User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-y

-y {suffix} (having the quality of) :: -ig
-y {suffix} (forming diminutive nouns) :: -je, -tje, -etje, -pje, -ie, -ken, -ke, -che, -kijn
-y {suffix} (forming abstract nouns) :: -heid, -nis
yacht {n} (slick and light ship) :: jacht {f}
yachtsman {n} (man who sails a yacht) :: zeiler {m}
yachtswoman {n} (woman who sails a yacht) :: zeilster {f}
yaffingale {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffle {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffler {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
Yagi-Uda antenna {n} (type of directional antenna) :: Yagi-Uda-antenne {f}, Yagi-antenne {f}
yah {adv} (yes) SEE: yes ::
yak {n} (ox-like mammal) :: jak {m}
yak {v} (talk informally, persistently) :: tateren, kwebbelen, kletsen
yak {v} (vomit) :: kotsen, braken, overgeven, spuwen
yak {n} (informal, persistent talk, chattering) :: getater {n}
yak {n} (vomit) :: kots, braaksel {n}, spuwsel {n}
Yakut {prop} (language) :: Jakoets
y'all {pron} (plural of you) :: jullie
Yalta {prop} (city in Crimea) :: Jalta
yam {n} (potato) SEE: potato ::
yam {n} (any Dioscorea vine) :: yam {m}, yamplant, yamswortel {m}, jam {m}
yam {n} (its edible root) :: yam {m}, yamswortel {m}, jam {m}
yam {n} (sweet potato) SEE: sweet potato ::
Yandex {prop} (Yandex (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Yandex
Yang-tzŭ {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
Yangtze {prop} (river) :: Jangtsekiang, Blauwe Rivier {f}
Yangtze dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yangtze River dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
yank {v} (to pull something with a quick, strong action) :: rukken, een ruk geven, sjorren
Yankee {n} (native or inhabitant of the USA) :: Yankee {m}
Yankee {n} (native or inhabitant of New England) :: Yankee {m}
Yankee {n} (native or inhabitant of the Northern USA) :: Yankee {m}
Yankee {n} ((nautical) large triangular headsail) :: vlieger
Yankee {n} ((baseball) player that plays for the New York Yankees) :: Yankee {m}
yaoi {n} (form of hentai involving two or more males in a homosexual relationship) :: yaoi {m}
Yaoundé {prop} (capital of Cameroon) :: Yaoundé
yap {v} (of a small dog, to bark) :: keffen
Yap {prop} (an island in the Caroline Islands of western Micronesia) :: Yap
yard {n} (land around a house) :: erf
yard {n} (nautical: tapered timber from which square sails hang) :: ra {m} {f}
Yard {prop} (Jamaica) SEE: Jamaica ::
yarn {n} (fiber strand for knitting or weaving) :: garen {n}
Yaroslavl {prop} (city) :: Jaroslavl
yarrow {n} (any of several pungent Eurasian and North American herbs, of the genus Achillea) :: gerw {m} {f}, duizendblad {n}
yasak {n} (tribute) :: jasak {c}
yashmak {n} (a veil worn by Muslim women) :: nikab
yawn {v} (open the mouth and take a deep breath) :: geeuwen, gapen
yawn {n} (the action of yawning) :: geeuw {m}, gaap {m}
yay {interj} :: joepie
yeah {particle} (yes) :: ja, jawel
yeah {interj} (expressing joy) :: yes, jippie
yeah, right {interj} (sarcasm to express disbelief) :: tuurlijk, vast, ja hoor
year {n} (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun) :: jaar {n}
year {n} (time it takes for any planetary body to make one revolution around another body) :: jaar {n}
year {n} (a period between set dates that mark a year) :: jaar {n}
year {n} (a scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity) :: jaar {n}
year {n} (a Julian year) :: jaar {n}
year {n} (a level or grade at school or college) :: jaar {n}
year in, year out {adv} (during every year) :: jaar in jaar uit
yearly {adj} (happening once every year) :: jaarlijks, jaarlijkse
yearly {adv} (once a year) :: jaarlijks
yearly {n} (something that is published once a year) :: jaaruitgave {f}, jaarlijkse uitgave {f}
