Appendix:Proto-Yukian reconstructions

Proto-Yukian reconstructions:[1]

Yukian (1985)

Gloss Proto-Yukian
specific; nominal suffix *-a
locative *-ap
animate suffix on substantives *-aʔ
imperative mode *-aʔ
comitative-instrumental ("with, by") *-aʔ
redbud *čahay
give *čan
fern, brake *čaples
thrasher *činčol’
squeeze *čip
cocoon rattle *čippot
lizard, scaly *čisam
robin *čitit
iris *čiwiš, *čiwaš
hummingbird; butterfly *čiyi
kingfisher *čučuk(a)
whip *č’ak
wash things *č’ak’
eel; sinew *č’ak’am
white *č’al
guts *č’aw
jay *č’əʔəy
whirl *č’il
bird *č’imit’
star *(mam)č’ipas
warm *č’ok’il’
fly (N) *č’op(a/i)
mosquito *č’op č’ala
narrow *č’oy
clean *č’uč
pine needles *č’uh
snail *č’uhtalam
fall *č’uk’
mush basket *č’ulil’
baby (toddler) *č’unč’ič’
leak *č’uy
locative *-əp
durative aspect *-h
little ones; children *halč’(aʔ)
top; end *hal’
want *ham
hungry, be *hamlot’
morning star *hamol’
behind; back *hamp
rain (N) *hamuč’im
house *han
but *han
tomorrow; morning *haw
net bag *hay
carry in arms or hands *haʔ
forget; lose *haʔam
bring *haʔm
egg *hə
perception? *hə-
camp *həč
strong *həč’am
under *həhin
arm *həhs
split *hək
step over *hək’
hear *həl
puberty ceremony for girls *həmnəmwok
sing; song *həmp
house *hən
crow (N) *hənčam
heavy *hənət’
sweathouse *hənpin
nose *həntil
snot *hənt’ut’
rib(s) *həpot’
clam shell beads *həs
doctor, to *həʈam, *həʈmV
hear, not to *hətəw(i)l
potato sp. *həʈ’
fish; salmon *həw
like *həw
eat; food *həway
cook *həway yuʔ
yes *həw’
look for; hunt (for) *həy
think *həy-
how *həyma
rub *həʔ
dog *həʔwəšit’
now *həʔyi
wear *hih(l)
seed *hil
all *hil(i)
animals *hiliki, *lilik
move *him
antler(s); horn(s) *hin(i)
thimbleberry *hipila
slip *hiš
race *hiwil
liver *ho
big *hohʈ(am)
little; bad *hokoč
burden net *hom
thin; light *hop’
paddle for mush *hotp’uč’
acorn mush or soup *hot’
many; lots *hoʈ
face, of the (prefix) *hu-
cheek *hu-
perception? *hu-
outside *huč
Huchnom *hučnom’
sharp-pointed *huč’ohs
bread *huhtil’
eye *hul
ghost *hulk’ilal
coyote *hulk’oy’
bead-drill *hulmol’
face *hulyoʔ
spider *hulmuni-
sling *hum-
straight *humas
forehead *hunč
bullsnake *hunk’an’
love *huš
sweet *huši
together *huʈ’ot
middle *huy
breast, female; milk *huy
cook *huy-
possessive suffix (alienable) *-iht
declarative mode *-ik
declarative mode *-iki
reflexive-mediopassive-reciprocal *-il
move in order to *-in
continuative-iterative *-is
continuative-iterative *-iš
effective *-it
momentaneous aspect *-k
declarative mode *-k
bad *kač’am
come in *kahp
this (locative): here *kak’i
rose, wild *kala/i
this (locative): right over here *kam’
swell *kan
flat *kat
this (locative): here *kaʈaʔ
this (locative): up here *kay’
this (locative): here *kaw
this (agent) *kaʔ
this (patient) *kaʔəh
this (possessive) *kaʔəht
today *kaʔinay’
rise *kək
soaproot *kəlam
flower *kəwam
long *kəy, *kəyih
acorn of valley oak *kəyam
leave *ki
declarative mode *-ki
flint *kičalil
feathers *kihs
fly (V) *kik
momentaneous aspect + mediopassive *-kil
placename *kilikot/l
enough *kimas
that (locative): over there *kim’
stink; smell *kin
back (returning) *kipəw
that (locative): there; on that *kiʈa
that (locative?) *kiw
arrow *kiw
ask *kiw(is)-
elder *kiwi
that (agent) *kiʔ
follow *kiʔ(-t)
that (patient) *kiʔəh
that (possessive) *kiʔəht
lungs *koč’
animal name ending *kol’
dry *kon
feather *kop
point *koy
gopher *koyaʔ
go *koʔ
come (under GO) *koʔm
manzanita *kuč’
meadowlark *kuč’mol’
start *kuht
heel *(mi)kuht
mortar *kuhtam, *kuhtim
root *kuhtkin
north *kuhtk’i
twig *kukis
down *kuk’i
salt *kum
kelp *kummol’
Salt People *kumnom’(i)
point (V) *kup
body hair *kuš
few *kušw-
up *kuy
whirl *k’al
blackberries *k’alimam
panther *k’amol’
wet *k’at’
light *k’aw
mushroom *k’ay’
lean *k’əh
talk *k’əhin
tail *k’əhs(il)
knee *k’ənk’
talk *k’əy(mil)
locative *-k’i
still (calm; quiet) *k’ih
marrow *k’ihlul
belly *k’ihp
pregnant *k’ihp hohʈ
bone *k’iht
bone whistle (under WHISTLE) *k’iht pimol’
itch *k’ik’
coals *k’il
daughter or son *k’il
toward; against *-k’il
dry up *k’im
cry *k’in
swim *k’iskil
crooked *k’iy
die *k’ol
pounding basket; mortar *k’ol
wash the body *-k’ol
pestle *k’olam
backbone *k’olki
apron; dress *k’olkuht
different; other *k’ol’
noise *k’om
put in pliable things *k’oʔ
Athapaskan *k’oʔol
stretch *k’uč
navel *k’uč’
claws; nails *k’uhs
rest *k’us’noh
stretch *k’uʔ
perfective aspect *-l
grasshopper *lač’am
break *lahʈ
goose *lak
leave *lak’
lake *lal
doctor; shaman *lamšim
brother, younger *lan’
moon *lašk’awol’
potato sp. *lat
lawi, cooking basket *lawa
crack *ləč
acorn *ləl
step; animal to move *ləl
tarweed (seed) *lihp
throat *lik’am
rock *lil
rock carrier *lil haʔ-
animals *lilik, *hiliki
knife *lilkus
seaweed *lil pal
knife *lilpan
resultative/patient progressive ("getting") *lim
hurry *lis
do *lit
kill *liʔ, *liʔik
bow *liʔwəht
cough *loh
slow *loʈ
chop; chip *luh
punch down *luk
fat; grease *lul
smooth *lulam
imperfective aspect *-m
motion toward the speaker *-m
hemp, Indian *mah
elbow *mahalam
Round Valley *mahʔuk’am
wake up *mak’-
penis *mal
acorn or black oak; berry; nut; seed *mam
star *(mam)č’ipas
they *mas(i)
distributive suffix *-mas
dove *mayu (?)
new *məh(il’)
owl, great horned *məhk’uʈ(aʔ)
creek *məl
trout sps. *məlhəm’, *məlwis
fight *məm
shoot *mət
creek *mət’
forked *məʈ
who; someone *məy’
toe *mi
we (inclusive agent) *mi
thumb *mi(pat’) hohʈ
be *mih
road *mihš
your (singular alienable) *miht(aʔ)
sky; up *mihʈ
heel *(mi)kuht
around *mik’al’
deer *mil
meat *mil
woodpecker, hairy *mil-
imperfective aspect + mediopassive *-mil
ambulative aspect ("be on the way to ..., be going to ...") *-mil
elk *milatihtam
oak, white *mili
used to (aspect) *-mil’
lie (falsehood) *minsil’
foot *mipan
hand *mipat’
palm of hand *mipat’-hət’
thumb *mi(pat’) hohʈ
you (patient); your (inalienable) *mis
fingers *misəw
mother, your (singular) *misk’an’
drink *miʔ
you (singular agent) *miʔ
leg *miʔil’
acorn of white oak *mohšam
grassgame *mol
three *molmaʔ, *molmi
twins? *molsam
agentive-instrumental *-mol’
hide *mon
gather *mop
you (plural agent) *mos’
your (plural) *mos’iyaht
press together *mot-
flicker (yellowhammer) *moymol’
mountain *muhmol’
laugh *muhš
many; lots of *mun
sister? *mun’
woman *mus(p)
anise, sweet *musin
chief, female *musp ʈiʔol’
worm; maggot *muy’
demonstrative locative suffix *-m’
move in order to *-n
head *nan
dam *nan
saliva *nanuk’
woodrat *nawč-
sucker *nawt’uk’
yellowjacket *naw’
pull *nay
girl *nayp
mountain filaree *nay’
forget; lose *naʔam
mouth, of the *nə-
fir *nəh
jaw *nəhək
forget; not to know *nəhəm
know *nəhənak
mouth *nəhin
dark; night *nəhk
freeze; ice *nəhʈ
tree sp. *nəhʈ
gray squirrel *nəhʈam
beard *nəhukuš
teach *hək’oh
lie; lay (singular) *nəm
tongue *nəmlat
bed *nəmmol’
head *nən
taste *nətam
peppery *nət’əwiš
chin *nəʈ’am’
see *nəw
poke *nəʔ
breech cloth *nəʔa
hole *nih
door *nihin
marry *nok (?)
Pomo *nokonmi
mussel *nok’
fight *noloh
people of *-nom’(aʔ)
mark *noy
live *noʔ
sand *nuč’
sand *nuʔ
singular suffix *-p
leaf; wing *pal
condor, California *pal
butterfly *pal-, *palpol (?)
maple *palkənši
hang *pan
flat *pat’
hips (?) *paʈ’-
get up *paʔ
volitional mode *-paʔ
tattoo *pəčas
cover (N) *pəhk
shout *pək’
one *pək’
dig *pəl
wedge *pəmol’
tarweed *pəšil’
abalone *pət’am
madrone *pəyk’i
rattlesnake *pəy’
whistle *pi
whistle *pihil’
snow; hail *pil
sun *pilaht(i)
sunrise *pilaht puh-
sunset *pilaht ʔili-
woodpecker, pileated *piltəsi-
summer *piltwan
lie; lay (plural) *pin’
mouse, meadow or water *pip
from; away from *-pis
tracks *piʔ
kidney *pohoʈ’
digger pine *pokam
pepperwood; California laurel *pok’am (*ʔol)
poke; hammer; crack by hitting *pop
gray; brown *pot’
barn swallow *pot’a, *pot’aʔ (?)
ashes; dust *pot’il
one *powi(k)
eight *powi mipat’
one year *powi/a ʔonaʔ
blow with the mouth *puč’
short (not long) *puh
short (not tall) *puhič’
miss (a shot) *pul
sage; wormwood *pun-
boil *put’
lightning *p’ah
roll *p’al
fall *p’an
wind (N) *p’ans
door; shut; hole *p’ihʈ
poker *p’iš
clover sp. *p’oht
put in solids *p’oy
continuative-iterative *-s
plural suffix *-s
eagle *sah, *sahol’
baby (infant) *sak’
tooth *səhk
lizard *sət’i(ya)m
defecate *səy
buttocks *sihs
skunk, big *sihskin(a)
green; blue *sik’
lilac *sik’a
wind to blow *simi
buckeye *sim’t
rabbitskin *sipak
gig *sis-
clover *siʔ
tule *son
shoulder *sop’
turtle *sop’(aʔ)
acorn meal *soy
gray *suk
Ponderosa pine *suk’
hang *sul
yesterday; night *sum
throw *sup
duck; mallard *sus(a)
friend *susal’ (*susil’ ?)
hole *sut’
shade; shadow *sut’
foam *suy’
trout; fish *suʔič’
brains *suʔmam, *sum’am
bag *ša
sugar pine *šač
raccoon *šamam
cold weather *šat’
raw *šay
ear *šəm
bite *šəš
winter *šəwan
magnesite *šihp
black *šik’
shell; bark *šil
huckleberries *šiman
dirty *šimit’
onion, wild *šip
willow *šip(a/i)
blackbird *šipa
leach *šiš
ground squirrel *šiš, *šiša
ripples *šiw
acorn of tan oak *šok, *šok’iš(i)
shell; skin *šoʔ
body *šul
sit; stay *šuʔ
effective *-t
find *tahk
pile; nest *tal
negative *tal (?)
snare *tas
good *tat
menstruation *təl
negative *təl
sick; ache; hurt *tih, *tih(i)l(-)
smooth *tihk
mountain; hill *tihtam
effective + mediopassive *-til
rope *tit
mountain; hill *tit
comb *titamol’
chase *tiw-, *tiwiyim (ʈiw-?)
hard *tiwhoʔ (*ʈiwhoʔ ?)
neck, back of *tiyam
killdeer *tiyat
fawn *tom
lupine *toti
dance type *totowok’
move *tuk
quail *tulihš
push *t(’)uʔ
tie *t’əy
parent? *t’ih
head hair *t’ol
tie a knot *t’op
heart *t’uh
chest *t’uhna-
gig *t’uk’
pitch; resin; red *t’uy’, *t’uy’il
spear *t’uʔmol’
demonstrative locative suffix *-ʈa
shake (a body part) *ʈak’
eat *ʈal (?)
cut *ʈay
leg *ʈət’
chase *ʈiw- (?)
hard *ʈiwhoʔ (?)
jump *ʈiʔ
chief *ʈiʔol’
log *ʈoʈ’
strike *ʈuk
move *ʈuk (?)
basket *ʈuk’
play ball *ʈ’ak’
anger; bad weather *ʈ’aw
war *ʈ’əw
add; count *ʈ’il
flea *ʈ’ohk(a/i)
bald *ʈ’ok
ankle *ʈ’ok’am
burden basket, (woman's?) *ʈ’ot’
fall *ʈ’oʈ
demonstrative locative suffix *-w
wide *wah
time (nominal suffix) *-wan
sifting basket *wanmol’
cover *waw
wolf *wayis(m)ol’
obsidian *way’
pay *wək
after; behind *wək
sprinkle *wəl
towhee *wəš-
oats, wild *wəš(it’) ka/il-
grizzly bear; coyote *wəšit’
far *wič’
old (inanimate) *wihs
seed paddle *wilk
roar *wim
coot; shoveler? *wišil matma
drive *wit
bitter *wit
turn *wit
mountain *wit
Eden Valley *witʔuk’am
work *wit/ʈiyam
work *wiʈ
hit by throwing *wiʈ
poison oak *wiʔil
dance *wok’
bend; stoop *wos-, *woʔ-
pinole *woʈ’
smoke (N) *woyam
tobacco *woy(m)ol’
pipe, tobacco *woy(m)ol’ ʔal
bend; stoop *woʔ-, *wos-
progressive *-y
stand (of inanimates) *yak
parching basket *yəhšam
come hither *yak
stand *yəš
name *yəw
build a fire *yihk
fire *yihkam
funeral *yihkamnam nawanmak
play *yik’
have *yoʔ
stand (of inanimates) *yoʔk (?)
new moon *yuki-
Yuki *yu·ki
shake (ground or tree) *yuy
demonstrative locative suffix *-y’
interrogative mode *-ʔa
clothes *ʔač
catch; hold *ʔah
grandchildren *ʔahamčat’
people; person *ʔahtat
wood; stick *ʔal
potato *ʔalič’
lead; bring (an animal) *ʔalil
baby basket *ʔalwil
always *ʔan
kinterm prefix *ʔan-
mother *ʔank’an’
brother or sister, older? *ʔank’ič’
uncle *ʔank’ikan’
father *ʔank’un’
urine *ʔas
eat *ʔaw
buzzard *ʔayam
net, to set *ʔaʔ
I (agent) *ʔə
thunder *ʔəhlawmol’
neck *ʔəhšil’
slide; crawl *ʔəhy
sharp-edged *ʔəl
guts; intestines *ʔəm
locative *-ʔəm
digging stick; cane *ʔəms
worm, fish *ʔənam
whirl *ʔənəmk’al-
I (agent) *ʔəp(a)
alder *ʔəpa, *ʔəpi
blood *ʔəs
hot *ʔəs(it’)
red *ʔəsic’
woodpecker, red-headed *ʔəsiyam
belly; stomach *ʔəsna
again; still *ʔəʈaʔ
king salmon *ʔəyšil
uncle *ʔəʔ
near; close *ʔič’
I (patient); me *ʔih
my (inalienable) *ʔih(t)
mother's sister, my *ʔihkəs
brother-in-law, my *ʔihlayaʔ
daughter, my *ʔihnayt
mother's sister, my *ʔihnəyt
father's (younger) sister, my *ʔihpəča
mother's father, my *ʔihpit’
father's mother, my *ʔihpop (*ʔihpəpʔ)
father's sister, my *ʔihpoyam
daughter-in-law or mother of daughter-in-law, my *ʔihsuhʈam
brother-in-law, my *ʔihtəšit’
my (alienable) *ʔihti, *ʔihta
mother's mother, my *ʔihʈit’
poison *ʔihwil
son-in-law, my *ʔihwit (*ʔihwiht ?)
sister-in-law, my *ʔihʔihčat’
father's father *ʔihʔos
flour *ʔikluh
louse *ʔik’
say *ʔim
locative *-ʔim
blind *ʔimil, *ʔimli-
sleep *ʔin
dream *ʔinam
day *ʔinay’
cloud *ʔip
edge *ʔiʈ (*ʔihʈ?)
grouse *ʔiʈukam
man; men *ʔiwVp, *ʔiwVs
what *ʔiyika
where *ʔiyim’
when *ʔiyowan
locative *-ʔiʔ
run *ʔoh
breathe *ʔohtam
tree *ʔol
brush *ʔolam
forest *ʔolhəhin
redwood *ʔolhohʈam
mouse, white-footed *ʔolk(’)a/oʈam
hazelnut(s) *ʔolmam
burden basket (man's?) *ʔolo
little; small *ʔolsil
bark (of tree) *ʔol šil
bark (of tree) *ʔol šoʔ
in-law *ʔolwi(hi)l
old (animate) *ʔolwihs
earth; ground; land; dirt *ʔon
melt *ʔon-
south *ʔonhal’iʔ
mud *ʔonk’at’
scorpion *ʔonnaw
turn over *ʔon pak
mole (animal) *ʔonpo(ki)yam
Sherwood Pomo *ʔonpot’ilnom’
clay, blue *ʔon sik’
clouds; fog *ʔonwal
earthquake *ʔonyuy
two *ʔopaʔ, *ʔopi
winnowing basket *ʔopič’
pigeon *ʔopli
old woman *ʔot’
ripe *ʔot’
suck *ʔot’
suck *ʔoʈ’ (?)
old woman *ʔoʈ’ (?)
frog *ʔoʈ’, *ʔoʈ’aʔ
lungs/back? *ʔoʈ’am
vomit *ʔoʔ
water *ʔuk’
valley *ʔuk’am
mudhen *ʔuk’čəy
thirsty, be *ʔuk’ ham
ocean *ʔuk’hohʈ
Coast Yuki *ʔuk’hohʈʔont’ilka
otter *ʔuk’mul
watersnake *ʔuk’pay’sik’i
crayfish *ʔuk’šiš
there *ʔumit
man, young; men, young *ʔummit’, *ʔummis
carry on the back *ʔun
quiver *ʔuna (*ʔuni ?)
we (exclusive agent) *ʔus
our *ʔusah, *ʔusaht
wrinkle; shrink *ʔuš
afraid; fear *ʔuʔ
black bear *ʔuʔmas


  1. ^ Schlichter, Marie-Alice. 1985. The Yukian Language Family. Doctoral dissertation, University of California at Berkeley.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachi • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní