This is the November archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2013.



Foreign word of the day  in Latin
alligātor m., noun
  1. one who ties or binds
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Focus week: false friends



Foreign word of the day  in Spanish
albero m., noun
  1. a type of crushed rock applied over gardens and bullring arenas
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Foreign word of the day  in Egyptian
m., proper noun
  1. “The Perfect One”: an epithet or alternative name for the god Osiris.
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Foreign word of the day  in Kaingang
kygpãn verb
  1. to split with a knife
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Foreign word of the day  in Quechua
hatu noun
  1. a caparison decorated with colourful cloth and flags, worn on the loin of pack animals during festivities.
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Foreign word of the day  in Italian
nebbiolo m., noun
  1. A grape variety cultivated in the Langhe
  2. A fine red wine made near Alba from these grapes
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Foreign word of the day  in Ancient Greek
φιλεραστής (philerastēs) m., noun
  1. one who is fond of a lover.
  2. one who enjoys having lovers.
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Foreign word of the day  in German
Mahnmal n., noun
  1. A monument that serves as a reminder of a tragic event and a warning that the event should not be allowed to occur again.
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Foreign word of the day  in Aragonese
zernillón m., noun
  1. the ridge of a roof
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Foreign word of the day  in Old Galician-Portuguese
veiro adjective
  1. (of an animal) having black and white spots
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Foreign word of the day  in Icelandic
velkomandaminni n., noun
  1. (archaic) a toast drunken to celebrate (or in honor of) somebody’s homecoming or arrival
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Foreign word of the day  in Galician
cachote m., noun
  1. a piece of stone used to build a dry-stone structure
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Foreign word of the day  in French
Ys f., proper noun
  1. (mythology) Ys (sunken city)
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Foreign word of the day  in German
rixig adjective
  1. (Austria) thin and tall
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Foreign word of the day  in Albanian
gaboj verb
  1. I err, I make a mistake
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Foreign word of the day  in Latin
doctor m., noun
  1. teacher, instructor
  2. (Ecclesiastical Latin) catechist
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Foreign word of the day  in Faroese
geil f., noun
  1. fenced lane along which animals (cattle) can be driven through the bøur out onto the hagi
  2. (plural, in expressions) street
  3. (sheep) hollow on the inside of a ram's horn
  4. (nautical) small passage (e.g. between two skerries)
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Foreign word of the day  in Mirandese
bexanar verb
  1. to speak to someone’s ear
  2. to tell a secret whisperingly
  3. to whisper (to speak in a quiet voice)
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Foreign word of the day  in Russian
лыжня́ (lyžnjá) f inan, noun
  1. ski track, trail left by a pair of skis, or one artificially created for the purpose of skiing on.
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Foreign word of the day  in Spanish
cucurucho m, noun
  1. A cone made of paper or other material and used to contain candy or other small items.
  2. An elongated, pointed hood draped in cloth, traditionally worn by some participants of Holy Week processions in several Hispanic countries.
  3. (colloquial) The highest part of a tree, house, building, etc.
  4. (colloquial) a cone-shaped hill
  5. (colloquial) summit of a hill or mountain
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Foreign word of the day  in Yiddish
אינדיק (indik) m, noun
  1. a turkey
  2. turkey meat
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Foreign word of the day  in Portuguese
pensar na morte da bezerra verb
  1. (informal, idiomatic) to be lost in thought (preoccupied with one’s thoughts rather than paying attention to reality). Literally: to think about the heifer’s death.
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Foreign word of the day  in Italian
navicella f., noun
  1. diminutive of nave: a small ship
  2. gondola (of an airship)
  3. incense boat (vessel for incense)
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