Seq Rank English Serbo-Croatian
1 1 you* (singular) [pn]
2 1 you* (plural, singular polite) [pn]
3 1 you* (singular) (objective case) [pn] te
4 1 you* (plural, singular polite) (objective case) [pn] vȃs
5 2 I* [pn]
6 3 to* (see also "towards") [prep] , u (or use the dative case)
7 6 and* (plus/also) [cj] i, a
8 7 that* (demonstrative) (m/f/n) [pn] tȃj m, f, n
9 7 that* (e.g. "I know that you are right") [cj] da
10 7 that* (one) [aj] ònāj m, ònā f, ònō n
11 8 it* [pn] , ònō n
12 9 of* (containing the measured quantity: "two liters of water") [prep] use the genitive case of noun
13 10 me [pn] mȅne, me
14 11 what*? [pn] štȍ?, štȁ?
15 12 is [v] jȅst,
16 13 in* (located inside of) [prep] u
17 14 this* (demonstrative) (m/f/n) [aj/pn] òvāj m, òvā f, òvō n
18 15 know* [v] znȁti
19 17 for the purpose of [prep] u svrhu, kako bi se
20 17 for* (in exchange for) [prep] za
21 18 no* [av] nijèdan
22 19 have* (possess / be furnished with) [v] ìmati
23 19 have to (see also "must") [aux-v-inf] mórati
24 20 my (m/f/n/pl) [pn] mȏj m, mòja f, mòje n
25 23 not* [av] ne
26 24 do*, perform, engage in (specified activity) [v] čìniti, ráditi, bȁviti se
27 24 Do you...? Da li...?
28 25 be* (intransitive predicative copula) [v] bȉti
29 26 on* (resting on; touching the top or other surface of) [prep] na
30 27 your (pl., sing. pol.) (m/f/n/pl) [pn] vȁš m, vȁša f, vȁše n / vȁši m pl, vȁše f pl, vȁša n pl
31 27 your (sing.) (m/f/n/pl) [pn] tvȏj m, tvòja f, tvòje n / tvòj m pl
32 29 we* [pn]
33 31 with* (accompanied by) [prep] s, sa
34 32 so that tako da
35 32 so* [av] tàkō
36 33 but*, however*, although* [cj] ȁli, međùtīm, ȉako, prȅmda
37 34 all* (the whole number or entire sum of) [aj] sȁv m, svȁ f, svȅ n
38 35 well* (water hole) [n] ìzvor, vrȅlo
39 35 well* [av] dȍbro
40 36 are (you/we/you pl.+pol./they) [v] jèsi/si, jèsmo/smo, jeste/ste, jesu/su
41 37 he* [pn] ȏn
42 39 about* (approximate, nearby) [av] ȍkolo, ȍko
43 39 about* (pertaining to; on the topic of) [prep] o
44 40 right*(-hand) [aj] dèsnī
45 40 right* (a right to do/be ...) [n] právo
46 40 right*, correct [aj] tȍčan, ȉsprāvan
47 42 get*, acquire, gain*, obtain [vt] nàbaviti, dòbiti, stȅći
48 43 here* (in/to this place) [av] óvdje,
49 44 out* [av] vȃn, vàni, vȃnka, nȁpolje
50 46 like*, enjoy* (derive pleasure from) [v] dòpasti se, svȉdjeti se / svȉdeti se
51 46 like*, similar to [prep] pȍpūt, kȁo
52 48 if* (on condition that...; supposing that...) [cj] ȁko
53 49 her (objective case) [pn] njézin, njȇn
54 49 her (possessive) (m/f/n/pl) [pn] njézin / njȇn m, njézina / njȇna f, njézino / njȇno n, njézini / njȇni m pl
55 50 she* [pn] ona
56 51 can*, may* (to be able to) [aux-v-inf] mȍći
57 51 can*, may* (I/you sg./he,she,it/we/you pl.+pol./they) [aux-v-pres] mogu / možeš / može / možemo / možete / mogu [see the full inflection table at mȍći]
58 51 can* (presealed metal container) {British: tin} [n] lìmēnka
59 52 up* [av] gȍre
60 53 want*, wish, desire [v] htjȅti / htȅti, žèljeti / žèleti
61 54 think* [v] mȉsliti
62 56 now* (at this time) [av] sȁd, sȁda
63 57 go* (move from starting point to elsewhere) [v] ìći
64 58 him [pn] njȅga
65 59 at least, not less than (>=) [av] bàrem, nȃjmanjē
66 59 at most, only, just*, merely, not more than (<=) [av] nàjvišē
67 59 at* (in the same location as) [prep] u, prȉ, kȍd
68 60 how*? (in what manner?) [av] kàko?
69 62 there* (at/to that place) [av] tȁmo
70 63 one (m/f/n) [num] jèdan m, jèdna f, jèdno n
71 65 why*? (for what reason?) [av] zȁšto?
72 66 see* [v] vȉdjeti / vȉdeti Template:pf. / víđati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
73 67 come*, arrive* (at indicated place) [v] dȏći Template:pf. / dòlaziti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., stȉći Template:pf. / stȉzati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
74 68 good* [aj] dȍbar
75 69 they* (m/f/n) [pn] òni m, òne f, òna n
76 71 as* [av] kȁo
77 71 as X as ... X pȍpūt/kȁo ...
78 72 would / Would you like...? biste / Da li biste željeli...?
79 73 look* [v] glȅdati
80 74 when*? (at what time?) [av] kȁd?
81 75 time* (e.g. "do it 3 times"), occasion, instance, iteration [n] pȗt ("učiniti to 3 puta")
82 75 time* (the dimension/continuum of past-present-future) [n] vrijéme / vréme
83 76 will* (I/you sg./he,she,it/we/you pl.+pol./they) [aux-v] ću / ćeš / će / ćemo / ćete / će
84 76 will* [n] vȍlja
85 78 back* (dorsal area) [n] léđa
86 78 back* (position) [av] nȁtrāg
87 80 mean* [aj] zȁo
88 83 from*, out of, away from [prep] iz
89 89 yes* [av] da
90 90 his (m/f/n/pl) [pn] njègov m, njègova f, njègovo n, njègovi m pl
91 92 or* [cj] ȉli
92 93 something [pn] nȅšto
93 94 who* [pn] tkȍ,
94 95 because* of, due to, then* [prep] zbȍg, zato što
95 96 some*, several* [av] nȅkoliko
96 98 then* (at that time) [aj] tȁd, tàdā
97 99 say*, tell*, express in words [v] rȅći, kázati
98 101 take* (in the sense of E-o "preni", G "nehmen", Sp "tomar") [v] ùzēti
99 103 way* (manner) [n] náčin
100 104 us* [pn] nȃs
101 105 little* (a small quantity of) [aj] mȃl
102 105 little* (to a small degree; with almost no intensity) [av] mȁlo
103 106 make* (fabricate) [v] prȁviti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / nàpraviti Template:pf.
104 106 make*, render (impart quality X to Y; e.g. "I make you happy") [v] čìniti
105 107 need*, require* [v] trȅbati
106 109 never* [av] nȉkad, nȉkada
107 111 too little, insufficiently [av] prȅmalo, nȅdovōljno
108 111 too much, excessively [av] prȅvišē, prȅkomjērno / prȅkomērno
109 111 too* (also) [av] takóđer
110 111 too* (degree - expensive, etc.) [av] sȕvišē, pre-
111 112 love* [v] vòljeti
112 116 them* [pn] njȋh
113 117 more* (a larger quantity of) [aj] vȉšē
114 117 more* (to a larger degree) [av] vȉšē
115 119 our* (m/f/n/pl) [pn] nȁš m, nȁša f, nȁše n, nȁši m pl
116 120 Sorry (I am sorry) žao mi je
117 121 where*? (at/to what place?) [av] gdjȅ? / gdȅ ?
118 123 let* [v] dopùstiti, dozvòliti
119 124 thing* [n] stvȃr
120 125 am [v] sam
121 126 maybe, perhaps, possibly [av] mòžda
122 127 down* [av] dȍlje
123 128 man* (adult male) [n] muškárac
124 128 man* (human being) [n] čȍvjek / čȍvek
125 131 very*, much* (with great intensity; to a large degree) [av] vȑlo
126 132 by means of, via, per, with (using; through instrumentality of) [prep] pȍmoću (or just use instrumental case)
127 132 by*, next to, beside [prep] pȍred, pȍkraj, uz
128 134 should*, ought to (is/are expected/advised to ...) [aux-v-pres] trȅbati
129 138 any* (no particular one of) [aj] bilo koji
130 139 life* [n] žìvot
131 140 even* [av] čȁk
132 141 off* [prep] s/sa
133 142 Please.* [ij] Mȍlīm.
134 144 Thank you. [ij] Hvála.
135 144 thank* (express gratitude toward) [v] zahváliti
136 145 give* [v] dȁti
137 146 only*, solely, exclusively [av] sȁmo
138 147 thought [n] mȋsao
139 148 Help! [ij] ȕpomōć!
140 148 help*, assist*, aid* [v] pòmoći Template:pf. / pomágati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
141 149 two (m/f/n) [num] dvȃ m, dvȉje f, dvȍje n
142 150 talk*, speak* [v] govòriti
143 151 people* (a people), folk, the members of an ethnic group / nation [n] národ
144 152 god*, diety [n] bȏg, božànstvo
145 153 still* (at rest) [aj] míran
146 153 still*, yet* (even until the time mentioned) [av] jȍš
147 154 wait* (for), await [v] čȅkati
148 154 wait* [n] kàšnjēnje (=delay), čȅkānje
149 155 into [prep] u
150 156 find* (discover the location of) [v] náći Template:pf. / nàlaziti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
151 157 nothing* [n] nȉšta
152 158 again*, once more, re- [av] ȍpēt, pȍnōvno
153 162 call*, summon [v] zvȁti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / nàzvati Template:pf., pòzvati Template:pf. / pozívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., prìzvati Template:pf. / prizívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
154 164 great* (fantastic) [aj] ȍdličan, ȉzvrstan
155 165 before*, in front of, ahead of (spatially) [prep] ȉspred
156 165 before*, prior to, earlier than, ago* [prep] prȉje
157 166 better* [av] bȍljē
158 167 ever* (at any time) [av] ȉkad, ȉkada
159 168 night* [n] nȏć
160 169 than*, compared to [pr/cj] nego (što), u usporedbi s, od
161 170 away* (from this or that place) [av] dȁljē
162 171 first* [num] pŕvī
163 172 believe* (accept as true) [v] vjȅrovati / vȅrovati
164 173 other*, another* [aj/pn] drȕgī, òstālī
165 174 feel* (experience an emotion/sentiment) [v] òsjetiti Template:pf. / òsjećati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [ekavian: òsetiti Template:pf. / òsećati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
166 174 feel* (perceive with the tactile sense) [v] òsjetiti Template:pf. / òsjećati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [ekavian: òsetiti Template:pf. / òsećati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
167 176 work* [v] ráditi
168 176 work*, effort*, labor*, toil [n] rȃd
169 178 fine** [n] glòba
170 179 home* [n] dȍm
171 180 after* (later than; in the future of) [prep] nàkon, pȍslije / pȍsle
172 181 last*, final (after all others) [aj] pòsljednjī / pòslednjī, kònačan
173 182 these* (m/f/n) [pn] òvī m pl, òvē f pl, òvā n pl
174 183 day* (24-hour period) [n] dȃn
175 183 day* (daytime -- as opposed to night), diurnal period [n] dȃn
176 184 keep*, retain, go on having (e.g. "you should keep this book") [v] zadr̀žati Template:pf. / zadržávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
177 186 put*, place, translocate [v] stȁviti Template:pf. / stávljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
178 187 around*, encircling, surrounding [prep] ȍkolo
179 188 stop* [v] zaùstaviti Template:pf. / zaùstavljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
180 192 long ago (in the far past) [av] dávno, ȍdāvno
181 192 long* (of much duration) [aj] dȕg
182 192 long* (of much length) [aj] dȕg
183 194 always* (at all times) [av] ȕvijēk / ȕvēk
184 195 listen* [v] slȕšati
185 200 those (m/f/n) [pn] òni m pl, òne f pl, òna n pl
186 201 big*, large* (of much size), major* [aj] vèlik, ȍgrōman
187 207 kind* (nice) [aj] ljȕbazan, sȑdāčan
188 207 kind*, sort, type, variety (of...) [n] vŕsta
189 208 wrong*, incorrect [aj] pògrešan, krȋv, nȅisprāvan
190 209 through* [prep] krȍz
191 212 new*, novel, recent (having been known for a brief time) [aj] nȍv
192 214 guess [n] pògodak
193 214 guess, conjecture [v] pogòditi Template:pf. / pogáđati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
194 216 care*, concern* (about someone/something) [n] skȓb, brȉga
195 217 bad* [aj] zȁo, lȍš
196 219 remember* [v] pȃmtiti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / zàpāmtiti Template:pf.
197 222 together* [av] zȁjedno
198 224 leave*, depart, go away from [v] napùstiti, òtīći Template:pf. / òdlaziti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
199 225 mother* [n] mȃjka, mȁti
200 226 place*, location [n] mjȅsto / mȅsto, lokácija
201 227 understand*, comprehend [v] razùmjeti Template:pf. / razumijévati [Ekavian: razùmeti Template:pf. / razumévati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.], shvȁtiti Template:pf. / shvȁćati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
202 230 hear* [v] čȕti
203 231 baby*, infant [n] béba, dijéte / déte
204 232 nice*, kind, affable [aj] ljȕbazan
205 233 father* [n] òtac
206 238 their (m/f/n/pl) [pn] njȉhov m, njȉhova f, njȉhovo n, njȉhovi m pl
207 241 mind* [n] ȗm
208 242 every*, each* [aj] svȁkī
209 243 enough*, sufficiently [av] dȍsta, dȍvōljno
210 244 try*, attempt, endeavor [v] próbati Template:pf. and Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., pòkušati Template:pf. / pokušávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
211 245 hell, Hades [n] pàkao
212 249 own* (possess according to law or custom) [v] pósjedovati / pósedovati
213 250 family* [n] obítelj
214 251 whole*, entire, complete [aj] cȉo / cijȇl [ekavian: cȅo / cȇl], pòtpun
215 253 house* (a free-standing man-made dwelling-building) [n] kȕća
216 256 idea*, concept (thought-bundle) [n] idéja, kòncept
217 257 ask*, inquire [v] pítati
218 258 best* [aj] nȃjboljī
219 259 must* (see also "have to") (I/you sg./he,she,it/we/you pl.+pol./they) [aux-v-pres] moram / moraš / mora / moramo / morate / moraju
220 261 old* (of long standing; having been known for a long time) [aj] stȁr
221 261 old* (of much age; having existed/lived for a long time) [aj] stȁr
222 263 woman* (adult female person) [n] žèna
223 264 Hello. [ij] Zdrȁvo.
224 265 which* [aj] kòjī
225 267 room*, chamber [n] sȍba, òdaja
226 268 money* [n] nòvac
227 269 left(-hand) [aj] lijȇvī / lȇvī
228 269 left* (behind) preòstao
229 271 tonight* [av] večèras
230 272 real*, actual [aj] stvȃran, rȅālan
231 273 son* [n] sȋn
232 274 hope* [v] nádati se
233 275 name* [n] ȉme
234 276 same*, identical [aj] ȉstī, idèntičan
235 280 happy* [aj] srȅtan
236 282 saw (tool) [n] píla
237 283 girl* [n] djèvōjka / dèvōjka
238 285 show*, exhibit, display [v] pokázati Template:pf. / pokazívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
239 286 friend* [n] prȉjatelj
240 287 already* (prior to the time mentioned) [av] vȅć
241 289 May [cal] svȋbanj, mȁj
242 290 next* (coming immediately after; "tomorrow" = the next day) [aj] sljèdēćī / slèdēćī
243 291 three [num] trȋ
244 292 job*, employment [n] pòsao
245 293 problem* [n] pròblēm
246 294 minute* (60 seconds) [n] minúta
247 296 world* [n] svijȇt / svȇt
248 300 honey [n] mȇd
249 301 matter*, material*, substance [n] màtērija, materìjāl, supstàncija
250 307 probably* [av] vjȅrojātno / vȅrojātno
251 308 happen*, occur [v] dogòditi se Template:pf. / dogáđati se Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
252 310 hurt* [v] povrijéditi Template:pf. / povređívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., povréditi Template:pf. / povređívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
253 311 boy* [n] djèčāk / dèčāk
254 312 both* [aj] ȍba m & n, ȍbje f
255 313 while* [cj] dȍk
256 314 dead* [aj] mr̀tav
257 314 dead* [n] mr̀tvac
258 316 alone* [aj] sȃm
259 317 since* (time/because) [cj] òtkad / òtkada, òtkako
260 318 Excuse me., Forgive me. Oprostite.
261 318 excuse** [v] prȃvdati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / òprāvdati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
262 319 start* [n] počétak
263 319 start* [v] zapòčēti Template:pf. / zapòčinjati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
264 320 kill* [v] ùbiti Template:pf. / ubíjati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
265 321 hard* (difficult) [aj] téžak
266 321 hard*, firm, resistant to pressure [aj] tvȓd
267 323 today* [av] dànas
268 324 car*, automobile* (wheeled motor vehicle) [n] automòbīl, àuto
269 325 cow* / bull, cattle (bovine animal of either sex) [n] krȁva / bȉk, stȍka
270 325 ready*, prepared for a task/event [aj] sprȅman
271 326 until* [cj] dȍk
272 327 without*, with no ..., lacking [prep] bèz
273 330 hold*, grasp [v] dr̀žati
274 334 deal* (cards) [v] dijéliti / déliti
275 336 once [av] jèdnōm, jedànpūt
276 339 morning* (dawn to noon) [n] jȕtro
277 342 head* [n] gláva
278 344 most* (the largest quantity of) [aj] većìna + genitive
279 344 most* (to the largest degree) [av] većìnōm
280 346 worry* [v] brȉnuti se
281 346 worry*, anxiety [n] brȉga, tjeskòba
282 347 second* (1/60th of a minute) [n] sekùnda
283 347 second* [num] drȕgī
284 348 part of [n] dȉo / dȅo + genitive
285 348 part* (piece) [n] kòmād
286 349 live* (be alive) [v] žívjeti / žíveti
287 349 live* (somewhere) [v] stanòvati
288 350 truth [n] ȉstina
289 351 school* [n] škȏla
290 352 face* [n] líce
291 353 forget* (contra-remember) [v] zabòraviti Template:pf. / zabòravljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
292 354 true* [aj] ȉstinit
293 355 business*, commerce [n] bìznis, trgòvina
294 357 cause* (induce something to be/happen) [v] izàzvati Template:pf. / izazívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
295 357 cause* [n] ùzrok
296 358 soon* (in the near future) [av] ȕskoro
297 360 few* (a small number of) [aj] mȁlo
298 362 wife* [n] žèna, sȕpruga
299 364 use*, utilize [v] kòristiti
300 365 chance*, randomicity, luck* [n] prílika
301 366 run* [v] tr̀čati
302 367 move* (engage in motion / cause to engage in motion) [v] pomàknuti Template:pf. / pòmicati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., pòmjeriti / pòmeriti
303 369 person*, human* being [n] ȍsoba, ljùdskō bíće
304 374 heart (coronary muscle) [n] sȑce
305 375 such* [aj] tàkāv m, tàkva, tàkvo
306 376 Miss [n] gȍspođica
307 376 miss*, fail to hit/reach/see etc. [v] propùstiti Template:pf. / propúštati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
308 377 married (man/woman) [aj] vjènčān m, vjènčānā f
309 378 point* (dot) [n] tȍčka / tȁčka
310 378 point* (logic) [n] svr̀ha
311 378 point* [v] pokazati
312 381 meet*, encounter, come across [v] srȅsti Template:pf. / srȅtati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
313 383 many* (a large number of) [aj] mnȍgī
314 385 reason*, explanation, justification, rationale [n] rázlog
315 389 bring* (cause something to come along with one toward a place) [v] dònijēti [Ekavian: dònēti] Template:pf. / donòsiti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
316 390 case (court)** [n] slȕčāj (sȗd)
317 390 case (medical)** [n] slȕčāj (mȅdicīnskī)
318 391 turn*, divert (send in a different direction) [vt] odvrátiti Template:pf. / òdvraćati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., skrénuti Template:pf. / skrétati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
319 391 turn*, rotate, revolve [vi] okrénuti Template:pf. / okrétati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
320 392 wish* [v] žèljeti / žèleti
321 393 tomorrow* [av] sȕtra
322 395 trust* [v] vjȅrovati / vȅrovati
323 396 check (written order directing a bank to pay from an account) [n] čȅk
324 397 change* (become/make different), vary [v] mijénjati / ménjati
325 397 change* [n] prȍmjena / prȍmena
326 398 end* [n] krȃj
327 398 end*, conclude, finish [v] zavŕšiti Template:pf. / završávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
328 399 late*, tardy [aj/av] kȁsan
329 401 five [num] pȇt
330 402 least (the smallest quantity of) [aj] nȃjmanjī
331 402 least (to the smallest degree) [av] nȃjmanjē
332 403 town* [n] grȃd
333 407 year* [n] gȍdina
334 411 brother* [n] brȁt
335 412 play* (performed by actors on stage), drama [n] (kàzalīšnī) kòmād
336 412 play*, recreate, frolic [v] ȉgrati
337 413 hate* [v] mŕziti
338 416 beautiful [aj] lijȇp / lȇp, prȅkrāsan
339 418 fact* (undisputed datum) [n] čȉnjenica
340 420 party* (night out) [n] próvod
341 420 party* (political), sect (religious) [n] strȁnka, sȅkta
342 421 sit* (be in a sitting position) [v] sjȅsti Template:pf. / sjèditi Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [Ekavian: sȅsti Template:pf. / sèditi Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]]
343 422 open* (not shut) [aj] òtvoren
344 423 afraid** [aj] ùplašen
345 424 between*, among, amidst, inter- [prep] ȉzmeđu, među-
346 425 important* [aj] vážan, znȁčājan
347 426 rest* (of ...), remainder, leftovers, remnant [n] ostátak
348 426 rest* [v] odmòriti se Template:pf. / odmárati se Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
349 427 fun* [n] rȁzonoda
350 429 word* [n] rijȇč / rȇč
351 430 watch* (timepiece) [n] sȃt
352 430 watch* [v] glédati
353 434 sister* [n] sèstra
354 437 bit (small amount, particle) [n] djèlić / dèlić
355 440 either*...or [cj] ili ... ili
356 441 Mrs. [n] gȍspođa
357 442 feeling [n] ȍsjećāj / ȍsećāj
358 443 daughter* [n] kćȋ
359 447 under*, below, beneath [prep] pȍd, ȉspod
360 448 break* (into pieces) [v] ràzbiti Template:pf. / razbíjati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
361 449 promise* (a claim about one's future actions), pledge [n] obećánje
362 450 door* [n] vráta
363 451 set* (complete group of similar items) [n] skȕp
364 453 hand [n] rúka
365 454 easy* [aj] lȁk, lȁgan
366 455 question*, query [n] pítānje
367 456 doctor* [n] dȍktor, lijȇčnīk / lȇčnīk
368 458 far* (at/to a great distance) [aj/av] dàlek, ùdāljen
369 459 walk* [n] šétnja
370 459 walk* [v] hódati
371 461 trouble*, difficulty [n] neprílika, teškòća
372 462 mine** [v] minírati
373 463 though [av] ȉako
374 465 different* [aj] rázličit
375 467 hospital* [n] bólnica
376 471 wedding [n] vjenčánje
377 472 shut [n] zàtvoren
378 473 able* [aj] spȍsoban
379 474 die* [v] ùmrijēti [Ekavian: ùmrēti]] Template:pf. / ùmirati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
380 475 perfect* [aj] sàv̄ršen
381 476 police* (organization to enforce laws) [n] polìcija
382 477 stand* [v] stàjati / stȃti
383 479 hit*, strike [v] ùdariti Template:pf. / ùdarati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
384 480 story*, report* [n] prȋča, ȉzvještāj / ȉzveštāj
385 483 waiting (as in waiting period) [aj] čȅkānje
386 484 dinner* [n] vèčera
387 485 against* [prep] prȍtiv
388 486 funny, comical [aj] smijéšan / sméšan
389 487 husband* [n] mȗž, sȕprug
390 488 almost*, nearly [av] skòro
391 489 stupid* [aj] glȗp
392 490 pay* [v] plátiti Template:pf. / pláćati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
393 491 answer*, reply to a question or argument [n] ȍdgovōr
394 492 four [num] čètiri
395 493 office* [n] úred
396 494 cool* [aj] hládan / ládan
397 496 news*, tidings [n] vijȇsti
398 497 child* [n] dijéte / déte
399 499 half* (1/2) [num] polòvica, polòvina, pȍla
400 500 side*, flank, lateral area [n] strána
401 502 moment, an instant [n] trenútak
402 503 sleep* [n] spávānje
403 503 sleep* [v] spávati
404 504 read* [v] čìtati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / pročìtati Template:pf.
405 507 young* (of little age; having existed/lived for a brief time) [aj] mlȃd
406 515 bed* [n] krèvet
407 516 also*, additionally, too [av] takóđer
408 517 date* (coordinates of a day given in some timekeeping system) [n] dátum
409 517 date* (tree/fruit of sp. Phoenix dactylifera) [n] dàtulja
410 518 line* (series of contiguous points) [n] cȑta, línija
411 519 plan* [v] planírati
412 519 plan*, design [n] plȃn, dìzajn
413 521 lose* (cease having; contra-acquire) [vt] gùbiti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / izgùbiti Template:pf.
414 522 fire* [n] vȁtra
415 523 free* (at liberty) [aj] slȍbodan
416 523 free* (gratis) [aj] bèsplatan
417 525 serious*, earnest, grave [aj] ȍzbīljan
418 528 behind*, in back of, to the rear of [prep] iza
419 530 high*, tall (of much height) [aj] vìsok
420 531 ahead [av] ȉspred
421 532 week* [n] tjȅdan, sèdmica
422 533 wonderful* [aj] dȋvan, krȃsan
423 535 fight*, combat [v] bòriti se
424 536 past* (the p~), earlier time [n] prȍšlōst, hìstōrija / ìstōrija
425 537 cut* [n] posjekòtina / posekòtina, porezòtina
426 537 cut* [v] rȅzati, sjȅći / sȅći
427 538 quite [av] prílično, poprílično
428 539 number*, numeral (a word or symbol indicating quantity) [n] brȏj
429 541 sick* [aj] bȍlestan
430 544 game* (a rule-governed system of competitive amusement) [n] ìgra
431 544 game*, match (one particular encounter between competitors) [n] ùtakmica
432 545 eat* [v] jȅsti
433 548 death [n] smȑt
434 549 along** [aj] ȕzdūž
435 550 save*, rescue* [v] spásiti Template:pf. / spašávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
436 560 book* [n] knjȉga
437 562 seem*, appear* to be, give the impression of [v] izglédati, čìniti se, dòimati se
438 563 sort* [v] razvr̀stati, porédati
439 564 safe* [aj] sȉgūran
440 565 living [aj] dnevni
441 566 children** [n] djèca / dèca
442 569 front* [n] prednje
443 574 clear* [v] ràščistiti
444 574 clear*, plain (easy to see/understand) [aj] jàsan, òčit
445 575 figure [n] lȋk, figúra
446 576 hot* [aj] vrȗć
447 578 six [num] šȇst
448 580 drink* [v] pȉti
449 584 sweet* [aj] slȁdak
450 585 alive* [aj] žȋv
451 587 sense* (ability to perceive a given kind of stimuli) [n] čúlo, osjètilo / osètilo
452 591 special* [aj] póseban
453 592 bet [n] ȍklada
454 592 bet [v] klȁditi se
455 593 blood* [n] kȓv
456 596 lie* (recline horizontally) [v] lȅći / lȅgnuti Template:pf. / lèžati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
457 596 lie* (utter a known falsehood) [v] làgati
458 596 lie* [n] lȃž
459 597 full*, filled [aj] pȕn, pòpunjen
460 598 meeting [n] sàstanak
461 599 dear, precious, cherished [aj] drȃg, mȉo
462 600 coffee* (plant/seeds of sp. Coffea arabica) [n] kàva, kàfa
463 602 sound* (audible waves in the air) [n] zvȗk
464 604 water* [n] vòda
465 605 f--k (obscenity) [v] jèbati (jeb**i)
466 606 ten [num] dȅset
467 609 welcome** [v] zaželjeti dobrodošlicu
468 610 buy*, purchase* [v] kúpiti Template:pf. / kupòvati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
469 612 hour* (60 minutes) [n] sȃt
470 618 body* [n] tijȇlo / tȇlo
471 619 order* (request) [v] narúčiti Template:pf. / naručívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
472 620 outside of, exterior to [prep] ìzvan
473 621 hang*, suspend, dangle [v] vȉsjeti / vȉseti
474 622 possible* (able to happen or be done) [aj] mȍgūć
475 623 worse* [aj] gȍrī
476 624 company* (a business organization), firm [n] tvȑtka, fȋrma
477 624 company*, presence of others [n] drúštvo
478 625 mistake* [n] grȅška, pògreška
479 627 handle (part of tool by which it is held) [n] rȕčka
480 628 spend** [v] tròšiti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / potròšiti Template:pf.
481 632 control* [v] ùpravljati, kontrolírati
482 634 marriage (spousal relationship) [n] brȃk
483 637 power* [n] mȏć
484 638 president* [n] prédsjednīk / prédsednīk
485 639 unless** [cj] osim ako
486 640 copulate, have sex (with) [v] páriti se (sa)
487 640 sex*, gender [n] sȅks, spȏl / pȏl
488 642 send*, dispatch, transmit [v] slȁti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / pòslati Template:pf.
489 648 picture*, image [n] slȉka
490 652 ass (donkey) [n] màgarac
491 653 hundred [num] stȏ
492 656 explain* [v] objàsniti Template:pf. / objašnjávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
493 659 sign* (board with public notice written on it) [n] znȃk
494 661 relationship (family) [n] sròdstvo
495 661 relationship, association [n] òdnos
496 665 hair* (a strand of fibrous material growing from the body) [n] dlȁka
497 665 hair* (the hairs atop one's head thought of as a collective entity) [n] kòsa, vlȃsi
498 669 secret* [aj] tȃjna
499 670 future* (the f~) [n] budúćnōst
500 678 touch* [v] dírnuti Template:pf. / dírati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
501 679 kiss* [v] ljúbiti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / poljúbiti Template:pf.
502 683 wonder* [n] čȕdo
503 684 pain* [n] bȏl
504 687 throw*, toss [v] báciti Template:pf. / bàcati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
505 688 straight* (not bent) [aj] prȁv, rávan
506 690 cold*, chilly, frigid [aj] hládan
507 691 white* [aj] bijȇl / bȇl
508 692 fast* [aj] bȓz
509 696 food* [n] hrána
510 698 drive*, impel, propel [v] vòziti (vehicle), gòniti, tjȅrati / tȅrati
511 702 marry* [v] žèniti se Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / ožèniti se Template:pf. (of a man), ùdati se Template:pf. / udávati se Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. (of a woman)
512 703 light* (of little weight) [aj] lȁgan, lȁk
513 703 light* (visible electro-magnetic radiation) [n] svjȅtlōst / svȅtlōst, svjȅtlo / svȅtlo
514 704 test*, check [v] pròvjeriti Template:pf. / provjerávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [ekavian: pròveriti Template:pf. / proverávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.], testírati
515 705 drop* (of liquid) [n] kȃp
516 709 city* [n] grȃd
517 710 dream* [n] sȁn
518 710 dream* [v] sánjati
519 711 protect*, defend [v] štȉtiti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / zaštítiti Template:pf., brániti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / obrániti Template:pf.
520 712 twenty [num] dvádeset
521 713 class** [n] rázred, klàsa
522 715 surprise*, startle [v] uzbúditi Template:pf. / uzbuđívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
523 719 poor*, impoverished [aj] siròmašan
524 722 except* for, besides, apart from, other than, excluding [prep] ȍsīm
525 723 gun* (ballistic weapon) [n] pìštōlj, pȕška
526 725 dance* [v] plésati
527 728 especially** [av] òsobito, pósebno
528 729 situation** [n] situácija
529 732 pull* (draw something toward oneself) [v] vȗći
530 735 act*, deed [n] čȋn, djȅlo / dȅlo
531 739 top*, peak, summit [n] vȑh
532 741 expect*, anticipate (believe that X will come/happen) [v] očekívati
533 746 swear in** [v] klȇti se, priségnuti Template:pf. / prisézati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
534 747 piece* (a part broken/cut/separated from something larger) [n] kòmād
535 748 busy* [aj] zàposlen, zȁuzēt
536 749 law* (a rule enforced by a government) [n] zákon
537 751 black* [aj] cȓn
538 754 movie*, motion picture, cinema [n] kíno, fȉlm
539 756 catch* (stop the motion of and seize in the hands) [v] ùhvatiti
540 758 country* [n] zèmlja
541 759 less* (a smaller quantity of) [aj] mȁnjē
542 759 less* (to a smaller degree) [av] mȁnjē
543 761 step* [n] kȍrāk
544 762 fall* [v] pȁsti Template:pf. / pȁdati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
545 766 dog* (Canis familiaris) [n] pȁs
546 767 Ms. [n] gđȁ
547 768 win* [v] pobijéditi Template:pf. / pobjeđívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [ekavian: pobéditi Template:pf. / pobeđívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
548 769 air force** [n] avijácija, zrakoplòvstvo, vazduhoplòvstvo
549 769 air* [n] zrȃk
550 770 honor** [v] poštòvati
551 773 till [v] obráditi Template:pf. / obrađívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. zemlju
552 774 admit*, confess [v] prìznati Template:pf. / priznávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
553 776 murder** [v] ùbiti Template:pf. / ubíjati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
554 777 strong* [aj] jȃk
555 779 evil* [aj] zȁo, zlòčest
556 782 information* [n] informácija
557 783 honest** [aj] ȉskren
558 784 eye [n] ȍko
559 789 tired*, weary [aj] ȕmōran
560 792 evening (dusk to midnight) [n] vȅčēr
561 796 red* [aj] cr̀ven
562 798 trip* (journey) [n] putovánje
563 801 club, cudgel [n] tòljaga
564 801 club, society (voluntary association re: a common interest) [n] klȗb, drúštvo
565 803 suppose*, presume [v] pretpòstaviti Template:pf. / pretpòstavljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
566 804 calm** [aj] míran, smȋren
567 805 imagine* [v] zàmisliti Template:pf. / zamíšljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
568 807 fair** [aj] pòšten
569 807 just*, fair, equitable [aj] pràvedan
570 810 blame* [n] krívnja, krivìca
571 810 blame* [v] okríviti Template:pf. / okrivljávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
572 811 street* [n] ȕlica
573 813 favor, prefer [v] više vòljeti / vòleti, preferírati
574 813 in favor of u kȍrīst
575 814 apartment [n] stȃn
576 815 court* (of law) [n] sȗd
577 816 terrible**, horrible** [aj] strášan, ȕžāsan
578 817 clean* [aj] čȉst
579 819 learn* [v] ùčiti
580 823 rose (plant/flower of genus Rosa) [n] rúža
581 825 relax [v] opùstiti (se) Template:pf. / opúštati (se) Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
582 827 million [num] milìjūn, milìōn
583 829 accident* (unintentional and unexpected event) [n] nèzgoda, nèsreća
584 831 prove** [v] dokázati Template:pf. / dokazívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
585 834 message* (batch of transmitted information) [n] pȍruka
586 835 missing** [aj] nedòstajūćī
587 837 small* (of little size) [aj] mȃl, màlen
588 839 table (piece of furniture with flat top) [n] stȏl / stȏ
589 841 become* (begin to be; acquire the quality...) [v] pòstati Template:pf. / pòstajati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
590 843 mouth [n] ústa
591 844 pregnant** [aj] trúdna f
592 845 middle*, center [n] sredìna, srȅdīšte, cȅntar
593 847 ring (for finger) [n] pȑstēn
594 847 ring (torus) [n] pȑstēn, tȏrus
595 848 careful** [aj] pàžljiv
596 851 team*, crew, squad [n] mȍmčād
597 852 ride* (sit/perch in/on a vehicle/horse/etc. and travel) [v] jȁhati
598 854 wear* (clothes) [v] nòsiti
599 855 shoot* (cause to rapidly go forth) [v] pȕcati
600 856 stick* [n] prȗt, pȁlica
601 857 ray [n] zrȁka
602 858 follow* [v] prȁtiti
603 860 angry [aj] ljȗt
604 861 instead* of, rather than [prep] ùmjesto / ùmesto (+ genitive), ràdijē nȅgo
605 863 write* [v] písati
606 865 early*, premature [aj/av] rȃnī, rȁno
607 866 angel, fairy (supernatural flying humanoid) [n] ȃnđeo, víla
608 869 war* [n] rȁt
609 871 forgive*, pardon [v] opròstiti Template:pf. / opráštati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
610 872 jail* [n] zátvor
611 879 eight [num] ȍsam
612 884 thousand [num] tìsuća, hȉljada
613 886 music* [n] glàzba, mùzika
614 888 paper* [n] pàpīr
615 892 state* [n] stánje
616 893 count*, enumerate [v] bròjiti / bròjati
617 894 college* [n] kòledž
618 897 agree* [v] slòžiti se Template:pf. / slágati se Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
619 899 bill* (of bird) [n] kljȗn
620 899 bill*, invoice (statement of money owed) [n] ràčūn
621 900 seven [num] sȅdam
622 903 history* (organized account of past events), chronicle [n] pȍvijēst / pȍvēst, hìstōrija
623 904 share* [v] dijéliti / déliti
624 905 offer* (present for acceptance or rejection) [v] nȕditi Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / pònuditi Template:pf.
625 906 hurry* [n] žùrba
626 910 simple* [aj] jȅdnostāvan
627 911 decision [n] ȍdluka
628 912 building*, edifice (structure with walls and roof) [n] zgrȁda
629 914 finish* [v] zavŕšiti Template:pf. / završávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
630 915 voice* [n] glȃs
631 919 list* [n] pòpis, lȉsta
632 922 deserve, merit, be worthy of [v] zaslúžiti Template:pf. / zaslužívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
633 926 dress [n] hàljina
634 931 hotel*, inn [n] hòtel, gostiónica
635 935 quiet*, soft, faint (of little sonic intensity) [aj] tȉh
636 937 road* [n] pȗt, cèsta
637 940 short* (of little length) [aj] nȉzak
638 940 short*, brief* (of little duration) [aj] kràtak
639 942 beat* (repeatedly hit), batter [v] ùdariti Template:pf. / ùdarati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
640 945 clothes** [n] ȍdjeća / ȍdeća
641 948 neither** [aj] sh|nijedan|nijèdan}}
642 948 neither...nor ni ... nȉti
643 952 respect* [n] poštovánje
644 952 respect*, venerate, esteem [v] poštòvati
645 954 prison*, jail [n] zátvor
646 955 attention* (active perception) [n] pozórnōst
647 958 near* (at/to a little distance) [aj/av] blízu
648 958 near*, close* to [prep] blȉzak
649 960 bar*, rod [n] štȃp, pȁlica
650 962 pass** [v] prȏći Template:pf. / pròlaziti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
651 964 gift* [n] dȃr
652 967 dark*, dim (with little light present) [aj] támān, mráčan
653 968 self* [pn] sȃm
654 969 owe** [v] dugòvati
655 972 ice* [n] lȇd
656 975 normal*, ordinary, usual [aj] nȍrmālan, òbičan
657 976 aunt [n] tȅtka
658 978 apart, separately [av] pósebno, òdvojeno
659 979 certain, sure* [aj] sȉgūran
660 982 girlfriend [n] cȕra, djèvōjka / dèvōjka
661 983 floor* (bottom of room) [n] pȍd
662 983 floor* (story) [n] kȁt, sprat
663 984 whether* [cj] bilo da
664 986 present* (existing in the indicated place; contra-absent) [aj] prȉsutan
665 986 present* (the present time; the now) [n] sàdašnjōst
666 987 earth* (terra firma contrasted with sea and heaven) [n] zèmlja
667 988 private* (contra-public) [aj] prȉvātnī, òsoban
668 990 box* (rigid rectangular receptacle) [n] kùtija
669 992 cover* (thing put onto or extended over something else) [n] pokrìvāč
670 992 cover* [v] pòkriti Template:pf. / pokrívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
671 993 judge* (compare something to criteria), form an opinion about [v] súditi
672 993 judge* [n] súdac
673 1000 worst* [aj] nȃjgorī
674 1001 station* [n] pȍstaja, stànica
675 1003 accept* (willingly receive) [v] prìhvatiti Template:pf. / prìhvaćati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
676 1004 blow* (move/cause to move as a current of gas) [v] púhnuti Template:pf. / púhati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., dúhnuti / dúvnuti Template:pf. / dúhati / dúvati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
677 1005 strange*, weird, unusual, peculiar [aj] nȅobičan, čȕdan
678 1009 plane (flat surface) [n] ravnìna
679 1011 yesterday* [av] jùčēr
680 1013 quick* [aj] bȓz
681 1017 security* [n] sigúrnōst
682 1020 difference [n] rázlika
683 1024 store*, cache, reserve, reservoir [n] rèzērva, zȃliha
684 1024 store*, shop, boutique [n] trgòvina, prodavaónica, dùćān
685 1026 bag [n] tórba
686 1029 ball* (spheroidal plaything) [n] lȍpta
687 1030 single** [aj] sȃm, jèdan
688 1032 doubt [n] súmnja
689 1032 doubt [v] súmnjati
690 1037 blue* [aj] plȃv
691 1038 deep*, profound (of much depth) [aj] dùbok
692 1041 park (public outdoor area) [n] pȁrk
693 1046 record* (a cache of information) [n] rèkord
694 1046 record* (music etc.) [v] snímiti Template:pf. / snímati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
695 1050 join* [v] pridrúžiti se
696 1051 key (metal device for operating lock) [n] kljȗč
697 1053 card (stiff rectangle of material) [n] kàrtica
698 1054 crime* [n] zlòčin
699 1056 willing* [aj] vóljan
700 1057 window* [n] prózor
701 1058 return* (go or send back to previous place/condition) [v] vrátiti Template:pf. / vrȁćati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
702 1060 guilty*, blame-worthy [aj] krȋv
703 1064 difficult*, hard [aj] téžak
704 1065 soul, spirit* (believed to outlive the body) [n] dúša, dȕh
705 1066 joke* [n] šála
706 1067 service* [n] ȕsluga
707 1068 magic, sorcery [n] màgija, vráčānje
708 1069 favorite** [aj] òmiljen
709 1072 public* (available to most or all persons) [aj] jȃvnī
710 1072 public*, populace, the people (as in People's Republic) [n] jávnōst, národ
711 1074 island* [n] òtok, ostrvo
712 1078 lead* (the metal) [n] ȍlovo
713 1078 lead* [v] vòditi Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / òdvesti Template:pf.
714 1080 broken [aj] razbìjen
715 1081 advice [n] sávjet / sávet
716 1086 push* (press on something in order to move it) [v] gȕrnuti Template:pf. / gúrati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
717 1095 innocent*, contra-guilty [aj] nȅvīn
718 1100 summer* [n] ljȅto / lȅto
719 1105 risk** [n] rìzik
720 1109 officer* [n] čȃsnīk, ofìcīr
721 1111 support* [v] podr̀žati Template:pf. / podržávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
722 1112 afternoon (noon to dusk) [n] poslijepódne / poslepódne, popódne
723 1114 born** [aj] rȍđen
724 1116 apologize** [v] ispríčati se Template:pf. / ispričávati se Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
725 1117 seat* [n] sjȅdalo / sȅdalo
726 1119 across* (at/to the other side of) [prep] prȅko
727 1120 song [n] pjȅsma / pȅsma
728 1122 charge* (money) [n] cijéna / céna
729 1123 patient* [n] pacìjent
730 1125 boat* [n] brȏd
731 1127 brain* [n] mȍzak
732 1128 hide*, conceal [v] sàkriti Template:pf. / sakrívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
733 1132 general* [aj] ȍpćī
734 1135 nine [num] dȅvet
735 1136 huge*, enormous, gigantic [aj] ȍgrōman
736 1139 age* (degree of oldness/youngness) [n] dȏb
737 1141 pleasure [n] zadovòljstvo
738 1142 driving [n] vòžnja
739 1143 hanging [aj] vjȅšānje / vȅšānje
740 1145 system* [n] sústav, sìstēm
741 1146 sell* [v] pròdati Template:pf. / prodávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
742 1147 quit [v] odùstati Template:pf. / odùstajati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
743 1150 notice, observe [v] primijétiti Template:pf. / primjećívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [Ekavian: primétiti Template:pf. / primećívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.], òpaziti Template:pf. / opážati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
744 1153 chief* [n] šȅf
745 1153 chief*, leader [n] poglàvār, vȍđa
746 1153 chief*, main*, primary, principal [aj] glàvnī
747 1159 month* [n] mjȅsec / mȅsec
748 1160 visit* [v] pòsjetiti Template:pf. / posjećívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [Ekavian: pòsetiti Template:pf. / posećívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
749 1167 letter* (a message written and mailed) [n] písmo
750 1167 letter* (printed character) [n] slȍvo
751 1168 decide* [v] odlúčiti Template:pf. / odlučívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
752 1170 double** [v] udvòstručiti Template:pf. / udvostručívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
753 1172 sad*, unhappy, melancholy [aj] túžan, nèsretan
754 1173 press* (do pressure to; push upon with weight or force) [v] prìtisnuti Template:pf. / pritískati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
755 1174 forward* [av] nȁprijēd / nȁprēd
756 1175 fool** [v] vȁrati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / prèvariti Template:pf.
757 1177 smell* [v] mirìsati
758 1177 smell*, odor, aroma [n] mȉrīs
759 1182 memory* [n] mèmōrija, pȃmćēnje
760 1183 mark* (visible traces left behind) [n] trȃg
761 1187 slow* [aj] spȍr
762 1192 board [n] plȍča
763 1193 position* (location relative to others) [n] pȍložāj, pòzīcija
764 1194 hearing [n] slȗh
765 1195 often*, frequently [av] čȇsto
766 1199 force* [n] sȉla
767 1199 force* [v] prìsiliti Template:pf. / prisiljávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
768 1200 fly* (move through the air) [v] lètjeti / lèteti
769 1200 fly* (small winged insect) [n] mùha / mùva
770 1201 during* [prep] tijȇkom, tȏkom
771 1202 space*, room, void [n] próstor
772 1205 experience* (consciously live through an event) [v] iskúsiti
773 1205 experience* [n] iskústvo
774 1206 kick* [v] nàbiti Template:pf. / nabíjati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required., šȕtnuti
775 1212 discuss*, talk about [v] ràspraviti Template:pf. / ràspravljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
776 1213 third* [num] trȅćī
777 1214 cat* (Felis catus) [n] mȁčka
778 1216 responsible* [aj] ȍdgovōran
779 1220 fat* (oily/greasy material from animal adipose tissue or plant seeds) [n] mȃst, sȁlo, lȏj
780 1220 fat*, obese, plump [aj] dèbeo, gȍjāzan
781 1222 idiot [n] idìot
782 1224 rock*, stone [n] stijéna / sténa, kȁmēn
783 1225 rich*, wealthy [aj] bògat
784 1229 destroy* (contra-create; cause to cease existing) [v] ùništiti Template:pf. / uništávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
785 1231 track [n] trag, put, staza
786 1234 peace* (freedom from fighting or turmoil) [n] mȋr
787 1235 arms** [n] òrūžje
788 1240 low* [aj] nȉzak
789 1242 consider** [v] razmòtriti Template:pf. / razmátrati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
790 1244 medical [aj] mȅdicīnskī
791 1248 drunk [aj] pìjan
792 1260 nose [n] nȏs
793 1264 beer [n] pȋvo
794 1265 jealous [aj] ljȕbomōran
795 1266 drug* [n] dróga
796 1270 plenty** [n] òbīlje
797 1271 extra** [aj] ȅkstra
798 1272 tea* (plant/leaves of sp. Camellia sinensis) [n] čȁj
799 1274 attack* [v] nàpasti Template:pf. / nàpadati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
800 1275 ground* [n] zèmlja
801 1283 type [m] vŕsta, tȋp
802 1287 opportunity [n] prílika
803 1288 king [n] krȃlj
804 1291 machine* (device with moving parts) [n] strȏj, mašína
805 1292 waste* [n] ȍtpād; gubítak
806 1292 waste*, misuse [v] rasipati
807 1294 pretend, act, feign [v] pretvárati se
808 1296 danger* (situation in which harm is probable) [n] opásnōst
809 1297 wall* [n] zȋd
810 1301 jump*, leap [v] skòčiti Template:pf. / skákati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
811 1303 proof, evidence* [n] dȍkāz
812 1304 complete* [aj] pòtpun
813 1306 career** [n] karijéra
814 1307 arrest** [v] ùhititi, ùhapsiti
815 1308 star* [n] zvijézda / zvézda
816 1311 breathe* [v] dísati
817 1313 warm* [aj] tȍpao
818 1322 romantic [aj] romàntičan
819 1324 comfortable [aj] ȕgodan
820 1329 fit* [v] odgovárati
821 1331 begin*, commence, start [v] pòčēti Template:pf. / pòčinjati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
822 1334 ruin** [v] ùništiti Template:pf. / uništávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
823 1336 smile [v] smijéšiti se / sméšiti se
824 1337 laugh(ter) [n] smijȇh / smȇh
825 1337 laugh* [v] smìjati se / smèjati se
826 1338 fish* [n] rȉba
827 1340 treat** (deal with) [v] postúpati (s, sa)
828 1342 fear* (be afraid of) [v] bòjati se, strahòvati
829 1342 fear* [n] strȃh
830 1350 mail* [n] pȍšta
831 1353 green* [aj] zèlen
832 1361 excellent** [aj] ȉzvrstan, ȍdličan
833 1366 bottom* [n] dnȍ
834 1367 note*, annotation [n] bìlješka
835 1368 sudden*, abrupt [aj] nágao, ȉznenādan
836 1369 church (building or institution of public worship) [n] cȓkva
837 1371 flight [n] lȇt
838 1375 sing* [v] pjȅvati / pȅvati
839 1377 foot* (on which something stands) [n] stòpalo
840 1379 glass* (receptacle) [n] čȁša
841 1379 glass* (substance) [n] stàklo
842 1379 glass* [aj] stàklen
843 1382 remind [v] pòdsjetiti Template:pf. / pòdsjećati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [Ekavian: pòdsetiti Template:pf. / pòdsećati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
844 1383 bank* (monetary institution) [n] bànka
845 1383 bank* (of river) [n] ȍbala
846 1386 witness* [n] svjèdok / svèdok
847 1389 tree* [n] dȑvo, stáblo
848 1390 dare [v] izàzvati Template:pf. / izazívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
849 1394 interest* (desire to pay attention to something), fascination [n] zanímānje, ȉnterēs
850 1395 steal* (take in a criminal way) [v] krȁsti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / ùkrasti Template:pf.
851 1398 contact** [n] kòntakt
852 1399 teach* [v] ùčiti
853 1400 shop [n] trgòvina, prodavaónica, dùćān
854 1400 shop [v] kúpiti Template:pf. / kupòvati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
855 1403 fresh* [aj] svjȅž / svȅž
856 1404 trial* (in court) [n] súđēnje
857 1406 roll* (move like a ball/cylinder by turning over and over) [v] váljati, kotr̀ljati se
858 1407 radio* apparatus, wireless set [n] rȃdio
859 1408 art* (creative craft; productive use of talent) [n] ùmjetnōst / ùmetnōst
860 1409 reach*, extend* as far as [v] doségnuti Template:pf. / dosézati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
861 1411 dirty, contra-clean [aj] pȑljav
862 1412 choose*, pick (out), select one of many possibilities [v] izàbrati Template:pf. / izàbirati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
863 1413 emergency* [n] hȉtan slȕčāj
864 1416 credit* (permission to borrow money) [n] krèdīt
865 1418 cry out, shout*, yell [v] víkati
866 1418 cry*, weep [v] plȁkati
867 1422 positive [aj] pȍzitīvan
868 1426 price*, cost* [n] cijéna / céna, trȍšak
869 1427 Goodbye. Doviđenja. Zbȍgom.
870 1428 condition*, state, status [n] stánje
871 1429 guard*, monitor, watch over [v] čúvati, nàdzirati
872 1431 grow* [v] rȃsti
873 1432 cake [n] kòlāč, tȏrta
874 1436 total*, sum, aggregate [n] sȕma, zbrȏj
875 1441 belong** [v] prìpasti Template:pf. / prìpadati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
876 1443 partner* [n] pȁrtner
877 1444 trick*, chicanery [n] prijȇvara / prȅvara, trȉk
878 1445 pressure* [n] prìtisak
879 1447 arm (shoulder to hand) [n] rúka
880 1449 cup (small bowl with handle) [n] šȁlica
881 1451 bus* [n] autóbus
882 1452 taste* (perceive the flavor of) [v] kȕšati, próbati
883 1452 taste* [n] òkus
884 1453 neck [n] vrȃt, šȉja
885 1454 south* [n] jȕg
886 1456 nurse [n] (mȅdicīnskā) sèstra
887 1457 raise** [v] pòdignuti Template:pf. / pòdizati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
888 1458 land* [n] zèmlja
889 1459 cross* (perpendicular intersection of linear items) [n] krȋž
890 1461 Mister, Mr. [n] gospòdin
891 1462 carry* (move while supporting) [v] nòsiti Template:pf. / nósati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
892 1463 group* [n] grȕpa, skȕpina
893 1469 file (dossier; loose bundle of data) [n] fascìkl,
894 1469 file (tool for abrading) [n] tùrpija
895 1470 lock (device for securing doors) [n] kàtanac, lȍkot
896 1471 computer* (electronic instruction-obeying information-handler) [n] račùnalo, kompjùter
897 1474 wine [n] víno
898 1475 closed, shut [aj] zàtvoren
899 1476 writing [n] písānje
900 1479 study* [v] ùčiti, studírati
901 1484 legal* [aj] zákonit, lègālan
902 1485 justice* [n] prȁvosūđe
903 1489 shower (bathroom) [n] tȕš
904 1489 shower, sprinkle [v] pòsūti Template:pf. / pòsipati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
905 1491 camera* [n] kàmera
906 1492 fill* [v] pȕniti Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / pòpuniti Template:pf.
907 1499 breath [n] dȁh
908 1501 pants, trousers [n] hlȁče
909 1503 level*, even (on the same level) [aj] pȍravnāt, izjèdnāčen
910 1514 continue*, keep on doing/being [v] nàstaviti Template:pf. / nàstavljati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.
911 1516 wild*, feral, untamed [aj] dìvljī
912 1520 convince [v] ùvjeriti Template:pf. / uvjerávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [Ekavian: ùveriti Template:pf. / uverávati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
913 1524 band (group) [n] bȅnd, grȕpa
914 1524 band, tape, flat strip [n] trȁka
915 1529 field* (playing field) [n] ìgralīšte
916 1529 field* (unbroken expanse of land) [n] pȍlje
917 1533 shirt [n] kòšulja
918 1534 chair (furniture for one person to sit on) [n] stòlica
919 1537 rough*, coarse, contra-smooth [aj] grȗb
920 1540 government* [n] vláda
921 1543 empty* [aj] prázan
922 1544 round* [aj] okrúgao
923 1546 insane*, crazy, mad [aj] lȗd
924 1548 hat*, cap [n] šèšīr
925 1550 wind* [n] vjȅtar / vȅtar
926 1550 wind* [v] namotati
927 1552 aware [aj] svjȅstan / svȅstan
928 1555 meaning (semantic content of a word) [n] znáčēnje
929 1557 tight [aj] zàtēgnūt
930 1559 ship* [n] brȏd
931 1560 subject*, topic of discussion [n] téma rasprave
932 1563 chicken [n] kȍkōš
933 1565 match (a thing suitably associated with another) [n] sparívanje
934 1565 match (little fire-stick) [n] šȉbica
935 1568 sun* [n] sȗnce
936 1576 unfortunately [av] nȁžalōst
937 1580 bottle* [n] bȍca, flȁša
938 1581 beyond, farther than, exceeding [prep] ònkraj, ȉznad, dalje od
939 1583 pool, billiards [n] bìljār
940 1584 opinion* [n] mȉšljēnje
941 1585 naked, nude, exposed (without the usual cover) [aj] gȏl
942 1587 common*, general (shared by all members of a group) [aj] zȁjedničkī, općènit
943 1589 jerk [n] trzaj
944 1593 necessary*, needed, required [aj] pȍtreban
945 1596 health* [n] zdrȃvlje
946 1598 copy* (a duplicate) [n] kȏpija
947 1598 copy* [v] kopírati
948 1600 video** [n] vȋdeo
949 1604 dry* [aj] sȗh / sȗv
950 1606 twelve [num] dvánaēst
951 1610 skin* [n] kȍža
952 1613 fifteen [num] pètnaēst
953 1615 speech** [n] gȍvōr
954 1617 issue*, edition (of periodical etc.) [n] izdánje
955 1620 final* [aj] kònačan
956 1625 code (cryptographic system) [n] kȏd
957 1632 research** [n] istražívānje
958 1633 nowhere** [aj] nȉgdje / nȉgde
959 1634 escape* [n] bijȇg, bèkstvo
960 1634 escape*, flee from [v] bjèžati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / pòbjeći Template:pf. [Ekavian: bèžati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. / pòbeći Template:pf.]
