Appendix:Washo word lists

Washo word lists from Kroeber (1907) and the University of Chicago's Washo Documentation Project (2008):

Kroeber (1907)


Washo word list from Alfred L. Kroeber (1907):[1]

gloss Washo
man tèliw’hu
woman tamòmo
old man mè’lu
old woman nèntucu
young man tewīwi
boy mèhu
girl caulamhu
baby ñauñañ
person, Indian t’anu
white man tabò
Washo wāc’iu
Paiute pāleu
medicine-man mòmliu
chief deu-beyu
ghost deuh-yuli
monster mucèkeu
father -koi
mother -la
parents -malolo
son -ñam
daughter -ñam-u
child -ñam-iñ
older brother -āt’u
younger brother -peyu
older sister -īsa
younger sister -wits’uk
paternal grandfather, man’s son’s child -bapa
maternal grandfather, man’s daughter’s child -elel
paternal grandmother, woman’s sons’s child -ama
maternal grandmother, woman’s daughter’s child -gu
father’s brother -euci
mother’s brother -ta
father’s sister -ya
mother’s sister -ca’ca
man’s brother’s child -māca
man’s sister’s child -māgu
woman’s brother’s or sister’s child -cèmuk
wife -mlaya
husband (meli, make a fire) -bu-meli
parent-in-law -ayuk
son-in-law (añal-i, live) -bu-añali
daughter-in-law -eyec
man’s brother-in-law -ulādut
man’s brother’s wife (“my brother’s child its mother”) -māc-da-la
woman’s brother’s wife, husband’s sister -yañil
woman’s husband’s brother (“child its father’s brother’’) -ñam-iñ de-euci
head d-ihep
hair d-ayuc
nose cuyep
eye wīki
mouth haña
tongue madut
tooth d-īyek
finger tuli’-tsᴇk
nail tuli-pi
hand d-ādu
arm d-aliñ
elbow d-utsu
knee mòko
leg d-a’hɪl
thigh yo’wi
back d-acuk
belly tsi-gūguc
ribs memeu
penis mukuc
vagina d-ībis
anus tsaña
hip tsi-mībi
navel dīp
umbilical cord (‘‘baby live’’) ñauwañ-añal
intestines āya
heart d-emli
liver d-ilek
kidney tsi-gal
gall d-iceu
neck d-ību
chin ts’ats’a
beard tsi-mel
eyebrow peguhul
bone di-bikeñ
house d-añal
bow balohat
arrow meskitsᴇt
knife tāwi
medicine mutsuk
basket ts’iñam
money (cf. pay) bècu
earth-covered dance-house dayalimi
water d-ime, t-ime
rock dèk, tèk
sun, moon, month d-ībe
day èbe
earth ñauwa
star ma’losañ
cloud taumahum
wind teweskīm
tree deudic
stick, wood mak
night da-pauwit
year galis
fire t’-īyu
dog suku
dog (with pronominal prefix) -gucu
deer memdewi
elk hañakmuwe
buffalo gusu
antelope ayᴀs
coyote ke’we
wolf tulīci
bear made
grizzly bear t’āba
jackrabbit peleu
rabbit tsali’
fox mogop
skunk tupīpiwi
badger hò’la
ground squirrel bāsat
tree squirrel bīwi
gopher delem
bird sīsu
eagle patalñi
crow kāgi
rattlesnake māki
frog kòta
lizard pī’teli
all mīle
everywhere ("all-at") mīla’a
several èwe
constantly iweyèsi
many t’èkyu
large t’iyeli
small behètsiñ
good t-añau
worthless nuci
black t’al-yāwi
white dāl-pòpoi
red dal-cocoñi
blue del-pīlpili
green, yellow, copper dal-tsatsami
dark red del-elegi
rich -bilāta
yes ye’
no ès
today èbe
yesterday lot
tomorrow wat
midnight le’lem
also -sa
one, the one cemu

Washo Online Lexicon (2008)


Washo Online Lexicon (2008):[2]

Washo Part of speech English gloss
-asaʔs adv. still
a NS
a:daʔ v. to make, do
a:daʔ n. bed
a:saʔ adv. again
a:š v. (to come) in, into; enter
a:šaʔ root to urinate; urine
abaluš NS
ahl n. leg
alaʔ v. (baby) to nurse
anʒiš n. orange
apš n. body
asusu v. to split
at'ig root to bite (sg.) to death, to kill by biting
at'ik v. to need, to consume?
ayt n. before noon
aŋal root house, dwell, to live, to build a house
aŋaw v. good
ašaŋ n. blood, to bleed
ašaš v. to not know
ašdɨm v. to hide
ašg n. back
ašga:m v. to hit one's back on something
aʔag v. to carry, to carry on one's back, pack
aʔaš v. to be extinguished (fire)
ápɨ́š NS
ba:bab root spotted
ba:c'aʔ v. to skin
ba:c'uk n. ammunition
ba:gaʔ n. cow
ba:gaʔalaʔayeweʔ n. cow's milk
ba:giš NS box
ba:gumt'alŋiʔ n. bat
ba:muš n. baby
ba:sat n. red squirrel
ba:š v. to put (into container)
babɨl n. pepper
bado:p'oʔ n. skunk cabbage
baga adj. hard
bagasuk n. opening to vagina
bahaʔ NS to shoot
bakbag v. to smoke
bakwanhu n. suckerfish
bala:daʔ n. money
balayʔ n. towel
balašu n. butter
baliʔ v. to shoot
balohot n. bow; gun
baskit root basket
bayak'aw n. fish spear
bayi n. pie
baŋaya n. earth, outside
baŋaʔ root table, to put, set on,
baŋkuš n. plants for smoking
bašaʔ v. to write
baʔlew n. Paiute
baʔy NS to remove, take off
be:kin n. bacon
bebeŋil NS
bec'ed v. to pinch
bec'ɨlšiʔ n. rope
bediliʔ NS match
beditiʔ v. to fall
beduʔuš v. to stitch, sew, weave
beguweʔ v. to buy
behenuŋ NS small, little
beheziŋ adj. small, little
beheziŋ NS
behuweʔ v. bet
belpileweʔ v. to slice
bemo:š v. to spit
bemušeʔeš v. to count
bevali name Beverly
beverli n. Beverly
bew v. to stride, to take a step
beyd v. to comb
beyec'ɨg v. to close
beyeʔeš v. to shoot
beyu:gel v. to flow around in a circle
beyumiʔ v. to flow out
beyutiʔ v. to flow down
beyuʔuš v. to flow
beziyeziŋ NS to be small
beŋil v. to exercise
bešuʔ NS
bi:baʔ n. paper
bic'ik n. pestle
bik'id v. to boil
bik'us n. cradle basket, baby basket
bila:daʔ NS money
bilm n. lace, string
bimiʔ v. to take out
bips v. pick up
bipɨs v. pick up
bisbut n. Bridgeport
biŋil v. to try
bišapuʔ v. to be hungry
bišapuʔiwe v. be satiated / stop being hungry
bišl v. to give in a container
bišuk' v. to pass, to hand over
biʔic' adj. expensive
biʔis v. to be proud
bo:p'oʔ NS sticky-leafed rabbitbrush
bolbol root round
boŋi v. call
boš NS boss
bu:gul n. framework
bugbug root the sound of a type of drum
bulbul root husky, big chunk
bume:liʔ n. husband
buʔišgepɨsgišuwaʔ NS to pack up and go off
bɨ́k'ɨ NS
c'ac'im root green, yellow
c'akɨbi n. mud
c'aliʔ n. cottontail rabbit
c'awc'aw root crush
c'e:c'im root closed, clogged
c'elc'el n. squirrel sp.
c'i:bel n. louse
c'ic'id root dark
c'ic'im v. to shake
c'ic'iš root dark, black
c'ic'iʔ NS glands
c'iga:bad n. summer
c'igu:guš n. stomach, belly, abdomen
c'iguʔuš v. to carry hanging down
c'ilol n. hip
c'iluʔyeʔyew v. shaking one's hips (while walking)
c'imc'im v. blink
c'imhel n. beaver
c'imhelhel n. beavers
c'imyaŋa n. sand
c'ipc'ib root perfect
c'iŋa:m n. a container, cup, dishes
c'uga:š v. to put small objects (into)
c'ugeʔeš v. to carry a small object
c'ac'im root green, yellow
c'akɨbi n. mud
c'aliʔ n. cottontail rabbit
c'awc'aw root crush
c'e:c'im root closed, clogged
c'elc'el n. squirrel sp.
c'i:bel n. louse
c'ic'id root dark
c'ic'im v. to shake
c'ic'iš root dark, black
c'ic'iʔ NS glands
c'iga:bad n. summer
c'igu:guš n. stomach, belly, abdomen
c'iguʔuš v. to carry hanging down
c'ilol n. hip
c'iluʔyeʔyew v. shaking one's hips (while walking)
c'imc'im v. blink
c'imhel n. beaver
c'imhelhel n. beavers
c'imyaŋa n. sand
c'ipc'ib root perfect
c'iŋa:m n. a container, cup, dishes
c'uga:š v. to put small objects (into)
c'ugeʔeš v. to carry a small object
da NS there
da:bak n. weaving willow
da:bal n. sagebrush
da:bal n. sagebrush
da:š NS in, into
daboʔo n. a white person
dahamugo:l n. coward
dahomaduk n. a wind blowing from the north
dak'ayaw n. black-faced
dak'ulaŋaʔ n. cowboy
dalaʔag NS moutain
dalaʔak n. mountain
dalik' NS hit
damal v. to hear; to listen
damalduga:gu v. to not understand (by listening)
damuʔ n. dress
dap'awdašaʔ n. late afternoon
dat'ig v. to kill with a stone
dawdaŋaʔ n. height
dawgot'umuw NS
dawʔa:gaʔa NS Lake Tahoe
dayal v. stand
dayayʔ n. leaves, petal
daŋal n. house
dašaʔi n. color
dašgaʔal NS fat on rump of deer
daʔaw n. lake
daʔmoʔmoʔ n. woman
daʔmuk'ayk'ay n. mosquito
de:gum v.
