After the discussion on the Swahili verb conjugation template in the beer parlour, I thought I’d write down some thoughts.

We need to show information, not forms. The great majority of the forms are perfectly regular. Therefore, we should focus on the irregularities. These are the following:

  • some verbs can take object infixes, some don’t (our own page on Swahili verbs states, “The object concord only appears for transitive verbs”; according to our tables, -tosha is transitive?);
  • some verbs (-pa, -ambia, -ita according to this book) must take object infixes and these must be in classes 1 or 2 (our table currently shows a gazillion forms without object infixes or with object infixes in other classes; it’s tough to find any correct form in the table at -pa, for example);
  • whether the infinitive prefix ku-/kw- is kept (it is not kept with object infixes for example, which our table shows incorrectly);
  • whether the prefix m- becomes mw- (our table currently does that incorrectly and only shows it for the object: it’s mwone, not *mone) or mu- (as in the subjunctive of -wa, which is muwe and not *mwe as currently shown);
  • the combination of subject and tense infix in the -a- and -na- tenses (the first has irregularities all over: ki- + -a- become cha- etc.; the second only in the first person singular);
  • Arabic verbs don’t change their endings (many of their derived forms do);
  • some verbs have irregular imperatives;
  • -wa, its locatives (-wako and the like, for which I think we should have separate pages), and -wa na are irregular all over;
  • -wa na often takes locative subjects, which I think should therefore be shown explicitly even if regular.



For more examples, see here.

Most general

Conjugation of -soma
Positive present -nasoma
Subjunctive -some
Negative -somi
Imperative singular soma
Positive kusoma
Negative kutosoma
Singular soma
Plural someni
Tensed forms
Habitual husoma
Positive past positive subject concord + -lisoma
Negative past negative subject concord + -kusoma
Positive present (positive subject concord + -nasoma)
Singular Plural
1st person ninasoma/nasoma tunasoma
2nd person unasoma mnasoma
3rd person m-wa(I/II) anasoma wanasoma
other classes positive subject concord + -nasoma
Negative present (negative subject concord + -somi)
Singular Plural
1st person sisomi hatusomi
2nd person husomi hamsomi
3rd person m-wa(I/II) hasomi hawasomi
other classes negative subject concord + -somi
Positive future positive subject concord + -tasoma
Negative future negative subject concord + -tasoma
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -some)
Singular Plural
1st person nisome tusome
2nd person usome msome
3rd person m-wa(I/II) asome wasome
other classes positive subject concord + -some
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -sisome
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngesoma
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singesoma
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalisoma
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalisoma
Gnomic (positive subject concord + -asoma)
Singular Plural
1st person nasoma twasoma
2nd person wasoma mwasoma
3rd person m-wa(I/II) asoma wasoma
m-mi(III/IV) wasoma yasoma
ji-ma(V/VI) lasoma yasoma
ki-vi(VII/VIII) chasoma vyasoma
n(IX/X) yasoma zasoma
u(XI) wasoma see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kwasoma
pa(XVI) pasoma
mu(XVIII) mwasoma
Perfect positive subject concord + -mesoma
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshasoma
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jasoma
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kisoma
"If not" positive subject concord + -siposoma
Consecutive kasoma / positive subject concord + -kasoma
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kasome
Object concord (indicative positive)
Singular Plural
1st person -nisoma -tusoma
2nd person -kusoma -wasoma/-kusomeni/-wasomeni
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -msoma -wasoma
m-mi(III/IV) -usoma -isoma
ji-ma(V/VI) -lisoma -yasoma
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -kisoma -visoma
n(IX/X) -isoma -zisoma
u(XI) -usoma see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kusoma
pa(XVI) -pasoma
mu(XVIII) -musoma
Reflexive -jisoma
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + (object concord) + -soma- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -somaye -somao
m-mi(III/IV) -somao -somayo
ji-ma(V/VI) -somalo -somayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -somacho -somavyo
n(IX/X) -somayo -somazo
u(XI) -somao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -somako
pa(XVI) -somapo
mu(XVIII) -somamo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker + relative marker + (object concord) + -soma)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yesoma -osoma
m-mi(III/IV) -osoma -yosoma
ji-ma(V/VI) -losoma -yosoma
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -chosoma -vyosoma
n(IX/X) -yosoma -zosoma
u(XI) -osoma see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kosoma
pa(XVI) -posoma
mu(XVIII) -mosoma
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.


Conjugation of -lala
Positive present -nalala
Subjunctive -lale
Negative -lali
Imperative singular lala
Positive kulala
Negative kutolala
Singular lala
Plural laleni
Tensed forms
Habitual hulala
Positive past positive subject concord + -lilala
Negative past negative subject concord + -kulala
Positive present (positive subject concord + -nalala)
Singular Plural
1st person ninalala/nalala tunalala
2nd person unalala mnalala
3rd person m-wa(I/II) analala wanalala
other classes positive subject concord + -nalala
Negative present (negative subject concord + -lali)
Singular Plural
1st person silali hatulali
2nd person hulali hamlali
3rd person m-wa(I/II) halali hawalali
other classes negative subject concord + -lali
Positive future positive subject concord + -talala
Negative future negative subject concord + -talala
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -lale)
Singular Plural
1st person nilale tulale
2nd person ulale mlale
3rd person m-wa(I/II) alale walale
other classes positive subject concord + -lale
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -silale
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngelala
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singelala
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalilala
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalilala
Gnomic (positive subject concord + -alala)
Singular Plural
1st person nalala twalala
2nd person walala mwalala
3rd person m-wa(I/II) alala walala
m-mi(III/IV) walala yalala
ji-ma(V/VI) lalala yalala
ki-vi(VII/VIII) chalala vyalala
n(IX/X) yalala zalala
u(XI) walala see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kwalala
pa(XVI) palala
mu(XVIII) mwalala
Perfect positive subject concord + -melala
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshalala
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jalala
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kilala
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipolala
Consecutive kalala / positive subject concord + -kalala
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kalale
Object concord
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + -lala- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -lalaye -lalao
m-mi(III/IV) -lalao -lalayo
ji-ma(V/VI) -lalalo -lalayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -lalacho -lalavyo
n(IX/X) -lalayo -lalazo
u(XI) -lalao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -lalako
pa(XVI) -lalapo
mu(XVIII) -lalamo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker + relative marker + -lala)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yelala -olala
m-mi(III/IV) -olala -yolala
ji-ma(V/VI) -lolala -yolala
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -cholala -vyolala
n(IX/X) -yolala -zolala
u(XI) -olala see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kolala
pa(XVI) -polala
mu(XVIII) -molala
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

Obligatory object concord

Conjugation of -pa (obligatory object concord)
Subjunctive -pe
Negative -pi
Object concord
Indicative positive
Singular Plural
1st person -nipa -tupa
2nd person -kupa -wapa/-kupeni/-wapeni
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mpa -wapa
other classes
Reflexive -jipa
Singular Plural
1st person -nipe -tupe
2nd person -kupe -wape
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mpe -wape
other classes
Reflexive -jipe
Indicative negative
Singular Plural
1st person -nipi -tupi
2nd person -kupi -wapi
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mpi -wapi
other classes
Reflexive -jipi
Relative forms general positive (positive subject concord + object concord + -pa- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -paye -pao
m-mi(III/IV) -pao -payo
ji-ma(V/VI) -palo -payo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -pacho -pavyo
n(IX/X) -payo -pazo
u(XI) -pao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -pako
pa(XVI) -papo
mu(XVIII) -pamo
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

To be

Conjugation of -wa (irregular)
Positive present -nakuwa
Gnomic ni
Subjunctive -we
Negative si
Imperative singular kuwa
Positive kuwa
Negative kutokuwa
Singular kuwa
Plural kuweni
Tensed forms
Habitual huwa
Positive past positive subject concord + -likuwa
Negative past negative subject concord + -kuwa
Positive present (positive subject concord + -nakuwa)
Singular Plural
1st person ninakuwa/nakuwa tunakuwa
2nd person unakuwa mnakuwa
3rd person m-wa(I/II) anakuwa wanakuwa
other classes positive subject concord + -nakuwa
Negative present si
Positive future positive subject concord + -takuwa
Negative future negative subject concord + -takuwa
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -we)
Singular Plural
1st person niwe tuwe
2nd person uwe muwe
3rd person m-wa(I/II) awe wawe
other classes positive subject concord + -we
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -siwe
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngekuwa
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singekuwa
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalikuwa
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalikuwa
Gnomic ni
Perfect positive subject concord + -mekuwa
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshakuwa
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jawa
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kiwa
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipokuwa
Consecutive kawa / positive subject concord + -kawa
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kawe
Object concord
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + -li- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -liye -lio
m-mi(III/IV) -lio -liyo
ji-ma(V/VI) -lilo -liyo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -licho -livyo
n(IX/X) -liyo -lizo
u(XI) -lio see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -liko
pa(XVI) -lipo
mu(XVIII) -limo
General negative (positive subject concord + -si- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) asiye wasio
m-mi(III/IV) usio isiyo
ji-ma(V/VI) lisilo yasiyo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) kisicho visivyo
n(IX/X) isiyo zisizo
u(XI) usio see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kusiko
pa(XVI) pasipo
mu(XVIII) musimo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker[sw-conj 1] + relative marker + -kuwa)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yekuwa -okuwa
m-mi(III/IV) -okuwa -yokuwa
ji-ma(V/VI) -lokuwa -yokuwa
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -chokuwa -vyokuwa
n(IX/X) -yokuwa -zokuwa
u(XI) -okuwa see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kokuwa
pa(XVI) -pokuwa
mu(XVIII) -mokuwa
  1. ^ Only past tense -li- or future tense -taka-. For the present, use general positive.
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

