User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/6500

  1. विवृद्ध (vivṛddha) (vivṛddha)
    mfn. grown, increased, enhanced, grown up, fully developed, large, numerous, abundant, mighty, powerful S3vetUp. MBh. &c.
    %{-matsara} mfn. one whose anger or resentment is increased MW.
  2. विवेक (viveka) (viveka)
    m. discrimination, distinction Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r.
    consideration, discussion, investigation Gi1t. Ma1rkP. Sarvad.
    true knowledge, discretion, right judgment, the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties ChUp. Kap. &c.
    (in Veda7nta) the power of separating the invisible Spirit from the visible world (or spirit from matter, truth from untruth, reality from mere semblance or illusion)
    a water trough (= %{jala-droNI})[988,1]
    N. of wk.
    %{-kaumudI} f. N. of wk.
    %{-khyAti} f. right knowledge Sarvad.
    %{-candro7daya} m. %{-cUDAmaNi} m. N. of wks.
    %{-ja} mfn. produced or arising from discrimination Dharmas. 72
    %{jJa} mfn. skilled in discrdiscrimination, intelligent, well acquainted with (comp.) R. &c.
    %{-jJAna} n. knowledge arising from discrdiscrimination, the faculty of discrdiscrimination Sarvad.
    %{-tA} w.r. for %{viveki-tA} (q.v.)
    %{-tilaka} m. %{-dIpaka} m. (or %{ikA} f.) N. of wks.
    %{-dRzvan} mfn. one who sees or is conversant with true knowledge (%{-zva-tva} n.) Bhat2t2.
    %{-dhairyA7zraya} m. N. of wk. on Bhakti (by Vallabha7ca1rya)
    %{-padavI} f. path of discrdiscrimination "', reflection Katha1s.
    %{-paripanthin} mfn. obstructing right judgment Katha1s.
    %{-phala} n. N. of wk.
    %{-bhAj} mfn. `" possessed of discrdiscrimination, discerning, wise Bha1m.
    %{-bhraSTa} mfn. one who has lost the faculty of discrdiscrimination, foolish, unwise Bhartr2.
    %{-makaranda} m. %{-maJjarI} f. N. of wks.
    %{-mantharatA} f. feebleness of judgment Ml.
    %{-mArtaNDa} m. N. of various wks.
    %{-rahita} mfn. `" not separated "' (applied to breasts) and `" wanting discernment "', S3r2in3ga1r.
    %{-vat} mfn. `" possessing discrdiscrimination "', judicious, discerning Katha1s.
    %{-viguNa} mfn. wanting discrdiscrimination "', unwise, foolish Ra1jat.
    %{-viraha} m. `" want of discrdiscrimination "', ignorance, folly, S3a1ntis3.
    %{-vilAsa} m. N. of wk.
    %{-vizada} mfn. distinct, clear, intelligible Ra1jat.
    %{-vizrA7nta} mfn. void of discrdiscrimination, foolish, unwise Ma1lav.
    %{-zataka} n. %{-zloka} m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-sAra} m. %{-saravarNana} n. %{-sAra-siGdhu} m. %{-sindhu}, m.
    %{-kA7Jjana} n. %{-kA7mRta} n. %{-kA7rNava} m. N. of wks.
    %{-kA7rtham} ind. in order to distinguish Mn. i, 26
    %{-kAzrama} m. N. of a man Cat.
    %{-ko7daya} m. the rise of true knowledge or wisdom, Bhattr2. &c. see under %{vi-vic}.
  3. विवेकिन् (vivekin) (vivekin)
    mfn. discriminating, distinguishing Ra1jat.
    separated, kept asunder (in %{a-viv-}) Kuval.
    examining, investigating Cat.
    discriminative, judicious, prudent, discreet, wise Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    m. N. of a king (son of Deva-sena), Ka1IP.
    %{-ki-tA} f. %{-tva} n. discriminativeness, discernment, judgment Ya1jn5. Bhartr2.
  4. विशङ्का (viśaṅkā) (viśaṅkā)
    f. (for 2. see %{vizaGk}) absence of fear
    (%{ayA}) ind. fearlessly, without hesitation BhP. [952,3]
  5. विशल्य (viśalya) (viśalya)
    see s.v. mfn. pointless (as an arrow) VS.
    freed from an arrow-head, healed of an arrow-wound MBh. R.
    free from thorns or darts W.
    freed from an extraneous substance in the body (%{A@vizaIya-bhAvAt}, `" until freed from the embryo "') Sus3r.
    freed from pain MBh.
    without trouble or care or pain W.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (also of a specific for arrow-wounds) Sus3r. MBh. R.
    Cocculus Cordifolius
    Croton Polyandrum
    Convolvulus Turpethum
    Methonica Superba Bhpr.
    = %{agni-zikhA}
    = %{aja-modA}
    Menispermum Cordifolium W.
    a sort of pot-herb ib.
    a sort of fruit, Langaliya ib.
    N. of the wife of Lakshman2a
    of a river MBh.
    %{-karaNa} mf(%{I})n. healing wounds inflicted by arrows
    (%{I}) f. a partic. herb with wonder-working properties MBh. R. Katha1s.
    %{-kRt} mfn. freeing from pain or distress MW.
    m. Echites Dichotoma
    %{-ghna}, or %{-prA7Na-hara} mfn. (prob. said of those spots of the body, such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface, but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r. [990,1]
    %{-yA-saMgama} m. %{-yasambhava} m. N. of chapters of the Reva1-ma1ha1tmya.
  6. विशाख (viśākha) (viśākha)
    once %{vi-sA4kha} AV. xix, 7, 3) mf(%{A})n. branched, forked AV. TS. Gr2S3rS.
    branchless Hariv.
    handless ib.
    born under the constellation Vis3a1kha1 Pa1n2. 4-3, 34
    m. a beggar
    a spindle
    a partic. attitude in shooting
    Boerhavia Procumbens
    N. of Skanda MBh.
    a manifestation of Skanda (regarded as his son) ib. Hariv. VarBr2S. &c.
    N. of a demon dangerous to, children (held to be a manifestation of SkSkanda) Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS. Hcat.
    of S3iva MBh.
    of a Devarshi ib.
    of a Da1nava Katha1s.
    of a Das3a-pu1rvin and other persons Bhadrab. Ra1jat. &c.
    = %{vizAkha-datta} below
    (%{A}) f. a species of plant Ka1tyS3r. (Du1rva1 grass Comm.
    = %{kaThillaka} L.)
    (also du. or pl.) the 14th (later 16th) lunar asterism (figured by a decorated arch and containing four or originally two stars under the regency of a dual divinity, Indra and Agni
    it is probably to be connected with the quadrangle of stars $, $, $, $ Librae
    see %{nakSatra}) AV. &c. &c.
    N. of a woman Buddh.
    (%{I}) f. a forked stick S3rS.
    n. a fork, ramification Gobh.
    %{-ja} m. the orange-tree
    %{-datta} m. N. of the author of the Mudra1-ra1kshasa (he was the son of Pr2ithu and lived probably in the 9th century) IW. 507
    %{-deva} m. N. of a poet Subh.
    of another man Buddh.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-yUpa} m. N. of a king Pur.
    m. or n. (?) N. of a place MBh.
    %{-vat} m. N. of a mountain Ma1rkP.
  7. विशारद (viśārada) (viśārada)
    mf(%{A})n. experienced, skilled or proficient in, conversant with (loc. or comp.
    %{-tva} n. Pan5cad.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    learned, wise W.
    clever (as a speech) BhP.
    of a clear or serene mind Lalit.
    famous, celebrated W.
    beautifully autumnal Va1s.
    lacking the gift of speech ib.
    bold, impudent ib.
    = %{zreSTha} L.: m. Mimusops Elengi Kir. Sch.
    N. of an author and of another person Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of Alhagi
    %{-di-man} m. skill, proficiency, conversancy Harav.
  8. विशाल (viśāla) (viśāla)
    mf(%{A} accord. to g. %{bahvAdi} also %{I})n. (prob. fr. %{viz}
    accord. to others, fr. %{vi-zR}) spacious, extensive, broad, wide, large TS. &c. &c. (%{am} ind. extensively Pan5cavBr.)
    great, important, powerful, mighty, illustrious, eminent MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) abundant in, full of Kap.
    m. a kind of beast or bird or plant
    a partic. Shad2-aha S3rS.
    N. of the father of Takshaka, S3an3khGr2.
    of an Asura Katha1s.
    of a son of Ikshva1ku (founder of the city Vis3a1la1) R.
    of a son of Tr2inabindu Pur.
    of a king of Vaidis3a Ma1rkP.
    of a mountain ib.
    (%{A}) f. colocynth Sus3r.
    Basella Cordifolia
    Portulaca Quadrifida
    (in music) a partic. Mu1rchana1 Sam2gi1t.
    N. of the city Ujjayini1 or Ougein R. Megh. Katha1s.
    of another town (see %{vaizAlI}, %{vaizalI})
    of a river and a hermitage situated on it MBh. R. BhP.
    = %{sarasvatI}
    N. of an Apsaras VP.
    of the wife of Aja-mid2ha MBh.
    of the wife of Arisht2a-nemi (and daughter of Daksha) Ga1rud2aP.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of plant
    n. N. of a place of pilgrimage, Bh.
    du. (with %{viSNoH}) N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  9. विशिष्ट (viśiṣṭa) (viśiṣṭa)
    mfn. distinguished, distinct, particular, peculiar MBh. Ra1jat. Sarvad.
    characterized by (instr. or comp.) Ma1rkP. Veda7ntas.
    pre-eminent, excellent, excelling in or distinguished by (loc., instr. adv. in %{tas}, or comp.), chief or best among (gen.), better or worse than (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. N. of Vishn2u MBh.
    (%{I}) f. N. of the mother of Sam2kara7ica1rya Cat.
    %{-kula} mfn. descended from an excellent race Subh.
    %{-cAritra} or %{-cArin} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP.
    %{-tama} and %{-tara} mfn. distinguished, chief. best, better than (abl.) MBh. Mr2icch. Sam2k.
    %{-tA} f. (Hit.), %{-tva} n. (S3am2k. Veda7ntas.) difference, speciality, peculiarity, distinction, excellence, superiority
    %{-buddhi} f. differenced or distinguishing knowledge (e.g. the knknowledge of `" a man carrying a staff "' which distinguishes him from an ordinary man) MW.
    %{-liGga} mfn. different in gender Pa1n2. 2-4, 7
    %{-varNa} mfn. having a distinguished colour MBh.
    %{-vaizizrhtya}, (ibc.) `" what is different "' and `" difference "'
    (%{-jJAna-vAdA7rtha} m. %{-bodha} m. %{-bodha-rahasya} n. %{-bodha-vicAra} m. %{-bodha-vicAra-rahasya} n.
    %{-tyA7vagAhi-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks.)
    %{-TA7dvaita} n. see below
    %{-To7pamA} f. a partic. comparison MW.
    %{-yukta} n. (scil. %{rUpaka}) a metaphor which contains a partic. comparison (said to be a variety of the general Ru1paka) ib.
  10. विशीर्ण (viśīrṇa) (viśīrṇa)
    &c. see under %{vi-zRR}. mfn. broken, shattered &c.
    scattered, dispersed (as an army) R.
    fallen out (as teeth) Ka1v.
    squandered (as a treasure) MBh.
    rubbed off (as unguent) Ga1rud2aP.
    frustrated (as an enterprise), S3a1ntis3.
    destroyed (as a town) R.
    %{-jirNa-vasana} n. pl. worn and shattered garments Bhartr2.
    %{-tA} f. crumbling or falling to pieces Ka1m.
    %{-dhAra} mfn. intermittent (as urine) BhP.
    %{-paGkti} mfn. having broken ranks or lines Ragh.
    %{-parNa} m. Azadirachta Indica
    %{-mUrti} mfn. having the body destroyed (said of Ka1ma-deva) Kum.
  11. विशुद्ध (viśuddha) (viśuddha)
    mfn. completely cleansed or purified (also in a ritual sense), clean, clear, pure (lit.and fig.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    free from vice, virtuous, honest MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    brilliantly white (as teeth) R2itus.
    thoroughly settled or established or fixed or determined or ascertained ib.
    (ifc.) one who has gone through or thoroughly completed (%{upadeza-v-}) Ma1lav.
    cleared i .e. exhausted, empty (as a treasury) Ra1jat.
    (in alg.) subtracted Gol.
    n. a kind of mystical circle in the body (cf. %{cakra} and %{vi-zuddhi-c-})
    %{-karaNa} mfn. one whose acts are pure or virtuous BhP.
    %{-gAtra-tA} f. the having bright or pure limbs (a minor mark of a Buddha) Dharmas3. 84
    %{-cAritra} m. `" of virtuous conduct "'N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP.
    %{-tA}, f. (Ka1v.), %{-tva} n. (S3am2k.) purity
    %{-dhiSaNa} mfn. having the mind purified BhP.
    %{-dhI} mfn. id. Ra1jat.
    %{-dhIra} mfn. pure and grave Katha1s.
    %{-netra-tA} f. having the eyes bright (one of the minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas3. 84
    %{-pArSNi} mfn. having the rear or back protected or covered Ka1m.
    %{-prakRti} mfn. of pure or virtuous disposition Ra1jat.
    %{-bhAva} (R.), %{-manas} (Bhartr2.) mfn. pure-minded
    %{-mugdha} mfn. ppure and innocent Ma1lati1m.
    %{-rasa-dIpikA} f. N. of wk.
    %{-vaMzya} mfn. of a ppure or virtuous family Ra1jat.
    %{-sattva} mfn. of a pure character Mun2d2Up.
    %{-sattva-pradhAna} mfn. chiefly characterized by pure goodness MW.
    %{-sattva-vijJAna} mfn. of pure character and understanding R.
    %{-siMha} m. N. of a man Buddh.
    %{svara-nirghoSA} f. a partic. Dha1ran2i1 Buddh.
    %{-ddhA7tman} mfn. of a ppure nature or character MBh. R. &c.
    %{-ddhe7zvara-tantra} n. N. of a Tantra.
  12. विशेष (viśeṣa) (viśeṣa)
    m. (once in Pan5cat. n.
    ifc. f. %{A}) distinction, difference between (two gen., two loc., or gen. and instr.) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
    characteristic difference, peculiar mark, special property, speciality, peculiarity Mn. MBh. &c.
    a kind, species, individual (e.g. %{vRkSa-v-}, a species of tree, in comp. often also = special, peculiar, particular, different, e.g. %{chando-v-}, a particular metre, %{vvizeSa-maNDana}, a peculiar ornament "'
    %{argha-vizeSAH}, different prices "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (pl.) various objects Megh.
    distinction, peculiar merit, excellence, superiority (in comp. often= excellent, superior, choice, distinguished e.g. %{AkRti-v-}, `" an excellent form "' [990,3]
    cf. %{vvizeSa-pratipatti}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in gram.) a word which defines or limits the meaning of another word (cf. %{vi-zeSaka} and %{vi-zeSaNa})
    (in phil.) particularity, individuality, essential difference or individual essence (with the Vais3eshikas the 5th cate gory or Pada7rtha, belonging to the 9 eternal substances or Dravyas, viz. soul, time, place, ether, and the 5 atoms of earth, water, light, air, and mind, which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other) IW. 66 &c.
    (in medicine) a favourable turn or crisis of a sickness Sus3r.
    (in rhet.) statement of difference or distinction, individualization, variation Kuval. (cf. %{vizeSo7kti})
    a sectarian mark, any mark on the forehead (= %{tilaka})
    (in geom.) the hypotenuse S3ulbas.
    N. of the primary elements or Maha1-bhu1tas (q.v.) MaitrUp.
    the earth as an element BhP.
    the mundane egg ib.
    %{-virAj} ib.
    (ibc., %{ena} or %{At} ind. exceedingly, especially, particularly, even more Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{At} ifc., by reason or in consequence of. VarBr2S.
    %{yena@yena@vizeSeNa}, in any way whatever MBh.)
    mf(%{A})n. extraordinary, abundant Ragh. ii, 14 (B. %{vizeSAt} for %{vizeSA})
    %{-karaNa} n. making better, improvement Ma1lav.
    %{-kRt} mfn. making a distinction, distinguishing RPra1t.
    %{--garhaNIya} mfn. especially reprehensible, even more blamable Kuval.
    %{-guNa} m. a special or distinct quality Ni1lak.
    (in phil.) a substance of a distinct kind (as soul, time, space, ether, and the five atoms enumerated above) W.
    %{-jJa} mfn. knowing distinctions, judicious Ka1v. Katha1s.
    (ifc.) knowing various kinds of. R.
    %{jJAna-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wk.
    %{-tac} ind. according to the difference of. in proportion to (comp.) Mn. xi, 2
    especially, particularly, above all Mn. MBh. &c.
    individually, singly, Vedantas.
    %{-tva} n. distinction, notion of the particular
    %{-drizya} mfn. of splendid aspect or appearance Ragh.
    %{-dharma} m. a peculiar or different duty W.
    a special law MW.
    %{niyama} m. a partic. observance MBh.
    %{-nirukti} f. (ibc.) `" explanation of differences "'
    N. of wk. (%{-kroDa} m. %{-TIkA} f. %{-prakAza}, m.
    %{-tyAloka} m. N. of wks.)
    %{-patanIya} n. a partic. crime or sin Ya1jn5. iii, 298
    %{-padA7rtha} m. (in Nya1ya) the category of particularity (cf. above under %{vizeSa})
    %{-pratipatti} f. a special mark of honour or respect Ragh.
    %{-pratiSedha} m. a special exception MW.
    %{-pramANa} n. spspecial authority ib.
    %{-bhAga} m. a partic. part of an elephant's fore-foot
    %{-bhAvanA} f. reflecting on or perceiving difference W.
    (in arithm.) a partic. operation in extracting roots, composition by the difference of the products ib.
    %{-bhUta-pariziSTa} n. N. of wk.
    %{-maNDana} n. a peculiar ornament S3ak.
    %{-mati} m. N. of a Bodhisattva and of another man Buddh.
    %{-mitra} m. N. of a man Buddh.
    %{-ramaNIya} mfn. especially delightful, particularly pleasant Vikr.
    %{-lakSaNa} n. any specific or characteristic mark or sign W.
    (%{-NATIkA} f. N. of wk.)
    %{liGga} n. a partic. mark, specific property, attribute of a subordinate class Kap.
    %{-vacana} n. `" distinguishing or defining word "', an adjective, apposition Pa1n2. 8-1, 74
    a special text, special rule or precept W.
    %{-vat} mfn. pursuing something particular MBh. ii, 849
    possessed of some distinguishing property or specific quality BhP.
    excellent, superior, better than (abl.) MBh. Hariv.
    making a difference (see %{a-v-})
    %{-vAda} m. the above doctrine of the Vais3eshikas
    (%{-TIkA} f. N. of wk.
    %{-din} m. an adherent of that doctrine Sa1m2khyak. Sch.)
    %{-vikrama-ruci} mfn. taking delight in splendid heroism Bhartr2.
    %{-vid} mfn. = %{jJa} MBh.
    %{-vidvas} m. `" eminently learned "', a sage, philosopher W.
    %{-vidhi} m. a special rule or observance W.
    %{-vyApti} f. (in logic) a form of Vya1pti or pervasion
    N. of wk. (also %{-rahasya} n.)
    %{-zArGgadhara} m. N. of wk.
    %{-zAlin} mfn. possessing peculiar merit or excellence Kir.
    %{-zAstra} n. (in gram.) a special rule(= %{apavAda}) MW.
    %{-sthu} mfn. being (found only) in excellent persons or things Ka1vya7d. ii, 170
    %{-SA7tideza} m. a spspecial supplementary rule ib.
    %{-SA7mRta} n. N. of wk.
    %{-SA7rtha} m. the sense or essence of distinction, difference (%{am} ind. for the sake of ddifference MW.)
    %{-prakAzikA} f. %{-bodhikA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-SA7rthin} mfn. seeking for excellence or distinction MBh.
    particular in searching for anything MW.
    (%{-thi}) %{-tA} f. the searching for something better Pan5cat.
    %{-SA7vasyakaniryukti} f. N. of wk.
    %{-So7kti} f. `" mention of difference "'N. of a figure of speech (in which the excellence of a thing is implied by comparing it to some highly prized object, yet mentioning the difference e.g. %{dyUtaMnAma@puruSasyA7siMhA7sanaM@rAjyam}, `" truly gambling is a man's throneless kingdom "' Mr2icch. ii, 6/7) Va1m. iv, 3, 23 (cf. Ka1vyad. ii, 323 &c.) [991,1]
    enumeration of merits, panegyric W.
    %{-SA7cchvasita} n. the peculiar breath or life, cherished object), a peculiar treasure (applied to an object especially dear) MW.
    %{-So7ddeza} m. (in Nya1ya) a partic. kind of enunciation ib. &c. see p. 990, col. 2.
  13. विशेषक (viśeṣaka) (viśeṣaka)
    (ifc.) = %{vi-zeSa}, distinction, difference Bha1sha1p.
    mfn. distinguishing, qualifying, specifying
    m. n. a mark on the forehead (made with sandal &c.) R. Ma1lav. Katha1s. (cf. %{pattrav-})
    an attribute, predicate W.
    m. a partic. figure of speech (in which the difference of two objects otherwise said to be similar is dwelt upon
    cf. %{vizeSo7kti}) Kuval.
    N. of a scholar Buddh.
    of a country Nalac.
    (%{ikA}) f. a kind of metre Col.
    n. a series of three stanzas forming one grammatical sentence
    cf. %{yugma} and %{kalApaka}) S3atr. %{-cchedya} n. N. of one of the 64 Kala1s (prob. the art of painting sectarian marks on the forehead) Cat.
  14. विशेषण (viśeṣaṇa) (viśeṣaṇa)
    mfn. distinguishing, discriminative, specifying, qualifying
    distinctive (as a property) W.
    n. the act of distinguishing &c., distinction, discrimination, particularization BhP. Sarvad. Sa1h.
    a distinguishing mark or attribute MBh.
    (in gram.) `" differencer "', a word which particularizes or defines (another word which is called %{vi-zeSya} q.v.), attribute, adjective, adverb, apposition, predicate Pa1n2. Tarkas. Sa1h. &c.
    a species, kind MBh. vii, 1124
    surpassing, excelling ib. i, 73
    (in rhet.) = %{vizeSo7kti} Sa1h.
    %{-khaNDana} n. %{-jJAna-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks.
    %{-tA} f. the state of a distinguisher or of distinguishing Bha1sha1p.
    individuality MW. (%{-sambandha} m. the relation of predicate to subject ib.)
    %{-traya-vaiyarthya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-tva} n. %{-tA} MW.
    adjectival nature Sa1y.
    %{-dvaya-vaiyarthya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-pada} n. a title of honour Mudr.
    %{-mAtraprayoga} m. the use of an adjective for a substantive (e.g. %{sAgarA7mbarA}, the sea-girt "', for %{pRthivI}, `" the earth "') Va1m. v, 1, 10
    %{-vizeSya-tA} f. %{-vizeSyabhAva} m. the relation of predicate and subject, Veda4ntas.
    %{-vat} mfn. endowed with discrimination MW.
    having a distinguishing attribute ib.
    %{-varga} m. N. of a ch. of the Sabda-ratna7vali lexicon.
  15. विशेषिन् (viśeṣin) (viśeṣin)
    mfn. distinct, individual BhP.
    (ifc.) vying with, rivalling Hariv.
  16. विशेष्य (viśeṣya) (viśeṣya)
    mfn. to be (or being) distinguished or qualified or particularized (see comp.)
    n. (in gram.) the word to be `" differenced "' or distinguished (from another word which is called %{vi-zeSaNa} q.v.), a substantive, noun, the object or subject of a predicate Pa1n2. Tarkas. Veda7ntas.
    %{-tA} f. the being defined or qualified, substantival nature, Kusum. (%{-vAda} m. N. of wk.)
    %{-tva} n. %{-tA} f. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
  17. विश्रम (viśrama) (viśrama)
    m. rest, repose, quiet, relaxation Ka1lid. S3is3. Va1s.
    N. of a scribe MW.
  18. विश्रम्भ (viśrambha) (viśrambha)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) slackening, loosening, relaxation (of the organs of utterance), cessation RPra1t.
    trust, confidence in (loc. gen., or comp.)
    absence of restraint, familiarity, intimacy MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ibc. or %{At}, %{eNa} ind. `" confidingly, confidentially "'
    %{-bhaM} %{kR} with gen., `" to win the confidence of "'
    %{kasmai} %{-bhaM@kathayAmi} in whom shall I trust? "')
    a playful or amorous quarrel
    %{-katha} f. (Va1s.), %{-kathiza} n. pl. (S3ak.), %{-garbha-kathA} f. (Ma1latim.) confidential talk
    affectionate conversation
    %{-tA} f. trust, confidence (acc. with %{gam}, to win cconfidence) R.
    %{-bhRtya} m. a confidential servant Ra1jat.
    %{-vat} mfn. trustful certain, at ease Ja1takam.
    %{-saMsupta} mfn. quietly asleep Ka1m.
    %{-saMkathA} f. = %{-kathA} Katha1s.
    %{-bhA7lApa} m. id. Hit.
  19. विश्रम्भण (viśrambhaṇa) (viśrambhaṇa)
    n. confidence (%{-NaM} %{gaM}, to win cconfidence)
    gaining a person's cconfidence Das3.
  20. विश्रम्भणीय (viśrambhaṇīya) (viśrambhaṇīya)
    mfn. inspiring a person(gen.) with cconfidence BhP.
  21. विश्रम्भिन् (viśrambhin) (viśrambhin)
    mfn. trusting in, relying on (comp.) BhP. Sa1h.
    enjoying cconfidence MBh.
    confidential (as talk) Katha1s.
  22. विश्रवस् (viśravas) (viśravas)
    n. great fame S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Vait.
    (%{vi4-}) mfn. famous Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    m. N. of a R2ishi (son of Pulastya and father of Kubera, Ra1van2a, Kumbha-karn2a and Vibhi1shan2a) MBh. Hariv. R. BhP. =
  23. विश्रान्त (viśrānta) (viśrānta)
    mfn. reposed, rested or ceased from (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    reposing, taking rest VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
    abated, ceased, stopped Ka1v. Katha1s.
    coming to rest or to an end, reaching to (acc. or comp.) Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    feeling at ease in or with (loc.) R.
    (in comp.) destitute of (see %{vivekav-} and comp. below)
    m. N. of a king VP.
    %{-katha} mfn. speechless, dumb, mute Ragh.
    %{-karNa-yugala} mfn. (for %{kkarNa-y--v}) reaching to the ears Caurap.
    %{nyAca} m. N. of wk.
    %{-puSpo7dgama} mfn. ceased from shooting forth blossoms Vikr. [992,1]
    %{-vigraha-katha} mfn. one in whom, `" war "' or, a body "' (cf. %{vi-graha}) is out of the question i.e. `" unwarlike "' and `" bodiless "' (applied to king Udayana and to the god of love) Ratna7v. i, 8
    %{-vidyAdhara} m. N. of a grammar
    %{vidyA-vinoda} m. N. of a medical wk.
    %{-vilAsa} mfn. one who has given up, sporting or dallying Katha1s.
    %{-vaira} mfn. one who has ceased from enmity ib.
  24. विश्रान्ति (viśrānti) (viśrānti)
    f. rest, repose Ka1v. Katha1s.
    abatement, cessation, coming to an end Katha1s. Sa1h.
    N. of a Tirtha VarP.
    %{-kRt} mfn. causing or giving rest Katha1s.
    %{-bhUmi} f. means of relaxation Subh.
    %{-mat} mfn. possessing rest, feeling at ease Ka1v.
    %{-varman} m. N. of a poet Subh.
  25. विश्राम (viśrāma) (viśrāma)
    m. rest, repose, relaxation, calm, tranquillity MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    deep breathing (after exertion) VarBr2S.
    resting-place Hariv. BhP.
    cessation, abatement R. S3ak. Uttarar.
    a pause, caesura S3rutab.
    a house Gal.
    N. of various men Cat.
    (with %{zukla}) N. of an author ib.
    %{-bhU} f. a resting-place, Veni1s.
    %{-vezman} n. a resting-chamber Hariv.
    %{-sthAna} n. a place (i.e. means) of rest or recreation (said of a friend) Ratna7v.
    %{mA7tmaja} m. N. of an author Cat.
  26. विश्रुत (viśruta) (viśruta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) flowed away, flowing forth W.
  27. विश्लिष्ट (viśliṣṭa) (viśliṣṭa)
    mfn. loosened Ragh.
    disunited, disjoined, separated AitBr. Katha1s.
    severed from one's party Ka1m.
    dislocated (as limbs) Sus3r.
    %{-tara} mfn. standing far apart Cat.
  28. विश्व (viśva) (viśva)
    mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. 1. %{viz}, to pervade cf. Un2. i, 151
    declined as a pron. like %{sarva}, by which it is superseded in the Bra1hman2as and later language) all, every, every one
    whole, entire, universal RV. &c. &c.
    all-pervading or all-containing, omnipresent (applied to Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a, the soul, intellect &c.) Up. MBh. &c.
    m. (in phil.) the intellectual faculty or (accord. to some) the faculty which perceives individuality or the individual underlying the gross body (%{sthUla-zarIra-vyaSty-upahita}) Veda7ntas.
    N. of a class of gods cf. below
    N. of the number `" thirteen "' Gol.
    of a class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
    of a king MBh.
    of a well-known dictionary = %{vizva-prakAza}
    pl. (%{vi4zve}, with or scil. %{devA4s} cf. %{vizve-deva}, p. 995) `" all the gods collectively "' or the, All-gods "' (a partic. class of gods, forming one of the 9 Gan2as enumerated under %{gaNadevatA} q.v.
    accord. to the Vishnu and other Pura1n2as they were sons of Vis3va1, daughter of Daksha, and their names are as follow, 1. Vasu, 2. Satya, 3. Kratu, 4. Daksha, 5. Ka1la, 6. Ka1ma, 7. Dhr2iti, 8. Kuru, 9. Puru1-ravas, 10. Ma1dravas [?]
    two others are added by some, viz. 11. Rocaka or Locana, 12. Dhvani [or Dhu1ri
    or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at S3ra1ddhas and at the Vais3vadeva ceremony [RTL. 416] [992,3]
    moreover accord. to Manu [iii, 90, 121], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by Brahma1 and the Pitr2is, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the Hima7laya: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression %{vizve@devAH} refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above) RV. &c.
    (%{A}) f. the earth(loc. pl. `" in all places, everywhere "' RV. viii, 106, 2)
    dry ginger
    Piper Longum
    Asparagus Racemosus
    = %{ati-viSA}, or %{viSA}
    N. of one of the tongues of Agni Ma1rkP.
    a partic. weight
    N. of a daughter of Daksha (the wife of Dharma and mother of the Vis3ve Deva1h) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    of a river BhP.
    n. the whole world, universe AV. &c.&c.
    dry ginger Sus3r.
    a mystical N. of the sound %{o} Up.
  29. विश्वम्भर (viśvambhara) (viśvambhara)
    mf(%{A4}) n. all-bearing, all-sustaining AV. S3Br. Ca1n2. (also applied to the Supreme Being)
    fire S3Br. KaushUp.
    a kind of scorpion or similar animal Sus3r. Car.
    N. of Vishn2u Pan5car. Chandom.
    of Indra
    of a king Kshiti7s3.
    of an author Cat.
    (%{A}) f. the earth Ka1v. Ra1jat. &c.
    %{-kulAya4} m. a fire-receptacle S3Br. KaushUp. [993,3]
    %{-maithilo7pAdhyAya} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-vAstu-zAstra} n. %{-zAstra} n. N. of wks.
    %{-bharA7dhipa} (MW.) or %{-rA7dhI7zvara} (Bha1m.) m. `" lord of the earth "', a king
    %{-bharA-putra} m. N. of the planet Mars Va1stuv.
    %{-bharA-bhuj} m. a king Ra1jat.
    %{-bharo7paniSad} f. N. of wk.
  30. विश्वरूप (viśvarūpa) (viśvarūpa)
    n. sg. various forms Mn. Pan5car. Ra1matUp.
    (%{vizva4-}) mf(%{A} or %{I})n. many-coloured, variegated&c.
    wearing all forms, manifold, variousTS. &c.
    m. N. of partic. comets VarBr2S.
    of S3iva MBh.
    of Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a Cat.
    of a son of Tvasht2r2i (whose three heads were struck off by Indra) RV. TS. Br. &c.
    of an Asura MBh. Hariv.
    of various scholars &c. (esp. of a Sch. on Ya1jn5.) Kull. Cat. &c.
    (%{A}) f. a dappled cow RV. VS. TBr.
    N. of partic. verses (e.g. RV. v, 81, 2) Br. La1t2y.
    pl. the yoked horses of Br2ihas-pati Naigh.
    (%{I}) f. N. of one of the seven tongues of fire Mun2d2Up.
    n. Agallochum W.
    (prob.) n. N. of wk.
    %{-kezava} m., %{-gaNaka-munI7zvara} m. N. of authors Cat.
    %{-tama} mfn. having the greatest variety of forms or colours MW.
    %{-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha Cat.
    m. N. of a scholar ib.
    %{-darzana} n. N. of two chs. in the Krid2a1-khan2d2a of the Gan2P.
    %{-deva} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-dhara} mfn. wearing various forms VP.
    %{-nibandha} m. N. of a ch. of the BhavP.
    %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. representing Vis3va-ru1pa (i.e. prob. Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a) AgP.
    %{-vat} mfn. appearing in various forms R.
    %{-samuccaya} m. N. of wk.
    %{-pA7cArya} m. N. of an author Cat.
  31. विश्वश्चन्द्र (viśvaścandra) (viśvaścandra)
    (%{vizva4-}) mf(%{A})n. all-glittering RV.
  32. विश्वानर (viśvānara) (viśvānara)
    (%{vitvA4-}) mfn. relating to or existing among or dear to all men (applied to Savitr2i, Indra &c.) RV.
    N. of a man, %{bidA7di}
    of the father of Agni Cat.
    = %{vallabhA7cArya} ib.
  33. विश्वामित्र (viśvāmitra) (viśvāmitra)
    see below.
  34. विश्वास (viśvāsa) (viśvāsa)
    m. confidence, trust, reliance, faith or belief in (loc. gen. instr. with or without %{saha}, or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a confidential communication, secret Das3. Hit.
    %{-kAraka} mf(%{ikA})n. inspiring confidence, causing trust MBh.
    %{-kAraNa} n. reason for cconfidence Hit.
    %{-kArya} n. a confidential matter of business Hit.
    %{-kRt} mfn. = %{-kAraka} W.
    %{-ghAta} m. destruction of confidence, violation of trust, treachery Ra1matUp.
    %{-ghAtaka} or %{-ghAtin} mfn. one who destroys cconfidence, a traitor MBh. R. &c.
    %{-janman} mfn. produced from cconfidence MW.
    %{-devI} f. N. of the patroness of Vidya1-pati (to whom he dedicated his Gan3ga1-va1kya7vali1, a wk. on the worship of the water of the Ganges) Cat.
    %{-parama} mfn. wholly possessed of cconfidence, thoroughly trustful R.
    %{-pAtra} n. `" receptacle of confidence "', a trustworthy person Hit.
    %{-pratipanna} mfn. possessed of cconfidence, trustful Hit.
    %{-prada} mfn. inspiring cconfidence W.
    %{-bhaGga} m. violation of cconfidence, breach of faith Ma1lati1m.
    %{-bhUmi} f. `" ground for cconfidence "', a trustworthy person Hit.
    %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. consisting in cconfidence Ja1takam.
    %{-rAya} m. N. of a minister Cat.
    %{-sthAna} n. `" place for or object of cconfidence "', a hostage, surety Pan5cat.
    %{-hantR} (Ma1rkP.) or %{-hartR} (MBh.) m. `" destroyer or stealer of cconfidence "', a traitor
    %{-sai9ka-bhU} f. `" sole ground for cconfidence "', sole trustworthy person, Kusum.
    %{-sai9ka-sAra} m. `" one whose sole essence is cconfidence "'N. of a man MW.
    %{zo7jjhita-dhI} mfn. `" one whose mind has abandoned cconfidence "', distrustful, suspicious Ra1jat. [995,2]
    %{-so7pagama} m. access of cconfidence S3ak.
  35. विश्वास्य (viśvāsya) (viśvāsya)
    mfn. to be trusted or confided in, trustworthy MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-tara} mfn. more trustworthy Das3.)
    to be inspired with confidence, liable to be consoled or encouraged or comforted MBh.
  36. विश्वेदेव (viśvedeva) (viśvedeva)
    m. pl. the Vis3ve Deva1h2 (see under %{vizva}) Pur.
    sg. N. of the number `" thirteen "' (at the end of the Sam2deha-vishau9shadhi)
    of Maha1purusha Hariv.
    of an Asura ib.
    or another divine being Ka1t2h.
    (%{A}) f. Uraria Lagopodioides
  37. विष (viṣa) (viṣa)
    m. a servant, attendant RV.
    N. of a Sa1dhya Hariv. (cf. %{dur-v-})
    (%{viSa4}) n. (also m. Siddh.
    ifc. f. %{A}), anything active "', poison, venom, bane, anything actively pernicious RV. &c. &c.
    a partic. vegetable poison (= %{vatsa-nAbha})
    water Naigh. i, 12
    a mystical N. of the sound %{m} Up.
    the fibres attached to the stalk of the lotus W. (see %{bisa})
    (%{A}) f. a kind of aconite
    a tree (commonly called Atis, its bark is used as a red dye) W.
    = 3. %{viS}, feces (cf. %{vI7ta-viSa})
    mf(%{A})n. poisonous AV. vii, 113, 2. [Cf. Gk. $ for $
    Lat. {virus}.]
  38. विषय (viṣaya) (viṣaya)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    prob. either fr 1. %{viS}, `" to act "', or fr. %{vi} + %{si}, `" to extend "' cf. Pa1n2. 8-3, 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity), dominion, kingdom, territory, region, district, country, abode (pl. = lands, possessions) Mn. MBh. &c.
    scope, compass, horizon, range, reach (of eyes, ears, mind &c.) S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c.
    period or duration (of life) Pan5cat.
    special sphere or department, peculiar province or tield of action, peculiar element, concern (ifc. = `" concerned with, belonging to, intently engaged on "'
    %{viSaye}, with gen. or ifc. = `" in the sphere of, with regard or reference to "'
    %{atra@viSaye}, `" with regard to this object "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (gen.) Ka1v. Pan5cat.
    an object of sense (these are five in number, the five %{indriya}, or organs of sense having each their proper %{viSaya} or object, viz. 1. %{zabda}, `" sound "', for the ear cf. %{zruti-viSaya}
    2. %{sparza}, `" tangibility "', for the skin
    3. %{rUpa}, `" form "' or `" colour "', for the eye
    4. %{rasa}, `" savour "', for the tongue
    5. %{gandha}, `" odour "' for the nose: and these five Vishayas are sometimes called the Gun2as or `" properties "' of the five elements, ether, air, fire, water, earth, respectively
    cf. %{zruti-viSaya-guNa}) Ya1jn5. S3am2k. Sarvad. IW. 83
    a symbolical N. of the number `" five "' VarBr2S.
    anything perceptible by the senses, any object of affection or concern or attention, any special worldly object or aim or matter or business, (pl.) sensual enjoyments, sensuality Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    any subject or topic, subject-matter MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an object (as opp. to `" a subject "') Sarvad. [997,2]
    a fit or suitable object (`" for "' dat. gen., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (in phil.) the subject of an argument, category, general head (one of the 5 members of an Adhikaran2a [q.v.], the other 4 being %{vizaya} or %{saMzaya}, %{pUrva-pakSa}, %{uttara-pakSa} or %{siddhA7nta}, and %{saMgati} or %{nirNaya}) Sarvad.
    un-organic matter IW. 73
    (in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (e.g. %{chandasi@viSaye}, `" only in the Veda "') Ka1s3. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)
    (in rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. `" lotus-eye "' the second member is the %{viSaya}, and the first the %{viSayin}) Kuval. Prata1p.
    a country with more than 100 villages
    a refuge, asylum W.
    a religious obligation or observance ib.
    a lover, husband ib.
    semen virile ib.
  39. विषयता (viṣayatā) (viṣayatā)
    f. the character or condition of being an object or having anything for an object, the relation between an object and the knowledge of it Sa1h. Veda7ntas. Sarvad.
    %{-rahasya} n. %{-vAda} (or %{-vicAra}) m. %{-vAda-TippaNa} n. %{-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks.
  40. विषयिन् (viṣayin) (viṣayin)
    mfn. relating or attached to worldly objects, sensual, carnal Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a sensualist, materialist, voluptuary (= %{vaiSayika} or %{kAmin})
    a prince, king
    a subject of (gen.) Pan5car.
    (in phil.) the subject, the `" Ego "' MBh. S3am2k. (%{-tva} n.)
    the god of love
    (in rhetor.) the object of a comparison (cf. under %{viSaya}) [997,3]
    n. an organ of sense
  41. विषवत् (viṣavat) (viṣavat)
    (%{viSa4-}) mfn. poisonous RV. &c. &c.
    poisoned Cat.
  42. विषाण (viṣāṇa) (viṣāṇa)
    1 n. (for 2. see under %{vi-So}, fr. which 1. may perhaps also come
    in older language also %{A} f. and accord. to g. %{ardhar-cA7di}, also m.
    ifc. %{A} or %{I}) a horn, the horn of any animal AV. &c. &c. (cf. %{kharI-}, %{zaza-v-})
    a horn (wind-instrument) BhP.
    the tusk (of an elephant or of a boar or of Gan2e7s3a) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    the claws (of a crab) Pan5cat.
    a peak, top, point, summit Shad2vBr. VarBr2S.
    the horn-like tuft on S3iva's head MBh.
    the tip of the breast, nipple BhP.
    the chief or best of a class or kind (cf. %{-bhUta}
    %{dhI-v-} = `" acuteness of intellect, sagacity "') MBh. VarBr2S.
    a sword or knife R. (v.l. %{kRpANa})
    (%{I}) f. N. of various plants (Odina Pinnata
    the Indian tamarind
    Tragia Involucrata
    = %{RSabha}, %{karkaTa-zRGgI} and %{kSIra-kAkolI})
    Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.
  43. विषाद (viṣāda) (viṣāda)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) drooping state, languor, lassitude Ma1lati1m.
    dejection, depression, despondency (esp. as the result of unrequited love) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    disappointment, despair (one of the Vyabhica1ras q.v.) Das3ar. Sa1h.
    aversion, disgust Bhartr2.
    fear, weakness MW.
    dulness, stupidity, insensibility (= %{moha}) ib.
    %{-kRt} mfn. causing depression or grief. R.
    %{-janaka} mfn. id. Prab. Sch.
    %{-vat} mfn. dejected, downcast, sad Katha1s.
    %{-dA7rta-vadana} mfn. looking depressed with care or sorrow R. &c. see under %{vi-Sad}.
  44. विषादन (viṣādana) (viṣādana)
    mfn. causing depression or grief R.
    (%{I}) f. see %{viSA7danI}, col. 1
    n. the causing despondency or sadness Car.
    affliction, grief, despair BhP.
    a distressing experience Kuval.
  45. विषुवत् (viṣuvat) (viṣuvat)
    see below.
  46. विष्ट (viṣṭa) (viṣṭa)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{viS}) entered into, contained in (acc. or loc.) S3Br. BhP.
    filled or accompanied with (instr.) TS.
  47. विष्टप (viṣṭapa) (viṣṭapa)
    n. (rarely m.) id. RV. VS. Br. (with %{RSabhasya}, `" a hump "' S3Br.
    %{-pe} ind. in heaven A1past.)
    forking or bifurcation (of an Udumbara branch) VS. Sch.
    a world Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-traya} n. the three worlds (cf. %{loka-tr-}) Ragh.
    %{-hArin} mfn. world-ravishing Bhartr2.
  48. विष्टब्ध (viṣṭabdha) (viṣṭabdha)
    mfn. firmly set or bound S3Br. Mn. MBh.
    rigid, stiff MBh. Hariv. Sus3r.
    checked, stopped, restrained, arrested, obstructed, paralysed MBh. R. Sus3r.
    propped, supported MBh. Sus3r.
    filled, stuffed Pan5cavBr.
    undigested Sus3r.
    %{-gAtra} mfn. with rigid limbs Hariv.
    %{-caraNa} mfn. with rrigid feet MBh.
    %{-tA} f. firmness, confidence MW.
    %{-dhA7kSa} mfn. with rrigid eyes Sus3r.
    %{-dhA7jIrNa} n. indigestion arising from obstruction ib.
  49. विष्टम्भित (viṣṭambhita) (viṣṭambhita)
    mfn. fixed firmly &c.
    entirely filled or covered with (instr.) Hariv.
  50. विष्टि (viṣṭi) (viṣṭi)
    1 f. (for 2. see p. 999, col. 1) service, (esp.) forced sservice, compulsory work, drudgery (also collectively, servants, slaves, bondsmen "') MBh. R. Inscr. (ifc. also %{-Tika})
    m. N. of one of the seven R2ishis in the 11th Manv-antara Ma1rkP.
    (%{I4} or %{i4bhis}) ind. changing, alternatively, by turns RV. (in this sense accord. to some from %{vi} + 1. %{as}
    cf. %{abhi-}, %{pari-STi}).2 f. (for 1. see p. 996, col. 2) = %{vRSTi}, rain
  51. विष्ठा (viṣṭhā) (viṣṭhā)
    1 f. (for 2. 3. see p. 999, col. 1) = 3. %{viS}, feces, excrement (acc. with %{kR} or %{vi-dhA}, to void excrexcrement) Mn. MBh. &c. (often w.r. %{viSTA}).
  52. विष्णु (viṣṇu) (viṣṇu)
    m. (prob. fr. %{viS}, `" All-pervader "' or `" Worker "') N. of one of the principal Hindu1 deities (in the later mythology regarded as `" the preserver "', and with Brahma1 `" the creator "' and S3iva `" the destroyer "', constituting the well-known Tri-mu1rti or triad
    although Vishn2u comes second in the triad he is identified with the supreme deity by his worshippers
    in the Vedic period, however, he is not placed in the foremost rank, although he is frequently invoked with other gods [esp. with Indra whom he assists in killing Vr2itra and with whom he drinks the Soma juice
    cf. his later names Indra7nuja and Upe7ndra]
    as distinguished from the other Vedic deities, he is a personification of the light and of the sun, esp. in his striding over the heavens, which he is said to do in three paces [see %{tri-vikrama} and cf. %{bali}, %{vAmana}], explained as denoting the threefold manifestations of light in the form of fire, lightning, and the sun, or as designating the three daily stations of the sun in his rising, culminating, and setting [999,2]
    Vishn2u does not appear to have been included at first among the A1dityas [q.v.], although in later times he is accorded the foremost place among them
    in the Bra1hman2as he is identified with sacrifice, and in one described as a dwarf
    in the Maha1-bha1rata and Ra1mayan2a he rises to the supremacy which in some places he now enjoys as the most popular deity of modern Hindu1 worship
    the great rivalry between him and S3iva [cf. %{vaiSNava} and %{zaiva}] is not fully developed till the period of the Pura1n2as: the distinguishing feature in the character of the Post-vedic Vishn2u is his condescending to become incarnate in a portion of his essence on ten principal occasions, to deliver mankind from certain great dangers [cf. %{avatAra} and IW. 327]
    some of the Pura1n2as make 22 incarnations, or even 24, instead of 10
    the Vaishn2avas regard Vishn2u as the supreme being, and often identify him with Na1ra1yan2a, the personified Purusha or primeval living spirit [described as moving on the waters, reclining on S3esha, the serpent of infinity, while the god Brahma1 emerges from a lotus growing from his navel
    cf. Manu i, 10]
    the wives of Vishn2u are Aditi and Sini1va1li1, later Lakshmi1 or S3ri1 and even Sarasvati1
    his son is Ka1ma-deva, god of love, and his paradise is called Vaikun2t2ha
    he is usually represented with a peculiar mark on his breast called S3ri1-vatsa, and as holding a %{zaGkha}, or conch-shell called Pa1n5cajanya, a %{cakra} or quoit-like missile-weapon called Su-dars3ana, a %{gadA} or club called Kaumodaki1 and a %{padma} or lotus
    he has also a bow called S3a1rn3ga, and a sword called Nandaka
    his %{vAhana} or vehicle is Garud2a q.v.
    he has a jewel on his wrist called Syamantaka, another on his breast called Kaustubha, and the river Ganges is said to issue from his foot
    the demons slain by him in his character of `" preserver from evil "', or by Kr2ishn2a as identified with him, are Madhu, Dhenuka, Ca1n2u1ra, Yamala, and Arjuna [see %{yamalA7rjuna}], Ka1la-nemi, Haya-gri1va, S3akat2a, Arisht2a, Kait2abha, Kan6sa, Kes3in, Mura, S3a1lva, Mainda, Dvi-vida, Ra1hu, Hiran2ya-kas3ipu, Ba1n2a, Ka1liya, Naraka, Bali
    he is worshipped under a thousand names, which are all enumerated in MBh. xiii, 6950-7056
    he is sometimes regarded as the divinity of the lunar mansion called S3ravan2a) RV. &c. &c. (cf. RTL. 44 IW. 324)
    N. of the month Caitra VarBr2S.
    (with %{prAjApatya}) of the author of RV. x, 84
    of a son of Manu Sa1varn2a and Bhautya Ma1rkP.
    of the writer of a law-book Ya1jn5.
    of the father of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i
    (also with %{gaNaka}, %{kavi}, %{daivajJa}, %{paNDita}, %{bhaTTa}, %{mizra}, %{yatI7ndra}, %{vAjapeyin}, %{zAstrin} &c.) of various authors and others Inscr. Cat.
    = %{agni}
    = %{vasu-devatA}
    = %{zuddha}
    f. N. of the mother of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i
    n. pl. (in a formula) A1pS3r.
    (%{viSNor} with %{apamarNam}, %{Ajya-doham}, %{vratam}
    [%{oH}] %{sAma}, %{svarIyaH}N. of Sa1mans
    with %{SoDaza-nAma-stotram}, %{anusmRtiH}, %{aSTAviMzati-nAma-stotram}, and %{mahA-stutiH}N. of wks.)
  53. विष्णुशर्मन् (viṣṇuśarman) (viṣṇuśarman)
    m. N. of various authors and other persons (esp. of the narrator of the Pan5ca-tantra and the Hito7pades3a) IW. 531
    %{-ma-dIkSita}, %{-ma-mizra} m. N. of authors Cat.
  54. विष्णुसहस्रनामन् (viṣṇusahasranāman) (viṣṇusahasranāman)
    n. the thousand names of Vishn2u Cat.
    N. of a portion of the Anus3a1sana-parvan (ii, 6936-7078) of the Maha-bha1rata (also %{-ma-kathana} or %{-mastotra} n.) and of a ch. of the PadmaP.
    %{-ma-bhASya} n. N. of S3am2kara's Comm. on the thousand names of VVishn2u.
  55. विसर्ग (visarga) (visarga)
    %{vi-sarjana} see p. 1001.
  56. विसर्जनीय (visarjanīya) (visarjanīya)
    mfn. (fr. %{vi-sRj}) to be sent forth or emitted &c. W.
    (fr. %{vi-sarjana}) see %{vrata-visarjanIya}
    m. (cf. %{vi-sarga} above) N. of a symbol in grammar (usually marked by two perpendicular dots [:] representing a hard and distinctly audible aspiration [1001,2]
    it generally, but not always, occurs at the end of a word, often taking the place of final %{s} and %{r}
    it is called Visarjani1ya either from its liability to be `" rejected "' or from its being pronounced with a full `" emission "' of breath, or from its usually appearing at the `" end "' of a word or sentence
    Pan2d2its in some parts of India seem to pronounce a vowel after it, e.g. %{naraH} like %{naraha}, %{agniH} like %{agnihi}) Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c.
  57. विसारिन् (visārin) (visārin)
    mfn. coming forth, issuing from (comp.) Ragh. S3is3.
    walking about Pa1n2. 5-4, 16 Sch.
    stretching over or through, spreading, diffusing (%{-ri-tA} f.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    m. a fish W.
    (%{iNI}) f. Glycine Debilis
  58. विसृष्टि (visṛṣṭi) (visṛṣṭi)
    (%{vi4-}) f. letting go, allowing to flow, discharge Ka1t2h.
    emission (of semen)
    leaving, quitting W.
    giving, offering ib.
    creation, production RV. S3Br. &c.
    secondary creation or creation in detail Pur.
    offspring Hariv.
  59. विस्तर (vistara) (vistara)
    mfn. extensive, long (as a story) Sa1h.
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    cf. %{vi-stAra} and Pa1n2. 3-3, 31 Va1m. v, 2, 41) spreading, extension, expansion, prolixity, diffuseness MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a multitude, number, quantity, assemblage, large company Mn. R. VarBr2S. &c.
    becoming large or great (met. applied to the heart) Das3.
    high degree, intensity, MBIi. Hariv. BhP.
    (pl.) great wealth or riches MBh.
    detail, particulars, full or detailed description, amplification (also as direction to a narrator = %{vistareNa@kAryam}, `" give full particulars "'
    %{eNa} or %{At} ind. diffusely, at length, fully, in detail
    %{-rI-kR}, to spread, divulge, expand) MBh. R. &c.
    (ifc.) an extensive treatise Cu1lUp.
    affectionate solicitation
    a layer, bed, couch (= %{vi-STara})
    (%{A}) f. a partic. S3akti Hcat.
    %{-tas} ind. diffusely, at length Ka1v. Pur. &c.
    %{-tA} f. extension, spreading R2itus.
    %{-bhIru} mfn. afraid of diffuseness Sarvad.
    %{-zaGkA} f. fear of diffdiffuseness Sa1h.
    %{-zas} ind. = %{-tas} Mn. MBh. &c.
  60. विस्तार (vistāra) (vistāra)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    cf. %{vi-stara}) spreading, expansion, extent, width MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    becoming large or great (met. said of the heart) Sa1h.
    the breadth of a circle i.e. its diameter Col.
    specification, detailed enumeration or description Ya1jn5. Sus3r. (%{eNa}, diffusely, at length, prob. w.r. for %{vistareNa} R. iii, 4, 4)
    the branch of a tree with its new shoots
    a shrub
    the diameter of a circle L.
  61. विस्तारिन् (vistārin) (vistārin)
    mfn. extending, large, great, mighty Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
    (%{iNI}) f. (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
  62. विस्तारित (vistārita) (vistārita)
    mfn. (fr. id.) spread, extended Ragh.
    fully stated, amplified MW.
  63. विस्तीर्ण (vistīrṇa) (vistīrṇa)
    mfn. strewn or covered or studded with (instr. or comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s.
    spread out, expanded, broad, large, great, copious, numerous MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    extensive, long (as a tale) MBh.
    far-sounding R.
    %{-karNa} mfn. `" extending the ears "' and `" broad-eared "' (applied to an elephant) Bhartr2.
    %{-jAnu} f. a bandy-legged girl (unfit for marriage)
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. breadth, diffusion, vastness, largeness, amplitude MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-bheda} m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.
    %{-lalATA} f. `" having a large forehead "'N. of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-vatI} f. N. of a partic. world Buddh.
  64. विस्पष्ट (vispaṣṭa) (vispaṣṭa)
    mfn. ( %{spaz}
    cf. %{viSpa4z}) very clear or apparent, manifest, evident plain, intelligible (%{am} ind. clearly &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1002,1]
    %{-tA} f. great clearness or perspicuity Sa1h.
    %{-TA7rtha} mfn. having a very clear or obvious sense Mn. ii, 33.
  65. विस्फुरित (visphurita) (visphurita)
    mfn. trembling, quivering, palpitating (%{-tA7dhara} mfn. having quivering lips BhP.
    %{-tekSaNa} mfn. having trembling eyes R.)
    flashing, glittering (%{-zastra} mfn. with glittering weapons Uttarar.)
    swollen, enlarged W.
    n. = %{-sphuraNa} Ja1takam.
  66. विस्मय (vismaya) (vismaya)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-smi}) free from pride or arrogance BhP. S3is3.
  67. विस्मयिन् (vismayin) (vismayin)
    mfn. amazed, surprised S3is3.
  68. विस्मित (vismita) (vismita)
    mfn. amazed, surprised, perplexed MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
    wondered at, surprising R. BhP.
    proud, arrogant BhP.
    n. and (%{A}) f. a kind of metre Col.
    %{-mAnasa} mfn. surprised or perplexed in mind MW.
    %{-tA7nana} mfn. having a surprised face ib.
  69. विस्मृत (vismṛta) (vismṛta)
    mfn. one who has forgotten anything, forgetful of (acc. or comp.) Ka1v.
    forgetful of all R. ii, 58, 30
    forgotten by (instr. or gen.) R. Ka1lid. Ra1jat. &c.
    %{-pUrva-saMskAra} mfn. forgetting a former promise or resolution MW.
    m. N. of Bhava-bhu1ti
    %{-vat} mfn. one who has forgotten S3ak.
    %{-saMskAra} mfn. one who forgets an agreement MW.
  70. विहग (vihaga) (vihaga)
    %{vihaM-ga} &c. see under %{vi-} 1. %{hA} below. m. `" sky-goer "', a bird MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an arrow MBh. vii, 9021
    the sun
    the moon
    a planet
    a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are situated in the 4th and 10th houses) VarBr2S.
    %{-pati} m. `" king of birds "'N. of Garud2a Ka1v.
    %{-vega} m. `" having the swiftness of a bird "'N. of a Vidya1-dhara Ba1lar.
    %{-gA7dhipa} m. (= %{-pati})
    %{-gA7laya} m. `" abode of birds. "' the air, sky R.
    %{-ge7ndra} (%{viha4-}) m. (= %{-pati}), Supran2.
    (%{-dra-saMhitA} f. %{-sampAta} m. N. of Ta1ntric wks.)
    %{-go7paghuSTa} mfn. resonant with birds MW.
  71. विहव (vihava) (vihava)
    &c. see %{vi-hve}, p. 1004.
  72. विहव्य (vihavya) (vihavya)
    or mfn. to be invoked or invited or desiredVS.
  73. विहसित (vihasita) (vihasita)
    mfn. laughing, smiling Hariv. Caurap.
    laughed, smiled at Katha1s.
    n. laughter, laughing, smiling Ka1v. Sa1h.
  74. विहायस् (vihāyas) (vihāyas)
    (%{vi4-}) mfn. (for 2., from which perhaps it is scarcely separable see %{vi-hA}) vigorous, active, mightyTA1r. (accord. to Sch. = %{mahat}, %{vaJcanavat}, %{vyAptR}, %{vividha-gamana-yukta}).
  75. विहार (vihāra) (vihāra)
    m. (once in BhP. n.) distribution, transposition (of words) AitBr. La1t2y.
    arrangement or disposition (of the 3 sacred fires
    also applied to the fires themselves or the space between them), S3rS.
    too great expansion of the organs of speech (consisting in too great lengthening or drawling in pronunciation, opp. to %{saM-hAra} q.v.) RPra1t.
    walking for pleasure or amusement, wandering, roaming MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    sport, play, pastime, diversion, enjoyment, pleasure (`" in "' or `" with "' comp.
    ifc. also = taking delight in) Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c.
    a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple (originally a hall where the monks met or walked about
    afterwards these halls were used as temples) Lalit. Mr2icch. Katha1s. &c. (cf. MWB. 68
    81 &c.)
    consecration for a sacrifice A1past.
    N. of the country of Magadha (called Biha1r or Beha1r from the number of Buddhist monasteries see MWB. 68) Cat.
    the shoulder
    a partic. bird (= %{bindurekaka})
    = %{vaijayanta}
    %{-kArikA} f. pl. N. of wk.
    %{-krIDA-mRga} m. a toy-antelope to play with BhP.
    %{-gRha} n. a pleasure-house, play-house, theatre MW.
    %{-dAsI} f. a female attendant of a convent or temple Ma1lati1m.
    %{-deza} m. a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. R. Ma1rkP.
    %{-bhadra} m. N. of a man Das3.
    %{-bhUmi} f. = %{-deza} Hariv.
    a grazing-ground, pasturage Kir.
    %{-yAtrA} f. a pleasure-walk MBh.
    %{-vat} mfn. possessing a place of recreation Mn. MBh.
    (ifc.) delighting in Mn. x, 9
    %{-vana} n. a pleasure-grove Das3.
    %{-vApI} f. `" plpleasure-pond "'N. of wk.
    %{-vAri} n. water for sporting or playing about in Ragh.
    %{-zayana} n. a plpleasure-couch R.
    %{-zaila} m. a plpleasure-mountain R.
    %{-sthalI} f. (Va1s.), %{-sthAna} n. (BhP.)
    %{-rA7jira} n. (= %{-radeza})
    %{-rA7vasatha} m. (= %{-ra-gRha}) MBh.
  76. विहित (vihita) (vihita)
    mfn. (for see under %{vi-dhA}) improper, unfit, not good W.2 mfn. (fr., %{vi-} 1. %{dhA}, p. 967
    for 1. %{vi-hita} see p. 953, col. 2) distributed, divided, apportioned, bestowed, supplied &c.
    put in order, arranged, determined, fixed, ordained, ordered RV. &c. &c.
    prescribed, decreed, enjoined Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    destined or meant for (nom.) MBh.
    contrived, performed, made, accomplished, done Mn. MBh. &c.
    supplied, endowed, furnished with or possessed of (instr.) MBh. R. (cf. %{su-vihita})
    n. an order, command, decree Pan5cat.
    %{-kSaNa} mfn. eager for the right moment, intent upon (%{artham}) Vcar. (cf. %{kRta-kS-})
    %{-tva} n. the being enjoined or prescribed, prescription, direction Hcat. %{-durga-racana} mfn. one who has enjoined the building of a fortress MW.
    %{-pratiSiddha} mfn. enjoined and prohibited (%{-tva} n.) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    %{-yajJa} mfn. performing sacrifices S3ak. (v.l. for %{vitata-y-})
    %{-vat} mfn. one who has performed or undertaken W.
    %{-vRtti} mfn. one who is maintained or nourished by (instr.) Ra1jat.
    %{-sena} m. N. of a prince Katha1s.
    %{-tA7gas} mfn. one who has committed a fault, faulty, wicked W.
    %{-tA7Jjali} mfn. making a respectful obeisance S3is3.
    %{-te7ndriya} mfn. possessed of one's senses Bhat2t2.
  77. विहीन (vihīna) (vihīna)
    mfn. entirely abandoned or left &c.
    low, vulgar MBh.
    (ibc.) wanting, missing, absent R. VarBr2S.
    destitute or deprived of, free from (instr. abl., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-tA} f. abandonment MW.
    (ifc.) absence or want of Hariv. Pan5cat.
    %{-tilaka} mf(%{A})n. having no coloured sectarian mark (see %{tilaka}) on the forehead R.
    %{-yoni} mfn. of low origin MBh.
    %{-varNa} mfn. of low caste Gaut. &c. see above.
  78. विहृत (vihṛta) (vihṛta)
    mfn. set or put asunder, distributed, disposed &c.
    transposed, varied (as words or Pa1das) S3rS.
    n. a walk R.
    hesitation, reluctance, bashful silence (one of the 10 Ha1vas or feminine modes of indicating love) Das3ar. Sa1h.
    %{-SoDazI} f. N. of wk.
  79. विह्वल (vihvala) (vihvala)
    mf(%{A})n. agitated, perturbed, distressed, afflicted, annoyed (%{am} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. myrrh
    %{-cetana} (MBh.), %{-cetas} (Katha1s.) mfn. distressed in mind, low-spirited
    %{-tanu} mfn. one whose body is exhausted by (comp.) Pan5cat.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. agitation, perturbation, consternation, anxiety MBh. [1004,1]
    %{-locana} mfn. one who has unsteady or rolling eyes MBh. BhP.
    %{-sA7lasA7Gga} mf(%{I})n. one whose body is exhausted and languid Caurap.
    %{-hRdaya} mfn. (= %{-cetana}) BhP.
    %{-lA7kSa} mf(%{I})n. (= %{-la-locana}) ib.
    %{-lA7Gga} mfn. (= %{-la-tanu}) Ma1rkP. Pan5cat.
    %{-lA7tman} mfn. (= %{-la-cetana}) BhP.
  80. विह्वलित (vihvalita) (vihvalita)
    mfn. = %{-hvala} MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-sarvA7Gga} mfn. trembling with the whole body MBh.
  81. वीक्षण (vīkṣaṇa) (vīkṣaṇa)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) looking at, seeing, inspection, investigation S3rS. MBh. &c.
    a glance, gaze Ka1v. VarBr2S. BhP.
    the eye S3is3. xviii, 30
    (in astrol.) aspect of the planets VarBr2S.
  82. वीक्षित (vīkṣita) (vīkṣita)
    mfn. looked at, seen, beheld, regarded VS. &c. &c.
    n. a look, glance Ka1lid. Bhartr2.
  83. वीचि (vīci) (vīci)
    f. (prob. fr. %{vi} + 2. %{aJc}) going or leading aside or astray, aberration, deceit, seduction RV. x, 10, 6
    also m. (L.) and (%{I}) f. (ifc. %{-ci}, or %{-cika}) a wave, ripple Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c.
    `" wave "' as N. of a subdivision of a chapter (called %{pravAha}, `" river "') Sadukt.
    (prob. for %{a-vIci}) a partic. hell R. (L. also = %{sukha}, %{avakAza}, %{svalpa}, %{alpa}, %{Ali}, %{kiraNa}).
  84. वीटी (vīṭī) (vīṭī)
    f. the betel plant, Piper Betel
  85. वीणा (vīṇā) (vīṇā)
    f. (of doubtful derivation) the Vi1n2a1 or Indian lute (an instrument of the guitar kind, supposed to have been invented by Na1rada q.v., usually having seven wires or strings raised upon nineteen frets or supports fixed on a long rounded board, towards the ends of which are two large gourds
    its compass is said to be two octaves, but it has many varieties according to the number of strings &c.) TS. S3Br. &c. &c.
    (in astrol.) a partic. configuration of the stars (when all planets are situated in 7 houses) VarBr2S.
    N. of a Yogini1 Cat.
    of a river MBh.
  86. वीत (vīta) (vīta)
    1 mfn. gone, approached &c.
    desired, liked, loved, pleasant RV. S3a1n3khS3r.
    straight, smooth RV. iv, 2, 11
    ix, 97, 17
    trained, quiet Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. a line, row (= %{rAji}). A1s3vGr2.
    n. a wish, desire TA1r.
    the driving or guiding of an elephant (with a goad) &c. S3is3. v, 47.3 mfn. covered, hidden, concealed RV. (cf. %{kRtsna-v-})
    covered or wrapped in, girt with (instr.) ib. BhP.
  87. वीत (vīta) (vīta)
    1 mfn. gone, approached &c.
    desired, liked, loved, pleasant RV. S3a1n3khS3r.
    straight, smooth RV. iv, 2, 11
    ix, 97, 17
    trained, quiet Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. a line, row (= %{rAji}). A1s3vGr2.
    n. a wish, desire TA1r.
    the driving or guiding of an elephant (with a goad) &c. S3is3. v, 47.3 mfn. covered, hidden, concealed RV. (cf. %{kRtsna-v-})
    covered or wrapped in, girt with (instr.) ib. BhP.
  88. वीत (vīta) (vīta)
    1 mfn. gone, approached &c.
    desired, liked, loved, pleasant RV. S3a1n3khS3r.
    straight, smooth RV. iv, 2, 11
    ix, 97, 17
    trained, quiet Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. a line, row (= %{rAji}). A1s3vGr2.
    n. a wish, desire TA1r.
    the driving or guiding of an elephant (with a goad) &c. S3is3. v, 47.3 mfn. covered, hidden, concealed RV. (cf. %{kRtsna-v-})
    covered or wrapped in, girt with (instr.) ib. BhP.
  89. वीतभीति (vītabhīti) (vītabhīti)
    mfn. id. S3is3. xviii, 84
    m. N. of an Asura Katha1s.
  90. वीतमन्यु (vītamanyu) (vītamanyu)
    mfn. free from resentment or anger Kat2hUp.
    exempt or free from sorrow MBh.
  91. वीति (vīti) (vīti)
    1 f. (dat. %{vIta4ye} often used as inf.) enjoyment, feast, dainty meal, full draught &c. RV.
    advantage, profit ib. (L. also light, lustre = %{gati}, %{prajana}, %{dhAvana})
    m. a partic. Agni AitBr.
  92. वीतिहोत्र (vītihotra) (vītihotra)
    (%{vIti4-}) mfn. inviting to enjoyment or to a feast ib.
    invited to a feast (as gods) VS.
    m. fire or the god of fire Ra1jat. BhP. (pl. the worshippers of fire in any form Cat.)
    the sun
    N. of a king MBh.
    of a son of Priya-vrata BhP.
    of a son of Indra-sena ib.
    of a son of Su-kuma1ra ib.
    of a son of Ta1la-jan3gha ib. VP. (pl. his descendants)
    of a priest Cat.
    %{-dayitA} or %{-priyA} f. `" beloved of Vi1ti-hotra i.e. Agni "', N. of a Sva1ha1 Pan5car.
  93. वीथि (vīthi) (vīthi)
    or %{vIthI} f. (perhaps fr. %{vI}
    cf. 1. %{vIta}) a row, line Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    a road, way, street MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a race-course S3is3. v, 60
    a market, stall, shop ib. ix. 32
    a row of pictures, ppictures-gallery Uttarar. (v.l. %{vIthikA})
    a partic. division of the planetary sphere (comprising 3 asterisms) VarBr2S.
    a terrace in front of a house
    a sort of drama (having an amatory intrigue for its plot and said to be in one act and performed by one or two players) Bhar. Das3ar. &c.
  94. वीरुध् (vīrudh) (vīrudh)
    f. (once in MBh. m.
    fr. 3. %{vi} + 1. %{rudh} = %{ruh} cf. %{vi-sruh}) a plant, herb (esp. a creeping plant or a low shrub) RV. &c. &c. (%{vIru4dhAm@pa4tiH}, `" lord of plants "', in RV. applied to Soma, in MBh. to the moon)
    a branch, shoot W.
    a plant which grows again after being cut MW.
    the snare or noose of Indra Pa1rGr2.
  95. वीर्य (vīrya) (vīrya)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) manliness, valour, strength, power, energy RV. &c. &c.
    heroism, heroic deed ib.
    manly vigour, virility, semen virile MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    efficacy (of medicine) Kum. Kir.
    poison BhP.
    splendour, lustre W.
    dignity, consequence ib.
    (%{A}) f. vigour, energy, virility
    N. of a serpent-maid Ka1ran2d2.
  96. वृक (vṛka) (vṛka)
    m. (prob. `" the tearer "' connected with %{vrasc}, cf. %{vRkNa}), a wolf RV. &c. &c. (L. also `" a dog
    a jackal
    a crow
    an owl
    a thief
    a Kshatriya "')
    a plough RV. i, 117, 21
    viii, 22, 6
    a thunderbolt Naigh. ii, 20
    the moon Nir. v, 20
    the sun ib. 21
    a kind of plant (= %{baka})
    the resin of Pinus Longifolia
    N. of an Asura BhP.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a ib.
    of a king MBh.
    of a son of Ruruka (or Bharuka) Hariv. BhP.
    of a son of Pr2ithu BhP.
    of a son of S3u1ra ib.
    of a son of Vatsaka ib.
    (pl.) N. of a people and a country (belonging to Madhya-des3a) MBh. Pur. (cf. %{vArkeNya})
    (%{A}) f. a kind of plant (= %{ambaSThA})
    (%{I}) f. a she-wolf RV. &c. &c.
    a female jackal Nir. v, 21
    Clypea Hernandifolia[Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {lupus}
    &305168[1008,1] Slav. {vlu8ku8}
    Lith. {vi4las}
    Goth. {wulfs}
    Germ. Eng. {wolf}]
  97. वृकोदर (vṛkodara) (vṛkodara)
    m. `" wolf-bellied "'N. of Bhi1ma (the second son of Pa1n2d2u, so called from his enormous appetite cf. IW. 381) MBh. BhP.
    of Brahma1 W.
    pl. a class of demons attendant on S3iva S3ivaP.
    %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. (danger) arising from Bhi1ma MBh.
  98. वृक्ण (vṛkṇa) (vṛkṇa)
    see under %{vrazc}. mfn. cut off or down, cleft, felled, torn, broken RV. &c. &c.
    n. a cut, incision AV. TS.
  99. वृक्ष (vṛkṣa) (vṛkṣa)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    prob. connected with 2. %{bRh}, `" to grow "', or with 1. %{bRh}, `" to root up "', or with %{vrasc}, as `" that which is felled "') a tree, (esp.) any tree bearing visible flowers and fruit (see Mn. i, 47
    but also applied to any tree and other plants, often = wood see comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    the trunk of a tree RV. i, 130, 4
    a coffin AV. xviii, 2, 25
    the staff of a bow
    a frame (see comp.)
    Wrightia Antidysenterica Sus3r.
    a stimulant L.
  100. वृक्षक (vṛkṣaka) (vṛkṣaka)
    m. a little tree (also %{bAla-v-}) Kum. Vcar.
    (esp. ifc. f. %{A}) any tree R. Ka1lid. &c. (cf. %{gandha-} and %{phala-v-})
    Wrightia Antidysenterica Car.
    n. the fruit of WWrightia AAntidysenterica Sus3r.
    a stimulant
  101. वृक्षारोपण (vṛkṣāropaṇa) (vṛkṣāropaṇa)
    n. the act of planting trees W.
  102. वृजि (vṛji) (vṛji)
    m. N. of a man
    pl. N. of a people Buddh. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-2, 131)
    f. N. of a country = %{vraja} (the modern Braj, to the west of Delhi and Agra) W.
  103. वृध् (vṛdh) (vṛdh)
    cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. xviii, 20) %{va4rdhate} (Ved. and ep. also %{-ti}
    pf. %{vava4rdha}, %{vavRdhe} RV. &c. &c. [Ved. also %{vA7vR-}
    %{vavRdhAti}, %{-dhItA4s}, %{-dha4sva} RV.
    %{vAvRdhe4te} RV.
    p. %{vA8vRdha4t}
    aor. Ved. %{avRdhat}, %{vRdhAtas}, %{-dhAtu}
    p. %{vRdha4t}, %{-dhAna4}]
    %{avardhiSTa} MBh. &c.
    Prec. %{vardhiSIma4hi} VS.
    fut. %{vardhitA} Gr.
    %{vartsyati} Ka1v.
    %{vardhiSyate} Gr.
    inf. Ved. %{vRdhe} [`" for increase "', `" to make glad "'], %{vRdha4se}, %{vAvRdha4dhyai}
    Class. %{vardhitum}
    ind. p. %{vRddhvA}, or %{vardhitvA} Gr.
    in MBh. %{vRdh} is sometimes confounded with 1. %{vRt}), trans. P., to increase, augment, strengthen, cause to prosper or thriveS3Br. MBh.
    to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (esp. the gods, with praise or sacrifice) RV.
    (intrans. A1.
    in Ved. P. in pf. and aor.
    in Class. P. in aor. fut. and cond.
    also P. m. c. in other forms), to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed RV. &c. &c.
    to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals) Ya1jn5. Sch.
    to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by (instr. loc. gen.) or in regard to (dat.), become joyful, have cause for congratulation (%{vRdhaH}, %{-dhat} in sacrificial formulas = `" mayest thou or may he prosper "'
    in later language often with %{diStyA}) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{vardha4yati}, %{-te} (in later language also %{vardhApayati}
    aor. Ved. %{avIvRdhat}, %{-dhata}), to cause to increase or grow, augment, increase, make larger or longer, heighten, strengthen, further, promote (A1. `" for one's self "') RV. &c. &c.
    to rear, cherish, foster, bring up ib.
    to elevate, raise to power, cause to prosper or thrive AV. S3Br. MBh. &c.
    to exalt, magnify, glorify (esp. the gods), make joyful, gladden (A1. in Ved. also= to rejoice, be joyful, take delight in [instr.], enjoy RV. &c. &c.
    (with. or scil. %{diSTyA}) to congratulate Ka1d.
    (cl. 10. accord. to Dha1tup. xxxiii, 109) `" to speak "' or `" to shine "' (%{bhASA7rthe} or %{bhAsA7rthe}): Desid. of Caus. see %{vivardhayiSu}: Desid. %{vivardhiSate} or %{vivRtsati} Gr.: Intens. %{varivRdhyate}, %{varivRdhIti} ib.
  104. वृत (vṛta) (vṛta)
    1 mfn. concealed, screened, hidden, enveloped, surrounded by, covered with (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    stopped, checked, held back, pent up (as rivers) RV.
    filled or endowed or provided or affected with (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.2 mfn. chosen, selected, preferred, loved, liked, asked in marriage &c. RV. &c. &c.
    n. a treasure, wealth (= %{dhana}) L.
  105. वृत (vṛta) (vṛta)
    1 mfn. concealed, screened, hidden, enveloped, surrounded by, covered with (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    stopped, checked, held back, pent up (as rivers) RV.
    filled or endowed or provided or affected with (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.2 mfn. chosen, selected, preferred, loved, liked, asked in marriage &c. RV. &c. &c.
    n. a treasure, wealth (= %{dhana}) L.
  106. वृत्त (vṛtta) (vṛtta)
    mfn. turned, set in motion (as a wheel) RV.
    round, rounded, circular S3Br. &c. &c.
    occurred, happened (cf. %{kiM-v-}) A1past. R. &c.
    (ifc.) continued, lasted for a certain time MBh. vii, 6147
    completed, finished, absolved MaitrUp.
    past, elapsed, gone KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    quite exhausted TBr. (= %{zrAnta} Sch.)
    deceased, dead Mn. R.
    studied, mastered Pa1n2. 7-2, 26
    existing, effective, unimpaired (see %{vRttaU7jas})
    become (e.g. with %{mukta}, become free) Katha1s. xviii, 306
    acted or behaved towards (loc.) MBh. R.
    fixed, firm
    chosen (= %{vRta})
    m. a tortoise
    a kind of grass
    a round temple VarBr2S.
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (= %{jhiJjariSTA}, %{mAMsa-rohiNI}, %{mahA-kozAtakI}, and %{priyaGgu})
    a kind of drug (= %{reNukA})
    a kind of metre Col.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a circle Gan2it.
    the epicycle Su1ryas.
    occurrence, use Nir.
    (ifc.) transformation, change into RPra1t.
    appearance Vcar.
    (ifc.) formed of or derived from (see %{kiM-v-})
    an event, adventure R. Katha1s.
    a matter, affair, business ib.
    (also pl.) procedure, practice, action, mode of life, conduct, behaviour (esp. virtuous conduct, good behaviour) S3Br. &c. &c.
    means of life, subsistence Hariv. 335 (more correct %{vRtti})
    `" turn of a line "', the rhythm at the end of a verse, final rhythm RPra1t.
    a metre containing a fixed number of syllables, any metre Ka1vya7d. VarBr2S. &c.
    a metre consisting of 10 trochees Col. [1009,3]
  107. वृत्ति (vṛtti) (vṛtti)
    f. rolling, rolling down (of tears) S3ak. iv, 5
    mode of life or conduct, course of action, behaviour, (esp.) moral conduct, kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also v.l. for %{vRtta}) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    general usage, common practice, rule Pra1t.
    mode of being, nature, kind, character, disposition ib. Ka1v.
    state, condition Tattvas.
    being, existing, occurring or appearing in (loc. or comp.) La1t2y. Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
    practice, business, devotion or addiction to, occupation with (often ifc. `" employed about "', `" engaged in "', `" practising "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    profession, maintenance, subsistence, livelihood (often ifc.
    cf. %{uJcha-v-}
    %{vRttiM-kR} or %{klRp} [Caus.] with instr., `" to live on or by "'
    with gen., `" to get or procure a maintenance for "'
    only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Bra1hman see Mn. iv, 4-6) S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    wages, hire, Pan5cav.
    working, activity, function MaitrUp. Kap. Veda7ntas. &c.
    mood (of the mind) Veda7ntas.
    the use or occurrence of a word in a partic. sense (loc.), its function or force Pa1n2. Sa1h. Sch. on Ka1tyS3r. &c.
    mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold, viz. %{vilambitA}, %{madhyamA}, and %{drutA} q.v.) Pra1t.
    (in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form e.g. any word formed with Kr2it or Taddhita affixes, any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as Dvandva compounds, of which only one member is left, and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c.)
    style of composition (esp. dram. style, said to be of four kinds, viz. 1. Kais3iki1, 2. Bha1rati1 3. Sa1tvati1, 4. A1rabhat2i1, qq.vv.
    the first three are described as suited to the S3r2in3ga1ra, Vi1ra, and Raudra Rasas respectively, the last as common to all) Bhar. Das3ar. &c.
    (in rhet.) alliteration, frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated, scil. %{madhurA}, %{prau9DhA}, %{puruSA}, %{lalitA}, and %{bhadrA}) Das3ar., Introd.
    final rhythm of a verse (= or v.l. for %{vRtta} q.v.)
    a commentary, comment, gloss, explanation (esp. on a Su1tra)
    N. of the wife of a Rudra BhP.
  108. वृत्तिता (vṛttitā) (vṛttitā)
  109. वृत्तित्व (vṛttitva) (vṛttitva)
    n. state of existence, mode of subsistence, profession, conduct Mn. MBh. &c.
  110. वृत्र (vṛtra) (vṛtra)
    m. (only once in TS.) or n. (mostly in pl.) `" coverer, investor, restrainer "', an enemy, foe, hostile host RV. TS.
    m. N. of the Vedic personification of an imaginary malignant influence or demon of darkness and drought (supposed to take possession of the clouds, causing them to obstruct the clearness of the sky and keep back the waters
    Indra is represented as battling with this evil influence in the pent up clouds poetically pictured as mountains or castles which are shattered by his thunderbolt and made to open their receptacles [cf. esp. RV. i, 31]
    as a Da1nava, Vr2itra is a son of Tvasht2r2i, or of Danu q.v., and is often identified with Ahi, the serpent of the sky, and associated with other evil spirits, such as S3ushn2a, Namuci, Pipru, S3ambara, Uran2a, whose malignant influences are generally exercised in producing darkness or drought) RV. &c. &c.
    a thunder-cloud RV. iv, 10, 5 (cf. Naigh. i, 10)
    a wheel
    a mountain
    N. of a partic. mountain
    a stone Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    N. of Indra(?)
    n. wealth (= %{dhana})(v.l. %{vitta})
    sound, noise (= %{dhvani}) L.
  111. वृद्ध (vṛddha) (vṛddha)
    1 mfn. (fr. %{vardh}, p. 926, col. 1) cut, cut off, destroyed MBh.
    n. what is cut off, a piece S3ulbas. (v.l. %{vRdhra}).
  112. वृद्धक (vṛddhaka) (vṛddhaka)
    mfn. aged, old
    m. an old man MBh. Hariv.
    n. a tale DivyA7v.
  113. वृद्धक्षत्र (vṛddhakṣatra) (vṛddhakṣatra)
    m. N. of a man (see %{vArddhakSatri}).
  114. वृद्धत्व (vṛddhatva) (vṛddhatva)
    n. old age MBh.
  115. वृद्धि (vṛddhi) (vṛddhi)
    f. growth, increase Var. Ka1lid. Ra1jat.
    rising, rise (%{arghasya}, `" of price "') Var.
    prosperity, increasing welfare, rising in rank or reputation ib. Ra1jat. 1 f. cutting off, abscission W.
    (in law) forfeiture, deduction ib. 2 f. (for 1. see p. 1010) growth, increase, augmentation, rise, advancement, extension, welfare, prosperity, success, fortune, happiness RV. &c. &c.
    elevation (of ground) VarBr2S.
    prolongation (of life) Pan5cat.
    swelling (of the body) Sus3r.
    enlargement of the scrotum (either from swelled testicle or hydrocele) ib.
    swelling or rising (of the sea or of the waters), waxing (of the moon) MBh.
    gain, profit R. Subh.
    profit from lending money &c., usury, interest Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. (the various kinds of interest recognized by Hindu1 lawyers are, 1. %{kAyikA@vRddhi}, `" body-interest "' i.e. either the advantage arising from the body of an animal pledged as security for a loan, or interest paid repeatedly without reducing the body or principal
    2. %{kAlikA@v-}, `" timeinterest "' i.e. payable weekly, monthly, annually, &c., but most usually computed by the month
    3. %{cakrav-}, `" wheel-interest "' i.e. interest upon interest, compound interest
    4. %{kAritA@v-}, `" stipulated interest "', at a rate higher than the usual legal rate
    5. %{zikhA-v-}, `" interest growing like a lock of hair "' i.e. at a usurious rate payable daily [1011,2]
    6. %{bhoga-lAbha}, `" advantage [accruing to a creditor] from the use "' of objects handed over to him as security e.g. of lands, gardens, animals, &c.: `" lawful interest "' is called %{dharma-v-}, `" usurious interest "' %{a-nyAya-v-}, `" interest at the highest legal rate "' %{parama-v-}) IW. 264
    the second modification or increase of vowels (to which they are subject under certain conditions e.g. %{A} is the Vr2iddhi of the vowel %{a}
    %{ai} of %{i}, %{I}, and %{e}
    %{au} of %{u}, %{U}, and %{o}
    cf. 2. %{vRddha} and %{kRta-vRddhi}) VPra1t. Pa1n2. Ra1jat. Sarvad.
    one of the 8 principal drugs (described as mild, cooling &c.
    and a remedy for phlegm. leprosy, and worms) Sus3r. Bhpr.
    N. of the 11th of the astrological Yogas (or the Yoga star of the 11th lunar mansion)
    = %{vRddhi-zrAddha} Gr2S.
    m. (with %{bhaTTa}) N. of a poet Cat.
  116. वृद्धिमत् (vṛddhimat) (vṛddhimat)
    mfn. having increase, growing, increasing Ya1jn5. Bhartr2.
    become powerful or prosperous Bhat2t2.
    (in gram.) causing the vowel-modification called Vr2iddhi (q.v.) APra1t.
  117. वृन्द (vṛnda) (vṛnda)
    n. (fr. 1. %{vR} ?) a heap, multitude, host, flock, swarm, number, quantity, aggregation (%{vRndaM@vRndam}, %{vRndais}, or %{vRndavRndais}, in separate groups, in flocks or crowds) Naigh. MBh. &c.
    a bunch, cluster (of flowers or berries &c.) BhP.
    achorus of singers and musicians Sam2gi1t.
    a partic. high number (100,000 millions)
    m. a tumour in the throat Sus3r.
    a partic. high number (1,000 millions) A1ryabh.
    (with Jainas) a partic. S3akti(prob. %{vRndA})
    N. of a medical author Bhpr.
    (%{A}) f. sacred basil (= %{tulasI}) Cat.
    N. of Ra1dha1 (Kr2ishn2a's mistress) Pan5car. Vr2ishabha1n.
    of the wife of Jalam2-dhara (daughter of king Keda1ra)
    mfn. numerous, many, much, all W.
  118. वृन्दारक (vṛndāraka) (vṛndāraka)
    mf(%{akA} or %{ikA})n. being at the head of a host, chief, eminent, best or most beautiful of (loc. or comp.) Nir. MBh. &c.
    m. a god MBh. Pur.
    a chief, the leader of a crowd or herd W.
    N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh.
  119. वृन्दावन (vṛndāvana) (vṛndāvana)
    n. `" Ra1dha1's forest "', a wood near the town Go-kula in the district of Mathura1 on the left bank of the Jumna1 (celebrated as the place where Kr2ishn2a in the character of Go-pa1la, or cowherd, passed his youth, associating with the cowherds and milkmaids employed in tending the cattle grazing in the forest) Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
    a raised platform or mound of earth on which the worshippers of Kr2ishn2a plant and preserve the Tulasi1 MW.
    m. N. of various authors and others (also with %{go-svAmin} and %{zukla}) Cat.
    (%{I}) f. holy basil (= %{tulasI}) ib. [1011,3]
    %{-kAvya} n. N. of a poem (%{-vyaTIkA} f. of the Comm. on it)
    %{-khaNDe@garga-saMhitA} f. N. of wk.
    %{-candra} m. (with %{tarkA7laMkAra@cakravartin})N. of an author
    %{-campU} f. N. of a poem
    %{-dAsa} and %{-deva} m. N. of authors Cat.
    %{-nagara} n. N. of a town ib.
    %{-nirNaya} m. %{-paddhati} f. %{-pratiSThA} f. %{-maJjarI} f. %{-mAhAtmya} n. %{-yamaka} n. %{-rahasya} n. %{-lIlA7mRta} n. %{-varNana} n. %{-vinoda} m. N. of wks.
    %{-vipina} n. the Vr2inda1-vana wood Cat.
    %{-zataka} n. and %{-nA7khyAna} n. N. of wks.
    %{-ne7za} m. `" lord of VVr2inda1 "'N. of Kr2ishn2a Pan5car.
    %{-ne7zvara} m. id. ib.
    (%{I}) f. N. of Ra1dha1
  120. वृश्चद्वन (vṛścadvana) (vṛścadvana)
    see under %{vrazc}. mfn. (pr. p. of %{vrazc} + %{vana}) felling or destroying trees (said of Agni) RV.
  121. वृश्चन (vṛścana) (vṛścana)
    m. (fr. %{vrazc}) a scorpion
  122. वृश्चिक (vṛścika) (vṛścika)
    m. a scorpion, &c. &c.
    the zodiacal sign Scorpio VarBr2S. Pur.
    the month when the sun is in Scorpio W.
    a kind of caterpillar covered with bristles
    a sort of beetle found in cow-dung W.
    a centipede ib.
    N. of various plants (Boerhavia Procumbens = %{madana} &c.)
    (%{A}) f. Boerhavia Procumbens
    (%{I}) f. a female scorpion
    (%{A} or %{I}) f. an ornament for the toes Gal.
  123. वृष (vṛṣa) (vṛṣa)
    1 m. (prob. later form of %{vRSan}) a man, male, husband Ka1s3i1Kh.
    the male of any animal (see %{azva-v-})
    a bull (in older language only ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1012,1]
    the zodiacal sign Taurus VarBr2S.
    a strong or potent man (one of the four classes into which men are divided in erotic wks.)
    the chief of a class or anything the most excellent or preeminent or best of its kind (e.g. %{vRSo@'GgulinAm}, the chief among fingers, the thumb
    %{vRSo@gavAm} or simply %{vRSaH}, the bull among cows, the principal die in a game at dice
    often ifc. e.g. %{kapivRSAH}, the chief monkeys) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Justice or Virtue personified as a bull or as S3iva's bull Mn. viii, 16 Pur. Ka1vya7d.
    just or virtuous act, virtue, moral merit S3is3. Va1s.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    semen virile Va1s.
    water ib. Sch.
    a mouse or rat (cf. %{vR4za} and %{-daMza})
    an enemy
    a partic. form of a temple VarBr2S.
    a piece of ground suitable for the foundation of a house
    N. of Vishn2uKr2ishn2a MBh.
    of Indra Ma1rkP.
    of the Sun ib.
    of Ka1ma-deva
    of the regent of the Karan2a Catush-pada VarBr2S.
    of Indra in the 11th Manvantara Pur.
    of a Sa1dhya Hariv.
    of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    of an Asura (= %{vRSabha}) Ka1vya7d.
    of two sons of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of Karn2a MBh.
    of a son of Vr2isha-sena and grandson of Karn2a Hariv.
    of a Ya1dava and son of Madhu ib.
    of a son of Sr2in5jaya BhP.
    of an ancient king MBh.
    of one of the 10 horses of the Moon
    N. of various plants (L. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda
    Boerhavia Procumbens or Variegata
    a species of bulbous plant growing on the Himavat &c.) Ka1t2h. Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda
    Salvinia Cucullata
    Mucuna Pruritus
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    (%{I}) f. see %{bRsI}
    n. a woman's apartment
    a peacock's plumage or tail[Cf. Lat. {verres} for {verses}
    Lith. {ve4rszis}.]2 (not always separable from 1. %{vRSa}), in comp. for %{vRSan}.
  124. वृषण (vṛṣaṇa) (vṛṣaṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. sprinkling, fertilizing MW.
    m. (or n. Siddh.) the scrotum, (du.) the testicles VS. &c. &c.
    m. N. of S3iva MBh.
    of a son of Madhu Hariv.
    of a son of Ka1rtavi1rya VP.
  125. वृषपर्वन् (vṛṣaparvan) (vṛṣaparvan)
    see under 2. %{vRSa}. (%{vR4Sa-}) mfn. strong-jointed (Indra) ib.
    m. the root of Scirpus Kysoor
    the areca-nut tree
    N. of Vishn2u MBh.
    of S3iva
    of a Da1nava (father of S3armisht2ha1) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    of a Ra1jarshi MBh. Ma1rkP.
    of a monkey R.
  126. वृषल (vṛṣala) (vṛṣala)
    or m. (fr. %{vR4San}) a little or contemptible man, low or mean or wicked fellow (in later language `" a S3u1dra "') RV. &c. &c.
  127. वृषलीसेवन (vṛṣalīsevana) (vṛṣalīsevana)
    n. respect to or intercourse with a S3u1dra woman W.
  128. वृषसेन (vṛṣasena) (vṛṣasena)
    see under 2. %{vRSa}.
  129. वृषाकपि (vṛṣākapi) (vṛṣākapi)
    (%{vRSA4-}) m. `" man-ape "'N. of a semi-divine being standing in a partic. relation to Indra and Indra1n2i1 RV. x, 86 (by the Comm. identified with the Sun
    also supposed to be the son of Indra and the author of the above hymn
    cf. RTL. 222 n. 1)
    the sun MBh.
    fire Hariv.
    N. of S3iva MBh. Katha1s.
    of Indra BhP.
    of Vishn2u MBh.
    of one of the 11 Rudras ib.
    of the hymn attributed to Vr2isha1-kapi AitBr.
    %{-zastra} n. N. of wk.
  130. वृष्ट (vṛṣṭa) (vṛṣṭa)
    mfn. rained &c. (n. impers. e.g. %{yadi@na@vRSTam}, if it has not rained VarBr2S.
    %{-STe} ind. when it has rained AV.)
    fallen or dropped as rain Kat2hUp.
    one who has rained Pa1n2. 1-4, 88 Sch.
    m. N. of a son of Kukura (cf. %{vRSTi}) VP.
  131. वृष्टि (vṛṣṭi) (vṛṣṭi)
    or f. (sg. and pl.) rain RV. &c. &c. (ifc. often = a shower of cf. %{puSpa-}, %{zaravR-})
  132. वृष्णि (vṛṣṇi) (vṛṣṇi)
    or mfn. manly, strong, powerful, mighty RV.
  133. वेग (vega) (vega)
    m. (fr. %{vij}) violent agitation, shock, jerk AV. R.
    a stream, flood, current (of water, tears &c.) AV. S3vetUp. MBh. &c.
    rush, dash, impetus, momentum, onset MBh. BhP.
    impetuosity, vehemence, haste, speed, rapidity, quickness, velocity (%{vegAd@vegaM-gam}, to go from speed to speed, increase one's speed) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the flight (of an arrow) Kir.
    outbreak, outburst (of passion), excitement, agitation, emotion ib.
    attack, paroxysm (of a disease) Sus3r.
    circulation, working, effect (of poison
    in Sus3r. seven stages or symptoms are mentioned) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c.
    expulsion of the feces Sus3r.
    semen virile
    impetus Kan2. Sarvad.
    the fruit of Trichosanthes Palmata
    N. of a class of evil demons Hariv.
  134. वेगवत् (vegavat) (vegavat)
    mfn. agitated (as the ocean) R.
    impetuous, rapid, hasty, swift, violent MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a leopard
    N. of an Asura MBh.
    of a Vidya1dhara Katha1s.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of a king (son of Bandhu-mat) ib.
    of a monkey R.
    (%{vatI}) f. N. of a river R.
    a partic. drug Sus3r.
    a kind of metre Pin3g.
    N. of a Vidya1dhari1 Katha1s.
    (pl.) N. of a class of Apsarases or celestial nymphs VP.
    %{-tama} mfn. speediest, quickest, very quick or swift MW.
    %{-tara} mfn. more speedy, quicker, very quick ib.
    %{-tA} f. swiftness, velocity ib.
    %{-stotra} n. N. of a Stotra.
  135. वेङ्क (veṅka) (veṅka)
    m. pl. N. of a people in the south of India BhP. [1014,1]
  136. वेङ्कट (veṅkaṭa) (veṅkaṭa)
    m. (Pra1kr2it for %{vyaGkaTa}) N. of a very sacred hill in the Dra1vid2a country (in the district of North Arcot, about 80 miles from Madras
    it reaches an elevation of about 2,500 feet above the sea-level, and on the summit is the celebrated temple dedicated to Kr2ishn2a or Vishn2u in his character of `" Lord of Ven3kat2a "', also called S3ri1-pati or Tirupati, whence the hill is sometimes popularly known as Tri-pati
    it is annually thronged with thousands of pilgrims RTL. 267) BhP.
    of a king of Vijaya-nagara (the patron. of Appaya Di1kshita) Cat.
    (also with %{adhvarin}, %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{bhaTTa}, %{yajvan}, %{yogin} &c.) N. of various authors and teachers ib.
  137. वेणि (veṇi) (veṇi)
    f. (fr. 1. %{ve}) weaving, braiding
    braided hair or a braid of hair, hair twisted into a single unornamented braid and allowed to fall on the back (so worn by widows and women who mourn for absent husbands cf. %{eka-veNi}
    the water of a river is often compared to such a braid, but in these meanings the form %{veNI} is more common see below) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the confluence or meeting of two or more rivers or streams in a common point of union (as at Praya1ga or Alla1ha1ba1d cf. %{triv-}) W.
    property re-united after it has been before divided Vas.
    a cascade L.
  138. वेणु (veṇu) (veṇu)
    or %{ve4Nu} m. (prob. connected with 1. %{ve}) a bamboo, reed, cane RV. &c. &c.
    a flute, fife, pipe MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lalit.
    of a king of the Ya1davas MBh.
    of a son of S3ata-jit VP.
    of a mountain Ma1rkP.
    of a river
    (pl.) the descendants of Ven2u A1s3vS3r. (%{veNor@vizAle}N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.)
  139. वेणीसंहार (veṇīsaṃhāra) (veṇīsaṃhāra)
    m. `" binding up of the braided hair "' N. of a wellknown drama by Bhat2t2a-na1ra1yan2a (who probably lived in the 9th century
    its subject is taken from an incident narrated in the 2nd and 8th books of the Maha1-bha1rata, in which is described how Yudhisht2hira gambled away all his possessions, including Draupadi1, and how Duh2-s3a1sana then insulted Draupadi1 by loosening her braided hair and dragging her away by her dishevelled locks, and how Bhi1ma, who witnessed the insult, swore that he would one day kill Duh2-s3a1sana and drink his blood
    this threat he fulfilled, and Draupadi1's hair was then bound up again
    cf. MBh. ii, 2229-2235, viii, 4235).
  140. वेतस (vetasa) (vetasa)
    m. (cf. %{veta} and %{vetra}) the ratan (Calamus Rotang) or a similar kind of cane, a reed, rod, stick RV. &c. &c.
    the citron (Citrus Medica) MW.
    N. of Agni ib.
    (%{I}) f. the ratan, cane, reed Katha1s. (%{-sI-taru} Sa1h.)
    n. a lancet shaped like a pointed leaf of the ratan Va1gbh.
    N. of a city Katha1s. [Cf. accord. to some, Gk. $
    Lat. {vitis}
    &307165[1014,3] Germ. {wi7da}, {Weide}
    Eng. {withy}.]
  141. वेताल (vetāla) (vetāla)
    m. (of doubtful derivation) a kind of demon, ghost, spirit, goblin, vampire (esp. one occupying a dead body) Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    N. of one of S3iva's attendants, Ka1lika1P.
    of a teacher BhP.
    of a poet Cat.
    a door-keeper (?)
    (%{A}) f. a form of Durga1 Va1s.
    (%{I}) f. N. of Durga1 Hariv.
  142. वेतालपञ्चविंशतिका (vetālapañcaviṃśatikā) (vetālapañcaviṃśatikā)
    f. a collection of 25 tales or fables told by a Veta1la or demon to king Vikrama7ditya (of which there are 5 recensions extant, one by Ksheme7ndra in his Br2ihat-katha1-man5jari1, one by Soma-deva in the Katha1-sarit-sa1gara, and the other three by Jambhala-datta, Vallabha, and S3iva-da1sa [1015,1]
    versions of these popular tales exist in Hindi1, Tamil and Telugu, and almost every Hindu1 vernacular).
  143. वेत्तृ (vettṛ) (vettṛ)
    1 mfn. (fr. 1. %{vid}) ono who knows or feels or witnesses or experiences, a knower, experiencer, witness S3vetUp. MBh. &c.
    m. a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul and God W.2 m. (fr. 3. %{vid}) one who obtains in marriage, an espouser, husband A1past.
  144. वेत्र (vetra) (vetra)
    m. n. (accord. to Un2. iv, 166, fr. 1. %{vI}
    prob. connected with 1. %{ve} cf. %{veNu}) a kind of large reed (used for making sticks, prob. Calamus Rotang or Fasciculatus) Kaus3. MBh. &c.
    n. a cane, staff VarBr2S. BhP. MaitrUp. Sch.
    the rod or mace of an officer, staff of a door-keeper (see comp.)
    the tube of a flute Sam2gi1t.
  145. वेद (veda) (veda)
    1 m. (fr. 1. %{vid} q.v.) knowledge, true or sacred knowledge or lore, knowledge of ritual RV. AitBr.
    N. of certain celebrated works which constitute the basis of the first period of the Hindu1 religion (these works were primarily three, viz. 1. the R2ig-veda, 2. the Yajur-veda [of which there are, however, two divisions see %{taittirIya-saMhitA}, %{vAjasaneyi-saMhitA}], 3. the Sa1ma-veda [1015,2]
    these three works are sometimes called collectively %{trayI}, `" the triple Vidya1 "' or `" threefold knowledge "', but the R2ig-veda is really the only original work of the three, and much the most ancient [the oldest of its hymns being assigned by some who rely on certain astronomical calculations to a period between 4000 and 2500 B.C., before the settlement of the A1ryans in India
    and by others who adopt a different reckoning to a period between 1400 and 1000 B.C., when the A1ryans had settled down in the Panja1b]
    subsequently a fourth Veda was added, called the Atharva-veda, which was probably not completely accepted till after Manu, as his law-book often speaks of the three Vedas-calling them %{trayam@brahma@sanAtanam}, `" the triple eternal Veda "', but only once [xi, 33] mentions the revelation made to Atharvan and An3giras, without, however, calling it by the later name of Atharva-veda
    each of the four Vedas has two distinct parts, viz. 1. Mantra, i.e. words of prayer and adoration often addressed either to fire or to some form of the sun or to some form of the air, sky, wind &c., and praying for health, wealth, long life, cattle, offspring, victory, and even forgiveness of sins, and 2. Bra1hman2a, consisting of Vidhi and Artha-va1da, i. e. directions for the detail of the ceremonies at which the Mantras were to be used and explanations of the legends &c. connected with the Mantras [see %{brAhmaNa}, %{vidhi}], both these portions being termed %{zruti}, revelation orally communicated by the Deity, and heard but not composed or written down by men [cf. I. W. 24 &c.], although it is certain that both Mantras and Bra1hman2as were compositions spread over a considerable period, much of the latter being comparatively modern
    as the Vedas are properly three, so the Mantras are properly of three forms, 1. R2ic, which are verses of praise in metre, and intended for loud recitation
    2. Yajus, which are in prose, and intended for recitation in a lower tone at sacrifices
    3. Sa1man, which are in metre, and intended for chanting at the Soma or Moon-plant ceremonies, the Mantras of the fourth or Atharva-veda having no special name
    but it must be borne in mind that the Yajur and Sa1ma-veda hymns, especially the latter, besides their own Mantras, borrow largely from the R2ig-veda
    the Yajur-veda and Sa1ma-veda being in fact not so much collections of prayers and hymns as special prayer- and hymn-books intended as manuals for the Adhvaryu and Udga1tr2i priests respectively [see %{yajur-veda}, %{sAma-veda}]
    the Atharva-veda, on the other hand, is, like the R2ig-veda, a real collection of original hymns mixed up with incantations, borrowing little from the R2ig and having no direct relation to sacrifices, but supposed by mere recitation to produce long life, to cure diseases, to effect the ruin of enemies &c.
    each of the four Vedas seems to have passed through numerous S3a1kha1s or schools, giving rise to various recensions of the text, though the R2ig-veda is only preserved in the S3a1kala recension, while a second recension, that of the Bha1shkalas, is only known by name
    a tradition makes Vya1sa the compiler and arranger of the Vedas in their present form: they each have an Index or Anukraman2i1 [q.v.], the principal work of this kind being the general Index or Sarva7nukraman2i1 [q.v.]
    out of the Bra1hman2a portion of the Veda grew two other departments of Vedic literature, sometimes included under the general name Veda, viz. the strings of aphoristic rules, called Su1tras [q.v.], and the mystical treatises on the nature of God and the relation of soul and matter, called Upanishad [q.v.], which were appended to the A1ran2yakas [q.v.], and became the real Veda of thinking Hindu1s, leading to the Dars3anas or systems of philosophy
    in the later literature the name of `" fifth Veda "' is accorded to the Itiha1sas or legendary epic poems and to the Pura1n2as, and certain secondary Vedas or Upa-vedas [q.v.] are enumerated
    the Veda7n3gas or works serving as limbs [for preserving the integrity] of the Veda are explained under %{vedA7Gga} below: the only other works included under the head of Veda being the Paris3isht2as, which supply rules for the ritual omitted in the Su1tras
    in the Br2ihad-a1ran2yaka Upanishad the Vedas are represented as the breathings of Brahma1, while in some of the Pura1n2as the four Vedas are said to have issued out of the four mouths of the four-faced Brahma1 and in the Vishn2u-Pura1n2a the Veda and Vishn2u are identified) RTL. 7 &c. IW. 5
    24 &c.
    N. of the number `" four "' VarBr2S. [1015,3] Srutabh.
    feeling, perception S3Br.
    = %{vRtta} (v.l. %{vitta})(cf. 2. %{veda}).2 m. (fr. 3. %{vid}) finding, obtaining, acquisition (see %{su-v-})
    property, goods A1s3vGr2.4 m. N. of a pupil of A1yoda MBh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.
  146. वेदन (vedana) (vedana)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1017, col. 2) announcing, proclaiming (see %{bhaga-v-})
    n. perception, knowledge Nir. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (rarely %{A} f.)
    making known, proclaiming Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. pain, torture, agony (also personified as a daughter of Anr2ita) MBh. R. &c. (exceptionally n.)
    feeling, sensation Ya1jn5. S3is3. (with Buddhists one of the 5 Skandhas MWB. 109)
    (%{I}) f. the true skin or cutis L.
  147. वेदि (vedi) (vedi)
    1 m. a wise man, teacher, Pan2d2it
    f. knowledge, science (see %{a-v-})
    a seal-ring (also %{-dikA})
    (%{I}) f. N. of Sarasvati12 in comp. for 1. %{vedin}.
  148. वेदयितव्य (vedayitavya) (vedayitavya)
    mfn. to be made known or communicated R.
  149. वेदस् (vedas) (vedas)
    1 n. (for 2. see p. 1017, col. 3) knowledge, science RV. (cf. %{keta-}, %{jAta-}, %{vizva-v-}). 2 n. property, wealth
  150. वेदस् (vedas) (vedas)
    1 n. (for 2. see p. 1017, col. 3) knowledge, science RV. (cf. %{keta-}, %{jAta-}, %{vizva-v-}). 2 n. property, wealth
  151. वेदान्त (vedānta) (vedānta)
    &c. see p. 1017.
  152. वेदितव्य (veditavya) (veditavya)
    mfn. to be learnt or known or understood S3Br. &c. &c.
    to be known or recognized as, to be taken for, to be meant Ka1s3.
  153. वेद्य (vedya) (vedya)
    1 mfn. notorious, famous, celebrated
    to be learnt or known or understood, that which is learnt S3vetUp. MBh. &c.
    to be recognized or regarded as MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    relating to the Veda MBh. (cf. g. %{gav-Adi}).2 mfn. to be (or being) acquired TS. VS.
    to be married (see %{a-v-}).
  154. वेध (vedha) (vedha)
    1 mfn. ( %{vidh}) = %{vedhas}, pious, faithful AV. (v.l.)
  155. वेधन (vedhana) (vedhana)
    n. piercing, hitting (with an arrow) MBh.
    penetration, excavation MW.
    affecting with (instr.) S3am2k.
    depth (cf. 2. %{vedha}) MBh.
    puncturing, pricking, wounding MW.
    (%{I}) f. an auger, gimlet, any piercing instrument (esp. for piercing an elephant's ears)
    Trigonella Foenum Graecum
  156. वेधस् (vedhas) (vedhas)
    mfn. (in some meanings prob. connected with %{vi-dhA}
    nom. m. %{vedhA4s} acc. %{vedha4sam} or %{vedhA4m}) pious, religious, virtuous, good, brave (also applied to gods)TS. MBh. Hariv.
    wise Ka1m.
    performing, accomplishing (in %{gambhIra-v-}) BhP.
    m. a worshipper of the gods RV.
    an arranger, disposer, creator (esp. applied to Brahma1, but also to Praja1pati, Purusha, S3iva, Vishn2u, Dharma, the Sun &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an author Ra1jat. Sarvad.
    a wise or learned man
    N. of the father of Hari-s3candra (see %{vaidasa}).
  157. वेन (vena) (vena)
    mf(%{I})n. yearning, longing, eager, anxious, loving RV.
    m. longing, desire, wish, care ib.
    N. of the hymn RV. x, 123 (beginning with %{ayaM@venaH}) S3a1n3khBr.
    = %{yajJa} Naigh. iii, 17
    N. of a divine being of the middle region Naigh. v, 4 Nir. x, 38 (also applied to Indra, the Sun, Praja1-pati, and a Gandharva
    in AitBr. i, 20 connected with the navel)
    of various men, (esp.) of the author of RV. ix, 85
    x, 123 (having the patr. %{bhArgava})
    of a Ra1jarshi or royal R2ishi (father of Pr2ithu, and said to have perished through irreligious conduct and want of submissiveness to the Bra1hmans
    he is represented as having occasioned confusion of castes see Mn. vii, 41
    ix, 66
    67, and as founder of the race of Nisha1das and Dhi1varas
    according to the Vishn2u-Pura1n2a, Vena was a son of An3ga and a descendant of the first Manu
    a Vena Ra1ja-s3ravas is enumerated among the Veda-vya1sas or arrangers of the Veda) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    v.l. for %{veNa} q.v.
    (%{A}) f. love, desire RV.
  158. वेप (vepa) (vepa)
    mf(%{I})n. vibrating (voice) RV. vi, 22, 5
    m. = next Kaus3. BhP.
  159. वेपथु (vepathu) (vepathu)
    m. quivering, trembling, tremor AV. &c. &c.
    mfn. trembling, quaking VarBr2S.
  160. वेपित (vepita) (vepita)
    n. trembling, agitation (in %{sa-vepitam}), S3a1ntis3.
  161. वेर (vera) (vera)
    m. n. (only L.) the body
    n. the egg-plant
    the mouth.
  162. वेला (velā) (velā)
    f. limit, boundary, end S3Br. Ka1vya7d.
    distance S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    boundary of sea and land (personified as the daughter of Meru and Dha1rin2i1, and the wife of Samudra), coast, shore (%{velAyAm}, on the sea-shore, coast-wise) MBh. Ka1v. &c. [1018,3]
    limit of time, period, season, time of day, hour (with %{pazcimA}, the evening hour
    %{kA@velA}, `" what time of the day is it? "' %{kA@velA@prA7ptAyAH}, `" how long has she been here? "' %{-velam} ifc. after a numeral = times) S3Br. &c. &c.
    opportunity, occasion, interval, leisure (%{velAm@pra-kR}, to watch for an opportunity
    %{velAyAm}, at the right moment or season
    %{artha-velAyAm}, at the moment when the meaning is under consideration) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    meal-time, meal (as of a god = %{Izvarasya@bhojanam}, S3iva's meal)
    the last hour, hour of death BhP.
    easy or painless death
    tide, flow (opp. to `" ebb "'), stream, current MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
    `" sickness "' or `" passion "' (%{rAga} or %{roga})
    the gums
    N. of the wife of Buddha
    of a princess found on the seashore (after whom the 11th Lambaka of the Katha1sarit-sa1gara is called).
  163. वेश (veśa) (veśa)
    m. (1. %{viz}) `" a settler "', small farmer, tenant, neighbour, dependent, vassal RV. Ka1t2h. (once in VS. %{ve4za})
    entrance, ingress W.
    a tent (see %{vastra-v-})
    a house, dwelling (cf. %{vezavATa})
    prostitution or a house of ill fame, brothel Mn. Das3. Katha1s.
    the behaviour of a courtezan Katha1s.
    trade, business (to explain %{vaizya})
    the son of a Vais3ya and an Ugri1
    often w.r. for %{veSa}. [For cognate words see under 1. %{viz}.]