de:šib v. to straighten; to iron
debašaʔat NS
dedopopošha n. burner, arsonist
degi:bik'emiʔ n. cooking basket
dek'iwɨl NS sharp mentally
demetuʔ NS ice
demetuʔ n. cold
demuba:bɨl n. pepper
demuc'uc'u n. berries
demusɨl NS fork
depdeb root thin
detumu n. leader
dewMeyu n. middle
dewMeʔeš n. wave
dewYuʔliʔ n. devil
dewdaŋaʔ n. height
dewde:lduweʔ NS horse
dewdepes n. light
dewdiliweʔ n. height
dewdiʔiš n. tree
dewdo:daʔ NS work
dewedenkin n. very dark
dewesk'iʔim n. cold wind
dewešemu NS standing far off, farther off
dewgalis n. year
dewgayap n. width
dewgiwam n. height
dewgiʔiš n. weight; length
dewgo:gaʔ n. amount, length
dewgo:k'aʔ n. time
dewgohat n. width
dewgotɨmuweʔ NS deep
dewguliweʔ n. height
dewguʔuš n. length
dewp'ap'ɨl n. flower
dewp'awd n. evening
dewp'ilelek n. lightning
dewsek n. depth
dewŊeliweʔ n. hillside
dewŊetiʔ n. steep hillside (going down)
dewš v. to dig
dewɨš v. to dig
deyetbiʔ n. flour, something the result of pounding
dezitzidiʔ n. snowbird
dešl v. to hand someone something
deʔeg n. stone, rock
deʔeš v. to snow
di NS
di-ʔulišaw-áwlam NS
di:be NS sun
di:beluš NS midday, noontime
di:bis n. vagina
di:dew n. muscle
di:ges n. net
dic'em n. woodpecker
digóyʔ NS
dilek n. duck (mallard)
dimek n. a cough, a cold
dimeʔ NS water
dip'eg n. white paint, white chalk
dip'ek n. white paint
dipiʔ NS blanket
diwí:gis NS
diŋaŋ adj. same
diʔyeʔ n. name
diʔyu n. fire
do:da n. work
do:mat n. hell-diver
do:ta n. work
dokdoʔ n. doctor
dokto n. doctor
dop'ow n. burst
dopnab root cooked soupy
dopoš v. to burn up
dot'ig v. hot, burn
doynay v. cooked soft
doŋaʔ NS burn
doʔoš v. to smoke, steam
du:dum NS muscular
duNukub v. to scold
dubaldahesgeʔ num. seven
dubaldalak'aʔ num. six
dubaldiʔ num. five
duga:gu v. to not know how; to not understand
duk'u adj. hard, fast
dukgagaw n. a species of blackbird
dula:š v. hand to be in something
dulayaw v. to have black hands
dulaʔam v. put one's hand into water
dule:k'ɨl v. to cook
dulel NS more, next
dulešl v. to extend one's hand
duleʔeš v. to extend one's hand
duleʔwiʔwid v. to shake hands, to have shaking hands; to wave (at s.o.)
dumše:gɨl NS wildcat, bobcat
dutdu NS short
dutwid v. to be stiff
n. afternoon
dó:k'o NS heel
dó:mat NS
dɨnɨ:nɨ v. to roar
elšɨm v. to sleep
emlu root food, eat
emluʔaŋaw v. to eat well
emyew NS buried food
eweʔ v. go
v. to be
flor n. floor
-gimeʔ NS
ga:gal root to the north, from the south
ga:gaši n. crackers
ga:wa v. save
ga:zagaza n. bird sp.
gaMok'ak n. hook
gac'ap v. to kick, trip
gala:k'ɨm v. to stop someone doing something (by asking, commanding)
galam v. want
galis n. winter
galtum v. to dive
gamaʔ v. eat up
gap'ɨl root around
gardɨn n. garden
gat'umuweʔ v. to dive
gawa:yɨʔ n. horse
gawd prep. over
gayab NS over; past
gaŋil v. to shout, yell
gaʔla:m v. to like
gaʔlamšemu v. to love, to like a lot
ge:gel v. sit
ge:šuʔ n. earthworm; angleworm
gegɨl NS to sit
gek-gé:šip-ha-yi NS
gelbuʔuš v. to carry in mouth
geleʔem v. to get something, to find out something by asking
geleʔeš v. to cry
gewe n. coyote
geyaŋ prep. inside
gi: NS 3.PRO
gi:gelayʔ NS long time ago
gibiʔ root arrive
gigɨlewl prep. around
giliweʔ adj. high
giwam v. carry
giwlew n. a type of basket
go:beʔ n. coffee
go:laš adv. fast, hurry
goc'i n. bee
gohad root wide, far
golgoš NS short, fat
got'a NS to break
got'aʔ v. to break
gowgow n. Canadian goose
goziʔ n. pig, hog
gu:diŋa NS who
gubi v. bring
gudiŋa wh. who
gulaŋaʔ v. sit, ride
gulemlešeʔeʔ n. race
gumbalayleweʔ n. towel
gumbaŋaʔgips v. step up onto something
gumlešeʔeš n. race
gusisiʔ n. potato
gusuʔ NS
gute:šiʔe:s NS not too many
gutešiʔ quant. how many
guwawaʔ v. remain
guweʔe:be n. day
guŋa NS
guŋahe:š wh. where
gušuʔ n. pet
gušuʔ NS
guʔušeš v. take
gé:ya NS
gúk'u v. to stand
gɨ:gɨšiʔ n. flea
gɨlgay v. to break
ha:bi NS rain
ha:biʔ n. rain
ha:diʔ NS that, he, she
ha:š v. to pour; to throw particulate matter
hada prep. here, this, that
hadaʔ NS
hadigi dem. that
hadigiʔ NS
hak'a prep. with
hak'a:k'iʔ v. Vi to tell a lie
haliŋa NS (for a) long time
hamham root light (in weight)
hamu v. to feel
hamuguyu:g v. to think, ponder
hamuʔaŋaw NS to be happy; feel good
hamuʔi:k'iʔ v. think
hanuŋ quant. some
hatdog n. hotdog
hawhaw root light (in weight)
hayhay NS light
haʔaš n. rain
haʔwaʔ num. four
haʔwaʔwaʔ num. eight
haʔwaʔwaʔidalak'aʔ num. nine
he:šiʔ quant. amount
hec'ic'iʔ v. to screen, sift
helmeʔ num. three
hemewl v. lose
henuŋ NS little bit
hesgeŋ num. just two
hesgeʔ num. two
hesgil quant. two (persons)
heyeʔem v. win
hešiʔ NS amount
heʔmewl v. lose
hi:luk root first
hiluk num. first
himu n. willow
hu:biʔ v. wind to have come, arrived
hu:hu NS striped
humwud n. Homewood
hut'aŋa wh. what
hut'aŋa quant. Nothing, anything
hut'iweʔ NS something
hutaŋa NS what
hut’aŋahe:š wh. what
huŋa NS what
huŋatehe:š NS what
huŋatešŋa NS when
huŋaʔeʔiš wh. why
hámu NS
hé:š NS
hé:ši NS
hésgilši NS
húŋam NS
-i NS
-i:k'ɨl NS here and there
-iʔis v. Vt to hold, take, bring
i:bik' v. ripe, cooked
i:bik'aynay v. to be soft from over-cooking, from being over-ripe
i:biʔ v. to have come
i:d v. to talk, say
i:dew n. sinew
i:galewl v. to crawl
i:gi v. to see, to sense
i:k'iʔ v. to look, seem
i:su NS to split
i:yaluʔ NS relative
i:yel adj. big
i:yeluʔ n. cousin
ibik' v. to cook
id NS to talk, say
ida NS and
igila:tuʔ v. to look good; to be visually pleasing
igiʔaŋaw NS to look good; to be visually pleasing
ihepayaha NS headache
ihuk' NS to dry
ilew prep. from
ime NS to play
imek' v. to cough
imeʔ v. to drink
imeʔa:š NS to fetch, bring water
imiʔ v. (to go) out from
imɨš n. juice
ip'am v. get there
ip'iw v. to pass wind, fart, to stink
ipeš root black; rotten, spoiled
ipiʔ root blanket, to wear blanket
itde n. world
iweʔ v. to stop
iyeweʔ v. to go, to leave
iyeweʔ v. go forward
iyeʔ v. to go: walk
iškul root school, to teach
išl v. to give
išm v. to sing; song
išmʔiwe v. stop singing
iʔi v. exist, be
iʔib NS to cry
iʔib n. navel
iʔiw v. eat
john n. John
kap n. cup
kaykay root tall
ke:k n. cake
kendi n. candy
kewkew NS stiff
kinkin root black
kokšiʔ n. onion
komol n. ball
kuškuš NS short, chubby
k'a:k'aʔ n. heron
k'apšap NS
k'awk'aw root hard
k'eteb n. bottle
k'iletiʔ v. To put one's head down
k'ipeš v. to have a black face
k'ipk'ib root black
k'iwsiwetiʔ v. to have a smooth face
k'omho n. cow parsnip
k'omk'om root arched, hunched
k'omɨl n. ball
k'otk'od v. to cluck
k'ula:š v. to sit, rest in/on (something)
k'ulaʔam v. to sit in water
k'uláŋaʔúʔši NS
k'unk'un adj. bent
k'uyelmuweʔ NS to swim underneath something
k'uyeʔeš v. (sg.) to swim underwater
k'uyk'uy root crooked
k'éše v. to be alive
k'éʔi NS
k'ɨk'ɨg root rough
Laʔaʔašha v. to tell
Leʔeš v. to chase
Lisiʔ prep. between
la:lit' v. to catch
lak'aʔ num. one
layʔ v. to wipe
laʔ n. mother
laʔlu NS because
le: pro. 1.PRO
le:beʔ n. day
le:wsiw v. to smooth with a plane
le:šib v. to straighten by pushing
lelbišda n. party
leleg root red
lelew prep. beside
lelk'eŋe:s adv. quite some time, not a short time
lelpil v. to flatten something out
lelɨm n. night
lembi:c'ɨg n. door
lenk'un v. to bend
lepleb root flat
leweʔ prep. inside
leši NS lazy
leʔŋa NS
li:no name Reno
li:nu name Reno
liwipneb v. to flatten out
liwisu v. to break, to tease
lok'ašduweʔ adj. afraid, scared
lot'ik v. thirsty
lotlod root soft
lák'a NS
lápɨd NS
léyeweʔášaʔi NS
lóyšaygiši NS
lɨ:dɨt v. run fast
lɨ:pgiš v. to run fast
lɨdɨtgiš v. run along fast
Ma:baš v. to be killed by falling, in a collision
Ma:dud n. tongue
Ma:š n. face
Malit' v. to trap
Mat'ig v. to be killed by falling, in a collison
Mayzuy v. to have scraggly hair
Maʔšam v. to lie down, nap, rest
MelMel v. to beg
Melma v. to beg, to keep asking
Melɨw n. belt
Mepneb v. to be dented
Mepuha NS to spear
Mepuʔ v. to spear
Meyʔ v. to choose, pick
Meʔeš v. to lie (down)
Mi:gi v. look
Mi:gila:tuʔ NS look good
Mi:giʔaŋaw v. to look good
Mi:k'iʔ v. to seem, appear to be
Mile NS old
Mileʔ adj. old
Mo:mad v. to run straight through a narrow place
Mo:yab NS to run past
Mobɨl v. to pull
Mok'ak' v. to choke
Mok'akha v. to hook
Mok'aʔk'a v. to catch, to hook
Moŋil v. to grow
Moʔog v. to be hooked
Moʔy v. to run away
Mu:biʔ v. to have come running
Mupc'ib v. to run perfectly
Muʔuš v. to run; running race (n.)
Muʔušha v. to drive
Mílu n. friend
ma:daš n. pine
ma:lut' NS take away
ma:mayʔ n. conical burden basket for pinenuts
ma:š v. to throw (into)
ma:šdɨm NS
ma:šɨl n. muscle
mada:p n. abalone shell
mahaw NS to fight
mahɨlt'alal NS cat-tail tule
mak'aw n. bead
makga:gu NS to bother
makmak n. a type of bird
malaʔoŋos NS fool; handicapped person
mamaŋ NS to disagree on s.t.
mamaʔ v. to finish
mary n. Mary
masat'i n. arrowhead
mat'iw v. to pout
mat'uš n. caterpillar; grub
mayab n. foot, paw
maŋaʔ NS throw
maʔag n. wood, stick, branch
maʔam v. to throw into water
maʔlóʔpay-aš NS
me NS 2.0BJ
me:Lu root old man, to be old
me:gel n. Mormon tea
me:hu n. boy
me:hu NS
me:mes NS
meLu n. old man
mebeyuʔ v. pay
mec'imulc'ukhu n. large striped insect sp.