Locative to be

Conjugation of -wako (irregular)
Gnomic -ko (irregular)
Subjunctive -weko
Negative -ko (irregular)
Positive kuwako
Negative kutokuwako
Tensed forms
Habitual huwako/huwa
Positive past positive subject concord + -likuwako/-likuwa
Negative past negative subject concord + -kuwako/-kuwa
Positive present (positive subject concord + -ko)
Singular Plural
1st person niko tuko
2nd person uko mko
3rd person m-wa(I/II) yuko wako
other classes positive subject concord + -ko
Negative present (negative subject concord + -ko)
Singular Plural
1st person siko hatuko
2nd person huko hamko
3rd person m-wa hayuko hawako
other classes negative subject concord + -ko
Positive future positive subject concord + -takuwako/-takuwa
Negative future negative subject concord + -takuwako/-takuwa
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -weko)
Singular Plural
1st person niweko tuweko
2nd person uweko muweko
3rd person m-wa(I/II) aweko waweko
other classes positive subject concord + -weko
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -siweko
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngekuwako/-ngekuwa
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singekuwako/-singekuwa
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalikuwako/-ngalikuwa
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalikuwako/-singalikuwa
Gnomic see positive present
Perfect positive subject concord + -mekuwako/-mekuwa
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshakuwako/-meshakuwa
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jawako/-jawa
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kiwako/-kiwa
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipokuwako/-sipokuwa
Consecutive kawako/kawa / positive subject concord + -kawako/-kawa
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kaweko
Object concord
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + -li- + relative marker + -ko)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -liye -lio
m-mi(III/IV) -lio -liyo
ji-ma(V/VI) -lilo -liyo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -licho -livyo
n(IX/X) -liyo -lizo
u(XI) -lio see n(X) or ma(VI) class
General negative (positive subject concord + -si- + relative marker + -ko)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) asiyeko wasioko
m-mi(III/IV) usioko isiyoko
ji-ma(V/VI) lisiloko yasiyoko
ki-vi(VII/VIII) kisichoko visivyoko
n(IX/X) isiyoko zisizoko
u(XI) usioko see n(X) or ma(VI) class
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker[sw-conj 1] + relative marker + -kuwako/-kuwa)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yekuwako/-yekuwa -okuwako/-okuwa
m-mi(III/IV) -okuwako/-okuwa -yokuwako/-yokuwa
ji-ma(V/VI) -lokuwako/-lokuwa -yokuwako/-yokuwa
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -chokuwako/-chokuwa -vyokuwako/-vyokuwa
n(IX/X) -yokuwako/-yokuwa -zokuwako/-zokuwa
u(XI) -okuwako/-okuwa see n(X) or ma(VI) class
  1. ^ Only past tense -li- or future tense -taka-. For the present, use general positive.
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

To have

Conjugation of -wa na (irregular)
Gnomic -na
Subjunctive -we na
Negative -na
Imperative singular kuwa na
Positive kuwa na
Negative kutokuwa na
Singular kuwa na
Plural kuweni na
Tensed forms
Habitual huwa na
Positive past positive subject concord + -likuwa na
Negative past negative subject concord + -kuwa na
Positive present (positive subject concord + -na + (object concord))
Singular Plural
1st person nina tuna
2nd person una mna
3rd person m-wa(I/II) ana wana
m-mi(III/IV) una ina
ji-ma(V/VI) lina yana
ki-vi(VII/VIII) kina vina
n(IX/X) ina zina
u(XI) una see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kuna
pa(XVI) pana
mu(XVIII) muna
Negative present (negative subject concord + -na + (object concord))
Singular Plural
1st person sina hatuna
2nd person huna hamna
3rd person m-wa(I/II) hana hawana
pa(XVI) hapana
ku(XVII) hakuna
mu(XVIII) hamuna
other classes negative subject concord + -na
Positive future positive subject concord + -takuwa na
Negative future negative subject concord + -takuwa na
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -we na)
Singular Plural
1st person niwe na tuwe na
2nd person uwe na muwe na
3rd person m-wa(I/II) awe na wawe na
pa(XVI) pawe na
ku(XVII) kuwe na
mu(XVIII) muwe na
other classes positive subject concord + -we na
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -siwe na
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngekuwa na
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singekuwa na
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalikuwa na
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalikuwa na
Gnomic see positive present
Perfect positive subject concord + -mekuwa na
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshakuwa na
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jawa na
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kiwa na
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipokuwa na
Consecutive kawa na / positive subject concord + -kawa na
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kawe na
Object concord (conjugation of -wa + na- + object concord in relative form)
Singular Plural
1st person nami/na mimi nasi/na sisi
2nd person nawe/na wewe nanyi/na ninyi
3rd person m-wa(I/II) naye/na yeye nao/na wao
m-mi(III/IV) nao nayo
ji-ma(V/VI) nalo nayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) nacho navyo
n(IX/X) nayo nazo
u(XI) nao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) nako
pa(XVI) napo
mu(XVIII) namo
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + -li- + relative marker + na + (object concord))
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -liye na -lio na
m-mi(III/IV) -lio na -liyo na
ji-ma(V/VI) -lilo na -liyo na
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -licho na -livyo na
n(IX/X) -liyo na -lizo na
u(XI) -lio na see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -liko na
pa(XVI) -lipo na
mu(XVIII) -limo na
General negative (positive subject concord + -si- + relative marker + na + (object concord))
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) {{{oref_n_1c}}} {{{oref_n_2c}}}
m-mi(III/IV) {{{oref_n_3c}}} {{{oref_n_4c}}}
ji-ma(V/VI) {{{oref_n_5c}}} {{{oref_n_6c}}}
ki-vi(VII/VIII) {{{oref_n_7c}}} {{{oref_n_8c}}}
n(IX/X) {{{oref_n_9c}}} {{{oref_n_10c}}}
u(XI) {{{oref_n_11c}}} see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) {{{oref_n_15c}}}
pa(XVI) {{{oref_n_16c}}}
mu(XVIII) {{{oref_n_18c}}}
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker[sw-conj 1] + relative marker + -kuwa na + (object concord))
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yekuwa na -okuwa na
m-mi(III/IV) -okuwa na -yokuwa na
ji-ma(V/VI) -lokuwa na -yokuwa na
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -chokuwa na -vyokuwa na
n(IX/X) -yokuwa na -zokuwa na
u(XI) -okuwa na see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kokuwa na
pa(XVI) -pokuwa na
mu(XVIII) -mokuwa na
  1. ^ Only past tense -li- or future tense -taka-. For the present, use general positive.
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

Issues to be resolved

  • Should we limit the forms in the table to those with expected animacy? (For example, should we conjugate “to read” in inanimate classes? “to snow” in first person? Apparently we do do the last.)
  • Which forms should get soft-redirect pages?
  • How to link from the tables? (I made a proposal; hope people like it.)
  • Cleanup the code:
    • Why are the tables always so wide?
    • Is it possible to reduce number of table templates? (I currently need six.)
    • Can the links to Appendix:Swahili noun classes be generated somehow (for ease of maintenance in case the appendix page gets modified and the like)?



pinging @Dennis Dartman, Equinox, Theknightwho, Soap, Jodi1729, Tbm, Metaknowledge, JohnC5, Habst, anybody else? Any comments? feedback? issues? errors? If so, please tell me before I start implementing the new version for reals. MuDavid 栘𩿠 (talk) 02:55, 20 February 2023 (UTC)

Assuming that the average user can piece together the forms they need from the pieces we give, this is much better than the current template and certainly better than the template that existed before that. Thank you for all this hard work. Soap 07:10, 20 February 2023 (UTC)
Thank you for the kind words. As for piecing things together, a user who can figure out which tense to use, which subject class to use, whether to use object concord, and whether to use a relative or not will probably not need the tables anymore. ☺ MuDavid 栘𩿠 (talk) 01:44, 22 February 2023 (UTC)
@MuDavid, thank you for cleaning up this table and sorry for taking so long to get back. The presentation is much nicer. One concern I have is that, for search engine purposes, I think as many conjugated forms as possible should be present on the page, even if hidden behind multiple collapsing blocks. For people who do not know Swahili grammar, I think a lot of the traffic comes from people searching / Googling for a conjugated form and they may not know how to isolate the root verb. Although it would be impractical to have unique pages for every conjugated form, I think it is a fair goal to say that all valid forms that could be used in text should be textually present in Wiktionary in some way or another. What do you think about this? --Habst (talk) 23:53, 24 April 2023 (UTC)
Given that Swahili is agglutinating, “as many conjugated forms as possible” is just way too much. We don’t even try that for any other of the many agglutinating languages we cover here at Wiktionary. My overhaul was driven by complaints that the previous version was way to heavy, see for example this beer parlour discussion. And the previous version wasn’t even anywhere near complete. MuDavid 栘𩿠 (talk) 02:45, 26 April 2023 (UTC)