  164. वेश्मन् (veśman) (veśman)
    n. a house, dwelling, mansion, abode, apartment RV. &c. &c.
    a palace A1past.
    an astrological house VarBr2S.
    N. of the 4th astrastrological house ib.
  165. वेश्या (veśyā) (veśyā)
    f. `" intranda "', a harlot, courtezan, prostitute Mn. MBh. &c. (in comp. also %{vezya}
    see prec.)
    Clypea Hernandifolia
    a kind of metre Col.
  166. वेष (veṣa) (veṣa)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}, or %{I} cf. %{bhUta-veSI}
    fr. %{viS}) work, activity, management VS. Kaus3. Ka1tyS3r.
    dress, apparel, ornament, artificial exterior, assumed appearance (often also = look, exterior, appearance in general) Mn. MBh. &c. (acc. with %{kR} or %{A-sthA}, `" to assume a dress "', with %{gam} or %{vi-dhA}, `" to assume an appearance "'
    with %{A-cchAdya}, `" concealing one's appearance "', `" disguising one's self "'
    %{pracchanna-veSeNa} id.)
    often w.r. for %{veza}
    (%{veSa4}) mfn. working, active, busy VS. (cf. %{prAtar-v-}).
  167. वेष्ट (veṣṭa) (veṣṭa)
    m. enclosing, an enclosure
    a band, noose Kaus3. MBh.
    a tooth-hole Sus3r.
    gum, resin
    n. (that which surrounds) Brahman or the sky L.
  168. वेसर (vesara) (vesara)
    m. (cf. %{vega-sara}
    also written %{vezara}) a mule VarBr2S. S3is3.
    (%{I}) f. a female mule DivyA7v.
    n. (used to explain %{vAsara}) Nir. iv, 7
  169. वइकर्तन (vaïkartana) (vaikartana)
    mfn. (fr. %{vi-kartana}) relating or belonging to the sun Ra1ghav.
    m. N. of Karn2a (as son of the sun) MBh.
    patr. of Su-gri1va Ra1ghav.
  170. वइकुण्ठ (vaïkuṇṭha) (vaikuṇṭha)
    m. (fr. %{vi-kuNTha}) N. of Indra S3Br. KaushUp.
    of Vishn2u (Kr2ishn2a) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    a statue of Vishn2u Ra1jat.
    the 24th day in the month of Brahma1
    (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    a kind of Ocimum
    N. of various men (esp. authors and teachers) Cat.
    (with Indra) N. of the supposed author of RV. x, 48-50 Anukr.
    pl. or sg. (scil. %{gaNa}) N. of a class of gods Pur.
    m. or n. Vishn2u's heaven (variously described as situated in the northern ocean or on the eastern peak of mount Meru) Pan5cat. BhP. &c.
    n. talc W.
    (%{A}) f. Vaikun2t2ha's (Vishn2u's) S3akti Pan5car.
  171. वइकुण्ठचतुर्दशी (vaïkuṇṭhacaturdaśī) (vaikuṇṭhacaturdaśī)
    f. the 14th day of the light half of the month Ka1rttika (sacred to Vishn2u) MW.
  172. वइखरी (vaïkharī) (vaikharī)
    f. N. of a partic. sound Ra1matUp. Pat.
    speech in the fourth of its four stages from the first stirring of the air or breath, articulate utterance, that utterance of sounds or words which is complete as consisting of full and intelligible sentences MW.
    the faculty of speech or the divinity presiding over it ib.
    speech in general A.
  173. वइखानस (vaïkhānasa) (vaikhānasa)
    m. (fr. %{vi-khAnasa}) a Bra1hman in the third stage of his life, anchorite, hermit (= %{vAnaprastha} q.v.) Ka1v. Gaut. BhP.
    a patr. of Vamra RAnukr.
    of Puru-hanman Pan5cavBr.
    N. of partic. stars VarBr2S.
    of a sect of Vaishn2avas W. Cat.
    (%{I}) f. a female anchorite Ba1lar.
    a vessel used for cooking the meat offered in sacrifice W.
    mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging to Vaikha1nasas or anchorites (with %{tantra} n. the Tantra of the sect called Vaikha1nasa BhP.) TS. Pan5cavBr. La1t2y. &c.
    n. N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
  174. वइचित्र्य (vaïcitrya) (vaicitrya)
    n. variety, manifoldness, diversity Kap. Hit. VarBr2S. &c.
    = %{vaicitrI} above Ka1v. Sa1h. &c.
    w.r. for %{vaicittya} Ma1lati1m.
    sorrow, despair MW.
  175. वइजयन्त (vaïjayanta) (vaijayanta)
    m. (fr. %{vi-jayat}, or %{-yanta}) the banner of Indra MBh.
    a banner, flag R.
    the palace of Indra Buddh.
    a house A.
    N. of Skanda
    of a mountain MBh. Hariv.
    pl. (with Jainas) N. of a class of deities
    (%{I}) f. a flag, banner MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an ensign W.
    a kind of garland prognosticating victory MBh. Pur.
    the necklace of Vishn2u MW.
    N. of the 8th night of the civil month Su1ryapr.
    Premna Spinosa Sus3r.
    Sesbania Aegyptiaca
    N. of a lexicon by Ya1davapraka1s3a
    of a Comm. to Vishn2u's Dharmas3a1stra (IW. 304, 305)
    of various other wks.
    of a town or a river AV. Paris3.
    n. N. of a gate in Ayodhya1 R.
    of a town (= %{vana-vAsI}) R. Inscr.
  176. वइजयिक (vaïjayika) (vaijayika)
    mf(%{I})n. conferring or foretelling victory (%{-kInAM} [v.l. %{-kAnAM}] %{vidyAnAMjJAnam}, one of the 64 arts) VarBr2S. Hariv. &c.
  177. वइज्ञानिक (vaïjñānika) (vaijñānika)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vi-jJAna}) rich in knowledge, proficient
  178. वइदूर्य (vaïdūrya) (vaidūrya)
    1 mf(%{I} or %{rI})n. (fr. %{vi-dUra}) brought from Vidu1ra Pa1n2. 4-3, 84. 2 w.r. for %{vaiDUrya}.
  179. वइतालिक (vaïtālika) (vaitālika)
    1 m. one who is possessed by a Veta1la, the servant of a Veta1la W.
    the worshipper of a Veta1la MW.
    a magician, conjurer ib. 2 m. (fr. %{vi-tAla}) a bard, panegyrist of a king (whose duty also is to proclaim the hour of day) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    = %{-kheDDatAla}
    one who sings out of tune (?) W. (prob. w.r. for 2. %{vaitAnika} above)
    n. knowledge of one of the 64 arts BhP. Sch.
  180. वइदेह (vaïdeha) (vaideha)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vi-deha}) belonging to the country of the Videhas TS. MaitrS.
    (accord. to Comm. on TS.) having a handsome frame or body, well-formed
    (%{vai4d-}) m. a king of the VedVeda (also %{-ho@rAjan}) Br. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c.
    a dweller in Videha MW.
    a partic. mixed caste, the son of a S3u1dra by a Vais3ya1 (Gaut.), or of a Vais3ya by a Bra1hman woman (Mn.)
    a trader
    an attendant on the woman's apartments
    pl. = %{videha} (N. of a people) MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    people of mixed castes MW.
    (%{I4}) f. see below.
  181. वइद्य (vaïdya) (vaidya)
    mfn. (fr. %{vidyA}, and in some meanings fr. %{veda}) versed in science, learned A1s3vGr2. Ka1ty. Mn. &c.
    relating or belonging to the Vedas, conformable to the VVedas, Vedic W.
    medical, medicinal, practising or relating to medicine W.
    w.r. for %{vedya} MBh.
    m. a learned man, Pandit W.
    follower of the Vedas or one well versed in them ib.
    an expert (versed in his own profession, esp. in medical science), skilled in the art of healing, a physician (accounted a mixed caste) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Gendarussa Vulgaris
    N. of a R2ishi MBh. (w.r. for %{raibhya})
    (%{A}) f. a kind of medicinal plant
    (%{I}) f. the wife of a physician Pa1n2. 6-4, 150 Sch.
  182. वइधर्म्य (vaïdharmya) (vaidharmya)
    n. unlawfulness, injustice MBh. R.
    difference of duty or obligation W.
    difference, heterogeneity Sus3r. Kan2. &c.
  183. वइधात्र (vaïdhātra) (vaidhātra)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vi-dhAtR}) derived from Brahma1 or fate Ra1jat.
    m. patr. of Sanatkuma1ra
    (%{I}) f. a species of plant (= %{brAhmI})
  184. वइनतेय (vaïnateya) (vainateya)
    m. (fr. %{vi-natA}) metron. fr. %{vi-natA} MaitrS. MBh. (also pl.)
    N. of Garud2a (MBh. Ka1v. &c.) and of Arun2a (MatsyaP.)
    N. of a son of Garud2a MBh.
    of a poet Sadukt.
    pl. N. of a school Caran2.
    (%{I}) f. metron. fr. %{vi-natA} Pa1n2. 4-1, 15 Sch.
  185. वइनयिक (vaïnayika) (vainayika)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vi-naya}) relating to moral conduct or discipline or good behaviour (%{vainayikInAM} [w.r. %{-kAnAM}] %{vidyAnAM@jJAnam} `" knowledge of the sciences relating to such subjects "', reckoned among the 64 arts) MBh. R. BhP. Sch.
    enforcing proper behaviour W.
    performed by the officers of criminal justice, magisterial MW.
    used in military exercises (as a chariot)
    m. n. (and %{I} f.) a chariot used in military exercises, a war-chariot
  186. वइमनस्य (vaïmanasya) (vaimanasya)
    n. (fr. %{vi-manas}) dejection, depression, melancholy (also pl.) AV. MBh. &c.
    sickness MW.
  187. वइमात्र (vaïmātra) (vaimātra)
    mfn. (fr. %{vi-mAtR}) descended from another mother (with %{bhrAtR} m. a step-brother) R. S3a1n3khS3r. Sch.
    heterogeneous (%{-tA} f.) Buddh.
    m. a step-mother's son, half brother W.
    (%{A}, or %{I}) f. a step-mother's daughter ib.
    (prob.) n. gradation (?) Buddh.
    a partic. high number ib.
  188. वइयाकरण (vaïyākaraṇa) (vaiyākaraṇa)
    mfn. (fr. %{vy-AkaraNa}) relating to grammar, grammatical W.
    m. a grammarian MBh. Sa1h. &c.
    (%{I}) f. a female grammarian MW.
  189. वइर (vaïra) (vaira)
    mfn. (fr. %{vIra}) hostile, inimical, revengeful AV.
    n. (exceptionally m. [?] ifc. f. %{A}) enmity, hostility, animosity, grudge, quarrel or feud with (instr. with or without %{saha}, or %{sA7rdham}, or comp.
    often pl.) AV. Pan5cavBr. MBh. &c.
    heroism, prowess W.
    a hostile host S3is3.
    money paid as a fine for manslaughter Ta1n2d2yaBr.
  190. वइरागिन् (vaïrāgin) (vairāgin)
    mfn. id. BrahmaP.
    m. a partic. class of religious devotees or mendicants (generally Vaishn2avas) who have freed themselves from all worldly desires RTL. 87.
  191. वइराग्य (vaïrāgya) (vairāgya)
    n. change or loss of colour, growing pale Sus3r. Ka1m.
    disgust, aversion, distaste for or loathing of (loc. abl., or comp.) Bhag. Ragh. &c.
    freedom from all worldly desires, indifference to worldly objects and to life, asceticism Up. MBh. &c.
  192. वइरिन् (vaïrin) (vairin)
    mfn. hostile, inimical
    m. an enemy Mn. MBh. &c.
    a hero W.
    (%{iNI}), a female enemy Ca1n2. Katha1s.
  193. वइरूप्य (vaïrūpya) (vairūpya)
    n. multiplicity of form, diversity, difference MBh. Ma1rkP. Br2A1rUp. Sch.
    deformity, ugliness MBh. Hariv. Ya1jn5. &c.
  194. वइरोचन (vaïrocana) (vairocana)
    mfn. (fr. %{vi-rocana}) coming from or belonging to the sun, solar Kir.
    descended from Virocana &c. MW.
    m. a son of the Sun
    a son of Vishn2u
    a son of Agni
    `" son of the Asura Virocana "' patr. of Bali MBh. R. BhP.
    a partic. Sama1dhi Buddh.
    N. of a king AitBr.
    of a Dhya1ni-Buddha MWB. 202
    of a son of the class of gods called Ni1la-ka1yikas Lalit.
    of a class of Siddhas
    of a world of the Buddhists W.
  195. वइल (vaïla) (vaila)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vila} = %{bila}) relating or belonging to or living in a hole or pit MW. (cf. %{baila}).
  196. वइवस्वत (vaïvasvata) (vaivasvata)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vivasvat}) coming from or belonging to the sun R.
    relating or belonging to Yama Vaivasvata Kaus3. MBh. Ka1v.
    relating to Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    m. patr. of Yama RV. &c. &c.
    of a Man3u AV. S3Br. &c.
    of the planet Saturn
    N. of one of the Rudras VP.
    (%{I}) f. a daughter of Su1rya MBh.
    patr. of Yami1 MW.
    the south
    N. of Yamuna1 A.
    n. (scil. %{antara}) N. of the 7th or present Manv-antara (as presided over by Manu Vaivasvata) MW.
  197. वइशम्पायन (vaïśampāyana) (vaiśampāyana)
    m. (patr. fr. %{vizam-pa}) N. of an ancient sage (teacher of the Taittiri1ya-sam2hita1 [q. v.]
    in epic poetry a pupil of Vya1sa and also the narrator of the Maha1-bha1rata to Janam-ejaya) Gr2S. TA1r. &c. (cf. IW. 371 n. 1)
    of an author Cat.
    of a son of S3uka-na1sa (transformed into a parrot) Ka1d.
  198. वइशली (vaïśalī) (vaiśalī)
    f. N. of a wife of Vasudeva VP. (v.l. %{vaizAlI})
    of a town MW. (cf. %{vi-zalA}, %{vaizAlI}).
  199. वइशाख (vaïśākha) (vaiśākha)
    m. (fr. %{vi-zAkhA}) one of the 12 months constituting the Hindu1 lunar year (answering to April-May and in some places, with Caitra, reckoned as beginning the year) S3Br. La1t2y. MBh. &c.
    a churning-stick S3is3. xi, 8
    the seventh year in the 12 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a lioness Cat.
    (%{I}) f. (with or scil. %{paurNamAsI}) the day of full moon in the month Vais3a1kha Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
    a kind of red-flowering Punarnava1
    N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Hariv. VP.
    n. a partic. attitude in shooting Hariv.
    N. of a town (also %{-pura}) Katha1s.
    mf(%{I})n. relating to the month Vais3a1kha S3a1n3khGr2.
  200. वइशेषिक (vaïśeṣika) (vaiśeṣika)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vi-zeSa}, p. 990) special, peculiar, specific, characteristic A1past. Sus3r. Bha1sha1p. Hcat.
    distinguished, excellent, pre-eminent MBh.
    relating or belonging to or based on or dealing with the Vais3eshika doctrine Bha1sha1p. Madhus.
    m. a follower of the VVais3eshika doctrine Kap. Kusum. Buddh.
    n. peculiarity, distinction Kan2.
    N. of the later of the two great divisions of the Nya1ya school of philosophy (it was founded by Kan2a7da, and differs from the, `" Nya1ya proper "' founded by Gautama, in propounding only seven categories or topics instead of sixteen
    and more especially in its doctrine of %{vizeSa}, or eternally distinct nature of the nine substances, air, fire, water, earth, mind, ether, time, space, and soul, of which the first five, including mind, are held to be atomic) IW. 65 &c. [1026,3]
  201. वइश्य (vaïśya) (vaiśya)
    m. (fr. 2. %{viz}) `" a man who settles on the soil "', a peasant, or `" working man "', agriculturist, man of the third class or caste (whose business was trade as well as agriculture) RV. &c. &c.
    pl. N. of a people VarBr2S.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    n. vassalage, dependance TS.
    mfn. belonging to a man of the third caste MBh.
  202. वइश्रवण (vaïśravaṇa) (vaiśravaṇa)
    m. (fr. %{vi-zravaNa}
    cf. g. %{zivA7di}) a patr. (esp. of Kubera and Ra1van2a) AV. &c. &c.
    (in astron.) N. of the 14th Muhu1rta
    mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging to Kubera MBh.
  203. वइश्वदेव (vaïśvadeva) (vaiśvadeva)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vizva-deva}) relating or sacred to all the gods or to the Vis3ve Deva1h2 VS. &c. &c.
    m. a partic. Graha or Soma-vessel VS. S3Br.
    a partic. Eka7ha S3a1n3khS3r.
    (%{I}) f. N. of partic. sacrificial bricks TS. S3Br.
    the 8th day of the 2nd half of the month Ma1gha Col.
    a kind of metre S3rutab.
    n. a partic. S3astra AitBr.
    the first Parvan of the Ca1turma1sya TBr. S3Br.
    (exceptionally m.) N. of a partic. religious ceremony which ought to be performed morning and evening and especially before the midday meal (it consists in homage paid to the Vis3ve Deva1h followed by the %{bali-haraNa} or offering of small portions of cooked food to all the gods who give the food and especially to the god of fire who cooks the food and bears the offering to heaven) A1past. Mn. &c. (cf. RTL. 417)
    N. of partic. verses or formulas TBr. S3Br.
    of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    the Nakshatra Uttara7sha1d2ha1 (cf. under %{vaizva}) VarBr2S.
    %{-karman} n. the above homage to the deities collectively W.
    %{-khaNDana} n. %{-pUjA} f. %{-prayoga} m. N. of wks.
    %{-bali-karman}, u. du. N. of the above two ceremonies RTL. 417, n. 2
    %{-vidhi} m. N. of wk.
    %{-stut} m. a partic. Eka7ha S3rS.
    %{-homa} m. the offering made to all the gods and to Fire at the Vais3vadeva ceremony TBr. Sch.
    %{-vA7gni} m. the fire at the VVais3vadeva-ddeities ceremony
    %{-vA7gni-mAruta} mfn. consecrated to the Vis3ve Deva1h and to Agni and to the Maruts MaitrS.
    %{-vA7di-mantra-vyAkhyA} f. N. of wk.
  204. वइश्वानर (vaïśvānara) (vaiśvānara)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vizvA-nara}) relating or belonging to all men, omnipresent, known or worshipped, everywhere, universal, general, common RV. &c. &c.
    consisting of all men, full in number, completeS3rS.
    relating or belonging to the gods collectively La1t2y.
    all-commanding AV.
    relating or sacred to Agni Vais3va1nara TS. S3Br. S3rS.
    composed by Vis3va1nara or Vais3va1nara Cat.
    m. N. of Agni or Fire RV. &c. &c. (Agni Vais3vVais3va1nara is regarded as the author of x, 79, 80)
    a partic. Agni A1rshBr.
    the fire of digestion MW.
    the sun, sunlight AV. S3a1n3khBr.
    (in the Veda7nta) N. of the Svpreme Spirit or Intellect when located in a supposed collective aggregate of gross bodies (= Vira7j, Praja1-pati, Purusha), Vede7ntas. RTL. 35
    N. of a Daitya Hariv. Pur.
    of various men Katha1s.
    (pl.) of a family of R2ishis MBh.
    (%{I}) f. N. of a partic. division of the moon's path (comprising both Bhadrapada1 and Revati1
    cf. %{-patha} and %{-mArga}) VP.
    a partic. sacrifice performed at the beginning of every year W.
    n. men collectively, mankind TBr.
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    %{-kSAra} m. a partic. mixture
    %{-jyeSTha} %{-ra4-}) mfn. having VVede7ntas for the first AV.
    %{-jyotiz} (%{-ra4}) mfn. having VVede7ntas's light VS.
    %{-datta} m. N. of a Bra1hman Cat.
    %{-patha} m. N. of a partic. division of the moon's path (cf. above) R. Hariv.
    %{-pathi-kRta-pUrvaka-darza-sthAlIpAka-prayoga} m. and %{-pathi-kRza-sthAlI-pAkaprayoga} m. N. of wks.
    %{-mukha} mfn. having VVede7ntas for a mouth (said of S3iva) MBh.
    %{-vat} (%{-ra4-}) mfn. attended or connected with fire TBr.
    %{-vidyA} f. N. of an Upanishad.
  205. वइष्णव (vaïṣṇava) (vaiṣṇava)
    mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging or devoted or consecrated to Vishn2u (q.v.), worshipping VVishn2u TS. &c. &c.
    m. patr. fr. %{viSNu} g. %{bidA7di}
    `" a worshipper of VVishn2u "' N. of one of the three great divisions of modern Hindu1ism (the other two being the S3aivas and S3a1ktas
    the Vaishn2avas identify Vishn2u - rather than Brahma1 and S3iva - with the supreme Being, and are exclusively devoted to his worship
    they have become separated into four principal and some minor sects, as follow: 1. the Ra1ma7nujas, founded by Ra1ma7nuja, who is said to have lived for 120 years [from 1017 till 1137 A.D.] [1027,3]
    his chief doctrines are described at p. 878, col. 1, and in RTL. p. 119 &c.
    one peculiarity of his sect is the scrupulous preparation and privacy of three meals
    2. the Ma1dhvas, founded by a Kanarese Bra1hman named Madhva, whose chief doctrines are described at p. 782, col. 3, and in RTL. p. 130 &c.
    3. the Vallabhas, founded by Vallabha7ca1rya, whose chief doctrines are described at p. 928, col. 3, and in RTL. p. 134 &c.
    4. a sect in Bengal founded by Caitanya [q.v.] who was regarded by his followers as an incarnation of Kr2ishn2a
    his chief doctrine was the duty of %{bhakti}, or love for that god which was to be so strong that no caste-feelings could exist with it [see RTL. p. 140 &c.] Of the minor Vaishn2ava sects those founded by Nimba7rka or Nimba7ditya [RTL. 146] and by Ra1ma7nanda [RTL. 147] and by Sva1mi-Na1ra1yan2a [RTL. 148] are perhaps the most important, to which also may be added the reformed theistic sect founded by Kabi1r [RTL. i 58] and the Sikh theistic sect founded by Na1nak [RTL. 161])
    N. of Soma (lord of the Apsarases) As3vS3r.
    (%{zrI-}) of a poet Cat.
    the 13th cubit (%{aratni}) from the bottom or the 5th from the top of the sacrificial post
    a kind of mineral
    (scil. %{yajJa}) a partic. sacrificial ceremony ib.
    (%{I}) f. patr. fr. %{viSNu} MBh.
    a female worshipper of Vishn2u Pan5car.
    the personified S3akti of Vishn2u (regarded as one of the Ma1tr2is, and identified with Durga1 and Manasa1) MBh. Ra1jat. &c.
    Asparagus Racemosus
    Ocymum Sanctum
    Clitoria Ternatea
    (in music) a partic. Mu1rchana1 Sam2gi1t.
    n. a partic. Maha1-rasa (q.v.) Cat.
    a partic. prodigy or omen (belonging to or occurring in the %{paraM@divam} or upper sky), M-W.
    the ashes of a burnt-offering ib.
    N. of the NakshatraS3ravana (presided over by Vishn2u) VarBr2S.
    of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    of various wks., esp. of the Vishn2u-Purln2a
  206. व्यक्त (vyakta) (vyakta)
    %{vy-akti} see cols. 2, 3.
  207. व्यक्ति (vyakti) (vyakti)
    f. visible appearance or manifestation, becoming evident or known or public (acc. with %{bhaj}, %{A-gam}, and %{A-yA}, to appear, become manifest) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    specific appearance, distinctness, individuality ib.
    an individual (opp. to %{jAti}) Bhag. VarBr2S. &c.
    (in gram.) gender Pa1n2. 1-2, 51
    case, inflection, the proper form of any inflected word W.
    a vowel (?) MW.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. distinctness, individuality, personality ib.
    %{-viveka}, m.N. of wk.
  208. व्यग्र (vyagra) (vyagra)
    see s.v. mf(%{A})n. not attending to any one partic. point (opp. to %{ekA7gra}), distracted, inattentive
    bewildered, agitated, excited, alarmed MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    diverted from everything else, intent on, engrossed by, eagerly occupied with or employed in (instr. loc., or comp.
    sometimes said of hands and fingers) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
    tottering, unsteady, exposed to dangers (see %{a-vy-})
    being in motion (as a wheel) BhP.
    m. N. of Vishn2u MW.
    (%{am}) ind. in an agitated manner, with great excitement VarBr2S.
    %{-tA} f. intense occupation, eagerness, intentness (ifc.) S3ak. Pan5cat. &c.
    perplexity, confusion MW.
    %{-tva} n. distraction
    confusion, agitation MaitrUp. Pan5cat.
    (ifc.) intentness on Kull. on Mn. viii, 65
    %{-puraMdhri-varga} mfn. having companies of matrons zealously occupied MW.
    %{-manas} mfn. perplexed or bewildered in mind ib.
    %{-hasta} mfn. having the hands occupied with (comp.) DivyA7v.
  209. व्यङ्ग्य (vyaṅgya) (vyaṅgya)
    &c. see col. 3. mf(%{A})n. that which is manifested or indicated or made perceptible S3am2k. Sa1h.
    (in rhet.) indicated by allusion or insinuation, implied, suggestive Kpr.
    %{-gyA7rtha-kaumudI} f. %{-gyA7rthadIpikA} f. %{-gA7rtha-dIpinI}, f. N. of wks.
    %{-gyo7kti} f. covert language or insinuation MW.
  210. व्यजन (vyajana) (vyajana)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) fanning Ka1d.
    a palmleaf or other article used for fanning, fan, whisk (often du.) Mn. MBh. &c.
  211. व्यञ्जन (vyañjana) (vyañjana)
    mfn. manifesting, indicating Hariv. (v.l. %{vyaJcana})
    m. (once for n.
    cf. below) a consonant VPra1t.
    Pandanus Odoratissimus
    = %{vAditra-karman}
    (%{A}) f. (in rhet.) implied indication, allusion, suggestion Sa1h. Prata1p.
    a figurative expression (%{-nA-vRtti} f. figurative style) W.
    n. decoration, ornament RV. viii, 78, 2
    manifestation, indication Sus3r. Ra1jat.
    allusion, suggestion (= %{A} f.), Sah. A1s3vS3r. Sch.
    figurative expression, irony, sarcasm W.
    specification Nir.
    a mark, badge, spot, sign, token A1pS3r. R. Katha1s. &c.
    insignia, paraphernalia Ka1v.
    symptom (of a disease) Cat.
    mark of sex or gender (as the beard, breasts &c.), the private organs (male or female) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
    anything used in cooking or preparing food, seasoning, sauce, condiment MBh. R. &c.
    a consonant Pra1t. S3rS. &c.
    a syllable VPra1t. (cf. %{hInavy-})
    the letter (as opp. to %{arha}, `" meaning "') Maha1v.
    a limb, member, part
    a day
    purification of a sacrificial animal (also m. and %{A} f.)
    a fan(w.r. for %{vyajana})
    %{-kAra} m. the preparer of a sauce or condiment MBh.
    %{-guNa} (?) m. N. of wk. on condiments in cookery
    %{-saMgama} m. a collection or group of consonants MW.
    %{-saMdhi} m. (in gram.) the junction of consonants ib.,
    %{-saMnipAta} m. a falling together or conjunction of consonants ib.
    %{-sthAne} ind. in the place of sauce or seasoning ib.
    %{-hArI7kA} f. N. of a female demon supposed to remove the hair of a woman's pudenda Ma1rkP.
    %{-no7daya} mfn. followed by a consonant MW.
    %{-no7padha} mfn. preceded by a cconsonant ib.
  212. व्यतिरिक्त (vyatirikta) (vyatirikta)
    mfn. reaching beyond, excessive, immoderate (ifc. = abundantly furnished with) MBh.
    separate, different or distinct from, other than (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) free from Sarvad.
    left remaining from Ragh. Sch. (v.l.)
    with drawn, withheld W.
    excepted ib.
    (%{am}) ind. with the exception of, except, without (e. g. %{svara-v-}, `" except the accent "') MW.
    %{-tA}, f. (BhP.), %{-tva} n. (Sarvad.) distinction, difference.
  213. व्यतिरेक (vyatireka) (vyatireka)
    m. distinction, difference, separateness, separation, exclusion La1t2y. Ka1v. Pur. &c. (%{bhAvo@vyatireka-tas}, a separate or particular existence
    %{vI7ta-vyatireka}, not separate or particular
    %{eNa} or %{At} ind. [or %{vyatireka} ibc.], with exception of, without)
    negation Kap.
    contrariety, contrast to (comp.) Ka1m. (%{e} ind., on the contrary supposition)
    logical discontinuance (opp. to %{anvaya} q.v.) Bha1sha1p.
    (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other) Ka1vya7d.
    . Sa1h &c. N. of wk.
    %{-tas} ind. see above
    %{-vyApti} f. `" pervasion of difference or dissimilitude "', a comprehensive argument derived from negation or non-existence of certain qualities MW.
    %{-kA7laMkAra} m. the rhetorical figure called Vyatireka ib.
    %{-kA7valI} f. N. of wk.
  214. व्यतीत (vyatīta) (vyatīta)
    mfn. passed away, gone Mn. MBh. &c.
    departed, dead MBh.
    left, abandoned Prab.
    (ifc.) having disregarded or neglected R.
    tardy, negligent ib.
    %{-kAla} mfn. one whose time is past, unseasonable, inopportune Ragh.
  215. व्यत्यय (vyatyaya) (vyatyaya)
    m. transposition, transmutation, change, reverse, inverted order, contrariety (with %{karmaNAm}, inverted or reverse occupation
    %{e}, in the opposite case
    %{am}, alternately
    %{At} and %{ena}, against the usual rule rule or order) La1t2y. Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-ga} mfn. moving in the opposite direction VarBr2S.
  216. व्यत्यस्त (vyatyasta) (vyatyasta)
    mfn. (2. %{as}) thrown or placed in an inverted position, reversed, inverted W.
    placed across or crosswise, crossed (as the hands) Mn. ii, 72
    perverse, preposterous Bha1m.
  217. व्यत्यास (vyatyāsa) (vyatyāsa)
    m. exchange, barter La1t2y. MBh.
    change, inverted order, reverse (%{ena} and %{At}, `" invettedly, alternately "') VarBr2S. Sus3r.
  218. व्यथा (vyathā) (vyathā)
    f. agitation, perturbation, alarm, uneasiness, pain, anguish, fear MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{vyathAM-kR}, either, `" to cause pain "' or `" to feel pain "')
    loss, damage, ill-luck S3Br. VarBr2S.
    (with %{hRdi} or %{hRdaye}), palpitation, throbbing of the heart Sus3r.
  219. व्यध (vyadha) (vyadha)
    m. piercing, hitting, striking, a stroke, wound S3is3.
    cutting, opening (of a vein) Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. bleeding MW.
  220. व्यपदेश (vyapadeśa) (vyapadeśa)
    m. representation, designation, information, statement RPra1t. S3rS. &c.: a name, title Uttarar.
    a family, race S3ak.
    summons (of an army) R.
    appeal to (gen.) Pan5cat.
    talk, speech MBh. iii, 8665 (Ni1lak.)
    a partic. form of speech MW.
    fame, renown (see comp.)
    fraud, stratagem, pretext, excuse (%{ena}, under pretext or excuse [also %{-tas}] ifc. = under the pretext of) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-vat} mfn. having a partic. designation or name (with %{pitR-tas}, designated by the name of the father) Pat.
    %{-zA7rtham} ind. for the purpose of (acquiring) renown Mn. vii, 168. %{-apadezaka} mfn. designating, indicating BhP.
  221. व्यपेक्षा (vyapekṣā) (vyapekṣā)
    f. regard, consideration (ifc. regarding, minding) MBh. R. &c.
    looking for, expectation (ifc. expectant of) BhP. Katha1s.
    requisite, supposition (see %{sa-vy-})
    application, use W.
    (in gram.) rection Pa1n2. 2-1, 1 Sch.
    the mutual application of two rules W.
  222. व्यपेक्षित (vyapekṣita) (vyapekṣita)
    mfn. looked for, expected MW.
    mutually expected or looked to ib.
    mutually related
    employed, applied ib. [1032,2]
  223. व्यभिचार (vyabhicāra) (vyabhicāra)
    m. going apart or astray, deviating, not falling or fitting together, being separated or isolated Kap. Bha1sha1p. &c. (cf. %{a-vy-})
    trespass, transgression, crime, vice, sin (esp. infidelity of a wife) Mn. MBh. &c.
    violation, disturbance, confusion Mn. x, 24 &c.
    charge, mutation (in %{a-vy-} mfn. ) Bhag.
    (in phil.) wandering from an argument, erroneous or fallacious reasoning, the presence of the %{hetu} (q.v.) without the %{sAdhya} (q.v.) MW.
    (in gram.) deviation from or exception to a rule, irregularity, anomaly ib.
    %{-kRt} mfn. committing adultery Ra1jat.
    %{-tas} ind. in consequence of straying or erring Sa1h.
    (in phil.) from the Vyabhica1ra involved in the other supposition MW. %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. error ib.
    %{-nirUpaNa-khaNDa}N. of wk.
    %{-bhAva} w.r. for %{vyabhicAri-bh-}, Cat %{-vat} mfn. see %{a-vyabhicAra-vat}
    %{-vivarjita} mfn. free from extravagance or debauchery Hit.
    %{-rA7rtham} ind. for the sake of (committing) adultery Pa1n2. 4-1, 127 Sch.
  224. व्यभिचारिन् (vyabhicārin) (vyabhicārin)
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. the state of going apart or astray, deviation, alteration, change, variability Sam2k. Bha1sha1p.
    (%{-tva}, in gram.) the having a secondary meaning or several meanings Pa1n2. Sch.
    %{-bhAva} m. a transitory state (of mind or body, opp. to %{sthAyi-bh-} [q.v.], and said to be thirty-four in number, viz. %{nirveda}, %{glAni}, %{zaGkA}, %{asUyA}, %{mada}, %{zrama}, %{Alasya}, %{dainya}, %{cintA}, %{moha}, %{smRti}, %{dhRti}, %{vrIDA}, %{capalatA}, %{harSa}, %{Avega}, %{jaDatA}, %{garva}, %{viSAda}, %{autsukya}, %{nidrA}, %{apasmAra}, %{supta}, %{vibodha}, %{amarSa}, %{avahitthA}, %{ugratA}, %{mati}, %{upA7lambha}, %{vyAdhi}, %{unmAda}, %{maraNa} %{trAsa}, %{vitrarka} qq. vv.) Das3ar. Kpr. &c. mfn. going astray, straying or deviating or diverging from (abl.) Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    following bad courses, doing what is improper, profligate, wanton, unchaste (esp. said of women), faithless towards (gen.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    changeable, inconstant (opp. to %{sthAyin}
    cf. %{-ri-bhAva} above) MBh. Sa1h. Prata1p.
    (ifc.) transgressing, violating, breaking (see, %{samaya-vy-})
    irregular, anomalous MW.
    (a word) having a nonprimitive or secondary meaning, having several meanings ib.
    (%{iNI}) f. a wanton woman, unchaste wife, adulteress W.
    n. anything transitory (as feelings &c.) ib.
  225. व्यभ्र (vyabhra) (vyabhra)
    mf(%{A})n. cloudless, unclouded MBh. Hariv. &c.
    (%{e}) ind. when the sky is cloudless ib.
    %{-ja} mfn. appearing when the sky is cloudless VarBr2S. %{vy-amla} see p. 1028, col. 3.
  226. व्यय (vyaya) (vyaya)
    mfn. (or %{vy-aya}, fr. 3. %{vi} + 5. %{i}) passing away, mutable, liable to change or decay (only as opp. to or connected with %{a-vyaya}), Mn MBh. Pur.
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) disappearance, decay, ruin, loss MBh. Ka1v. &c. [1032,3]
    spending, expense, outlay, disbursement (opp. to %{Aya}, `" income "', and often with %{kozasya}, %{vittasya}, %{dhanasya} &c.
    without a gen. = `" extravagance, waste, prodigality "'
    with loc. or ifc. = `" outlay for or in "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    cost, sacrifice of (gen. or comp.
    %{vyayena} ifc. = `" at the cost of "') R. Ka1lid.
    wealth, money Ya1jn5. ii, 276
    (in gram.) inflection, declension Nir.
    N. of the 20th (or 54th) year of Jupiter's cycle VarBr2S. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of Pradha1na MW.
    m. or n. = %{-griha} VarBr2S.
  227. व्यर्थ (vyartha) (vyartha)
    see s.v. mf(%{A})n. (fr. 3. %{vi+artha}) useless, unavailing, unprofitable, vain MBh. &c. &c.
    deprived or devoid of property or money Pan5cat.
    excluded from, having no right (instr.) A1past.
    unmeaning, inconsistent Hariv. Ka1vya7d.
    = %{-tha-nAmaka} below MBh.
    (%{am}) ind. uselessly, in vain, without having effected one's object Ka1v. Pan5cat. &c.
    %{-tA} f. uselessness (%{-tAM-yA}, or %{gam}, to become useless) Pan5cat. Kusum.
    absence of meaning, nonsense R.
    falseness MBh.
    inoffensiveness MW.
    %{-tva} n. absence of meaning, contradictoriness Ka1vya7d. Sch.
    %{-nAmaka} or %{-nAman} mfn. having a name inconsistent with one's character MBh.
    %{-yatna} mfn. useless in its efforts Hit.
