User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-g

gabardén {m} :: gabardine (fabric)
Gábina {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Gabriela
Gabon {prop} {m} :: Gabon
Gaboňan {m} :: Gabonese (person)
Gabonec {m} :: Gabonese (person)
gabonský {adj} :: Gabonese
Gabriel {prop} {m} :: given name
Gabriela {prop} {f} :: given name
Gabrielka {prop} {f} :: given name
gadžo {m} :: gadje (non-Romani person)
gaelský {adj} :: Gaelic
gaelština {f} :: Scottish Gaelic
gagman {m} :: gagman
gajdy {fp} [dialectal] :: bagpipes
gajdy {fp} [dialectal, slang] :: boobs, tits
Gal {m} :: Gaul (person)
galaktický {adj} :: galactic (relating to a galaxy)
galaktorea {f} :: galactorrhea
galaktosa {f} [biochemistry] :: galactose
galaktóza {f} :: galactose
galán {m} [dated] :: A beau
galánka {f} [dialectal] :: girl, sweetheart, lass
galantní {adj} :: gallant (very polite with women)
galantnost {f} :: chivalry, gallantry (chivalrous courtliness towards women)
Galapágy {prop} {p} :: Galapagos, Galapagos Islands
galaxie {f} :: galaxy (collection of stars)
galej {f} :: alternative form of galeje
galeje {fp} :: galley (ship)
galeje {fp} [historical] :: The punishment of serving as a galley slave
galeje {fp} [colloquial] :: toil, drudgery, grind
galeona {f} :: galleon (large, three masted, square rigged sailing ship with at least two decks)
galéra {f} :: galley (ship propelled primarily by oars)
galerie {f} :: gallery
Galicie {prop} {f} :: Galicie (autonomous community)
Galície {prop} {f} :: Galicia (region in Iberia)
Galicijec {m} :: Galician
galicijský {adj} :: Galician (of or pertaining to Galicia in Iberia)
galicijština {f} :: Galician (language)
galicismus {m} :: Gallicism, Frenchism (word or other feature originating in the French language that has been borrowed by another language)
galičtina {f} [archaic] :: Galician (language)
Galie {prop} {f} :: Gaul (region)
Galilea {prop} :: Galilee (region)
Galilejec {m} :: Galilean (person from Galilee)
galilejský {adj} [relational] :: Galilee
galileovský {adj} :: Galilean (of or pertaining to Galileo Galilei)
galimatyáš {m} :: mess, disorder
Galina {prop} {f} :: given name
galon {m} :: gallon (unit of volume)
galoše {f} :: galosh
galský {adj} :: Gallic, Gaulish
galvanický {adj} :: galvanic
galvanický článek {m} :: Galvanic cell, galvanic couple
galvanizace {f} :: galvanization
galvanizovat {v p-i} :: to galvanize (to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means; to electroplate)
galvanometr {m} [physics, electronics] :: galvanometer
gama {n} :: gamma (Greek letter)
Gambie {prop} {f} :: Gambie (river)
Gambie {prop} {f} :: Gambie (country)
Gambijec {m anim} :: Gambian
gambijský {adj} :: Gambian (of, from, or pertaining to Gambia, the Gambian people or the Gambian language)
gamesa {f} [slang] :: computer game
gameta {f} :: gamete
Ganéša {prop} {m} :: Ganesha (god)
Ganga {prop} {f} :: Ganges
ganglie {f} :: ganglion
ganglion {n} :: ganglion
ganglion {n} :: ganglion cyst
gangréna {f} :: gangrene
gangster {noun} :: gangster
gangsterský {adj} [relational] :: gangster
garance {f} :: guarantee (anything that assures a certain outcome)
garantovaný {adj} :: guaranteed
garantovat {v p-i} :: to guarantee (to assure that something will get done right)
garantující {adj} :: guaranteeing
garáž {f} :: garage (building, or section of a building, used to store a car, tools and other miscellaneous items)
garde {n} :: chaperon, chaperone
gardedáma {f} :: female chaperone
garderobiér {m} :: dresser (wardrobe assistant in a theatre)
garderobiérka {m} :: female dresser (wardrobe assistant in a theatre)
gardista {m} :: guardsman