961 1636 restaurant* [n] restòrān
962 1637 page (one side of a sheet of paper in a book) [n] strànica
963 1638 grateful, thankful [aj] záhvālan
964 1639 usual* [aj] òbičan
965 1640 burn* [n] òpeklina
966 1640 burn* [v] gòrjeti / gòreti
967 1643 address (postal co-ordinates) [n] adrèsa
968 1646 screw (threaded fastener) [n] víjak
969 1648 train* (of railroad) [n] vlȃk, vȏz
970 1649 film* (very thin layer) [n] slȏj
971 1650 regret* [n] žȁljēnje
972 1650 regret*, deplore* [v] žȁliti
973 1653 heaven, celestial realm, Valhala etc. [n] nȅbo
974 1655 responsibility, liability, accountability [n] odgovórnōst
975 1656 suspect** [v] súmnjati, sùmnjičiti
976 1657 corner [n] kȗt, ćòšak
977 1658 hero** [n] jùnāk, hèrōj
978 1665 gas* (for cooking) [n] plȋn, gȃs
979 1667 hole* [n] rȕpa
980 1671 truck* {British: lorry} (motor vehicle for cargo-carrying) [n] kamìōn
981 1679 split* [v] razdijéliti Template:pf. / razdjeljívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required. [Ekavian: razdéliti Template:pf. / razdeljívati Lua error in Module:parameter_utilities at line 751: Parameters "1" and "2" are required.]
982 1681 bear (animal of Ursidae family) [n] mèdvjed / mèdved
983 1682 airport** [n] aeròdrom, zrȃčnā lúka
984 1683 bite* (dog), bite (insect) [n] ùgriz, úbod
985 1683 bite* [v] grȉsti
986 1684 smoke* [n] dȉm
987 1688 horse* (Equus caballus) [n] kȍnj
988 1692 project*, undertaking, venture [n] pròjekt, pȍduhvat
989 1696 search* [n] prȅtraga
990 1698 damage* [n] štȅta
991 1700 quickly, rapidly, swiftly (with much speed) [av] bȓzo, hȉtro
992 1704 beach, shore [n] pláža, ȍbala
993 1706 brown* [aj] smȅđ
994 1708 vote* [v] glȁsovati, glàsati
995 1709 settle** [v] riješiti
996 1710 gold* (the precious metal) [n] zlȃto
997 1718 rule*, regulation [n] prȁvilo, pròpis
998 1719 Friday [cal] pétak
999 1721 tie*, bind [v] vézati
1000 1724 rush, hurry, hasten [v] navaliti
1001 1729 natural* [aj] prirodni
1002 1733 connection, joint*, junction [n] veza, spoj
1003 1736 finger [n] prst
1004 1738 form* [v] formirati
1005 1738 form*, shape [n] obrazac, oblik
1006 1744 suggest*, propose (offer an idea) [v] predložiti, predlagati
1007 1746 build* (join materials to create), construct [v] izgraditi
1008 1747 leg [n] noga
1009 1751 ticket, coupon [n] karta, bona
1010 1754 loose (contra-snug), baggy [aj] labav
1011 1755 holy*, sacred [aj] svet
1012 1757 sea*, ocean [n] more
1013 1759 planet* [n] planeta
1014 1760 duty* [n] dužnost
1015 1769 loud* (of much sonic intensity) [aj] glasan
1016 1773 Saturday [cal] subota
1017 1775 bright* (with much light present) [aj] svijetle
1018 1780 army* [n] vojska
1019 1783 miracle [n] čudo
1020 1787 blind* [aj] slijep
1021 1788 queen [n] kraljica
1022 1789 ugly [aj] ružno
1023 1799 coat (heavy outer garment with sleeves) [n] kaput
1024 1800 account (record of money received/paid/owed) [n] račun
1025 1803 celebrate*, rejoice [v] slaviti
1026 1808 add*, append, join so as to cause an increase [v] dodati
1027 1809 moon* (natural satellite of a planet) [n] mjesec
1028 1811 lips [n] usne
1029 1813 center* [n] centar
1030 1816 size* (degree of largeness or smallness) [n] veličina
1031 1820 student [n] student
1032 1825 reality [n] stvarnost
1033 1827 birth [n] rođenja
1034 1831 grandfather [n] djed
1035 1844 cheese [n] sir
1036 1845 roof [n] krov
1037 1848 pizza [n] pizzu
1038 1852 bird* (egg-laying feathered animal with wings) [n] ptica
1039 1855 powerful [aj] moćan
1040 1857 grandmother [n] baka
1041 1859 opening, orifice [n] otvora, otvor
1042 1863 eventually (in the far future) [av] konačno
1043 1870 familiar [aj] upoznat
1044 1871 bomb* [n] bomba
1045 1873 television* set [n] televizor
1046 1874 harmony (pleasing combination of stimuli) [n] sklad
1047 1875 color* [n] boja
1048 1876 heavy* (of much weight) [aj] težak
1049 1880 dollar** [n] dolar
1050 1882 master, lord [n] gospodar
1051 1887 correct* [aj] točan, ispravan
1052 1892 social* [aj] socijalna
1053 1893 nature* (that which occurs spontaneously; the non-artificial world) [n] priroda
1054 1896 west* [n] zapad
1055 1902 lonely* (feeling undesirable solitude) [aj] usamljeni
1056 1905 shame [n] sramote
1057 1907 local** [aj] mještanin
1058 1908 jacket (a short and/or lightweight coat) [n] jakna
1059 1909 hook [n] kukom
1060 1914 above*, over* [prep] iznad, nad
1061 1916 invite* [v] pozvati
1062 1919 port* [n] luke
1063 1921 lesson [n] sat
1064 1923 criminal** [n] kriminalac
1065 1926 victim* [n] žrtva
1066 1927 professor** [n] profesor
1067 1929 funeral** [n] sprovod
1068 1934 couch [n] kauč
1069 1935 strength (ability to exert physical power) [n] snagu
1070 1937 loss [n] gubitak
1071 1938 view [n] prizor
1072 1940 beauty* [n] ljepota
1073 1948 shock* [n] šok
1074 1950 heat*, warmth [n] vrućina
1075 1951 chocolate [n] čokolada
1076 1957 energy* [n] energija
1077 1962 famous* [aj] slavan
1078 1963 enemy* [n] neprijatelj
1079 1964 crash** [v] tresnuti
1080 1967 recognize* [v] prepoznati
1081 1968 healthy [aj] zdrava
1082 1969 boring, tedious [aj] dosadno, zamorno
1083 1970 feed** [v] hraniti
1084 1973 percent** [n] postotak
1085 1978 purpose* [n] svrha
1086 1979 north* [n] sjever
1087 1980 knife* [n] nož
1088 1984 fan* (device to create air current) [n] ventilator
1089 1986 speed*, velocity (degree of fastness or slowness) [n] brzina
1090 1988 hire [v] ižnajmiti
1091 1990 paint* [n] bojite
1092 1991 pardon* [n] pomilovanje
1093 1994 behavior*, conduct [n] ponašanje
1094 1998 warn* [v] upozoriti
1095 2000 post (vertical pole anchored in ground) [n] stup
1096 2001 milk* [n] mlijeko
1097 2002 survive** [v] preživjeti
1098 2006 operation [n] operatcija
1099 2007 suck [v] sisati
1100 2016 trade* [n] trgovina
1101 2018 rain* [n] kiša, dažd
1102 2019 revenge, vengeance, retribution, getting even [n] osveta
1103 2020 physical* [aj] fizička
1104 2021 available** [aj] raspoloživ
1105 2022 program* [n] program
1106 2023 prefer [v] pretpostaviti
1107 2026 pray* (communicate with god(s)) [v] moliti
1108 2029 statement [n] iskaz
1109 2031 animal* (non-vegetable creature) [n] životinja
1110 2032 sugar* [n] šećer
1111 2034 meat*, flesh [n] meso
1112 2039 tip (gratuity) [n] bakšiš
1113 2041 market* (place where goods are bought/sold/traded) [n] tržnica
1114 2047 cook* (prepare by applying heat) [v] kuhati
1115 2052 jury* [n] žiriju
1116 2055 brave** [aj] junak
1117 2056 storm* [n] oluju
1118 2063 football (American/tackle f~) [n] Amerikanac nogomet
1119 2063 football (association f~), soccer [n] nogomet
1120 2071 process*, procedure [n] postupak
1121 2075 stone* [n] kamen
1122 2080 block* (solid flat-surfaced mass of material) [n] blok
1123 2080 block* [v] blokirati
1124 2090 shake* [v] tresti
1125 2095 serve* (provide service to) [v] služiti
1126 2098 medicine* (substance that makes one healthy) [n] lijekovi
1127 2104 stage [n] pozornica
1128 2107 weak* [aj] slab
1129 2111 community* (individuals sharing space/culture) [n] zajednica
1130 2116 slip [v] skliznuti
1131 2120 awake* [aj] budan
1132 2122 stomach [n] želuca
1133 2123 weapon* [n] oružje
1134 2126 mystery* [n] otajstvo
1135 2128 official* (issued with authority) [aj] službeni
1136 2131 regular, periodic (at uniform intervals) [aj] redovite, povremeni
1137 2133 river* [n] rijeka
1138 2136 valley* [n] dolina
1139 2138 contract (agreement-document) [n] ugovor
1140 2139 bud (of flower/leaf) [n] korijenu
1141 2141 race* (group of people with similar characteristics) [n] rasa
1142 2141 race* (sport) [n] utrka
1143 2144 lake* [n] jezero
1144 2147 cheap, inexpensive [aj] jeftino, jeftin
1145 2149 deny* (say that X is not true) [v] onemogućiti
1146 2150 painting (an artwork) [n] slika
1147 2151 ear [n] uho
1148 2152 clock* [n] sat
1149 2154 weight (degree of heaviness or lightness) [n] težina
1150 2155 garbage, trash, rubbish [n] smeće, otpad
1151 2157 tear*, rip [v] razderati
1152 2159 dig* [v] kopati
1153 2160 bullet* [n] metak
1154 2167 tiny, minuscule [aj] sićušan, minuskula
1155 2173 spring* (metal helix) [n] opruga
1156 2173 spring* (the season) [n] proljeće
1157 2175 avoid*, evade, keep away from [v] kako bi se izbjeglo, izvrdavati
1158 2180 score (the tally of points in a competition) [n] rezultat
1159 2182 disappear** [v] nestati
1160 2184 exact*, precise [aj] točna, precizna
1161 2188 recently (in the near past) [av] nedavno
1162 2190 snow* [n] snijeg
1163 2190 snow* [v] sniježiti
1164 2192 strike* (work stoppage as protest) [n] štrajk
1165 2197 monkey, small primate [n] majmun
1166 2198 insurance (protective contractual arrangement) [n] osiguranja
1167 2205 shape* [n] oblik
1168 2209 base*, node, station (point from which things go or are done) [n] baza
1169 2211 lift* [v] uzdići
1170 2215 fashion [n] moda
1171 2216 freedom* [n] sloboda
1172 2219 guarantee** [v] jamčiti
1173 2220 chest (upper front of torso) [n] prsnog koša
1174 2220 chest, box [n] kovčeg, kutija
1175 2221 bridge* [n] most
1176 2224 source, origin [n] izvor, podrijetlo
1177 2226 theory* [n] teorije
1178 2228 camp*, bivouac, temporary shelter* [n] logoru, bivak
1179 2229 original, non-imitative [aj] originalan
1180 2230 juice (fluid extracted from something) [n] sok
1181 2235 selfish [aj] sebičan
1182 2236 oil* (a combustible fatty liquid that will not mix with water) [n] ulje
1183 2236 oil* (crude oil), petroleum [n] ulje
1184 2238 wise* [aj] premudar
1185 2242 period*, era, epoch [n] razdoblje, era
1186 2243 doll, effigy [n] lutku, lik
1187 2245 elevator {British: lift} [n] dizalo
1188 2246 freeze* [v] zalediti, smrznuti
1189 2247 noise* (confused/randomized sound/stimuli) [n] buka
1190 2248 exist* [v] postojati
1191 2249 science* [n] znanost
1192 2251 edge* [n] rub
1193 2255 ceremony* [n] svečanost
1194 2257 pig*, swine (omnivorous mammal of family Suidae) [n] svinja, krmak
1195 2262 vacation* [n] praznici
1196 2266 weather* [n] vrijeme, vremenski uvjeti
1197 2272 permission [n] dopuštenje
1198 2277 example*, sample [n] primjer, uzoraka
1199 2278 borrow* [v] posuditi
1200 2280 release* (quit keeping/restraining) [v] objaviti
1201 2285 library [n] knjižnica
1202 2287 property* [n] imovine
1203 2288 negative [aj] negativan
1204 2290 event* [n] događaj
1205 2295 member* (of group/organization) [n] član
1206 2296 bone* [n] kost
1207 2297 battle** [n] bitka
1208 2300 safety, security [n] sigurnost
1209 2301 term** [n] uvjet
1210 2304 meal* [n] ručak
1211 2308 anger** [n] ljutnja
1212 2310 wet* [aj] mokar
1213 2317 manager [n] menadžer
1214 2318 fixed [aj] fiksna
1215 2323 campaign* (for political office) [n] kampanje
1216 2324 map* (drawing of planet's surface) [n] karta
1217 2325 wash* [v] prati
1218 2333 comfort (freedom from pain and/or worry) [n] udobnost
1219 2335 whom, whose? [pn] koga, čiji?
1220 2336 pocket [n] džep
1221 2340 shoulder [n] rame
1222 2341 ignore** [v] ignorirati
1223 2345 talent, skill*, knack [n] talent, vještinu
1224 2352 travel* [v] putovati
1225 2359 crack, fissure [n] ispucati, fisura
1226 2362 radar** [n] radar
1227 2365 remain*, stay* [v] ostati, ostani
1228 2366 soft*, malleable, yielding to pressure [aj] mekan, kovan
1229 2370 chase** [v] loviti
1230 2372 cast [n] lijevana
1231 2373 cancer** [n] rak
1232 2376 sky* [n] nebo
1233 2377 likely [aj] vjerojatno
1234 2384 concentrate [n] koncentrat
1235 2385 throat [n] grlo
1236 2388 east* [n] istok
1237 2389 unit [n] jedinica
1238 2390 intend, mean to, do deliberately, have as a purpose [v] nameravati
1239 2393 crew* [n] osoblje
1240 2396 midnight [n] ponoć
1241 2398 guilt [n] krivnja
1242 2402 guts [n] crijeva, utroba
1243 2403 tongue (body-part) [n] jezik
1244 2404 distance* (amount of space from X to Y) [n] udaljenost
1245 2405 conference** [n] konferencija
1246 2406 treatment* [n] liječenje
1247 2407 shoe* [n] cipelama
1248 2411 sentence* (of words) [n] kazna
1249 2414 glasses (spectacles) [n] naočale
1250 2416 universe*, cosmos [n] svemir
1251 2417 towards, to, at, toward* (moving toward) [prep] k, ka, prema
1252 2418 repeat** [v] ponoviti
1253 2419 mirror [n] ogledalo
1254 2420 wound* [n] ranu
1255 2423 tall* [aj] visok
1256 2424 reaction [n] reakcija
1257 2431 magazine* (periodical publication) [n] magazin
1258 2434 soup [n] juha
1259 2438 society [n] društva
1260 2441 sue [v] tužiti
1261 2453 expensive, costly [aj] skup
1262 2457 square* (town) [n] trg
1263 2463 plate (shallow dish, usually round) [n] tanjur
1264 2468 male* [aj] muško
1265 2474 argue** [v] dokazivati
1266 2475 Sunday [cal] nedjelja
1267 2477 whip [n] Bič
1268 2478 language* (the verbal communication technique of a people) [n] jezik
1269 2482 package, packet, parcel [n] paket
1270 2486 disease*, illness, sickness* [n] bolest
1271 2488 stair(s) [n] stepenice
1272 2491 pure*, unadulterated, uncontaminated [aj] čist
1273 2492 nail (fingernail) [n] nokat
1274 2492 nail (pointy fastener) [n] čavao
1275 2493 nerve [n] živac
1276 2495 hill* (smaller than a mountain) [n] brežuljak
1277 2498 dirt*, earth (tangible), soil* [n] prljavštinu, zemlju
1278 2500 stamp [n] pečat
1279 2504 friendliness [n] prijateljstvo
1280 2504 friendly [aj] prijateljski
1281 2515 federal** [aj] federalan
1282 2516 disaster*, catastrophe [n] katastrofa
1283 2521 create*, make (bring into existence) [v] stvoriti, izraditi
1284 2522 trap* [n] zamku
1285 2523 claim*, assertion (statement of unknown accuracy) [n] tvrdnja
1286 2528 effect* [n] efekt
1287 2530 turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) [n] purana
1288 2530 Turkey [n] Turska
1289 2533 snake, serpent (reptile of suborder Serpentes or Ophidia) [n] zmija
1290 2548 among* [prep] među
1291 2550 knowledge* [n] znanje
1292 2555 suffer* [v] trpjeti
1293 2557 argument [n] argument
1294 2559 crowd** [n] gomila
1295 2564 cancel** [v] otkazati
1296 2567 pride (proudness; self-respect) [n] ponos
1297 2568 solve** [v] riješiti
1298 2572 pine (coniferous tree of genus Pinus) [n] borova
1299 2573 mate** [v] se pariti
1300 2574 illegal** [aj] ilegalan
1301 2575 generous, charitable [aj] velikodušan, dobrotvorne
1302 2582 separate* [aj] odvojen
1303 2585 bath [n] kupka
1304 2588 mayor** [n] gradonačelnik
1305 2598 wheel* [n] kotač
1306 2599 signal** [v] signalizirati
1307 2601 direction* (orientation of motion) [n] smjer
1308 2602 defend* [v] braniti
1309 2604 painful [aj] bolan
1310 2608 rat [n] štakor
1311 2610 amount* [n] količina
1312 2614 flat*, planar [aj] plosnat
1313 2616 button (on a shirt etc.) [n] dugme
1314 2619 pity [n] šteta je
1315 2619 pity, feel compassion toward, feel sorry for [v] žaliti
1316 2621 crisis** [n] kriza
1317 2626 baseball [n] bejzbol
1318 2630 pen (ballpoint) [n] kemijska
1319 2636 farm* [n] farmi
1320 2639 Monday [cal] ponedjeljak
1321 2643 role (an individual's function) [n] uloga
1322 2644 refuse* [v] odbiti
1323 2649 progress*, advancement [n] napredak, napredovanje
1324 2653 military* [aj] vojska
1325 2660 cruel [aj] okrutno
1326 2662 traffic** [n] promet
1327 2663 pink [aj] ružičast
1328 2665 mental* [aj] mentalnog
1329 2668 poison*, toxin [n] otrov, toksin
1330 2673 expert* [n] ekspert
1331 2675 benefit [n] korist
1332 2676 bell [n] zvono
1333 2680 ghost (manifestation of dead person's soul) [n] duh
1334 2684 toilet paper [n] toaletni papir
1335 2684 toilet, water closet [n] zahod
1336 2685 secretary [n] tajnik, tajnica
1337 2688 mix*, blend [v] miješati
1338 2691 firm* [n] tvrtka
1339 2694 agreement [n] sporazum
1340 2697 anniversary** [n] obljetnica
1341 2700 pot (deep round vessel) [n] posuda
1342 2705 successful [aj] uspješan
1343 2706 season* (for activities) [n] sezone
1344 2706 season* (winter etc.) [n] godišnje doba
1345 2709 solid* (contra-hollow) [aj] solidan
1346 2709 solid* (not a gas or liquid) [n] čvrste
1347 2711 flash (camera) [n] blic
1348 2714 ill [aj] bolestan
1349 2716 crush* (press on so as to break or re-shape) [v] kako bi slomili
1350 2725 rise** [v] se dići
1351 2727 eleven [num] jedanaest
1352 2730 former** [aj] tvorac
1353 2734 hunt*, pursue (with intent to capture and/or devour) [v] loviti
1354 2735 fail* [v] propustiti
1355 2737 wide*, broad (of space between objects) [aj] širok
1356 2741 popular** [aj] popularan
1357 2742 learning [n] učenje
1358 2743 discussion [n] diskusija
1359 2745 plant* (a vegetable life-form) [n] bilijka
1360 2745 plant* [v] saditi
1361 2746 exchange*, trade, swap [v] razmjenjivati
1362 2750 university* [n] sveučilište
1363 2751 target* [n] cilj
1364 2757 silver* (the metal) [n] srebro
1365 2764 load*, burden [n] opterećenja
1366 2770 ocean* [n] more
1367 2771 section, segment (a part somehow different/separated from others) [n] odjeljak, odlomak
1368 2773 winter* [n] zima
1369 2778 suicide** [n] samoubojstvo
1370 2779 spread* (begin to cover or cause X to cover more area) [v] širiti
1371 2783 swim* [v] plivati
1372 2785 bat (flying mammal) [n] šišmiš
1373 2785 bat, stick, racket/racquet (any ball-hitting tool) [n] šišmiša, stick
1374 2792 holiday* [n] blagdan
1375 2793 command* [v] narediti
1376 2793 command*, order, directive [n] naredbu, red
1377 2795 humor* [n] humor
1378 2799 solution [n] rješenje
1379 2801 yellow* [aj] žut
1380 2803 sharp*, keen, pointy, acute [aj] oštar, željan
1381 2811 ash* [n] pepeo
1382 2816 parent* [n] roditelj
1383 2821 cheer** [v] klicati
1384 2824 flesh [n] meso
1385 2826 wood* (the substance) [n] drvo
1386 2830 century* [n] stoljeća
