User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-j

jack {n} (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) :: جک /jak/
jack {n} (playing card) :: خشت
Jack {prop} (pet name of John) :: جک /jak/
jackal {n} (wild canine) :: شغال /šoğâl/
jackdaw {n} (Coloeus monedula) :: زاغچه /zāγče/
jacket {n} (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) :: ژاکت /žâkat/
jacket potato {n} (a baked potato) SEE: baked potato ::
jackfruit {n} (the fruit) :: ژاک‌فروت, جک‌فروت
jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device) :: مته دستی مخصوص سوراخ کردن سنگ
jack of all trades, master of none {n} (person who has a competent grasp of many skills) :: همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره
Jackson {n} (transliterations of the surname) :: جکسون /jakson/
Jackson {n} (cognates of the surname) SEE: Johnson ::
Jacob {prop} (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca) :: یعقوب /ya'qub/
Jacob {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) :: جاکوب /jâkub/
jade {n} (gem) :: یشم سبز /yašm-e sabz/
jade {n} (colour) :: یشمی /yašmi/
jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle ::
Jaffa {prop} (a port in western Israel) :: یافا /yāfā/
jagged {adj} (having a rough quality) :: زبر /zebr/
Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God ::
Jahannam {prop} (Islamic concept of hell) :: جهنم /jahannam/
jail {n} (place for short-term confinement) :: زندان /zendân/
Jakarta {prop} (capital of Indonesia) :: جاکارتا /jâkârtâ/
Jalalabad {prop} (a city in eastern Afghanistan) :: جلال‌آباد /jalâl-âbâd/
jalebi {n} :: زولبیا
jam {n} (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) :: مربا /morabbâ/, ریچار /ričâr/ [archaic]
jam {v} (to block or confuse a broadcast signal) :: پارازیت فرستادن /pârâzit ferestâdan/
Jamahiriya {n} (state of the masses (Libya)) :: جماهیری /jamâhiri/
Jamaica {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: جامائیکا /jâmâ'ikâ/
Jamal {prop} (male given name) :: جمال
James {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) :: جیمز /jeymz/
jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car ::
Jammu and Kashmir {prop} (portion of the territory which is governed by India) :: جامو و کشمیر
janissary {n} (former Turkish soldier) :: ینی‌چری /yeni-čeri/
January {prop} (first month of the Gregorian calendar) :: ژانویه /žânviye/, یانور /yânur/
Janus {prop} (Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions) :: ژانوس /žânus/
Japan {prop} (a country in East Asia) :: ژاپن /žâpon/, ژاپون /žāpōn/
Japanese {adj} (of or relating to Japan) :: ژاپنی /žâponi/
Japanese {n} (person of Japan) :: ژاپنی /žâponi/
Japanese {n} (Japanese language) :: ژاپنی /žâponi/, زبان ژاپنی /zabân-e žâponi/
Japanese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry ::
jape {n} (joke or quip) SEE: joke ::
jar {n} (small, approximately cylindrical container) :: شیشه /šiše/, بانکه /bânke/, بستو /bastu/
jargon {n} :: زبان تخصصی /ẕaban-e ṯaḳassosi/, زبان مخفی /ẕaban-e maḳfi/
jasmine {n} (plant of genus Jasminum) :: یاسمن /yâsaman/
jasmine {n} :: یاسمن /yāsamen/, یاس /yās/, یاسمون /yāsamūn/, یاسمین /yāsamīn/
Jasmine {prop} (female given name) :: یاسمین /yâs(a)min/, یاسمن /yâsaman/
jasper {n} (precious stone) :: یشم /yašm/, یشب /yašb/
Jasper {prop} (male given name; one of the Magi) SEE: Caspar ::