garnát {m} :: prawn, shrimp
garnýž {f} :: pelmet
garnýž {f} :: curtain rod
garsoniéra {f} :: studio flat/apartment, bachelor apartment, efficiency apartment
gastritida {f} :: gastritis
gastroenteritida {f} :: gastroenteritis
gastroenterolog {m} :: gastroenterologist
gastroenterologický {adj} :: gastroenterological
gastroenterologie {f} [medicine] :: gastroenterology
gastroezofageální {adj} :: gastroesophageal
gastroezofageální reflux {m} :: gastroesophageal reflux
gastrointestinální {adj} :: gastrointestinal
gastrointestinální trakt {m} :: gastrointestinal tract
gastroskopie {f} :: gastroscopy
gatě {f} [Moravia, plurale tantum] :: trousers
gauč {m} :: couch, sofa
Gaucherova choroba {f} :: Gaucher's disease (genetic disease in which lipid accumulates in cells and certain organs)
gauner {m} [colloquial] :: A crook, rascal, rogue, scoundrel
gaur {m} :: gaur, wild cattle
Gaussova křivka {f} :: bell curve
Gaussovo rozdělení {n} :: Gaussian distribution
gaussovský {adj} :: Gaussian
gavota {f} :: gavotte (French dance, in either 4/4 or 2/2 time)
gay {m} :: male gay
Gaza {prop} {f} :: Gaza
gáza {f} :: gauze (cotton fabric)
Gazan {m} :: Gazan (person from Gaza)
gazela {f} :: gazelle
gazelí {adj} [relational] :: gazelle, gazelle's
gazský {adj} :: Gazan
gáže {f} :: salary
Gdaňsk {prop} {m} :: Gdańsk
Gdyně {prop} {f} :: Gdynia (city)
{n} :: letter: g
gehenna {prop} {f} :: gehenna (one of various hells in Abrahamic religions)
Gehenna {prop} {f} :: Gehenna (one of various hells in Abrahamic religions)
gejša {f} :: geisha
gejzír {m} :: geyser (boiling spring)
gelignit {m} :: gelignite (explosive mixture)
gen {m} :: gene
genderový {adj} :: gender
genealogie {f} :: genealogy
generace {f} :: generation
generál {m} :: general
generalissimus {m} :: generalissimo
generalizace {f} :: generalization
generalizovat {v both} :: to generalize
generální {adj} :: general
generální stávka {f} :: general strike
generické programování {f} [programming] :: generic programming
genetické inženýrství {n} :: genetic engineering
genetický {adj} :: genetic
genetický algoritmus {m} :: genetic algorithm
genetický kód {m} :: genetic code (the set of rules by which the sequence of bases in DNA are translated into the amino acid sequence of proteins)
genetik {m} :: geneticist
genetika {f} :: genetics
genialita {f} :: brilliance (the quality of having extraordinary mental capacity)
geniálně {adv} :: brilliantly
geniálně {adv} :: ingeniously
geniálněji {adv} :: comparative of geniálně
geniální {adj} :: ingenious (characterized by genius)
genitálie {fp} :: genitals, genitalia (sex organs)
genitiv {m} :: genitive, genitive case
genitivní {adj} :: genitive
génius {m} :: genius (person)
genocida {f} :: genocide
genocidní {adj} :: genocidal
genom {m} :: genome
genomika {f} [genetics] :: genomics
genotyp {m} :: genotype
genové inženýrství {n} :: genetic engineering
genový {adj} :: genic
Gent {prop} {m} :: Ghent
geo- {prefix} :: geo-
geocentrický {adj} :: geocentric
geocentrismus {m} :: geocentrism
geodet {m} :: surveyor
geodetický {adj} :: geodetic
geodézie {f} :: geodesy
geodynamický {adj} :: geodynamic, geodynamical
geofyzika {f} :: geophysics (branch of earth science)
geograf {m} :: geographer
geografický {adj} :: geographical, geographic
geografie {f} :: geography (study of the physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth)
geoid {m inan} [geography, geodesy] :: geoid
geolog {m anim} :: geologist
geologický {adj} :: geologic, geological
geologie {f} :: geology (the study of the earth)
geoložka {f} :: female geologist
geomagnetický {adj} :: geomagnetic
geomagnetismus {m} :: geomagnetism