yearn {v} (to have a strong desire; to long) :: smachten, zuchten, verlangen (naar)
yearn {v} (to long for something in the past with melancholy) :: terugverlangen (naar)
yeast {n} (fungus) :: gist {m}
yeast {n} (froth used in medicine, baking and brewing) :: gist {m}
yeast {n} (cake or dried granules used to make bread dough rise) :: gist {m}
yeast {n} (frothy foam on sea waves) :: schuim {n}
yech {interj} (yuck) SEE: yuck ::
Yehuda {prop} (male given name) SEE: Judah ::
Yekaterinburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Jekaterinenburg
yell {v} (shout (verb)) :: schreeuwen
yellow {adj} (having yellow as its colour) :: geel
yellow {adj} (lacking courage) :: laf
yellow {n} (colour) :: geel
yellow {v} (to become yellow or more yellow) :: vergelen
yellow {v} (to cause to become yellow or more yellow) :: vergelen
yellow anemone {n} (a species of herbaceous perennial plant) :: gele anemoon
yellow badge {n} (cloth patch that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments to mark them as Jews in public) :: Jodenster {f}
yellow-bellied {adj} (uncourageous, cowardly) :: lafhartig
yellow-bellied tit {n} (Pardaliparus venustulus) :: prachtmees
yellow-billed loon {n} (Gavia adamsii) :: geelsnavelduiker
yellow bristle grass {n} (Pennisetum glaucum) SEE: pearl millet ::
yellow-browed warbler {n} (Phylloscopus inornatus) :: bladkoning {m}
yellow card {n} (card in sports) :: gele kaart {f}
yellow-eyed penguin {n} (Penguin) :: geeloogpinguïn {m}
yellow-green {adj} (colour) :: geelgroen
yellowhammer {n} (a passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella) :: geelgors {c}
yellowing {n} (process of turning yellow) :: vergeling {f}
yellowish {adj} (somewhat yellow) :: gelig, geelachtig
yellow jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France) :: gele trui {f} {m}
yellow-legged gull {n} (Larus michahellis) :: geelpootmeeuw {f}
yellow pages {n} (telephone directory that lists commercial organisations) :: Gouden Gids {m}
yellow press {n} (newspapers which publish sensationalist articles) :: boulevardpers {f}, schandaalpers {f}
Yellow Sea {prop} (Asian sea) :: Gele Zee
Yemen {prop} (Republic of Yemen) :: Jemen
Yemeni {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Yemen, or the Yemeni people) :: Jemenitisch
Yemeni {n} (a person from Yemen or of Yemeni descent) :: Jemeniet {m}, Jemenitische {f}
yen {n} (unit of Japanese currency) :: yen {m}
yen {n} (coin or note of one yen) :: yen {m}
yen {n} (strong desire) :: verlangen {n}, hartstocht {f}
yen {v} (have strong desire for) :: hartstochtelijk verlangen, smachten
Yeniseian {adj} (of or relating to the languages of the Yeniseian family, or their speakers) :: Jenisejisch
yeoman {n} (small freeholder) :: kleine landeigenaar
Yerevan {prop} (the capital and largest city of Armenia) :: Jerevan
yes {particle} (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) :: ja
yes {particle} (word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement) :: jawel, toch, [most common form] wel
yes {interj} :: ja
yes {v} (to affirm) :: beamen
yes and amen {phrase} (Emphatic agreement) :: ja en amen
yes and no {phrase} (indicating there is no simple "yes" or "no" answer) :: ja en nee
yes man {n} (a person who always agrees with his employer or superior) :: jaknikker {m}, jabroer {m}
yesterday {n} (day before today) :: gisteren
yesterday {adv} (on the day before today) :: gisteren
yesterday night {n} (last night) SEE: last night ::
yesteryear {n} (times gone by) :: weleer {n}, voorbije {n}, verleden {n}
yesteryear {n} (last year, see also: last year) :: gisterjaar {n}
yet {adv} (thus far) :: nog, al
yet {adv} (continuously up to this point in time) :: nog, nog steeds
yet {adv} (in addition) :: nog
yet {conj} (nevertheless; however) :: maar toch
yet {adv} (even) SEE: even ::
yeti {n} (unidentified animal) :: yeti {m}
yew {n} (Taxus baccata) :: taxus, taxusboom, venijnboom
yew {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Taxus) :: venijnboom
yew {n} (wood of the yew) :: taxushout
Yiddish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language) :: Jiddisch, Jiddisj
Yiddish {prop} (language) :: Jiddisch {n}, Jiddisj {n}
Yiddish {adj} (Jewish) SEE: Jewish ::
yield {v} (to give way) :: belonen, verlenen, afstaan
yield {v} (to give as required) :: zwichten, capituleren, overgeven
yield {v} (to produce as a result) :: voortbrengen
yield {n} (quantity of something produced) :: opbrengst
yielding {adj} (docile) :: toegeeflijk
yield the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yield up the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yiff {interj} (sound a fox makes) :: woef, waf, blaffen
yiff {v} (to have sex) :: seks hebben
yin-yang {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
yip {n} (sound a small dog makes) :: kef
yip {v} (sound a small dog makes) :: keffen
yippee {interj} (expression of enjoyment) :: joepie
Yitzchak {prop} (given name) SEE: Isaac ::
yocto- {prefix} (10−24) :: yocto-
yodel {v} (to sing in such a way that the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto) :: jodelen
yoga {n} (Hindu discipline) :: yoga {c}
yogurt {n} (a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process) :: yoghurt {m}
yoke {n} (wooden bar) :: juk {n}
yoke {v} (link or join) :: samenspannen
yoke {v} (unite or connect) :: in de echt verbinden (huwelijk)
yokel {n} (unsophisticated person) :: hufter
yokel {n} (person of rural background) :: boerenlul
yolk {n} (yellow of egg) :: dooier {m}, eidooier {m}, eigeel {n}, eierdooier {m}
yonder {adv} (in a distant, indicated place) :: ginder
yore {n} (time long past) :: ver verleden, weleer, eertijds
yotta- {prefix} (SI prefix) :: yotta-
you {pron} (object pronoun: the group being addressed) :: jullie [standard], je, u [formal], u [Flemish]
you {pron} (object pronoun: the person being addressed) :: [standard] jou, je, [formal] u, [Flemish] u, jij
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the group being addressed) :: [standard] jullie, [archaic] gijlieden, [formal] u, [Flemish] gij, gijlie, gijle, gulder
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the person being addressed) :: [standard] jij, je, [formal] u, [Flemish] gij, ge
you {pron} (one) :: [standard] men, je, [Flemish] ge, u
you {determiner} (the individual or group spoken/written to) :: translated by the definite article: de
you {determiner} (used before epithets for emphasis) :: [singular, standard] jij, [Flemish] gij, [plural], [standard] jullie, [Flemish] gulder
you {v} (to address using the more formal second-person pronoun) :: vousvoyeren
you are welcome {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
you are what you eat {proverb} (proverb) :: je bent wat je eet
you bet {interj} (certainly (reply to a request)) :: nou en of, en of
you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar {proverb} (It is easier to persuade others with polite requests and a positive attitude rather than with rude demands and negativity) :: vliegen vang je met stroop en niet met azijn
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink {proverb} (you can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it) :: met onwillige honden is het slecht hazen vangen
you can say that again {phrase} (that is very true) :: zeg dat wel, dat kan je gerust zeggen
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs {proverb} (you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette) SEE: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette ::
you don't say {interj} ((idiomatic) really? ; no kidding! ; Is that so?) :: zou je denken? {n}
you know {interj} (expression signifying a pause or hesitation) :: weet je, weet je wel
you-know-who {pron} (known and unmentioned person) :: jeweetwel
you-know-who {pron} :: Jeweetwel
young {adj} (in the early part of life or growth) :: jong, jeugdig
young {adj} (as if young) :: jong, jeugdig
young {adj} (belonging in the early part of life) :: jong
young {adj} (having little experience) :: jong, onervaren
young {n} (people who are young) :: jeugd {m}, jongeren {m-p}
young {n} (offspring (plural)) :: jongen {p}
youngling {adj} (young) :: jeugdig
youngling {n} (young person, animal, or plant) :: jongeling {m}
young man {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
Young's modulus {n} (coefficient of elasticity of a solid) :: elasticiteitsmodulus
youngster {n} (a young person) :: jongere {m} {f}
your {determiner} (belonging to you (singular; one owner)) :: [informal] je, [informal] jouw, [formal in Standard Dutch; used both formally and informally in Flemish Dutch] uw
your {determiner} (belonging to you (plural; more owners)) :: jullie [informal], uw [formal in Standard Dutch; used both formally and informally in Flemish Dutch], ulle [Flemish Dutch, informal]
you're welcome {phrase} (reply to thanks) :: graag gedaan (done with pleasure), geen dank, niets te danken
your mom {interj} (a general-purpose insult) :: [slang] je moeder
your mother {interj} (insult) :: je moeder
yours {pron} (possessive pronoun, singular) :: het jouwe, de jouwe, van jou
yours {pron} (possessive pronoun, plural) :: het uwe, de uwe, van jullie
yourself {pron} ((reflexive) your own self) :: jijzelf [informal], uzelf [formal]
yourself {pron} :: jezelf, uzelf
yours faithfully {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: hoogachtend
yours sincerely {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: hoogachtend, met vriendelijke groet
your wish is my command {phrase} (what you wish for I will effect as if it were a command) :: uw wens is mijn bevel
youth {n} (quality or state of being young) :: jeugd {c}
youth {n} (part of life following childhood) :: jeugd {f}
youth {n} (young man) :: jongeman {m}
youth {n} (young persons, collectively) :: jeugd {f}
youth hostel {n} (an inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people) :: jeugdherberg {f}
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette {proverb} (phrase) :: waar gehakt wordt vallen spaanders
yowl {n} (loud cry) :: jank, gejank
yowl {v} (utter a yowl) :: janken
yowler {n} (someone who or something which yowls) :: janker
yo-yo {n} (toy) :: jojo {m}
Ypres {prop} (City in Flanders) :: Ieper
Ypresian {prop} (subdivision of the Eocene epoch) :: Ypresien
Yser {prop} (a river in France and Belgium) :: IJzer {m}
ytterbium {n} (chemical element) :: ytterbium {n}
yttrium {n} (chemical element) :: yttrium {n}
Yucatán {prop} (a peninsula in North America) :: Yucatán
Yucatán {prop} (a state in Mexico) :: Yucatán
yuck {interj} (uttered to indicate disgust) :: bah
yuck it up {v} (yuk it up) SEE: yuk it up ::
Yugoslav {adj} (Yugoslavian) SEE: Yugoslavian ::
Yugoslav {n} (Yugoslavian) SEE: Yugoslavian ::
Yugoslavia {prop} (former country in the Balkans) :: Joegoslavië {n}
Yugoslavian {adj} (of or relating to Yugoslavia) :: Joegoslavisch
yuk it up {v} (clown around) :: de clown uithangen
yule {n} (Yule) SEE: Yule ::
Yule {prop} (the Christmas season) :: Joelfeest
Yule log {n} (log burned on Christmas Eve) :: joelblok {n}
Yule log {n} (log-shaped cake covered in chocolate) :: kerststronk {m}, kerstboomstam {m}
yuletide {n} (the Christmas season) SEE: Christmas season ::
yup {interj} ((informal) yes) :: jep, jup
yuppie {n} (young upwardly mobile urban professional person) :: yuppie {m}, yup {m}
yurt {n} (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) :: joert, yurt