    %{-thIkR} P. %{-karoti}, to make useless or superfluous Prab. Ka1d. k
    %{-thI-bhU} P. %{-bhavati}, to become useless Naish. Ka1d.
  228. व्यलीक (vyalīka) (vyalīka)
    mfn. very false or untruthful, lying, hypocritical (%{am} ind.) Amar. BhP.
    disagreeable, painful, offensive, strange MW.
    improper or unfit to be done MW.
    not false, S3ls3.
    = %{vyaJgya}
    m. = %{nAgara}
    a catamite MW.
    n. anything displeasing ib.
    any cause of pain or uneasiness ib.
    pain, grief. MBh. Ka1v. Pur. &c.
    a falsehood, lie, fraud (also pl.) Ka1v. Pur. &c.
    transgression, offence, misdeed Ratna7v. Ja1takam.
    = %{vailakSya}
    reverse, contrariety, inversion MW.
    %{-tA} f. or %{-tva} n. disagreeableness, painfulness MW.
    impropriety, displeasure ib.
    %{-niHzvAsa} m. a sigh of pain or sorrow Kum. &c. see p. 1028, col. 3.
  229. व्यवसाय (vyavasāya) (vyavasāya)
    see col. 3. m. strenuous effort or exertion Car.
    settled determination, resolve, purpose, intention to (loc., acc. with %{prati}, or comp.
    %{-yamkR} MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Resolution (personified) R. Pur.
    trade, business Campak.
    an act, action, performance R.
    first impression or perception Ni1lak.
    state, condition MBh.
    artifice, stratagem, trick W.
    boasting ib.
    N. of Vishn2u MW.
    of S3iva ib.
    of a son of Dharma by Vapus (daughter of Daksha) ib.
    %{-dvitIya} mfn. doubled or attended by (i.e.possessing) resolution BhP.
    %{-buddhi} mfn. having a resolute mind ib.
    %{-vat} mfn. full of resoluteness or perseverance MBh. Hariv.
    %{-vartin} mfn. acting resolutely, resolute Ka1m.
    %{-yA7tmaka} mfn. full of resolve or energy, energetic, laborious MBh.
  230. व्यवसित (vyavasita) (vyavasita)
    mfn. finished, ended, done Ka1t2h.
    decided, determined, resolved, undertaken (also n. impers.
    with dat. or inf.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    one who has resolved upon or is determined or willing to (loc., dat., or inf.) Ka1v. Pur.
    settled, ascertained, known (n. impers.), convinced or sure of anything (with %{samyak}, `" one who has ascertained what is right
    with acc., `" one who has acknowledged anything as true "') MBh. BhP.
    deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed
    energetic, persevering, making effort or exertion W.
    n. resolution, determination Ka1v. Pur.
    an artifice, contrivance Mr2icch.
  231. व्यवस्था (vyavasthā) (vyavasthā)
    A1. %{-tiSThate}, to go apart, separate from (abl.) S3a1n3khSr.
    to differ respectively S3am2k.
    to halt, stop, stay R.
    to prepare or make ready for (dat.) ib.
    to be settled, be (logically) true or tenable MBh. Sarvad.
    to appear as (nom.) Nir. Sa1m2khyak.: Caus. %{-sthApayati}, to put down, place VarBr2S. Va1s.
    to fix on, direct towards (loc.) Kum.
    to charge with, appoint to (%{artham}) Hit.
    to stop, hold up, prevent from falling MBh. Ra1jat.
    to restore, re-establish Kum. Ja1takam.
    to settle, arrange, establish, determine, prove to be (logically) tenable Das3. Sarvad.
    to give a name DivyA7v.
    to perform MW.
  232. व्यवस्थित (vyavasthita) (vyavasthita)
    mfn. placed in order, drawn up (in battle) Bhag.
    placed, laid, put, stationed situated, standing or being in or on or at (loc. or comp.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    standing on the side of taking part with (comp.) Dhu1rtas.
    contained in (loc.) Sarvad.
    used in the meaning of (loc.), signifying (as a word) Cat.
    one who has waited or stayed MBh.
    based or dependent on (loc.) Ka1m. Ma1lati1m. resolved upon (loc.) MBh.
    persevering in, sticking or adhering to (loc. or comp.
    with %{vAkye}, `" abiding in what is said "', `" obeying "') Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. intent upon, caring for (loc.) MBh.
    settled, established, fixed, exactly determined, quite peculiar or restricted to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    constant, unchanging Sus3r.
    existing, present MBh. Sarvad.
    proving, turning out or appearing as (nom. or instr. or ind. p. or adv.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-tva} n. continuance, permanence, duration, Sus3.
    %{-vikalpa} m. %{-vibhASA} f. (in law, gram. &c.) an option fixed or determined in each particular case applicable or omitted throughout (the operation being in one case carried out throughout and in the other omitted throughout) Da1yabh. Kull. APra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
    %{-viSaya} mfn. limited in sphere or range Uttarar.
  233. व्यवहार (vyavahāra) (vyavahāra)
    m. doing, performing, action, practice, conduct, behaviour MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{vyavahAraH@kAryaH}, with instr., `" it should be acted according to )
    commerce or intercourse with (saha or comp.) Nir. Ka1m. &c.
    affair, matter Ni1lak.
    usage, custom, wont, ordinary life, common practice Pat. BhP. Hit.
    activity, action or practice of occupation or business with (loc. or comp.) Inscr. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    mercantile transaction, traffic, trade with, dealing in (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1034,2]
    a contract Mn. viii, 163
    legal procedure, contest at law with (%{saha}), litigation, lawsuit, legal process (see %{-matRkA} below) Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
    practices of law and kingly government IW. 209
    mathematical process Col.
    administration of justice Gaut.
    (fig.) punishment
    competency to manage one's own affairs, majority (in law) ib.
    propriety, adherence to law or custom ib.
    the use of an expression, with regard to, speaking about (%{tair@eva@vyavahAraH}, `" just about these is the question "', it is to these that the discussion has reference "') Kap. Sa1h. Sarvad.
    designation Jaim. Sch.
    compulsory work
    a sword
    a sort of tree
    N. of a ch. of the Agni-pura1n2a.
  234. व्यवहारक (vyavahāraka) (vyavahāraka)
    m. a dealer, trader Pan5cat.
    (%{ikA}) f. a female slave R. (B. %{vyAv-})
    common practice, the ways of the world
    a broom
    Terminalia Catappa
  235. व्यवहित (vyavahita) (vyavahita)
    mfn. placed apart or asunder &c.
    separated, not contiguous or immediately connected Pra1t.
    interrupted, obstructed, disturbed S3ak.
    screened from view, concealed, covered S3am2k.
    hostile, opposed BhP.
    remote, distant BhP.
    passed over, surpassed, excelled, put to shame W.
    done, acted, performed ib. see %{vy-ava-dhA}.
  236. व्यसन (vyasana) (vyasana)
    n. moving to and fro, wagging (of a tail) Pa1n2. 3-1, 20, Vartt. 3
    throwing (effort) into, assiduity, industry Bhartr2. Subh.
    separation, individuality W.
    attachment or devotion or addiction to (loc. or comp.), passion, (esp.) evil passion, sin, crime, vice (said to arise either from love of pleasure or from anger
    eight are enumerated under the first head, vix. %{mRgayA}, %{dyUta} or %{akSa}, %{divA-svapna}, %{parivAda}, %{striyaH}, %{mada}, %{taurya-trika}, %{vRthA7tyA}
    and eight under the second, viz. %{paizunya}, %{sAhasa}, %{droha}, %{irSyA}, %{asUyA} %{artha-dUSaNa} %{vAkpAruSya}, %{daNDa-pAruSya}, qq.vv.) Mn. vii, 47, 48 MBh. &c.
    favourite pursuit or occupation, hobby MBh. Pan5cat. Ra1jat.
    evil predicament or plight, disaster, accident, evil result, calamity, misfortune (%{vyasanAni} pl. misfortunes), ill-luck, distress, destruction, defeat, fall, ruin Mn. MBh. &c.
    setting (of sun or moon) Mr2icch. S3ak.
    fruitless effort
    punishment, execution (of criminals) MW.
    incompetence, inability W.
    air, wind ib.
    %{-kAla} m. time of need Subh.
    %{prasArita-kara} mfn. having the hand stretched forth for (inflicting) calamity Hit.
    %{-prahArin} mfn. inflicting calamity, giving trouble or pain W.
    %{-prA7pti} f. occurrence of calamity Sa1h.
    %{-brahmacArin} m. a companion of adversity, fellow-sufferer Mudr.
    %{-mahA7rNava} m. a sea of troubles Mr2icch.
    %{-rakSin} mfn. preserving from calamity R. Katha1s.
    %{-vat} mfn. one who has had ill-luck with (comp.) Ka1m.
    %{-vAgurA} f. the net or snare of adversity R.
    %{-saMstkita} mfn. one who indulges in any whim or favourite fancy Pan5cat.
    %{-nA7krAnta-tva} n. distressful condition, grievous distress MW.
    %{-nA7gama} m. approach of calamity S3ukas.
    %{-nA7tibhAra} mfn. weighed down or overburdened with misfortunes MW.
    %{-nA7tyaya} m. the passing away of calamity or distress BhP.
    %{-nA7nantaram} ind. immediately after misfortune Ka1v.
    %{-nA7pAta} m. (= %{-nA7gama}) Ra1jat.
    %{-nA7vApa} m. receptacle or abode of calamity BhP.
    %{-nA7nvita} or %{-nA7pluta} mfn. involved in or overwhelmed with ccalamity MW.
    %{-nA7rta} mfn. afflicted by calamity, suffering pain
    %{-no7tsava} m. a feast for the (evil) passions, an orgy &c. VarBr2S.
    %{-no7daya} m. the rising or approaching of misfortune Pan5cat.
    mfn. followed by or resulting in calamities MBh.
  237. व्यस्त (vyasta) (vyasta)
    mfn. cut in pieces, dismembered (said of Vr2itra) RV. i, 32, 7 torn asunder, gaping TPra1t.
    severed, separated, divided, distinct (%{vy-aste@kAle}, `" at different times "', `" now and then "'), single, simple Mn. MBh. &c.
    multiplied, various, manifold Prab. Ka1vya7d.
    opposed to, inverse, reverse (see comp.)
    disordered, disarranged, confused, bewildered (see comp.)
    scattered, dispersed, jyot. Uttarar.
    expelled, removed Megh.
    spread, extended (see comp.)
    changed, altered (see comp.)
    inherent in or pervading all the several parts of anything (in phil opp. to %{sam-asta}), penetrated, pervaded
    (%{am}) ind. severally, separately, partially MW.
    %{-keza4} mf(%{I})n. having dishevelled hair AV. %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. severalty, individuality W.
    individual inherence ib.
    agitation, bewilderment ib.
    %{-trairAzika} n. the rule of three inverted Col.
    %{-nyAsa} mfn. `" having separate impressions "', rumpled (as a couch) Ratna7v. ii, 11
    %{-pada} n. confused statement of a case (in a lawcourt
    as, when a man is accused of debt, it is stated in defence that he has been assaulted), counter-plaint Ya1jn5. Sch.
    (in gram.) a simple or uncompounded word W.
    %{-puccha} mfn. having an extended tail S3ulbas.
    %{-rAtriM-diva} mfn. dividing or separating night and day MW.
    %{-vidhi} m. inverted rule, any rule for inversion Col.
    %{-vRtti} mfn. (a word) whose proper force or meaning is changed or altered Ragh. xi, 73. [1035,2]
  238. व्याकरण (vyākaraṇa) (vyākaraṇa)
    &c. see %{vy-A-kR}. n. separation, distinction, discrimination MBh.
    explanation, detailed description ib. Sus3r.
    manifestation, revelation MBh. Hariv.
    (with Buddhists) prediction, prophecy (one of the nine divisions of scriptures Dharmas. 62) SaddhP. &c.
    development, creation S3am2k. BhP.
    grammatical analysis, grammar Mun2d2Up. Pat. MBh. &c.
    grammatical correctness, polished or accurate language Subh.
    the sound of a bow-string
    %{kauNDinya} m. N. of a Bra1hman Buddh.
    %{-kaustubha} m. or n. %{khaNDana} n. %{DhuNDhikA} f. %{-traya} n. %{dIpa} m. (also %{-dIpa-vyAkaraNa} n.), %{-dIpikA} f. %{-durghato7aghATa} m. N. of gram. wks.
    %{-prakriyA} f. grammatical formation of a word, etymology MW.
    %{-mahAbhASya} n. the Maha1-bha1shya of Patan5jali
    %{-mUla} n. %{-vAda-grantha} m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-sAra} m. N. of gram. wks.
    %{-siddha} mfn. established by grammar, grammatical MW.
    %{-NA7gama} m. traditional rules of grammar ib.
    %{-NA7tmaka} mfn. having the nature or faculty of discrimination MBh.
    %{-No7ttara} m. N. of S3iva RTL. 84 n. 1. %{-AkaraNaka} n. a bad grammar Pat. %{-AkartR} m. one who develops or creates, creator (%{-tva} n.) S3am2k.
    an expounder DivyA7v.
  239. व्याकुल (vyākula) (vyākula)
    see s.v. mf(%{A})n. (fr. 3. %{vi+A-kula}) entirely filled with or full of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    intently engaged in or occupied with (comp.) Ka1lid. Prab.
    bewildered, confounded, perplexed, troubled MBh. Ka1v. . &c.
    confused, disordered (%{am} ind.) ib.
    quivering (as lightning) Uttarar.
    m. N. of a king Buddh.
    %{-citta} (SuS3r.), %{-cetas} (Ma1rkP.) mfn. agitated or perplexed in mind
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. perturbation, agitation, bewilderment, alarm Katha1s. Pan5cat. Ma1rkP.
    %{-dhruva} m. N. of a king Buddh.
    %{-manas}, %{-mAnasa} MBh. R. mfn. (= %{-citta})
    %{-mUrdhaja} mfn. (ifc.) having the hair disarranged or dishevelled Katha1s.
  240. व्याकृत (vyākṛta) (vyākṛta)
    mfn. separated, divided, developed, unfolded
    analyzed, expounded, explained (see %{a4-vy-})
    transformed, disfigured "', changed W.
  241. व्याख्या (vyākhyā) (vyākhyā)
    P. %{-khyAti}, to explain in detail, tell in full, discuss S3Br. S3rS.
    to relate, communicate MBh. Bhat2t2.
    to name, call, S3rutab Desid. %{-cikhyAsati}, to wish to explain S3am2k.
  242. व्याख्यान (vyākhyāna) (vyākhyāna)
    mf(%{I})n. explaining, expounding commenting Pa1n2. 4-3, 66 Sch.
    (with gen.) reminding of. i.e. resembling Pa1n2. ib. Va1rtt.4 Pat.
    n. explaining, exposition, interpretation, gloss, comment S3Br. &c. &c.
    narration S3Br.
    recitation ib. %{prakriyA} f. %{-mAlA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-yogya} mfn. deserving exposition MW.
    %{-ratnA7valI} f. %{-vivaraNa} n. N. of wks.
  243. व्याघ्र (vyāghra) (vyāghra)
    m. a tiger (not in RV., but in AV., often mentioned with the lion
    accord. to R. iii, 30, 26, S3a1rdu1li1 is the mythical mother of tigers
    but in Vahni-Pura1n2a they are said to be the offspring of Kas3yapa's wife Din6sht2ra1
    cf. %{citra-vy-}) AV. &c. &c.
    any pre-eminently strong or noble person, `" a tiger among men "' (cf. %{RSabha}, %{siMha})
    Pongamia Glabra
    a red variety of the castor-oil plant
    N. of a Ra1kshasa VP.
    of a king Ra1jat.
    of various authors (also abridged fr. %{vyAghra-pad}) Cat.
    (%{I}) f. see col. 3.
  244. व्याध (vyādha) (vyādha)
    m. `" one who pierces or wounds "', a hunter, one who lives by killing deer (said to be the son of a Kshatriya by a low-caste mother) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a low man, wicked person&c. see %{vyadh}, p. 1031.
  245. व्याधि (vyādhi) (vyādhi)
    see %{vy-Adhi}, p. 1037, col. 1.
  246. व्याधित (vyādhita) (vyādhita)
    mf(%{A})n. afflicted with disease, diseased, sick Gr2S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
  247. व्यान (vyāna) (vyāna)
    m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates or is diffused through the body
    personified as a son of Uda1na and father of Apa7na
    cf. %{prA7Na}) AV. &c. &c.
    %{-dA4} mfn. giving breath VS.
    %{-dR4h} mfn. (nom. %{-dhR4k}) making the Vya1na strong or durable TS. Ka1t2h.
    %{bhR4t} mfn. maintaining the Vya1na S3Br.
    %{-no7dA7na4} m. du. Vya1na and Uda1na AV. &c. see %{vy-an}, p. 1031.
  248. व्यापन्न (vyāpanna) (vyāpanna)
    mfn. fallen into misfortune, disordered, spoiled, corrupted Sus3r.
    hurt, injured, destroyed, perished MBh.
    disappeared, changed by the substitution of another sound or symbol (esp. applied to the change of Visarga or Visarjani1ya to its corresponding sibilants
    when Visarga remains unchanged it is called %{vi-krAnta} q.v.) RPra1t.
    %{-citta} mfn. evil-minded, malicious DivyA7v.
  249. व्यापार (vyāpāra) (vyāpāra)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) occupation, employment, business, profession, function (%{sAyakAnAM@vyAp-}, the business of arrows "' i.e. `" hitting the mark "'
    often in comp. e.g. %{mAnasa-vy-}, `" occupation of mind "' Veda7ntas.
    %{vAg-vy-}, `" employment of speech "', talk Hit.
    %{gRha-vy-}, `" occoccupation with domestic affairs "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    doing, performance, action, operation, transaction, exertion, concern (acc. with %{kR}, `" to perform any one's [gen.] business "' Katha1s.
    `" to render good offices in any affair "' Kum.
    `" to meddle in "' [loc.] Pan5cat.
    with %{vraj} "', to engage in "' [loc.] Vikr.
    with %{yA}, `" to be concerned about "', `" care for "' [gen.]) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of the tenth astrol. mansion VarBr2S.
    %{-kAraka} mfn. (ifc.) engaging (in contest) with Hariv.
    %{-kArin} mfn. (ifc.) performing the function of, being occupied in, exercising or practising MBh.
    %{-rodhin} mfn. hindering the operation of. opposed to the ways of (gen.) S3ak.
    %{-vat} "' mfn. effective(%{-vat-tA} f. the possession of a partic. function Sa1h.)
  250. व्यापिन् (vyāpin) (vyāpin)
    mfn. reaching through, pervading, covering, diffusive, comprehensive, spreading everywhere, spread over (ifc.), extending or reaching or continuing to or filling up or containing (ifc.) Nir. S3vetUp. MBh. &c.
    invariably inherent or concomitant (in logic) Bha1sha1p.
    m. pervader "'N. of Vishn2u MW.
    an invariably pervading property as characteristic ib.
  251. व्याप्त (vyāpta) (vyāpta)
    mfn. spread through, pervaded, extended, covered or filled with, thoroughly occupied or penetrated by (as the universe by spirit), filled up, full S3vetUp. Bhag. R. &c.
    comprehended or included under (a general notion), having invariably inherent properties, invariably pervaded or attended or accompanied by (in logic
    e.g. %{dhUmo@vahninnA@vyAptaH}, `" smoke is invariably attended by fire "'), Bhashap.
    occupied, obtained, taken possession of MBh. Prab. Pan5cat. [1037,3]
    wealthy, rich AitBr.
    celebrated, famous W.
    placed, fixed ib.
    open, outspread, expanded ib.
    %{-tama} mfn. most diffused Nr2isUp.
    %{-tA7ntara} mfn. having intervals or apertures or recesses filled up MW.  %{vy-Apti} see p. 1037.
  252. व्याप्ति (vyāpti) (vyāpti)
    f. (ifc. %{-tika}) acquisition, attainment, accomplishment AV. S3Br.
    pervasion, inherence, inherent and inseparable presence of any one thing in another (as of oil in sesamum seed, heat in fire &c.), universal pervasion, invariable concomitance, universal distribution or accompaniment (e.g. `" smoke is always pervaded by fire "', or `" fire is necessarily attended with smoke "' cf. IW. 62) Kap. Nya1yam. Sch.
    universality, universal rule without an exception Sarvad. Veda7ntas.
    omnipresence, ubiquity (as a divine attribute) W.
  253. व्याम (vyāma) (vyāma)
    m. (prob. for %{vi-yAma} q.v.
    cf. %{vy-AyAma}, %{sam-Ama}) the measure of the two extended arms (= 5 Aratnis), a fathom AV. S3Br. Gr2S3rS. &c.
    diagonal direction AV.
    disregard, disrespect (?) W.
    smoke (?)
    pl. N. of a class of deceased ancestors VP.
    Costus Speciosus or Arabicus VarBr2S.
  254. व्यायत (vyāyata) (vyāyata)
    mfn. drawn asunder, separated (in %{avy-}) RPra1t.
    opened, expanded (see comp.)
    long, wide, distant, far (see comp.)
    hard, firm, strong R. Ka1m. &c.
    excessive, intense (see comp.
    %{am} ind. excessively, in a high degree R.)
    occupied, busy (= %{vyApRta})
    %{-tA} f. the being open, openness, gaping (of the, mouth) Mr2icch. Sch.
    %{-tva} n. firmness, strength S3ak.
    %{-pAtam} ind. while flying from afar Kum.
    %{-pAtin} mfn. running far and wide (as horses) Prab.
  255. व्यायाम (vyāyāma) (vyāyāma)
    m. dragging different ways, contest, strife, struggle AV. MBh.
    exertion, manly effort, athletic or gymnastic exercise (e.g., `" playing with heavy clubs, drawing a bow with a chain &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) exercise or practise in MBh. R. Sus3r.
    (with Buddhists) right exercise or training MWB. 44 (cf. Dharmas.119)
    `" drawing out, extending "', a partic. measure of length, fathom (= %{vi-yAma} and %{vy-Ama}) S3ulbas.
    a difficult passage, any difficulty (?)
    %{-karzita} mfn. emaciated through bodily exercise MBh.
    %{-kalaha} m. du. contest and strife ib.
    %{-prayoga} m. N. of wk.
    %{-bhUmi} f. exercising ground, gymnasium Ka1m.
    %{-vat} mfn. taking bodily exercise g. %{balA7di}
    %{-vid} mfn. skilled in gymnastics Ra1jat.
    %{-vidyA} f. the science of ggymnastics ib.
    %{-zAlA} f. an exercising hall Ka1d.
    %{-zIla} mfn. accustomed to or fond of exercise, active, robust, athletic W.
  256. व्याल (vyāla) (vyāla)
    mfn. (prob. connected with %{vyADa} q.v.) mischievous, wicked, vicious AV. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    prodigal, extravagant
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a vicious elephant, Kav.
    a beast of prey Gaut. MBh. &c.
    a snake MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a lion
    a tiger
    a hunting leopard
    a prince, king
    Plumbago Ceylanica
    the second %{dRkANa} (q.v.) in Cancer, the first in Scorpio, and the third in Pisces VarBr2S. [1038,3]
    a kind of metre Col.
    N. of the number `" eight "' Gan2it.
    N. of a man (cf. %{vyADa}) Cat.
    (%{I}) f. a female snake MBh. R. &c.
    n. N. of one of the three retrograde stages in the motion of the planet Mars VarBr2S.
  257. व्यावर्त (vyāvarta) (vyāvarta)
    &c. see below. m. revolving W.
    encompassing, surrounding ib.
    separating, selecting, appointing ib.
    ruptured navel (= %{nAbhi-kaNTaka}) L.
  258. व्यावर्तक (vyāvartaka) (vyāvartaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. separating, removing, excluding, excepting (%{-tA} f. %{-tva} n.), S3a1ntis3. Tarkas. Veda7ntas. &c.
    distinguishing, distinctive MW.
    turning away from ib.
    encircling, encompassing ib.
  259. व्यावर्तन (vyāvartana) (vyāvartana)
    mf(%{I})n. averting, removing (cf. %{vigraha-vyAvartanI})
    excluding Sam2k.
    n. turn (of a road) AV. ChUp.
    coil (of a snake) Kir.
    turning away Sa1h.
    turning round, revolving, encompassing, surrounding W.
  260. व्यावहारिक (vyāvahārika) (vyāvahārika)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vyava-hAra}) relating to common life or practice or action, practical, usual, current, actual, real (as opp. to, `" ideal "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in phil.) practical existence (opp. to %{pAramArthika}, `" real "', and %{prAtibhAsika}, `" illusory "') IW. 108
    sociable, affable Ka1m.
    belonging to judicial procedure, judicial, legal Mn. viii, 78
    m. a counsellor, minister, official R.
    N. of a Buddhist school
    n. business, commerce, trade BhP.
  261. व्यावृत्त (vyāvṛtta) (vyāvṛtta)
    mfn. turned away from, freed from, rid of (instr. abl., or comp.) AV. MaitrS. Ka1lid. &c.
    split asunder, opened Hariv. Sus3r.
    (ifc.) different from Kap.
    averted R. Katha1s.
    distorted Shad2vBr.
    turned back, returned from (abl.) Campak.
    (ifc.) incompatible or inconsistent with Bha1sha1p.
    thoroughly liberated or emancipated (as the soul) Kap.
    ceased, disappeared, gone Kum.
    `" chosen "' or `" fenced "' (= %{vRta})
    excepted, excluded W.
    praised, hymned (?) ib.
    %{-kautUhala} mfn. one whose interest is diverted from (comp.) Vikr.
    %{-gati} mfn. one whose movement has ceased, abated, subsided, lulled (as wind) Kum.
    %{-cetas} mfn. one whose mind is turned away from (abl.) Katha1s.
    %{-tva} n. the being separated or excluded from, inconsistency or incompatibility with (comp.) Sa1h.
    (in phil.) the being separated from, the being non-extensive (= %{alpa-deza-vRttitvam}, `" existing in few places "', i. e. comprising but few individuals "', said of a species, and opp. to %{adhika-d--vR-}, existing in many places "', said of a genus) MW.
    %{-deha} mfn. having the body split or burst asunder (said of a mountain) Hariv.
    %{-buddhi} f. limited conception "', the conception of a class containing few individuals. (or of a class comprised in a higher class) MW.
    %{-ziras} mfn. having the head turned round R.
    %{-sarve7ndriyA7rtha} mfn. turned away from all objects of sense, indifferent to all worldly matters Pan5cat.
    %{-ttA7tman} mfn. = %{-tta-cetas} Ragh.
    %{-tte7ndriya} mfn. (ifc.) having the senses averted from MaitrUp. Sch.
  262. व्यावृत्ति (vyāvṛtti) (vyāvṛtti)
    f. turning away, turning the back (see %{avyAvR-})
    rolling (the eyes) Sus3r.
    deliverance from, getting rid of (abl.) TS. S3a1ntis3.
    being deprived of, separation or exclusion from S3am2k.
    exclusion, rejection, removal Kum. Ka1vya7d. Sa1h. (cf. %{paraspara-vy-})
    discrimination, distinction TS. S3Br.
    distinctness (of sound or voice) Ka1t2h.
    difference AitBr. Nya1yas. Sch.
    cessation, end A1pS3r.
    a kind of sacrifice S3Br.
    screening (prob. for %{vy-AvRti}) ib.
    praise, eulogium (?) ib.
    %{-tva} n. see under %{vyAvritta}.
  263. व्यास (vyāsa) (vyāsa)
    m. severing, separation, division Sarvad.
    a kind of drawl (as a fault in pronunciation), A1Pra1t.
    extension, diffusion, prolixity, detailed account (instr.
    abl. and %{-tas} ind. in detail, at length, fully) MBh. Sus3r. BhP.
    width, breadth, the diameter of a circle S3ulbas. VarBr2S.
    `" distributing, disjoining "'N. of the Pada-pa1t2ha or, disjoined text "' Apra1t.
    `" arranger, compiler "'N. of a celebrated mythical sage and author (often called Veda-vya1sa and regarded as the original compiler and arranger of the Vedas, Veda7nta-su1tras &c.
    he was the son of the sage Para1s3ara and Satyavati, and half-brother of Vicitra-vi1rya and Bhi1shma
    he was also called Va1dara1yan2a or Baldara1yan2a, and Kr2ishn2a from his dark complexion, and Dvaipa1yana because he was brought forth by Satyavati1 on a Dvi1pa or island in the Jumna1
    when grown up he retired to the wilderness to lead the life of a hermit, but at his mother's request returned to become the husband of Vicitra-vi1rya's two childless widows, by whom he was the father of the blind Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra and of Pa1n2d2u
    he was also the father of Vidura [q.v.] by a slave girl, and of S3uka, the supposed narrator of the Bha1gavata-Pura1n2a, he was also the supposed compiler of the Maha1-bha1rata, the Pura1n2as, and other portions of Hindu1 sacred literature
    but the name Vya1sa seems to have been given to any great typical compiler or author) MBh. Hariv. Pur. cf. IW. 371 n. 2
    373 &c.
    a Bra1hman who recites or expounds the Pura1n2as &c. in public (= %{pAThaka-brAhmaNa}) MW.
    n. a bow weighing 100 Palas&c. see p. 1035, col. 2.
  264. व्यासङ्ग (vyāsaṅga) (vyāsaṅga)
    m. excessive attachment, close adherence Bhartr2. Ma1lati1m.
    devotion or addiction to, wish or desire of. longing or passion for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    connection, Kusum.
    addition W.
    detachment, separation (in this and the next senses %{vi} is privative) W.
    separate attention, distraction (of thought) Nya1yas.
  265. व्याहृत (vyāhṛta) (vyāhṛta)
    mfn. spoken, uttered, said, told, declared, stated VS. &c, &c.
    one who has uttered a sound R.
    eaten, devoured Ja1takam.
    n. speaking, talking, conversation Ka1v. BhP.
    information, instruction, direction Pa1n2. 5-4, 35
    inarticulate speech or song (of animals and birds) MBh. Hariv.
    %{-saMdeza} mfn. one who tells news or communicates information MW.
  266. व्याहृति (vyāhṛti) (vyāhṛti)
    f. utterance, speech, declaration, statement MBh. Ka1lid. VarBr2S.
    (also %{-tI}
    ifc. %{-tikA}), the mystical utterance of the names of the seven worlds (viz. %{bhUr}, %{bhuvar} [or %{bhuvaH}], %{svar}, %{mahar}, %{janar}, %{tapar}, %{satya} [qq. vv.] the first three of which, called, the great Vya1hr2itis "', are pronounced after %{om} by every Bra1hman in commencing his daily prayers and are personified as the daughters of Savitr2i and Pr2is3ni) TS. Br. RTL. 403 Mn. ii, 76 MBh. &c.
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    %{-traya} n. the first three of the above mystical words MW.
    %{-pUrvaka} mfn. preceded by the above three mystical words ib.
  267. व्युत्थान (vyutthāna) (vyutthāna)
    n. rising up, awakening (a partic. stage in Yoga) Veda1ntas.
    yielding, giving way (in %{a-vy-}) MBh.
    swerving from the right course, neglect of duties ib.
    independent action
    a kind of dancing or gesticulation MW.
  268. व्युत्थित (vyutthita) (vyutthita)
    mfn. greatly divergent in opinion MBh.
    strongly excited or agitated (see comp.)
    swerving from duty (with or scil. %{dharmAt}) Hariv. Sarvad.
    %{-citta} mfn. strongly excited in mind Sarvad.
    %{-ttA7zva} m. N. of a prince VP.
    %{-tte7ndriya} mfn. greatly agitated in the senses or feelings Hariv.
  269. व्युत्पत्ति (vyutpatti) (vyutpatti)
    f. production, origin, derivation (esp. in gram.), etymology Nya1yam. Sa1h. Vop.
    development, perfection, growth (esp. in knowledge), proficiency (esp. in literature or science), comprehensive learning or scholarship Nya1yam. Kap. Ba1lar. &c.
    difference of tone or sound (fr. 3. %{vi} denoting variation) VarBr2S.
    %{-dIpikA} f. N. of wk. (also called %{prAkRta-prakriyA-vRtti})
    %{-pakSe} ind. on the side of derivation or etymology (an expression used by Vedic commentators when the accentuation is settled by the affixes and not accord. to the meanings of the words)
    %{-mat} mfn. learned, cultured Sam2k.
    %{-ratnA7kara} m. %{-rahasya} n. N. of wks.
    %{-rahita} mfn. destitute of (clear) derivation, not to be explained etymologically, Kusum.
    %{-vAda} m. %{-vAda-kroDapattra} n. %{-vAda-TIkA} f. %{-vAda-pattra} n. %{vAdaparyAya-pattra} n. %{-vAda-rahasya} n. %{-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks.
  270. व्युत्पन्न (vyutpanna) (vyutpanna)
    mfn. arisen, originated, derived (esp. in gram.), to be explained etymologically (see %{a-vy--})
    learned, accomplished, experienced, Versed in (instr.) Bhartr2. BhP. Nya1yam. Sch.
  271. व्युदित (vyudita) (vyudita)
    mfn. ( %{vad}) disputed, debated, discussed, contested S3a1n3khBr.
  272. व्यूढ (vyūḍha) (vyūḍha)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{vy-Uh}) led home, married Katha1s. BhP.
  273. व्यूह (vyūha) (vyūha)
    1 m. placing apart, distribution, arrangement R. VarBr2S. &c.
    orderly arrangement of the parts of a whole (cf. %{caraNa-vy-}), disposition Nya1yas.
    military array, an army, host, squadron (various arrays are %{daNDa-}, `" staff-like array "'
    %{zakaTa-}, `" cart array "'
    %{varAha-}, `" boar array "'
    %{maNDala-}, `" circular ararray
    %{A-saMhata-}, `" loose ararray "'
    %{AkheTa-vyUha}, `" hunting array "' &c.) Mn. vii, 187 MBh. &c.
    shifting, transposition, displacement S3Br. S3rS.
    separation, resolution (of vowels, syllables &c.) RPra1t.
    detailed explanation or description SaddhP.
    a section, division, chapter Sarvad.
    form, manifestation (esp. the quadruple manifestation of Purusho7ttama as Va1sudeva, Sam2karshan2a, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha), appearance (often ifc. after numerals cf. %{catur-}, %{trir-vy-}) MBh. BhP. Sarvad.
    formation, structure, manufacture
    an aggregate, flock, multitude Va1s. S3atr.
    the body W.
    breathing Nya1yas.
    %{pArSNi} m. or f. %{-pRSTha} n. the rear of an army
    %{-bhaGga} m. %{-bheda} m. the breaking of an array, throwing into, disorder W.
    %{-racanA} f. arrangement of troops (%{-naM@vi-dhA}, `" to assume a warlike attitude "') Pan5cat.
    1. %{-rAja} m. the chief or best form of military array MBh.
    %{-hA7ntara} m. a different arrangement or position MW.
  274. व्योमन् (vyoman) (vyoman)
    mfn. (for 2. see s.v.) one who cannot be saved (?) Ka1t2h.
  275. व्रज (vraja) (vraja)
    1 m. (for 2. see p. 1042, col. 1) a way, road
    n. wandering, roaming W.
  276. व्रण (vraṇa) (vraṇa)
    m. (exceptionally n.) a. wound, sore, ulcer, abscess, tumour, cancer, boil, scar, cicatrix, crack Mn. MBh. &c.
    a flaw, blemish (also in inanimate objects) MBh. Hariv. VarBr2S.
  277. व्रणित (vraṇita) (vraṇita)
    mfn. wounded, sore, ulcerated R. Sus3r. Katha1s. &c.
  278. व्रत (vrata) (vrata)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}
    fr. 2. %{vR}) will, command, law, ordinance, rule RV.
    obedience, service ib. AV. A1s3vGr2.
    dominion, realm RV.
    sphere of action, function, mode or, manner of life (e.g. %{zuci-vr-}, pure manner of life "' S3ak.), conduct, manner, usage, custom RV. &c. &c.
    a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice (as fasting, continence &c.
    %{vrata4M-car}, to observe a vow "', esp., `" to practise chastity "') ib.
    any vow or firm purpose, resolve to (dat. loc., or comp.
    %{vratAt}, or %{vrata-vazAt}, `" in consequence of a vow "'
    cf. %{asi-dhArA-vrata} and %{AsidhAraM@vratam}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the practice of always eating the same food (cf. %{madhu-vr-})
    the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule
    also the milk itself) VS. Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    any food (in %{a-yAcita-vr-} q.v.)
    = %{mahA-vrata} (i.e. a partic. Stotra, and the day for it) Br. S3rS "'
    (with gen. or ifc.) N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr. (L. also `" month
    `" = Vishn2u
    `" N. of one of the seven islands of Antara-dvi1pa "')
    (%{vra4ta}) m. (of unknown meaning) AV. v, 1, 7 A1pS3r. xiii, 16, 8
    N. of a son of Manu and Nad2vala1 BhP.
    (pl.) N. of a country belonging to Pra1cya
    mfn. = %{veda-vrata}, one who has taken the vow of learning the Veda Gr2ihya1s. ii, 3 (Sch.)
  279. व्रतिन् (vratin) (vratin)
    mfn. observing a vow, engaged in a religious observance &c. TS. S3Br. Kaus3. &c.
    (ifc.) engaged in, worshipping, behaving like MBh. BhP.
    m. an ascetic, devotee MW.
    a religious student ib.
    one who institutes a sacrifice and employs priests (= %{yajamAna}) ib.
    N. of a Muni Cat.
    (%{inI}) f. a nun HParis3.
  280. व्रात्य (vrātya) (vrātya)
    m. a man of the mendicant or vagrant class, a tramp, out-caste, low or vile person (either a man who has lost caste through non-observance of the ten principal Sam2ska1ras, or a man of a partic. low caste descended from a Su1dra and a Kshatriya1
    accord. to some `" the illegitimate son of a Kshatriya who knows the habits and intentions of soldiers "'
    in AV. xv, 8, 1
    9, 1, the Ra1janyas and even the Bra1hmans are said to have sprung from the Vra1tya who is identified with the Supreme Being, prob. in glorification of religious mendicancy
    accord. to A1pS3r. %{vrAtya} is used in addressing a guest) AV. &c. &c.