mediʔiš v. to float
megi:t'iʔ NS to bite
megut'alc'aliʔ n. rabbit skin blanket
meleitiʔ v. jump downward
melɨw n. belt
memde:wi n. deer
memew n. rib
memlew n. hummingbird
meri name Mary
mesu v. to split open, to separate
metgic'et n. bow and arrow
metuha v. to make something cold
metuʔ NS cold, frozen
mewl v. ask
mešgic'et NS arrow
mešgíc'et NS
mi NS 2SBJ
mi pro. 2.PRO
mi:p'ɨl v. full
mi:ʔlew n. everybody
mimu n. prepared willows
mit NS
mitiʔ NS to throw
miši NS
mišliŋ NS
miʔleši NS both
miʔleʔ NS every, everything, all
mo:baʔ n. to mat, to lay out
mo:dob n. goal
mo:k'o n. knee
mo:ni n. money
mo:niʔ n. money
mok'o n. shoe
molmol v. to boil
mosod v. wet
mosot adj. wet
mu- root mouth
mu:gel NS to stir
mu:k'ul v. to chew
muc'uc'u NS sweet
mudot'ik n. horseradish; hot feeling in nose, as after inhaling salsa
mugagɨm v. to ask
mugi:gi v. to taste (something)
mupleb root flat and sharp
musɨl n. fork
mušeʔeš v. to count, hunt, read
muʔaŋaw v. to taste good
muʔaŋiʔ NS to taste good
muʔc'um num. ten
muʔc'ɨm num. ten
muʔe:š NS to taste bad
mámaʔi NS
máštɨk adv. almost
mé:gel NS
míLp'ɨli NS
mík'u NS feces; to defecate
míʔlaʔa NS everywhere
míʔlew NS
míʔlew NS
míʔlew NS
míʔlew NS
míʔlew NS
mú:c'ug NS
mɨ:de NS brown bear
mɨ:lt' v. win
mɨ:lɨt' v. win
mɨlɨt' v. win
mɨtgi:bɨl v. not believe
mɨ́:ʔde NS
na:tuk root a woman's name
nanholwa n. wild/gold currant
naynay root muddy, gooey
nent'ušu n. old woman
nentušu n. old lady
nepneb root to be flatten
ni:dɨl n. needle
ol NS
pa:š v. (sg.) to fall in (into something)
pac'il n. pus
pac'ágaʔ NS
parti n. party
pay v. lose
payʔ v. lose
paʔam v. to fall into water
pedɨ:dɨd v. shiver
pelew n. jackrabbit
penwin n. Penryn
peyc'uy v. to sunbathe
peyeys v. to shiver (from cold)
piknik n. picnic
pikɨl n. pickle
pimiʔ v. to fall out
piteliʔ n. lizard
pitiʔ v. to fall (down)
piweʔ v. fall
playdelu NS
popo root white
popoš adj. gray
porch n. porch
pu:lul n. car
pu:t'eʔ n. mosquito
puypuy root thin
pɨypɨy root thin
p'a:p'iš NS lungs
p'a:t'i v. to climb up
p'a:t'iyetiʔ v. to climb up and get things and bring them down
p'a:š v. to crawl; to enter
p'a:šuweʔ v. to come in
p'ap'aw v. to burst
p'ayt'iʔ v. play
p'ek'imum n. marrow
p'ep'el root bitter & sour
p'ewlel root east
p'i:c'ɨmhu n. periwinkle
p'igɨlayʔ v. come back
p'iliweʔ v. to climb (up)
p'ilp'il root blue
p'imiweʔ v. to crawl, go out
p'imiʔ v. to crawl out; exit
p'isew n. ear
p'isewiʔ n. relative of the third descending generation (great-grandchild, great-grandniece or nephew)
p'išɨ:w NS
p'iʔiš v. to crawl along
p'iʔlug v. to turn over/around, to flip
p'op'ol n. tail
p'otp'od root crumbly
p'óp'ol NS
p'ɨʔlɨ v. to fish with hook and line
ramona name Ramona
ri:no name Reno
ru:m NS room
sabaʔaš v. to blow out; to extinguish by blowing
sakramento name Sacramento
saksag n. father's father's brother
sasaŋ root red
sawasaŋ n. red ochre, red paint
saʔ NS to keep, have
sebeleg v. to blow (to kindle a fire)
sek'eš n. a type of plant, root sp.
setwid v. to have a stiff leg
sewɨt n. porcupine
seʔeš v. to wade
si:su n. bird
silsil root thin, fine
siwsiw root smooth, slippery
so:šok v. bring
soklit n. chocolate
soloŋ NS peak
sopsob v. to splash
sti:vin name Steven
sti:vɨn name Steven
su: n. distant female relative
sukuʔ n. dog
susu v. to split up
suyu: n. distant female relatives or friends (of a woman)
suʔ n. friend
suʔuʔuš v. to dream
sɨnsɨn adj. skinny
tamugayʔl n. bored
taʔa NS shadow, shade
taʔayaʔam v. to be reflected in water
te:bɨl n. table
te:šiʔ quant. much
teslut'iʔ NS new
teteb NS fat
teš n. amount
teštiw adv. just
tiga- NS
tošab n. sack, bag, pocket
toʔo n. neck, throat
tugamad v. to look through a circular opening
tugap'ɨl n. eyelash
tugapuš v. to have gray eyes
tugawd v. to look over an edge, summit
tugawk'aw v. to have one's eyes tightly closed
tugayab v. to look through a narrow opening
tugaʔam v. to look into water
tugi:bil v. to be cross-eyed or wall-eyed
tugileg v. to have red eyes, bloodshot eyes
tugilp'il v. to have blue eyes
tugitiʔ v. look down
tugiwam v. to look away towards
tugiwe v. to look in a certain direction
tugišuk'iweʔ v. to stop looking
tukmemeweʔ v. to look out (pl.)