geometr {m} :: geometer
geometrická posloupnost {f} :: geometric progression
geometrická řada {f} :: geometric series
geometrický {adj} :: geometric, geometrical
geometrický průměr {m} :: geometric mean
geometrie {f} :: geometry
geomorfolog {m} :: geomorphologist
geomorfologický {adj} :: geomorphological
geomorfologie {f} :: geomorphology (the study of landforms, their classification, origin, development, and history)
geostacionární {adj} :: geostationary
geotropický {adj} :: geotropic
gepard {m} :: cheetah
Gerda {prop} {f} :: given name
geriatrický {adj} :: geriatric
geriatrie {f} :: geriatrics
Germán {prop} {m} :: A German, Teuton (member of a Germanic tribe)
germanismus {m} :: Germanism
germanista {m} :: Germanist
germanistika {f} [humanities] :: German studies
germanium {n} :: germanium (nonmetallic chemical element with an atomic number of 32)
germanizace {f} :: Germanization
germanizovat {v} :: to Germanize
germánský {adj} :: Germanic
germánský {adj} :: Teutonic
germicid {m} :: germicide
germicidní {adj} :: germicidal
gerontologický {adj} :: gerontological
gerontologie {f} :: gerontology
Gertruda {prop} {f} :: given name
gerundium {n} [grammar] :: a gerund
gestapák {m} [historical] :: A member of the Gestapo
Ghana {prop} {f} :: Ghana (country)
Ghaňan {m} :: Ghanaian (person)
Ghaňanka {f} :: female Ghanaian
ghanský {adj} :: Ghanaian, of Ghana, Ghana's
ghetto {n} :: ghetto (the district in a city where Jews were compelled to confine themselves)
gibon {m} :: gibbon (small ape)
Gibraltar {prop} {m} :: Gibraltar (UK overseas territory)
giga- {prefix} :: giga-
gigabajt {m} :: gigabyte
gigabit {m} :: gigabit
gigabyte {m} :: gigabyte
gigahertz {m} :: gigahertz
gigajoule {m} :: gigajoule
gigant {m} :: a giant [mythical being of superhuman size or a very tall or mighty person]
gigant {m} :: a giant [very large company or organisation]
gigatuna {f} :: gigaton (one billion tons)
gigawatt {m} :: gigawatt
Gilgameš {prop} {m} :: Gilgamesh
gilotina {f} :: guillotine (machine for decapitation)
gingivitida {f} :: gingivitis
girondista {m} :: Girondist
GIT {noun} :: # abbreviation of gastrointestinální trakt
Gita {prop} {f} :: given name
Gitka {prop} {f} :: given name
Gizela {prop} {f} :: given name
glaciální {adj} :: glacial (of or relating to glaciers; cold and icy)
gladiátor {m} :: gladiator
gladiola {f} :: gladiolus
glandulární {adj} :: glandular
Glasgowan {m} :: Glaswegian (person from Glasgow)
glasgowský {adj} :: Glasgow, Glaswegian
glaukom {m} [pathology] :: glaucoma
glazura {f} :: glaze (coating of pottery)
gliom {m} :: glioma
globalizace {f} :: globalization, globalisation
globalizovat {v} :: to globalize
globální {adj} :: global
globální oteplování {n} :: global warming
globulární {adj} :: globular
glóbus {m} :: globe (model of Earth)
glosa {f} :: gloss (a brief explanatory note)
glosář {m} :: glossary
glotální {adj} :: glottal
glukomannan {m} :: glucomannan
glukóza {f} :: glucose
glukózový sirup {m} :: glucose syrup
Glum {prop} {m} :: Gollum
glutamát {m} :: glutamate
glycerid {m} [organic compound] :: glyceride
glycerin {m} :: glycerin, glycerine
glycid {m} :: carbohydrate
glykogen {m} :: glycogen (polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals)
glykolýza {f} :: glycolysis
gnoseologie {f} :: epistemology
gnozeologie {f} :: epistemology
go {n} [board games] :: go
goethovský {adj} :: Goethean
gogolovský {adj} :: Gogolian
gój {m} :: goy (non-Jew)
gójka {f} :: female goy (female non-Jew)
gól {m inan} :: goal (action in sports)
gól {m inan} [singulare tantum] :: turn up for the book (usually a part of the phrase To je (teda) gól.)
golem {m} :: golem (creature from clay)
golf {m} :: golf (a ball game)
golf {m} :: bay, gulf
golfista {m} :: golfer
golfistka {f} :: female equivalent of golfista
golfový {adj} [relational] :: golf
Golfský proud {prop} {m} :: Gulf Stream
Goliáš {prop} {m} :: Goliath (biblical giant)
gólman {m} [slang] :: goaltender, goalkeeper
gólmanka {f} :: female goaltender, goalkeeper
gonáda {f} :: gonad (sex gland such as a testicle or ovary)
gondola {f} :: gondola (narrow boat, especially in Venice)
gondola {f} :: gondola (car or basket of an airship)
goniometrická funkce {f} :: trigonometric function
gordický {adj} :: Gordian
gordický uzel {m} :: Gordian knot
Gorgiás {prop} {m} :: Gorgias (Greek sophist, pre-Socratic philosopher and rhetorician)
gorgonzola {f} :: gorgonzola
gorila {f} :: gorilla (ape)
gorila {f} :: bodyguard
gorilí {adj} [relational] :: gorilla, gorilla's
gotický {adj} :: Gothic (of or relating to the architectural style favored in Western Europe in the 12th to 16th Centuries)
gotický oblouk {m} :: Gothic arch
gotika {f} :: Gothic style
gótština {f} :: Gothic (extinct Germanic language)
gouda {f} :: gouda
gradace {f} :: gradation
-graf {suffix} :: -graph
-graf {suffix} :: -grapher
graf {m} :: graph (mathematical diagram)
graf {m} [graph theory] :: graph (nodes and edges connecting the nodes)
graf {m} :: chart (graphical presentation)
grafém {m} :: grapheme
grafické uživatelské rozhraní {n} [computing] :: graphical user interface
grafický {adj} [computing] :: graphical (of, related to, or using graphics)
-grafie {suffix} :: -graphy
grafik {m} :: graphic designer, graphic artist
grafika {f} [computing] :: graphics
grafolog {m} :: graphologist
grafologie {f} :: graphology
grafoložka {f} :: female graphologist
grafový {adj} [relational] :: graph
gram {m} :: gram (unit)
gramatický {adj} :: grammatical (of or pertaining to grammar)
gramatik {m} :: grammarian
gramatika {f} :: grammar
gramofon {m} :: phonograph, gramophone
gramotnost {f} :: literacy
gramotný {adj} :: literate
grán {m anim} [archaic, colloquial] :: door-to-door peddler
grán {m inan} :: grain (unit of weight)
granát {m} :: grenade (small explosive device, designed to be thrown by hand or launched from a grenade launcher)
granát {m} :: garnet
granátomet {m} :: grenade launcher
granit {m} :: granite
granodiorit {m} :: granodiorite (intrusive igneous rock)
grant {m} :: grant (the thing or property granted; a gift; a boon)
granulocyt {m} [cytology] :: granulocyte
granulocytární {adj} :: granulocytic
granulomatóza {f} :: granulomatosis (pathological condition)
granulomatózní {adj} :: granulomatous
gratulace {f} :: congratulation
gratulovat {v impf} :: to congratulate
gravidita {f} [medicine] :: pregnancy (in humans, the condition of expecting a baby)
gravidní {adj} [medicine] :: pregnant (carrying developing offspring within the body)
gravimetrický {adj} :: gravimetric
gravis {m} :: grave accent (diacritic mark `)
gravitace {f} :: gravitation
gravitační {adj} :: gravitational
gravitační interakce {f} [physics] :: gravitational interaction
gravitační potenciál {m} :: gravitational potential
gray {m} :: gray (unit of absorbed radiation)
grécismus {m} :: Grecism (word or other feature originating in the Greek language that has been borrowed by another language)
grecista {m} :: Greek scholar (person who studies Ancient Greek language and literature)
green {m} [slang, golf] :: green (a putting green; the part of a golf course near the hole)
Grenada {prop} {f} :: Grenada (island/and/country)
Grenaďan {m} :: Grenadian (person)
grenadský {adj} :: Grenadian, of Grenada
gril {m} :: grill, barbecue
grilovat {v impf} :: to grill (to cook food)
grimmovský {adj} :: Grimmian
grimoár {m} :: grimoire (book of instructions in the use of magic or alchemy, especially summoning demons)
grín {m} [slang, golf] :: alternative spelling of green
grizly {m} :: grizzly, grizzly bear
grizzly {m} :: grizzly, grizzly bear