    (%{A}) f. a female Vra1tya Mn. viii, 373
    a vagrant life Pan5cavBr.
    mfn. belonging to the Vrata called Maha-vrata (q.v.) Pan5cavBr. Sch.
  281. व्रीडा (vrīḍā) (vrīḍā)
    f. shame, modesty, bashfulness (%{vrIDAM} %{kR}, to feel shame) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  282. व्रीडावत् (vrīḍāvat) (vrīḍāvat)
    mfn. ashamed, abashed MBh. Gi1t.
  283. व्रीडित (vrīḍita) (vrīḍita)
    mfn. ashamed, abashed, modest MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. shame, embarrassment Kir.
  284. शंयु (śaṃyu) (śaṃyu)
    see %{zaMyu4}, col. 3.
  285. शंस (śaṃsa) (śaṃsa)
    m. recitation, invocation, praise RV.
    wishing well or ill to, a blessing or a curse ib.
    a promise, vow ib. (%{narA4M@za4Msa} RV. ii, 34, 6, prob. = %{narA-z-} q.v.
    %{Rju4r} %{i4c} %{cha4Msa}, ii, 26, 1 either, by tmesis, `" the right praiser "', or %{Rju-zaMsa} as adj. `" righteous, faithful "'
    a spell MW.
    calumny ib.
    (%{A}) f. praise, flattery, eulogium Ka1v.
    wish, desire W.
    speech, utterance, anouncement R.
    mfn. reciting, proclaiming, praising, wishing (see %{agha-}, %{duH-z} &c.)
  286. शंसित (śaṃsita) (śaṃsita)
    mfn. (often confounded with %{saM-zita} see %{saM-zo}) said, told, praised, celebrated Pan5cat. praiseworthy ib.
    wished, desired, longed for W.
    calumniated, falsely accused ib.
  287. शंसिन् (śaṃsin) (śaṃsin)
    mfn. (only ifc.) reciting, uttering, announcing, telling, relating, betraying, predicting, promising Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
  288. शक (śaka) (śaka)
    1 see %{su-za4ka}. 3 m. pl. N. of a partic. whiteskinned tribe or race of people (in the legends which relate the contests between Vasisht2ha and Vis3vamitra the S3akas are fabled to have been produced by the Cow of Vasisht2ha, from her sweat, for the destruction of Vis3va1mitra's army
    in Mn. x, 44, they are mentioned together with the Paun2d2rakas, Od2ras, Dravid2as, Ka1mbojas, Javanas or Yavanas, Pa1radas, Pahlavas, Ci1nas, Kira1tas, Daradas, and Khas3as, described by Kullu1ka as degraded tribes of Kshatriyas called after the districts in which they reside: according to the VP. iv, 3, king Sagara attempted to rid his kingdom of these tribes, but did not succeed in destroying them all: they are sometimes regarded as the followers of S3aka or S3a1li-va1hana, and are probably to be identified with the Tartars or Indo-Scythians [Lat. %{saca}] who overran India before the A1ryans, and were conquered by the great Vikrama7ditya [q.v.]
    they really seem to have been dominant in the north-west of India in the last century before and the first two centuries after the beginning of our era) AV.Paris3. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a king of the S3akas g. %{kambojA7di} (on Pa1n2. 4-1, 175 Va1rtt.)
    an era, epoch (cf. %{-kAla})
    a year (of any era) Inscr.
    a partic. fragrant substance Gal.
  289. शकट (śakaṭa) (śakaṭa)
    n. (rarely m. of doubtful derivation) a cart, waggon, car, carriage Nir. S3a1n3khS3r. &c.
    (with %{prAjApatyam}, or %{rohiNyAH} cf. %{rohiNI-z-}) the five stars forming the asterism Rohin2i1 compared to a cart Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c.
    (only) n. a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when all the planets are in the Ist and 7th house) VarBr2S.
    m. n. a form of military array resembling a wedge Mn. vii, 187
    m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis
    Arum Colacasia
    an implement for preparing grain MW.
    w.r. for %{zAkaTa} q.v.
    N. of a man, g., %{naDA7di}
    of a demon slain by the child Kr2ishn2a S3is3.
    m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  290. शकटिका (śakaṭikā) (śakaṭikā)
    f. a small cart, a child's cart, toy-cart Mr2icch. ix, (cf. 28/29 (cf. %{mRc-chakaTikA}).
  291. शकटिन् (śakaṭin) (śakaṭin)
    mfn. possessing a cart or carriage
    m. the owner of a cart Katha1s.
  292. शकन् (śakan) (śakan)
    see %{za4kRt}, col. 3.
  293. शकल (śakala) (śakala)
    m. n. (in S3Br. also %{za4kara}, of doubtful derivation) a chip, fragment, splint, log, piece, bit TS. &c. &c. (%{zakalAni} %{kR}, with acc., `" to separate, divide, dissipate "' Ragh.)
    a potsherd Mn. vi, 28
    a spark (in %{kRzAnu-z-}) S3is3. v 9
    n. a half Sa1h (%{candra-z-}, the half-moon Ka1d.)
    a half-verse Ked.
    the half of an egg-shell Mn. MBh. &c.
    skin, bark DivyA7v.
    the scales of a fish (cf. %{zalka}, %{zalkala}) ib.
    the skull (in %{kapAla-z-})
    a kind of black pigment or dye
    m. N. of a man g. %{gargA7di}.
  294. शकार (śakāra) (śakāra)
    m. (for 2. see p. 1045) the letter or sound %{za} Pra1t.
    %{-bheda} m. = next.
  295. शकुन (śakuna) (śakuna)
    m. (said to be fr. %{zak} Un2. iii, 49) a bird (esp. a large bird or one of good or bad omen) RV. &c. &c.
    a partic. kind of bird (either = %{gridhra}, a vulture, or = %{cilla}, a common kite or Pondicherry eagle)
    a kind of Bra1hman (%{vipra-bheda}) MW.
    a sort of hymn or song (sung at festivals to secure good fortune) W.
    (with %{vasiSThasya}) N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    N. of an Asura BhP.
    pl. N. of a people MBh. Buddh.
    (%{I}) f. see col. 3
    n. any auspicious object or lucky omen, an omen or prognostic (in general
    rarely `" an inauspicious omen "') Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
    mfn. indicating good luck, auspicious MW.
  296. शकुनज्ञ (śakunajña) (śakunajña)
    mfn. knowing omens Katha1s.
    (%{A}) f. a small house-lizard L.
  297. शकुनि (śakuni) (śakuni)
    m. a bird (esp. a large bird= %{gridhra} or %{cilla} accord. to some `" a cock "') RV. &c. &c.
    (in astronomy) N. of the first fixed %{karaNa} (q.v.) VarBr2S.
    N. of a Naga MBh.
    of an evil demon (son of Duh2-saha) Ma1rkP.
    of an Asura (son of Hiran2ya7ksha and father of Vr2ika) Hariv. Pur.
    of the brother of queen Gandha1ri1 (and therefore the brother-in-law of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra and the Ma1tula or maternal uncle of the Kuru princes
    as son of Subala, king of Ga1ndha1ra, he is called Saubala
    he often acted as counsellor of Duryodhana, and hence his name is sometimes applied to an old officious relative whose counsels ten to misfortune) MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 380)
    of a son of Vikukshi and grandson of Ikshva1ku) Hariv.
    of a son of Das3a-ratha ib. BhP.
    of the great-grandfather of As3oka Ra1jat.
    du. N. of the A1s3vins MW.
    (%{i} or %{I}) f. see below.
  298. शकुन्तला (śakuntalā) (śakuntalā)
    f. (said to be fr. %{zakunta}) N. of a daughter of the Apsaras Menaka1 by Vis3va1mitra (she was supposed to have been born and left in a forest, where she was protected by birds till found by the sage Kan2va, who took her to his hermitage and reared her as his daughter
    she was there seen by king Dushyanta, when on a hunting expedition, and married by him, and became the mother of Bharata, sovereign of all India
    the story of Dushyanta's accidental meeting with S3akuntala1, their marriage, separation, his repudiation of her through temporary loss of memory caused by a curse, his subsequent recognition of her by means of a ring which was lost but afterwards recovered, forms the subject of Kalida1sa's celebrated drama called Abhijn5a1na-s3akuntala1 q.v.).
  299. शकृत् (śakṛt) (śakṛt)
    n. (the weak cases are optionally formed fr. a base %{zaka4n} cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 3
    %{zakRt} nom. acc. sg. and ibc.
    gen. sg. %{zakna4s} AV.
    instr. %{zaknA4} VS., or %{zakRtA} Ka1tyS3r. instr. pl. %{za4kabhis} TS.
    acc. pl. %{zakRtas} VarBr2S.), excrement, ordure, feces, dung (esp. cow-dung) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. $, $,
    accord. to some, &316852[1046,3] $, and Lat. {cacare}.]
  300. शक्त (śakta) (śakta)
    mfn. able, competent for, equal to, capable of (instr. gen. dat. loc. acc. of person with %{prati} inf., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    = %{zakita}, able to be (with inf. in a pass. sense) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 7-2, 17 m. N. of a son of Manasyu MBh.  %{zakti} &c. see p. 1044, col. 2.
  301. शक्ति (śakti) (śakti)
    or f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability (%{zaktyA} or %{Atma-z-} or %{sva-z-}, `" according to ability "'
  302. शक्तिमत् (śaktimat) (śaktimat)
    mfn. possessed of ability, powerful, mighty, able to (inf. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    possessing a competence, one who has gained a fortune MW.
    possessed of or united with his Sakti or energy (as a god) Katha1s.
    armed with a spear or lance Hariv.
    m. N. of a mountain (prob. w.r. for %{zukti-mat}) MBh.
    (%{atI}) f. N. of a woman, Kathis.
    (%{-mat}) %{-tva} n. power, might Ragh.
  303. शक्य (śakya) (śakya)
    mf(%{A})n. able, possible, practicable, capable of being (with inf. in pass. sense e.g. %{na@sA@zakyA@netum@balAt}, she cannot be conducted by force "'
    %{tan@mayA@zakyam@pratzpattum}, that is able to be acquired by me "'
    the form %{zakyam} may also be used with a nom. case which is in a different gender or number e.g. %{zakyaM@zva-mAMsA7dibhir@api@kSut@pratihantum}, `" hunger can be appeased even by dog's flesh &c. "'
    cf. Va1m. v, 2, 25) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to be conquered or subdued, liable to be compelled to (inf.) MBh.
    explicit, direct, literal (as the meaning of a word or sentence, opp. to %{lakSya} and %{vyaGgya}) Alam2ka1ras3.
  304. शक्र (śakra) (śakra)
    mf(%{A4})n. strong, powerful, mighty (applied to various gods, but esp. to Indra)TBr. La1t2y.
    m. N. of Indra MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    of an A1ditya MBh. Hariv.
    of the number, fourteen "' Gan2it.
    Wrightia Antidysenterica
    Terminalia Arjuna L.
  305. शङ्का (śaṅkā) (śaṅkā)
    f. (ifc. f. %{A}) apprehension, care, alarm, fear, distrust, suspicion of (abl. loc., or %{prati} with acc., or comp.
    %{brahma-hatyA-kRtA@zaGkA}, `" the fear of having committed the murder of a Bra1hman "' R.
    %{pApa-zaGkA@na@katavyA}, `" no evil is to be suspected "' Katha1s.) S3Br. &c. &c.
    doubt, uncertainty, hesitation MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) belief. supposition, presumption (of or that any person or thing is-) ib.
    a subject started in disputation MW.
    a species of the Dan2d2aka metre W.
  306. शङ्कर (śaṅkara) (śaṅkara)
    see %{zaMkara}, p. 1054, col. 3. [1047,2]
  307. शङ्कु (śaṅku) (śaṅku)
    1 m. (for 2. see col. 2) fear, terror W.
  308. शङ्कित (śaṅkita) (śaṅkita)
    mfn. alarmed, apprehensive, distrustful, suspicious, afraid of (abl. gen., or comp.), anxious about (loc. or acc. with %{prati}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    assuming, supposing Ra1jat.
    feared, apprehended R. S3a1ntis3.
    doubted, doubtful, uncertain Mn. Mr2icch. &c.
    weak, unsteady W.
  309. शङ्कितव्य (śaṅkitavya) (śaṅkitavya)
    mfn. to be feared or suspected or distrusted (n. impers. "' it should be feared "' &c.) MBh. Prasannar.
    to be doubted, doubtful, questionable MBh.
  310. शङ्किन् (śaṅkin) (śaṅkin)
    mfn. afraid of. fearing (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    timid, suspicious, distrustful as (comp. e.g. %{kAka-s-}, `" distrustful as a crow "') MBh. Katha1s.
    assuming, supposing, suspecting, imagining Ragh. Hit.
    full of apprehension or danger Pan5cat.
  311. शङ्ख (śaṅkha) (śaṅkha)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a shell, (esp.) the conch-shell (used for making libations of water or as an ornament for the arms or for the temples of an elephant
    a conch-shell perforated at one end is also used as a wind instrument or horn
    in the battles of epic poetry, each hero being represented as provided with a conch-shell which serves as his horn or trumpet and of ten has a name) AV. &c. &c. IW. 403
    a partic. high number (said to = a hundred billions or 100, 000 krores) MBh.
    m. the temporal bone, temple (accord. to some also, the bone of the forehead "' or, frontal bone "') Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    an elephant's cheek or the part between the tusks (%{hasti-danta-madhya})
    N. of the teeth of an elephant 23 years old VarBr2S.
    Unguis Odoratus
    a partic. Mantra Gobh.
    a kind of metre, Ked N. of one of Kubera's treasures and of the being presiding over it MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a military drum or other martial instrument W.
    N. of one of the 8 chiefs of the Na1gas (q.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. [1047,3]
    of a Daitya (who conquered the gods, stole the Vedas, and carried them off to the bottom of the sea, from whence they were recovered by Vishn2u in the form of a fish) ib.
    of a demon dangerous to children A1pGr2. Sch.
    of a mythical elephant R.
    N. of various men (pl. N. of a Gotra) AV. &c. &c.
    of a son of Vira1t2a MBh.
    of a son of Vajra-na1bha Hariv. Pur.
    of a law-giver (often mentioned together with his brother Likhita, q.v.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (cf. comp. below)
    of the author of RV. x, 15 (having the patr. Ya1ma1yana) Anukr.
    of another poet Cat.
    of a country in the south of India (said to abound in shells) VarBr2S. (cf. g. %{zaNDikA7di})
    of a mountain Hariv. Pur.
    of a forest VP.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of flute Sam2gi1t. [Cf. Gk., $
    Lat. {concha}, &317094[1047,3] {cangius}.]
  312. शची (śacī) (śacī)
    f. the rendering of powerful or mighty help, assistance, aid (esp. said of the deeds of Indra and the As3vins, instr. %{za4cyA} and %{za4cIbhis}, often = `" mightily "' or, helpfully "') RV.
    kindness, favour, grace ib. AV. AitBr. [1048,2]
    skill, dexterity RV. VS.
    speech, power of speech, eloquence Naigh.
    N. of the wife of Indra (derived fr. %{zacI-pati} q.v.) S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c.
    of the authoress of RV. x, 159 (having the patr. Paulomi) Anukr.
    Asparagus Racemosus
    a kind of coitus L.
  313. शचीपति (śacīpati) (śacīpati)
    (%{za4cI-}) m. lord of might or help (applied to Indra and the As3vins)
    N. of Indra MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{kSiti-z-}).
  314. शठ (śaṭha) (śaṭha)
    mf(%{A})n. false, deceitful, frauduIent, malignant, wicked A1past. Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. a cheat, rogue (esp. a false husband or lover, who pretends affection for one female while his heart is fixed on another
    one of the four classes into which husbands are divided) W.
    a, fool, blockhead ib.
    an idler ib.
    a mediator, umpire
    the thorn-apple
    white mustard seed
    N. of an Asura MBh.
    of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv. (v.l. %{gada} and %{suta})
    (%{I}) f. w.r. for %{zaTI} Car.
    n. saffron
    Tabernaemontana Coronaria
    tin L.
  315. शण (śaṇa) (śaṇa)
    m. (L. also n.) a kind of hemp, Cannabis Sativa or Crotolaria Juncea AV. &c. &c., an arrow L.
  316. शत (śata) (śata)
    n. (rarely m.
    ifc. f. %{I}) a hundred (used with other numerals thus, %{ekA7dhikaM@zatam}, or %{eka-z-}, a hhundred + one, 101 %{viMzaty-adhikaM@zatam} or %{viMzaM@z-}, a hhundred + twenty, 120
    %{zate} or %{dve@zate} or %{dvi-zatam} or %{zata-dvayam}, 200
    %{trINi} %{zatAni} or %{tri-zatAni} or %{zata-trayam}, 300
    %{SaT-zatam}, 600
    or the comp. becomes an ordinal e.g. %{dvi-zata}, the 200th
    %{dvikaM}, %{trikaM@zatam} = 2, 3 per cent
    %{zatAtpara}, `" beyonda hhundred, exceeding 100 "'
    the counted object is added either in the gen., or in the same case as %{zata}, or ibc. e.g. %{zatam@pitaraH} or, %{zatam@pitRRNAm} or %{pitR-zatam} a hhundred ancestors "'
    sometimes also ifc. see comp. below
    rarely %{zatam} is used as an indecl. with an instr. e.g. %{zata4M@ra4thebhiH}, `" with a hhundred chariots "' RV. i, 48, 7
    rarely occurs a masc. form in pl. e.g. %{paJca-zatA}, %{rathAn} MBh. iv, 1057
    and %{zata} n. rarely in comp. of the following kind, %{catur-varSa-zatam} or %{-tAni}, `" 400 years "') RV. &c. &c.
    any very large number (in comp. as %{zata-pattra} &c. below). [Cf. Gk. $ `" one "' hundred
    &317439[1048,3] Lat. {centum}
    Lith. {szmtas}
    Got. (twa) %{hunda}
    Germ. {hund-ert}
    Eng. {hund-ed}.]
  317. शतक (śataka) (śataka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. consisting of a hundred, comprising or amounting to a hhundred Hariv. Ma1rkP.
    the hundredth R.
    m. N. of Vishn2u
    (%{ikA}) f. an amount of a hundred or of several hundreds (according to the numeral prefixed in comp. e.g. %{dvi-zatikAM@dadAti}. he gives an amount or a sum of 200) Pa1n2. 5-4, 1 Sch.
    (%{akam}) n. a hundred, a century (construed like %{zata}) MBh. &c. (esp. in titles of wks. `" a cento "' or `" a collection of 100 stanzas "'
    cf. %{amaru-}, %{nIti-z-} &c.)
  318. शतद्रु (śatadru) (śatadru)
    f. `" flowing in a hhundred (or numerous) branches "'N. of a river now called the Sutlej (it is the most easterly of the five rivers of the Pan5ja1b, and rises in a lake [prob. Ma1nasa Sarovar] on the Hima7laya mountains
    flowing in a southwesterly direction for 550 miles, it unites with the Vipa1s3a1 or Beas south-east of Amritsar [see %{vipAz}], afterwards joining the Chena1b and filling into the Indus below Multan
    it is also called %{zutu-dri}, %{zutu-dru}, %{zita-dru} &c.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c.
    N. of the Ganges MW.
    %{-ja} m. pl. people that dwell near the Sutlej Ma1rkP.
  319. शतपथ (śatapatha) (śatapatha)
    mfn. having a hhundred (i.e. numerous) paths, very many-sided MBh. Cat.
    proceeding in a hhundred ways Sin6ha7s.
    m. = next
    %{-brAhmaNa} n. the Bra1hman2a with a hhundred paths or sections "' N. of a well-known Bra1hman2a attached to the Va1jasaneyi-samhita1 or White Yajur-veda, (like the Sam2hita1, this Bra1hman2a is ascribed to the R2ishi Ya1jn5avalkya
    it is perhaps the most modern of the Bra1hman2as, and is preserved in two Sa1kha1s or schools, Ma1dhyampdina and Ka1n2va
    the version belonging to the former is best known, and is divided into fourteen Ka1n2d2as or books which contain one hundred Adhya1yas or lectures [or according to another arrangement into sixty-eight Prapst2hakas]
    the whole work is regarded as the most systematic and interesting of all the Bra1hman2as, and though intended mainly for ritual and sacrificial purposes, is full of curious mythological details and legends
    cf. %{yajur-veda}, %{vijasaneyisaMhitA}, %{brAhmaNa}) IW. 25 &c.
    %{-zruti} f. N. of wk.
  320. शतभिषज् (śatabhiṣaj) (śatabhiṣaj)
    (%{zata}.) mf. `" requiring a hhundred physicians "'N. of the 22nd or 24th Nakshatra (containing 100 stars, one of which is $ Aquarii
    its name is said to denote that Dhanvantari himself cannot cure a person affected with disease whilst the moon is in this asterism) AV. TS. TBr.
    m. N. of a man Pa1n2. 4-3, 36
    %{-Sak-sena} m. N. of a man ib. viii, 3, 100 Sch.
  321. शतशृङ्ग (śataśṛṅga) (śataśṛṅga)
    mfn. hhundred-peaked R.
    m. N. of a mountain MBh. BhP. Pan5car. &c.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.
  322. शतानीक (śatānīka) (śatānīka)
    mf(%{A})n. having a hhundred forms of array RV.
    containing or possessing a hhundred hosts MW.
    m. an old man
    a father-in-law
    N. of various men AV. VS. Br. &c.
    of an Asura Katha1s.
  323. शत्रु (śatru) (śatru)
    m. = %{-nAzana} Npr.
  324. शत्रुघ्न (śatrughna) (śatrughna)
    mfn. foe-killing, destroying enemies Pan5car.
    m. N. of one of Ra1ma-candra's brothers (he was son of Sumitra1 and twin brother of Lakshman2a, and was the chosen companion of Bharata, son of Kaikeyi1, as LLakshman2a was of Ra1ma, son of Kaus3alya1) R. Ragh. &c. (cf. IW. 345
    of a son of S3va-phalka Hariv.
    of a son of Deva-s3ravas ib.
    (%{I}) f. see %{-han}
    n. a weapon
    %{-jananI} f. `" mother of S3atru-ghna "'N. of Su-mitra
    %{-zarman} m. N. of an author Cat.
  325. शत्रुता (śatrutā) (śatrutā)
    f. hostility, enmity (%{-tAm} %{i}, to become a foe) Ka1v. Katha1s.
  326. शनि (śani) (śani)
    m. (prob. `" slow-moving "'
    cf. %{manda}) the planet Saturn or its regent (fabled as the offspring of the Sun
    he is represented as of a black colour or dressed in dark-coloured clothes
    cf. %{nIla-vAsas}) R. VarBr2S. &c.
    N. of S3iva MW.
    of a son of Atri Va1yuP.
  327. शप (śapa) (śapa)
    m. a curse, imprecation, oath (= %{zapatha})
    a corpse (w.r. for %{zava} q.v.) W.
    N. of a man g. %{azvA7di}.
  328. शपथ (śapatha) (śapatha)
    m. (and n. g. %{ardharcA7di} ifc. f. %{A}) a curse, imprecation, anathema RV. &c. &c.
    an oath, vow Mn. MBh. &c.
    an ordeal Na1r.
    scolding, reviling L.
  329. शपित (śapita) (śapita)
    mfn. cursed R. vii, 55, 21.
  330. शप्त (śapta) (śapta)
    mfn. id. Suparn2. MBh. &c. (%{-vat} mfn. = pf. %{zazApa} MBh.)
    adjured, conjured R.
    sworn, taken as an oath W.
    m. Saccharum Cylindricum
    n. a curse, imprecation TBr. Ka1t2h.
    an oath R.
  331. शबर (śabara) (śabara)
    mfn. - (also written %{zavara}
    cf. %{zabala} below) variegated, brindled
    relating or belonging to a S3abara (prob. for %{zAbara}) MBh.
    m. N. of a wild mountaineer tribe in the Deccan (in later language applied to any savage or barbarian = %{kirAta}, %{pulinda}, %{bhilla}
    accord. to`" the son of a S3u1dra and a Bhilli1 "') AitBr. MBh. &c.
    a kind of Lodhra or Lodh tree(cf. comp.)
    N. of S3iva
    (with %{kASivata}) N. of the author of RV. x, 169 Anukr.
    of a poet Cat.
    of a Buddhist ib.
    = %{zabara-svAmin} (in %{zabara-bhASya} q.v.)
    = %{hasta} and %{zAstra-vizeSa}
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    (%{I}) f. a S3abara woman R. Katha1s. &c.
    n. water(prob. w.r. for %{zambara}).
  332. शबल (śabala) (śabala)
    mf(%{A}, or %{I})n. (also written %{zavala}
    cf. %{zabara} above) variegated, brindled, dappled, spotted (in RV. x, 14, 10 applied to the two four-eyed watch-dogs of Yama) RV. &c. &c.
    variegated by i.e. mixed or provided or filled with (instr. or comp.) Ka1v. Sarvad.
    disfigured, disturbed BhP. (see comp.)
    m. a variegated colour W.
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of a man (v.l. for %{zabara}) Cat.
    (%{A}) or (%{I}) f. see below
    n. water (cf. %{zabara}) W.
    a partic. religious observance of the Buddhists ib.
  333. शब्द (śabda) (śabda)
    m. (in Dhya1nabUp. also n. ifc. f. %{A} perhaps connected with 3. %{zap} cf. also 2. %{zap}) sound, noise, voice, tone, note (%{zabdaM} %{kR}, to utter a sound, raise the voice, cry aloud
    sound is supposed to be sevenfold [MBh. xii, 6858] or eight. fold [Dharmas. 35] or tenfold [MBh. xiv, 1418] [1052,3]
    in the Mi1ma1n6sa1 it is taught to be eternal)
    a word (%{zabdena}, by word, explicitly, expressly) ib. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 19
    speech, language BhP.
    the right word, correct expression (opp. to %{apa-zabda}) Pat.
    the sacred syllable Om, Amr2itUp.
    (in gram.) a declinable word or a word-termination, affix Pa1n2. Sch.
    a name, appellation, title Mn. MBh. &c. (%{tacchabdAt} "', because it is socalled "' Ka1tyS3r.)
    a technical term TPra1t.
    verbal communication or testimony, oral tradition, verbal authority or evidence (as one of the Prama1n2as q.v. ) Nya1yas. Sarvad.
  334. शब्दन (śabdana) (śabdana)
    mfn. sounding, sonorous Pa1n2. 3-2, 148 Sch.
    n. sounding, a sound, noise W.
    (ifc.) speaking, talking about Cat.
  335. शब्दित (śabdita) (śabdita)
    mfn. sounded, cried, uttered &c.
    invoked (as deity) S3is3.
    communicated, imparted, taught BhP.
    called, named MBh. Hariv. &c.
    n. noise, cry, the braying (of an ass) Pan5cat.
  336. शम (śama) (śama)
    m. tranquillity, calmness, rest, equanimity, quietude or quietism, absence of passion, abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation (%{zamaM} %{kR}, `" to calm one's self "', be tranquil "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    peace, peace with (%{sA7rdham}) MBh.
    Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of Dharma and husband of Pra7pti) MBh.
    tranquillization, pacification, allayment, alleviation, cessation, extinction MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    absence of sexual passion or excitement, impotence Ta1n2d2Br.
    alleviation or cure of disease, convalescence W.
    final happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence
    indifference, apathy Ra1jat.
    the hand (cf. %{zaya})
    imprecation, malediction (w.r. for %{zapa})
    N. of a king of the Nandi-vegas MBh.
    of a son of Andhaka Hariv.
    of a son of Dharma-su1tra BhP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a divine female, Pa1rGt2.
    (%{za4ma}) mfn. tame, domestic RV. i, 32, 15
    33, 15.
  337. शमन (śamana) (śamana)
    mf(%{i}) n. calming, tranquillizing, soothing, allaying, extinguishing, destroying Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.
    m. `" settler, destroyerN. of Yama Das3.
    a kind of antelope
    a kind of pea
    (%{I}) f. see below
    n. the act of calming, appeasing, allaying, tranquillization, pacification, extinction, destruction Kaus3. MBh. &c. killing, slaying, immolation Kaus3.
    chewing, swallowing
    a mode of sipping water (prob. for %{camana}) MW.
    malediction, reviling (w.r. for %{zapana}) W.
  338. शमि (śami) (śami)
    n. labour, toil, work, effort
    f. a legume, pod (v.l. %{zimi})
    the S3ami1 tree (see below)
    m. N. of a son of Andhaka Hariv.
    of a son of Us3inara BhP.
  339. शमी (śamī) (śamī)
    f. (cf. %{za4mi}) effort, labour, toil RV. VS.
    (%{zamI4}) the S3ami1 tree, Prosopis Spicigera or (accord. to others) Mimosa Suma (possessing a very tough hard wood supposed to contain fire cf. Mn. viii, 247 Ragh. iii, 9
    it was employed to kindle the sacred fire, and a legend relates that Puru1-ravas generated primeval fire by the friction of two branches of the Sami1 and As3vattha trees) AV. &c. [1054,2]
    a legume, pod (cf. %{-jAti})
    a partic. measure (see %{catuh-z-}) = %{valgulI} or %{vAgnji} L.
  340. शमिक (śamika) (śamika)
    m. N. of a man g. %{bidA7di}.
  341. शमित (śamita) (śamita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) tranquillized, relieved, quelled, quenched, allayed MBh. Hariv. &c.
    atoned for, expiated Uttarar.
    %{-ripu} mfn. one who has all enemies pacified Mr2icch.
    %{-tA7ri} mfn. id. Ragh.
    %{-tA7padrava} mfn. one who has all calamities quelled MW.
  342. शमितृ (śamitṛ) (śamitṛ)
    mfn. one who keeps his mind calm, Raj.
    (%{-tR4}) m. a killer, slaughterer, cutter up (of a slaughtered victim), preparer, dresser RV. Br. MBh.
  343. शम्बर (śambara) (śambara)
    m. N. of a demon (in RV. often mentioned with Sushn2a, Arbuda, Pipru &c.
    he is the chief enemy of Divo-da1sa Atithigva, for whose deliverance he was thrown down a mountain and slain by Indra
    in epic and later poetry he is also a foe of the god of love) RV. &c. &c.
    a cloud Naigh. i, 10
    a weapon Sa1y. on RV. i, 112, 14
    war, fight
    a kind of deer Va1s. Bhpr.
    a fish or a kind of fish
    Terminalia Arunja
    Symplocos Racemosa
    a mountain in general or a partic. mountain
    best, excellent
    = %{citraka}
    N. of of a Jina
    of a king Va1s. (v.l. for %{zambaraNa} and %{saM-varaNa})
    of a juggler (also called %{zambarasiddhi}) Ratna7v.
    (%{I}) f. Salvinia CucullataCroton Polyandrum
    = %{mAyA}, sorcery, magic (prob. w.r. for %{zAmbarI})
    n. water Naigh. i, 12 (but Sa1h. censures the use of %{zambara} in this sense)
    power, might Naigh.ii, 9
    sorcery, magic Katha1s. (printed %{saM-vara})
    any vow or a partic. vow (with Buddhists)
    = %{citra}
    (pl.) the fastnesses of S3ambara RV.
  344. शम्बु (śambu) (śambu)
    m. a bivalve shell
    N. of a man, A1ts3vS3r.
    (%{U}) f. N. of a woman (see %{zambUputra}).
  345. शम्बूक (śambūka) (śambūka)
    m. a bivalve shell, any shell or conch Ka1v. Katha1s. Sus3r. (also %{A} f. L.)
    a snail W.
    a kind of animal (= %{ghoGgha})
    the edge of the frontal protuberance of an elephant
    N. of a S3u1dra (who had become a devotee and was slain by Ra1ma-candra) R. Uttarar. (cf. %{zambuka})
    of a Daitya L.
  346. शम्भु (śambhu) (śambhu)
    see %{zambhu}, p. 1055.
  347. शय (śaya) (śaya)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. 1. %{zI}) lying, sleeping, resting, abiding (ifc. after adv. or subst. in loc. case or sense
    see %{adhaH-z-}, %{kuze-z}, %{giri-z-} &c.)
    m. sleep, sleeping Dha1tup. xxiv, 60 (cf. %{divA-z-})
    a bed, couch (see %{vIra-z-})
    a snake (accord. to some, the boa constrictor)
    a lizard, chameleon
    the hand (= %{hasta}, also as a measure of length) VarBr2S. Naish. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    = %{paNa}
    abuse, imprecation(prob. w.r. for %{zapa})
    pl. N. of a people MBh.
    (%{A4}) f. a place of rest or repose (cf. %{zayyA}) RV. [Cf. Gk. $-$.] &319454[1055,3]
  348. शयन (śayana) (śayana)
    mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping Pan5car.
    n. the act of lying down or sleeping, rest, repose, sleep MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc. f. %{A}) a bed, couch, sleeping-place (acc. with %{bhaj}, %{A-} %{ruh}, %{saM-viz} &c., to go to bed or to rest "'
    with Caus. of %{A-ruh}, `" to take to bed, have sexual intercourse with "' [acc.]
    %{zayanaM} %{zRta} or %{-ne@sthita} mfn. gone to bed, being in bed) S3Br. &c. &c [1056,1]
    copulation, sexual intercourse
    N. of a Sa1man L.
  349. शयनीय (śayanīya) (śayanīya)
    mfn. to be slept or lain on, fit or suitable for sleep or rest (%{am} ind. `" it should be slept or rested "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. a bed, couch ib. &c. see p. 1055, col. 3.
  350. शयित (śayita) (śayita)
    mfn. reposed, lying, sleeping, asleep MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. the plant Cordia Myxa W.
    n. the place where any one has lain or slept Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 68.
  351. शयितव्य (śayitavya) (śayitavya)
    mfn. to be lain or slept Pan5car. Katha1s. (n. impers.
    %{mayA-hutavahe-zayitavyam}, `" it must be lain down by me in the fire "' Va1s.)
  352. शय्या (śayyā) (śayyā)
    f. (ifc. f. %{A}) a bed, couch, sofa (acc. with %{saM-viz} or %{adhi-SThA} [ %{sthA}], `" to go to bed or to rest "'
    with Caus. of %{A-ruh}, `" to take [a woman] to bed, have sexual intercourse with "' [acc.]
    %{zayyAyAm} %{A-rUDha} mfn. `" gone to bed, lying in bed "') Shad2vBr. &c. &c.
    lying, reposing, sleeping Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
    resort, refuge (see comp.)
    stringing together (esp. of words = %{gumphana} or %{zabdagumpha}), rhetorical composition or a partic. rhetor. figure(`" couch "' and `" rhetor. composition "' Ka1d., Introd., v. 8).
  353. शर (śara) (śara)
    m. (fr. %{zrI} `" to rend "' or `" destroy "') a sort of reed or grass, Saccharum Sara (used for arrows) RV. &c. &c.
    an arrow, shaft Mun2d2Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of the number `" five "' (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) VarBr2S.
    (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc (accord. to A1ryabh. also `" the whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine "')
    a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are in the 4tb, 5th, 6th, and 7th houses) VarBr2S.
    the upper part of cream or slightly curdled milk (v.l. %{sara}), ApSr. Car.
    mischief, injury, hurt, a wound W.
    N. of a son of Ricatka RV.
    of an Asura Hariv. (v.l. %{zuka})
    (%{I}) f. Typha Angustifolia
    n. water (see %{zara-varSa} and %{-Sin})
  354. शरण (śaraṇa) (śaraṇa)
    1 m. (for 2. see p. 1057, col. 1) one of the arrows of Ka1ma-dev Cat.
    n. falling asunder, bursting, falling in Vop.
    killing, slaying
    what slays or injures MW.
  355. शरण्य (śaraṇya) (śaraṇya)
    1 n. (for 2. see ib.) injury, hurt W.
  356. शरद् (śarad) (śarad)
    f. (prob. fr. %{zrA}, %{zRR}) autumn (as the time of ripening "'), the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains
    in some parts of India comprising the months Bha1dra and A1s3vina, in other places A1s3vina and Ka1rttika, fluctuating thus from August to November) RV. &c. &c.
    a year (or pl. poetically for `" years "' cf. %{varSa}) ib.
  357. शरद्वत् (śaradvat) (śaradvat)
    (%{zara4d-}) mfn. `" full of years "', aged RV.
    m. N. of a son or other descendant of Gotama and other men MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 102).
  358. शरभ (śarabha) (śarabha)
    m. a kind of deer or (in later times) a fabulous animal (supposed to have eight legs and to inhabit the snowy mountains
    it is represented as stronger than the lion and the elephant
    cf. %{aSTa-pad} and %{mahA-skandhin}) AV. &c. &c.
    a young elephant
    a camel
    a grasshopper (= %{zalabha}) W.
    a locust ib.
    a kind of metre Col.
    N. of Vishn2u MW.
    of an Upanishad (cf. %{zarabho7paniSad})
    of an Asura MBh.
    of two serpent-demons ib.
    of various men RV. MBh. &c.
    of a son of S3is3u-pa1la MBh.
    of brother of S3akuni ib.
    of a prince of the As3makas Hcar.
    of a monkey in Ra1ma's army R.
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh. (B. %{zabara})
    (%{A}) f. a girl with withered limbs and therefore unfit for marriage Gr2S.
    (prob.) a kind of wooden machine. [Cf. accord. to some, Gk., $, $.] &319974[1057,2]
  359. शरु (śaru) (śaru)
    m. or (more frequently) f. a missile, dart, arrow AV.
    m. any missile weapon (esp. the thunderbolt of Indra and weapon of the Maruts
    f. also that weapon personified) RV.
    a partridge
    anger, passion
    N. of Vishn2u
    of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
    of a son of Vasu-deva MW. [Cf. Goth. {hairus}.]