tuli:šiʔ n. wolf
tultul root coarse
tumuʔ n. head
tumʔŋaŋaʔ v. to have both feet on s.t., to keep putting one's feet on s.t.
tuʔma:š v. to put one's foot in(to s.t.)
tuʔmak'ɨb v. to stick one's foot into mud, faeces, rotten apples, etc.
tuʔmaʔam v. to put one's foot into water
tuʔmeʔeb v. to play/make music
tuʔmiweʔ v. to have one's foot on the ground, floor
t'a:Yaŋ v. to hunt
t'a:gɨm root pine nut
t'a:t'at n. magpie
t'anu n. person, indian
t'at'ig v. to pat, clap, stomp
t'aŋaw adj. good
t'ašaʔ n. cottonwood tree
t'e:k'ew n. many people
t'e:k'eʔ quant. many
t'e:liw v. to be someone, somebody
t'e:liwhu n. man
t'e:su NS to disagree, to be jealous
t'e:weʔ quant. much
t'e:ši NS much
t'ec'uc'um root rough to lie on
t'eli:liwhu n. men
t'ememiʔ v. to stick out, come out
t'eweʔ adj. much, long, deep
t'eyuʔyug v. to gallop
t'ešiʔ quant. amount
t'i:yeliʔ root big, large
t'iga n. lie
t'ot'oš adj. brown
t'ɨnt'ɨn root rough
udenkin n. night, nighttime
ugat'ig v. to kill with a club
ugiʔiš n. measure
ula:dut n. wife's brother
uwaʔaŋaw v. to do well
uŋa:bi n. salt
uʔuš NS along
ú:biʔ v. come
Waʔ v. to be doing
wMeʔeš NS wave(s) to occur
wa:laš n. (to bake) bread
wa:t adv. tomorrow
wa:šiw n. Washo
wadi:belušgawdi n. afternoon
wadiŋ NS now
wadiŋ NS
wadiŋguweʔebe n. today
wadiŋguweʔebeʔ adv. today
wagalis n. year
wagalisiʔ n. year
wagayayʔ v. to speak, talk
wagayayʔaŋaw v. to speak well
wagayayʔaŋaʔ v. talk
wagayaŋaʔ v. talk to
wagayʔaŋaʔ NS talk
wago:gaʔ NS length
waguʔ v. gather
wakwak v. to bark
wamahm root cloud, cloudy
wat'a n. river, stream
wat'a:š v. to blow into
watli: root morning
wayac'im n. smoke
wayak'aš v. warm
wayak'ašemu v. very warm
wayasaŋ v. hot
wayuʔuš v. to smell (intr); to give off an odor
waʔ v. do
waʔyaykay v. to grow tall
waʔye:wi v. quit
wedenkin n. darkness, night, nighttime
wedep'es n. light
wediʔiš v. long obj. to stand upright
wegayayʔ NS to sweep
wegep'ílp'il v. (liquid) to be blue
wegohad NS length
wegohobi n. width
wegoyabi n. hole
weguʔuš root measure
weguʔuši n. width
wehupeš v. to have a black head; to have black hair
weleʔeš NS
wemetuʔ v. cold
wepimiʔa n. morning
wesk'iʔim NS wind
wewdaŋaʔ v. long
wewgiwam n. speed
wewgohad NS wide
wewgíʔiš NS weigh
wewš NS slightly, almost
wešlemuʔ v. hurt
wgac'apgayab v. kick s.o. through
wgalp'ayʔ v. lie, talk nonsense
wgayayʔ v. to converse, to talk
wgayemiʔ v. sweep
wgaʔ v. cut
wgaʔemi v. to sweep
wgelsi:lu v. to be hard to understand, have a foreign accent
wgiwam NS speed
wgiwɨl v. touch
wgiʔiš v. measure, carry
wguʔuš v. to be long
wi:biʔ v. to have come searching for
wi:di pro. this
wi:diʔ NS this
wi:diʔ NS
wi:gis n. pants
wi:k'ɨl NS to search for
wic'ug n. younger sister, half sister, cousin
wididu NS
windu n. window
witwid root stiff, hard
wiʔ NS 3.PRO
wutpɨd name Woodford's
wɨhl root to feel cold
Ya:m v. to want to know
ya:gɨl NS egg, testicle
ya:k'aʔ n. pinecone
ya:k'id v. to point at
ya:k'ɨm v. to cut
ya:liʔ v. to stand
ya:sa adv. again
ya:saʔ adv. again, still
ya:w root black
ya:š v. (sg.) to fly into
yaha v. to be sick, ill; to hurt
yak'aš root warm