1387 2832 sandwich [n] sendvič
1388 2835 false*, untrue [aj] lažne, neistinite
1389 2838 adult* [n] odrasla osoba
1390 2840 spike, barb, cleat, thorn [n] smečirati, stršeći
1391 2841 garden [n] vrt
1392 2845 article (part of speech) [n] članku
1393 2845 article, essay (piece of text about one topic) [n] članku, esej
1394 2847 thin*, slender (small from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj] tanak
1395 2850 fever [n] groznica
1396 2851 female* [aj] žensko
1397 2852 sweat, perspiration [n] znoj, znojenje
1398 2853 silent [aj] tiha
1399 2854 specific, special, particular [aj] specifičan, poseban
1400 2857 request*, ask for [v] zahtjev, zatražiti
1401 2858 prize*, award* [n] nagradu
1402 2865 diamond [n] dijamant
1403 2866 union [n] sindikat
1404 2872 divorced [aj] rajveden, rajvedena
1405 2873 quality*, trait, attribute, characteristic [n] kvaliteta
1406 2874 despite [prep] unatoč
1407 2881 mountain* [n] planina, gora
1408 2888 bless (wish good upon) [v] blagosloviti
1409 2893 zero* [num] nula
1410 2894 potential [n] potencijal
1411 2898 grant [n] dotacija
1412 2899 wolf (Canis lupus) [n] vuka
1413 2900 tear(drop(s)) [n] iscijepati
1414 2906 agency*, bureau [n] agencije, nadleštvo
1415 2908 degree* (the extent/intensity/scope of an action/condition/relation) [n] stupanj
1416 2912 rob** [v] orobiti
1417 2916 cure* [n] lijek
1418 2918 newspaper [n] novina
1419 2920 coast** [n] obala
1420 2922 egg* [n] jaje
1421 2923 direct*, immediate* (with no intermediaries or obstacles) [aj] direktan
1422 2927 orange (having a hue between red and yellow) [aj] naranče
1423 2927 orange (tree/fruit of Citrus sinensis / related spp.) [n] narančast
1424 2928 mixed [v] mješoviti
1425 2934 toy, plaything [n] igračka
1426 2935 Thursday [cal] četvrtak
1427 2936 rare* (uncommon) [aj] rijedak
1428 2937 policy** [n] politika
1429 2941 competition [n] konkurencija
1430 2944 reasonable* [aj] razuman
1431 2946 curse, damn (wish evil upon) [v] prokletstvo, proklinjati
1432 2951 detail* [n] detaljima
1433 2959 ancient** [aj] prastar
1434 2961 value* (the quality of being useful and/or desirable), worth* [n] vrijednost
1435 2962 tail [n] rep
1436 2965 salad [n] salata
1437 2970 spit [v] rpljuvati
1438 2971 screen, mesh [n] zaslona, mrežaste
1439 2972 pilot* [n] pilot
1440 2975 dust* [n] prašina
1441 2978 bread* [n] kruh
1442 2981 lame [aj] hrom
1443 2991 bowl (deep round dish) [n] zdjela
1444 3000 desire* [v] željeti
1445 3001 virus [n] virus
1446 3002 shrink*, contract [v] smanjiti se
1447 3003 influence** [v] utjecati
1448 3006 wreck** [v] rušiti
1449 3009 chain (connected series of rings or links) [n] lanac
1450 3013 wire* (long thread-like piece of metal) [n] žica
1451 3015 presence [n] prisutnost
1452 3018 cave [n] pećina
1453 3019 version** [n] verzija
1454 3031 apple (tree/fruit of genus Malus) [n] jabuka
1455 3037 frame (structure supporting or surrounding something) [n] okvir
1456 3042 silence* [n] tišina
1457 3056 duck [n] patka
1458 3067 civil rights** [n] građanska prava
1459 3068 tool*, utensil, implement [n] alat, posuđe
1460 3071 education* [n] obrazovanje
1461 3073 wrap [v] zamotati
1462 3075 fruit* [n] voće, plod
1463 3076 torture* [n] mučenje
1464 3076 torture*, torment [v] mučiti
1465 3079 loan* [n] kredit
1466 3086 owner [n] vlasnik
1467 3098 print (to copy marks by pressing inked objects on paper) [v] ispisati
1468 3114 committee* (group appointed to do a task) [n] odbora
1469 3115 smooth* [aj] gladak
1470 3118 enter*, go into [v] ući
1471 3120 belt [n] pojas
1472 3122 sacrifice** [v] žrtvovati
1473 3124 courage, bravery [n] hrabrost, srčanost
1474 3125 butter [n] maslac
1475 3129 lack* (be without) [v] manjkati, nemati
1476 3134 bay (small body of water offset from lake or sea) [n] uvala
1477 3137 remove*, subtract, take away, delete [v] udaljiti
1478 3138 nut (hard-shelled fruit/seed with separable shell and kernel) [n] orah
1479 3141 testimony [n] svjedočanstva
1480 3142 intense* [aj] intenzivno
1481 3145 violence* [n] nasilje
1482 3147 heal** [v] izliječiti
1483 3149 attempt* [v] pokušati
1484 3152 political [aj] političke
1485 3153 loyal* [aj] lojalni
1486 3155 slowly (with little speed) [av] polako
1487 3159 alcohol* [n] alkohola
1488 3160 actor** [n] glumac
1489 3165 attic, garret [n] potkrovlje, tavan
1490 3167 uniform (special garments worn by members of a group) [n] odore
1491 3174 threaten* [v] prijetiti
1492 3175 teaching (as in teaching aid) [aj] nastavnih
1493 3177 motion* [n] gibanje
1494 3180 desert* [n] pustinja
1495 3183 incident** [n] incident
1496 3186 imagination [n] mašta
1497 3188 headache [n] glavobolja
1498 3193 opposite* [aj] nasuprot
1499 3197 equipment** [n] oprema
1500 3199 tennis [n] tenis
1501 3213 trunk (elephant) [n] surla
1502 3220 temporary*, transient [aj] privremeno, tranzijentni
1503 3221 sixteen [num] šesnaest
1504 3232 mercy [n] milosrđe
1505 3233 describe* [v] opisati
1506 3235 priest, clergyman [n] svećenik, kanonik
1507 3240 affect** [v] utjecati na
1508 3250 intelligence** [n] inteligencija
1509 3252 authority (the right/power to command) [n] autoritet
1510 3256 admire [v] diviti se
1511 3258 Tuesday [cal] utorak
1512 3259 shadow, shade [n] sjena, hladovina
1513 3264 object* (concrete tangible thing) [n] objekt
1514 3272 sport** [n] sport
1515 3273 route, path*, course [n] trasa, put
1516 3276 plastic* (synthetic/processed moldable material) [n] plastiku
1517 3281 pierce [v] provrtjeti
1518 3299 theater* [n] kazalište
1519 3300 series* (a number of similar things following one another) [n] serija
1520 3302 propose* [v] predloži
1521 3304 honesty [n] poštenje
1522 3305 basketball [n] košarci
1523 3308 soldier* [n] vojnik
1524 3310 sauce [n] umak
1525 3333 design* [n] dizajn
1526 3334 circle* [n] krug
1527 3341 identity [n] identitet
1528 3344 spy** [v] špijunirati
1529 3347 guide* [n] vodič
1530 3347 guide*, lead [v] voditi
1531 3350 deck [n] paluba
1532 3355 minor** [aj] maloljetnik
1533 3356 ease** [v] olakšati
1534 3362 telephone* [n] telefon
1535 3368 scratch [n] blok
1536 3368 scratch [v] češati
1537 3371 flower* [n] cvijet
1538 3372 wave* [n] val
1539 3383 pin, thumbtack [n] pribadača
1540 3390 goal** [n] cilj
1541 3392 mass* [n] masa
1542 3393 ability, capacity (to do something) [n] sposobnost
1543 3396 international* [aj] međunarodnim
1544 3403 wing (of bird etc.) [n] krilo
1545 3404 tradition** [n] tradicija
1546 3405 towel [n] ručnik
1547 3410 rub*, abrade [v] trti
1548 3412 habit, custom*, routine practice [n] naviku, običaj
1549 3414 creature** [n] stvor
1550 3420 react* [v] reagirati
1551 3421 prime minister* [n] premijera
1552 3430 comment** [v] komentirati
1553 3432 tax* [n] porez
1554 3433 sink* [v] tonuti
1555 3443 warehouse [n] skladište
1556 3446 pattern (apparent systematic interrelationship) [n] uzorak
1557 3450 candle [n] svijeća
1558 3452 media** [n] mediji
1559 3458 permanent*, perpetual [aj] trajno, trajna
1560 3460 financial** [aj] financijski
1561 3461 demand* [n] potražnja
1562 3463 basket [n] koš
1563 3479 range (span) [n] raspon
1564 3483 tone, pitch (frequency of sound waves) [n] ton
1565 3491 neighbor** [n] susjed
1566 3493 gut [n] crijevo
1567 3494 cooper [n] bačvar
1568 3501 balance*, equilibrium [n] balans, ravnoteža
1569 3502 background [n] pozadina
1570 3504 mob** [n] mnoštvo
1571 3509 thief [n] lopov
1572 3510 squeeze [v] stisnuti
1573 3516 exercise*, practice (effort made to improve skills/health) [n] vježbe
1574 3520 patience [n] strpljenju
1575 3527 engine* [n] motor
1576 3537 bury** [v] pokopati
1577 3538 perform* [v] izvršiti
1578 3548 rotten [aj] truo, gnjio
1579 3549 liver [n] jetra
1580 3552 device* [n] uređaj
1581 3557 village* [n] selo
1582 3558 March [cal] ožujak
1583 3558 march** [v] stupati
1584 3559 journey, trip, voyage [n] putovanje
1585 3564 moral** [aj] pouka
1586 3565 helpful [aj] korisne
1587 3581 proposal [n] prijedlog
1588 3585 clay [n] glina
1589 3587 arrange [v] organizirati
1590 3592 represent* (act as a substitute for) [v] zastupati
1591 3593 product [n] proizvod
1592 3597 resist** [v] se oduprijeti
1593 3599 net [n] neto
1594 3601 fourteen [num] čertnaest
1595 3606 flag*, banner [n] zastava
1596 3607 debt*, obligation to pay [n] dug, obveza za plaćanje
1597 3609 violent [aj] nasilan
1598 3609 violent, harsh [aj] nasilna, opora
1599 3611 sand* [n] pijesak
1600 3617 hip [n] bok
1601 3619 below* [prep] ispod
1602 3631 typical [aj] tipično
1603 3633 stable (steady) [n] stabilan
1604 3636 pillow, cushion [n] jastuk
1605 3638 mature, adult [aj] zrela
1606 3641 current* (at this time) [aj] trenutni
1607 3645 tank** [n] spremnik
1608 3647 stroke (health) [n] moždani udar
1609 3647 stroke, jolt, blow of force [n] potres
1610 3649 provide*, supply*, furnish [v] pružiti
1611 3658 salt* [n] sol
1612 3661 express* [v] izraziti
1613 3662 collect* [v] sakupiti
1614 3666 therefore [av] zato
1615 3672 wipe [v] brisati
1616 3675 stretch*, extend* [v] protežu se, proširiti
1617 3680 fox (member of genus Vulpes) [n] lisica
1618 3683 victory** [n] pobjeda
1619 3686 climb* [v] popeti, penjati se
1620 3688 title [n] više
1621 3690 punishment [n] kazna
1622 3696 hint [n] nagovještaj
1623 3697 furniture [n] namještaj
1624 3698 blanket (large piece of soft material used as a cover) [n] deka
1625 3699 twist [v] upresti
1626 3702 surface* [n] površine
1627 3712 soap [n] sapun
1628 3715 crawl [v] puzati
1629 3717 zoo** [n] zoološki vrt
1630 3718 result*, consequence [n] rezultat, posljedica
1631 3722 counsel [n] savjet
1632 3735 useful [aj] korisne
1633 3742 gather*, collect (bring or come together) [v] skupiti, skupljati
1634 3750 rope* [n] uže, šnjura, konop
1635 3755 cigarette [n] cigareta
1636 3758 memorial** [n] spomenik
1637 3770 cheat** [v] prevariti
1638 3773 thick*, fat (large from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj] debeo, tust
1639 3773 thickness (of a solid object, etc.) [n] debljinu
1640 3776 approve* (of) [v] odobriti
1641 3777 urgent** [aj] hitan
1642 3782 drawer [n] ladica
1643 3786 jam [n] džem
1644 3787 interfere*, hinder [v] upletati se
1645 3790 chapter (main division of book) [n] poglavlje
1646 3794 tragic** [aj] tragičan
1647 3797 punish* [v] kazniti
1648 3800 angle (the relation of two lines radiating from a point) [n] kut
1649 3803 remains** [n] ostaci
1650 3806 insult* [n] vrijeđati se
1651 3809 beside [prep] pored, kraj, do, uz
1652 3821 worthy [aj] dostojan
1653 3824 reward [v] nagraditi
1654 3825 polite [aj] učtiv
1655 3834 bitter [aj] gorak
1656 3838 suggestion [n] prijedlog
1657 3839 string (thicker than thread and thinner than rope) [n] struna
1658 3840 mouse [n] miš
1659 3843 debate** [v] raspravljati
1660 3856 foreign* [aj] strani
1661 3858 average* [aj] prosječno
1662 3867 tune [n] melodija
1663 3869 mud [n] mulj
1664 3906 alert [aj] oprezan
1665 3907 activity, bustle, ado [n] aktivnost, užurbanost
1666 3914 foolish [aj] lud
1667 3918 attend* [v] prisustvovati
1668 3928 gentle*, mild [aj] nježne, blage
1669 3930 reverse [v] preokrenuti
1670 3932 knee [n] koljeno
1671 3935 cage [n] kavez
1672 3937 Wednesday [cal] srijeda
1673 3942 pour* (cause to flow) [v] točiti
1674 3945 tower [n] toranj, kula
1675 3947 slide*, slip, glide [v] klizati
1676 3949 recent* [aj] nedavni
1677 3953 exit [n] izlaz
1678 3953 exit [v] izađi
1679 3968 basis, foundation (part which supports the rest) [n] osnova, temelj
1680 3971 politics* [n] politiku
1681 3975 pipe* (a hard tube for transporting liquid) [n] cijevi
1682 3975 pipe* (tobacco) [n] lula
1683 3981 budget** [n] proračun
1684 3984 spill* (accidentally emit liquid) [v] prosuti
1685 3988 betray** [v] izdati
1686 3990 arrangement [n] aranžman
1687 3996 fraud [n] prijevara
1688 3998 brush [n] četka
1689 4002 sympathy** [n] simpatija
1690 4003 pill [n] tableta
1691 4007 cliff [n] litica
1692 4013 entrance [n] ulaz
1693 4019 thirteen [num] trinaest
1694 4029 unique [aj] jedinstvena
1695 4037 menu [n] jelovnik
1696 4039 diet** [n] ishrana
1697 4040 corn*, maize (plant/seeds of sp. Zea mays) [n] žita, kukuruza
1698 4045 patch (a piece used to cover/repair a flaw) [n] krpa
1699 4049 description [n] opis
1700 4050 tap [n] slavina
1701 4052 include* [v] obuhvatiti, uključiti
1702 4055 citizen* [n] građanin
1703 4059 pile, heap, stack of things or of a substance [n] hrpa, gomila
1704 4060 metal* [n] kovina
1705 4064 confirm** [v] potvrditi
1706 4065 capital* [n] kapital
1707 4068 toe [n] nožni prst
1708 4070 parade** [n] parada
1709 4073 bow (for arrows) [n] luk
1710 4078 steak (beef) [n] odrezak
1711 4079 status [n] stanje
1712 4082 poem* [n] pjesmu
1713 4096 crystal [n] kristalno
1714 4099 technology* [n] tehnologija
1715 4100 steel* [n] čelika
1716 4101 muscle [n] mišić
1717 4103 dish (any shallow concave container) [n] posuda
1718 4109 kindly [aj] ljubazno
1719 4120 iron* (for clothes) [n] pegla
1720 4120 iron* (metal) [n] željezo
1721 4127 tent [n] šator
1722 4128 swell [v] oteći
1723 4129 noon* [n] podne
1724 4139 fence* (outdoor barrier supported by posts) [n] ograda
1725 4140 dial (circle marked with numbers/symbols) [n] biranje
1726 4148 nuclear** [aj] nuklearan
1727 4150 leather (prepared hide) [n] koža
1728 4151 hostage** [n] talac
1729 4152 hammer [n] čekić
1730 4154 discover* [v] otkriti
1731 4155 constant, invariant, stable [aj] konstantna, invarijantne
1732 4167 gray* {British: grey} [aj] siv
1733 4169 connect** [v] spojiti
1734 4171 needle [n] igla
1735 4173 limit*, boundary [n] ograničenje, granica
1736 4175 intelligent* [aj] inteligentan
1737 4179 tiger (Felis tigris) [n] tigar
1738 4182 recover** [v] se oporaviti
1739 4187 gesture [n] gesta
1740 4202 vehicle* [n] vozila
1741 4205 sheet (bed) [n] plahta
1742 4205 sheet (thin rectangle of paper/cloth/etc.) [n] list
1743 4206 receive* [v] primiti
1744 4213 rabbit (animal of family Leporidae) [n] zec
1745 4219 on behalf of ime
1746 4225 seek, search (for), look for [v] tražiti, pretraživati
1747 4230 hollow [aj] šupalj
1748 4241 personnel [n] osoblje
1749 4247 gear (toothed wheel) [n] opremu
1750 4250 forest* [n] šuma, les
1751 4257 launch** [v] lansirati
1752 4260 extreme** [aj] krajnost
1753 4261 belief [n] vjerovanje
1754 4262 quote, cite [v] citirati
1755 4263 motorcycle [n] motocikl
1756 4265 appeal** [v] apelirati
1757 4269 empire [n] carstvo
1758 4276 grip [n] hvat
1759 4277 bump, protrusion [n] zvonolika, plaženje
1760 4288 complex* [aj] veoma složen
1761 4289 compare* [v] usporediti
1762 4290 cloud* [n] oblak
1763 4291 champion** [n] šampion
1764 4294 treasure** [n] blago
1765 4295 tooth [n] zub
1766 4296 territory* [n] teritorij
1767 4301 inner, internal, interior [aj] unutarnji, interni
1768 4302 earn** [v] zaraditi
1769 4303 compromise* [n] kompromis
1770 4306 temperature* (relative amount of heat present) [n] temperatura
1771 4315 root* (of a plant) [n] korijen
1772 4320 entertainment [n] zabava
1773 4329 lightning* [n] munje
1774 4330 leak** [v] curiti
1775 4338 operate** [v] djelovati
1776 4339 modern** [aj] moderan
1777 4341 June [cal] lipanj
1778 4352 division [n] divizija
1779 4359 powder [n] prah
1780 4361 oxygen [n] kisik
1781 4366 drill [n] bušilica
1782 4368 complain [v] žaliti se
1783 4371 unfortunate [adj] nesretan
1784 4375 plug (electricity) [n] utikač
1785 4375 plug, seal, stopper [n] čep
1786 4376 organization [n] organizacije
1787 4378 oath [n] zakletva
1788 4380 mutual, reciprocal [aj] uzajamna, recipročan
1789 4381 hockey [n] hokej
1790 4388 horn (bone-like growth from animal's head) [n] rog
1791 4388 horn (makes noise when blown) [n] truba
1792 4390 extraordinary** [aj] izvanredan
1793 4392 appearance [n] izgled
1794 4394 abuse** [n] zloupotreba
1795 4401 plot** [v] se urotiti
1796 4403 burst* [v] eksplodirati
1797 4407 experiment* [n] eksperiment
1798 4409 dive** [v] uroniti
1799 4416 independent* [aj] neovisna
1800 4418 environment*, surroundings, context [n] prirodna okolina
1801 4421 spider, arachnid [n] pauk
1802 4428 sweep [v] mesti
1803 4444 rubber* [n] guma
1804 4459 bend [n] zavoj
1805 4468 existence [n] postojanje
1806 4477 chin [n] brada
1807 4484 border** [n] granica
1808 4488 shine* (radiate light) [v] svijetliti
1809 4489 rug, mat [n] tepih
1810 4490 identify** [v] identificirati
1811 4497 similar* [aj] sličan
1812 4505 contrary [aj] suprotno
1813 4512 sack, bag [n] najuriti, torba
1814 4519 bent [aj] veoma sklon
1815 4519 bent [v] upokoriti
1816 4520 approval [n] odobrenje
1817 4521 practical [aj] praktične
1818 4526 involve** [v] uključiti
1819 4527 industry* [n] industrija
1820 4528 fuel* [n] goriva
1821 4531 cotton* (plant/fibers of genus Gossypium) [n] pamuk
1822 4538 editor [n] urednik
1823 4539 dull, blunt (of little sharpness) [aj] dosadno, tup
1824 4544 peanut (plant/seed/pod of sp. Arachis hypogaea) [n] kikiriki
1825 4547 grass* (monocotyledonous plant of family Gramineae) [n] trava
1826 4549 deaf* [aj] gluh
1827 4554 July [cal] srpanj
1828 4555 jealousy, envy [n] zavist
1829 4560 volunteer** [n] volonter
1830 4561 sword [n] mač
1831 4563 satellite* [n] satelit
1832 4572 accuse* [v] optužiti
1833 4579 helicopter** [n] helikopter
1834 4601 symbol, sign, token [n] simbol, znak
1835 4602 prevent* (keep from happening) [v] kako bi se spriječilo
1836 4606 flow* (travel in a current) [v] teći
1837 4613 rape** [v] silovati
1838 4614 Lo!, Here you are! Evo!