  360. शराव (śarāva) (śarāva)
    m. n. (g. %{ardharcA7di}) a shallow cup, dish, plate, platter, earthenware vessel (also the flat cover or lid of any such vessel) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a measure equal to two Prasthas or one Kud2ava TS. Br2. S3rS.
  361. शरीर (śarīra) (śarīra)
    n. (once in R. m.
    ifc. f. %{A}
    either fr. %{zri} and orig. = `" suport or supporter "' cf. 2. %{zaraNa} and Mn. i, 7
    or accord. to others, fr. %{zRR}, and orig. = `" that which is easily destroyed or dissolved "') the body, bodily frame, solid parts of the body (pl. the bones) RV. &c. &c.
    any solid body (opp. to %{udaka} &c.) MBh. VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
    one's body i.e. one's own person Mn. xi, 229
    bodily strength MW.
    a dead body ib.
  362. शरीरक (śarīraka) (śarīraka)
    n. a small or tiny body S3is3.
    a wretched b Pan5cat. Ka1d. Katha1s. &c.
    (m. c. for %{zarIra}
    ifc. f. %{ikA}) the body Ya1jn5. Hcat.
    m. the soul A.
  363. शरीरिन् (śarīrin) (śarīrin)
    mfn. having a body, embodied, corporeal Mn. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) having anything as a body Mn. iv, 243 (cf. %{kha-s-})
    covered with bodies MBh.
    (ifc.) exercising one's own bbodies BhP.
    living MW.
    m. an embodied being, creature, (esp.) a man Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    the soul Bhag. Ragh. &c. (n. W.)
    an embodied spirit MW.
  364. शर्करा (śarkarā) (śarkarā)
    f. (ifc. f. %{A}) gravel, grit. pebbles, shingle, gravelly mould or soil (mostly pl.) AV. &c. &c.
    gravel (as a disease) Sus3r.
    hardening of the flesh ib.
    hardening of the ear-wax ib.
    ground or candied sugar Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
    a fragment or piece of broken earthenware, potsherd Naish.
  365. शर्मन् (śarman) (śarman)
    n. (prob. fr. %{zri} and connected with 1. %{zaraNa}, %{zarIra}) shelter, protection, refuge, safety RV. &c.
    a house Naigh. iii, 4
    Joy, bliss, comfort, delight, happiness (often at the end of names of Bra1hmans, just as %{varman} is added to the names of Kshatriyas, and %{gupta} to those of Vais3yas) Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of partic. formulas VarYogay. [1058,3]
    identified with %{zarva} (Kaus3.) and with %{vAc} (AitBr.)
    mfn. happy, prosperous W.
  366. शर्मिन् (śarmin) (śarmin)
    mfn. possessing happiness, lucky, auspicious MBh.
    m. N. of a Rishi ib.
  367. शर्याति (śaryāti) (śaryāti)
    m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivas3vata MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
    of a son of Nahusha VP.
  368. शर्व (śarva) (śarva)
    m. (fr. %{zu4ru}) N. of a god who kills people with arrows (mentioned together with Bhava and other names of Rudra-S3iva)
    N. of the god S3iva (often in the later language
    esp. in the form Kshitimu1rti
    du. S3arva and S3arva1n2i cf. Va1m. v, 2, 21) AV. &c. &c.
    of one of the 11 Rudras VP.
    of Vishn2u MW.
    of a son of Dhanusha VP.
    of a poet Sadukt.
    pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP. (w.r. %{sarva})
    (%{A}) f. N. of Uma1 BhP.
  369. शल (śala) (śala)
    mfn. (connection with above very doubtful) = %{dravaNa-samartha} Nir. Sch.
    m. a staff TBr.
    a dart, spear
    a kind of animal Pan5car. (accord. to`" a camel "' or `" an ass "')
    = %{kSetrabhid}
    = %{vidhi}
    N. of Bhr2in3gi (one of S3iva's attendants)
    of Brahma1 W.
    of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra ib.
    of a son of Soma-datta ib.
    of a son of Pari1kshit ib.
    of a son of S3una-hotra Hariv.
    m. or n. the quill of a porcupine
    a partic. measure of length (cf. $-, %{paJcaz-}. &c.)
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  370. शलभ (śalabha) (śalabha)
    m. (cf. %{zarabha}) a grass-hopper, locust (fabled to be the children of Pulastya or of Ta1rkshya and Ya1mini1), a kind of moth (such as is attracted by a lighted candle?) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
    of an Asura ib.
    (%{I}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attendant on Skanda ib.
  371. शलातुर (śalātura) (śalātura)
    N. of the abode of the ancestors of Pa1n2ini (cf. %{zAlAturIya}).
  372. शल्य (śalya) (śalya)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a dart, javelin, lance, spear, iron-headed weapon (cf. %{upa-z-}), pike, arrow, shaft (also the point of an arrow or spear and its socket) RV. &c. &c.
    anything tormenting or causing pain (as a thorn, sting &c.), or (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain (e.g. a splinter, pin, stone in the bladder &c.
    also applied to the fetus, and, as a branch of medmedicine, to `" the extraction of splinters or extraneous substances "') MBh. R. &c. Sus3r.
    a fault, defect Hariv. (cf. %{karma-z-})
    m. a porcupine BhP.
    a kind of fish
    a fence, boundary
    Vanguieria Spinosa
    Aegle Marmelos
    N. of an Asura Hariv. VP.
    of a king of Madra (maternal uncle of the sons of Pa1n2d2u and esp. of Nakula and Saha-deva, Madri1 the wife of Pa1n2d2u being sister to S3alya) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    of another king Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of dance (mentioned together with %{lAsya} and %{calita}) Ka1vya7d. i, 39 (v.l. %{sAmya})
    n. an iron crow
    abuse, defamation L., &c. see col. 1.
  373. शल्यक (śalyaka) (śalyaka)
    m. an arrow, dart, spear, thorn &c. (= %{zalya})
    a porcupine VS. &c. &c.
    a scaly fish Vajras. (cf. %{sa-zalka})
    Vanguieria Spinosa L.
  374. शल्लक (śallaka) (śallaka)
    m. (fr. %{zalyaka}) a porcupine Baudh. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    Bignonia Indica
    (%{ikA}) f. a kind of ship or boat (v.l. %{jhillikA}) Hariv.
    (%{akI}) f. see below
    n. bark L.
  375. शव (śava) (śava)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}
    prob. fr. 1. %{zU}, or %{zvi} and orig. = `" swollen "') a corpse, dead body S3Br. &c. &c.
    n. water L.
  376. शश (śaśa) (śaśa)
    m. a hare, rabbit, or antelope (the markings on the moon are supposed to resemble a hare or rabbit) RV. &c. &c. (for %{zazasya@vrata} see under %{karSU}, p. 260)
    a kind of meteor AV. v, 17, 4
    N. of a man born under a partic. constellation VarBr2S.
    a man of mild character and easily led (one of the four classes into which men are divided by erotic writers, the other three being %{azva}, %{mRga} and %{vRSan})
    the Lodhra tree, Symplocos Racemosa Ka1d.
    N. of a part of Jambu-dvi1pa MW.
    (%{I}) f. N. of an Apsaras Ka1ran2d2. [Cf. accord. to some, Gk. $
    &320710[1060,1] accord. to others, %{zaza} is for %{zasa} and is connected with Germ. {haso}, {Hase}
    Eng. {hare}.]
  377. शशक (śaśaka) (śaśaka)
    m. a (little) hare AdbhBr. MBh. R. &c.
    a man of a partic. character (= %{zaza} q.v.) A.
    pl. N. of a people MBh.
  378. शशाद (śaśāda) (śaśāda)
    mfn. eating hares
    m. a partic. bird of prey
    N. of Vikukshi MBh. Hariv. Pur.
  379. शशिन् (śaśin) (śaśin)
    m. `" containing a hare "', the moon S3vetUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of the number one VarBr2S.
    camphor Hcat.
    a kind of metre Col.
    N. of a man Katha1s.
    the emblem of a partic. Arhat or Jina W.
    (%{inI}) f. N. of the 8th Kala1 of the moon Cat.
  380. शष्प (śaṣpa) (śaṣpa)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}
    accord. to Un2. iii, 28 fr. %{zas}
    often incorrectly %{zaspa} and %{zaSya}) young or sprouting grass, any grass VS. &c. &c.
    loss of consciousness (= %{pratibhA-kSaya}) L.
  381. शसन (śasana) (śasana)
    n. slaughtering, killing RV.
  382. शस्त (śasta) (śasta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{zas}) recited repeated RV.
    praised, commended, approved MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    auspicious (cf. %{a4-z-}) AV. Ra1jat.
    beautiful R.
    happy, fortunate Katha1s.
    n. praise, eulogy RV.
    happiness, excellence W.
  383. शस्त (śasta) (śasta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{zas}) recited repeated RV.
    praised, commended, approved MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    auspicious (cf. %{a4-z-}) AV. Ra1jat.
    beautiful R.
    happy, fortunate Katha1s.
    n. praise, eulogy RV.
    happiness, excellence W.
  384. शस्त (śasta) (śasta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{zas}) recited repeated RV.
    praised, commended, approved MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    auspicious (cf. %{a4-z-}) AV. Ra1jat.
    beautiful R.
    happy, fortunate Katha1s.
    n. praise, eulogy RV.
    happiness, excellence W.
  385. शस्त्र (śastra) (śastra)
    1 n. (for 2. see under %{zas}) invocation, praise (applied to any hymn recited either audibly or inaudibly, as opp. to %{stoma}, which is sung, but esp. the verses recited by the Hotr2i and his assistant as an accompaniment to the Grahas at the Soma libation) VS. Br. S3rS. ChUp.
    reciting, recitation S3a1n3khBr
  386. शस्य (śasya) (śasya)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1061, col. 2) to be recited or treated as a S3astra Br.
    to be praised or celebrated Ka1v.
    to be wished, desirable, excellent W.
    n. recitation S3a1n3khBr.
    good quality, merit W.
  387. शाक (śāka) (śāka)
    1 m. (fr. %{zak}) power, might, help, aid RV.
    (%{zAka4}) m. helpful, a helper, friend ib.
  388. शाक (śāka) (śāka)
    1 m. (fr. %{zak}) power, might, help, aid RV.
    (%{zAka4}) m. helpful, a helper, friend ib.
  389. शाकटिक (śākaṭika) (śākaṭika)
    mfn. belonging to a cart or going in a cart W.
    m. a carter VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
  390. शाकम्भरी (śākambharī) (śākambharī)
    f. `" herb-nourishing "'N. of a lake in Ra1jputa1na (the modern Sa1mbhar) Va1s., Introd. Col.
    a form of Durga1 MBh. Pur.
    N. of a place or town sacred to DDurga1 MBh.
    observances there in honour of DDurga1 (accord. to some) MW.
  391. शाकल (śākala) (śākala)
    mfn. (fr. %{zakala}) dyed with the substance called S3akala Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-2, 2
    relating to a piece or portion MW.
    derived from or belonging or relating to the S3a1kalas Mn. ix, 200 (cf. Pa1n2. 4-3, 128)
    m. or n. a chip, piece, fragment, splinter S3Br. S3rS.
    m. (scil. %{maNi}) an amulet made of chips of wood Kaus3.
    N. of an ancient teacher Cat.
    a kind of serpent AitBr.
    (pl.) the S3a1kalas (i.e.) followers of S3a1kalya RPra1t. (g. %{kaNvA7di})
    the inhabitants of the town S3a1kala MBh.
    n. the text or ritual of S3a1kalya AitBr. A1s3vGr2. Pat.
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    of a town of the Madras MBh. Katha1s.
    of a village of the Ba1hi1kas Pat. on Pa1n2. 4-2, 104 Va1rtt. 4.
  392. शाकल्य (śākalya) (śākalya)
    m. patr. fr. %{zakala} S3Br.
    N. of an ancient grammarian and teacher Pra1t. Nir. Pa1n2. &c. (who is held to be the arranger of the Pada text of the R2ig-veda)
    of a poet Subh.
  393. शाक्त (śākta) (śākta)
    mfn. (fr. %{zakti}) relating to power or energy, relating to the S3akti or divine energy under its female personification Sarvad.
    m. a worshipper of that energy (especially as identified with Durga1, wife of S3iva
    the S3a1ktas form one of the principal sects of the Hindu1s, their tenets being contained in the Tantras. and the ritual enjoined being of two kinds, the impurer called %{vAmA7cAra} q.v., and the purer %{dakSiNA7cAra} q.v.) RTL. 185 &c.
    (%{-ta4}) m. a teacher, preceptor RV. vii, 103, 5
    patr. of Para1s3ara MBh. (C. %{zAktra})
    n. N. of a Sa1man (prob. = %{zAktya} q.v.)
  394. शाक्य (śākya) (śākya)
    mfn. derived or descended from the S3akas (= %{zakA@abhijano@'sya}) g. %{zaNDikA7di}
    m. N. of a tribe of landowners and Kshatriyas in Kapila-vastu (from whom Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was descended) Buddh. MWB. 21, 22
    N. of Gautama Buddha himself Nya1yam.
    of his father S3uddhodana (son of Sam2jaya) Pur.
    a Buddhist mendicant VarBr2S.
    patr. fr. %{zaka} g. %{gargA7di}
    patr. fr. %{zAka}, or %{zAkin} g. %{kurv-Adi}.
  395. शाखा (śākhā) (śākhā)
    f. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) a branch (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c.
    a limb of the body, arm or leg Sus3r.
    a finger Naigh. ii, 5
    the surface of the body Car.
    a door-post VarBr2S. (cf. %{dvAra-z-})
    the wing of a building Ma1rkP.
    a division, subdivision MBh. BhP.
    the third part of an astrological Sam2hita1 (also %{-khA-skandha}, m.) VarBr2S.
    a branch or school of the Veda (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation
    in the Caran2a-vyu1ha, a work by S3aunaka treating of these various schools, five S3a1kha1s are enumerated of the R2ig-veda, viz. those of the S3a1kalas, Ba1shkalas, A1s3vala1yanas, S3a1n3kha1yanas, and Ma1n2d2uka1yanas
    forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the Yajur-veda, fifteen of which belong to the Va1jasaneyins, including those of the Ka1n2vas and Ma1dhyam2dinas
    twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the Sa1ma-veda and nine of the Atharva-veda
    of all these, however, the R2ig-veda is said to be now extant in one only, viz. the S3a1kala-s3a1kha1, the Yajur-veda in five and partially in six, the Sa1ma-veda in one or perhaps two, and the Atharva-veda in one: although the words %{caraNa} and %{zAkhA} are sometimes used synonymously, yet %{caraNa} properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school, and %{zAkhA} to the traditional text followed, as in the phrase %{zAkhAm@adhIte}, he recites a particular version of the Veda) Pra1t. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a branch of any science Car.
    a year S3ri1kan2t2h.
    = %{pakSA7ntara}
    = %{antika} L.
  396. शाखिन् (śākhin) (śākhin)
    mfn. provided with branches Ya1jn5. MBh. Hariv.
    separated into schools (said of the Veda) BhP.
    adhering to a partic. Vedic school Kull. TPra1t. Sch.
    m. a tree Suparn2. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a Veda which exists in various schools
    the follower of any Vedic school Ba1dar. Sch.
    Salvadora Persica
    N. of a king
    pl. N. of a people (= %{turuSka}
    cf. %{zAkhi})
  397. शाट (śāṭa) (śāṭa)
    m. (fr. %{zaT}?) a strip of cloth, a kind of skirt or petticoat, a partic. sort of garment or gown Vas. Ca1n2.
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  398. शाठ्य (śāṭhya) (śāṭhya)
    n. wickedness, deceit, guile, roguery, dishonesty MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  399. शाण (śāṇa) (śāṇa)
    1 m. (or %{A}, f.
    fr. %{zo} cf. %{zAna}) a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    a saw L.2 m. (or %{A} f.) a weight of four Ma1shas Hariv. Bhpr.
  400. शाण (śāṇa) (śāṇa)
    1 m. (or %{A}, f.
    fr. %{zo} cf. %{zAna}) a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    a saw L.2 m. (or %{A} f.) a weight of four Ma1shas Hariv. Bhpr.
  401. शान्त (śānta) (śānta)
    1 mfn. (perhaps always w.r. for 1. %{zAta} q.v.) = %{zAnita}
    thin, slender Hariv. R. (Sch.)
  402. शान्ति (śānti) (śānti)
    f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, peace or calmness of mind, absence of passion, averting of pain (%{zAnti}! %{zAnti}! %{zAnti}! may the three kinds of pain be averted!), indifference to objects of pleasure or pain Kat2hUp. MBh. &c.
    alleviation (of evil or pain), cessation, abatement, extinction (of fire &c.) AV. &c. &c.
    a pause, breach, interruption Hcat.
    any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity Br. &c. (cf. RTL. 346)
    peace, welfare, prosperity, good fortune, ease, comfort, happiness, bliss MBh. R. &c.
    destruction, end, eternal rest, death Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.
    = %{zAnti-kalpa} BhP.
    Tranquillity &c. personified (as a daughter of S3raddha1, as the wife of Atharvan, as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) Hariv. Prab. Pur.
    m. N. of a son of Indra MBh.
    of Indra in the tenth Manv-antara Pur.
    of a Tushita (son of Vishn2u and Dakshin2a1) ib.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a and Ka1lindi1 ib.
    of a R2ishi MBh.
    of a son of An3giras ib.
    of a disciple of Bhu1ti Ma1rkP.
    of a son of Ni1la and father of Su-s3a1nti VP.
    (with Jainas) of an Arhat and Cakra-vartin
    of a teacher (also called %{ratnA7kara-z-}) Buddh.
  403. शाप (śāpa) (śāpa)
    1 m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    fr. %{zap}) a curse, malediction, abuse, oath, imprecation, ban, interdiction (acc. with %{vac}, %{dA}, %{pra-yam}, %{ny-as}, %{vi-sRj}, %{A-diz}, `" to pronounce or utter a curse on any one "', with dat. gen. loc., or acc. with %{prati}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  404. शापित (śāpita) (śāpita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus. of %{zap}) made to take an oath, one to whom an oath has been administered, sworn Mn. MBh. &c.
  405. शाब्द (śābda) (śābda)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{zabda}) sonorous, sounding W.
    relating to sound (as opp. to %{Artha} q.v.) Sa1h.
    based on sounds, expressed in words oral, verbal, (esp.) resting on or enjoined by sacred sound (i.e. on the Veda
    with %{brahman}. n. = `" the Veda "') S3Br. &c.
    nominal (as inflection) W.
    m. a philologist, grammarian RPra1t.
    pl. a partic. sect Hcar.
    (%{I}) f. Sarasvati1 (as goddess of speech and eloquence) W.
  406. शाय (śāya) (śāya)
    mfn. (fr. %{zI}) lying, sleeping, abiding (see %{kaGka-z-}).
  407. शायक (śāyaka) (śāyaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. id. Vishn2. (cf. %{koza-}, %{vRkSa-zAyikA})
    (%{ikA}) f. sleeping, lying (`" manner of lying "' or `" one's turn to rest "') Pa1n2. 3-3, 108 Va1rtt. 1
    ii, 2, 15 Sch.
    w.r. for %{sAyaka}, arrow.
  408. शायिन् (śāyin) (śāyin)
    mfn. lying down, reclining, resting, abiding Br. &c. &c. (mostly ifc.
    cf. %{adhaH-}, %{eka-z-} &c.)
  409. शार (śāra) (śāra)
    1 mf(%{A})n. (in most meanings also written %{sAra}
    of doubtful derivation) variegated in colour, of different colours (as dark hair mixed with grey), motley, spotted, speckled Pa1n2. 3-3, 21 Va1rtt. 2
    yellow W.
    m. variegating or a variegated colour, (esp.) a mixture of blue and yellow, green ib.
    (also %{zAraka}) a kind of die or a piece used at chess or at backgammon Bhartr2. Das3.
    air, wind
    hurting, injuring (fr. %{zRR})
    (%{I}) f. a chessman &c. (see m.) Naish.
    a kind of bird (= %{zAri}) ib.
    Kus3a grass
    n. a variegated colour MW.
  410. शारद (śārada) (śārada)
    mf(%{I4}, or %{zA4radI})n. (fr. %{zarad}) produced or growing in autumn, autumnal, mature AV. &c. &c.
    (prob.) that which offers a shelter in autumn (against the overflowings of rivers
    applied to %{puras} or `" castles "'
    others `" rich in years "', `" old "') RV. i, 131, 4
    174, 2
    vi, 20, 10
    new, recent(perhaps Bhartr2. i, 47 in %{salilaM@zAradam}
    cf. also %{rajju-zArada} and %{dRSac-chArada})
    modest, shy, diffident
    m. a year"'
    a cloud
    N. of various plants (a yellow kind of Phaseolus Mungo
    Mimusops Elengi &c.)[1066,2]
    autumnal sickness W.
    autumnal sunshine ib.
    N. of a teacher of Yoga (v.l. %{zAbara}) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    (%{I}) f. (only L.) the day of full moon in the month Ka1rttika (or A1s3vina)
    Jussiaea Repens
    Alstonia Scholaris
    n. corn, grain, fruit (as ripening in autumn) VarBr2S.
    the white lotus L.
  411. शारद्वत (śāradvata) (śāradvata)
    m. patr. fr. %{zarad-vat} g. %{bidA7di}
    N. of Kr2ipa MBh. BhP.
    of Gautama Hariv. (pl. = %{gautamAH} Pravar.)
    of a disciple of Kan2va S3ak.
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  412. शार्ङ्ग (śārṅga) (śārṅga)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{zRGga}) made of horn, horny, corneous Sus3r.
    derived or taken from the plant S3r2in3ga (as poison) Ya1jn5.
    armed with a bow Bhat2t2.
    m. a kind of bird MBh. (cf. %{zArga})
    patr. of various Vedic R2ishis RAnukr.
    (%{I}) f. the female of the bird Sa1rn3ga MBh.
    n. a bow (esp. that of Vishn2u) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    fresh ginger
    N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  413. शार्दूल (śārdūla) (śārdūla)
    m. (of unknown derivation) a tiger VS. &c. &c.
    a lion
    a panther, leopard
    the fabulous animal S3arabha
    a kind of bird
    any eminent person, best, excellent, pre-eminent (ifc.
    cf. %{vyAghra}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Plumbago Zeylanica
    N. of two metres (cf. below) Col.
    of a Ra1kshasa R.
    pl. N. of a S3a1kha1 or school of the Yajur-veda
    (%{I}) f. a tigress (also the mythical mother of tigers and other beasts of prey) MBh. R.
  414. शार्यात (śāryāta) (śāryāta)
    m. patr. fr. %{zaryAti} (also pl. and %{I4} f.) RV. Br. Hariv.
    (with %{mAnava}) N. of the author of RV. x, 92 AitBr. Anukr.
    n. N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  415. शाल (śāla) (śāla)
    1 mfn. (fr. %{zR} for %{zri}) being in a house &c. S3Br. (%{a4m} ind. `" at home "' ib.)
    m. (also written %{sAla}), an enclosure, court, fence, rampart, wall Inscr. Ka1v.
    the S3a1l tree, Vatica Robusta (a valuable timber tree) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Artocarpus Locucha
    any tree
    a kind of fish, Ophiocephalus Wrahl Va1s.
    N. of a son of Vr2ika BhP.
    of king S3a1li-va1hana
    of a river W.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    n. (ifc.) = %{zAlA} (col. 2).
  416. शालभञ्जिका (śālabhañjikā) (śālabhañjikā)
    f. an image or figure made of S3a1l wood Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    a kind of game played in the east of India Un2. ii, 32 Sch.
    a harlot, courtezan
    %{-prakhya} mfn. resembling the above game MW.
    %{-kAya} Nom. A1. %{-yate}, to be like a statue Nalac. (v.l. %{zali-bh-}).
  417. शालि (śāli) (śāli)
    (for 2. see p. 1068, col. 1), in comp. for %{zAlin}. -1.2 m. (accord. to some also f.
    for 1. see p. 1067, col. 2) rice (often varieties), any grain of a similar character to rice Mn. MBh. &c.
    the civet-cat, pole-cat Hcar. (?)
    N. of a Yaksha (who was transformed into a lion
    cf. %{zAli-vAhana} below)
    pl. grains of rice, rice R.
  418. शाला (śālā) (śālā)
    f. (ifc. also %{zAla} n.) a house, mansion, building, hall, large room, apartment, shed, workshop, stable AV. &c. &c. [cf. Germ. {saal}
    Eng. {hall}]
    a large branch (cf. %{zAkhA})
    a kind of metre (cf. %{zAlinI}).
  419. शालिन् (śālin) (śālin)
    mfn. possessing a house or room &c. g. %{vrIhy-Adi}
    (ifc.) possessing, abounding in, full of, possessed of, amply provided or furnished with, conversant with, distinguished for MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    praiseworthy BhP. (cf. %{zAl})
    m. N. of a teacher Va1yuP. [1067,3]
    (%{inI}) f. a kind of metre (four times $ $ ) Pin3g. Chandom.
    N. of a woman S3ukas.
  420. शाल्मल (śālmala) (śālmala)
    m. the silk-cotton tree (only ifc.
    see %{sa-z-})
    the gum or resin of the cotton tree
    N. of a Dvipa (also %{-dvIpa}) Pur.
  421. शाल्व (śālva) (śālva)
    m. pl. (also written %{sAlva}
    cf. %{zalva}) N. of a people GopBr. MBh. &c. (mfn. `" relating to the S3alvas "' g. %{kacchA7di})
    sg. a king of the S3a1lvas (mentioned among the enemies of Vishn2u
    cf. %{zAlvA7ri} below) MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    (%{A}) f. (prob.) N. of a river g. %{nady-Adi}
    n. the fruit of the S3a1lva plant Pa1n2. 4-3, 166 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. (v.l.)
  422. शाव (śāva) (śāva)
    1 m. (prob. fr. 1. %{zU} for %{zvi}
    cf. %{zizu}) the young of any animal (cf. %{mRga-zAva}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.2 mfn. (fr. %{zava}) cadaverous, relating to a dead body, produced by or belonging to a corpse Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.
    dead Hariv.
    of a cadaverous or dark yellowish colour, tawny W.
    n. defilement caused by contact with a corpse or the death of a relation Ma1rkP. [1068,3]3 w.r. for %{zyAva}.
  423. शाव (śāva) (śāva)
    1 m. (prob. fr. 1. %{zU} for %{zvi}
    cf. %{zizu}) the young of any animal (cf. %{mRga-zAva}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.2 mfn. (fr. %{zava}) cadaverous, relating to a dead body, produced by or belonging to a corpse Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.
    dead Hariv.
    of a cadaverous or dark yellowish colour, tawny W.
    n. defilement caused by contact with a corpse or the death of a relation Ma1rkP. [1068,3]3 w.r. for %{zyAva}.
  424. शावक (śāvaka) (śāvaka)
    m. the young of any animal Ka1v. (rarely applied to human beings e.g. in %{muni-z-}, a young Bra1hman) VarBr2S. Hit. &c.
  425. शाश्वत (śāśvata) (śāśvata)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{zazvat}) eternal, constant, perpetual, all (%{zA4zvatIbhyaH@sa4mAbhyaH}, %{zAzvatIH@samAH}, or %{zAzvatam}, for evermore, incessantly, eternally) VS. &c. &c.
    about to happen, future MW.
    m. N. of S3iva
    of Vya1sa
    of a son of S3ruta (and father of Su-dhanvan) VP.
    of a poet and various other writers (esp. of a lexicographer, author of the Aneka7rtha-samuccaya)
    (%{I}) f. the earth
    n. continuity, eternity MBh.
    heaven, ether W.
  426. शासक (śāsaka) (śāsaka)
    m. a chastiser, teacher, instructor, governor, ruler S3is3. (cf. %{mahI-z-}).
  427. शासन (śāsana) (śāsana)
    mf(%{I})n. punishing, a punisher, chastiser (see %{pAka-}, %{pura-}, %{rukmi-}, %{smara-z-}) [1069,1]
    teaching, instructing, an instructor BhP.
    (%{I}) f. an instructress RV. i, 31, 11
    (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) punishment, chastisement, correction (%{zAsanaM-kR}, to inflict punishment) Baudh. Mn. MBh. &c.
    government, dominion, rule over (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an order, command, edict, enactment, decree, direction (%{zAsanaM-kR} [%{kAGkS} Baudh.] or %{zAsane-vRt} or %{sthA}, `" to obey orders "'
    %{zAsanAt} with gen., `" by command of "'
    %{zAsanA} f. Sch. on S3is3. xiv, 36) RV. &c. &c.
    a royal edict, grant, charter (usually a grant of land or of partic. privileges, and often inscribed on stone or copper) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Ra1jat. &c.
    a writing, deed, written contract or agreement W.
    any written book or work of authority, scripture (= %{zAstra}) ib.
    teaching, instruction, discipline, doctrine (also= `" faith "', `" religion "') MBh. Ka1m. Katha1s.
    a message (see comp.)
    self-control W.
  428. शास्तृ (śāstṛ) (śāstṛ)
    m. a chastiser, punisher MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a ruler, commander TS. &c. &c.
    a teacher, instructor A1past. MBh. Hariv. &c. (also applied to Punishment and to the Sword personified)
    N. of Buddha Ra1jat. (accord. toalso `" a Jina or the deified teacher of either of these sects "')
    a father MW.
  429. शास्त्र (śāstra) (śāstra)
    n. an order, command, precept, rule RV. Ka1v. Pur.
    teaching, instruction, direction, advice, good counsel MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    any instrument of teaching, any manual or compendium of rules, any bock or treatise, (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise, any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the Veda, and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [see under %{vidyA}]
    the word %{zAstra} is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book, or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge e.g. %{vedA7nta-z-}, a work on the Veda7nta philosophy or the whole body of teaching on that subject
    %{dharma-z-}, a law-book or whole body of written laws
    %{kAvya-z-}, a poetical work or poetry in general
    %{zilpi-z-}, works on the mechanical arts
    %{kAma-z-}, erotic compositions
    %{alaMkAra@z-}, rhetoric, &c.) Nir. Pra1t. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a body of teaching (in general), scripture, science Ka1v. Pur.
  430. शास्त्रीय (śāstrīya) (śāstrīya)
    mfn. taught in or agreeable to the S3a1stras, belonging to the S3S3a1stras, conformable to sacred precepts, legal Sa1h. S3am2k. &c.
  431. शास्य (śāsya) (śāsya)
    mfn. to be punished, punishable Mn. Gaut. Ba1lar.
    to be controlled or governed MBh.
    to be directed RV.
    to be corrected MW.
    w.r. for %{sasya} MBh. xii, 2691.
  432. शिंशपा (śiṃśapā) (śiṃśapā)
    f. (rarely and m. c. %{ziMzapa}, m.) the tree Dalbergia Sissoo AV. &c. &c.
    the As3oka tree W.
  433. शिंशुमार (śiṃśumāra) (śiṃśumāra)
    m. a porpoise, Delphinus Gangeticus (= %{zizu-mAra} q.v.) RV. TS. (= %{grAha} Sa1y.)
  434. शिक्षण (śikṣaṇa) (śikṣaṇa)
    n. the act of learning, acquiring knowledge W.
    teaching, instruction in (loc. or comp.) Ka1m. BhP.
  435. शिक्षा (śikṣā) (śikṣā)
    f. desire of being able to effect anything, wish to accomplish Kir. xv, 37
    learning study knowledge, art, skill in (loc. or comp.
    %{zikSayA} or %{-kSAbhis}, `" skilfully, artistically, correctly "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    teaching, training (held by Buddhists to be of three kinds, viz. %{adhicitta-zikSA}, training in the higher thought
    %{adhizIla-z-}, trtraining in the higher morality
    %{adhiprajJA-z-}, trtraining in the higher learning Dharmas. 140), instruction, lesson, precept S3a1n3khBr. TUp. &c.
    chastisement, punishment Nya1yam. Sch.
    the science which teaches proper articulation and pronunciation of Vedic texts (one of the six Veda7n3gas q.v.) Pra1t. Mun2d2Up. &c.
    modesty, humility, diffidence W.
    (?) helping, bestowing, imparting (see %{zikSA-nara4})
    the plant Bignonia Indica L.
  436. शिक्षित (śikṣita) (śikṣita)
    mfn. learnt, studied, practised Baudh. Ka1v. &c.
    taught, instructed or trained or exercised in (acc. loc., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    docile W.
    skilful, clever, conversant ib.
    modest, diffident ib.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a woman (see %{zaikSita})
    n. teaching, instruction BhP.
  437. शिखण्ड (śikhaṇḍa) (śikhaṇḍa)
    m. (cf. %{zikhA}) a tuft or lock of hair left on the crown or sides of the head at tonsure TS. S3Br. Das3.
    any crest or plume or tuft MW.
    a peacock's tail Vikr.
    a kind of plant
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  438. शिखण्डक (śikhaṇḍaka) (śikhaṇḍaka)
    m. a tuft or lock of hair (= %{zikhaNDa}) Ka1lid.
    three or five locks left on the side of the head (esp. in men of the military class = %{kAkapakSa} q.v.) W.
    a curl or ringlet MW.
    a peacock's tail Gi1t.
    du. (accord. to Sch. n.) the fleshy parts of the body below the buttocks TS.
    (with mystic S3aivas) one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Hcat.
  439. शिखण्डिन् (śikhaṇḍin) (śikhaṇḍin)
    mfn. wearing a tuft or lock of hair, tufted, crested (applied to various gods) AV. MBh. R.
    m. a peacock Ka1v. Pur. Katha1s.
    a peacock's tail
    a cock
    an arrow
    one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Hcat.
    N. of Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a MBh.
    of a R2ishi or Muni (one of the seven stars of the Great Bear
    cf. %{citra-z-}) W.
    of a son of Drupada (born as a female [see %{zikhaNDinI}], but changed into a male by a Yaksha
    in the great war between Kauravas and Pa1n2d2avas he became instrumental in the killing of Bhi1shma who declined to fight with a woman, but he was afterwards killed himself by As3vattha1man
    in the S3a1n3khBr. he has the patr. Ya1jn5asena) MBh.
    of a Bra1hman Lalit.
    of a mountain Cat.
    (%{inI}) f. a pea-hen MBh.
    the shrub Abrus Precatorius
    N. of a daughter of Drupada (afterwards changed to a male
    see above) MBh.
    of the wite of Antardha1na Hariv. Pur.
    of two Apsaras (daughters of Kas3yapa and regarded as the authoresses of RV. ix, 104) Anukr.
  440. शिखा (śikhā) (śikhā)
    f. (of doubtful derivation
    prob. connected with 1. %{zi}, `" to sharpen "') a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head, a crest, topknot, plume S3Br. &c. &c.
    a peacock's crest or comb MBh. Hariv. &c.
    a pointed flame, any flame ib.
    a ray of light Kum. Katha1s.
    a sharp end, point, spike, peak, summit, pinnacle, projection, end or point (in general) MaitrUp. Ka1v. VarBr2S.
    the end or point or border of a garment S3ak.
    the point or tip of the foot
    the nipple
    a branch which takes root, any branch
    a fibrous root, any root
    the plant Jussiaea Repens
    the head or chief or best of a class
    the fever or excitement of love
    a partic. part of a verse or formula (the crest of the verse compared to a king) Ra1matUp. [1070,3]
    = %{zikha-vRddhi} Gaut.
    N. of various metres Col.
    of a river (prob. w.r. for %{zikhI}) VP.
  441. शिखर (śikhara) (śikhara)
    &c. see col. 3. mfn. pointed, spiked, crested Megh. Katha1s.
    m. n. a point, peak (of a mountain), top or summit (of a tree), edge or point (of a sword), end, pinnacle, turret, spire MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    erection of the hair of the body
    the arm-pit
    a ruby-like gem (of a bright red colour said to resemble ripe pomegranate seed)
    (?) the bud of the Arabian jasmine (cf. %{-dazanA})
    N. of a mythical weapon (%{astra}) R.
    m. a partic. position of the fingers of the hand Cat.
    N. of a man Katha1s.
    (%{A}) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana (a plant from the fibres of which bow-strings are made)
    N. of a partic. mythical club (%{gadA}) R.
    (%{I}) f. id. R. (B.)
    = %{karkaTa-zRGgI}
    n. cloves L.
  442. शिखावत् (śikhāvat) (śikhāvat)
    ind. like a crest MW. -2. mfn. flaming, burning S3is3.
    pointed Kull. on Mn. i, 38
    m. fire Kir.
    a lamp W.
    a comet or the descending node
    a partic. plant or tree (= %{citraka}) MW.
    N. of a man MBh.
    (%{atI}) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana
    another plant, cock's comb MW.
  443. शिखिन् (śikhin) (śikhin)
    mfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head Gaut. MBh. &c.
    one who has reached the summit of knowledge BrahmUp.
    proud MW.
    m. a peacock RPra1t. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    a cock
    Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane)
    a bull
    a horse
    `" having flame "', fire or the firegod Gr2ihya1s. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    the number `" three "' (from the three sacred fires) VarBr2S.
    a lamp
    a comet VarBr2S.
    N. of Ketu (the personified descending node) VP.
    a mountain
    a tree
    Carpopogon Pruriens
    Trigonella Foenum Graecum
    a kind of potherb (= %{sitA7vara})
    an arrow
    a Bra1hman
    a religious mendicant W.
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of Indra under Manu Ta1masa Pur.
    of the second Buddhi Lalit. Ka1ran2d2. (cf. MWB. 136 n. 1
    of a Brahma1 (with Buddhists) Lalit.