Grodno {prop} {n} :: Grodno (city)
groggy {adj} :: alternative form of grogy
grogy {adj} :: groggy
grogy {adj} :: exhausted
Gróňan {m anim} :: Greenlander
Grónské moře {prop} {n} :: the Greenland Sea
Grónsko {prop} {n} :: Greenland
grónský {adj} :: Greenlandic
grónština {f} :: Greenlandic (language)
groš {m} :: groschen (any of several obsolete European silver coins)
grotta {f} :: grotto (artificial cave)
Groznyj {prop} {m} :: Groznyj (regional capital/and/largest city)
gruntovat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to clean, to clean up, to tidy, to tidy up
grupa {f} [archaic or colloquial] :: group
grupa {f} [group theory] :: group
grupáč {m} [colloquial] :: group sex
Gruzie {prop} {f} :: Georgia (country in West Asia or East Europe)
Gruzín {m anim} :: Georgian
Gruzínec {m anim} :: Georgian (a person from the country of Georgia or descended from them)
Gruzínka {f} :: female Georgian (a female person from the country of Georgia or descended from them)
gruzínský {adj} :: Georgian (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Georgia, the Georgian people or the Georgian language)
gruzínština {f} :: Georgian (language)
grýn {m} [slang, golf] :: alternative spelling of green
gryzzlí {adj} [relational] :: grizzly, grizzly's
Guadalcanal {prop} {m} :: Guadalcanal
guaifenesin {m} :: guaifenesin
guanako {noun} :: guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
guanin {m} :: guanine
guáno {n} :: guano (dung from a sea bird or from a bat)
Guatemala {prop} {f} :: Guatemala (country)
Guatemalec {m} :: Guatemalan (person)
Guatemalka {f} :: female Guatemalan
guatemalský {adj} :: Guatemalan, of Guatemala
gudžarátský {adj} :: Gujarati
gudžarátština {f} :: Gujarati (language spoken in the state of Gujarat, India)
Guinea {prop} {f} :: Guinea (country)
Guinea-Bissau {prop} {f} :: Guinea-Bissau (country)
Guinejec {m} :: Guinean (person)
Guinejka {f} :: female Guinean
guinejský {adj} :: Guinean, of Guinea
guláš {m} :: goulash
guma {f} :: rubber (material)
guma {f} :: eraser, rubber
guma {f} [colloquial] :: condom
gumáky {fp} :: rubber boots, gumboots, wellies
gumička {f} :: rubber band
gumička {f} :: hair tie
gumma {n} [pathology] :: gumma, a non-cancerous growth resulting from the tertiary stage of syphilis
gumma {f} [obsolete, singulare tantum] :: gum, a sticky substance from some plants
gumma {f} [obsolete, singulare tantum] :: rubber
gumový {adj} [relational] :: rubber
gurmán {m} :: gourmet
guru {m} :: guru (spiritual teacher)
guru {m} :: guru (leader or expert in a field)
Gusta {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given names Gustav, August, and Augustin
Gusta {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the female given names Gustava, Augusta and Augustina
Gustav {prop} {m} :: given name
Gustík {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Gustav, August, and Augustin
guvernér {m} :: governor (leader of a region or state)
Guyana {prop} {f} :: Guyana (country)
guyanský {adj} :: Guyanese, of Guyana
gymnasium {n} [archaic] :: grammar school
gymnasta {m} :: a male gymnast
gymnasticky {adv} :: gymnastically
gymnastický {adj} :: gymnastic
gymnastika {f} :: gymnastics (sport)
gymnastka {f} :: a female gymnast
gymnazista {m} :: (US) high school student, (UK) grammar school student
gymnazistka {f} :: (US) female high school student, (UK) female grammar school student
gymnázium {n} :: grammar school (UK) (secondary school that stresses academic over practical or vocational education)
gympl {m} [colloquial] :: grammar school (UK) (secondary school that stresses academic over practical or vocational education)
gynda {f} [colloquial] :: gynecology
gynekolog {m} :: gynecologist
gynekologie {f} :: gynecology
gynekoložka {f} :: female gynecologist
gyps {m} [archaic, colloquial] :: plaster (mixture for coating)
gyrokompas {m} :: gyrocompass
gyros {m} :: gyro (Greek sandwich)
gyroskop {m} :: gyroscope
gyroskopický {adj} :: gyroscopic