1839 4621 belly [n] trbuh
1840 4631 cooperate*, collaborate [v] surađivati
1841 4636 struggle** [v] se boriti
1842 4640 reservation [n] rezervacija
1843 4641 fort [n] utvrđenje
1844 4658 profit*, gain* [n] dobitak
1845 4665 ginger (plant/rhizome of genus Zingiber) [n] đumbir
1846 4669 pan (broad shallow cooking dish) [n] tava
1847 4672 nation*, state (political entity) [n] nacije, države
1848 4688 explode* [v] eksplodirati
1849 4689 chemistry** [n] kemija
1850 4697 depend* on, rely on [v] ovisiti o, osloniti na
1851 4701 conscious, aware [aj] svjesni, svjestan
1852 4704 ally* [n] kliker
1853 4712 potato (plant/tuber of sp. Solanum tuberosum) [n] krumpir
1854 4719 announce*, proclaim [v] objaviti, proglasiti
1855 4734 document* [n] dokument
1856 4737 swallow* [v] progutati
1857 4738 slave* [n] rob
1858 4739 reveal, disclose [v] otkriti, otkrivati
1859 4740 religious (concerning religion) [aj] vjerski
1860 4740 religious (person) [aj] pobožan
1861 4743 kidnap** [v] kidnapirati
1862 4749 statue** [n] kip
1863 4761 blade [n] oštrica
1864 4766 produce* [v] proizvoditi
1865 4769 lamp [n] svjetiljka
1866 4783 delicate [aj] delikatan
1867 4789 eager [aj] revnostan
1868 4802 stab*, jab [v] ubosti
1869 4806 loop, circuit, closed curve [n] petlji, sklop
1870 4808 generation** [n] generacija
1871 4810 envelope (folded paper covering a letter) [n] omotnica
1872 4822 photograph [n] fotografije
1873 4838 guitar (stringed instrument played with the fingers) [n] gitara
1874 4839 frog (web-footed tailless leaping amphibian) [n] žaba
1875 4840 cabinet** [n] kabinet
1876 4845 scale (device to measure weight) [n] mjerilo
1877 4846 privilege [n] privilegija
1878 4847 pencil, crayon (writing tool that uses semi-solid substance) [n] olovka, krejon
1879 4851 kidney [n] bubreg
1880 4856 associate [n] suradnik
1881 4862 oven [n] pećnica
1882 4864 mill (place where raw materials are processed) [n] mlin
1883 4865 journal [n] časopis
1884 4867 delay* [n] zakašnjenje
1885 4867 delay*, retard, tarry, postpone* [v] odgoditi
1886 4870 purple [aj] ljubičast
1887 4871 nest, den, lair (an animal's self-made house) [n] gnijezdu
1888 4877 electric [aj] električni
1889 4879 culture* (the customs and beliefs of a people) [n] kultura
1890 4882 breast, mammary [n] prsa
1891 4890 conflict** [n] sukob
1892 4896 steam* [n] para
1893 4898 pole, stick (long bar) [n] kolac, palica
1894 4900 collar [n] klasi
1895 4906 resources [n] resursi
1896 4925 measure* [n] mjera
1897 4925 measure* [v] mjeriti
1898 4935 whistle [n] zviždaljka
1899 4935 whistle [v] zviždati
1900 4940 penis [n] penis
1901 4942 link* [n] veza
1902 4952 topic [n] tema
1903 4954 riot* [n] pobune
1904 4959 hostile* [aj] neprijateljski
1905 4970 goods* [n] roba
1906 4976 skirt, kilt, dress (any torso-garment open at the bottom) [n] skut, kilt
1907 4977 shave [v] brijati se
1908 4990 advise** [v] savjetovati
1909 5002 fortunately [av] nasreću
1910 5008 active [aj] aktivnih
1911 5011 ski [n] skijaške
1912 5016 movement** [n] kretanje
1913 5018 individual* (one considered separately from one's species) [n] pojedinca
1914 5021 examine*, inspect* [v] ispitati, pregledati
1915 5025 bribe [n] mito
1916 5027 task, chore, job, assignment [n] zadatak, posao
1917 5028 species [n] vrsta
1918 5029 sail* [n] plovidbe
1919 5029 sail* [v] ploviti
1920 5032 rash [n] osip
1921 5039 fragile, delicate [aj] krhak, nježan
1922 5054 suitcase [n] kofer
1923 5058 rod [n] štap
1924 5059 payment (by, to) [n] uplata, isplata
1925 5061 motor, engine [n] motora
1926 5072 wrist [n] ručni zglob
1927 5074 tube** [n] cijev
1928 5076 silk [n] svili
1929 5077 pump* [n] pumpa
1930 5078 pale [v] poblijedeti
1931 5085 boot [n] visoka cipela
1932 5089 thumb [n] palac
1933 5101 lion (Felis leo) [n] lav
1934 5109 ankle [n] gležanj
1935 5123 register** [v] bilježiti
1936 5131 communication (exchange of information) [n] komunikaciju
1937 5133 bucket, pail [n] kanta
1938 5144 recipe [n] recept
1939 5157 passport** [n] putovnica
1940 5164 display [n] prikaz
1941 5177 destruction [n] uništenje
1942 5182 banana (plant/fruit of genus Musa) [n] banani
1943 5183 August [cal] kolovoz
1944 5192 logic (formalized process of reasoning) [n] logike
1945 5197 equal* [aj] jednaki
1946 5201 ritual, rite, ceremony [n] obred
1947 5208 ham [n] šunka
1948 5211 error [n] pogreška
1949 5219 sock, hose, stocking [n] čarapa
1950 5221 reed [n] trska
1951 5225 fork (instrument with >=2 prongs for picking up something) [n] viljuška
1952 5238 palm (of hand) [n] dlan
1953 5239 ladder [n] ljestve
1954 5251 shallow (of little depth) [aj] plitko
1955 5261 ceiling [n] strop
1956 5264 verdict [n] presuda
1957 5266 jar, jug (big wide-mouthed bottle) [n] staklenka
1958 5269 factory* [n] tvornice
1959 5270 aim* (to point/direct X toward Y) [v] ciljati
1960 5282 bleed** [v] krvariti
1961 5294 chart [n] grafikona
1962 5294 chart, diagram [n] dijagram
1963 5296 airplane*, aircraft [n] avion, zrakoplov
1964 5306 harmless [aj] bezopasan
1965 5308 fold [n] savijutak
1966 5308 fold [v] preklopiti
1967 5311 convention** [n] konvencija
1968 5312 communicate** [v] komunicirati
1969 5314 attraction [n] atrakcija
1970 5327 development [n] razvoj
1971 5328 develop** [v] se razviti
1972 5332 congratulate** [v] čestitati
1973 5333 April [cal] travanj
1974 5337 severe** [aj] žestok
1975 5338 rack (framework of bars for storage) [n] stalak
1976 5339 puzzle [n] zagonetka
1977 5346 bounce, rebound [v] odskočiti
1978 5352 repair*, fix*, amend* [v] popraviti, fiksirati
1979 5357 headquarters** [n] stožeri
1980 5363 troops** [n] trupe
1981 5373 cough [v] kašaljati
1982 5385 drown* (die/kill via immersion) [v] utopiti se
1983 5387 chemical (substance made by or used in chemistry) [n] kemijske
1984 5387 chemical [n] kemijski
1985 5388 branch (small part going out from main part) [n] grane
1986 5400 drain (device that removes unwanted liquid) [n] slivnik
1987 5400 drain [v] izjaloviti se
1988 5410 somewhat [av] donekle
1989 5422 beard [n] bradi
1990 5423 album** [n] album
1991 5429 succeed* [v] uspjeti
1992 5430 stir, agitate [v] promiješati da, uzburkati
1993 5443 shell* [n] ljuske
1994 5449 locate [v] locirati
1995 5462 sheep* (Ovis aries) [n] ovca
1996 5481 stiff, rigid [aj] krut, strog
1997 5483 shield (a protective implement) [n] štit
1998 5485 rice* (plant/seed of sp. Oryza sativa) [n] riža
1999 5489 reference [n] preporuka
2000 5495 fog* [n] magla
2001 5496 fireworks** [n] vatromet
2002 5498 crown [n] vijenac
2003 5500 brass (copper-zinc alloy) [n] mjed
2004 5507 religion* [n] vjera
2005 5511 investigate** [v] istraživati
2006 5513 explore** [v] istraživati
2007 5514 emotion** [n] emocija
2008 5515 dragon (winged serpent with crested head and large claws) [n] zmaj
2009 5523 acid, acidic [aj] kiselinski
2010 5536 ethics [n] etika
2011 5544 protest*, objection [n] prosvjed
2012 5550 chairman* [n] predsjednik
2013 5557 sailor** [n] mornar
2014 5559 receipt [n] primitka
2015 5566 goat (animal of genus Capra) [n] jarac
2016 5567 exclusive [aj] isključivi
2017 5569 define** [v] definirati
2018 5570 defeat** [v] poraziti
2019 5571 cheek (side of face below eye) [n] obraz
2020 5579 shorts, trunks (trousers extending no lower than knees) [n] kratke hlače
2021 5593 barrel, cask [n] cijev, bačva
2022 5599 rear, back part of [n] stražnji
2023 5608 lazy [aj] lijen
2024 5612 candidate** [n] kandidat
2025 5613 brick (hard clay block) [n] opeku
2026 5633 mattress [n] madrac
2027 5636 lobster [n] jastog
2028 5638 label [n] oznake
2029 5640 glove [n] rukavica
2030 5643 disappointment [n] razočaranje
2031 5650 spoon [n] žlica
2032 5652 satisfaction [n] zadovoljstvo
2033 5657 navy* [n] mornarica
2034 5661 elephant [n] slon
2035 5668 worm [n] crv
2036 5672 polish (substance) [n] ulaštenost
2037 5672 Polish [aj] Poljski
2038 5672 polish, radiance [n] sjaj
2039 5679 compete*, strive, vie [v] natjecati
2040 5681 bush, shrub [n] grmu, šiblje
2041 5682 balloon* [n] balon
2042 5692 depression** [n] depresija
2043 5695 consciousness [n] svijest
2044 5698 innocence [n] nevinost
2045 5699 indicate [v] ukazati
2046 5704 forehead [n] čela
2047 5715 pry {British: prize} (raise/open/move with a lever) [v] razvaliti
2048 5718 narrow*, of little width (of space between objects) [aj] uzak
2049 5721 inform** [v] informirati
2050 5742 permit* [n] dozvole
2051 5742 permit*, allow, let [v] dopustiti, dozvoliti
2052 5768 electricity* [n] struja
2053 5769 electrical [aj] elektro
2054 5772 cart, carriage, wagon (wheeled vehicle; not self-propelled) [n] kola, kolica
2055 5773 broadcast** [v] emitirati
2056 5781 glue [n] ljepilo
2057 5783 deer (animal of family Cervidae) [n] jelene
2058 5805 pepper (black -- plant/seed of sp. Piper nigrum) [n] papar
2059 5805 pepper (hot/sweet/bell pepper -- plant/pod of genus Capsicum) [n] paprika
2060 5806 observation [n] promatranje
2061 5811 flame [n] plamen
2062 5835 melt* [v] rastopiti
2063 5859 esteem [n] poštovanje
2064 5864 undo, untie [v] odvezati
2065 5877 chess [n] šah
2066 5885 reminder [n] podsjetnik
2067 5896 bake (cook or harden by means of dry heat) [v] peći
2068 5917 structure* [n] struktura
2069 5918 rot, decay [v] trunuti, truleti
2070 5921 pearl [n] biser
2071 5932 absence [n] odsutnost
2072 5936 thus [av] stoga
2073 5942 mint (plant of family Labiatae) [n] metvica
2074 5948 fortunate [aj] sretan
2075 5951 curtain [n] zavjesa
2076 5954 addition [n] dodatak
2077 5957 transport* [n] prijevoz
2078 5958 technical** [aj] tehnički
2079 5962 prior, preceding, previous, contra-next [aj] prije, prethodi
2080 5966 liquid* [n] tekućina
2081 5993 height (distance from ground / baseline to top) [n] visina
2082 6003 wax [n] vosak
2083 6014 declare** [v] biti pristan uz
2084 6018 substitute*, surrogate (temporary replacement) [n] zamjena, zamjenska
2085 6021 limb [n] ud
2086 6022 leaf [n] list
2087 6026 growth [n] rasta
2088 6036 bee (member of genus Apis) [n] pčela
2089 6044 terror** [n] strava
2090 6047 negotiate** [v] pregovarati
2091 6051 majority* [n] većina
2092 6053 length (distance from one end to the other) [n] dužina
2093 6056 element (substance of irreducible simplicity) [n] element
2094 6063 sponge (real/synthetic corpse of animal of phylum Porifera) [n] spužva
2095 6079 capture* [n] zauzimanja
2096 6079 capture*, seize* [v] uhvatiti, ugrabiti
2097 6091 lend* [v] pružiti
2098 6101 weigh* [v] vagati
2099 6108 rocket* [n] raketni
2100 6145 fist [n] pesnica
2101 6146 cycle (one complete performance of a periodic process) [n] ciklus
2102 6158 increase* (become or make greater in quantity) [v] porasti
2103 6191 impulse [n] impuls
2104 6207 offensive** [n] ofenziva
2105 6232 vegetable* [n] povrće
2106 6234 tray (shallow rectangular dish) [n] ladicu
2107 6237 sticky [aj] priljepljiv
2108 6251 gladly [av] rado
2109 6291 atmosphere** [n] atmosfera
2110 6310 cape [n] rt
2111 6313 acknowledge [v] potvrditi
2112 6319 reliable [aj] pouzdan
2113 6321 penalty [n] kazna
2114 6327 importance [n] važnost
2115 6345 separation [n] odvajanje
2116 6352 method*, manner, way (of doing), technique [n] metode, način
2117 6354 helmet [n] i kacigu
2118 6367 triangle [n] trokut
2119 6369 shelf [n] polica
2120 6377 November [cal] studeni
2121 6381 humble, modest [aj] skromni
2122 6382 greedy [aj] pohlepan
2123 6386 thorough [aj] temeljit
2124 6387 spine, backbone [n] kralježnice, kralježnica
2125 6391 railroad* [n] željezničkim
2126 6409 urge** [v] požurivati
2127 6410 thunder [n] grom
2128 6415 scissors [n] škare
2129 6419 porter [n] vratar, nosač
2130 6428 ink [n] tinta
2131 6431 hail [n] tuče
2132 6435 establish** [v] utemeljiti
2133 6440 compound [n] spoj
2134 6452 jaw [n] čeljust
2135 6459 discovery [n] otkriće
2136 6461 carriage [n] kolica
2137 6465 ambassador* [n] veleposlanik
2138 6474 reject*, refuse (contra-accept) [v] odbaciti, odbiti
2139 6483 float* [v] plutati
2140 6495 population** [n] populacija
2141 6497 olive (tree/fruit of sp. Olea europaea) [n] maslina
2142 6522 praise*, compliment, laud [v] učiniti kompliment
2143 6546 worship [v] moliti se
2144 6570 enthusiasm, zeal [n] entuzijazmu, ljubomora
2145 6582 outer, exterior, external [aj] vanjski, eksterijera
2146 6587 concrete [n] beton
2147 6591 carrot (plant/root of sp. Daucus carota sativus) [n] mrkva
2148 6597 volume (sound) [n] ton
2149 6600 September [cal] rujan
2150 6601 sabotage** [v] sabotirati
2151 6603 pea (plant/seed of sp. Pisum sativum) [n] grašak
2152 6613 January [cal] siječanj
2153 6617 civilization [n] civilizaciji
2154 6637 improve** [v] poboljšati
2155 6644 cellar, basement [n] podrum, suteren
2156 6649 tomato (plant/berry of genus Lycopersicon) [n] rajčica
2157 6650 substance* [n] tvar
2158 6652 sour [aj] kiselo
2159 6654 Senate** [n] Senat
2160 6656 native* (naturally belonging to a given realm) [aj] urođem
2161 6662 fiction [n] fikcija
2162 6667 civilian** [aj] civil
2163 6678 speaker [n] zvučnik
2164 6681 seed* [n] sjeme
2165 6683 relations** [n] odnosi
2166 6692 knot [n] čvor
2167 6698 coin [n] kovanica
2168 6702 administration** [n] administracija
2169 6712 swamp, marsh [n] močvara, bara
2170 6720 October [cal] listopad
2171 6742 raid** [v] iznenada napasti
2172 6746 income [n] dohodak
2173 6754 constitution* (charter of an organization) [n] ustav
2174 6763 wander [v] odlunjati
2175 6768 retire** [v] povući
2176 6776 discount [n] popust
2177 6788 terrorist** [n] terorist
2178 6802 garlic (herb of sp. Allium sativum) [n] češnjak
2179 6805 cord, cable (thicker than wire) [n] kabel
2180 6814 squash, melon (plant/fruit of genus Cucurbita grown for edible fruit) [n] voćni sok, dinja
2181 6817 profession** [n] zanimanje
2182 6822 observe* [v] promatrati
2183 6824 lung [n] pluća
2184 6831 economy** [n] ekonomija
2185 6851 realistic** [aj] realističan
2186 6853 predict** [v] predviđati
2187 6857 lid [n] kapak
2188 6861 hourglass [n] pješčani sat
2189 6880 rhythm [n] ritam
2190 6881 replacement (permanent substitute/substitution) [n] zamjena
2191 6905 consent [n] suglasnost
2192 6908 broom [n] metlu
2193 6909 biology** [n] biologija
2194 6915 tobacco (plant/leaves of sp. Nicotiana tabacum) [n] duhan
2195 6916 tin (the metal) [n] kositra
2196 6930 colleague [n] kolega
2197 6942 truce** [n] primirje
2198 6960 heel [n] peta
2199 6975 sausage [n] kobasica
2200 6978 pasta, noodles [n] tjestenina, rezanci
2201 6988 bean (lima/snap/etc.: plant/seed of genus Phaseolus or similar) [n] grah
2202 6990 batch (quantity of things done/produced at one time) [n] gomila
2203 7007 mole [n] krtica
2204 7011 jelly (gelatinous semi-solid material), gel [n] gel
2205 7042 passenger** [n] putnik
2206 7079 depth (distance from ground / baseline down to bottom) [n] dubina
2207 7089 vessel [n] posuda
2208 7094 smash* [v] razmrskati
2209 7098 physics** [n] fizika
2210 7129 rainbow [n] duga
2211 7131 literature** [n] literatura
2212 7135 grasp [v] shvatiti
2213 7136 fluid** [n] tekućina
2214 7168 fireplace, hearth [n] kamin
2215 7170 embarrassment [n] zabuna
2216 7172 drum (hollow musical instrument beaten with sticks or hands) [n] bubanj
2217 7180 tide [n] plima, oseka
2218 7193 mustard (plant of sp. Brassica hirta / B. nigra / B. juncea) [n] senf
2219 7208 wheat* (plant/seed of sp. Triticum aestivum) [n] pšenice
2220 7229 iris (of eye) [n] iris
2221 7238 earthquake* [n] potresa
2222 7239 drift, wander [v] odlunjati
2223 7242 confirmation [n] potvrda
2224 7252 stem [n] deblo
2225 7263 February [cal] veljača
2226 7264 embassy** [n] veleposlanstvo
2227 7268 December [cal] prosinac
2228 7269 confuse [v] zbrkati
2229 7272 chalk [n] kredu
2230 7274 breed [n] pasmine
2231 7284 satisfy* [v] zadovoljiti
2232 7296 category, classification [n] kategoriju, klasifikacija
2233 7299 blend [n] mješavina
2234 7311 hunger** [n] glad
2235 7314 greet [v] pozdaraviti
2236 7324 caution, prudence, carefulness [n] oprez, razboritost
2237 7327 bicycle [n] bicikl
2238 7331 whale (large marine mammal of order Cetacea) [n] izvrstan primjer
2239 7332 tribe** [n] pleme
2240 7337 radiation** [n] radijacija
2241 7345 missile* [n] projektil
2242 7358 disk, disc [n] disk
2243 7374 surgical [aj] kirurško
2244 7388 frighten* [v] prestrašiti
2245 7393 cease, stop doing, quit [v] prestati, zaustaviti radiš
2246 7435 bark (of a tree) [n] kora
2247 7436 alternate [n] naizmjeničnim
2248 7436 alternate, take turns (do X then Y then X then Y) [v] izmjenivati
2249 7442 stove* [n] pećnica
2250 7448 relevant [aj] relevantnim
2251 7459 invest* [v] uložiti
2252 7463 difficulty [n] teškoća
2253 7477 superstition [n] praznovjerje
2254 7499 gap [n] otvor
2255 7509 brake [n] kočionu
2256 7526 organ (of body) [n] orgulja
2257 7558 shovel [n] lopata
2258 7560 resistance [n] otpor
2259 7570 instrument* [n] instrument
2260 7571 historical [aj] povijesnih
2261 7576 comparison [n] usporedba
2262 7581 blunt [aj] tup
2263 7596 resolution** [n] odluka
2264 7612 dismiss** [v] otpustiti
2265 7630 thread, filament [n] konac
2266 7658 democracy** [n] demokracija
2267 7677 razor [n] brijač
2268 7680 persuade** [v] nagovoriti
2269 7697 extent [n] meri
2270 7703 corridor [n] koridor
2271 7708 boil* [v] kipjeti
2272 7714 veil [n] veo
2273 7726 oak (tree of genus Quercus) [n] hrast
2274 7740 curve [n] krivulje
2275 7740 curve [v] kriviti
2276 7742 cone [n] konusa
2277 7764 parallel [aj] paralelno
2278 7766 orbit** [v] kružiti
2279 7774 feather [n] pero
2280 7778 donate** [v] donirati
2281 7787 ammunition** [n] streljivo
2282 7802 possess** [v] posjedovati
2283 7807 merchandise, goods, wares [n] roba
2284 7808 membership [n] članstvo
2285 7823 attract [v] privući
2286 7824 arrow (sharp-tipped shaft shot from a bow) [n] strelica
2287 7832 resignation [n] ostavka
2288 7837 pod (seed pod) [n] komuška
2289 7846 gravity [n] gravitacija
2290 7863 resign* [v] napustiti
2291 7904 sequence, order (temporal arrangement of events in a series) [n] slijed, red
2292 7930 curfew** [n] večernje zvono
2293 7937 wealth** [n] bogatstvo
2294 7940 turtle (reptile of order Testudinata) [n] kornjača
2295 7943 starve** [v] izgladnjeti
2296 7948 rebel* [n] pobunjenik
2297 7972 detect [v] otkriti
2298 7984 vacuum [n] vakuumu
2299 7985 urine [n] mokraći
2300 8002 mat [n] otirač
2301 8006 flaw, defect, imperfection [n] pukotina, kvar
2302 8007 flavor, taste [n] okus
2303 8009 discharge [n] istjecanje
2304 8015 cannon [n] topove
2305 8019 automatic [aj] automatsko
2306 8053 hopeful [aj] nadobudan
2307 8062 delight [n] naslada
2308 8068 comb [n] češlj
2309 8079 translate [v] prevesti
2310 8084 slime [n] glib
2311 8098 interior [n] interijer
2312 8099 imaginary [aj] imaginaran
2313 8106 ethical [aj] etički
2314 8107 equip [v] opremiti
2315 8110 elbow [n] lakat
2316 8111 customs* [n] carinarnica
2317 8115 consistent [aj] dosljedan
2318 8116 collapse** [v] se srušiti
2319 8117 cloth*, fabric (material made of threads) [n] tkaninu, tkanina
2320 8128 ant (insect of family Formicidae) [n] mrav
2321 8135 tempt [v] iskušati
2322 8140 shade [n] hlad
2323 8165 contain* [v] sadržavati
2324 8171 assembly [n] montaža
2325 8174 adjustment [n] usklađenje
2326 8179 umbrella [n] okriljem
2327 8187 reform** [v] reformirati
2328 8193 onion (plant/bulb of sp. Allium sepa) [n] luk
2329 8198 graveyard shift, middle of the night (midnight to dawn) [n] groblju pomak, usred noći
2330 8206 cement [n] cement
2331 8227 region, area* (a quantity of space within boundaries) [n] regije, površina
2332 8234 layer [n] sloju
2333 8240 flood*, deluge [n] potopa, potop
2334 8265 selection [n] izbor
2335 8270 primitive [aj] primitivni
2336 8271 platform [n] platforma
2337 8273 partial [aj] djelomična
2338 8291 fiber [n] optičko vlakno
2339 8294 execute** [v] izvršiti
2340 8298 dispute* [n] spor
2341 8315 tendency, propensity, inclination [n] sklonost
2342 8316 syringe [n] štrcaljka
2343 8346 harvest*, reap [v] žetve, žeti
2344 8349 foam, froth [n] pjena, pjeniti se
2345 8352 divide* [v] dijeliti
2346 8360 utter [aj] apsolutan
2347 8363 strap [n] remen
2348 8393 dwell [v] stanovati
2349 8397 dent, nick, indentation [n] utiskivati
2350 8425 obey* [v] pridržavati se
2351 8426 neutral* [aj] neutralna
2352 8428 lump, clod, blob, piece of no particular shape [n] gruda, grumen
2353 8440 donkey, ass (Equus asinus) [n] magarca, magarac
2354 8457 waist [n] struka
2355 8460 transportation** [n] transport
2356 8478 halt** [v] zastati
2357 8480 engineer** [n] inženjer
2358 8492 bundle, bunch (group of things tied or grouped together) [n] snop, svežanj
2359 8497 wrench (British: spanner) [n] odvrtanje
2360 8498 vomit [v] povraćati, bljuvati
2361 8522 liberal** [aj] liberal
2362 8546 squat [v] čučati
2363 8548 spice, seasoning [n] začin
2364 8559 preserve, maintain (keep X in good condition) [v] čuvati
2365 8562 pause, hesitate, suspend action temporarily [v] oklijevati
2366 8572 insect* [n] kukac
2367 8593 weep [v] plakati
2368 8607 poverty** [n] siromaštvo
2369 8621 frequency (degree of oftenness or seldomness) [n] učestalost
2370 8628 copper [n] bakreni
2371 8649 swelling, inflation* [n] oteklina, inflacija
2372 8688 wrestle [v] rvati se
2373 8710 grape (plant/fruit of genus Vitis) [n] grožđa
2374 8713 flexible (easily able to bend) [aj] fleksibilna
2375 8719 demonstrate** [v] demonstrirati
2376 8730 ale [n] pivo
2377 8737 sufficient [aj] dovoljan
2378 8750 participate [v] sudjelovati
2379 8752 organize* (bring X's together to perform a task) [v] organizirati
2380 8760 laboratory** [n] laboratorij
2381 8764 ignorant [aj] neuk
2382 8804 linen (material) [n] laneno platno
2383 8804 linen (sheets etc.) [n] posteljina
2384 8813 grind* [v] mljeti
2385 8818 estimate** [v] procijeniti
2386 8836 axe [n] sjekira
2387 8845 volcano* [n] vulkan
2388 8947 enthusiastic [aj] oduševljen
2389 8954 conquer [v] osvojiti
2390 9035 engineering [n] inženjerstvo
2391 9048 asylum** [n] utočište
2392 9054 wedge [n] zaglaviti se
2393 9089 lettuce (plant/leaves of genus Lactuca) [n] salata
2394 9108 dam** [n] brana
2395 9114 chemicals** [n] kemikalije
2396 9132 suitable, proper, fit(ting), appropriate [aj] pogodna, pravilan
2397 9133 stalk [n] stabljika
2398 9135 specimen [n] uzorak
2399 9171 criticism [n] kritika
2400 9196 retrieve, fetch (go to X and bring it back) [v] donijeti
2401 9211 mechanical [aj] mehanički
2402 9234 carbon [n] ugljika
2403 9235 butterfly [n] leptir
2404 9241 visible [aj] vidljiv
2405 9246 universal [aj] univerzalni
2406 9277 magnet [n] magnet
2407 9288 explosive [n] eksplozivnom
2408 9298 bulb [n] žarulja
2409 9312 verse [n] stih
2410 9316 trim, prune (cut off ragged edges) [v] nakresati
2411 9319 stitch [v] prošivati
2412 9322 sphere [n] sfere
2413 9388 apron [n] pregača
2414 9418 publish* [v] objaviti
2415 9438 grain*(s), cereal crop(s) and their seed(s) [n] žito
2416 9468 seizure [n] zapljena
2417 9488 invent* (plan something which has never been made before) [v] izumiti
2418 9495 expand*, grow [v] proširiti
2419 9497 dictionary [n] rječnik
2420 9508 canal, channel, ditch [n] kanala, kanal
2421 9521 withdraw** [v] povući
2422 9547 oval, ellipse [n] ovalno, elipsa
2423 9568 frequent [aj] čest
2424 9572 dislike [n] nenaklonost
2425 9619 mourn** [v] tugovati
2426 9667 absent [aj] odsutna
2427 9675 transparent [aj] transparentan
2428 9727 educational [aj] obrazovnim
2429 9733 destination [n] odredište
2430 9734 dense (of much density), concentrated, thick, intense [aj] guste
2431 9737 continent* [n] kontinent
2432 9755 vein, blood vessel [n] vena
2433 9778 negotiations [n] pregovori
2434 9835 rumour [n] čakule
2435 9858 lizard [n] gušter
2436 9906 visa** [n] viza
2437 10009 lens [n] leća
2438 10016 invade** [v] napasti
2439 10029 dispose of [v] raspolagati
2440 10047 amusement [n] luna
2441 10066 sew [v] šiti
2442 10097 heap [n] kamara
2443 10106 disgust [n] gađenje
2444 10140 valve (flow-controller) [n] ventil
2445 10177 minority* [n] manjine
2446 10194 fierce** [aj] divlji
2447 10208 colony* [n] kolonija
2448 10260 impose [v] nametnuti
2449 10280 defence [n] obranu
2450 10284 criticize* [v] kritikovati
2451 10285 corruption** [n] korupcija
2452 10300 artificial (deliberately made by humans) [aj] umjetne
2453 10303 achievement [n] dostignuće
2454 10305 whim, caprice [n] ćef, hir
2455 10309 veto** [v] staviti veto
2456 10316 squirrel (rodent of family Sciuridae) [n] vjeverica
2457 10321 sage, savant [n] mudrac, savant
2458 10324 representation [n] reprezentacije
2459 10334 ox [n] vol
2460 10338 offence [n] prekršaj
2461 10349 manifest [v] ispoljiti
2462 10357 jewel*, gem [n] dragi kamen, dragulj
2463 10391 vagina [n] vagina
2464 10395 tidy [aj] uredan
2465 10407 rail (usually horizontal bar for restraining/supporting things) [n] željezničke
2466 10408 prototype, exemplar, archetype, model* (for all Xs) [n] prototip, primjerak
2467 10451 cork (tree/elastic tissue of sp. Quercus suber) [n] pluta
2468 10465 amaze [v] zadiviti
2469 10469 wool [n] vuna
2470 10470 vocabulary (sum of words available to a person/people) [n] vokabular
2471 10482 revelation, mystical vision [n] objavi, mistična vizija
2472 10495 opposition [n] opozicija
2473 10521 heed [n] obzir
2474 10526 groove [v] žlijebiti
2475 10550 bladder [n] mjehur
2476 10575 submarine** [n] podmornica
2477 10594 probable (likely to happen/be) [aj] vjerojatno
2478 10617 jade (the tough green gemstone) [n] nefrit
2479 10637 coal* [n] ugljena
2480 10697 flee* [v] pobjeći
2481 10709 conservative** [n] konzervativac
2482 10721 boiling [aj] uzavreo
2483 10772 mist [n] magla
2484 10808 deceive [v] varati
2485 10835 treaty** [n] ugovor
2486 10841 surround** [v] okružiti
2487 10867 obstacle [n] prepreka
2488 10897 filter [n] filter
2489 10910 distribution [n] distribucija
2490 10937 absorb [v] apsorbirati
2491 10952 spiral, whorl [n] spirala
2492 10956 sneeze [n] kihanje
2493 10956 sneeze [v] kihnuti
2494 10973 paddle, oar (stick with broad end) [n] veslo
2495 10985 kettle [n] čajnik
2496 10991 inquiry [n] upit
2497 11028 ban** [v] zabraniti
2498 11042 vaccine** [n] cjepivo
2499 11087 microscope* [n] mikroskop
2500 11102 inject** [v] ubaciti
2501 11125 container* [n] kontejner
2502 11130 cavity [n] šupljina
2503 11133 canvas [n] platnu
2504 11139 barrier*, obstacle [n] barijera, prepreka
2505 11180 parachute** [n] padobran
2506 11210 employ* [v] zaposliti
2507 11230 chimney [n] dimnjak
2508 11241 arise [v] nastati
2509 11452 arch [n] slavoluk
2510 11528 excess [n] višak
2511 11551 circumstance [n] okolnost
2512 11557 berry (small pulpy fruit) [n] bobica
2513 11600 select [v] odabrati
2514 11608 refund [n] povrat novca
2515 11627 offspring [n] potomstvo
2516 11630 multiply [v] množiti
2517 11632 mineral*, ore [n] mineralnih, rude
2518 11659 dome (anything shaped like an upside-down bowl) [n] kupolu
2519 11670 creed [n] vjerovanje
2520 11673 conventional [aj] konvencionalnog
2521 11674 condemn** [v] osuditi
2522 11677 combine** [v] kombinirati
2523 11694 zipper [n] šlic
2524 11704 telescope* [n] teleskop
2525 11708 stumble [v] posrnuti
2526 11759 knob [n] dugme
2527 11765 irregular, sporadic, intermittent [aj] nepravilni, sporadično
2528 11787 cushion [n] jastuk
2529 11803 abroad [n] u inozemstvu
2530 11814 violate** [v] prekršiti
2531 11886 friction [n] trenje
2532 11915 artillery** [n] topništvo
2533 11918 aggression** [n] agresija
2534 11937 supervise** [v] nadzirati
2535 11943 steep [aj] strm
2536 11946 sodium [n] natrij
2537 11958 relation [n] odnosu
2538 11971 mushroom (a complex aerial fleshy fruiting body of a fungus) [n] gljiva
2539 12006 flour (grain-powder) [n] brašno
2540 12032 cockroach (insect of order Blattaria) [n] žohar
2541 12033 climate** [n] klima
2542 12037 camel [n] deva
2543 12046 astronaut** [n] astronaut
2544 12056 weave [v] tkati
2545 12091 plum (certain trees/fruits of genus Prunus) [n] šljiva
2546 12202 rival [n] rival
2547 12207 reasoning, rational thought [n] rasuđivanje, racionalno razmišljanje
2548 12212 pyramid [n] piramidu
2549 12239 invention [n] izum
2550 12291 accustomed [aj] navikao
2551 12296 wrinkle, crease [n] borica, mrštiti se
2552 12299 wages** [n] plaće
2553 12322 tar (dark viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation) [n] tar
2554 12340 rust, corrosion [n] hrđa, korozija
2555 12357 pedal [n] pedala
2556 12374 magnetic [aj] magnetski
2557 12420 collision [n] sudara
2558 12481 paste (any thick soft dough-like material) [n] zalijepiti na
2559 12489 mosquito [n] komarac
2560 12496 manufacture* [n] proizvodnje
2561 12520 fasten [v] pričvrstiti
2562 12531 crops** [n] usjevi
2563 12536 coalition** [n] koalicija
2564 12567 unite* [v] ujediniti
2565 12572 trousers [n] hlače
2566 12578 sway [v] lelujati
2567 12670 cupboard [n] ormar
2568 12701 attach** [v] pričvrstiti
2569 12720 tornado [n] tornado
2570 12728 spouse [n] supružnik
2571 12735 skeleton* [n] kostur
2572 12760 pest [n] štetočina
2573 12770 odor [n] miris
2574 12778 monopoly [n] monopol
2575 12827 deceitful [aj] podmuklije
2576 12846 boiled [aj] obaren
2577 12874 tile [n] crijep
2578 12896 reptile [n] gmaz
2579 12914 militia** [n] građanska vojska
2580 12933 import** [v] uvoziti
2581 12963 edit [v] urediti
2582 12979 concede [v] složiti se
2583 13011 treason** [n] izdaja
2584 13075 meadow [n] livada
2585 13076 mathematics** [n] matematika
2586 13091 intentional [aj] namjeran
2587 13142 cucumber (Cucumis sativus) [n] krastavac
2588 13143 cube [n] kub
2589 13169 backward (in reverse order) [av] unatrag
2590 13171 autumn*, fall [n] jesen
2591 13174 atom [n] atoma
2592 13177 alphabet [n] abeceda
2593 13217 spinach (plant/leaves of sp. Spinacia oleracea) [n] špinat
2594 13229 seldom, rarely [av] rijetko
2595 13241 refrain [n] refren
2596 13311 fetus (foetus), embryo* [n] fetus
2597 13314 equality [n] ravnopravnost
2598 13315 enforce** [v] nametnuti
2599 13330 contrast [n] kontrast
2600 13415 prone [aj] opružen
2601 13458 harness [n] hamovi
2602 13480 elect* (select by voting) [v] birati
2603 13486 discrimination** [n] diskriminacija
2604 13497 clash** [n] sukob
2605 13503 cabbage (plant/leaves of sp. Brassica oleracea capitata) [n] kupus
2606 13522 vinegar [n] ocat
2607 13550 surplus** [n] višak
2608 13606 lever [n] polugom
2609 13652 deprive [v] uskratiti
2610 13660 controversial [aj] kontroverzan
2611 13693 abdomen [n] zadak
2612 13709 tame [aj] pitom
2613 13797 expansion [n] ekspanzija
2614 13807 dissolve [v] rastopiti se
2615 13907 sensual [aj] čulan
2616 13918 restrain*, inhibit, hold back [v] uzdržati se, inhibirati
2617 13945 neglect, negligence, apathy [n] zanemarivanje, nemarnost
2618 14072 vine [n] vinova loza
2619 14126 resource** [n] sredstvo
2620 14143 potassium [n] kalij
2621 14157 obscure, unheard of [aj] opskurno, nečuven
2622 14234 deficit** [n] deficit
2623 14266 advertise** [v] reklamirati
2624 14270 abstract [aj] sažetak
2625 14304 spade [n] ašov
2626 14327 ratio, rate*, proportion [n] omjer, brzina
2627 14493 spear, lance [n] koplje
2628 14519 referee [n] sudac
2629 14539 ornament, decoration [n] ukras, dekoracija
2630 14542 occupy** [v] okupirati
2631 14544 neon [n] neon
2632 14686 territorial [aj] teritorijalne
2633 14687 suspend* [v] obustaviti
2634 14703 slope [n] obronak
2635 14703 sloped, inclined/declined (not horizontal) [aj] kos, nagnut / odbijena
2636 14814 feeble [aj] nježan
2637 14825 eclipse [n] eklipsa
2638 14826 duration (amount of time consumed) [n] trajanje
2639 14847 conceal [v] tajiti
2640 14876 attentive [aj] predusretljiv
2641 14883 administrator [n] administrator
2642 15021 infect** [v] inficirati
2643 15038 grammar (rules and structure of a language) [n] gramatici
2644 15046 fig (tree/fruit of genus Ficus) [n] smokva
2645 15047 faucet [n] slavina
2646 15051 envious [aj] zavidljiv
2647 15076 consume, deplete, expend, exhaust, use up [v] potrošiti
2648 15098 ballot** [n] glasanje
2649 15142 syllable [n] slog
2650 15187 rake [n] grabulje
2651 15293 exile* [n] progonstvo
2652 15361 astronomy** [n] astronomija
2653 15397 theatrical [aj] kazališni
2654 15446 propaganda** [n] propaganda
2655 15452 pluck [v] osmjeliti
2656 15462 particle [n] čestica
2657 15463 parliament*, congress* (legislative body of elected officers) [n] parlamentu, kongresne
2658 15492 likeness [n] sličnost
2659 15518 hereditary [aj] nasljedni
2660 15538 garment (item of clothing) [n] haljinu
2661 15552 ethnic** [aj] etnik
2662 15584 contemporary [aj] suvremene
2663 15640 vertical [aj] okomite
2664 15660 tavern, bar, pub [n] taverna
2665 15752 likelihood [n] vjerojatnost
2666 15795 eyelash [n] trepavica
2667 15807 disarm** [v] razoružati
2668 16031 gums (teeth) [n] desni
2669 16117 appoint** [v] imenovati
2670 16275 intestines, gut(s), viscera [n] crijevima, crijevo
2671 16276 intervene** [v] intervenirati
2672 16442 suppress** [v] svladati
2673 16446 stripe [n] pruge
2674 16506 ponder [v] razmišljati
2675 16512 perceive, detect [v] uočiti, otkriti
2676 16597 eyebrow [n] obrva
2677 16610 distinguish, differentiate, tell one from another [v] razlikovati
2678 16615 deploy** [v] rasporediti
2679 16701 tolerant [aj] tolerantan
2680 16767 publication* [n] publikacija
2681 16827 louse [n]
2682 16916 emphasize, accentuate, stress [v] naglasiti, istaknuti
2683 16930 digit [n] znamenka
2684 16940 cylinder [n] cilindra
2685 16973 calculate, reckon [v] računati
2686 17099 runny, thin (of little viscosity) [aj] curi, tanki
2687 17153 oppose* [v] usprotiviti se
2688 17165 nominate** [v] nominirati
2689 17266 fingernail [n] nokat
2690 17337 buttocks [n] guza
2691 17398 tribunal [n] sud
2692 17436 sesame (plant/seed of genus Sesamum) [n] sezam
2693 17479 moisture [n] vlage
2694 17535 grasshopper [n] skakavac
2695 17554 export** [v] izvoziti
2696 17576 dictator*, tyrant [n] diktator, tiranin
2697 17618 boycott** [v] bojkotovati
2698 17635 arbitration [n] arbitraža
2699 17638 anarchy** [n] bezvlađe
2700 17706 snug (just large enough to contain X), tight (in this sense) [aj] tijesan
2701 17747 quantity (amount/number/magnitude) [n] količine
2702 17808 mishap [n] nesretan slučaj
2703 17858 imitate, mimic [v] nasljedovati
2704 17865 horizontal [aj] horizontalnim
2705 17897 fowl [n] živina
2706 17935 disadvantage [n] nepovoljnost
2707 18019 advancement [n] napredovanje
2708 18028 width (degree of wideness or narrowness) [n] širina
2709 18269 fertile* [aj] plodan
2710 18298 detain** [v] zadržati
2711 18455 staple (fastener) [n] spajalica
2712 18494 furrow, rut, groove [n] brazda
2713 18516 punctual [aj] precizan
2714 18547 oneself [pn] se
2715 18548 oats (plant/seed of genus Avena) [n] zob
2716 18563 molecule [n] molekula
2717 18590 jewellery [n] nakit
2718 18619 harmful [aj] štetnih
2719 18780 ancestor** [n] predak
2720 18788 accord [n] akord
2721 18832 timely, prompt, on time [av/aj] pravovremene
2722 18905 sabbath (day of week with religious significance) [n] subota
2723 18936 plow (plough) [n] ralo se
2724 19108 expel** [v] izbaciti
2725 19118 earnest [aj] kapara
2726 19228 wreckage** [n] ruševine
2727 19338 rural* area, countryside [n] ruralnih područja, ladanje
2728 19352 relinquish [v] odreći se
2729 19515 fatigue [n] zamor
2730 19569 conspicuous [aj] izražen
2731 19577 composition [n] sastav
2732 19694 transmit [v] prenositi
2733 19776 refugee** [n] izbjeglica
2734 19870 legislature** [n] zakonodavstvo
2735 19927 guerrilla** [n] gerilac
2736 20091 anus [n] šupak
2737 20162 submission, surrender* [n] podnošenja, predaja
2738 20223 reside, dwell, live [v] stanovati
2739 20228 repel [v] ulijevati
2740 20244 province (of Canada etc.), prefecture, state (of USA etc.) [n] pokrajini
2741 20264 parcel [n] paket
2742 20352 humorous [aj] humorističan
2743 20523 bead [n] zrnce
2744 20577 vibration [n] vibracija
2745 20691 scorn [v] nipodaštavati
2746 20768 partake of [v] dionici
2747 20773 overthrow** [v] rušiti
2748 20786 obedient [aj] poslušan
2749 20902 govern** [v] upravljati
2750 20965 diplomat** [n] diplomat
2751 21077 activist** [n] aktivist
2752 21219 revolt* [n] buna
2753 21300 necktie [n] kravata
2754 21376 immigrant** [n] useljenik
2755 21413 gymnastics [n] gimnastika
2756 21416 gulp [v] progutati
2757 21532 consist of, be composed of [v] sastoji se
2758 21605 assert [v] potvrditi
2759 21620 agriculture** [n] poljoprivreda
2760 21629 zinc [n] cink
2761 21716 stimulate [v] stimulirati
2762 21721 sprout (young shoot of plant) [n] su nicati
2763 21828 overturn [v] prevrnuti
2764 21857 navel [n] pupak
2765 21871 moderate* [aj] umjerena
2766 21894 mammal [n] sisavac
2767 21953 hinge [n] zglob
2768 21954 hijack** [v] oteti
2769 21988 genocide** [n] genocid
2770 21997 forecast [n] prognoza
2771 22022 enable [v] omogućiti
2772 22057 density [n] gustoću
2773 22088 coil [n] zavojnica
2774 22097 clergy** [n] svećenstvo
2775 22125 boundary [n] granica
2776 22143 bamboo (plant/stem of genera Bambusa / Arundinaria / Dendrocalamus) [n] bambus
2777 22150 auxiliary [aj] pomoćne
2778 22181 adhesive [n] ljepilo
2779 22376 prohibit, forbid, contra-permit [v] zabraniti
2780 22466 misplace (lose; become unable to find) [v] zaturiti se
2781 22471 militant** [n] militant
2782 22501 lewd [aj] nepristojan
2783 22539 injure*, damage, harm* [v] oštetiti
2784 22572 helix (any corkscrew-shaped object) [n] spirala
2785 22649 evaporate* [v] isparavati se
2786 22697 delegate** [n] delegat
2787 22701 deem [v] smatrati
2788 22835 advertisement [n] oglas
2789 23018 resonant [aj] rezonantan
2790 23105 nitrogen [n] dušik
2791 23117 narrate [v] pripovijedati
2792 23117 narrative [n] pripovijetka
2793 23164 mantis (insect of order Manteodea) [n] mantis
2794 23372 displeasure [n] nezadovoljstvo
2795 23422 constituent [n] konstitutivnog
2796 23430 compute [v] računati
2797 23531 assertive [aj] izričan
2798 23553 adhere (hold tightly to / stick to something) [v] prianjati
2799 23554 accuracy [n] točnost
2800 23755 refreshed, zesty, perky [aj] osvježivao
2801 23770 putrid [aj] gnjio
2802 23873 misconceive [v] pogrešno razumjeti
2803 23921 kelp (seaweed of orders Laminariales and Fucales) [n] morska trava
2804 24106 digestion [n] probava
2805 24125 cultured [aj] kulturan
2806 24250 basin [n] slivno
2807 24277 apparatus [v] aparati
2808 24299 aesthetic [aj] estetska
2809 24405 testicle [n] testis
2810 24632 nationalism [n] nacionalizam
2811 24632 nationality [n] nacionalnost
2812 24803 glide [v] kliziti
2813 24875 elastic (able to regain shape/size after deformation) [aj] elastična
2814 25166 vogue, trend, fad, fashion [n] moda
2815 25344 safeguard [v] čuvati
2816 25371 repress** [v] obuzdati
2817 25406 procure [v] prouzrokovati
2818 25478 obstinate [aj] svojeglav
2819 25664 hoard [v] zgrtati
2820 25736 flared (opening up or spreading out from axis) [aj] raširen
2821 25984 annul [v] anulirati
2822 26144 sunflower (plant/bloom of sp. Helianthus annuus) [n] suncokretovom
2823 26310 practise [v] vježbati
2824 26680 feces, dung, excrement [n] izmet, balega
2825 26709 emit (to send out any form of matter/energy in any manner) [v] ispuštati
2826 27038 wasteful [aj] rasipan
2827 27045 consonant (non-vowel) [n] suglasnik
2828 27045 vowel [n] preglas
2829 27161 subordinate [n] podređen
2830 27168 stipulate [v] ugovarati
2831 27312 rectangle [n] pravokutnik
2832 27346 prose [n] prozi
2833 27357 pollute*, contaminate [v] zagaditi, zaprljati
2834 27670 gourd (plant/hard-rinded fruit of genera Lagenaria & Cucurbita) [n] tikva
2835 27729 factual [aj] faktičan
2836 27789 disarmament [n] razoružanje
2837 28168 rarefied, tenuous, diffuse, dilute, sparse, wispy [aj] razrijeđen, slab
2838 28174 teaspoon [n] žličica
2839 28191 synchronous [aj] sinkroni
2840 28203 sulfur [n] sumporski
2841 28403 prerequisite [n] preduvjet
2842 28420 polarity (electric, magnetic, etc.) [n] polaritet
2843 28472 organise [v] organizirati
2844 28703 intoxicate [v] intoksinirati
2845 28765 hemp, marijuana (plant/material of sp. Cannabis sativa) [n] konoplja, marihuana
2846 29437 spool, reel (cylinder onto which something is wound) [n] bobina, špula
2847 29548 reprimand [n] ukor
2848 29573 recession** [n] opadanje
2849 29601 provisional [aj] privremena
2850 29822 mandarin, tangerine (tree/fruit of sp. Citrus reticulata) [n] mandarina
2851 30123 extremist** [n] ekstremist
2852 30161 ecology** [n] ekologija
2853 30237 decrease*, reduce* (become or make lesser in quantity) [v] smanjiti
2854 30297 contemptuous [aj] prezriv
2855 30355 characteristic [aj] karakterističan
2856 30569 widespread [aj] dalekosezna
2857 30619 vapor, mist [n] pare, magla
2858 30978 quartz [n] kvarcni
2859 31031 plough [v] orati
2860 31121 obstruct [v] zakrčiti
2861 31387 infer [v] zaključiti
2862 31490 gradual [aj] postupan
2863 31587 eyeglasses [n] naočale
2864 31679 divisible [aj] djeljiv
2865 31773 corrode [v] nagrizati
2866 31779 serpentine, meandering, convoluted [aj] serpentina, vijugave
2867 31986 athletics (games involving physical skill), sports [n] atletika
2868 31994 ascent [n] uspon
2869 32002 archeology** [n] arheologija
2870 32144 viscous, thick (of high viscosity) [aj] viskozna, guste
2871 32194 umpire, referee, official [n] sudac
2872 32530 resolute [aj] odriješan
2873 32729 oppress** [v] tištiti
2874 32752 oar [n] veslo
2875 32923 liquidation [n] likvidacija
2876 33103 honorific [aj] počasni
2877 33234 fulfil [v] ispuniti
2878 33236 frugal, thrifty [aj] skroman, štedljiv
2879 33307 extinguish [v] ugasiti
2880 33351 emphatic [aj] nedvosmislen
2881 33754 audible [aj] akustički
2882 34055 tranquil [aj] miran
2883 34117 taut, tight, tense*, strained [aj] tijesan
2884 34120 tapered (becoming narrower toward an end) [aj] koničan
2885 34226 soybean, soya (seed/plant of sp. Glycine max) [n] soja
2886 34803 lentil (plant/seeds of sp. Lens culinaris) [n] leća
2887 34933 inference [n] zaključivanje
2888 35232 equitable [aj] pravičan
2889 35670 blemish, blot [n] mane, upijati
2890 36123 tongs [n] usekače
2891 36506 restrict** [v] ograničiti
2892 36804 ornate [aj] nagizdan
2893 37234 inverted, upside-down [aj] invertirana, obrnuto
2894 37279 incite** [v] poticati
2895 37632 expanse [n] širina
2896 37757 dividend [n] djeljenik
2897 37775 dilute [v] razrijediti
2898 37783 diagonal, slanted [aj] dijagonale, zakrivljen
2899 37803 denounce** [v] tužiti
2900 37900 correspond (match up with) [v] korespondirati
2901 37928 compulsory [aj] obvezno
2902 38284 allocation, allotment, portion (someone's share of X) [n] raspodjeli, alotmanskom
2903 38730 synopsis [n] sinopsis
2904 38946 sheath [n] korice
2905 39184 quarrelsome [aj] prgav
2906 39422 oust** [v] izbaciti
2907 39505 neuter (neither male nor female) [aj] bespolan
2908 39937 interval (quantity of time between events X and Y) [n] interval
2909 40214 ginseng (plant/root of genus Panax) [n] ginseng
2910 40369 fervor [n] zanos
2911 40491 durable, resilient, robust, strong (in this sense) [aj] izdržljiva, elastičan
2912 40540 dissident** [n] disident
2913 40547 dismember [v] isjeckati
2914 40595 dependant (family member) [n] član obitelji
2915 99999 (adjective)-er [aj] (modified adjective)-ji (typical)
2916 99999 (adjective)-est [aj] naj-(modified adjective)-ji (typical)
2917 99999 (noun)-'s, of (noun) (owned by; belonging to; associated with) (use genitive case of noun)
2918 99999 (noun)-less [aj] ne-(noun)
2919 99999 (noun)-wear [n] (noun)-ka odjeća
2920 99999 alkaline [aj] alkalna
2921 99999 ascribe [v] pripisivati
2922 99999 ceasefire** [n] prekid vatre
2923 99999 filament [n] vlakno, nit
2924 99999 flax (Linum usitatissimum) [n] lan
2925 99999 in-(adjective) [aj] ne-(adjective)
2926 99999 in-(verb)-able [aj] ne-(verb)-iv,ljiv
2927 99999 maize [n] kukuruz
2928 99999 missive [n] poslanica
2929 99999 pulley [n] kolotura
2930 99999 revile [v] psovati
2931 99999 safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) [n] srpak
2932 99999 stylus [n] gramofonska igla
2933 99999 subversion** [n] prevrat
2934 99999 un-(adjective) [aj] ne-(adjective)
2935 99999 un-(verb)-able [aj] ne-(verb)-iv,ljiv
2936 99999 un-(verb)-ed [aj] ne-(verb)-en