    (%{inI}) f. a pea-hen R.
    cock's comb, Celosia Cristata
  444. शित (śita) (śita)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1071, col. 2) satisfied, regaled RV. viii, 23, 13. 4 mfn. (for 1. &c. see p. 1069, col. 3) whetted, sharp RV. &c. &c.
    thin, slender, weak, feeble
  445. शिथिल (śithila) (śithila)
    mf(%{A})n. (collateral form of prec.) loose, slack, lax, relaxed, untied, flaccid, not rigid or compact TS. &c. &c.
    soft, pliant, supple Pan5cat.
    unsteady, tremulous MBh.
    languid, inert, unenergetic, weak, feeble MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    careless in (loc.) R.
    indistinct (as sound)
    not rigidly observed W.
    loosely retained or possessed, abandoned, shaken off ib.
    (%{am}) ind. loosely, not firmly Ragh.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of tawny-coloured ant (said to be a variety of the white ant)
    (%{am}) n. a loose fastening, looseness, laxity, slowness MW.
    a partic. separation of the terms or members of a logical series ib.
  446. शिथिलित (śithilita) (śithilita)
    mfn. loosed, loosened, slackened, relaxed, dissolved, made soft Ka1v.
  447. शिबि (śibi) (śibi)
    m. (also written %{zivi}) N. of a R2ishi (having the patr. Aus3i1nara and supposed author of RV. x, 179) Anukr.
    of a king (renowned for his liberality and unselfishness, and said to have saved Agni transformed into a dove from Indra transformed into a hawk by offering an equal quantity of his own flesh weighed in a balance) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    (pl.) a people descended from S3ibi MBh. Hariv. VarBr2S.
    N. of a son of Indra MBh.
    of Indra in the fourth Manv-antara (v.l. %{zikhin}) VP.
    of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha BhP.
    of a Daitya (son of Sam2hra1da) MBh.
    a king of the S3ibis VarBr2S.
    a beast of prey
    the birch tree (= %{bhUrja})
    Typha Angustifolia L.
  448. शिबिका (śibikā) (śibikā)
    f. (also written %{zivikA}) a palanquin, palkee, litter, bier MBh. R. &c.
    a partic. weapon of Kubera (god of wealth) VP.
    a stage or platform erected for exhibitions MW.
    a proper N. ib.
  449. शिरस् (śiras) (śiras)
    n. (prob. originally %{zaras} = %{karas}
    and connected with %{karaGka} q.v.) the head, skull (acc. with %{dA}, `" to give up one's head i.e. life "'
    with %{dhR}, or %{vah}, `" to hold up one's head, be proud "'
    with Caus. of %{vRt} or with %{upa-sthA}, `" to hold out the head "', `" acknowledge one's self guilty "' see %{ziro7pasthAyin}
    instr. with %{grah}, %{dhA}, %{dhR}, %{vi-dhR}, %{bhR}, %{vah}, or %{kR}, `" to hold or carry or place on the head, receive deferentially "'
    instr. with %{gam}, %{abhi-gam}, %{pra-grah}, %{yA}, %{pra-Nam} [ %{nam}], %{ni-pat}, %{pra-Ni-pat}, `" to touch with the head, bow or fall down before "'
    loc. with %{kR} or %{ni-dhA}, `" to place on one's head "'
    loc. with %{sthA}, `" to be on or stand over a person's head, stand far above [gen.]) "' RV. &c. &c.
    the upper end or highest part of anything, top, peak, summit, pinnacle, acme MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the forepart or van (of an army) S3is3.
    the beginning (of a verse) VarBr2S.
    (ifc.) the head, leader, chief, foremost, first (of a class) BhP.
    N. of the verse %{Apo@jyotir@Apo@'mRtam} Baudh. Vishn2. &c.
    of a Sa1man (also with %{indrasya}) A1rshBr. La1t2y.
    of a mountain Buddh. [Cf. %{zIrSan}
    Gk. $ &c.
    Lat. {cerebrum} for &324608[1072,2] {ceresrum}, {cornu}
    Germ. {hirni}, {Hirn}
    Eng. {horn}.]
  450. शिल (śila) (śila)
    1 m. (L. also n.
    for 2. see col. 2) gleaning, gathering stalks or ears of corn (accord. to Kull. on Mn. x, 112 %{zila} = %{aneka-dhAnyo7nnayana} i.e. `" gleaning more than one ear of corn at a time "', opp. to %{uJcha} = %{ekai9ka-dhAnyA7di-guDako7ccayana}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. N. of a son of Pa1rya1tra Ragh.2 (for 1. see col. 1), in comp. for %{zilA}.
  451. शिला (śilā) (śilā)
    f. (perhaps connected with 1. %{zi}) a stone, rock, crag AV. &c. &c.
    red arsenic Sus3r.
    the lower mill-stone
    the lower timber of a door
    the top of the pillar supporting a house
    a vein, tendon (for %{zira} q.v.)[1073,2]
    N. of a river R.
    of a woman Cat.
  452. शिल्प (śilpa) (śilpa)
    n. (of doubtful derivation) the art of variegating, variegated or diversified appearance, decoration, ornament, artistic work VS. Br. Hariv. Katha1s. BhP.
    any manual art or craft, any handicraft or mechanical or fine art (64 such arts or crafts, sometimes called %{bAhya-kalA}, `" external or practical arts "', are enumerated e.g. carpentering, architecture, jewellery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry &c. [cf. IW. 185]
    and 64 %{abhyantara-kalA}, `" secret arts "' e.g. kissing, embracing, and various other arts of coquetry) S3a1n3khBr. Mn. MBh. &c.
    skill in any art or craft or work of art, ingenuity, contrivance MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    any act or work (also m.) BhP.
    ceremonial act, ceremony, rite (also m.) MW.
    form, shape Naigh. iii, 7 (cf. %{su-zilpa})
    a partic. kind of S3astra or hymn (of a highly artificial character, recited on the 6th day of the Pr2isht2hya Shad2-aha, at the Vis3vajit &c.) Br. S3rS.
    a kind of sacrificial ladle (?)
    (du. with %{jamad-agneH}) N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    m. N. of a teacher S3Br.
    (%{A}) f. a barber's shop
    (%{I}) f. a female artisan or mechanic Cat.
    (%{zilpa4}) mfn. variegated VS. TS.
  453. शिल्पिन् (śilpin) (śilpin)
    mfn. belonging to or skilled in art
    m. an artificer, artisan, craftsman, artist Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) fashioner of Naish.
    (%{inI}) f. a female artisan or artist Das3.
    a kind of herb or grass (commonly called Laha1nasipi1, used medicinally: otherwise described as a perfume = %{kola-dala})
  454. शिव (śiva) (śiva)
    mf(%{A4})n. (according to Un2. i, 153, fr. 1. %{zI}, `" in whom all things lie "'
    perhaps connected with %{zvi} cf. %{zavas}, %{zizvi}) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear (%{a4m} ind. kindly, tenderly) RV. &c. &c.
    happy, fortunate BhP.
    m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.) R. v, 56, 36
    liberation, final emancipation
    `" The Auspicious one "'N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindu1 Trimu1rti or Triad, the other two being Brahma1 `" the creator "' and Vishn2u `" the preserver "'
    in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity wss Rudra `" the terrible god "', but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. S3iva `" the auspicious "' [just as the Furies were called $ `" the gracious ones "'], and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution
    in fact the preferential worship of S3iva as developed in the Pura1n2as and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [called S3aivas]
    in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Ka1la `" black "', and is then also identified with Time "', although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Ka1li1, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices
    as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction S3iva's symbol is the Lin3ga [q.v.] or Phallus, under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day
    again one of his representations is as Ardha-na1ri1, `" half-female "', the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [RTL. 85]
    he has three eyes, one of which is in his forehead, and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time, past, present, and future, while a moon's crescent, above the central eye, marks the measure of time by months, a serpent round his neck the measure by years, and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person, the perpetual revolution of ages, and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together, and gathered above his forehead into a coil
    on the top of it he bears the Ganges, the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream
    his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality
    he holds a %{tri-zUla}, or three-pronged trident [also called Pina1ka] in his hand to denote, as some think, his combination of the three attributes of Creator, Destroyer, and Regenerator
    he also carries a kind of drum, shaped like an hour-glass, called D2amaru: his attendants or servants are called Pramatha [qq.vv.]
    they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds, and form various hosts or troops called Gan2as
    his wife Durga1 [otherwise called Ka1li1, Pa1rvati1, Uma1, Gauri1, Bhava1n2i1 &c.] is the chief object of worship with the S3a1ktas and Ta1ntrikas, and in this connection he is fond of dancing [see %{tANDava}] and wine-drinking [1074,2]
    he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (Ka1ma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye, that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Pa1rvati1 whilst he was engaged in severe penance
    in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods, including Brahma1 and Vishn2u, by a similar scorching glance, and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body, whence the use of ashes in his worship, while the use of the Rudra7ksha berries originated, it is said, from the legend that S3iva, on his way to destroy the three cities, called Tri-pura, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is Kaila1sa, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Hima7laya
    he has strictly no incarnations like those of Vishn2u, though Vi1ra-bhadra and the eight Bhairavas and Khan2d2o-ba1 &c. [RTL. 266] are sometimes regarded as forms of him
    he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than Vishn2u, one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the S3iva-Pura1n2a and in the 17th chapter of the Anus3a1sana-parvan of the Maha-bha1rata, some of the most common being Maha1-deva, S3ambhu, S3am2kara, I1s3a, I1s3vara, Mahe7s3vara, Hara
    his sons are Gan2e7s3a and Ka1rttikeya) A1s3vS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c. RTL. 73
    a kind of second Siva (with S3aivas), a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation MBh. Sarvad.
    any god
    a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally %{zivA} f. q.v.)
    sacred writings
    (in astron.) N. of the sixth month
    a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against)
    the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum
    Marsilia Dentata
    a kind of thorn-apple or = %{puNDarIka} (the tree)
    quicksilver(cf. %{ziva-bIja})
    a partic. auspicious constellation
    a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv.
    = %{zukra} m. %{kAla} m. %{vasu} m.
    the swift antelope
    rum, spirit distilled from molasses
    a ruby
    a peg
    N. of a son of Medha7tithi Ma1rkP.
    of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP.
    of a prince and various authors (also with %{dIkSita}, %{bhaTTa}, %{paNDita}, %{yajvan}, %{sUri} &c.) Cat.
    of a fraudulent person Katha1s.
    (du.) the god S3iva and his wife Kir. v, 40 Pracan2d2. i, 20 (cf. Va1m. v, 2, 1)
    pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara Pur.
    of a class of Bra1hmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of S3iva MBh.
    (%{A}) f. S3iva's wife (also %{zivI}) see %{zivA} below
    (%{am}) n. welfare, prosperity, bliss (%{Aya}, %{e4na} or %{e4bhis}, `" auspiciously, fortunately, happily, luckily "'
    %{zivAya@gamyatAm}, `" a prosperous journey to you! "') RV. &c. &c.
    final emancipation
    a kind of borax
    Tabernaemontana Coronaria
    N. of a Pura1n2a (= %{ziva-purANa} or %{zaiva}) Cat.
    of the house in which the Pa1n2d2avas were to be burnt Ma1rkP.
    of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvi1pa and in Jambu-dvi1pa Pur.
  455. शिवकर (śivakara) (śivakara)
    mf(%{I})n. causing happiness or prosperity, auspicious, propitious W.
    m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 24 Arhats of the past Utsarpin2i1 L.
  456. शिवगीता (śivagītā) (śivagītā)
    f. N. of a ch. of the Padma Pura1n2a (propounding the doctrines of S3aivas
    it is regarded as a Veda7nta treatise, and attributed to Veda-vya1sa) and of various other wks. (esp. of chs. of the Bha1gavata and Skanda Pura1n2as)
    %{-tAtparya-bodhinI} f. %{-dIpikA} f. %{-bhASya} n. %{-vyAkhyA}, f. N. of Comms.
  457. शिवजी (śivajī) (śivajī)
    m. N. of a well-known Mara1t2ha king (= S3iva-ra1ja) RTL. 265
    of the author of the Parama7nanda-tantra-t2i1ka1 Cat.
  458. शिवत्व (śivatva) (śivatva)
    n. the condition or nature of S3iva Sarvad.
    = %{-tA} ib.
  459. शिशु (śiśu) (śiśu)
    m. (fr. 1. %{zU} = %{zvi}) a child, infant, the young of any animal (as a calf, puppy &c.
    also applied to young plants, and to the recently risen sun
    often ifc.) RV. &c. &c.
    a boy under eight years of age W.
    a lad under sixteen ib.
    a pupil, scholar ib.
    N. of Skanda MBh. R. (cf. %{kumAra})
    of a descendant of An3giras (author of RV. ix, 112). Anukr.
    of a son of Sa1ran2a VP.
    of a king Buddh.
    mfn. young, infantine L.
  460. शिशिर (śiśira) (śiśira)
    mf(%{A})n. (prob. connected with %{zyai}, %{zIta} &c.) cool, chilly, cold, frigid, freezing R. VarBr2S. &c.
    m. n. cold, coolness, hoarfrost, dew MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the cool or dewy season (comprising two months, Ma1gha and Pha1lguna, or from about the middle of January to that of March
    cf. %{Rtu}) AV. &c. &c.
    m. N. of the seventh month of the year (accord. to one reckoning)
    of a mountain R. Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Dhara and Manohara1 MBh. Hariv.
    of a son of Medha7tithi Ma1rkP.
    of a teacher (a pupil or descendant of S3a1kalya Vedamitra) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. drug (= %{reNukA})
    a kind of Cyperus
    n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus
    a partic. mythical weapon R. Hariv.
    N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvi1pa Ma1rkP.
  461. शिशिरित (śiśirita) (śiśirita)
    mfn. cooled Pan5car.
  462. शिशुत्व (śiśutva) (śiśutva)
    n. childhood, childishness Ka1v. VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
    pupilage, the period before sixteen W.
    the period up to eight years of age ib.
  463. शिश्न (śiśna) (śiśna)
    m. n. (cf. %{zizan}
    said to be fr. %{znath}, `" to pierce "') a tail, (esp.) the male generative organ RV. &c. &c.
  464. शिष्ट (śiṣṭa) (śiṣṭa)
  465. शिष्ट (śiṣṭa) (śiṣṭa)
  466. शिष्टि (śiṣṭi) (śiṣṭi)
    f. (for 2. see below) direction, instruction Pat.
    order, command Bhadrab.
    correction, punishment Gaut. (%{-ty-artham}, for the sake of correction Mn. iv, 164). 2 f. (fr. %{zikS}, for 1. see above), help, aid (in %{su-s-} q.v.)
  467. शिष्टाचार (śiṣṭācāra) (śiṣṭācāra)
    m. practice or conduct of the learned or virtuous, good manners, proper behaviour Vas.
    mfn. acting like a learned man, well-behaved MBh. [1077,1]
    %{-viruddha} mfn. opposed to the practice of the virtuous MW.
    %{-rA7viruddha} mfn. not opposed to the prpractice of the vvirtuous ib.
  468. शिष्य (śiṣya) (śiṣya)
    &c. see 1. %{ziSTa4} p. 1076, col. 3, and p. 1077, col. 1. mfn. to be taught (see %{a-z-}
    %{a-niSpanne} %{niSpanna-zabdaH@ziSyaH}, `" it must be taught that the word %{niSpanna} has the meaning of %{a-niSpanna} "' Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 3-2, 132)
    to be instructed (see %{a-z-})
    m. a pupil, scholar, disciple (%{A} f. a female pupil) Shad2vBr. MBh. &c.
    passion, anger W.
    violence ib.
  469. शीकर (śīkara) (śīkara)
    m. (mostly pl.
    also written %{sIkara}) fine or drizzling rain, drizzle, spray, mist MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a fine drop of rain or water W.
    n. the resin of the Sarala pine or the tree itself.
    mf(%{A})n. cold L.
  470. शीघ्र (śīghra) (śīghra)
    mf(%{A})n. (of doubtful derivation) quick, speedy, swift, rapid (%{a4m} and %{eNa} ind. quickly, rapidly, fast) VS. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. N. of a son of Agni-varn2a Hariv. Pur.
    N. of Va1yu, the wind
    (%{A}) f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium
    N. of a river MBh.
    n. (in astron.) conjunction (accord. to other `" parallax "')
    the root of Andropogon Muricatus
    = %{cakrA7Gga} L.
  471. शीघ्रतर (śīghratara) (śīghratara)
    mfn. more quick, very swift
    (%{am} ind. as swiftly as possible) Pan5cat.
    %{-gati} mfn. moving more swiftly VarYogay.
  472. शीत (śīta) (śīta)
    mf(%{A4})n. (fr. %{zyai}
    cf. %{zIna}) cold, cool, chilly, frigid (with ind. p. of %{kR} either %{zItaM@kRtya}, or %{kRtvA} g. %{sA7kSA7di}) RV. &c. &c.
    dull, apathetic, sluggish, indolent
    boiled (= %{kvathita}
    %{zIta} prob. w.r. for %{zRta})
    m. Calamus Rotang
    Cordia Myxa and Latifolia
    Azadirachta Indica
    = %{asana-parNI} and %{parpaTA}
    (%{A}) f. spirituous liquor
    a kind of Du1rva1 grass
    another kind of grass (= %{zilpikA})
    often w.r. for %{sItA} (q.v.)
    n. cold, coldness, cold weather
    cold water
    Cassia bark L.
  473. शीतक (śītaka) (śītaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. cool AV.
    sluggish. idle, lazy. Pa1n2. 5-2, 72
    m. feeling of cold, shivering Car.
    the cold season g. %{yAvA7di}
    any cold thing A.
    a lazy man W.
    a happy or contented man ib.
    = %{asana-parNI}
    Marsilea Dentata MW.
    a scorpion
    pl. N. of a people VarBr2S.
    n. a kind of sandal
  474. शीतल (śītala) (śītala)
    mf(%{A})n. cold, cool, cooling MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    shivering, frosty Cat.
    cold i.e. free from passion, calm, gentle, Asht2a1v. Prasannar.
    not exciting emotion, not causing painful feelings Vikr. iv, 37
    m. (only L.) the wind
    the moon
    Cordia Myxa
    Michelia Champaka
    = %{asana-parNI}
    a kind of camphor
    the resin of Shorea Robusta
    green sulphate of iron (also m.)
    bitumen (also m.)
    a religious ceremony observed on the sun's entering Aries
    (with Jainas) N. of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    (%{A}) f. see below
    (%{I}) f. Pistia Stratiotes
    small-pox W.
    (%{am}) n. cold, coldness, cold weather Subh.
    a lotus
    Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
    the root of Andropogon Muricatus
    a pearl L.
  475. शीर्ण (śīrṇa) (śīrṇa)
    mfn. (fr. %{zRR}) broken or rent asunder, shivered, crushed, shattered, injured S3Br. &c. &c.
    fallen away or out MBh. R. Ra1jat.
    broken away, burst or overflowed (as river-water that has burst its banks) Nir.
    withered, faded, shrivelled, shrunk, decayed, rotten Mn. MBh. &c.
    thin, small, slender W.
    n. a sort of perfume (= %{sthauNeyaka}) Bhpr.
  476. शीर्णत्व (śīrṇatva) (śīrṇatva)
    n. (Mr2icch.) withered condition, rottenness, decay.
  477. शीर्ष (śīrṣa) (śīrṣa)
    n. (connected with %{ziras}: collateral of %{zIrSa4n} below, from which it is not separable in comp.
    m. only in %{vasti-z-} q.v.
    ifc. f. %{A}, or %{I}), the head, skull (acc. with Caus. of %{vRtziras} with id.) AV. &c.
    the upper part, tip, top (of anything, as of a letter &c.) Hariv. Ka1v.
    the fore-part, front (in %{raNa-z-} q.v.) R.
    black Agallochum or aloe wood
    m. a kind of grass Pat.
    N. of a mountain W.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of metre Col.
  478. शील (śīla) (śīla)
    n. (and m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A}) habit, custom, usage, natural or acquired way of living or acting, practice, conduct, disposition, tendency, character, nature (often ifc. = `" habituated "' or `" accustomed "' or `" disposed "' or `" addicted to "', `" practising "'
    cf. %{guNa-}, %{dAna-}, %{puNya-z-} &c.) VS. &c. &c. good disposition or character, moral conduct, integrity, morality, piety, virtue Mn. MBh. &c.
    cf. IW. 208
    (with Buddhists %{zIla} "', moral conduct "', is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or Pa1ramita1s [q.v.] and is threefold, viz. %{sambhAra}, %{kuzala-saMgrAha}, %{sattvA7rtha-kriyA} Dharmas. 106)
    a moral precept (with Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct cf. %{paJca-zIla}) MWB. 126
    form, shape, beauty W.
    m. a large snake in this sense prob. fr. 1. %{zI})
    N. of a man Buddh.
    of a king Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  479. शीलवत् (śīlavat) (śīlavat)
    mfn. possessed of a good disposition or character, wellconducted, moral Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) having the custom or practice of VarBr2S.
    (%{atI}) f. N. of a woman Katha1s.
  480. शुक (śuka) (śuka)
    m. (prob. fr. 1. %{zuc}, and orig. `" the bright one "') a parrot RV. &c. &c.
    a poet (?) Ra1jat. v, 31
    Acacia Sirissa
    Zizyphus Scandens
    N. of a son of Vya1sa (narrator of the Bha1gavata-Pura1n2a to king Parikshit) MBh. Pur.
    of a warrior MBh.
    of an Asura Hariv. (v.l. %{zara})
    of a king of the Gandharvas R.
    of a minister of Ra1van2a ib.
    of a Bra1hman ascetic Buddh.
    (%{I}) f. a female parrot (also the mythical mother of parrots, fabled as daughter or accord. to some, wife of Kas3yapa) MBh. Pur. [1079,3]
    N. of the wife of Saptarshi (loved by Agni) BhP.
    n. N. of various plants (Acacia Sirissa, Bignonia Indica &c.)
    a partic. drug and perfume (= %{granthi-parNa}, commonly called Gan2t2hi1a1la)
    the hem of a garment
    cloth, clothes
    a helmet or turban
    N. of a mythical weapon MBh.
  481. शुकसप्तति (śukasaptati) (śukasaptati)
    f. N. of 70 stories related by a parrot (of which there are 2 recensions extant).
  482. शुकसारिकाप्रलापन (śukasārikāpralāpana) (śukasārikāpralāpana)
    n. instruction about pparrot and Maina birds (one of the 64 arts) Cat. (cf. %{zArika}).
  483. शुक्ति (śukti) (śukti)
    f. (prob. fr. 1. %{zuc} and orig. `" shining, bright "') a pearl-oyster or oyster shell (eight sources of pearls are enumerated by Sch. on Kir. xii, 40, viz. clouds, elephants, fish, serpents, bamboos, conchshells, boars, and oyster shells) Kaus3. Ka1v. &c.
    a small shell or cockle
    a portion of a skull (used as a cup &c.) W.
    a bone BhP.
    Tamarindus Indica
    Unguis Odoratus
    any perfume or fragrant substance R.
    a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast S3is3.
    a measure of weight (= 1/2 Pala or 4 Karshas) S3a1rn3gS.
    a partic. disease of the cornea Sus3r.
    m. N. of an A1n3girasa Pan5cavBr.
    of a mountain Ma1rkP. (w.r. %{sukti})
    pl. N. of a people VarBr2S.
  484. शुक्तिमत् (śuktimat) (śuktimat)
    m. N. of one of the seven principal mountains or mountainous ranges in India (cf. %{kula-giri}) MBh. Pur.
    (%{atI}) f. N. of a river ib.
    of the capital of the Cedis ib.
  485. शुक्र (śukra) (śukra)
    mf(%{A4})n. (fr. 1. %{zuc} cf. %{zukla}) bright, resplendentVS. Br. MBh.
    clear, pureVS. S3Br.
    light-coloured, whiteS3a1n3khBr.
    pure, spotless RV. Br.
    m. N. of Agni or fire R.
    of a month (Jyesht2ha = May-June, personified as the guardian of Kubera's treasure) MBh. Sus3r.
    the planet Venus or its regent (regarded as the son of Bhr2igu and preceptor of the Daityas) MBh. R. &c.
    clear or pure Soma RV.
    (with or scil, %{graha}) a partic. Graha or receptacle for Soma VS. S3Br.
    a partic. astrol. Yoga
    a N. of the Vya1hr2itis (%{bhUr}, %{bhuvaH}, %{svar}) MW.
    a kind of plant (= %{citraka}) ib.
    N. of a Marutvat Hariv.
    of a son of Vasisht2ha VP.
    of the third Manu Hariv.
    of one of the seven sages under Manu Bhautya Ma1rkP.
    of a son of Bhava VP.
    of a son of Havir-dha1na (cf. %{zukla}) VP.
    (with Jainas) of a partic. Kalpa (q.v.)
    n. brightness, clearness, light RV. Up. MBh. R.
    (also pl.)any clear liquid (as water, Soma &c.) RV. VS.
    juice, the essence of anything Br. S3rS. (also pl.)
    semen virile, seed of animals (male and female), sperm RV. &c. &c.
    a morbid affection of the iris (change of colour &c. accompanied by imperfect vision
    cf. %{zukla}) Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.
    a good action
    gold, wealth
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    of a Vedic metre RPra1t.
  486. शुक्ल (śukla) (śukla)
    mf(%{A})n. (later form of %{zukra}, for which it is sometimes w.r.) bright, light (with %{pakSa} = %{zukla-p-} q.v.) Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
    white, whitish AitBr. &c. &c.
    pure, spotless, unsullied MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. the bright half of a lunar month or any day in it Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    the month Vais3a1kha BhP. (Sch.)
    white (the colour)
    mucus, saliva (%{zukla4M-kR}, to spit at) AV.
    ricinus or white r
    Mimusops Hexandra
    the 37th (or 3rd) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    the 24th of the astronomical Yogas.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of Vishn2u BhP.
    of a son of Havir-dha1na (cf. %{zukra}) Hariv.
    of a Muni Cat.
    of a king Buddh.
    of a mountain BhP.
    (%{A}) f. a white cow Ka1tyS3r.
    white or candied sugar
    Euphorbia Antiquorum
    = %{kAkOlI} and %{vidArI}
    N. of Sarasvati1
    of a daughter of Sin6ha-hanu Buddh.
    of a river BhP.
    n. brightness, light MaitrUp.
    a white spot, white substance, anything white AV. S3Br. ChUp.
    the white of the eye S3Br. R. Sus3r.
    a disease of the cornea or white part of the eye (opacity, albugo
    cf. %{zukra})
    fresh butter L.
  487. शुङ्ग (śuṅga) (śuṅga)
    m. (etymology doubtful) the Indian fig-tree (= %{vaTa})
    Ficus Infectoria
    Spondias Mangifera
    the awn of corn
    the sheath or calyx of a bud
    N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 117)
    pl. N. of a dynasty which succeeded the Mauryas (sg. a king of the S3s3un3ga dyndynasty) Pur.
    (%{A4}) f. see below
    (%{I}) f. Spondias Mangifera
    Ficus Infectoria
    N. of the mother of Garud2a Suparn2.
    n. the sheath or calyx of a bud, (fig.) effect (opp. to %{mUla}, `" cause "') ChUp.
    Ficus Infectoria L.
  488. शुचि (śuci) (śuci)
    mfn. (f. nom. pl. %{zucyas} Mn. viii, 77) shining, glowing, gleaming, radiant, bright RV. &c. &c.
    brilliantly white, white Bhartr2.
    clear, clean, pure (lit. and fig.), holy, unsullied, undefiled, innocent, honest, virtuous RV. &c. &c.
    pure (in a ceremonial sense) ChUp. Mn. Bhag. &c.
    (ifc.) one who has acquitted himself of or discharged (a duty see %{rahaH-z-})
    m. purification, purity, honesty, virtue Ka1v.
    N. of a partic. fire (a son of Agni Abhima1nin and Sva1ha1 or a son of Antardha1na and Sikhan2d2ini1 and brother of the fires Pavama1na and Pavaka) Pur.
    oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant W.
    a partic. hot month (accord. to some = A1sha1d2ha or Jyesht2ha, accord. to others `" the hot season in general "') VS. S3Br. MBh. &c. [1081,2]
    the sun MaitrUp. (Sch.)
    the moon
    the planet Venus or its regent (cf. %{zukra})
    a ray of light
    sexual love (= %{zRGgAra})
    a Bra1hman
    a faithful minister, true friend
    the condition of a religious student
    a fever that attacks pigs
    judicial acquittal W.
    white (the colour) ib.
    a partic. plant (= %{citraka}) MW.
    N. of S3iva
    of a son of Bhr2igu MBh.
    of a son of Gada Hariv.
    of a son of the third Manu ib.
    of Indra in the 14th Manv-antara Pur.
    of one of the 7 sages in the 14th Manv-antara ib.
    of a Sa7rthava1ha MBh.
    of a son of S3ata-dyumna Pur.
    of a son of S3uddha (the son of Anenas) ib.
    of a son of Andhaka ib.
    of a son of Vipra ib.
    of a son of Artha-pati Va1s., Introd.
    (also %{I}) f. N. of a daughter of Ta1mra1 and wife of Kas3yapa, (regarded as the parent of water-fowl) Hariv. VP.
  489. शुण्ठी (śuṇṭhī) (śuṇṭhī)
    f. dry ginger Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c.
  490. शुण्डा (śuṇḍā) (śuṇḍā)
    f. an elephant's trunk MBh. Sus3r. Katha1s.
    spirituous liquor
    a tavern
    a partic. kind of animal (prob. a female hippopotamus)
    a harlot, prostitute, bawd
    Nelumbium Speciosum L.
  491. शुतुद्री (śutudrī) (śutudrī)
    f. (accord. toalso %{zutudri} and %{-dru}) the S3ata-dru or Sutlej river RV. (see %{zata-dru}).
  492. शुद्ध (śuddha) (śuddha)
    mfn. cleansed, cleared, clean, pure, clear, free from (with instr.), bright, white RV. &c. &c.
    cleared, acquitted, free from error, faultless, blameless, right, correct, accurate, exact, according to rule Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
    upright (see comp.)
    pure i.e. simple, mere, genuine, true, unmixed (opp. to %{mizra}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    pure i.e. unmodified (as a vowel not nasalized) S3a1n3khBr. Pra1t.
    complete, entire Ra1jat.
    unqualified, unmitigated (as capital punishment) Mn. ix, 279
    (in phil.) veritable, unequalled (= %{dvitIya-rahita}) MW.
    tried, examined Ka1m.
    authorised, admitted W.
    whetted, sharp (as an arrow) ib.
    m. the bright fortnight (in which the moon increases) Inscr.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of one of the seven sages under the 14th Manu BhP.
    of a son of Anenas ib.
    (with %{bhikSu}) of an author Cat.
    of a bird Hariv.
    (pl.) of a partic. class of gods MBh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Sin6hahanu Buddh.
    (%{am}) n. anything pure &c.
    pure spirit W.
    black pepper L.
  493. शुद्धता (śuddhatā) (śuddhatā)
    f. purity, correctness, faultlessness Pan5cat.
    %{-koza} m. `" treasure of correctness "'N. of a grammar by Bhava-deva.
  494. शुद्धि (śuddhi) (śuddhi)
    f. cleansing, purification, purity (lit. and fig.), holiness, freedom from defilement, purificatory rite (esp. a partic. S3ra1ddha performed at the cost of a person who needs purification) TBr. &c. &c.
    setting free or securing (from any danger), rendering secure Ka1m. VarBr2S.
    justification, exculpation, innocence (established by ordeal or trial), acquittal Ya1jn5.
    quittance, clearing off or paying off, discharge (of a debt &c.) MW.
    retaliation ib. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    verification, correction, making true, correctness, accuracy, genuineness, truth Ya1jn5. Ma1lati1m.
    clearness, certainty, accurate knowledge regarding (gen. or comp.
    %{zuddhiM-kR} "', to ascertain for certain "'
    %{z--labh} "', to receive certain intelligence "') Mn. Katha1s. Vet. [1082,3]
    (in arithm.) leaving no remainder (%{zuddhim-i} "', to leave no remainder "'), Bi1jag.
    subtraction of a quantity or a qquantity to be subtracted, Lil.
    N. of Durga1 Cat.
    of one of the S3aktis of Vishn2u MW.
    of Da1ksha1yan2i1 as worshipped at Kapa1la-mocana ib.
  495. शुन (śuna) (śuna)
    1 m. (prob. fr. %{zU} or %{zvi}, and connected with %{zUra}, %{zUSa} &c.) `" the Auspicious one "'N. of Va1yu Nir.
    of Indra A1s3vS3r.
    (%{A}) f. (?) a ploughshare (see %{zunA-vat} and %{zunA-sIra})
    n. growth, success, prosperity, welfare S3Br. S3a1n3khGr2.
    (%{a4m}) ind. happily, auspiciously, for growth or prosperity
  496. श्वन् (śvan) (śvan)
    1 m. (nom. sg. du. pl. %{zvA}, %{zvAnau}, %{zvAnas}
    weakest base %{zun} cf. 2. %{zuna} &c., p. 1082
    in some comp. %{zvA} for %{zva} cf. below), a dog, hound, cur RV. &c. &c.
    (%{zunI4}) f. a female dog. [Cf. Zd. {spa1}
    Gk. $
    Lat. {canis}
    Lit. {szu4}
    Goth. {hunds}
    Eng. {hound}
    Germ. {Hund}.]
  497. शुनहोत्र (śunahotra) (śunahotra)
    (%{zuna4-}) m. `" offering auspicious sacrifices "'N. of a son of Bharad-va1ja (and author of RV. vi, 33, 34
    pl. his family) Anukr.
    of a son of Kshatra-vr2iddha Hariv. (written %{suna-h-}).
  498. शुनोलाङ्गूल (śunolāṅgūla) (śunolāṅgūla)
    m. `" dogtailed "'N. of the youngest of the three sons of R2icika (or accord. to AitBr., of Ajigarta) AitBr. Hariv. (cf. %{zunaH-puccha} and %{-zepa}).
  499. शुभ् (śubh) (śubh)
    1 (or 1. %{zumbh}) cl. 1. A1. or 6. P. (Dha1tup. xviii, 11
    xxviii, 33) %{zo4bhate}, %{zumbha4ti} or %{zu4mbhati} (ep. also %{zobhati}, and Ved. %{zu4mbhate}
    3. sg. %{zo4bhe} RV.
    pf. %{zuzobha}, %{zuzubhe} MBh. &c.
    %{zuzumbha} Gr.
    aor., %{azubhat}, %{azobhiSTa}, %{azumbhIt} ib.
    p. %{zu4mbhAna}, %{zubhAna4} RV.
    fut. %{zobhitA} or %{zumbhitA} Gr.
    %{zobhiSyati} MBh.
    %{zumbhiSyati} Gr.
    inf. %{zubhe4}, %{zobhAse} RV.
    %{zobhitum} Gr.), to beautify, embellish, adorn, beautify one's self. (A1.) look beautiful or handsome, shine, be bright or splendid
    (with %{iva} or %{yathA}, `" to shine or look like "'
    with %{na} "', to look bad, have a bad appearance, appear to disadvantage "') RV. &c. &c.
    to prepare, make fit or ready, (A1.) prepare one's self.
    (%{zu4mbhate} accord. to some) to flash or flit i.e. glide rapidly past or along RV. (cf. %{zubhAna4}, %{zumbha4mAna}, and %{pra-zumbh})
    (%{zumbhati}) wrongly for %{zundhati} (to be connected with %{zudh}, to purify) AV. vi, 155, 3
    xii, 2, 40 &c.
    (%{zumbhati}) to harm, injure Dha1tup. xi, 42 (in this sense rather to be regarded as a second %{zumbh} cf. 2. %{zumbh}, %{ni-zumbh}): Pass. aor. %{azobhi-tarAm} Inscr.: Caus. %{zbhayati} (aor. %{azUzubhat} [1083,2]
    cf. %{zobhita}), to cause to shine beautify, ornament, decorate AV. &c. &c.
    (%{zubha4yati}, %{-te}) to ornament, decorate, (A1.) decorate one's self. RV. TBr.
    (only pr. p. %{zubha4yat}), to fly rapidly along RV.: Desid. %{zuzobhiSate} (accord. to Gr. also %{-ti}, and %{zuzubhiSati}, %{-te}), to wish to prepare or make ready Nir. viii, 10: Intens. %{zozubhyate} (Gr. also %{zozobdhi}), to shine brightly or in tensely, be very splendid or beautiful MBh.
  500. शुभ (śubha) (śubha)
    mf(%{A})n. splendid, bright, beautiful, handsome (often f. voc, %{zubhe} "', fair one! "' in addressing a beautiful woman) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    pleasant, agreeable, suitable, fit, capable, useful, good (applied to persons and things) ib.
    auspicious, fortunate, prosperous ib.
    good (in moral sense), righteous, virtuous, honest S3vetUp. Mn. &c.
    pure (as an action) Ya1jn5. Sch.
    eminent, distinguished W.
    learned, versed in the Vedas ib.
    m. water
    the Phenila tree (Sapindus Detergens)
    a hegoat(prob. w.r. for %{stubha})
    the 23rd of the astrol Yogas.
    N. of a man (cf. g. %{tikA7di}) Katha1s.
    of a son of Dharma BhP.
    of an author Cat.
    (also %{A} f.) a city floating in the sky (cf. %{zaubha} = %{vyomacAri-pura}) MW.
    (%{A}) f. (only L.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty
    Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma
    white Du1rva1 grass
    = %{priyaGgu}
    bamboo manna
    a cow
    the yellow pigment Gorocana1
    an assembly of the gods
    a kind of metre
    N. of a female friend and companion of the goddess Uma1
    (%{am}) n. anything bright or beautiful &c.
    beauty, charm, good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness, bliss, welfare, prosperity Kaus3. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    benefit, service, good or virtuous action Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s.
    the wood of Cerasus Puddum L.