Java {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: جاوه /jâve/
Java {prop} (programming language) :: جاوا /jâvâ/
JavaScript {prop} (scripting programming language) :: جاوااسکریپت /jâvâ-eskeript/
Java sparrow {n} (Java sparrow) :: فنچ نرگسی
javelin {n} (spear used as a weapon) :: زوبین /zubin/, نیزه /neyze/
javelin {n} (spear used in athletic competition) :: نیزه /neyze/
jaw {n} (bone of the jaw) :: فک /fak/, آرواره /ârvâre/, منه /mane/
Jawi {prop} (an alphabet) :: جاوی /jâvi/
jay {n} (name of the letter J, j) :: جی /jey/
jazz {n} (musical art form) :: جاز /jâz/
jazz {n} :: جاز
jealous {adj} (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) :: رشکین /raškin/
jealousy {n} (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity)) :: حسادت /hesâdat/
jeans {n} (denim trousers) :: جین /jin/, لی /li/
Jeddah {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: جده /jedde/
jeep {n} (vehicle) :: جیپ /jip/
Jeep {n} (Jeep) SEE: jeep ::
Jehovah {prop} (Yahweh) SEE: Yahweh ::
jelick {n} (bodice or vest) :: یلک /yalak/
jelly {n} (dessert) :: ژله /žele/, لرزانک /larzānak/
jelly {n} (meat dish) :: هلام /holâm/
jellyfish {n} (aquatic animal) :: عروس دریایی /orus daryâyi/ [sea bride], چتر دریایی /čatr daryâyi/ [sea umbrella]
jenny {n} (female of donkey) SEE: she-ass ::
jenny-ass {n} (female donkey) SEE: she-ass ::
jeopardy {n} (danger of loss, harm, or failure) :: خطر /xatar/
Jeremiah {prop} (biblical prophet) :: ارمیا /Ermeyâ/
Jeremiah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: کتاب ارمیا /ketâb-e ermeyâ/
Jeremy {prop} (Jeremiah) SEE: Jeremiah ::
Jericho {prop} (city) :: اریحا /arihâ/
Jerry {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Jerusalem {prop} (city) :: اورشلیم /oršalim/, قدس /qods/, بیت‌المقدس /beyt-ol-moqaddas/
Jerusalem artichoke {n} (plant and tuber) :: سیب‌زمینی ترشی /sib-zamini-ye torši/, شلغم فرنگی /šalğam-e farangi/
jest {n} (joke) :: شوخی /šuxi/, مزاح /mezâh/ [formal, dated]
jest {v} (to tell a joke) :: لاغیدن /lâğidan/ [obsolete], شوخی کردن /šuxi kardan/
jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) SEE: court jester ::
Jesus {prop} (the Christian Messiah) :: عیسی /'isâ/, یشوع /yešu'/
Jesus Christ {prop} (Jesus of Nazareth) :: عیسی مسیح /'isâ masih/
jet {n} (coal) :: شبق /šabaq/
jet {n} (colour) :: شبقی /šabaqi/
jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane ::
jet pack {n} (Equipment worn on the back for vertical thrust) :: جت پک
jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine) :: هواپیمای جت /havâpeymâ-ye jet/
jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf ::
jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier ::
Jew {n} (person of the Jewish faith) :: یهودی /yahudi/, جهود /johud/
Jew {n} (member or descendent of the Jewish people) :: یهودی /yahudi/, جهود /johud/
jewel {n} (gemstone) :: گوهر /gowhar/
jewel {n} (valuable object for ornamentation) :: زیور /zivar/
jewel box {n} (box for storing jewels) :: درج /dorj/
Jewess {n} (female Jew) :: یهودی /yahudi/ [gender-neutral]
Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish ::
Jewish {adj} (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture) :: یهودی /yahudi/
Jewish Autonomous Oblast {prop} (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia) :: استان خودمختار یهودی
Jewry {n} (the land of Jews (obsolete)) SEE: Judea ::
Jew's harp {n} (musical instrument) :: زنبورک /zanburak/
jezve {n} (Turkish coffee-pot) :: جذوه
Jharkhand {prop} (state in eastern India) :: جارکند
Jiantizi {prop} (Simplified Chinese) SEE: Simplified Chinese ::
jigsaw {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle ::
jigsaw puzzle {n} (type of puzzle) :: پازل /pâzel/
jihad {n} (holy war undertaken by Muslims) :: جهاد /jehâd/
jihadist {n} (one who participates in a jihad) :: مجاهد /mojâhed/
Jilin {prop} (province of China) :: جی‌لین
Jim {prop} (diminutive of James) :: جیم /jim/
jimsonweed {n} (Datura stramonium) :: تاتوره /tâture/
jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism ::
jinn {n} (spirit) :: جن /jenn, jen/
jinx {n} (A hex; an evil spell) :: جادو /jâdu/
jinx {v} (To cast a spell on) :: جادو کردن /jâdu kardan/
jizya {n} (per capita tax) :: گزیت /gazīt/, گزید /gazīd/
job {n} (task) :: کار /kâr/
job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid) :: شغل /šoğl/, کار /kâr/
Job {prop} (biblical and qur'anic character) :: ایوب /Ayyub/
jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed ::
jock {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap ::
jock strap {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap ::
jockstrap {n} (an athletic supporter) :: بیضه بند, فتق بند
Joel {prop} (book of the Bible) :: يوئيل
jogging {n} (form of exercise) :: جاگینگ /jâging/ [informal]
Johannesburg {prop} (a city in South Africa) :: ژوهانسبورگ /žohânesburg/
John {prop} (male given name) :: جان /jân/
John {prop} (fourth gospel) :: انجیل یوحنا /enjil-e yuhannâ/
Johnson {prop} (transliterations of the surname) :: جانسون /jânson/
John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet) :: یحیی /Yahyâ/, یوحنا معمدان /yuhannâ mamadân/
join {v} (to combine more than one item into one; to put together) :: پیوستن /peyvastan/
join {v} (to come together; to meet) :: پیوستن /peyvastan/
join {v} (to come into the company of) :: پیوستن /peyvastan/
join {v} (to become a member of) :: پیوستن /peyvastan/
joint {n} (part of the body where bones join) :: مفصل /mefsal/, بندگاه /bandgâh/
joke {n} (amusing story) :: جوک /jok/, لطیفه /latife/
joke {n} (something said or done for amusement) :: شوخی /šuxi/
joke {n} (worthless thing or person) :: مسخره /masxare/, [person] شوت /šut/
joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool ::
joker {n} (person who makes jokes) :: شوخ /šux/
joker {n} (playing card) :: جوکر /joker/
Jolly Roger {n} (traditional flag used on pirate ships) :: پرچم دزدان دریایی
Jordan {prop} (country) :: اردن /ordon/
Joseph {prop} (favorite son of Jacob) :: یوسف /yusof, yusef/
Joseph {prop} (12th sura of the Qur'an) :: سورهٔ یوسف
Joseph {prop} (male given name) :: یوسف /yusef/, جوزف /jozef/
Joshua {prop} (book of the Bible) :: یوشع /yuša'/
journal {n} (newspaper or magazine) :: ژورنال /žurnâl/
journalism {n} (activity or profession of being a journalist) :: ژورنالیسم /žurnâlisem/, روزنامه‌نگاری /ruz-nâme-negâri/
journalist {n} (one whose occupation or profession is journalism) :: روزنامه‌نگار /ruznâme-negâr/, ژورنالیست /žurnâlist/
journey {n} (trip, a voyage) :: سفر /safar/
joy {n} (feeling of happiness) :: سرور /sorur/, کروز /koruz/, شادی /šâdi/, خرسندی /xorsandi/, خوشی /xoši/
Jörmungandr {prop} (World Serpent) :: یورمونگاند (jormungand)
Juba {prop} (capital of South Sudan) :: جوبا /jubâ/
Juche {n} (North Korean self-reliance state ideology) :: جوچه
Judaism {prop} (world religion) :: یهودیت /yahudiyat/
Judas {prop} (one of the Apostles) :: یهودا /yahudâ/
Judas {prop} (book of the Bible) :: یهودا /yahudâ/
Judas tree {n} (Cercis siliquastrum) :: ارغوان /arğavân/
Jude {prop} (book of the Bible) :: یهودا /yahudâ/
Judea {prop} (Judea) :: یهودیه /yahudiye/
Judeo-Aramaic {prop} (Hebrew-influenced Aramaic languages) :: آرامی یهودی /ârâmi-ye yahudi/
judge {n} (public judicial official) :: قاضی /qâzi/, دادور /dâdvar/ [archaic]
judgement day {n} (Last Judgement) :: رستاخیز /rastâxiz/
judge not, that ye be not judged {proverb} (people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones) SEE: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ::
Judges {prop} (book of the Bible) :: کتاب داوران /ketâb-e dâvarân/
judo {n} (Japanese martial art) :: جودو /judo/
judoka {n} (practitioner of judo) :: جودوکار /jodokâr/
jug {n} (serving vessel) :: کوزه /kuze/
juggler {n} (person who practices juggling) :: ژانگلر /žângler/
juice {n} (liquid from a plant) :: افشره /afšore/
juice {n} (beverage made of juice) :: آبمیوه /âbmive/
juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub ::
jujube {n} (Ziziphus jujuba fruit) :: عناب /annâb/
jujube {n} :: عناب /'anâb/, زیزفون /zizofun/
Julia {prop} (female given name) :: جولیا /julyâ/
Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia ::
July {prop} (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: ژوئیه /žu’iye/
jump {v} :: پریدن /paridan/, جهیدن /jahidan/, جستن /jastan/
jump {v} (cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward) :: پایین پریدن /paein paridan/
jump {v} (employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) :: پرش /paresh/
jump {n} :: بپر /bepar/
June {prop} (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: ژوئن /žu’an/, یون /yun/
jungle {adj} (large, undeveloped, humid forest) :: جنگل /jangal/
junior {adj} (younger) :: کهتر /kehtar/
juniper {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus) :: ارس /ors/, برس /bors/
junk {n} (miscellaneous items of little value) :: بنجل /bonjol/
junk {n} (Chinese sailing vessel) :: جنگ /jong/
Jupiter {prop} (planet) :: برجیس /berjis/, مشتری /moštari/, هرمز /hormoz/, زاوش /zâvoš/
Jupiter {prop} (god) :: ژوپیتر /župiter/
Jurassic {prop} (Jurassic period) :: ژوراسیک /žurâsik/
jurisprudence {n} (the theoretical study of law) :: حقوق‌شناسی /hoquq-šenâsi/
jurist {n} (expert of law) :: حقوق‌شناس /hoquq-šenâs/
jury {n} (group in a court of law) :: هیئت منصفه /heyat-e monsefeh/
jury {n} (group of judges in a competition) :: ژوری /žuri/
just {adj} (morally fair, righteous) :: عادل /'âdel/, دادگر /dâdgar/, دادگری /dâdgari/
just {adv} (recently) :: جخت /jaxt/
just {adv} (by a narrow margin, nearly) :: جخت /jaxt/
justice {n} (state of being just or fair) :: داد /dâd/, عدل /'adl/, عدالت /'edâlat/
justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law) :: عدالت /'edâlat/
justice {n} (a judge of certain courts) :: قاضی /qâzi/
justification {n} (reason, explanation, or excuse) :: توجیه /towjih/, بهانه /bahâne/
juvenile {adj} (young; not fully developed) :: جوان, درخور جوانی
juxtapose {v} (to place side by side) :: کنار هم گذاشتن /kenâr-e ham gozâštan/
jynx {n} (a charm or spell) SEE: spell ::