yalaʔ v. wait
yali v. stand
yam v. say
yasaŋ v. hot
yat'g NS to kill
yatg v. to kill
yaŋa:š v. (pl.) to run in
yaŋaʔ NS to bump into
yašu v. to wash, clean
ye v. (sg.) to fly
ye: NS
ye:Lu n. elder; old person
ye:m NS to swim
ye:yaluʔ n. relatives
ye:yus v. to shake
yek'iplebetiʔ v. to have a flat face
yek'iʔiš NS to be (broken) open
yelpileweʔ v. to slice
yesilsil NS
yetb v. to pound
yewam v. drive
yewi v. stop
yewsiw v. to slide
yeye:yaluʔ n. relatives
yeʔeš v. (sg.) to fly
yeʔešha v. to drive
yeʔešuweʔ v. to fly out
yeʔm v. guess
yeʔuwe v. go forward
yilgay v. to break
yohi v. to pull out, to drag
yot'g root kill
yoyʔl v. to be tired
yulc'ul v. to close
yuli v. to die
yuliha NS to kill
zi:gen n. chicken
ziwziwhu n. woodpecker sp.; plant sp. similar to lupine
ziŋi:ŋi v. to buzz, to ring
ŋa:m n. son
ŋam n. son
ŋawa NS earth, ground, dirt
ŋawŋaŋ n. child, baby
ŋaʔmiŋ n. child, baby
ŋowa NS soil, earth, dirt
šaklamentu name Sacramento
šalaʔ n. pitch
šapšab NS fuzzy
šawaʔ n. white fir
šawlamhu n. girl
šašaʔ n. mother's sister
šaʔ v. write
šemu adv. really, very
ši:šib adj. straight
šilu NS from
šiʔiš v. (pl.) to fly
šošoŋ root brownish-red
šu:p n. soup
šugal v. bring back
šumšuʔ n. salt grass
šɨ:šɨš adj. heavy
šɨšɨb root straight
šɨšɨš root heavy
ʔa:baluš n. apple
ʔa:ʔa n. crow
ʔabuluš n. apple
ʔadaš n. meat
ʔagaʔ prep. near
ʔalŋiʔ root good
ʔat'abiʔ n. fish
ʔayɨs n. antelope
ʔaŋaw v. good, well, fine
ʔaš NS and
ʔašuklel adv. behind
ʔaʔaš v. to be extinguished (fire)
ʔe:be NS day
ʔemc'i v. wake up
ʔemlep'ayʔ adj. angry
ʔepši:šib v. to relocate
ʔeʔiŋaw v. move
ʔi:bik' adj. ripe
ʔi:sa n. older sister, half sister, cousin
ʔi:yel adj. big
ʔi:š n. skin, fur, shell, feathers
ʔida NS and
ʔihuk' adj. dry
ʔilel adv. beside
ʔileʔ prep. next to; more
ʔisa n. older sister
ʔisuʔuš v. to go over to fight
ʔitMepuʔ n. fish spear
ʔitMok'ak'aʔ n. hook
ʔitbadopoʔ n. bleach, Clorox
ʔitbala:da n. rock used to keep score
ʔitbalayʔ n. dish cloth
ʔitbemušeʔeš n. book
ʔitdemušeʔeš n. book
ʔitdudepɨs n. lamp
ʔitdulayʔ n. paper towel
ʔitdumbaŋaʔ n. table
ʔitgumbaŋa n. table
ʔitlayʔ n. towel
ʔitmaŋaʔ n. ladder
ʔitp'a:t'i n. ladder
ʔitp'iliweʔ n. ladder
ʔitwalayʔ n. napkin
ʔitwaʔ n. clothing
ʔiweʔ v. stop
ʔiwiʔ NS on, over
ʔiŋaw NS still, again
ʔlo:t NS yesterday
ʔlo:š v. dance
ʔlotlo:diʔ adv. yesterday
ʔloʔom n. Brockway Spring
ʔlupdeb v. to be thin
ʔluʔusiʔ v. run fast
ʔma:š n. pinenut territory
ʔme:š n. husband
ʔoc'i NS hush
ʔoc'i NS hush
ʔodamobil n. automobile, car
ʔohoš n. hat
ʔoʔoš n. autumn
ʔudawduweʔ NS tall/big
ʔuga:k'ɨm v. to cut with axe
ʔugalis n. year
ʔugiʔiš v. height
ʔumt'aŋaʔ n. a hunt
ʔuŋa wh. what
ʔuŋateši adv. how
ʔuʔlaʔam v. to carry into water
ʔwaʔ NS here
ʔwe:š n. bird sp.
ʔyaʔyaŋ root brown, naked
ʔyeʔyew v. to shake
ʔyɨnʔyɨn root varicolored


  1. ^ Kroeber, Alfred L. 1907. The Washo language of east central California and Nevada. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 4:251-317. (Public domain)
  2. ^ Washo Online Lexicon. University of Chicago, 2008.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní