forehead or bow *-gi(ː)wa/-gi(ː)yu
absent or missed *-gʷaːɬ
up *-gʷust(iwa)
round thing or mask *-gam(ɬ)/-sğam
woman *-ğaːs/-’ağ(s)
dimension *-(s)ğm
follow behind *-(s)ğmay̍
angle or edge *-(k)i
at lid or rim *-iːc’uː
pretend or play *-‘idm
back or behind *-‘ig(a)/-‘ik
eat *-’i(ː)ks/-’i(ː)k’s
perfective *-(ʔ)ila/-(ʔ)ina
building or room for -ing *-‘ilas
steep *-‘il’a
sleeping with *-iɬ
in the house *-‘i(ː)ɬ
nose or end *-‘i(ː)ɬba(ː)/-’i(ː)ɬta(ː)
do for *-(č)im/-(č)iːp
can be -ed *-’ima
condition or manner *-’i(ː)n(a)
nominal formative *-i(ː)na
on top *-iːna/-in̊a
left behind *-inay̍u
in comer *-(w)inikʷ/-(w)ini(qʷ)
giving (in) feast *-’iniɬ
together *-(k)i(ː)nukʷ
mixed with *-(w)inukʷ
habitually doing or belonging to tribe *-’inuχʷ
imitate *-iːn̍akʷ
country or land *-‘in̍akʷ
in charge of *-(k)in̍wa
kin *-(ʔ)iːqsu
score *-iːqʷ
on beach *-‘iːs
belly *-(k’)is
person in canoe *-ista
around *-(s)i(ʔ)sta
one who -s *-iːta(ʔiː)
fearing *-i(ː)ty̍ak
bring as gift to kinsman *-iːty̍a(ː)p
on shoulder or top *-(kʷ)iːχtuɬ
in mouth *-iyuqƛ
doing to *-iːyuqʷ
throat *-iːy̍uɬ/-iːy̍iɬ
future *-(y)iƛ
go for or invite *-’iƛ
lose *-’iːƛ
into mouth *-‘iƛ’χawa
on rim *-(k)iʔaqs(i)
iterative *-k-
un- (opposite) *-k(a)
reach *-ka
eat *-ka/-ga
big or mighty *-kas
suddenly or abruptly *-ka(ː)ƛ/-ka(ː)t
absent *-ki
perfective or inchoative *-k(ʔ)i(ː)d/-k(ʔ)i(ː)ƛ
accidentally *-kin(a)
refer to *-kl(a)
named *-kɬaː/-kƛaː
too much *-k(i)n
well *-k(i)naʔɬ
in or by hand *-(iː)ks
ask for *-ks
beforehand or ahead *-‘kʷiɬ
miss or move away from *-kʷis(t)
on side *-kʷuː(t)/-k’ʷuː(t)
guide or indicate *-k’(a)
on body or trunk *-k’in(a)
resembling *-k’uk
order or make *-’la
dance *-(a)laɬ
time *-laqʷ
might (irrealis) *-lax
up above *-laƛ(a)
one who does or serves for others *-lgs/-lks
in recent memory *-lis(m)
one in habit of *-‘lkʷ
have in mind to *-lq
it is said *-l’a
iterative infix *-ɬ-/-ƛ-
continued motion in a direction *-(g)ɬ/-(g)ƛ
layers *-(x)ɬba
plural of direction *-(a)m
real(ly) *-’m/-ʔm
instrument *-‘m
diminutive *-‘m/-m̍ini
nominalizer *-m(a)
play at *-*m(a)
wanting to *-ma(q’)a(y)qƛ
talking about *-(a)ma(ː)c’uk
surviving *-maːɬ
moving about *-ma(ː)ɬaː/-m̍ia(ː)laː
skilled in *-maqak/-maq’uk
constantly *-maqšiƛ
take home or buy *-maːsa
probably *-matak
fit to or enough for *-maχi
collection or class of *-(i)mays
intending to *-maːʔaƛ
getter of *-miːkʷ
particle or remains of *-mis/-bis
up or on *-mi(ː)sa
fearing or expecting *-miːʔak
relative *-mp
remains of *-muːt/-miːt
consider (too) *-mut(a)
cheek *-’my̍a
standing by *-m̍
collective or dim. plural *-m̍ani(ː)χʷ
son of *-m̍i(ː)t
underlying or implicated in *-(a)m̍u
still or for a while *-(a)m̍us/-(a)m̍aʔus
have *-nawkʷ
sometimes *-naxʷa
in a dream *-(ʔ)ng(a)
come across *-‘ns
acquire *-‘nt or -‘nd
inchoative *-(a)nud/-(a)nuƛ
side *-lnu(s)
edge *-nχ
steep *-’nχ
product of *-’nχʷ/-dχʷ
gradually *-n̍akʷla
up on height *-n̍aːqi
seeking *-(i)n̍a(w)χ
come or arrive *-n̍i(ː)/-niʔ
on water *-n̍iː
down to beach *-n̍i(ʔ)iːs/-nic’i(ː)s
in hand *-n̍ukʷ
immediately *-paːc’u
season of *-paɬ
in group *-pa(ː)ɬ
moving about at random *-panač
in middle *-piː(q)
extending or moving across *-piːɬ
it seems *-piːt
nice *-ps
chest *-’pu /-’p(a)
disliking *-p’aː
taste or smell *-p’a(la)/p’aɬ
watching *-p’a(ː)ɬ
at cheeks *-p’aquɬ/-paquɬ
additional (layer) *-p’at
thing or instrument *-p’at’u
many long bulky things *-p’ayiɬ
doing along with *-p’i-
having as spouse *-p’iːč
base of upright object *-p’i(ː)g(aː)/-p’i(ː)k(aː)
finally *-p’ik(a)
times or handspans *-p’in/-p’int
in passing or slightly *-p’iq
top (of pole) *-p’i(ː)q
knee *-p’iqa
days *-p’(i)nixʷl’s
travelling in or with *-q
fellow or person *-qas/-ğas
pretendedly *-qaːtχ
at a point extending out *-qawa
head *-qiː
have sudden pain *-q(a)nu/-q(a)iiu
face *-quːɬ
behind *-(kʷama)qƛay/-(gʷama)qƛay
demonstrative formant *-qʷ
feel *-q’a
make sound of *-q’a(ː)-/-k’a(ː)-
just or exclusively *-q’ala(ʔm)
join in *-q’anw̍a
really *-q’m̍akʷ
capable of *-’s
precisely *-sa(ː)
vessel or receptacle *-(k)sa(ː)c
place(s) *-saːcu
screened by *-(k)sam/-(k)sapi
wall of house *-(k)saːrfiaqƛi
instrument or tool *-(x)sariu
under clothing or in shelter *-(k)saqƛ
speak or make sound *-saqʷ/-ɬaqʷ
forehead *-(k)saːt’a
through *-(k)sawiː/-(k)siwa
kinds or varieties *-saːχta(ː)kʷ
away or back from sea *-(k)sa(ː)ʔa
so many on a side *-sči
suffer from *-sdan(a)
conceal *-(χ)sdig(a)
tribe *-sğm̍a(kʷ)
penis *-(x)s(a)ğu
foot *-(k)si(ː)(s)/-kc’i(ː)ɬ
do or treat like *-(k)siːla/-(k)siːɬ(a)
into open or out of woods *-(k)siɬta/-(k)suχta
lacking or needing *-sim(a)
doing ritual for *-simač
on ceiling *-(k)simi(c’iɬ)/-cimiɬ
belly *-(k)sinqi
on surface of liquid *-(k)sit
make or complete *-siyakʷ/-siy̍akʷ
band or bunch *-siyapi
if only *-siƛi/-(ni)ʔsƛ
apart or into pieces *-(x)siʔ(a)
(arm below) shoulder *-(x)siʔap’(a)
rascal *-skapuɬ
at hole in top end *-(k)skaːpuɬ
back of neck *-(x)skn̍a
far apart *-(k)skʷ
layer or storey *-(x)skʷ(a)
handling *-(k)snaːq’aɬ
between legs *-(k)spu(ɬ)
have tendency to *-sq’ikʷ
down into or onto *-(k)staː
on the foot *-(q)sta/-(q)χta
into the interior *-(k)stiːs
apparently *-(x)st’a(kʷ)
behind screen *-(k)st’a(wi)
reciprocally *-(k)st’aɬ
release or use up completely *-(x)st’q/-(ʔ)stq
septum *-suk
somewhat or tend to *-(k)su(ː)kʷ
eye *-(k)suɬ/-ksiɬ
inside body *-(k)suːqƛ
remains of *-su(ʔ)wi(ː)/-saʔuwi(ː)
over the walls in house *-(k)suːʔiɬ
armpits *-(k)sw̍aniɬ
on face of cliff *-(k)sy̍aːχu(ɬ)
opening *-(k)sʔatuː
thing for *-(k)sʔayi(ː)
having wrong with one *-šaχi
plural infix *-t-
reach *-t(a)
come from *-taq
do before -ing *-(š)taq
groups or bundles *-(k)taqamɬ
having power from *-(k)taqyu
guided by *-(k)tis
underneath *-(k)tqa(y)
still *-(x)tqila
use so and so often *-(us)tq’a
do while -ing *-(k)tu(way)/-(k)ti(way)
thing or kind *-(k)tuːp
out to sea or apart *-(χ)t’a(ː)/-(χ)ta(ː)
pretending to *-t’aːʔiɬ
having a certain nature *-(x)t’(a)m
(meet) together *-(ğ)uː
bring or take *-’ud
direction or aimed at *-’ukʷ
unit or human being *-(s)ukʷ
thick *-ukʷ
berry *-u(ː)li(ʔ)
of a certain nature *-uɬ
long ago *-(gʷ)uɬ
place *-(ʔ)uɬ
bom at *-uːmaɬ
mouth *-uqʷ/-‘awqʷ
in room or house *-(y)uːs
in company or each other *-(s)uwala
go outside *-uyaːʔas/-w̍iʔas
middle *-uy̍u(wana)
accidentally *-‘uʔsu
going along one’s way *-u(ː)ʔukʷ
quotative *-waː
go out (of mouth) *-waχsiɬ/-waχsuɬ
get or find *-waƛ/-awƛ
nape of neck *-wiːqƛanɬ
so it seems *-(u)wi(ː)s
using *-(χ)w̍aːt /-(χ)w̍aːɬ
friend or relative of *-w̍a(ː)t
come out or away *-w̍i(ː)/-ʔuwi(ː)
come out of vessel *-w̍iɬta(ː)/-ʔuwiɬta(ː)
out of one’s hands *-w̍isa
up from beach *-w̍isdi(ː)s/-ʔuwisdi(ː)s
stretching forth regularly *-x-
recent past *-xd(i)
would or likely *-xs(i)
carelessly *-xsala
very *-xsila
tooth *-xsiʔa
meanwhile *-(q)χ
spread out *-‘χ-
say *-χa
mass or quantity *-χ(a)
buy *-χaː
at end *-χan/-χana
behold *-(a)χaλa
also or indeed *-χaːʔ(a)
over fire *-χc’i(ʔ)i(ː)
behind *-’χ(s)d
durative *-χi(ː)
shoulder or upper arm *-χiʔn(a)
evidently *-χnt
in between *-χn̍uɬ/-χsn̍uɬ
flat thing *-χsa
want or desire *-(’iː)χsa(ː)/-(’iː)χ(s)da(ː)
bundle *-(k)χsa(yukʷ)
voice *-χst
downstream *-χsuwaː
downstream or out of woods *-χt
instrument for *-χta(ː)
flexible receptacles full *-χta(ː)(kʷ)
weather *-χ(s)tala
knee *-χtam̍u
made of *-χtina
’on top of standing object *-χtu
away from place of residence *-χu
neck or throat *-’χ(a)w(a)
daughter of *-χw̍iɬim
heel *-’χλaɬm̍u
lower jaw *-’χλaxsiʔa
unfortunately *-(ʔa)χλay̍
on back or top of round object *-χƛa
dish or hollow object *-χƛa
branches or body hair *-χƛu/-χƛawi
arm or shoulder *-(a(ː)ski)yamiɬ
go for *-yaːwa(ː)
traces of *-yit
passive (of instr.) *-(a)yuː/-‘(a)yu
several do *-yu(ː)
all over *-yuːk
travel by *-yuwiq
troubled by *-y̍aː
go away or back *-y̍ak/-y̍axc’i
fathoms *-y̍aɬ
suffer from excess or die from *-y̍iːχa
exposed or showing *-(s)y̍uːč
on side of flat thing *-‘ziʔ
beforehand *-’zkʷ
hole or open area *-zq/-cq
evidently *-zuː
width *-zu
on flat surface *-(a)zu(ː)
’but *-λa
on intangible thing *-(x)ƛ(a)
on surface (of water) *-ƛay̍
on roof *-(x)ƛi(ʔ)as
equipment *-(x)ƛn
sky *-ʔaːc’iɬ
destroyed or dispersed *-ʔakʷač
fabric surface *-ʔa(ː)ɬ
following or attached *-ʔaɬ/-ɬa
plural of third person *-ʔa(ː)ɬ
perceive *-(u)ʔaɬ
sign of *-ʔaːmač/-’ay̍imč
fall off or sink *-ʔatu
man of tribe or residing at *-ʔa(y)t(a)χʷ
possessive *-ʔawkʷ
nominalizer *-ʔay(iː)/-aʔ(y)iː
definite article *-ʔayiː(q)
instrument for *-ʔayu(ʔakʷ)
imperative *-ʔi
year or season *-(q)ʔinχ
get to be at *-ʔi(ː)ya
small or child of *-ʔiz(k)/-ʔiz(iʔ)
into house or opening *-(ayi)ʔiːƛ
main part of body *-ʔsta(k)na
small *-ʔu
obtained by *-ʔuːkt
off from shore or out of enclosure *-ʔuɬ(χ)t’a
(mark) left behind *-ʔuwi(ː)


  1. ^ Fortescue, Michael. 2007. Comparative Wakashan Dictionary. Lincom Europa. →ISBN
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní